Category Archives: COLB

Obama resignation or arrest, Douglas Vogt McInnish V Chapman Paige V Vermont US Supreme Court cases, Arpaio Zullo investigation results, Obama not natural born citizen?, Treasonous activities by Obama et al

Obama resignation or arrest, Douglas Vogt McInnish V Chapman Paige V Vermont US Supreme Court cases, Arpaio Zullo investigation results, Obama not natural born citizen?, Treasonous activities by Obama et al

“Why has Obama, since taking the White House, used Justice Department Attorneys, at taxpayer expense,  to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells

“Moore said he’s seen no convincing evidence that Obama is a “natural born citizen” and a lot of evidence that suggests he is not.”…Judge Roy Moore interview by WND

“Why does a judge swear to discharge his duties agreeably to the
constitution of the United States, if that constitution forms no
rule for his government? if it is closed upon him, and cannot be
inspected by him?”… Marbury versus Madison



It does indeed look like the chickens are coming home to roost.

High profile individuals such as Barrister Michael Shrimpton believe that Obama should resign.

Will Obama resign before he is arrested ?

There is too much evidence that Obama was not born in the US and zero evidence that proves he was.

Up to and beyond early 2008 there is numerous compelling circumstantial evidence that Obama was born in Kenya.

The stakes have gotten much higher.

It is no longer just a matter of Obama being removed from office.

Apparently treason and treasonous activities have been engaged in by the Obama camp.

From MMD Newswire March 28, 2014.
“Compelling Evidence of the Forgery of Obama’s Birth Certificate Lodged with the United States Supreme Court, Case No.: 13-1158”

“Douglas Vogt has lodged with the United States Supreme Court his compelling forensic evidence that the Birth Certificate of Barack Hussein Obama, II is indisputably a forgery.

That forensic evidence is contained in Vogt’s 95 page Public and 75 page Sealed Affidavits. Barack Hussein Obama, II – at his White House Press Conference on April 27, 2011 – released his Birth Certificate to prove that he was Constitutionally-eligible to be President. The lodging of the Affidavits accompanied Vogt’s filing of a Petition for Certiorari with the Supreme Court which has been assigned Case No: 13-1158. That Petition seeks review of the refusal of the Federal District Court to refer Vogt’s Affidavits to a federal Grand Jury as required by Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule 6(a).

Rule 6(a) states: “When the public interest so requires, the court must order that one or more grand juries be summoned.” Vogt’s Petition argues that there can be no higher “public interest” than the issue of whether Barack Hussein Obama, II, has foisted a forged Birth Certificate upon the Citizens of the United States. Accordingly, the Petition argues, the lower federal court has breached its Congressionally-imposed duty to “summon” a Grand Jury to hear Vogt’s well-founded, forensic proof of the forgery of Obama’s Birth Certificate.”

Read more:

From the US Supreme Court.

No. 13-1158
Douglas Vogt, Petitioner
United States District Court for the Western District of Washington
Docketed: March 24, 2014
Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
  Case Nos.: (13-74137)
  Decision Date: January 14, 2014
~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings  and  Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mar 24 2014 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due April 23, 2014)
Mar 24 2014 Motion to expedite consideration of the petition for a writ of certiorari and for leave to file an affidavit under seal filed by petitioner.
Mar 26 2014 Motion DISTRIBUTED for Conference of April 18, 2014.



~~Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~Address~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~Phone~~~
Attorneys for Petitioner:
Douglas Vogt 12819 S.E. 38th Street (425) 643-1131
Suite 115
Bellevue, WA  98006
Party name: Douglas Vogt

We expect McInnish V Chapman to be sent to the SCOTUS.

The opinions from the Alabama Supreme Court are significant for 2 important reasons.

Chief Justice Roy Moore in his extensive dissenting opinion made the strong case that the secretary of state, once confronted by a potential deficiency in a presidential candidate’s qualifications, has a duty to investigate.

Justice Parker, also dissenting, stated that there are reasons to suspect Obama’s eligibility.

“McInnish attached certain documentation to his mandamus petition, which, if presented to the appropriate forum as part of a proper evidentiary presentation, would raise serious questions about the authenticity of both the ‘short form’ and the ‘long form’ birth certificates of President Obama that have been made

H. Brooke Paige has a case before the SCOTUS challenging Obama’s eligibility as a natural born citizen because Obama’s father was Kenyan and therefore British.

And of course we are awaiting the news conference from Mike Zullo regarding the Arpaio Zullo investigation into Obama’s records.

Something’s gotta give


LTC Terry Lakin court martial, Obama eligibility, Six degrees of separation, The world must know about Lakin, Obama Army and Nation on trial

LTC Terry Lakin court martial, Obama eligibility, Six degrees of separation, The world must know about Lakin, Obama  Army and Nation on trial

“Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans

“Roses are red, violets are green,
Get off your butt and join the Marines.”…John Wayne

“Roses are red, pansies are mellow,
If you don’t support Lakin, you are all yellow.”…Citizen Wells
 “Six degrees of separation is the theory that anyone on the planet can be connected to any other person on the planet through a chain of acquaintances that has no more than five intermediaries. ”

LTC Terry Lakin

American Hero


This is not a request. If you have not done so, get off of your lazy, self absorbed ass, pay attention and get to work!
If you have not done the following, do so now!

  • Tell everyone you know about LTC Terry Lakin and the upcoming court martial.
  • Keep it simple!
  • Stay away from grey area debates.
  • Get this story in front of the media. In their face.
  • Do not let people like Glenn Beck weasel out.
  • If you are in or about to be in Congress, pay attention and listen! Do your damn job!
  • If you are a judge, read the US Constitution and follow it!
  • If you are in the military and you are not supporting LTC Lakin and obeying your oath to defend the US Constitution, remove the lace from your panties.

****  UPDATES  ****

10:18 AM – I just made my third phone call to Senator Richard Burr’s office in a month.
I spoke to a nice lady who listened and took down the information.
I told her about the articles here, Lakin court martial and Senator Burr’s
earlier misinformed quote about Obama presenting an official BC copy.

11:00 AM-Just left a message with a major NC newspaper news office.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

7:45 AM– CDR Kerchner arrived on base yesterday and spoke to LTC Lakin. More later today.

12:14 PM– LTC Lakin pled guilty to 1 of 2 charges. Not meeting with a superior when ordered to do so and not showing up at Fort Campbell in Kentucky.

1:13 PM-No mention of Lakin on Glenn Beck’s Citizen Wells respponse.

8:00 PM-Lengthy phone conversation with CDR Kerchner, Dr. Kate & others. Video and report to follow in the AM.

Dr. Fukino Hawaii Health Dept Director Resigns?, Fired?, Obama COLB, Birth certificate, Citizen Wells open thread, December 7, 2010

Dr. Fukino Hawaii Health Dept Director Resigns?, Fired?, Obama COLB, Birth certificate

Apparently, Dr. Chiyome Fukino is no longer Director of the Hawaii Department of Health. I just checked the Department of Health press release site and there was no mention. Dr. Fukino has been at the center of the Obama birth certificate and COLB controversies in Hawaii. Her first press release in 2008 stated that they had Obama’s original birth certificate on file, but she never indicated the country or location of the birth. A later press release stated that Obama’s vital records indicated a birth in Hawaii. It is important to note that the vital records, per Hawaii law can indicate a birthpace in Hawaii when the actual birth occurred elsewhere and even in another country. Dr. Fukino never stated that the COLB presented on the internet was an official copy issued by the state.

Hawaiian birth certificate laws:

From the Hawaii Department of Health organizational chart.

Office of the Director of Health

Interim Director: Keith R. Ridley
Ph. (808) 586-4400

The Director is the chief health and environmental official for the state. She oversees the operations of the entire department and sits on a number of key boards and committees.

As part of her duties, the Director is the chair of the Board of Health and oversees a number of health-related agencies that are attached to the DOH for administrative purposes. These are:

State Health Planning and Development Agency (808) 587-0788
Disability and Communication Access Board (808) 586-8121
State Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities (808) 586-8100
Office of Environmental Quality Control (808) 586-4185
Executive Office on Aging (808) 586-0100

Anderson Cooper, Kapi’olani Hospital Obama birthplace?, Other misinformation from CNN

Anderson Cooper, Kapi’olani Hospital Obama birthplace?, Other misinformation from CNN

“Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans

Winston dialed “back numbers” on the telescreen and called
for the appropriate issues of the Times, which slid out of
the pneumatic tube after only a few minutes’ delay.  The
messages he had received referred to articles or news items
which for one reason or another it was thought necessary to
alter, or, as the official phrase had it, to rectify.  For
example, it appeared from the Times of the seventeenth of
March that Big Brother, in his speech of the previous day,
had predicted that the South Indian front would remain quiet
but that a Eurasian offensive would shortly be launched in
North Africa.  As it happened, the Eurasian Higher Command
had launched its offensive in South India and left North
Africa alone.  It was therefore necessary to rewrite a
paragraph of Big Brother’s speech in such a way as to make
him predict the thing that had actually happened.”…George Orwell, “1984”

I realize that not everyone who watches CNN is a far left mesmerized OBot. Many have been fooled for years into thinking that they are actually getting new, facts, the truth from CNN. Anderson Cooper proved once again several days ago that he and CNN are nothing more than a mouthpiece of Big Brother, Obama.

From Safeguard our Constitution. 

“Anderson Cooper, in a recent interview with Texas State Representative Berman, said Obama was born at Hawaii’s Kapi’olani Hospital- can he explain why the hospital won’t verify Obama’s birth there?- and why a letter purportedly from Obama posted on Kapi’olani’s website- was quickly removed after a reporter’s inquiry?

If Obama was born at Kapi’olani Hospital, can Cooper explain why no ORIGINAL birth record- to include a hospital name and attending physician– has been released?

Why is Cooper content to rely on verbal assurances from an obscure bureaucrat in Hawaii- who claims to have “personally seen and verified” that there is an original birth certificate on record? (is he thus admitting that the Certification of Live Birth which he repeatedly confuses with an original birth certificate- is NOT the original birth record)?

Does Cooper believe it is acceptable that the sole arbiter of the President’s Constitutional eligibility under Article II, Section 1, is one Hawaiian bureaucrat- who says “trust me”?

If there is an original birth record on file– why can’t the American public see this document?– why can’t TX Rep Berman have a copy of this 1961 original birth record?”

Read more:

Here is a good example from Anderson Cooper’s blog of an uninformed American. This person may want the truth. They won’t get it there.

“Nina   November 29th, 2010 10:08 pm ET
All Federal government employees MUST have a complete security background investigation according to their “clearance” by the FBI especially if they are in the position of “Commander and Chief”.”

The truth. Philip J. Berg’s assistant provided this information.

“We have received a lot of question asking “How did Obama get this far, he must have had background checks as he is a U.S. Senator.”

However, this is inaccurate according to Special Agent-in-Charge: C. Frank Figliuzzi of the Cleveland FBI. Background checks are not performed on those elected, once elected they work for Congress and are handed a secret clearance. See below:

This is a conversation between the Special Agent-in-Charge: C. Frank Figliuzzi of the Cleveland FBI and Mike Trivisonno on the Mike Trivisonno Show, WTAM 1100, 7/02/08, Hr. 2.

Caller – Do they perform background checks on candidates and fellows who are in Congress and the Senate and perhaps potential presidential candidates?.

FBI – The short answer is no, no we don’t, but they’re given top secret clearances because they’re members of Congress, or Senators, or even higher ranking officials.

Host – Time out. There are no background checks from the FBI on the people that lead the country, the United States of America?.

FBI – Let me emphasize, elected officials. This is a democracy, the people have elected an official to represent them in Washington, and we do not routinely run background checks on those people.

Host – Even people running for president of the United States of America?.

FBI – That’s correct.

Host – That’s a little weird

FBI – Well, its part of democracy, its part of what the American people want, they want to be able to vote for somebody to represent them in Washington and they don’t want us to get in the way of that and we have no predilection to get in the way of that.

Host – Yeah, but what if they’re voting for a bad person and they don’t know that person is bad, do you follow me?. I’m saying, if the guy’s got a background and maybe he’s involved with some people that he shouldn’t be involved with, shouldn’t we know that as voters?.

FBI – Well, I think you’d agree that the American political process is about as rigorous as you’ll ever see and if there’s dirt back there, probably the opponent is gonna get it out probably before anyone else will.

Host – Now I know why you’re the head of the FBI, they’re good, aren’t they?.””

 Read more:

Nina, are you getting this information on CNN?

Anderson Cooper Leo Berman interview, I mean interrogation, Orwellian word manipulation, CNN propaganda minister

Anderson Cooper Leo Berman interview, I mean interrogation, Orwellian word manipulation, CNN propaganda minister

“Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans

“I discovered this article, folded away among my BIRTH CERTIFICATE and old vaccination forms, when I was in high school,”…Obama, “Dreams of My Father”

Anderson Cooper interviewed, I mean interrogated,  Texas State Representative, Leo Berman on November 29, 2010. The last on air personality on CNN to have journalistic integrity, Lou Dobbs, left earlier this year for obvious reasons.

Although Mr. Berman did not have a perfect command of the facts and got pulled into classic far left debates and diversions, I commend Leo Berman for doing so much homework, having such a command of knowledge and caring enough about this country and the US Constitution to speak out boldly and push for common sense legislation.

One of the most important things that Representative Berman spoke of was that no member of the US Congress in January of 2009 spoke up or vetted Barack Obama before or during the certification of the Electoral College Votes. Leo Berman spoke with eloquence and authority.

The other side of the patriot coin is Anderson Cooper. Be assured that when Robert Gibbs steps down, a better manipulator of words, a better spokesman for big brother, is available, Anderson Cooper. When you watch the following video observe how Cooper so expertly employs the tactics of the far left to blur clear issues and divert attention from them. And don’t forget the big lie. Has cooper practiced to emulate Joseph Goebbels?

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”…Joseph Goebbels

Anderson Cooper, do you know you are speaking lies or are you just repeating the often told lies?

Much of the interview was spent debating the birth certificate issues. Leo Berman repeatedly asked, as did Lou Dobbs, to see an original long form birth certificate. John McCain when questioned early in 2008 produced one. Cooper kept hammering that Obama had produced one, had examined and verifed it and that the short form, COLB, was all that the State of Hawaii offered. Lies.

Anderson Cooper was at his far left, diversionary best when responding to the passport and dual citizenship issues. This is when Berman was at his worst and perhaps not totally prepared. Cooper kept hammering away at why Obama might not have dual citizenship and may have traveled to Pakistan legally.

Here is the truth about Obama’s possible dual citizenship and passport.

Obama did not have two US Citizen parents as McCain did. Obama’s father was Kenyan and therefore British. The founding fathers understood that two citizen parents were required to be a Natural Born Citizen. That is why the US Constitution was worded to grandfather them in. And if you do not have a good knowledge of that subject, consider the following US Senate Resolution 511 that Obama signed.

“Whereas John Sidney McCain, III, was born to American citizens on an American military base in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That John Sidney McCain, III, is a `natural born Citizen’ under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States.”

The passport question is simple. Whether or not Obama traveled to Pakistan legally can be debated. What is nondebatable and highly questionable is the fact that Obama has kept all of his records, including past passports, hidden.

Another big lie that Cooper told was that a couple of people have filed lawsuits against Obama. The number is far larger than 2. Also, the Supreme Court has not ruled on Obama eligibility. What they have done is failed to do their duty.

Cooper pick on someone your own “size” like Citizen Wells, Mario Apuzzo, Charles Kerchner or others who have been following these stories and paying attention.
If you are a current or new member of Congress, listen to the words and the challenge of American Patriot Leo Berman of Texas. Do your damn job. You swear an oath to defend the US Constitution.

I am not suprised that the legislation and voice of reason presented by Leo Berman came out of Texas. The people there still have some damn sense. God bless Texas. God bless the US.

Anderson Cooper, you are not getting away with this.

Call me.

Obama eligibility misinformation, Orwellian lies, Big lies repeated, Congressmen pay attention, Citizen Wells challenge

Obama eligibility misinformation, Orwellian lies, Big lies repeated, Congressmen pay attention, Citizen Wells challenge

“Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans

And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed
–if all records told the same tale–then the lie passed into
history and became truth. “Who controls the past,” ran the
Party slogan, “controls the future: who controls the present
controls the past.”…George Orwell, “1984″

Not every item of news should be published: rather must
those who control news policies endeavor to make every item
of news serve a certain purpose.”… Joseph Goebbels

As reported here yesterday:
“The Citizen Wells Citizen News site has a new page devoted to Obama eligibility information and lawsuits. This is an effort to organize numerous articles and information on the subject as well as introduce information to a new audience or an old audience with clearer vision.”

As part of this process, I have been revisiting the early history of the Obama eligibity issues and in particular the COLB that was posted on several pro Obama sites. Two of the mouthpieces of the Obama camp, Wikipedia and will be presented as examples of Orwellian, Nazi Germany type propaganda and the far left agenda of “the end justifies the means.”

Here is just a snippet of the propaganda from Wikipedia:
“conspiracy theories.

The Obama campaign released his birth certificate, certified by the Hawaii Department of Health, and posted a scanned image of it online. The posted certificate states that Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961.[1] The certificate also states, “This copy serves as prima facie evidence of the fact of birth in any court proceeding”. Frequent arguments of those questioning Obama’s eligibility are that he has not released a photocopy of his “original” birth certificate, and that the use of the term “certification of live birth” on the document means it is not equivalent to one’s “birth certificate”. These arguments have been debunked numerous times by media investigations,[10] every judicial forum that has addressed the matter, and Hawaiian government officials—a consensus of whom have concluded that the certificate released by the Obama campaign is indeed his official birth certificate.[11] Asked about this, Hawaiian Department of Health spokeswoman Janice Okubo stated that Hawaii “does not have a short-form or long-form certificate”.[12] Moreover, the director of her Department has confirmed that the state “has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.”

The paragraph above is loaded with Orwellian lies and misinformation.

Congress and the US Supreme Court will be held accountable. I will be making a followup call with Senator Richard Burr’s office this week. I hope to simplify the presentation of information regarding the pseudo birth certificate and get their attention.

My article on the truth about the COLB wil be presented soon. The intent is not to replicate other efforts or reinvent the wheel, but to present a simplified summary that even a congressman can understand.

Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, Fox News, Megyn Kelly, Bill O’Reilly, Lies, Obama birth certificate, Obama not natural born citizen, Lakin constitutional oath, Lakin court marshall

Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, Fox News, Megyn Kelly, Bill O’Reilly, Lies

Did Fox News and/or Bill O’Reilly sell their soul to the devil?
We need for journalists and those reporting in the media to take an oath of honesty and integrity. Except for perhaps Sean Hannity, Fox News is sorely lacking.
Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin took the following oath:
“I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and
defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,
foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to
the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental
reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully
discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.
So help me God.”
US Military officer’s oath of office

Officers in the service of the United States are
bound by this oath to disobey any order that
violates the Constitution of the United States.

On April 15, 2010, the Citizen Wells blog reported.

“Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, Fox News, Megyn Kelly, Obama birth certificate”

Please provide fair and balanced coverage regarding LTC Lakin. Please do not trash people “birthers” who are asking legitimate questions.

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclination, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
– John Adams

LTC Lakin is an honorable man and needs to be treated as such. He is standing up for what he believes. He believes in the oath that he took to defend his Country from enemies both foreign and domestic. His oath is to protect and defend the Constitution, as such, believes no man is “above the law” including the President.

Instead of questioning LTC Lakin’s motives, I would hope that you question Mr. Obama’s. Why would a sitting President who has nothing to hide go to such great lengths, spending millions, to refrain from providing basic documents that prove his eligibility for office?

I would also hope that your focus is NOT primarily on Mr. Obama’s elusive birth certificate. Mr. Obama, by his own admission stated that he was born with DUAL citizenship Kenya-British (Barack Obama Sr.) and USA (Stanley Ann Dunham). He was also a citizen of Indonesia when he was adopted by his step father Lolo Soetoro.

How can a person with DUAL citizenship, who has allegiances to counties other than the USA be a Natural Born Citizen?

NBC=Two Citizen ParentS and Born on US Soil.

You see, it doesn’t matter if Barack Obama was born in Kenya or Hawaii, his Dual Citizenship disqualifies him for POTUS. This should be your focus Megyn, please don’t disappoint!”

“Will Fox News cover this story in a “fair and balanced” manner? Megyn Kelly has supposedly been researching this story. Will she do real research and report with objectivity? Will Kelly actually read the statements from Dr. Fukino, examine the steps taken by Obama and his cadres of attorneys to avoid presenting a real birth certificate? Will Kelly review the natural born citizen clause and what it means? Will Kelly consider the fact that Obama has done everything in his power to hide his past including his college records?”
Read more

We now have an answer as to whether or not Fox News, Bill O’Reilly and Megyn Kelly intend to cover the Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin story with indepth research and objectivity.

I have a great many facts and opinions to use to respond to the biased, unprofessional statements of O’Reilly and Kelly on Fox. However, for the moment, the following, perhaps, screams louder.

From Charles Kerchner, lead plaintiff, in Kerchner v Obama and Congress.

“Friday, April 16, 2010

Newspaper Birth Announcement Ads in 1961 in two Hawaiian Newspapers do NOT prove Obama was physically born in Hawaii.

Newspaper Birth Announcement Ads in 1961 in two Hawaiian Newspapers do NOT prove Obama was physically born in Hawaii.

The two announcements in the Hawaiian newspaper in 1961 only prove a birth was REGISTERED there, not that he was born there. A registration was allowed under Hawaiian law in 1961 to be made by any family member via a simple mail-in form to the state Health Department. No 3rd party or independent witnesses to the birth were required. The statement of a family member registering a new born child as born home was accepted into the registration system with little or not questions back then. Thus the family could lie and register a birth in Hawaii when it occurred elsewhere, anywhere in the world, simply to get the child U.S. citizenship, a highly coveted status then and now. The false registration was not done so he could be President some day. The false registration was done to get the new born child citizenship for that time. It was a case of birth registration fraud to illegally gain U.S. citizenship for a foreign born child of the family.

Given Hawaii’s very lax birth registration laws, as I said, Obama could have been born anywhere in the world and if Obama’s maternal grandma filled out the form and mailed it in to the birth registration office saying Obama was born at their home in Hawaii, a vital record would be created. And the birth announcement was on the list of births registered that week and which lists were sent routinely each week to the two newspapers. With data systems it is GIGO, garbage (false registration data) in yields garbage out (fraudulently created birth record in the state’s vital record system out). And with a falsified birth registration in the system, subsequent computer print outs in later years and carefully crafted statements by Hawaiian officials that they have a record of Obama being born in Hawaii can be obtained and made. But those printouts and statements are being made based on a falsified vital record mail-in registration form back in 1961., an online newspaper, did investigations on this first in 2009. They also did follow on stories in 2010 into how the newspaper ads were placed in those two papers in 1961 and the research revealed that the birth announcements were placed by the state, not the family. See these two article links below and many other articles as to how the Honolulu Advertiser and the other sister pub got the birth announcements from a list from the state each week, not from the families. These were public service birth announcements provided by the state. Garbage/falsified data on the available and simple birth registration mail-in form sent into the birth registration office in 1961 by a fraudulent filing by Obama’s grandmother to get her foreign born new grandson U.S. citizenship, illegally but easily given Hawaii’s lax laws back then, yielded a birth announcement in the paper for a birth in Hawaii that was registered there but did not physically occur in Hawaii. Obama was physically not born in Hawaii, as James Orengo, Member of Parliament, in Kenya recently attested to, as have other MPs in Kenya and as have members of Obama’s paternal line family in Kenya.

2009 investigation into the two Obama Birth newspaper announcements:

2010 follow-up investigation report in the Obama Birth newspaper announcements:

My explanation to Bill Cunningham on his nationally syndicated radio show in the summer of 2009:

The main stream media is deliberately lying about how these birth announcements got into those newspapers when they tell America that the family placed the ads and that someone was anticipating that someday Obama would run for President. First the family did not place the ads, the state did. And the family member simply filed the false birth registration data on the mail-in form for the obvious purpose of gaining the child U.S. citizenship, a highly coveted status then and now. Birth registration fraud occurs today and it occurred then. And it occurred in with Obama. The Hawaiian authorities were victims of the birth registration fraud by Obama’s grandmother back in 1961 and now instead of admitting it, they are covering up that there is no independent evidence to verify the false registration that Obama was born in Hawaii. No hospital or doctor’s name no medical attendants name at the home. Nothing. Just the false testimony of the grandmother on a mail-in form that no one verified back in 1961.

With the contradictory statements being made in Kenya by government officials there and members of the family there that Obama was born in Kenya and is not a native born American, the true legal identity needs to be investigated in a court of law. Any reasonable person looking at the evidence for and against Obama being born in Hawaii would say there is reasonable doubt he was born in Hawaii and would demand a further investigation. But the media is covering up for Obama by making false statements to protect him. The media created Obama, covered up for him, and is still a propaganda organ for him. This is a national disgrace.

CDR Charles Kerchner

Posted by cfkerchner at 10:37 PM

Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, Fox News, Megyn Kelly, Obama birth certificate, Obama not natural born citizen, Lakin constitutional oath, Lakin court marshall

Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, Fox News, Megyn Kelly, Obama birth certificate

“I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and
defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,
foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to
the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental
reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully
discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.
So help me God.”
US Military officer’s oath of office

Officers in the service of the United States are
bound by this oath to disobey any order that
violates the Constitution of the United States.

***  Update Below *** 


In Lt. Col Lakin’s own words.

World Net Daily reported the following on April 13, 2010.

“Officer to Army: Bring it on!
Refusing to deploy without eligibility answers, misses due date at Fort Campbell”

“A decorated Army surgeon who is refusing to follow orders because of the president’s decision to conceal documents that could show his eligibility to be commander in chief is telling the military to bring it on – by missing a deployment due date yesterday at Fort Campbell, Ky.
Lt. Col. Terry Lakin is facing imminent court-martial charges because of his decision to refuse orders to report for a Middle East deployment until President Obama’s eligibility is documented.
“He has been informed through official challenges that he will be charged soon with missing movement and conduct unbecoming an officer,” according to a statement released last night to WND.”

“”LTC Lakin’s own deployment orders to Afghanistan included a requirement for him to bring ‘copies of his birth certificate,'” the statement from Hemenway said.”

“Lakin’s YouTube statement, now viewed by more than 100,000 people, confirmed he was “inviting his own court-martial” over his public demand for confirmation of Obama’s eligibility.
He said, however, he was compelled to act as he did because of his oath as an officer to “support and defend the United States Constitution,” including the article demanding that only a “natural born citizen” can be president.”

“Lakin also posted online a letter explaining his reasoning. The Safeguard Our Constitution website describes how Lakin tried through his chain of command and his congressional office to get answers to questions about Obama’s eligibility.
“You serve as my commander-in-chief. Given the fact that the certification that your campaign posted online was not a document that the Hawaiian Department of Homelands regarded as a sufficient substitute for the original birth certificate and given that it has been your personal decision that has prevented the Hawaiian Department of Health from releasing your original birth certificate or any Hawaiian hospital from releasing your records, the burden of proof must rest with you,” he wrote.”

Read more:

Fox news “regurgitated” the AP article on Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin.

“Though officials in Hawaii verify that Obama was born there, so-called birthers claim he was born outside the United States and is ineligible to be president. Lakin says he wants to see the birth certificate as proof Obama is his commander in chief and thus that the deployment order for Afghanistan is legal.”

“Hawaii Health Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino issued statements last year and in October 2008 saying that she’s seen vital records that prove Obama is a natural-born U.S. citizen. But the state said last month it was still getting between 10 and 20 e-mails seeking verification of Obama’s birth each week, most from outside Hawaii.”

Read more:

The reporting from the AP on this has been at best a misrepresentation of the facts and where I come from would be considered a lie.

Will Fox News cover this story in a “fair and balanced” manner? Megyn Kelly has supposedly been researching this story. Will she do real research and report with objectivity? Will Kelly actually read the statements from Dr. Fukino, examine the steps taken by Obama and his cadres of attorneys to avoid presenting a real birth certificate? Will Kelly review the natural born citizen clause and what it means? Will Kelly consider the fact that Obama has done everything in his power to hide his past including his college records?

The following was posted on this blog a few minutes ago.

“From an Email I just received:

We The People USA
Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

A message to all members of We The People USA
Dear Members,

Megyn Kelly is going to air an episode tomorrow on LTC Lakin. Her show airs on Fox News at 12-2pm CST.

Below is the email I sent her. I encourage all of you to send her an email or send her a Tweet @MegynKelly




Please provide fair and balanced coverage regarding LTC Lakin. Please do not trash people “birthers” who are asking legitimate questions.

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclination, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
– John Adams

LTC Lakin is an honorable man and needs to be treated as such. He is standing up for what he believes. He believes in the oath that he took to defend his Country from enemies both foreign and domestic. His oath is to protect and defend the Constitution, as such, believes no man is “above the law” including the President.

Instead of questioning LTC Lakin’s motives, I would hope that you question Mr. Obama’s. Why would a sitting President who has nothing to hide go to such great lengths, spending millions, to refrain from providing basic documents that prove his eligibility for office?

I would also hope that your focus is NOT primarily on Mr. Obama’s elusive birth certificate. Mr. Obama, by his own admission stated that he was born with DUAL citizenship Kenya-British (Barack Obama Sr.) and USA (Stanley Ann Dunham). He was also a citizen of Indonesia when he was adopted by his step father Lolo Soetoro.

How can a person with DUAL citizenship, who has allegiances to counties other than the USA be a Natural Born Citizen?

NBC=Two Citizen ParentS and Born on US Soil.

You see, it doesn’t matter if Barack Obama was born in Kenya or Hawaii, his Dual Citizenship disqualifies him for POTUS. This should be your focus Megyn, please don’t disappoint!

Visit We The People USA at:


***  Update 8:55 ET  ***

AOL just presented this article.

“Christopher Weber  Editor”

“Army to Court Martial Officer Who Doubts Obama Was Born in U.S.”

“The Army will court martial a lieutenant colonel who refuses to deploy to Afghanistan because he won’t accept orders from President Obama, whom he considers unqualified to be commander in chief, military officials said Wednesday.

Army doctor Lt. Col. Terry Lakin believes Obama wasn’t born in the United States, and therefore does not meet the constitutional requirements to be president, NBC News reported.”

“Larkin is a “birther,” a person who believes Obama is not native-born and therefore is ineligible to be president. Hawaii officials have repeatedly issued statements that Obama was born in the state and that the Health Department holds a copy of his original birth certificate. A copy of the document has been made available on the Internet.”

Read more:|welcome|dl1|link3|

Perhaps Christopher should enter Kool Aid detox.

OBAMACARE, OBAMA ELIGIBILITY, March on Washington, Washington DC, Saturday, May 29, 2010, Obama not eligible


From Philip J Berg.

This is not the “Change” we believe in
At the Ellipse – President’s Park South
17th St & Constitution Ave, NW

    DATE:    SATURDAY, MAY 29, 2010
    TIME:     12:00 NOON – 4:00 P.M.

*  The United States Constitution mandates the President of the United States must be a United States “natural
    born” Citizen – Article II, Section I;

*  Obama was born in Mombasa, in what is now Kenya, Africa;

*  Obama’s legal name is Barry Soetoro;

*  Obama is an Indonesian Citizen as he was adopted/acknowledged by his stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, an
    Indonesian Citizen; and

*  The Healthcare bill (ObamaCare) signed into Law by Obama on March 23, 2010 is unconstitutional
    and voidable  since he is ineligible to serve as President of the United States.

For these reasons, Philip J. Berg, Esquire, is sponsoring the “OBAMACARE/OBAMA ELIGIBILITY” March on Washington in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, May 29, 2010 from 12:00 noon to 4:00 P.M.

All individuals participating are requested to bring a copy of their Birth Certificate and meet at the Ellipse – President’s Park South located at 17th St & Constitution Ave, NW, Washington, D.C.

For updated information, please visit:

Philip J. Berg, Esq., 555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12, Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531 (610) 825-3134,

Kerchner v Obama, Update, March 23, 2010, Appeal Reply Brief and Request for Oral Argument, Charles Kerchner, Attorney Mario Apuzzo

Kerchner v Obama, Update, March 23, 2010

I received this a few hours ago from Charles Kerchner, lead plantiff in Kerchner v Obama and Congress.

“Kerchner v Obama Appeal Reply Brief and Oral Argument Request Filed
I have completed filing the Kerchner Reply Brief and Request for Oral Argument. These documents may be accessed at the indicated links. All parties have completed filing all briefs and now we just need a decision from the Court. We will now wait and see if the Third Circuit Court of Appeals grants my request for oral argument and if so when the oral argument will be. If oral argument is granted, it will take place at the United States Court of Appeals Third Circuit, U.S. Courthouse, 601 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The courthouse is located right across the street from Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell.
I want to thank all of my supporters on this blog and all those who visit here to find out what is going on with the Obama eligibility issue.
I will be posting more essays on natural law, the law of nations, Emer de Vattel, the Founders and Framers, the Courts, and the meaning of the “natural born Citizen” clause.
Kerchner v Obama Appeal Reply Brief:
Request for Oral Argument:
Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
March 23, 2010