Monthly Archives: April 2008

Obama, Wright, Lawrence Lessig, Larry Sinclair, Obama gay, down low, Jesus video, attention NC voters, primary voters

My friends in NC and the US. I mentioned that Jeremiah Wright and his sermons were just the tip of the iceberg. I have written about Obama’s associations with criminal elements, ties to the middle east and possible low down activity. There is a consistent theme in Obama’s history. Obama has been close to many gay people (this is not an anti gay message) and those who misuse or attack Christianity. Larry Sinclair has alleged a gay encounter with Obama in November 1999. A Chicago restaurant owner heard consistent rumors from the gay community about Obama.

Lawrence Lessig was an associate of Obama’s at the University of Chicago. Lawrence Lessig considers Obama a friend and has supported Obama on his website and in speaking engagements. Lessig is mentioned on Obama’s site as part of his technology initiative.

Lawrence Lessig is openly gay and has a radical opinion about gay rights. He also has radical ideas about intellectual property rights and government information. What is more disturbing to me is a video he produced and presented at a conference that mocks Jesus and portrays Jesus as Gay. Here is a link to view the videos:

Here is a link to Lessig’s website where he talks about Obama:

Here is a link to Barack Obama’s website that mentions Lessig:

Now consider the following:

” Stanford Law Professor Lawrence Lessig likes to treat his audiences to a short video that doesn’t always go over so well. In it, Jesus Christ lip-syncs Gloria Gaynor’s late ’70s disco hit “I Will Survive,” during which he strips down to just a diaper, effeminately struts along a city street and finally gets run over by a speeding bus.

Lessig showed the film during his keynote address to the LinuxWorld Conference and Expo in San Francisco in 2006 (reportedly causing audience members to exit in disgust), as well as to an assembled group of Google employees recently.

The antics of a trendy left-wing law school teacher who doubles as cybergeek would normally be of little note. But a few years down the information superhighway we may be speaking of Justice Lawrence Lessig should Obama be elected president.”

Read more here:

I urge anyone considering voting for Obama to do more research. This blog is a good place to start. I will be gald to answer questions.

Obama, Rezko trial, Levine, Governor Rod Blagojovich, Robert Blackwell allegations, Chicago resident speaks out

A comment was just posted on this blog. I recognize the poster from this blog and others I have posted on. Delenn has stated in the past that she was a chef and restaurant owner in Chicago and heard many rumors about Obama. Below is her comment about the Rezko trial, names being withheld and under reporting of the trial:

“Living in the Chicago area and being the “victim” of Chicago news media, I noticed early on in the Rezko trial that U.S. District Judge Amy St. Eve quashed mention of politicians’ names except for a chosen few… so we have “Politician A,” “Poltician B,” and on and on down the alphabet. Judge St. Eve also ruled to keep jurors’ identities secret… which more than anything attests to the known potential for violence coming from those associated with Rezko, Levine, and likely from the political machines involved. And Judge St. Eve would not allow Levine to name names as to the identities of those present at the all-male parties involving drug use — parties attended by some of the city’s and state’s political powers-that-be as well as by those wanting favors. There was a “leak” months ago that Politician A is Governor Rod Blagojovich… but oddly no further identifying leaks materialized. Blagojovich has been candid in the past about his interest in running for US president — I think the “leak” was a way to shut him down, and frankly I believe that he was shut down to open the way for Obama’s candidacy, if not in 2008, then in 2012. I don’t know how coverage of this trial has been played elsewhere, but here it’s been curiously underplayed — odd indeed, considering the Chicago news media’s normal tendency to over-cover any major stories based in the area. I’ve suspected since early on in the trial that the under-coverage, and possibly even some of the court’s rulings regarding testimony, have been connected to Obama’s candidacy. Add to this that I haven’t seen a single television news story concerning the allegations of money laundering involving Robert Blackwell and Barack Obama and… well, the word “fishy” isn’t strong enough by half. The scents of coverup and collusion here in Chicagoland simply reek.”

Donald Young murder, Obama, Wright, Larry Sinclair, Obama and Wright feud

Everyone has been wondering why Jeremiah Wright and Obama have been attacking each other recently. I have been giving this a lot of thought. I certainly believe it is some sort of diversion. Obama is a master of diversions.

I have been reading the comments here, on my blog and elsewhere.
I have also been giving this a lot of thought.
Here is my thought process:
1. Donald Young may have been murdered by a professional hitman.
2. If this is the case, someone will have to talk to progress the case.
3. Let’s suppose Obama and Wright are aware of the murder details.
4. Neither of them will talk for fear of being an accessory.
5. The more Obama progresses, the more scrutiny will occur and the
more we will find out about his and Wright’s past.
6. Is the Obama and Wright controversy a plot to allow him to bow
out as the victim, save face and promote a smoother transition
to supporting Hillary?

I have heard similar thoughts from some of you. My thinking
yesterday was that it was a plot to salvage NC. Now I am more
inclined to believe the victim aspect.
What do you all think?

To learn more about Larry Sinclair’s allegations and the Donald Young murder investigation, click here:

Obama Wright feud, controversy, Wright speeches, Obama victim

I posted yesterday that it is possible that this whole Obama and Jeremiah Wright feud was planned. Obama’s campaign is in trouble and he must win NC. The Wright sermons and speeches are a huge problem in NC. This scenario allows Obama to be the victim and to further accentuate his alleged position on Wright’s comments.

I am beginning to wonder if this was more orchestrated to allow Obama to bow out as the victim, with Wright as the cause. Everyday new allegations and questions about Obama and his past surface. The LA Times exposed a questionable business and legal relationship with Robert Blackwell in obtaining state grant money. The tony Rezko trial continues and regularly mentions Obama or those he associated with including Rezko, Levine as well as the Iraqi born billionaire Auchli.

There are many people thinking similar thoughts to mine. Why is Obama becoming more vocal now?  Why is Wright attacking Obama? Of course the no brainer is the documention that Obama knew about Wright’s sermons at least a year ago. If Obama really has the current opinion of Wright, why did he not speak out earlier when he was condemning Don Imus. Obama and Wright. Two hypocrites and liars.

I would like to hear what you think is going on and what you think will happen.

Obama, NC primary, Jeremiah Wright, Obama comments, Wright comments, planned strategy?

Obama’s campaign is imploding.

Obama must win in the NC primary.

Wright’s sermons are show stoppers in NC.

Jeremiah Wright has made speeches defending himself.

Obama has elevated his non approval of Wright and his sermons.

Was this planned by Obama and Wright?

Let me know what you think.

Obama comdemns Wright, insensitivity and outrageousness, Obama outraged and saddened, Jeremiah Wright, black church

Obama, in a speech at the National Press Club in Washington, on Monday, April 28, 2008, distanced himself even more from Jeremiah Wright. Here are some of the remarks made by Obama in reference to Wrights sermons and comments:

“insensitivity and outrageousness”

Obama said he is “outraged” and “saddened” by Wright’s recent comments to the press.

“I have said before and I will repeat again that some of the comments that Reverend Wright has made offend me and I understand why they’ve offended the American people,”

“He does not speak for me. He does not speak for the campaign and so he may make statements in the future that don’t reflect my values or concerns,”

“I think certainly what the last three days indicate is that we’re not coordinating with him.”

Obama has associated with Wright for 20 years. When Don Imus made the “nappy headed hos” comment a year ago, Obama severely chastised Imus, yet Obama knew of Wright’s volatile sermons a least a year ago. Obama criticized Wright earlier this year only when it became politically expedient. Now Obama is in trouble and he finally condemns Wright to attempt to save his campaign.

Obama is revealing his lack of character.

NC primary, Mike Easley, Obama, Governor easley endorses Hillary

Governor Mike Easley has endorsed Hillary Clinton.

I was born and raised in NC and still live in NC.

I have thoroughly researched Barack Obama.

I have never been a Hillary fan but compared to Obama she looks real good.

Obama scares the hell out of me. Obama is the devil I know and the devil I don’t know.

I spoke to people in small towns in the western and eastern part of NC recently. Their biggest concern was Jeremiah Wright and his remark, “God Damn America.” Folks, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

If you are considering voting for Obama, I urge you to do some research. Start with this blog, but also read as much as you can and ask questions. I will be glad to answer your questions.

This election is too important to take lightly. Too important to talk in terms of black, white, Republican or Democrat.

I am asking you as a fellow North Carolinian to make the right choice.

Thank you.

Robert Blackwell, Obama, money laundering, EKI Consulting, Rod Blagojevich, Illinois, Tony Rezko

“Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.”

Los Angeles Times article

The Los Angeles Times, in an article dated April 27, 2008 reveals
that Obama received a $8,000 a month retainer from Robert Blackwell
for his technology firm, Electronic Knowledge Interchange,
for a total of $112,000. The following exerpts are from the LA times
“A few months after receiving his final payment from EKI, Obama sent a request on state Senate letterhead urging Illinois officials to provide a $50,000 tourism promotion grant to another Blackwell company, Killerspin.”

“With support from Obama, other state officials and an Obama aide who went to work part time for Killerspin, the company eventually obtained $320,000 in state grants between 2002 and 2004 to subsidize its tournaments.”

“But Obama portrays himself as a lawmaker dedicated to transparency and sensitive to even the appearance of a conflict of interest.”

“Killerspin’s owner, Blackwell, was a political supporter and friend as well. Both men lived on Chicago’s South Side. Blackwell, a savvy and successful entrepreneur, was one of the first donors to Obama’s early campaigns, including the state senator’s failed bid for a congressional seat in 2000. In the presidential race he is credited on Obama’s website with committing to raise $100,000 to $200,000 for Obama’s campaign.”

Read more here:,0,6789688.story

Classic Illinois ‘pay to play’
Andy Martin says ‘retainer’ by Robert Blackwell, Jr. was classic Illinois ‘pay to play’ and may have been criminal behavior. Read more here:

Robert Blackwell, EKI Consulting

Robert Blackwell responded with comments on this blog. Here is an exerpt:

“I hired Barack because I knew him and he was a very talented young lawyer.

Too bad that this story is such a distortion of the real truth.”

Governor Rod Blagojevich and Tony Rezko

Governor Rod Blagojevich of Illinois has been mentioned multiple times during the trial of Tony Rezko. Here are some exerpts from the Chicago Tribune coverage of the trial:

“Strong charges about pay-to-play politics in Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s administration have been hurled by prosecution star witness Stuart Levine in the federal corruption trial of the governor’s friend and fundraiser, Antoin “Tony” Rezko.

Levine has claimed that Rezko promised to help kill an administration reform plan for pension boards in exchange for Levine steering state pension business to contributors to the governor’s campaign. But under questioning from Rezko lawyer Joseph Duffy Tuesday, Levine acknowledged that he knew of no firms that actually got pension business in exchange for campaign cash.

Rezko is charged with working with Levine to corrupt the decisions of two state panels, including a $30 billion teacher’s pension fund, in an attempt to extort millions of dollars in kickbacks. Levine, a member of both boards, has pleaded guilty in the case.”

Robert Blackwell and Rod Blagojevich

The following is from a news release by EKI Consulting:



November 11, 2002

CHICAGO – Robert Blackwell Jr., CEO and founder of Electronic Knowledge Interchange Inc., has been named to the transition team of Governor-elect Rod Blagojevich.

Blackwell’s appointment to the 14-member group was announced at a downtown news conference. The transition team will advise Blagojevich on putting together his state government management operation. Blagojevich will be sworn into office on January 13 and the transition team meets next week. ”

“Blackwell Jr. also founded Killerspin L.L.C., a Table Tennis company whose mission is to make table tennis a major sport in the United States.  Killerspin since its inception has dominated American Table Tennis, winning the North American Team Championships and numerous other titles.  Killerspin is a manufacturer of table tennis equipment, media and apparel. ”

The full press release can be read here:

Obama, Robert Blackwell, Rod Blagojevich, Tony Rezko…….Hmmm.

Larry Sinclair, Donald Young, Chicago Police, Detective McVickers, meeting next week, Attorney controversy

Larry Sinclair has just provided an update on the Chicago Police investigation into the death of choir director Donald Young. Young was the choir director at TUCC, Obama’s church. Sinclair states:

“I have agreed to meet in person with Chicago Police Detective McVickers on a date convenient to him next week.  I am sure the CPD has received a number of emails, calls and complaints from the very people who have continued to attack, smear and misrepresent me.  So people, please, give the Police a little bit of credit for knowing what there is to know about me. “

For more information on Donald Young, Larry Sinclair and Obama, visit: 

Robert Blackwell, Breaking news, EKI Consulting, Obama, Killerspin, state grants, Blackwell response

The Los Angeles Times, in an article dated April 27, 2008 reveals
that Obama received a $8,000 a month retainer from Robert Blackwell
for his technology firm, Electronic Knowledge Interchange. The total fees paid to Obama amounted to $112,000.

Robert Blackwell has submitted a response on this blog. In fairness and in search for the truth, I am posting his response as he submitted it. I will leave it for the reader to judge for themselves. I have confirmed that this is Robert Blackwell of EKI Consulting.
“This story about Barack is really silly.
The story fails to mention that It was a Republican Governor that gave the original grant. Barack had absolutely nothing to do with getting the grant. He was a junior State Senator with very little clout.

I hired Barack because I knew him and he was a very talented young lawyer.

Too bad that this story is such a distortion of the real truth.”