Monthly Archives: January 2021

Greensboro News Record DECEIT exposed: “N.C. Republicans are leaving their party in larger numbers after Capitol riot”, Cancel your subscription, Spread word

Greensboro News Record DECEIT exposed: “N.C. Republicans are leaving their party in larger numbers after Capitol riot”, Cancel your subscription, Spread word

“If I had my choice I would kill every reporter in the world but I am sure we would be getting reports from hell before breakfast.”… William Tecumseh Sherman

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”…Joseph Goebbels

“We are being lied to on a scale unimaginable by George Orwell.”…Citizen Wells


From the Greensboro News Record January 31, 2021.

“N.C. Republicans are leaving their party in larger numbers after Capitol riot”

“In just over two weeks, from Jan. 7 to Jan. 22, according to data from the elections board, 59% of 10,766 changes to voter registration came from Republicans re-registering as unaffiliated, as Rhinehardt did. Of that 59%, 40% came from the six, mostly urban counties of Cabarrus, Durham, Guilford, Mecklenburg, Orange and Wake. Those counties account for only 24% of the state’s registered Republicans.

In all, Republicans lost 5,855 voters during that time period. Democrats gave up only 210 voters.”

“Republicans did not just leave the party to become unaffiliated. The other parties benefited, too.

From Jan. 7 to Jan. 22, the Democratic Party took 561 Republicans. Another 209 became Libertarian, while 134 went to the Constitution Party and another four went to the Green Party.”

What the News Record portrayed is actually a Big Lie because it is very misleading and leaves out key facts.

Kimrey Rhinehardt is quoted as leaving the Republican Party because of the Capitol riots. If true, she probably based her decision on lies reported by the News Record and other fake news media.

Now the truth

From the NC State Board of Elections.

“In 2021, county boards of elections across North Carolina will conduct several important and required processes designed to keep the state’s voter rolls accurate and up to date.

These routine processes are required by state and federal laws. Accurate voter rolls are maintained by removing voters who have moved or died or are otherwise ineligible to vote in that jurisdiction.

Voter roll list maintenance is important because it ensures ineligible voters are not included on poll books, reduces the possibility for poll worker error and decreases opportunities for fraud.

As a result of these processes, the number of North Carolina voter registrations will decrease in the coming months.”

NC change in registered voters Jan 1 to Jan 30


…………………….Republican                Democrat               Unaffiliated

Jan 01                   2,247,353                      2,620,244                  2,457,938

Jan 30                   2,160,529                      2,481,205                  2,344,901

Drop                            86,824                         139,039                     113,037

Jan 01 Democrat lead over Republican   372,891

Jan 30 Democrat lead over Republican   320,676

Looks like the Republicans fared well!

Check for yourself.

I strongly urge you to







More here:








ABC15 Phoenix AZ fake news bias or more?, History of lies about 2020 election why?, McCain legacy or Democrat ties?, Partnered with Maricopa Board of Supervisors

ABC15 Phoenix AZ fake news bias or more?, History of lies about 2020 election why?, McCain legacy or Democrat ties?, Partnered with Maricopa Board of Supervisors

“If I had my choice I would kill every reporter in the world but I am sure we would be getting reports from hell before breakfast.”… William Tecumseh Sherman

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”…Abraham Lincoln

“We are being lied to on a scale unimaginable by George Orwell.”…Citizen Wells


ABC15 in Phoenix, Arizona reveals their bias in the following video.

Status quo, par for the course.

At the end they stated:

“As for that audit, what actually comes from it – likely not much, but it is important to know that state law actually prevents the county from handing over any actual ballots.”


Are they in the pocket of the Democrat Party or is this part of the legacy of traitor John McCain?

ABC15 has a history of lies and protecting the Arizona elections officials.

ABC15 January 27, 2021.

“In fact, the hand count audit of approximately 47,000 votes yielded a 100% match with the machine-tabulated results.”


All ABC15 had to do was what Citizen Wells did. Examine the Arizona Hand Count Audit.

From Citizen Wells January 30, 2021.

27 percent of counties had discrepancies!

33 percent of counties did not participate!

Maricopa County sampled only .3 percent of the ballots!

ABC15 January 29, 2021.

“And the truth is, in the past, Sharpies were banned at voting centers because they could bleed through the paper. But in 2020, Maricopa County was using updated machines where Sharpies were actually the preferred pen since they dry so fast. But before election officials could even get ahead of the viral video, it was too late. Hobbs was suddenly on the defense.

This controversy is just one example of how fast misinformation can spread online. In this social media age, more and more people get their news from internet sources that aren’t fact-based — not understanding how to tell fact from fiction.”

Lie (Misleading)

Citizen Wells November 16, 2020.

“Texas Dominion Voting Systems testing and evaluations report dated February 15, 2019.”

Based on the foregoing observations and my examination of the Democracy 5.5 System, its accompanying literature and the presentation made by Dominion officials both in its literature and at the examination, I cannot recommend that the Democracy 5.5 System be certified as compliant with the requirements of the TEXAS ELECTION CODE and the TEXAS ADMINISTRATIVE
CODE. My opinion could potentially change of corrections to the identified problems (in my report and other reports) are properly corrected and presented to the Secretary’s office. ”

“In a follow-up, the vendor stated that only black Sharpie markers should be used for marking the ballots; however, when the black sharpie was used during testing, it did, on a few occasions, bleed through to the back side of the two-sided ballot in such a way that it could confuse the ballot scanner or kick the ballot out. “

It is almost like ABC15 is on the payroll of Katie Hobbs.



More here:










Arizona audit: Focus on ballots, 200k + adjudicated (errors) ballots in Maricopa County red flag, Why so many and how were they processed and who supervised?

Arizona audit: Focus on ballots, 200k + adjudicated (errors) ballots in Maricopa County red flag, Why so many and how were they processed and who supervised?

“Poll workers struggled to operate the new voting machines in Maricopa County, and improperly pressed and told voters to press a green button to override significant errors,”  “The result is that the voting machines disregarded votes cast by voters in person on Election Day in Maricopa County.”…Matt Morgan, Trump 2020 campaign’s general counsel

“The certification of Arizona’s FALSE results is unethical and knowingly participating in the corruption that has disenfranchised AZ voters,” …Jenna Ellis

“Katie Hobbs AZ Secretary of State: Trump derangement syndrome is not illegal, Election fraud, coverup and lying on vote certification is”…Citizen Wells


Adjudicated ballots

Ballots that cannot be processed by voting equipment such as Dominion without human intervention.

That should not occur in the hundreds of thousands or high percentages of batches.

Yet this happened in Arizona, Georgia and Michigan and is not getting the attention it should receive.

Apparently Maricopa County AZ had over 200,000 adjudicated ballots.

Dominion Voting Systems facilitates the rapid adjudication of ballots giving the operator the ability to decide voter intent and create a new ballot.

This is supposed to happen with oversight from political party reps as witnesses.

Affidavits and testimony have indicated the oversight was often missing.

Citizen Wells recommends focusing on the audit of Adjudicated ballots.

From Gateway Pundit.

“Note to Arizona Senate from a Former International Audit Executive: If Audit Resources are Limited – FOCUS ON THE BALLOTS”

“Tonight we want to provide some words of advice to the Arizona Senate.

I was an international audit executive in Hong Kong for a decade.  I looked at thousands of data sets and performed audits of the accuracy of the data in relation to the underlying contract.  After doing this for years I learned one key thing:”

“If resources are a challenge then the Arizona Senate should select the review of the ballots.  Based on my experience looking at huge data sets with millions of records and looking into systems as well, if you want to identify fraudulent activities or activities that don’t comply with the law, then focus on the ballots.

One individual who we became aware of since the election is Jovan Pulitzer.  He claims he can review tens of thousands of ballots in a few hours.  He also is an expert in paper ballots and machine interactions.  If resources such as time and money are a challenge then Pulitzer should be hired to do the job.  Pulitzer was invited to perform work by the Georgia Senate as well:”


From Citizen Wells January 12, 2021.


During the Georgia Senate election hearing on December 30, 2020, it was revealed 106,000 out of 113,130 ballots had to be adjudicated. 93.69 percent. This happened on election night.”


Now we learn that on November 5, 2020, 132,272 out of 137,134 ballots scanned had to be adjudicated.

That is 96.45 %!!!


In one county.

In 2 batches.

A total of 238,272!


Virtually impossible these were all normal voter mistakes.

  • Were the ballots misprinted? An honest mistake.
  • Were the ballots misprinted to force adjudication?
  • Were new ballots created in the process?
  • If the old ballots were retained, how were they processed in a recount.
  • Supposedly 132,272 ballots were adjudicated the night before the morning of November 5.

GA election official Richard Barron stated the following on election night:




“6. The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%). We observed an error rate of 68.05%. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity.
7. The results of the Antrim County 2020 election are not certifiable. This is a result of machine and/or software error, not human error.
8. The tabulation log for the forensic examination of the server for Antrim County from December 6, 2020 consists of 15,676 individual events, of which 10,667 or 68.05% of the events were recorded errors. These errors resulted in overall tabulation errors or ballots being sent to adjudication. This high error rates proves the Dominion Voting System is flawed and does not meet state or federal election laws.”

Arizona error rates already proven



More here:









Arizona and Maricopa County 2020 election irregularities and fraud already proven, Why Maricopa Board of Supervisors lied and obstructed audits

Arizona and Maricopa County 2020 election irregularities and fraud already proven, Why Maricopa Board of Supervisors lied and obstructed audits

“Poll workers struggled to operate the new voting machines in Maricopa County, and improperly pressed and told voters to press a green button to override significant errors,”  “The result is that the voting machines disregarded votes cast by voters in person on Election Day in Maricopa County.”…Matt Morgan, Trump 2020 campaign’s general counsel

“The certification of Arizona’s FALSE results is unethical and knowingly participating in the corruption that has disenfranchised AZ voters,” …Jenna Ellis

“Katie Hobbs AZ Secretary of State: Trump derangement syndrome is not illegal, Election fraud, coverup and lying on vote certification is”…Citizen Wells


Why has the Maricopa Board of Supervisors fought so hard to prevent a real audit of the ballots, equipment and software used in the 2020 election in Arizona?

Because it will further prove that they and the Secretary of State, Katie Hobbs lied and committed fraud.

Part of the proof comes from the SOS website and they lied about that.

Before proceeding, be aware of these facts:

  • Acccording to Dr. Kelli Ward, AZ GOP chairman, there were over 200,000 adjudicated ballots in Maricopa County alone.
  • Dominion equipment facilitates the processing of adjudicated ballots (errors) and allows humans to alter ballots.
  • Adjudication is supposed to be overseen by representatives of both parties. That has been a problem nationwide.
  • AZ statute 16-602(G): “G. During any hand count of early ballots, the county officer in charge of elections and election board workers shall attempt to determine the intent of the voter in casting the ballot.”
  • The same highly questionable scenario took place in Georgia on a larger scale of 238,272 adjudicated ballots in 2 batches. GA election official Richard Barron stated the following on election night: “THE ONLY BALLOTS THAT ARE ADJUDICATED ARE IF WE HAVE A BALLOT IN WHICH THERE IS SOME QUESTION AS TO HOW THE COMPUTER READS IT. SO THE VOTE REVIEW PANEL THEN DETERMINES VOTER INTENT.”


The ARIZONA MANDATED “HAND COUNT AUDIT” Took place from early to mid november 2020.

All that it ever was going to accomplish was to verify how well the equipment worked on that day.

5 counties did not participate.

4 counties had discrepancies “within the acceptable margin”.

Only .3 percent of early ballots in Maricopa County were sampled.

If the standard of 2 percent failure rate was applied to the entire population of over 1.9 million early ballots in Maricopa County then over 38,000 failures would be acceptable.

Despite the fact discrepancies were found, it was touted as 100% correct.

A lie!

27 percent of counties had discrepancies!

33 percent of counties did not participate!

Maricopa County sampled only .3 percent of the ballots!


That being said, their best efforts to hide and obfuscate do not prevail.

From the Mohave Count audit:

Page 3


First Baptist Church     Hand Count  766  Difference  3  Percentage  .4 %

Riverpt. Baptist              Hand Count  733  Difference  2  Percentage  .3 %


First Baptist Church     Hand Count  1605  Difference  11  Percentage  .7 %

Riverpt. Baptist              Hand Count  1388  Difference  5 Percentage  .4 %


First Baptist Church     Hand Count  752 Difference  4  Percentage  .5 %

Riverpt. Baptist              Hand Count  711  Difference  1  Percentage  .1 %

Error rate applied to total ballots.

There were 3,385,294 votes cast for president in Arizona.

A .1 percent error rate would impact 3,385 ballots.

.5 percent would impact 16,926 ballots.

Page 4

What is significant about page 4 is:

“Where the hand count is greater than the machine count it is likely due to interpretations of voter intent by the board.”

So it is ok for the board to interpret voter intent?

AZ statute 16-602(G) (see above) apparently allows it.

So how many of the 200,000 plus adjudicated ballots in Maricopa County were interpreted?

It is crucial that those ballots be audited properly!


It is obvious from the Mickey Mouse so called Hand Count Audit that problems were revealed and lied about.

But that is not the only sampling that took place.

Dr. Kelli Ward chairman of the AZ GOP requested and performed 2 small audit samples in Maricopa County

The first sample of 100 ballots yielded a 2 percent error rate and 3 percent vote change in favor of Biden.

The second sample of 1,526 ballots had a .5 percent error rate.

The alleged margin of victory for Biden in Arizona is .3 percent.

A real and thorough audit of the 2020 Arizona election results must be performed for the good of all.


What are the Maricopa Board of Supervisors hiding?


More here:



Arizona election audit update Jan 29, 2021, Maricopa Board of Supervisors still hiding something, Senate to do “real audit”?, High adjudication (error) rate must be scrutinized

Arizona election audit update Jan 29, 2021, Maricopa Board of Supervisors still hiding something, Senate to do “real audit”?, High adjudication (error) rate must be scrutinized

“Poll workers struggled to operate the new voting machines in Maricopa County, and improperly pressed and told voters to press a green button to override significant errors,”  “The result is that the voting machines disregarded votes cast by voters in person on Election Day in Maricopa County.”…Matt Morgan, Trump 2020 campaign’s general counsel

“The certification of Arizona’s FALSE results is unethical and knowingly participating in the corruption that has disenfranchised AZ voters,” …Jenna Ellis

“Katie Hobbs AZ Secretary of State: Trump derangement syndrome is not illegal, Election fraud, coverup and lying on vote certification is”…Citizen Wells


There has been no true audit of the Arizona ballots and irregularities revealed in the November 30 election hearing.

The only “audit” that has taken place is the mandated evaluation of voting machine count versus manual count done on a microscopic sample of ballots.

And despite lies to the contrary, it was not 100%.

More on this below.

The Arizona Senate has been trying to do a real audit since December 4, 2020 and has been fought by the Maricopa Board of Supervisors every step of the way including court battles.

Even though they have been ordered to cooperate with the Senate, the Maricopa Board of Supervisors continues to obstruct and obfuscate efforts to arrive at the truth,

“WE CAUGHT THEM: Arizona’s Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Lied – EAC Updated Website after Gateway Pundit Report Discovered Their Auditors Were Uncertified”

From a Dr. Lyle Rapacki interview.

Az Update – Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Playing Games – But We will get a REAL Audit soon.

Arizona mandated “Hand Count Audit” Fact vs Fiction

  1. All that happened was a tiny sample of ballots was used. And from the SOS website: “compare the results of the machine count to the hand count to assure that the machines are working properly and accurately counting votes.”
  2. This only proves how well the machines are working on that day on a microscopic sample.
  3. This should work every time unless a machine breaks down.
  4. And furthermore, they allowed for an acceptable failure rate of 2 percent for early ballots.
  5. Katie Hobbs, Secretary of State, reported a 100 % accuracy rate. That is a lie and was repeated by fake news media.
  6. Some interesting facts follow:

Remember, all they did was take a tiny sample of ballots, run them through scanners. and compare counts.

5 counties did not participate.

4 counties had discrepancies “within the acceptable margin”.

Only .3 percent of early ballots in Maricopa County were sampled.

If the standard of 2 percent failure rate was applied to the entire population of over 1.9 million early ballots in Maricopa County then over 38,000 failures would be acceptable.


The Arizona mandated “Hand Count Audit” was not 100 percent accurate and was useful only as a propaganda tool.

The big lie

What are the Maricopa Board of Supervisors hiding?



More here:

Arizona election update: Liz Harris and grassroots activists demand fair audit of Maricopa ballots, Competent auditors must be used, Please flood decision-makers with email and phone calls 

Arizona election update: Liz Harris and grassroots activists demand fair audit of Maricopa ballots, Competent auditors must be used, Please flood decision-makers with email and phone calls

“The certification of Arizona’s FALSE results is unethical and knowingly participating in the corruption that has disenfranchised AZ voters,” …Jenna Ellis

“Katie Hobbs AZ Secretary of State: Trump derangement syndrome is not illegal, Election fraud, coverup and lying on vote certification is”…Citizen Wells

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”…Abraham Lincoln


From GateWay Pundit January 26, 2021.

“Grassroots activists are calling on supporters to flood state leaders with requests for a fair audit of the Maricopa County ballots.

Right now the WORLD is watching Arizona.”

“Please send the below POWERFUL letter to the following State Senators (along with your own AZ Senator/Representatives if possible).”

“January 26, 2021
Senate President Karen Fann
Members of the Arizona Legislature:

As you are aware, we are in unprecedented times. There was an unprecedented voter turnout in this election, an unprecedented number of votes given to a Presidential candidate in history, as well as an unprecedented number of ballots mailed out. This election also uncovered unprecedented fraud that occurred in ways that most never knew existed. Our eyes have been opened. The People of Arizona have lost their faith in the election process, as well as in many of our elected officials.  Arizona is on the precipice of that trust NEVER being restored. Our rights have not been protected. Our voices have not been heard. Our confidence in a free and fair election is lost.

I am grateful that you chose to embrace the Constitutional authority that our Forefathers bestowed upon you in subpoenaing and securing a forensic audit of the Dominion Voting Systems machines and our physical ballots.

History is being written at this very moment. The decisions you are making regarding this forensic audit will not only impact the future of Arizona, but the future of our Nation and beyond. The entire world is watching Arizona and you. Action must be taken for Arizona’s citizens to begin to have their confidence in the Legislature restored. God has put you in this place, at this time to do just that. These unprecedented circumstances demand an UNPRECEDENTED forensic audit process. Anything less than conducting an extremely thorough audit, addressing all the concerns of your constituents, is the same as not doing an audit at all. We have witnessed politicians across our Nation attempt to pacify the People with incomplete, incompetently handled audits. Your constituents will not be fooled by attempts to placate us with an incomplete forensic machine and physical ballot audit using incomplete or antiquated methods. My days, along with the days of countless other Arizona citizens have been spent gathering, listening, researching, absorbing, and communicating about every book, article, journal, video and report regarding DVS machine and ballot fraud.

Senate President Karen Fann and the Legislature will be WITHOUT EXCUSE for not thoroughly investigating and educating themselves on every aspect of fraud that occurred with Dominion Voting Systems and with our ballots. You will equally be held accountable if you do not choose multiple, independent, highly experienced professional auditors such as Allied Security Operations Group and Tesla Laboratories to audit the Dominion Voting Systems machines and ballots.

To date, a complete, UNBIASED, forensic BALLOT audit has never been done anywhere in the country. The closest we came was in 2000 when physical ballots with “hanging chads” were visually inspected by humans for kinematic artifacts.  Identifying and examining kinematic artifacts was the standard then and should be the standard even more so today. Tremendous technological advancements have been made and are being used in the study of kinematic artifacts.  Recently, there have been ballot counts both by machine and hand, but as you should be aware of by now, the scope of ballot fraud has extended far beyond simply counting the number of ballots. It is incredulous that you would believe that the People will accept an archaic process as adequate, with all the technological advancements that are not only available to us, but that were used to create the ballots in the first place. Ballots were designed with specific parameters and ink features and are to be printed according to strict specifications, on paper that conforms to the Safe Act. They are to be handled and distributed in accordance with law. The same kinematic artifact technology that is presently utilized to identify counterfeit currency, bank notes, bonds, stocks, and passports must be used to examine the last thing each voter had in their hand that they can be sure of when they voted, their physical ballot. The latest technology, which can verify a minimum of 20 validation points on each ballot, has been made available to you for this forensic audit. This computer driven kinematic artifact technology results in a completely UNBIASED result, as opposed to the human eye kinematic artifact examination in the 2000 election. All human opinion is removed as computer vision, machine learning, and artificial intelligence examine the ballots as they are scanned. Just as the original paper ballots were audited in 2000 for kinematic artifacts, our physical paper ballots MUST also be forensically audited for kinematic artifacts. Kinematic artifact examination is a PROVEN process that has been utilized in various fields for decades. With the technology at our fingertips today, it is quick, thorough, and unbiased. Your constituents will accept nothing less.

The individual who has the technology and expertise to conduct a kinematic artifact audit is the same gentleman who created and patented the way for all Machine-Readable Codes (printed on paper) to link remotely with databases to confirm an individual’s identity, credentials and validate transactions. He is an expert in kinematic artifact detection and code reading. He is now adding the patent for kinematic artifact detection in ballots to his catalog of hundreds of inventions he has already patented. We vehemently reject the attempts by some of our Legislators to discredit his expertise and extensive background in technological development and patents.

Future election integrity and voter security has already been compromised. We do not trust the voting machines AZ selected. We do not trust the ballots. We do not trust many of those we elected. You, our elected Legislative members have been given the opportunity to do the right thing for your constituents’ futures. You must take the first steps in restoring our trust. A comprehensive voting machine and ballot forensic audit utilizing technology of this caliber has never been done before. This time in history calls for it. We the People of Arizona demand it.

AZ Senate President Karen Fann and our Legislative members will either go down in history as failures or frontrunners.

On behalf of our great state of Arizona, I pray you will be remembered as courageous trailblazers.


“Liz Harris interview today, Jan 23rd at the Az. Republican Party event. Update on the Election Audit in Arizona. We want a REAL Audit with reputable auditors, not the ones the Board of Supervisors want to hire to white wash the whole thing.”


Corrupt biased Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs celebrates with questionable Governor Ducey upon fraudulently certifying the votes while an election hearing was taking place.


More here:

Joe Biden cannot be impeached installed illegally by Pence and fellow “sunshine patriots” and traitors, Biden below 270 votes, State legislatures decertified fraudulent certifications

Joe Biden cannot be impeached installed illegally by Pence and fellow “sunshine patriots” and traitors, Biden below 270 votes, State legislatures decertified fraudulent certifications

“At least 238,272 ballots out of 523,779, 45 %, had to be adjudicated (had errors) in Fulton County Georgia. How can this happen?”…Citizen Wells

“The certification of Arizona’s FALSE results is unethical and knowingly participating in the corruption that has disenfranchised AZ voters,” …Jenna Ellis

“Katie Hobbs AZ Secretary of State: Trump derangement syndrome is not illegal, Election fraud, coverup and lying on vote certification is”…Citizen Wells


The Arizona legislature is currently trying to audit the election results in AZ and particularly the Dominion equipment and software.

They must scrutinize the high rate of adjudications in Maricopa County and statewide. The importance of this will be revealed.

Joe Biden needed 270 electoral votes to win.

He did not have them on January 6 or today.

VP Pence proceeded despite being warned by the true arbiters of the electoral college vote, the state legislatures as well as US Congress members.

In a least the battleground states corrupt election officials, including Secretaries of State, fraudulently certified their state elections and subsequent electoral college votes.

However, the state legislatures, with plenary power, have the final say.

Of course the deviously evil plan from the left and Democrat Party to disrupt the proceedings may have played a role.

Joe Biden did not have the requisite 270 votes on January 6.

He should not have been installed.

If Mike Pence had done his constitutional duty and taken the advice of constitutional expert and senator Ted Cruz, the proceedings would have been put on hold for 10 days to allow the state legislators to sort out the truth and say yea or nay to their slate of electors.

The state legislators are to be commended for speaking out about their election irregularities but could have done so more definitively by decertifying them.

However, using the term fraud and illegal is equivalent.


Senate report dated December 17, 2020.

“The oral testimonies of witnesses on December 3, 2020, and subsequently, the written testimonies submitted by many others, provide ample evidence that the 2020 Georgia General Election was so compromised by systemic irregularities and voter fraud that it should not be certified.”


Wisconsin Assembly Resolution 3 January 4, 2021.

“Whereas, the 2020 election and the recount of the results of the presidential
election have brought to light a number of areas in which the letter of the law is not being followed. Those circumstances of departure from the letter of the law include, but are not limited to, the following:”

“Resolved, That the members of the Wisconsin State Assembly place the
redress to these and other election law violations and failed administrative procedures as its highest priority and shall take up legislation crafted to ensure civil officers follow the laws as written.”


Pennsylvania Senate January 4, 2021.

“Due to the numerous unlawful violations taken by Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf; Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar; and the rogue State Supreme Court, the balance of power was taken from the State Legislature, who by the US and PA Constitutions set the time, place and manner of holding elections.”

“Due to these inconsistent and questionable activities, we believe that PA election results should not have been certified by our Secretary of State,”


Arizona State Rep. Mark Finchem November 30, 2020.

“We are clawing our electoral college votes back, we will not release them. That’s what I’m calling our colleagues in both the House and the Senate to do,” added Finchem. “Exercise our plenary authority under the U.S. Constitution.”

The Arizona legislature has been trying to do an audit since December 4, 2020. The Maricopa Board of Supervisors have fought this every step of the way including court battles. It appears that some sort of process is now underway.

Why the obstruction?

At this point we still do not know who won Arizona.

More here:


The legislature has moved slowly.


January 4, 2021.

“Michigan election investigation ‘has only begun,’ state Senate leader says

The Michigan Legislature’s review of the presidential election will continue “well into 2021,” according to Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, with Republicans planning to examine state laws on photo identification and early processing of ballots.”

“Shirkey said he hadn’t been contacted by any members of Congress as of Thursday about Michigan’s results. If he were, the Senate leader said he would tell them the Legislature’s investigation “has only begun” and lawmakers intend for it to be among the “highest of our priorities” in 2021.”

There is ongoing litigation and investigations in Michigan.

Electoral College vote status

States indicating their votes were illegally certified:

GA  16 electoral college votes

WI  10

PA  20

Total illegally certified votes  46.

Biden alleged total 306 – 46 = 260.

Joe Biden has 260 Maximum electoral votes.

Biden is not president!


There are 2 big common threads in the battleground states.

  1. Corrupt biased election officials.
  2. Unusually high adjudication (error) rates.

More coming soon.


Corrupt biased Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs celebrates with questionable Governor Ducey upon fraudulently certifying the votes while an election hearing was taking place.



More here:





We The People Az Alliance Petitions to Recall Maricopa Board of Supervisors Jan 25, 2021, Arizona legislature efforts to audit election obstructed by board

We The People Az Alliance Petitions to Recall Maricopa Board of Supervisors Jan 25, 2021, Arizona legislature efforts to audit election obstructed by board

“The certification of Arizona’s FALSE results is unethical and knowingly participating in the corruption that has disenfranchised AZ voters,” …Jenna Ellis

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”…Abraham Lincoln

“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”…Thomas Paine


The Arizona legislature has held hearings and has initiated investigations to audit and verify the 2020 election.

On December 4, 2020 the AZ legislature requested an audit of Dominion software and equipment used in Maricopa County.

The Maricopa Board of Supervisors has obstructed and delayed this effort every step of the way in and out of court.

It has only been in the past few days that they have apparently been required by a judge to cooperate.

Why have they done this?

Obvious conclusion. Guilt.

More here:

From the We The People Az Alliance.

“Our Mission

We the People is an American grass roots political action committee. Our goal is to take back the power from our elected and return it to We the People.

What We Do

When our elected officials work outside of the Constitution, we MUST act!

Working within the constraints of the Constitution, we will educate, demand swift action by our elected officials, and recall, remove, and replace the Oath Breakers.

What We Believe

We believe that the United States Constitution is the Supreme law of the land.

We believe that all power is inherent in the people.

We believe that all of mankind are created equal with inalienable God given rights.

We believe in the sole adherence to and the defense of the United States Constitution.

We believe in State Sovereignty.

We believe we must always stay vigilant, remain educated, and proactively work to safeguard our freedoms.

We believe that ACTION equals results. ”

Petitions to Recall Maricopa Board of Supervisors -Audit Coming soon



More here:



Arizona election certification authentication update Jan 25, 2021, AZ state legislature audit, Katie Hobbs et al biased and corrupt, Who really won 2020 election?

Arizona election certification authentication update Jan 25, 2021, AZ state legislature audit, Katie Hobbs et al biased and corrupt, Who really won 2020 election?

“Poll workers struggled to operate the new voting machines in Maricopa County, and improperly pressed and told voters to press a green button to override significant errors,”  “The result is that the voting machines disregarded votes cast by voters in person on Election Day in Maricopa County.”…Matt Morgan, Trump 2020 campaign’s general counsel

“The certification of Arizona’s FALSE results is unethical and knowingly participating in the corruption that has disenfranchised AZ voters,” …Jenna Ellis

“Katie Hobbs AZ Secretary of State: Trump derangement syndrome is not illegal, Election fraud, coverup and lying on vote certification is”…Citizen Wells


Arizona election process doomed from start. By design?

  1. Secretary of State Katie Hobbs was never going to conduct a fair election. On August 15, 2017 she tweeted: “.@realDonaldTrump has made it abundantly clear he’s more interested in pandering to his neo-nazi base than being @POTUS for all Americans.” Hobbs has resisted audit efforts.
  2. Maricopa County election officials are hiding something. Instead of complying with the subpoena of the state legislature they have battled to fight an audit. This is a clear admission of guilt.
  3. Sharpie pens were recommended by Dominion but numerous voters had problems with them. These issues were dismissed by Hobbs with help from the fake news media. However, from the State of Texas evaluation of Dominion: “when the black sharpie was used during testing, it did, on a few occasions, bleed through to the back side of the two-sided ballot in such a way that it could confuse the ballot scanner or kick the ballot out. “
  4. The voting equipment and procedures in place were suspect.



How this has played out

  1. Why did Fox News call Arizona for Biden prematurely? Was it rigged?
  2. 10,457 votes allegedly separate the 2 candidates. .3 % of total votes.
  3. On November 12 AZ was still too close to call.
  4. Attorney Sidney Powell stated on the Maria Bartiroma Show that there were 42k ballots in AZ with only Joe Biden’s name.
  5. November 7 Trump lawsuit cited numerous irregularities.
  6. The so called “hand audit” raised more questions than it answered.
  7. An election integrity hearing took place on November 30, 2020.
  8. Katie Hobbs, in the middle of the hearing, prematurely and fraudulently certified the AZ votes. See celebration photo below.
  9. Arizona state rep Finchem Nov 30: “We are clawing our electoral college votes back, we will not release them. That’s what I’m calling our colleagues in both the House and the Senate to do,”  “Exercise our plenary authority under the U.S. Constitution.”
  10. Dec 2: 2 % of judge granted sample of 100 ballots reduced Trump vote. 3 % vote differential.
  11. Dec 4: 1,526 ballot sample revealed .5 % error rate, Greater than vote difference.
  12. Dec 4: AZ legislature requested audit of Dominion software and equipment used in Maricopa County.
  13. Dec 7: AZ GOP calls for decertification of election results and appeals to Arizona Supreme Court.
  14. Liz Harris AZ state rep candidate research found 539 “phantom sleeper voters” out of 2,000 door knocks using Bobby Piton analysis data.
  15. Dec 18: Maricopa Board of Supervisors refused subpoenas to turn over Dominion Voting Machines for an audit.
  16. Maricopa County election officials continue to stonewall to prevent efforts by Arizona legislators to examine Dominion Voting equipment or other election data.
  17. By Jan 20 Maricopa Board of Supervisors had been ordered by a judge to cooperate and legal wrangling began as to the details.
  18. What have they been hiding?

The actions of the Maricopa Board of Supervisors to obstruct and delay the election audit are a clear admission of guilt.


Questions needing answers

  1.  How many total adjudicated ballots in Arizona?
  2. There were over 200,000 adjudicated ballots in Maricopa County. Why?
  3. Where are the original ballots if replaced during adjudication?
  4. Were original ballots examined and counted during alleged hand counts?
  5. Were all of the adjudicated ballots overseen by both political parties? Where is the proof?
  6. Have all of the fraud, irregularities and illegalities addressed in the election integrity hearing of Nov 30 been addressed and answered?

Remember, corrupt biased Secretary of State Katie Hobbs rushed to certify the votes while the election hearing was taking place knowing full well that all of the votes were not legal.

The following is a large segment from the hearing:

Last question:

Why has Katie Hobbs not yet been arrested?


More here:


No 2020 election fraud Big Lie destroyed by law professor Davide K. Clements “’I’m in possession of 574 pages of sworn affidavits, forensic reports”

No 2020 election fraud Big Lie destroyed by law professor Davide K. Clements “’I’m in possession of 574 pages of sworn affidavits, forensic reports”

“The Components of Hitler’s Propaganda Machine
To poison German attitudes toward Jews, the Nazis built a tremendous propaganda machine. But what were its components? Hitler and
his henchmen persuaded German citizens to destroy the Jews in three
principal ways: (1) through pervasive hate rhetoric from leading members of the Nazi power hierarchy; (2) through coordinating all hate
speech activity via creation of the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda (Propaganda Ministry), helmed by Joseph Goebbels; and (3) through eliminating independent print media.”...Nuremberg Propaganda Prosecutions

“The oral testimonies of witnesses on December 3, 2020, and subsequently, the written testimonies submitted by many others, provide ample evidence that the 2020 Georgia General Election was so compromised by systemic irregularities and voter fraud that it should not be certified.”...Georgia Senate report December 17, 2020

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”…Joseph Goebbels


From GateWay Pundit January 24, 2021.

“Update on the BIG LIE: Law Professor Confirms Election Fraud Evidence Is “Significant” – Cases Only Dismissed on Process Grounds Not Merit”

“Law Professor Davide K. Clements released a rebuttal video recently refuting the BIG LIE, that there was no evidence of election fraud in the 2020 election.

As The Gateway Pundit has reported for months now the fraud was extensive and historic.”

“A business law professor at New Mexico State University (NMSU) said that anyone who proposes there “is no evidence” for massive election fraud in November’s presidential election doesn’t know what they are talking about.

Professor David K. Clements released a provocative video in response to a letter sent to the entire faculty of NMSU from Dr. John Floros, the university’s president. Clements described the letter as “regurgitating” the narrative “in the media” regarding the election and the January 6 violence at the U.S. Capital.

While broadly addressing many issues on these topics, he was very specific with regards to his own personal investigation into the election fraud question.

For those who believe “there is no evidence, you don’t know what you are talking about,” he said. “I’ve reviewed hours upon hours of public hearings. I have read almost all of the lawsuits that are out there. Most of them were dismissed on legal process grounds.”

These suits, he said, were dismissed due to a legal lack of standing. “The general argument” that was presented in these cases, he said, “was that because this was a general harm,” then “you have no standing because your harm has to be particular. It’s not because there isn’t evidence. There is evidence,” the professor emphasized.

“In fact, I’m in possession of 574 pages of sworn affidavits, forensic reports, all of which would make its way in a court of law under the rules of evidence in a federal or state court. The fact that the evidence has not been heard here by these courts” should not be conflated into “this idea that there is no evidence,” Clements argued.”

Read more:

You won’t find the following reported by the Fake News Media or Nazi Brownshirts at Twitter:


Jefferson, et al v Dane County, et al. decision filed December 14, 2020.

“(1) Respondents lack the authority to issue an
interpretation of Wisconsin’s election law allowing all electors
in Dane County to obtain an absentee ballot without a photo
identification and (2) Governor Evers’ Emergency Order #12
(“Emergency Order #12″) did not authorize all Wisconsin voters to
obtain an absentee ballot without a photo identification.”

“we conclude that Emergency Order #12 did not render
all Wisconsin electors “indefinitely confined,” thereby obviating
the requirement of a valid photo identification to obtain an
absentee ballot.”

“¶23 The plain language of Wis. Stat. § 6.86(2)(a) requires
that each elector make an individual assessment to determine
whether he or she qualifies as indefinitely confined or disabled
for an indefinite period. A county clerk may not “declare” that
any elector is indefinitely confined due to a pandemic. This
conclusion is supported by two distinct, but equally important,


Wisconsin Assembly Resolution 3 January 4, 2021.

“Whereas, the 2020 election and the recount of the results of the presidential
election have brought to light a number of areas in which the letter of the law is not being followed. Those circumstances of departure from the letter of the law include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Clerks provided absentee ballots to electors without applications, as
required by Wis. Stat. § 6.86.
2. Clerks and deputy clerks authorized by the municipal clerk failed to write
on the official ballot, in the space for official endorsement, the clerk’s initials and
official title, as required by Wis. Stat. § 6.87 (1).
3. Clerks issued absentee ballots to electors who were required to enclose a copy
of proof of identification or an authorized substitute document, but who failed to do so under Wis. Stat. § 6.87 (1).
4. Clerks failed to enter initials on ballot envelopes indicating whether the
elector is exempt from providing proof of identification, as required by Wis. Stat. § 6.87 (2).
5. Clerks in Milwaukee and Dane Counties declared electors in their counties
to be “indefinitely confined” under Wis. Stat. § 6.86 (2), causing chaos and confusion, and failed to keep current the mailing list established under that subsection; more than 215,000 electors thus avoided identification requirements and safeguards that the legislature has established.
6. Clerks and the boards of canvassers permitted absentee ballots returned
without the required witness address under Wis. Stat. § 6.87 (2) to be counted in
contravention of Wis. Stat. § 6.87 (6d).
7. Clerks who received absentee ballots with improperly completed certificates
or no certificates filled in missing information in contravention of Wis. Stat. § 6.87 (9).

8. The Wisconsin Elections Commission, in contravention of Wis. Stat. § 6.875,
barred special voting deputies from entering qualified nursing homes and assisted living facilities, instead mailing ballots to residents directly, thereby avoiding safeguards the legislature put in place to protect our most vulnerable citizens and loved ones.
9. The clerk of the City of Madison ignored Wis. Stat. § 6.855 and created an
event named “Democracy in the Park” and, of her own accord, designated alternate sites where absentee ballots could be collected; these ballots were counted in contravention of Wis. Stat. § 6.87 (6);”


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