Category Archives: Election


“President Elect”, Do not lie to my grandkids, No President Elect until Congress certifies votes of electors of Electoral College, No winner of general election yet

“President Elect”, Do not lie to my grandkids, No President Elect until Congress certifies votes of electors of Electoral College, No winner of general election yet

“Our Constitution is in actual operation; everything appears to promise
that it will last; but nothing in this world is certain but death and
taxes.”     Benjamin Franklin

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”...Abraham Lincoln

“The (American) press, which is mostly controlled by vested
interests, has an excessive influence on public opinion.”... Albert Einstein







There is no President Elect!

For that matter, there is not a winner of the general election yet.

The fake news media lies constantly.

We are supposed to be better educated.

I was and I expect the folks teaching our kids to be.

In the general election, we elect electors of the Electoral College who meet and elect the president.

Even then there is no President Elect until Congress certifies those votes in January.

Make sure your grandkids are taught this!

From Citizen Wells December 13, 2008.

Presidential Election


Q: What is the Electoral College?:

A: The Electoral College was established by the founding fathers
as a compromise between election of the president by Congress and
election by popular vote. The people of the United States vote for
the electors who then vote for the President. Read more

Q: Frequently asked questions:

A: Read more here

Q: Why did the Founding Fathers create the Electoral College?:

A:  The Founding Father’s intent

Here is a quote by Alexander Hamilton who, like many of the founding
fathers, was “afraid a tyrant could manipulate public opinion and come
to power.” Hamilton wrote in the Federalist Papers:

“It was equally desirable, that the immediate election should be made
by men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station,
and acting under circumstances favorable to deliberation, and to a
judicious combination of all the reasons and inducements which were
proper to govern their choice. A small number of persons, selected by
their fellow-citizens from the general mass, will be most likely to
possess the information and discernment requisite to such complicated
investigations. It was also peculiarly desirable to afford as little
opportunity as possible to tumult and disorder. This evil was not least
to be dreaded in the election of a magistrate, who was to have so
important an agency in the administration of the government as the
President of the United States. But the precautions which have been so
happily concerted in the system under consideration, promise an
effectual security against this mischief.”

Q: What are the state laws governing Electors?:

A: List of states and restrictions on Electors

Q: What are so called “Faithless Electors”?:

A: “The Supreme Court has held that the Constitution does not require
that electors be completely free to act as they choose and therefore,
political parties may extract pledges from electors to vote for the
parties’ nominees. Some State laws provide that so-called “faithless
electors” may be subject to fines or may be disqualified for casting
an invalid vote and be replaced by a substitute elector. The Supreme
Court has not specifically ruled on the question of whether pledges
and penalties for failure to vote as pledged may be enforced under
the Constitution. No elector has ever been prosecuted for failing to
vote as pledged.” Read more here

The US Supreme Court Obviously has not given Electors the option to
violate the US Constitution. Therefore, obviously, if the presidential
candidate is qualified, party pledges and state laws are permissable.

Q: What must an Elector be aware of when voting for a presidential candidate?:

 A: The following are important considerations when casting a vote. Voting
as instructed by a political party, another person, or a state law in
conflict with the US Constitution or Federal Election Laws is a serious
matter. Those not voting in accordance with higher laws are subject to
prosecution and may be guilty of “High Crimes and Misdemeanors.”
High Crimes and Misdemeanors


“The following provisions of law governing Presidential Elections are contained in Chapter 1 of Title 3, United States Code (62 Stat. 672, as amended):”

“§ 8.   The electors shall vote for President and Vice President, respectively, in the manner directed by the Constitution.”


“There is no Constitutional provision or Federal law that requires
electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in
their States. Some States, however, require electors to cast their
votes according to the popular vote. These pledges fall into two
categories—electors bound by State law and those bound by pledges
to political parties.”   (From US National Archives)


“It turns out there is no federal law that requires an elector to
vote according to their pledge (to their respective party). And so,
more than a few electors have cast their votes without following the
popular vote or their party. These electors are called “faithless

In response to these faithless electors’ actions, several states
have created laws to enforce an elector’s pledge to his or her party
vote or the popular vote. Some states even go the extra step to
assess a misdemeanor charge and a fine to such actions. For example,
the state of North Carolina charges a fine of $10,000 to faithless

It’s important to note, that although these states have created these
laws, a large number of scholars believe that such state-level laws
hold no true bearing and would not survive constitutional challenge.”
Read more here


Ҥ 3192. Meeting of electors; duties.
The electors chosen, as aforesaid, shall assemble at the seat
of government of this Commonwealth, at 12 o’clock noon of the
day which is, or may be, directed by the Congress of the United
States, and shall then and there perform the duties enjoined upon
them by the Constitution and laws of the United States

“The mysteries of the Electoral College has enabled Pennsylvania
to play an unusually major role in determining who is President.
In 1796, Thomas Jefferson defeated John Adams in Pennsylvania’s
popular election by only 62 votes, but the Pennsylvania electors
gave Jefferson 14 votes and Adams 1, though Adams did win the
Electoral vote, 71 to 68.” Read more here


1860 election: 4 electors in New Jersey, pledged for Stephen Douglas,
voted for Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln.

Q: What happens after the Electoral College vote?:

A: Electoral College procedures

Q: What is the significance of your vote?:

A: The US Constitution clearly gives the states the power
and duties associated with electing a qualified president.
It is also clear that the states have not performed their
duties to ensure that the Electoral College votes will be
for a Qualified candidate. The Electors have a constitutional
duty to perform that supersedes any party contract or state
law. Each day that passes without verification of eligibility
of any candidate being voted for by Electors, brings us closer
to a constitutional crisis. There are pending court cases before
the US Supreme Court and state courts. Congress will meet in
January to count and certify votes and there will certainly be
challenges in Congress. If Congress or the courts shall fail to
do their duty, a Supreme Court Justice will be faced with a
decision to uphold the Constitution. The crisis will increase
in intensity.


More here:


Massive Detroit election fraud alleged in Costantino and McCall v City of Detroit Election Commission et al, Nov 8, 2020, “numerous issues of fraud and misconduct”

Massive Detroit election fraud alleged in Costantino and McCall v City of Detroit Election Commission et al, Nov 8, 2020, “numerous issues of fraud and misconduct”

“Shipp says the Democrats know they most likely will not win back the White House in the upcoming Presidential election. Shipp contends, “Their chance of winning in 2020, especially now with Trump’s success, is getting slim, and they are getting desperate. When they get desperate, and they have done this before, I think we can count on voter fraud. They are going to have to use it, and they have used it before. In any event, they have very little chance of winning now, in my view, because the majority of Americans find their platform distasteful. So, I think this (voter fraud) is going to happen.”…Kevin Shipp

“I don’t think it’s just confined to Philadelphia,” he said, adding his “instincts” tell him election fraud is taking place in other cities like Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Las Vegas.

“Coming out of the Democratic Chicago political establishment I know how they operate,” he said, pointing out Democrats control the political apparatus that counts the votes, the polling places, and the people who count the votes. “It’s a time-honored tradition” he said of Democratic election fraud.”…Rod Blagojevich, NewsMax Nov 6, 2020

“Michigan voter rolls ripe for fraud, Voter registrations exceed eligible voters, Explains 67% voter participation, Explains deceased voting”…Citizen Wells Nov 9, 2020





her official capacity as the CLERK OF THE 
CITY OF DETROIT and the Chairperson of
CATHY M. GARRETT, in her official
capacity as the CLERK OF WAYNE

November 8, 2020.

NOW COMES the above-named Plaintiffs, CHERYL A. COSTANTINO AND EDWARD P. MCCALL, JR. (hereinafter “Plaintiff”), by and through their attorneys, GREAT LAKES JUSTICE CENTER, and for their Complaint hereby states as follows:”

3. In summary, this Complaint raises numerous instances of fraud, including, but not limited to:
a. Defendants systematically processed and counted ballots from voters whose name failed to appear in either the Qualified Voter File (QVF) or in the supplemental sheets. When a voter’s name could not be found, the election worker assigned the ballot to a random name already in the QVF to a person who had not voted.
b. Defendants instructed election workers to not verify signatures on absentee ballots, to backdate absentee ballots, and to process such ballots regardless of their validity.
c. After election officials announced the last absentee ballots had been received,
another batch of unsecured and unsealed ballots, without envelopes, arrived in trays at the TCF Center. There were tens of thousands of these absentee ballots, and apparently every ballot was counted and attributed only to Democratic candidates.
d. Defendants instructed election workers to process ballots that appeared after the election deadline and to falsely report that those ballots had been received prior to November 3, 2020 deadline.
e. Defendants systematically used false information to process ballots, such as using incorrect or false birthdays. Many times, the election workers inserted new names into the QVF after the election and recorded these new voters as having a birthdate of 1/1/1900.
f. On a daily basis leading up to the election, City of Detroit election workers and employees coached voters to vote for Joe Biden and the Democrat party. These
workers and employees encouraged voters to do a straight Democrat ballot. These election workers and employees went over to the voting booths with voters in order to watch them vote and coach them for whom to vote.
g. Unsecured ballots arrived at the TCF Center loading garage, not in sealed ballot boxes, without any chain of custody, and without envelopes.
h. Defendant election officials and workers refused to record challenges to their
processes and removed challengers from the site if they politely voiced a challenge.
i. After poll challengers started discovering the fraud taking place at the TCF Center, Defendant election officials and workers locked credentialed challengers out of the counting room so they could not observe the process, during which time tens of thousands of ballots were processed.
j. Defendant election officials and workers allowed ballots to be duplicated by hand without allowing poll challengers to check if the duplication was accurate. In fact, election officials and workers repeatedly obstructed poll challengers from
observing. Defendants permitted thousands of ballots to be filled out by hand and duplicated on site without oversight from poll challengers.”

Read more:


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Donald Trump v Kathy Boockvar Pennsylvania Secretary of Commonwealth, Nov 9, 2020, 2 counties processed 682479 ballots without review, Advantaged voters in Democratic heavy counties 

Donald Trump v Kathy Boockvar Pennsylvania Secretary of Commonwealth, Nov 9, 2020, 2 counties processed 682479 ballots without review, Advantaged voters in Democratic heavy counties

“Shipp says the Democrats know they most likely will not win back the White House in the upcoming Presidential election. Shipp contends, “Their chance of winning in 2020, especially now with Trump’s success, is getting slim, and they are getting desperate. When they get desperate, and they have done this before, I think we can count on voter fraud. They are going to have to use it, and they have used it before. In any event, they have very little chance of winning now, in my view, because the majority of Americans find their platform distasteful. So, I think this (voter fraud) is going to happen.”…Kevin Shipp

“I don’t think it’s just confined to Philadelphia,” he said, adding his “instincts” tell him election fraud is taking place in other cities like Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Las Vegas.

“Coming out of the Democratic Chicago political establishment I know how they operate,” he said, pointing out Democrats control the political apparatus that counts the votes, the polling places, and the people who count the votes. “It’s a time-honored tradition” he said of Democratic election fraud.”…Rod Blagojevich, NewsMax Nov 6, 2020


From Donald Trump v Kathy Boockvar Pennsylvania Secretary of Commonwealth, et al November 9, 2020.

4. Allegheny and Philadelphia Counties alone received and processed
682,479 mail-in and absentee ballots without review by the political parties and
candidates. These are unprecedented numbers in Pennsylvania’s elections history. Rather than engaging in an open and transparent process to give credibility to Pennsylvania’s brand-new voting system, the processes were hidden during the receipt, review, opening, and tabulation of those 682,479 votes in direct contravention of the Election Code.
5. Allegheny and Pennsylvania counties conducted the canvassing and
tabulation in convention center rooms and placed observers far away from the action. In the case of Philadelphia County, when an emergency order was issued requiring them to provide meaningful access to representatives, Philadelphia failed to comply.
6. Worse, Democratic-heavy counties violated the mandates of the
Election Code and the determinations of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court,
advantaging voters in Democratic-heavy counties as compared to those in
Republican-heavy counties. Democratic-heavy counties engaged in pre-canvass
activities prior to November 3, 2020, by reviewing received mail-in ballots for
deficiencies, such as lacking the inner secrecy envelope or lacking a signature of the elector on the outer declaration envelope. Those offending Counties then would notify those voters in order to allow them to cure their ballot deficiencies by voting provisionally on Election Day or cancelling their previously mailed ballot and issuing a replacement. In other words, those counties provided their mail-in voters with the opportunity to cure mail-in and absentee ballot deficiencies, while Republican-heavy counties followed the law and did not provide a notice and cure process, disenfranchising those that themselves complied with the Election Code to case legal votes.”

Read more:


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Michigan voter rolls ripe for fraud, Voter registrations exceed eligible voters, Explains 67% voter participation, Explains deceased voting

Michigan voter rolls ripe for fraud, Voter registrations exceed eligible voters, Explains 67% voter participation, Explains deceased voting

“Shipp says the Democrats know they most likely will not win back the White House in the upcoming Presidential election. Shipp contends, “Their chance of winning in 2020, especially now with Trump’s success, is getting slim, and they are getting desperate. When they get desperate, and they have done this before, I think we can count on voter fraud. They are going to have to use it, and they have used it before. In any event, they have very little chance of winning now, in my view, because the majority of Americans find their platform distasteful. So, I think this (voter fraud) is going to happen.”…Kevin Shipp

“Judicial Watch Finds Millions of ‘Extra’ Registrants on Voting Rolls – Warns California, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Colorado, Virginia to Clean Up Voting Rolls or Face a Federal Lawsuit”…Jan 2, 2020

“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”…Jesus, John 8:32


Michigan’s voter participation rate in the 2020 election is 67%.

That raised red flags.

Michigan has a population of 10 million.

And 8,128,934 registered voters.

NC has a population of 10.5 million and 7 million registered voters.

See a problem?

Not purging voter rolls of deceased or moved voters facilitates voter fraud.

President Trump’s legal team has already been finding examples of deceased voting.

Judicial Watch has been on the forefront of exposing state election boards not purging their  rolls.

They have filed numerous lawsuits.

From Judicial Watch October 16, 2020.


“*Michigan: Statewide (105%); Leelanau County (119%); Otsego County (118%); Antrim County (116%); Kalkaska County (115%); Emmet County (114%); Berrien County (114%); Keweenaw County (114%); Benzie County (113%); Washtenaw County (113%); Mackinac County (112%); Dickinson County (112%); Roscommon County (112%); Charlevoix County (112%); Grand Traverse County (111%); Oakland County (110%); Iron County (110%); Monroe County (109%); Genesee County (109%); Ontonagon County (109%); Gogebic County (109%); Livingston County (109%); Alcona County (108%); Cass County (108%); Allegan County (108%); Oceana County (107%); Midland County (107%); Kent County (107%); Montmorency County (107%); Van Buren County (107%); Wayne County (107%); Schoolcraft County (107%); Mason County (107%); Oscoda County (107%); Iosco County (107%); Wexford County (106%); Presque Isle County (106%); Delta County (106%); Alpena County (106%); St Clair County (106%); Cheboygan County (105%); Newaygo County (105%); Barry County (105%); Gladwin County (105%); Menominee County (105%); Crawford County (105%); Muskegon County (105%); Kalamazoo County (104%); St. Joseph County (104%); Ottawa County (103%); Clinton County (103%); Saginaw County (103%); Manistee County (103%); Lapeer County (103%); Calhoun County (103%); Ogemaw County (103%); Macomb County (103%); Missaukee County (102%); Eaton County (102%); Shiawassee County (102%); Huron County (102%); Lenawee County (101%); Branch County (101%); Osceola County (101%); Clare County (100%); Arenac County (100%); Bay County (100%); Lake County (100%)”

From Fox News June 9, 2020.

“Lawsuit claims Michigan risks fraud, as county has more registered voters than people who can vote

A voter filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Bureau of Elections Director Jonathan Brater and other officials, claiming that in at least 16 counties voter rolls have not been properly maintained and that this leaves them vulnerable to fraud in November’s election.

Tony Daunt, a Republican active in his state and county parties, alleges that the Michigan voter registration rates in these counties are “suspiciously high” because their voting records have not been cleaned out to remove ineligible voters, including those who have died, moved, or been convicted of felonies.”

Read more:


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FBI interfered in 2020 election by withholding Hunter Biden laptop, USDOJ still very corrupt by March 2020, Timely release likely would have affected Biden’s nomination

FBI interfered in 2020 election by withholding Hunter Biden laptop, USDOJ still very corrupt by March 2020, Timely release likely would have affected Biden’s nomination

“Instead of doing so, the government has continued to defy its
constitutional, ethical and legal obligations to this Court and to the defense, and to hide evidence that it knows exonerates Mr. Flynn. As is the essence of the problem here, instead of protecting its citizens, the “government” is protecting its own criminal conduct and operatives.”…Attorney Sidney Powell 

“We know truth of something being falsely stated to public”...FBI General Flynn notes January 25, 2017

“FBI Is Stonewalling Congressional Oversight On Hunter Biden”…The Federalist October 8, 2020


Fact: The Obama Justice Department and FBI that President Trump inherited was corrupt.

Fact: The Hunter Biden laptop was in the possession of the FBI in December 2019.

Fact: If the data from the laptop had been made available to Congress, it is likely the impeachment of President Trump would have been stopped in its tracks.

Fact: If the data from the laptop had been provided to Senate committees by March 2020, it is likely that Joe Biden would not have received the Democrat nomination.

The FBI interfered in the 2020 election!

From Citizen Wells October 25, 2020.

“From the Senate Committees on Homeland Security and Finance:

Hunter Biden, Burisma,
and Corruption:
The Impact on U.S.
Government Policy and
Related Concerns

September 23, 2020.

“On July 16, mere days before the Democrats’ July 13 letter became public, Ranking Member Peters and Ranking Member Wyden wrote to the Chairmen to request a briefing from the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force and other relevant members of the IC on matters related to the Committees’ investigation.233 On July 28, 2020, the Chairmen responded to the Ranking
Members and reminded them that in March 2020, the FBI and relevant members of the IC had briefed the Committees regarding the investigation and provided assurances at that time that there was no reason that the Committees should not continue their investigation.”

July 28, 2020 Letter:

“We write in response to your July 16, 2020 letter, which “reiterate[s]” a request for a member briefing from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and relevant members of the Intelligence Community (IC). As you are fully aware, the FBI advised all of us during a March 2020 staff briefing that there was nothing to preclude the continuation of our investigation.
Nevertheless, HSGAC Majority and Minority requested a member briefing from these agencies months ago. Those agencies made clear to our staff that they did not have any additional information to provide and that the relevant written products members have had access to for months speak for themselves.”

After taking possession of the Hunter Biden laptop in December 2019, the FBI tells them in a March 2020 meeting:

“made clear to our staff that they did not have any additional information to provide”

So who at the FBI kept this important information from the Senate Committees?”

From Attorney Ty Clevenger July 22, 2020.

“A couple of weeks ago I noticed that the FBI’s FOIA letters were no longer signed by Section Chief David M. Hardy, but by Acting Section Chief Michael G. Seidel. What happened to Mr. Hardy? You may recall that Mr. Hardy filed a sworn declaration in 2018 claiming that the FBI searched its files and located no records about Seth Rich.

In September of 2019, however, Judicial Watch obtained an email string about Seth Rich in response to a FOIA request for communications between FBI lovebirds Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, and in March of 2020 former U.S. Attorney Deborah Sines testified that the FBI had investigated Seth Rich’s laptop and his online accounts. In other words, Mr. Hardy’s testimony was false.

I repeatedly asked U.S. Attorney John Durham and DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz to investigate whether Mr. Hardy lied under oath, and in an April 22, 2020 letter Mr. Horowitz wrote that he referred my complaint to the FBI’s Inspection Division. Was Mr. Hardy forced out? I don’t know, but if you have any inside information, please send it my way.”

The withholding of evidence was so bad in the General Michael Flynn case that Attorney General Barr stepped in and appointed a special investigator.

“Beginning in January 2020, at the direction of Attorney General William P. Barr, the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri (“USA EDMO”) has been conducting a review of the Michael T. Flynn investigation. The review by USA EDMO has involved the analysis of reports related to the investigation along with communications and notes by Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) personnel associated with the investigation.

The enclosed documents were obtained and analyzed by USA EDMO in March and April 2020 and are provided to you as a result of this ongoing review; additional documents may be forthcoming. These materials are covered by the Protective Order entered by the Court on February 21, 2018.”

The Justice Dept. has continued to find “hidden” exculpatory information in the Flynn case and filed it as late as late September.

So what happened to David M. Hardy, the former FBI FOIA chief?


More here:










Hunter Biden computer “chain of evidence” documented by at least 5 legal entities, Giuliani attorney Costello former Deputy Chief US Attorney’s Office Southern District NY

Hunter Biden computer “chain of evidence” documented by at least 5 legal entities, Giuliani attorney Costello former Deputy Chief US Attorney’s Office Southern District NY

“I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what? They’re not competition for us,”...Joe Biden on China May 2019

“If I’m somebody that has no journalistic ability, no detective ability or investigative ability and I was able to find stuff in a short period of time, somebody else should have been able to find something to show,”...Computer repairman John Paul Mac Isaac 

“The subpoena was served by an FBI agent whose name is Joshua Wilson, and over the last five years he has been working on child pornography issues. Connect the dots – if an FBI agent is working on child pornography issues for five years, why is he subpoenaing the laptop of Hunter Biden? Is there a connection here? Should this suggest that there’s a child pornography issue here on that laptop?”…Maria Bartiroma

***  Important Update 12:00 PM  ***

“Director Of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe told Fox Business on Monday morning that Hunter Biden’s laptop and emails are not part of a Russian disinformation campaign.”


The usual deep state mouthpieces, Democrats like Adam Schiff, fake news media, etc. have begun their intense damage control to lie about and obfuscate any news about the Hunter Biden computer (laptop and hard drive).

They are trying again to blame this on the Russians.

Hunter Biden Russian?

He is the one who submitted and abandoned his computer equipment for repair.

This is well documented from Biden’s signature to the documentation provided by at least 5 legal entities with substantial credentials. Not to mention the fact that Hunter Biden’s attorney contacted the repair shop.

  1. Lesley Wolf. US Attorney who signed subpoena to obtain Hunter Biden computer equipment dated December 9, 2019.
  2. Joshua Wilson. “The subpoena was served by an FBI agent whose name is Joshua Wilson, and over the last five years he has been working on child pornography issues. Connect the dots – if an FBI agent is working on child pornography issues for five years, why is he subpoenaing the laptop of Hunter Biden? Is there a connection here? Should this suggest that there’s a child pornography issue here on that laptop?”  more here:
  3. Robert J. Costello. Rudy Giuliani attorney.

Attorney Costello is the former Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division for the US Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York.

Costello admitted he received a copy of the Hunter Biden computer contents from the Isaac repair shop.

A lawyer for President Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, told Fox News on Wednesday he has obtained a hard drive containing some 40,000 emails, thousands of text messages, and photographs and videos of Hunter Biden – the son of former Vice President Joe Biden – in “very compromising positions.”

4. Rudy Giuliani explains how attorney Robert Costello obtained Hunter Biden’s computer data and what steps he took to verify the contents.

Rudy Giuliani explained, to the extent allowed by law, what he had discovered from Hunter Biden’s computer contents.

5. Ron Johnson. As Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, wrote a letter to FBI Director Wray.

“On September 24, 2020, the day after Chairman Grassley and I released our report titled, Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and RelatedConcerns,
 a whistleblower contacted my committee and informed my staff that he had possession of a laptop left in his business by Hunter Biden. He also informed us that he provided its contents to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in response to a December 9, 2019 grand jury subpoena.”

This was clearly not a Russian job.

Clearly well documented and verified.



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Joe Biden “does not have the mental capacity” for presidency Obama Trump White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson, Biden have Parkinson’s?

Joe Biden “does not have the mental capacity” for presidency Obama Trump White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson, Biden have Parkinson’s?

“A resting tremor is an involuntary shaking that can affect parts of or the entire body. Joe Biden has displayed both tremors of the hand and full body tremors. Tremors affect 80% of people with Parkinson’s. Tremors are the most common symptom of Parkinson’s. Tremors fit the TRAP acronym recognized by the medical community”

“I’ve watched Joe Biden on the campaign trail, and I’m concerned that he does not have the mental capacity, the cognitive ability, to serve as our commander in chief. He routinely gets lost in the middle of a thought and can’t recalibrate.”...former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson

“Do you really want far left radical Kamala Harris as president?”…Citizen Wells


“From Just The News October 13, 2020.

‘Not up to the job’: Former White House doctor says Biden lacks ‘mental capacity’ for presidency

Trump campaign holds press call “exposing Joe Biden’s unfitness for office.”

When the late Sen. John McCain ran for president in 2008, questions about his health — physical and mental — swirled. Americans were well aware that should McCain die in office, his vice president, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, would’ve become president.

Had he been elected, he would have been 72 years old when he moved into the White House. So Americans may have that same concern with Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, who would be 78 if he wins the election.

Cue former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson,  who held the prestigious post from 2013 to 2018, serving both Trump and President Obama. Jackson on Tuesday said Biden “does not have the mental capacity” to be able to handle the presidency and the job of commander in chief.

“He is not up to the job,” Jackson told reporters in a conference call set up by President Trump’s reelection campaign. “I’ve watched Joe Biden on the campaign trail, and I’m concerned that he does not have the mental capacity, the cognitive ability, to serve as our commander in chief. He routinely gets lost in the middle of a thought and can’t recalibrate.”

“I actually don’t even practice medicine at this point,” said Jackson, a retired rear admiral who is now running as a Republican for a House seat in Texas. But he added: “I’m a physician, obviously, so I’ve seen a little bit about how the issues with cognitive ability, how they start.”

“I’m not making a medical assessment,” the doctor said. “I never took care of Vice President Biden. I’m not trying to remotely diagnose him with anything. I’m saying it as a concerned citizen. We can all see … something’s going on here.”

“He is having some extremely bad days,” the doctor said. “This is serious. We’re picking a commander in chief [who] has to be at the top of their game cognitively. And he’s really not.””

Read more;

Does Joe Biden have Parkinson’s?

More at:


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President Trump “I didn’t need to do this” (to win the election), Washington Post, Politicians take out of context and lie, Post awarded nth degree Bozos

President Trump “I didn’t need to do this” (to win the election), Washington Post, Politicians take out of context and lie, Post awarded nth degree Bozos

“I will never waver from my sacred duty to defend this Nation and its people. We will get the job done.”…President Trump

“We believe CNN declined a report from KUSI because we informed them that most Border Patrol Agents we have spoken to told us the barrier does in fact work,“…KUSI TV San Diego

“We are being lied to on a scale unimaginable by George Orwell.”…Citizen Wells


Once again the fake news media, politicians and other agenda driven entities have lied about something President Trump has said.

President Trump, since he began running for president and consistently afterwards has spoken about the emergency, the crisis regarding our nation’s security and securing our borders.


And it clearly is.

From the fake news Washington Post.

“The idea that the situation at the border is truly a “national emergency” already strained credulity. And at Friday’s news conference, President Trump might have just erased any doubt about his true motivation.

In the Rose Garden, Trump issued the national emergency declaration he has been threatening for more than a month. In the process, he basically admitted he doesn’t even really see the situation at the border as an emergency.

The key quote came when the Q&A portion started. Trump was challenged by NBC’s Peter Alexander on why he couldn’t bend Congress to his will — as he previously said a president should be able to do — rather than take unilateral action.

“I didn’t need to do this,” Trump said. “But I’d rather do it much faster.”

Trump then blamed 2020 politics for Democrats not supporting wall and repeated: “I just want to do it faster.”

If it’s truly an emergency, how can you say you didn’t need to declare an emergency? Trump basically admitted that this was a choice for him — a matter of expediency, quite literally — and not something required by events on the ground.”

Read more (if you can stomach it):

From the real news, Citizen Wells News.

“Trump “I didn’t need to do this” spoken in context of election and building the wall, He didn’t need to do to get reelected, Faster for nation’s security

President Trump, during his question and answer session following his February 15, 2019 press conference on funding for the border wall, stated the following:

“In fact, the primary fight was on the wall.  Everything else, we have so much, as I said, I don’t know what to do with it we have so much money.  But on the wall, they skimped.

So I did — I was successful, in that sense, but I want to do it faster.  I could do the wall over a longer period of time.  I didn’t need to do this.  But I’d rather do it much faster.  And I don’t have to do it for the election.  I’ve already done a lot of wall, for the election — 2020.  And the only reason we’re up here talking about this is because of the election, because they want to try and win an election, which it looks like they’re not going to be able to do.  And this is one of the ways they think they can possibly win, is by obstruction and a lot of other nonsense.”

“I didn’t need to do this” was spoken in the context of the 2020 election.

He did not need to do it for his benefit.

President Trump said at the end of his speech:

“So the order is signed.  And I’ll sign the final papers as soon as I get into the Oval Office.  And we will have a national emergency, and then we will then be sued, and they will sue us in the Ninth Circuit, even though it shouldn’t be there.  And we will possibly get a bad ruling, and then we’ll get another bad ruling.  And then we’ll end up in the Supreme Court, and hopefully we’ll get a fair shake.  And we’ll win in the Supreme Court, just like the ban.  They sued us in the Ninth Circuit, and we lost, and then we lost in the appellate division, and then we went to the Supreme Court, and we won.”

“The probably easiest one to win is on declaring a national emergency, because we’re declaring it for virtual invasion purposes: drugs, traffickers, and gangs.  And one of the things, just to finish: We have removed thousands of MS-13 gang monsters.  Thousands.  They’re out of this country.  We take them out by the thousands.  And they are monsters.”


President Trump spent much of his presentation elaborating on why border security and the wall constituted an emergency.

His reasons are clear to any rational, caring American.”

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For their continued efforts to lie, obfuscate and misportray the truth, the Washington Post is awarded nth degree Bozos.


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NY Times exposed, Fake news blame of Russian posts for Trump win, Times “rectifies” data with fake statistics, Facebook general counsel Colin Stretch clarifies

NY Times exposed, Fake news blame of Russian posts for Trump win, Times “rectifies” data with fake statistics, Facebook general counsel Colin Stretch clarifies

“As soon as all the corrections which happened to be necessary in any particular number of the Times had been assembled and collated, that number would be reprinted, the original copy destroyed, and the corrected copy placed on the files in it’s stead. This process of continuation alteration was applied not only to newspapers, but to books, periodicals, pamphlets, posters, leaflets, films, sound tracks, cartoons, photographs–to every kind of literature or documentation which might conceivably hold any political or ideological significance. Day by day and almost minute by minute the past was brought up to date. In this way every prediction made by the Party could be shown by documentary evidence to be correct; nor was any item of news, or expression of opinion, which conflicted with the needs of the moment, ever allowed to be on record.”…George Orwell, “1984″

“the Times of the nineteenth of December had published the official forecasts of the output of various classes of consumption goods in the fourth quarter of 1983, which was also the sixth quarter of the Ninth Three-Year Plan. Today’s issue contained a statement of the actual output, from which it appeared that the forecasts were in every instance grossly wrong. Winston’s job was to rectify the original figures by making them agree with the later ones.”…George Orwell, “1984”

“We are being lied to on a scale unimaginable by George Orwell.”…Citizen Wells


From Consortium News November 2, 2018.

“Further research shows The New York Times was even further off the mark in blaming Russian social media for Trump’s win, as Gareth Porter reports.

Facebook Said 80,000 Russian Posts Were

Buried in 33 Trillion Facebook Offerings Over

Two-Year Period Further Undermining NYT’s Case

Even more damning evidence has come to light undermining The New York Times‘ assertion in September that Russia used social media to steal the 2016 election for Donald Trump.

The Times‘ claim last month that Russian Facebook posts reached nearly as many Americans as actually voted in the 2016 election exaggerated the significance of those numbers by a factor of hundreds of millions, as revealed by further evidence from Facebook’s own Congressional testimony.

Th further research into an earlier Consortium News article shows that a relatively paltry 80,000 posts from the private Russian company Internet Research Agency (IRA) were engulfed in literally trillions of posts on Facebook over a two-year period before and afterthe 2016 vote.

That was supposed to have thrown the election, according to the paper of record. In its 10,000-word article on Sept. 20, the Times reported that 126 million out of 137 million American voters were exposed to social media posts on Facebook from IRA that somehow had a hand in delivering Trump the presidency.

The newspaper said: “Even by the vertiginous standards of social media, the reach of their effort was impressive: 2,700 fake Facebook accounts, 80,000 posts, many of them elaborate images with catchy slogans, and an eventual audience of 126 million Americans on Facebook alone.” The paper argued that 126 million was “not far short of the 137 million people who would vote in the 2016 presidential election.”

But Consortium News, on Oct. 10, debunked that story, pointing out that reporters Scott Shane and Mark Mazzetti failed to report several significant caveats and disclaimers from Facebook officers themselves, whose statements make the Times’ claim that Russian election propaganda “reached” 126 million Americans an exercise in misinformation.

The newspaper failed to tell their readers that Facebook account holders in the United States had been “served” 33 trillion Facebook posts during that same period — 413 million times more than the 80,000 posts from the Russian company.

What Facebook general counsel Colin Stretch testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on October 31, 2017 is a far cry from what the Times claims.”

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Christine Blasey Ford lifelong friend Leland Ingham Keyser denies party attendance, Ploy to derail Kavenaugh confirmation and sway elections revealed

Christine Blasey Ford lifelong friend Leland Ingham Keyser denies party attendance, Ploy to derail Kavenaugh confirmation and sway elections revealed

“Receptionist: How do you write women so well?
Melvin Udall: I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.”…From the movie “As good as it gets”

“Democrat mantra: The end justifies the means.”…Citizen Wells

“We are being lied to on a scale unimaginable by George Orwell.”…Citizen Wells


Shame on Christine Blasey Ford for leaking and standing by a story that she knew as a trained psychological “professional” could not be vouched for as fact.

I will now state that she has zero credibility and the confirmation hearings should proceed without further input and disruptions from her and the immoral Democrats.

From Zero Hedge.

“Lifelong Friend” Of Kavanaugh Accuser Denies Attending Party Where Alleged Sexual Assault Occurred

“A woman believed to have been one of five people at a party some 35 years ago where Christine Blasey Ford claims she was sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh has become the fourth person to deny any recollection of the event.

In a Saturday night email to the Senate Judiciary Committee also received by several news outlets, Leland Ingham Keyser – a “longtime friend” of Blasey Ford’s said through her attorney:

“Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford,” said Keyser’s attorney Howard Walsh, who has been “engaged in the limited capacity” of corresponding with the committee on behalf of Keyser, according to Politico.

Kavanaugh and Mark Judge – the other teenager allegedly in the room during the alleged sexual assault – have both stated that they have no recollection of the incident, while a third man who Ford claims was at the party – Patrick J. Smyth, also denied any recollection of the event, telling the Judiciary Committee last week in a statement: “I understand that I have been identified by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as the person she remembers as ‘PJ’ who supposedly was present at the party she described in her statements to the Washington Post,” Smyth wrote in his statement. “I am issuing this statement today to make it clear to all involved that I have no knowledge of the party in question; nor do I have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh.”

Smyth added: “Personally speaking, I have known Brett Kavanaugh since high school and I know him to be a person of great integrity, a great friend, and I have never witnessed any improper conduct by Brett Kavanaugh towards women. To safeguard my own privacy and anonymity, I respectfully request that the Committee accept this statement in response to any inquiry the Committee may have.””

“Professional help

Also casting doubt on the timing and purpose of Ford’s 11th hour claim against Kavanaugh is the Friday revalation that Ford’s current political adviser – former Obama and Clinton White House official Ricky Seidman, had allegedly been working on Ford’s situation since July – outlining a plan on a newly released audio tape to use the allegation as political fodder to derail Kavanaugh’s confirmation, and if unsuccessful, at least politically harm Republicans during midterms.

“While I think at the outset, looking at the numbers in the Senate, it’s not extremely likely that the nominee can be defeated,” says Seidman. “I would absolutely withhold judgement as the process goes on. I think that I would not reach any conclusion about the outcome in advance.”

What’s more, the recording makes clear that even if Kavanaugh is confirmed, Democrats can use the doubt cast over him during midterms.

“Over the coming days and weeks, there will be a strategy that will emerge, and I think it’s possible that that strategy might ultimately defeat the nominee… whether or not it ultimately defeats the nominee, it will help people understand why it’s so important that they vote and the deeper principles that are involved in it.“”

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Talk about collusion to disrupt elections!!!

Christine Blasey Ford should be prosecuted.


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