Monthly Archives: November 2009

Kerchner V Obama, Three Enablers ad, Washington Times, November 30, 2009, Congress, Courts, Media, Attorney Mario Apuzzo, Constitutional Crisis of the Usurper in the Oval Office

From Charles Kerchner, CDR USNR (Ret), and lead plaintiff in Kerchner V Obama and Congress, November 30, 2009.

“This pointed and hard-hitting ad is running today in the Washington Times National Weekly addition as a full page on page 9.  Would you give it some note in your blog and do a post on it.  We need to get the word out as to who is allowing Obama to “sit on the fence post” he is sitting on.  Who put him up there and who is keeping him there.  This ad does it very well.  A picture says a thousand words.

Ad link to it at

PDF copy attached too.

Your blog is very well read.  And with you challenging the Congress people to debates, this ad ties in with that.  It show them hiding their eyes and not wanting to look into this matter and hope it will go away.  It will not.

We need all the help we can get to get the word out as to who is blocking progress in addressing the Constitutional Crisis of the Usurper in the Oval Office. Thanks in advance.

Charles Kerchner
Lead Plaintiff
Kerchner v Obama & Congress

US Navy Commander:

Commander ranks above lieutenant commander and below captain. Commander is equivalent to the rank of lieutenant colonel.

Attention, Ben Smith, John Harris, Obama not eligible, Internet billboard, Natural born citizen, Obama attorneys, Obama birth certificate, Obama’s father Kenyan British citizen, Obama spends millions to avoid

*** Updated November 30, 4:15 PM ET ***

I am glad that Politico has lowered Obama’s status from Messiah to prophet and actually covered some of the no brainer negative aspects about his personality and administration. I am glad that Politico covered some real problem aspects of Obama, but this is still fluff journalism.

“7 stories Barack Obama doesn’t want told”

“The Obama White House argues that all of these storylines are inaccurate or unfair. In some cases these anti-Obama narratives are fanned by Republicans, in some cases by reporters and commentators
But they all are serious threats to Obama, if they gain enough currency to become the dominant frame through which people interpret the president’s actions and motives.”

  • “He thinks he’s playing with Monopoly money”
  • “Too much Leonard Nimoy”
  • “That’s the Chicago Way”
  • “He’s a pushover”
  • “He sees America as another pleasant country on the U.N. roll call, somewhere between Albania and Zimbabwe”
  • “President Pelosi”
  • “He’s in love with the man in the mirror”

Read more:

John Harris and Politico, don’t you think that Obama does not want the American public to know that he has spent approx 2 million dollars avoiding producing proof that he is a natural born citizen? How about the deeper ties to Rezko, Blagojevich, et al when he was a IL Senator? Perhaps he would rather not answer questions about where he was in early November 1999.

I am not accusing Politico of being bought by the Obama camp, being anti American, anti US Constitution, dull witted, profiting by targeting the niche market of left wing wackos, having poor reading comprehension skills or anything else. But for the life of me, what the hell motivates them to write such biased, unfounded in facts, un American crap. There are many others out there who would like an honest answer.

So, Ben Smith, John Harris and the rest of you at Politico, do you have an answer or response for number 1 on the Internet Billboard. Why Obama has employed a legion of private and government attorneys to avoid producing a legitimate birth certificate proving his country of birth. Lou Dobbs, while he was at CNN of all places, asked why Obama doesn’t produce a birth certificate. US taxpayers are paying for some of Obama’s legal representation. Who is paying for the rest? Cost estimates run near two million dollars. These are real issues requiring serious journalism and reporting.

When this story breaks big, the biased, incompetent or fearful folks reporting in the MSM and internet are going to have a lot of explaining and soul searching to do. After all, this is our country and the country we will leave our descendants.

It is one thing to ignore the Obama eligibility issues. It is quite another to attack and demean honest, patriotic, concerned Americans who look to the US Constitution for guidance.

Politico had this to say about the Obama eligibility issues on March 1, 2009

“Culture of conspiracy: the Birthers”

“Barack Obama rests his hand on President Lincoln’s Inaugural Bible as Michelle holds it as he takes the oath of office.
Photo: AP Bill Clinton had the Vince Foster “murder.” George W. Bush had 9/11 Truth. And the new administration has brought with it a new culture of conspiracy: The Birthers.
Out of the gaze of the mainstream and even the conservative media is a flourishing culture of advocates, theorists and lawyers, all devoted to proving that Barack Obama isn’t eligible to be president of the United States. Viewed as irrelevant by the White House, and as embarrassing by much of the Republican Party, the subculture still thrives from the conservative website WorldNetDaily, which claims that some 300,000 people have signed a petition demanding more information on Obama’s birth, to Cullman, Alabama, where Sen. Richard Shelby took a question on the subject at a town hall meeting last week.
Their confinement to the fringe hasn’t cooled the passion of believers; the obscure New York preacher James Manning turned up at a National Press Club session in December to declare the president “the most notorious criminal in the history not just of America, but of this entire planet.”
A quick reality check, before we dive in: The challenges to Obama’s eligibility have no grounding in evidence. Courts across the country have summarily rejected the movement’s theory — that Obama can’t be a citizen because his father wasn’t —as a misreading of U.S. law; and Hawaii officials, along with contemporary birth announcements, affirm that Obama was in fact born in Honolulu in 1961.
But belief in obscure, discredited theories is a constant in a country with a history of partisan division — a country in which, a recent survey showed, 34 percent of the public believes in UFOs and 24 percent believes in witches..”

Read more (if you can stomach it):

*** Update ***

I would like to thank the Dancing From Genesis Blog for the following astute observation:

“Ben Smith has responded to the allegations that Obama is hiding his true legal birth status, claiming at his Politico blog that Philip Berg’s lawsuit is specious because Obama has supposedly proven that he’s a natural born citizen of the United States, which certainly is not the case, and thereby demonstrates that Smith and his Politico are but tools of the left, not to be trusted, as he obfuscates the real issue, where is the proof that Obama is a natural born citizen of the United States?

Smith has raked over the coals for reporting this as serious news, and now, if you click on the link, Citizen Wells has called out Smith, challenging him to respond to his call, so we shall see if Smith hides, or addresses the issues raised by Citizen Wells and Philip Berg in his lawsuit, soon to be considered at the Supreme Court.”

*** Update End ***

You folks at Politico seem to be some real rocket scientists. However, this is not complicated. That is why I put the biggest no brainer in the world as number 1 on the Internet Billboard. Why is Obama avoiding the natural born citizen issue?


Article II, Sec. 1, cl. 5 of the US Constitution

“No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President. . .”

From the 20th Amendment to the US Constitution.

“or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until
a President shall have qualified;”

November 30, 2009

Attention: Politico, John Harris, Ben Smith

It is not a conspiracy theory. Using the term “birther” in a condescending, Orwellian manner to discredit decent, hard working Americans who believe that the US Constitution is the law of the land, will not be tolerated.

1. Barack Obama has employed a legion of private and government attorneys to prevent revealing his country of birth. Innocent and eligible persons seeking the office of president do not do that.

2. Barack Obama’s father was a citizen of Kenya and a British citizen.  “natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution” was explicitly written to deal with the issue of foreign allegiances at the time of the writing of the US Constitution.

3. Barack Obama’s citizenship and allegiance was further tainted when he was adopted by his stepfather Lolo Soetoro and Obama became an Indonesian citizen.

4. Some combination of the above allowed Obama to travel to Pakistan in 1981 when travel there was restricted to US citizens.

5. The only document presented by the Obama camp is a Hawaii COLB. There has been no substantiation that it is authentic and it does not establish country of birth. As Lou Dobbs stated, “It is a piece of paper that refers to another piece of paper.”

6. All other documentation, all school records, that would establish country of birth have been kept hidden and restricted.

7. No authentic documentation has been presented to establish that Barack Obama was born in the US.

8. The records of all hospitals in Hawaii have been searched. There is no record of Stanley Ann Obama ever having given birth to a child.

9. Barack Obama’s paternal grandmother in Kenya has stated on multiple occasions that she was present at Obama’s birth in Mombasa.

10. Others have stated, including multiple family members, officials and press, that Obama was born in Kenya.

This has been presented in a manner that a fifth grader can understand. However, if you have any questions, please contact me on this blog.

Failure to learn more about and understand this critical issue and take appropriate measures can only be construed as apathy,  ignorance or having an un American agenda. This includes the Mainstream Media and

Attention Sean Hannity, Fox, Obama not eligible, Billboard, November 30, 2009, Barack Obama not natural born citizen, US Constitution, Father Kenyan British, No birth certificate, MSM, Fox News, It’s the Constitution stupid



Article II, Sec. 1, cl. 5 of the US Constitution

“No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President. . .”

From the 20th Amendment to the US Constitution.

“or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until
a President shall have qualified;”

November 30, 2009

Attention: Sean Hannity, Fox Network

It is not a conspiracy theory. Using the term “birther” in a condescending, Orwellian manner to discredit decent, hard working Americans who believe that the US Constitution is the law of the land, will not be tolerated.

1. Barack Obama has employed a legion of private and government attorneys to prevent revealing his country of birth. Innocent and eligible persons seeking the office of president do not do that.

2. Barack Obama’s father was a citizen of Kenya and a British citizen.  “natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution” was explicitly written to deal with the issue of foreign allegiances at the time of the writing of the US Constitution.

3. Barack Obama’s citizenship and allegiance was further tainted when he was adopted by his stepfather Lolo Soetoro and Obama became an Indonesian citizen.

4. Some combination of the above allowed Obama to travel to Pakistan in 1981 when travel there was restricted to US citizens.

5. The only document presented by the Obama camp is a Hawaii COLB. There has been no substantiation that it is authentic and it does not establish country of birth. As Lou Dobbs stated, “It is a piece of paper that refers to another piece of paper.”

6. All other documentation, all school records, that would establish country of birth have been kept hidden and restricted.

7. No authentic documentation has been presented to establish that Barack Obama was born in the US.

8. The records of all hospitals in Hawaii have been searched. There is no record of Stanley Ann Obama ever having given birth to a child.

9. Barack Obama’s paternal grandmother in Kenya has stated on multiple occasions that she was present at Obama’s birth in Mombasa.

10. Others have stated, including multiple family members, officials and press, that Obama was born in Kenya.

This has been presented in a manner that a fifth grader can understand. However, if you have any questions, please contact me on this blog.

Failure to learn more about and understand this critical issue and take appropriate measures can only be construed as apathy,  ignorance or having an un American agenda. This includes the Mainstream Media and the Fox network.

January 20, 2009

Freudian slips by Obama and Justice Roberts? Fox opens eligibility door?
“Fox News’ Chris Wallace: Is Obama even president?”
“”Well, again, we’re wondering here whether or not Barack Obama in fact is the president of the United States,” Chris Wallace told Fox News viewers, well over an hour after Obama had taken the oath of office today.”

Commenter “What” takes cue and responds
“Well there are 20 or so other cases that have been or that are going to the Supreme Court asking if Obama is a natural born citizen. At this time we still do not know if Obama is eligible to be President. If not eligible sworn in or not he is not President. Cases are continuing to try and seek production of Obama’s records that he has sealed or tried to destroy. We have yet to see a copy of his birth certificate to confirm that he was even born in Hawaii. So regardless of being sworn in we still do not know if we have a President.”

Attention Glenn Beck, Fox, Obama not eligible, Billboard, November 29, 2009, Barack Obama not natural born citizen, US Constitution, Father Kenyan British, No birth certificate, MSM, Fox, It’s the Constitution stupid


Article II, Sec. 1, cl. 5 of the US Constitution

“No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President. . .”

From the 20th Amendment to the US Constitution.

“or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until
a President shall have qualified;”

November 29, 2009

Attention: Glenn Beck, Fox Network

It is not a conspiracy theory. Using the term “birther” in a condescending, Orwellian manner to discredit decent, hard working Americans who believe that the US Constitution is the law of the land, will not be tolerated.

1. Barack Obama has employed a legion of private and government attorneys to prevent revealing his country of birth. Innocent and eligible persons seeking the office of president do not do that.

2. Barack Obama’s father was a citizen of Kenya and a British citizen.  “natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution” was explicitly written to deal with the issue of foreign allegiances at the time of the writing of the US Constitution.

3. Barack Obama’s citizenship and allegiance was further tainted when he was adopted by his stepfather Lolo Soetoro and Obama became an Indonesian citizen.

4. Some combination of the above allowed Obama to travel to Pakistan in 1981 when travel there was restricted to US citizens.

5. The only document presented by the Obama camp is a Hawaii COLB. There has been no substantiation that it is authentic and it does not establish country of birth. As Lou Dobbs stated, “It is a piece of paper that refers to another piece of paper.”

6. All other documentation, all school records, that would establish country of birth have been kept hidden and restricted.

7. No authentic documentation has been presented to establish that Barack Obama was born in the US.

8. The records of all hospitals in Hawaii have been searched. There is no record of Stanley Ann Obama ever having given birth to a child.

9. Barack Obama’s paternal grandmother in Kenya has stated on multiple occasions that she was present at Obama’s birth in Mombasa.

10. Others have stated, including multiple family members, officials and press, that Obama was born in Kenya.

This has been presented in a manner that a fifth grader can understand. However, if you have any questions, please contact me on this blog.

Failure to learn more about and understand this critical issue and take appropriate measures can only be construed as apathy,  ignorance or having an un American agenda. This includes the Mainstream Media and the Fox network.

Obama Eligibility Controversy Du Jour

From John Charlton, The Post & Email.

“HI Dept. of Health admits Obama’s COLB is faked”

Obama not eligible, Billboard, Barack Obama not natural born citizen, US Constitution, Father Kenyan British, No birth certificate, MSM, Fox, It’s the Constitution stupid



Article II, Sec. 1, cl. 5 of the US Constitution

“No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President. . .”

From the 20th Amendment to the US Constitution.

“or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until
a President shall have qualified;”

It is not a conspiracy theory. Using the term “birther” in a condescending, Orwellian manner to discredit decent, hard working Americans who believe that the US Constitution is the law of the land, will not be tolerated.

1. Barack Obama has employed a legion of private and government attorneys to prevent revealing his country of birth. Innocent and eligible persons seeking the office of president do not do that.

2. Barack Obama’s father was a citizen of Kenya and a British citizen.  “natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution” was explicitly written to deal with the issue of foreign allegiances at the time of the writing of the US Constitution.

3. Barack Obama’s citizenship and allegiance was further tainted when he was adopted by his stepfather Lolo Soetoro and Obama became an Indonesian citizen.

4. Some combination of the above allowed Obama to travel to Pakistan in 1981 when travel there was restricted to US citizens.

5. The only document presented by the Obama camp is a Hawaii COLB. There has been no substantiation that it is authentic and it does not establish country of birth. As Lou Dobbs stated, “It is a piece of paper that refers to another piece of paper.”

6. All other documentation, all school records, that would establish country of birth have been kept hidden and restricted.

7. No authentic documentation has been presented to establish that Barack Obama was born in the US.

8. The records of all hospitals in Hawaii have been searched. There is no record of Stanley Ann Obama ever having given birth to a child.

9. Barack Obama’s paternal grandmother in Kenya has stated on multiple occasions that she was present at Obama’s birth in Mombasa.

10. Others have stated, including multiple family members, officials and press, that Obama was born in Kenya.


This has been presented in a manner that a fifth grader can understand. However, if you have any questions, please contact me on this blog.

Failure to learn more about and understand this critical issue and take appropriate measures can only be construed as apathy,  ignorance or having an un American agenda. This includes the Mainstream Media and the Fox network.


Sarah Palin book signing, Marines, US Military, Purple Heart pin, Sarah thanked the Marine for his service, Sarah’s aunt, Sarah Palin’s dad, Going Rogue honors military, Thank you for your daughter

Anything I would add would only detract from this. From a great commenter and American on this blog, Joyce,

“CW,…. I received this email from a very good friend of mine.  He is honest and I know that this is from him.
 Just more good things about Sarah Palin.  She is an amazing woman who I know loves this country. I hope you can read thru it with out tears.  I couldn’t!!!!!!
“This e-mail was sent to me today by my Step-sister xxxxxx xxxxxxx. She took her Dad  (my Step-Dad) to meet Sarah Palin yesterday when she was in Birmingham doing a book signing promoting her newly released book. The date was November 22, 2009. I was amazed to hear the story and called her to verify that it happened to her and not just a “forward” that I so often receive.
   I took my Dad to meet Sarah Palin tonight. He wore his Marine’s hat and his Purple Heart pin. Before we entered the signing place, we were stopped by Sarah’s aunt. She grabbed my dad’s hand  and told him thanks for his service to our country. He was so proud. Next, we waited our turn to meet Sarah. She shook my hand and we exchanged greetings. When I introduced her to my dad, she held (not shook) his hand and thanked him for her freedom – yes, her freedom. She thanked him for his service to our  country. My dad began to cry. She
 asked where he served, and she told him that her book was in honor of him and his dedication to America . My Dad thanked Sarah for her service and told her how proud he was of her. She then thanked me for bringing my Dad and said God Bless you.

As we were leaving we were stopped by a man who asked to meet my  Dad and it turned out  to be Sarah’s Dad. He hugged me and thanked me for bringing my Dad & then hugged him and told him it meant so much to him that we took the time to stand in line to meet his daughter. Trying to find his voice, with a face full of falling tears, my Dad said, no… Thank you…thank you for your daughter.
 As we left, tears filled  Sarah’s father’s eyes and everyone, incuding security and all told him goodbye. As we were leaving, we learned that Sarah stopped by Fort Hood unexpectedly and donated the money from her book signing today to the victim’s families. She is a Great lady!

xxxxxx xxxxxxx

Birmingham, AL”

Doug Hoffman, NY 23 election, New York Election Statutes, NY Law, Impossible numbers certified, Richard Hayes Phillips PhD, St. Lawrence County Board of Elections, Negative numbers, Phantom voters, Computerized voting

****  Important update below  ****

**** Correction by John Charlton, November 27, 2:30 PM ET ****

From The Gouverneur Times.

“Impossible Numbers Certified in NY-23

Written by Richard Hayes Phillips, Ph.D.   
Wednesday, 25 November 2009 15:32”

“The election results certified by the St. Lawrence County Board of Elections for New York’s 23rd Congressional District contain some numbers that are mathematically impossible.  These numbers were requested in person and transmitted by e-mail just hours before certification on Tuesday, November 24th, 2009.

For six election districts in St. Lawrence County (the 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 7th districts in Canton, the 14th district in Massena, and the 2nd district in Oswegatchie) negative numbers appear in the column for “blank” ballots, known in other states as “undervotes.”

Blank vote counts are ballots in which the voter did not choose any candidate in a given election and are determined by subtracting the total number of votes cast for the candidates from the number of voters who completed ballots.  The remaining number would be those voters who didn’t cast a vote for that election.

In Canton’s 7th district, the certified results show a total of 148 ballots cast. The results of those votes were counted as 88 votes for Owens, 11 votes for Scozzafava, and 80 votes for Hoffman.  The problem is that these numbers add up to 179 votes counted for the candidates, and there were only 148 ballots cast;  St. Lawrence County certified these numbers to the state as accurate with the number of ‘blank’ ballots reported as -31.

The Board of Elections stated repeatedly that their numbers add up, and strictly speaking, they do.  But negative numbers should not be required to make this happen. 

Election analysts refer to this phenomenon as “phantom voters,” because they are apparitions.  They do not actually exist.  There can never be more votes counted for any office than the number of actual voters who cast ballots.  There could be one or two, if on occasion an actual voter forgot to sign the poll book, but never 31.”

“Fundamentally, the fault does not lie with the Board of Elections, although perhaps they should have noticed the negative numbers before certifying them.  The fault lies with computerized vote counting and our willingness to trust it.
It has already been reported that zero votes were incorrectly reported in numerous precincts in Jefferson, Madison, and Oswego Counties for one of the Congressional candidates, and that voting machine failures occurred in dozens of polling places in at least three different counties.
In St. Lawrence County, ballots from eight polling places had to be hand counted due to voting machine failure.  Machines in Louisville, Waddington, Clare, and Rossie “broke” early in the voting process on Election Day.  Republican Commissioner Deborah Pahler said that the machines kept “freezing up… like Windows does all the time”.  Machines in Hermon, Lawrence, Colton’s 2nd district, and Massena’s 1st and 2nd districts failed to print the results. Frank Hoar, an attorney for the Democratic Party, initially ordered the impoundment of malfunctioning machines but released the order on November 5th so that Bill Owens could be sworn in to Congress in time to vote on the House health bill on November 7th.
Electronic vote counting is much too vulnerable to failure and/or manipulation.  If a mechanical (lever-style) machine breaks down, the failure is visible, and only the one machine is affected.  With electronic vote counting, one person can change the outcome of an election and not leave a trace.  This has been shown over and over again in scientific studies, including those commissioned by the Secretaries of State in California and Ohio.
But more than that, how can we have a democracy if we cannot know if the vote count is accurate?  If election officials cannot know, and if the candidates cannot know, and if the voters cannot know that the official results are true and correct, why even have an election?  Why go through the motions?”

Read more:

Several days ago, as I am prone to do, I read the New York State Election statutes. Before the election in 2008 I read almost half of the 50 states election laws. Here are some of those statutes regarding voting irregularities. Read them and decide if any of them apply to the chicanery that has taken place.
” §  17-106.  Misconduct  of election officers. Any election officer who
  wilfully refuses to accord to any duly  accredited  watcher  or  to  any
  voter  or candidate any right given him by this chapter, or who wilfully
  violates any provision of the election law relative to the  registration
  of  electors or to the taking, recording, counting, canvassing, tallying
  or certifying of votes, or who wilfully neglects or refuses  to  perform
  any  duty  imposed  on  him  by  law,  or  is guilty of any fraud in the
  execution of the duties of his office,  or  connives  in  any  electoral
  fraud, or knowingly permits any such fraud to be practiced, is guilty of
  a felony.

§  17-108.  False  affidavits;  mutilation,  destruction  or  loss  of
  registry list or affidavits. 1. Any person who wilfully  loses,  alters,
  destroys or mutilates the list of voters or registration poll ledgers in
  any  election  district,  or  a  certified  copy thereof, is guilty of a
    2. An applicant for registration who shall make, incorporate or  cause
  to  be  incorporated  a  material  false statement in an application for
  registration, or in any challenge or other  affidavit  required  for  or
  made  or filed in connection with registration or voting, and any person
  who knowingly takes a  false  oath  before  a  board  of  inspectors  of
  election,  and  any  person  who  makes  a material false statement in a
  medical  certificate  or  an  affidavit  filed  in  connection  with  an
  application for registration, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
    3. A person who shall wilfully suppress, mutilate or alter, or, except
  as  authorized  by  this chapter, shall destroy, any signed challenge or
  other affidavit required  for  or  made  or  filed  in  connection  with
  registration or voting, and any person who, except as authorized by this
  chapter,  shall  remove such an affidavit from the place of registration
  or polling place, is guilty of a felony.
    4. A person other than the applicant who, prior to the filing  of  the
  application,  shall  willfully suppress, mutilate, materially alter, or,
  except as authorized by this chapter, destroy a signed  application  for
  registration by mail, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

§  17-120.  Misconduct  in  relation  to certificate of nomination and
  official ballot. A person who:
    1. Falsely makes or makes oath to, or fraudulently defaces or destroys
  a certificate of nomination or any part thereof; or,
    2. Files or receives for filing a certifiate  of  nomination,  knowing
  that any part thereof was falsely made; or,
    3.  Suppresses  a certificate of nomination which has been duly filed,
  or any part thereof; or,
    4. Forges or falsely makes the official indorsement of any ballot; or,
    5. Having charge of official ballots, destroys, conceals or suppresses
  them, except as provided by the law. is guilty of a felony.

§  17-124.  Failure  to  deliver  official ballots. Any person who has
  undertaken to deliver official ballots to  any  city,  town  or  village
  clerk,  or  inspector  as  authorized  by  this chapter, and neglects or
  refuses to do so, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

§  17-128. Violations of election law by public officer or employee. A
  public officer or employee who knowingly and wilfully omits, refuses  or
  neglects  to  perform  any  act  required  of him by this chapter or who
  knowingly and wilfully refuses to permit the doing of any act authorized
  by this chapter or who knowingly  and  wilfully  hinders  or  delays  or
  attempts  to  hinder  or delay the performance of such an act is, if not
  otherwise provided by law, guilty of a felony.

§ 17-130. Misdemeanor in relation to elections. Any person who:
    1.  Acts  as  an  inspector  of election or as a clerk at an election,
  without being able to read or write the  English  language,  or  without
  being otherwise qualified to hold such office; or,
    2.  Being  an inspector of election, knowingly and wilfully permits or
  suffers any person to vote who is not entitled to vote thereat; or,
    3. Wilfully and unlawfully obstructs, hinders or delays,  or  aids  or
  assists  in  obstructing  or  delaying  any  elector  on  his  way  to a
  registration or polling place, or while he is attempting to register  or
  vote; or,
    4.  Electioneers on election day or on days of registration within one
  hundred feet, as defined herein, from a polling place. Said  prohibition
  shall  not  apply  to  a  building  or room that has been maintained for
  political purposes at  least  six  months  prior  to  said  election  or
  registration  days,  except  that  no  political  displays,  placards or
  posters shall be exhibited therefrom. For the purposes of this  section,
  the  one  hundred feet distance shall be deemed to include a one hundred
  foot radial measured from the entrances, designated by the inspectors of
  elections, to a building where the election  or  registration  is  being
    5. Removes any official ballot from a polling place before the closing
  of the polls; or,
    6.  Unlawfully  goes  within  the  guard-rail  of any polling place or
  unlawfully remains within such guard-rail after having been commanded to
  remove therefrom by any inspector of election; or,
    7. Enters a voting booth with any voter or remains in a  voting  booth
  while  it  is occupied by any voter, or opens the door of a voting booth
  when the same is occupied by a voter, with the intent to  watch  such  a
  voter  while  engaged  in  the  preparation  of  his  ballot,  except as
  authorized by this chapter; or,
    8. Being or claiming to be a voter, permits any other person to be  in
  a  voting booth with him while engaged in the preparation of his ballot,
  except as authorized by this chapter, without openly protesting  against
  and asking that such person be ejected; or,
    9.  Having  lawfully  entered  a  voting booth with a voter, requests,
  persuades or induces such voter to vote any particular ballot or for any
  particular candidate, or makes  or  keeps  any  memorandum  of  anything
  occurring  within  the  booth,  or  directly  or  indirectly, reveals to
  another the name of any candidate voted for by such voter; or,
    10. Shows his ballot after it is prepared for voting, to any person so
  as to reveal the contents, or solicits a voter to show the same; or,
    11. Places any mark  upon  his  ballot,  or  does  any  other  act  in
  connection  with his ballot with the intent that it may be identified as
  the one voted by him; or,
    12. Places any mark upon, or does any other act in connection  with  a
  ballot  or  paster  ballot,  with  the  intent that it may afterwards be
  identified as having been voted by any particular person; or,
    13. Receives an official ballot from any person other than one of  the
  clerks or inspectors having charge of the ballots; or,
    14.  Not being an inspector of election or clerk, delivers an official
  ballot to a voter; or,
    15. Not being an inspector of election,  receives  from  any  voter  a
  ballot prepared for voting; or,
    16.  Fails to return to the inspectors of election, before leaving the
  polling place or going outside the guard-rail, each ballot not voted  by
  him; or,
    17.  Wilfully  defaces,  injures,  mutilates, destroys or secretes any
  voting maching which belongs to any municipality or board  of  elections
  for use at elections, and any person who commits or attempts to commit a
  fraud in the use of any such voting machine during election; or,
    18.  Not  being  lawfully authorized, makes or has in his possession a
  key to a voting maching which has been  adopted  and  will  be  used  in
  elections; or,
    19.  Not  being  an inspector or clerk of election, handles a voted or
  unvoted ballot or stub thereof,  during  the  canvass  of  votes  at  an
  election; or,
    20.  Intentionally  opens an absentee voter’s envelope or examines the
  contents thereof after the receipt of  the  envelope  by  the  board  of
  elections and before the close of the polls at the election; or,
    21.  Wilfully  disobeys any lawful command of the board of inspectors,
  or any member thereof; or
    22. Induces or attempts to induce any poll clerk, election  inspector,
  election  coordinator,  or  officer,  clerk  or employee of the board of
  elections discharging any duty or performing any act  required  or  made
  necessary by the election law, to do any act in violation of his duty or
  in violation of the election law; or,
    23.  Not  having  been appointed or named an inspector of elections or
  clerk and not having taken the  oath  for  such  office  shall  wear  or
  display  any  button,  badge  or  emblem  identifying  or  purporting to
  identify such person as an inspector of election or clerk, is guilty  of
  a misdemeanor.

§   17-136.  False  returns;  unlawful  acts  respecting  returns.  An
  inspector or clerk of an election who intentionally makes,  or  attempts
  to  make,  a  false  canvass  of  the ballots cast thereat, or any false
  statement of the result of a canvass, though not signed by a majority of
  the inspectors, or any person who induces or attempts to induce any such
  inspector or clerk to do so, is guilty of a felony.

§  17-148.  Bribery  or intimidation of elector in military service of
  United States. Any person  who,  directly  or  indirectly,  by  bribery,
  menace  or  any other corrupt means, controls, or attempts to control an
  elector of this state enlisted in the military  service  of  the  United
  States, in the exercise of his rights under the election law, or annoys,
  injures or punishes him for the manner in which he exercises such right,
  is guilty of a misdemeanor.

 §  17-166.  Penalty.  Any person convicted of a misdemeanor under this
  article shall for a first offense be punished by  imprisonment  for  not
  more  than  one  year, or by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars
  nor  more  than  five  hundred  dollars,  or  by  both  such  fine   and
  imprisonment.  Any  person  who,  having been convicted of a misdemeanor
  under this article, shall thereafter be convicted of another misdemeanor
  under this article, shall be guilty of a felony.

 § 17-168. Crimes against the elective franchise not otherwise provided
  for.  Any  person  who  knowingly and wilfully violates any provision of
  this chapter, which violation is not specifically covered by any of  the
  previous sections of this article, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

§  17-170.  Destroying  or  delaying  election  returns.  A  messenger
  appointed by authority of law to receive and carry a report, certificate
  or certified copy of  any  statement  relating  to  the  result  of  any
  election,   who  wilfully  mutilates,  tears,  defaces,  obliterates  or
  destroys the same, or does any other act which prevents the delivery  of
  it  as  required by law; and a person who takes away from such messenger
  any such report, certificate or certified copy, with intent  to  prevent
  its  delivery,  or  who  wilfully  does  any injury or other act in this
  section specified, is guilty of a felony.

 NY State Election Statutes:

****  Update  ****

John Charlton of The Post & Email has provided some important facts.

“15,620 Missing Votes are disturbing

Let’s take a look at each race, considering simply the total votes counted, and comparing this to the total votes in the Congressional race on the same ballot:

For the State Supreme Court race:  39, 969 votes

For the NY-23 Special Election: . . . . 24, 349 votes

For County Coroner: . . . . . . . . . . . . 29, 664 votes

District Attorney: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 541 votes

These are the races which all used the same 102 voting machines.  Since the entire county voted for each race you’d expect nearly identical numbers, if there were identical interest in the different races.  And while that nearly never happens, the Owen-Hoffman-Scozzafava race was surely the most followed in the national and local press.

That 15,620 more votes were cast in the State Supreme Court Race than in the Congressional Race, seems simply unbelievable. That means that nearly 40% of the voters who voted, cast no vote in the Congressional Race! Unbelievable!”

Read more:


**** Correction by John Charlton, November 27, 2:30 PM ET ****

“4,200 Votes in the NY-23 race are questionable
Let’s take a look at each county-wide race, in St. Lawrence Country, considering simply the total votes counted, and comparing this to the total votes in the Congressional race on the same ballot:
For the NY-23 Special Election: . . . . . 24, 349 votes
For the State Supreme Court race:  39, 969 votes or potentially 19,986 votes*
District Attorney: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 541 votes
For County Coroner: . . . . . . . . . . . 29, 664 votes or potentially 14,832 votes*

These are the races which all used the same 102 voting machines.  Since the entire county voted for each race you’d expect nearly identical numbers, if there were identical interest in the different races.  And while that nearly never happens, the Owen-Hoffman-Scozzafava race was surely the most followed in the national and local press.”

Read more:


Thanksgiving 2009, Thankful for, America, Mom, Dad, Family,Teachers, Friends, Patriotic Americans, Mostly thankful for my mom

We had Thanksgiving with my mom and a few family members today. It was good to see her and visit with some of my family. My dad passed away several years ago and I miss him everyday.

I want to sincerely state that I am thankful for many things. Being born in this country and all of those that helped start and save this country over it’s history. I am thankful for my mom and dad, my family, my teachers my friends who helped me through the difficult times. I am thankful for many things including the good Americans that visit and comment here and all the other patriotic Americans who are trying to save this country. However, of all the people in my life, I most of all want to thank my mom.
My mom is almost 85, still fairly spry and has a everpresent great attitude. She cooked a large Thanksgiving meal for us and she was at her happiest doing so, doing for others, especially her family.

My mom became the oldest child after her older brother was killed by a car. She grew up in the country, just outside a small town in NC. She lived through the Great Depression and they were fortunate to grow most of their food. Even so, she has told me many stories of picking up coal along the side of railroad tracks, of traveling hobos begging for food.

My mother made excellent grades in school but had to drop out before finishing to help her family. She was a stay at home mom for us four children part of the time, but when she did work, she worked at jobs that people who didn’t finish high school got. My mother has always worked hard, whether tending to our needs or working outside the home. She never complained.

My mother continues to give to her family, her community and church and to those sick at home. She always has a smile to give and is always thinking of others. I believe that is much of the secret to her happiness. She is always thinking of others.

My mother worked hard and sacrificed so that I could attend school and college. So that I could get the better jobs.

I was truly blessed by God to have such a mother. I am very thankful.

St Louis Tea Party, November 28, 2009, Thanksgiving Christmas Holiday rally, Kiener Plaza, Saint Louis MO

From the St Louis Tea Party.


“Your hard work all summer deserves some love from national celebrities and experts–from people who really know to turn on a crowd. We didn’t really go out and get these people as much as they came in and got us.

We have GIGANTIC names in

  • Brilliant analysis CAP AND TRADE DEBUNKING
  • Internationally known CORRUPTION BUSTER
  • St. Louis’s own Tea Party Line-up

So, are you READY FOR THE NAMES??????

Pat Dollard:  “Young Americans

Pat Dollard has spent a huge chunk of his adult life living in combat zones.  His documentary movie “Young Americans” premieres on Thanksgiving Day.  He’s here in St. Louis to tell the Tea Party about the men and women on the front lines of the war on terror, the dedication and terror they face, and the Hollywood left who HATE DOLLARD for LOVING WARRIORS.  In his own words:

I had about 15 employees, a wife, a daughter, and no one believed I was going to lock horns with Al Qaeda, especially because my only motivations were to keep more American civilians from dying, and to honor those who were already risking their lives for that very reason. Who does such a thing? But go I did, and like Kurtz, when I got back from the first three months, I sold the house, sold the kids, sold the car. Well, not the car. I love my H2. But I got out of the Hollywood agenting game, at a cost of about $10,000,000.00 in future income. And I had no savings. But I had to go back, to finish the work, to finish the story. There was nothing in the civilian world that provided the same sense of purpose. There was never a time when I felt like my life had much of a purpose, other than making money and indulging myself. Except for parenting. But some of us find jobs to be done that demand we not be home. I did.

Pat Dollard’s ACTIVE action teams have been INSTRUMENTAL in St. Louis’s summer of resistance.  Let’s thank Pat for his work for the troops and his work for freedom.”

Read more:

Obama not president, Obama not natural born citizen, Internet billboard, Kenyan born, Obama sr Kenyan and British citizen, Sarah Obama, African news, Obama not eligible, US Constitution

Article II, Sec. 1, cl. 5 of the US Constitution
“No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the
United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution,
shall be eligible to the Office of President. . .”

From the 20th Amendment to the US Constitution.
“or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify,
then the Vice President elect shall act as President until
a President shall have qualified;”

According to the US Constitution, the supreme law of the
land, Barack Obama is not President of the United States.
No Chief Justice administering the oath of office,
No  oath sworn by a “president elect” makes one president.
There are 3 mandatory requirements to achieve a legal inauguration.

  • A qualified president elect.
  • Sufficient votes by the Electoral College.
  • Certification and count of Electoral College votes by

I am sick and tired of good, hard working Americans being insulted, being ignored, being attacked for questioning the eligibility of Barack Obama. People that are supposed to look after our best interest and the best interest of this country, are taking their cues from political agendas, lazily accepting status quo or being bought. This includes the Mainstream Media, State Election officials, US Congressmen, judges of all ranks and certainly the Obama camp of left wing socialists. Even the best of those in the media, such as Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck have either stayed away from this constitutional crisis issue or joined in belittling “birthers.”

Many of us are guessing why those on Fox are not covering this issue. The consensus, I believe, is that Fox Management has said no to covering this issue. Even if the people doing research for Fox were restrained or bought off, O’Reilly, Hannity and Beck are not stupid enough to not get it.

So, therefore, The Citizen Wells blog is going to do two things.

1. Each day, a fact sheet, truths and facts that are self evident about Obama’s eligibility including interviews with Sarah Obama, Barack’s Kenyan grandmother, facts about Obama’s birth and reports from media in the US and Africa. This will serve as an Internet Billboard and will be posted everyday until either someone in the MSM accurately reports on this or action is taken by a judge or elected official.

2. I am issuing a challange to Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and others in the media to step up and do their jobs. I will answer any questions they may have, debate them and I challenge them to dispute the facts.

To my knowledge, the only person in the MSM who has covered Obama’s eligibilty issue to any extent is Lou Dobbs and he did this on CNN of all places. Mr. Dobbs consistently stated his no brainer question again recently on the O’Reilly show on Fox. Lou Dobbs on CNN earlier referred to the COLB presented by the Obama camp as a piece of paper referring to another piece of paper. He then simply stated why doesn’t Obama present an authentic birth certificate. We applaud you Mr. Dobbs. This is such a common sense basic question to ask yet few in the media have asked it.

The eligibilty issues surrounding Barack Obama have been extensively covered on this blog and many other sites. To not cover this on the mainstream media is certainly unprofessional, un American and I believe criminal.

I am challenging those in the media to do their jobs, to serve their customers, their fellow Americans and cover this crisis. You are being out scooped and many of you are going down the tubes fast. That is no surprise. I am also challenging those on Fox, the only TV network to seriously question Obama and his agenda. O’Reilly, Hannity and Beck, if you do not cover this story, it will eventually rise to the surface and you will be lumped together with the masses of biased, leftist, talking heads that pretend to do journalism and reporting.

I am personally challenging you. Anyone have the guts and integrity to take me and the American people on?
