Monthly Archives: November 2016

Paige v. State of Vermont et al Docket 2016-202 November 30,2016 – 10:30 am, Plaintiff H. Brooke Paige, Natural born citizen status of Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio challenged, Issue not moot since Rubio and Cruz are considering another run for president

Paige v. State of Vermont et al Docket 2016-202 November 30,2016 – 10:30 am, Plaintiff H. Brooke Paige, Natural born citizen status of Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio challenged, Issue not moot since Rubio and Cruz are considering another run for president

“To his kind of judge, Cruz ironically wouldn’t be eligible, because the legal principles that prevailed in the 1780s and ’90s required that someone actually be born on US soil to be a “natural born” citizen. Even having two US parents wouldn’t suffice. And having just an American mother, as Cruz did, would have been insufficient at a time that made patrilineal descent decisive.”…Laurence H. Tribe, Harvard Law Professor

“Ted Cruz wrote the forward for U.S. Constitution for Dummies which clearly reveals that he is not a natural born citizen.”…IL ballot challenger Bill Graham

“Moore said he’s seen no convincing evidence that Obama is a “natural born citizen” and a lot of evidence that suggests he is not.”…Judge Roy Moore interview by WND



From H. Brooke Paige today, November 29, 2016.

“Oral Arguments Before the Vermont Supreme Court in Paige v. State of
Vermont, et al* – Docket 2016-202 scheduled for November 30,2016 – 10:30

Justice moves slowly here in the Green Mountains, even when you are on an
expedited schedule. My ballot challenge which began last fall with a
complaint to the Secretary of State’s elections office was appealed to the
Vermont Superior Court last December. By February all necessary parties
had been enjoined and the process of briefs, reply briefs and sur-reply
brief were submitted in a timely fashion. The Superior Court ruled as
expected finding that, contrary to establishes precedents in the state,
that I had no standing, the court had no jurisdiction and the issues were
either moot or not yet ripe !  Judge Tomasi did not address the
“natural-born Citizen” issue directly, however did refer to and speak
approvingly of “the recent and exhaustive treatment of the natural-born
citizen issue by New Jersey Administrative Judge Jeff Masin in Williams v.
Cruz No. STE 5016-16,(April 12, 2016 Office of Admin. Law N.J.).” and thus
provided the opportunity to address the issue on appeal

The appeal process of principle brief, opposition briefs and finally my
reply brief were all completed by  appellee’s  State of Vermont and Mr.
Cruz. Mr. Rubio decided not to participate in the appeal process relying
on the Vermont State Attorney General to represent his interests. Nothing
in the Appellee’s briefs provided any new insight to the issue merely
reciting the well-worn writings of Jack Maskell’s  Congressional Research
Service” report, the latest version including his ever expanding
definition which attempts to be inclusive of the birth circumstances of
both Rubio and Cruz! Interestingly, a recent ruling on a local ballot
challenge, Noble v. Sec’y of State, is directly on point as standing,
jurisdiction, venue and timeliness, all ruled in the plaintiff’s favor
allowing the case to proceed to the merits. Additionally, since the Court
preciously noted that since  Rubio and Cruz are considering another run
for president the passage of the current election cycle does not make the
question of their “nbC” qualification moot.

So tomorrow is the day, I have spent a great deal of time reviewing the
briefs and related material and I guess I am as prepared as I can be.  It
is a daunting and challenging task for a pro se litigant to face off
against the resources of the state and two sitting U.S. senators. Please
ask your followers to say a prayer for me; a little divine intervention
would be most helpful.

All the Best,


Perhaps this will make it to the “Trump” US Supreme Court.

This issue must be settled for the good of the country.

Natural Born Citizen.

I salute Mr. Paige for his efforts.



More here:



NC State Board of Elections meeting Wednesday November 30, 2016, Hearing on appeal of In re Protest of Election by Thomas Stark, Final determination as to classification of existing administrative rules, Durham County vote processing

NC State Board of Elections meeting Wednesday November 30, 2016, Hearing on appeal of In re Protest of Election by Thomas Stark, Final determination as to classification of existing administrative rules, Durham County vote processing

“Durham historically hasn’t figured out how to carry out an election properly.”…Superior Court Judge Donald Stephens

“Durham County is widely considered to be the most liberal county in NC.”…Citizen Wells

“We control life, Winston, at all its levels. You are imagining that there is something called human nature which will be outraged by what we do and will turn against us. But we create human nature. Men are infinitely malleable.”…George Orwell, “1984″


The NC SBI has been investigating the Durham County Board of Elections handling of more than 1,000 provisional ballots during the March primary elections. Although this does not directly relate to their performance during the general election, it does, I believe reveal a bigger problem there.

“North Carolina’s top criminal investigations agency is looking into whether there was wrongdoing in last spring’s primary election in Durham County, the likely ground zero in the ongoing fight over last week’s still-in-doubt race for governor.

A State Bureau of Investigation spokesman and Durham’s district attorney confirmed Monday that investigators have been on the case for two weeks.

The bureau is investigating whether crimes were committed in the mishandling of more than 1,000 provisional ballots during the March primary elections. Some may have been counted twice and election officials presented the vote count as true when it was wrong, according to an interim report presented to the state elections board in May. The miscount didn’t affect the primary’s outcome.”

The Durham County protests and irregularities have been the topic of discussion at recent state board meetings and will be at the following upcoming meeting.

From the NC State Board of Elections.


The State Board of Elections will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, November 30, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. in its boardroom located at 441 North Harrington Street, Raleigh. Public meeting materials will be available online at


Call to order Statement regarding ethics and conflicts of interest G.S. § 138A-15(e)

Hearing on appeal of In re Protest of Election by Thomas Stark pursuant to G.S. §§ 163-182.11(b)(3) and 163-182.12*

Executive Director Report Final determination as to classification of existing administrative rules G.S. § 150B-21.3A(c)(1) A (Periodic Rules Review)

Designation of rulemaking coordinator G.S. § 150B-21.

Approval of minutes G.S. § 163-20(e)



* The Chair will recognize the N.C. Republican Party, N.C. Democratic Party, and candidates appearing on the ballot in Durham County, or their counsel. The Chair hereby designates Durham County Board of Elections Chair William Brian and Interim Director Kate Cosner to appear pursuant to 08 NCAC 2.0110, and may include counsel. Parties wishing to make oral argument must submit a request to do so by email to no later than 5 p.m. on Tuesday, November 29.”

Click to access SBE_Meeting_Notice_2016-11-30.pdf


More here:



NC State Board of Elections emergency meeting Sunday, November 27, 2016, Attorney Thomas H. Stark appeal, DeLuca v. Strach et al, Statement regarding ethics and conflicts of interest, Stark requests state board control all protests and eligibility of all voters in Durham County

NC State Board of Elections emergency meeting Sunday, November 27, 2016, Attorney Thomas H. Stark appeal, DeLuca v. Strach et al, Statement regarding ethics and conflicts of interest, Stark requests state board control all protests and eligibility of all voters in Durham County

“Durham historically hasn’t figured out how to carry out an election properly.”…Superior Court Judge Donald Stephens

“Durham County is widely considered to be the most liberal county in NC.”…Citizen Wells

“We control life, Winston, at all its levels. You are imagining that there is something called human nature which will be outraged by what we do and will turn against us. But we create human nature. Men are infinitely malleable.”…George Orwell, “1984″


***  UPDATE BELOW  ***

From the NC State Board of Elections.


The State Board of Elections will hold a public meeting by teleconference on Sunday, November 27, 2016 at 12:30 p.m. Interested members of the public may listen to proceedings by dialing (213) 929-4212 (code: 696-443-050).


Call to order Statement regarding ethics and conflicts of interest G.S. § 138A-15(e)

Consideration of request regarding certain protests of election appealed from Durham County. G.S. § 163-182.12

Closed session to receive briefing from counsel regarding the handling of DeLuca v. Strach et al. and representation therein G.S. § 143-318.11(a)(3) Action to approve the hiring of litigation counsel Adjourn

From the  Thomas H. Stark appeal.

“6. State the legal and factual basis for your appeal. NCGS Chapter 163, Articles 14A (Voting) and 15 (Counting Ballots, etc.) Failure of Tabulators to correctly count ballots for five early voting sites and one Election Day precinct. Manufacturer claims that the error was caused by a software limitation of its operating system (the system could not tabulate the number of votes it
was called to report in the early voting sights), and the fact that Durham County utilized the tabulators in a way that took them beyond the specified limits (by using the one tabulator in each early voting sight, the failure should have been anticipated). The evidence demonstrates that all of the data discussed in the hearing is from the same PCM CIA card utilized in the tabulators, therefore, an independent verification of the reported results has not been performed. At this point it cannot be determined whether the number of ballots in the sealed
boxes from the several tabulators equal the reported results or not. That determination cannot be made until the ballots are counted.”

“7. Is there any material submitted with this appeal that was not presented to and considered by the county board? Is so, please identify and state why it was not presented to the county board. Why do you think the State Board of Elections should consider it? There are a number of anomalies in Durham that appear to have impacted the outcome of this election. There are a series of protests and/or appeals pending before the State Board or the Durham County Board of Elections. It was established in one precinct that a provisional ballot was run through the tabulator in error, allegedly due to deficient availability of adequately trained staff. The provisional ballot was voted in a precinct other than the ones at issue in this protest. The State Board of Elections should direct Durham County to hand count all ballots voted in this election, carefully examining the ballots for provisional markings, as part of considering this appeal that also tests the viability and reliability of the County’s tabulating equipment. The State Board of Elections should assist Durham in determining how many ineligible voters cast ballots in this election. In addition to the provisional ballot illegally voted, it appears that several persons who were ineligible to vote due to their status in the criminal justice system actually cast votes in Durham. Durham has refused to allow the public to review any documents submitted with absentee ballots, despite repeated requests. (See separate appeal submitted this date.) Finally, Durham has a number of Same Day Registrations that the appellant does not believe to be verified, or verified with the level of scrutiny that is warranted. Also enclosed are three pages of data that has been collected from voter registration records and which demonstrate the substantial increase in the number of voters removed from voting rolls in the three months following a general election when contrasted with off year elections, or local election years. Also included are figures for numbers of voters removed from the rolls following the 2012 election in some other nearby urban counties. The number of removed voters are more than the amount necessary to decide the races referred to above, namely Governor and Auditor. The existence of the number of anomalies together with the number of ballots involved, over 94,000, or even a small fraction of them, can change the outcome of the election if not properly tabulated.”

“9. What relief do you seek? Why? The Appellant requests the consideration of all appeals coming to the Board from Durham County, that the State Board exercise control of all protests pending in Durham County, that the State Board carefully consider the eligibility of the voters in Durham County, and remove the votes of persons ineligible to vote from the voting results, whether ineligible as a felon, deceased, voted in another jurisdiction, not domiciled in Durham County, in the precinct indicated, not a Citizen, or for some other reason, that the State Board order Durham County to hand count the ballots to insure no provisional ballots were voted without being properly approved by the Durham County Elections Board, and, further, that the totals are accurately reported. (The Appellant is well aware that the issues which present in Durham County may well apply in other counties as well, and require additional scrutiny by the State Board.)”

Click to access SBE_Meeting_Notice_2016-11-27.pdf


***  Update 7:10 PM  ***

From TWC News.

“The North Carolina State Board of Elections says it won’t take up an appeal for a recount of more than 90,000 votes in Durham County until the local board gives them certain documents.

A Republican attorney believes the recount of those votes could change the outcome of the election and the still undecided governor’s race.”

“During an emergency meeting by phone Sunday, members of the state board said their hands are tied until they receive a full record of the hearing the county board held.  They hope to get the transcript of that hearing and any evidence or briefings submitted during the case within the next 48 hours.

“I would request the staff to push Durham any way you can, all of the people in this room together and with anyone else we can, to push Durham,” said Grant Whitney, chairman of the NC State Board of Elections. “We need to get some certainty in our political processes here and it sounds like we’re stuck with the timing.”

Board members said they want some time to review those materials before scheduling a hearing about the appeal.  It may happen late this week.”



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NC governor race request for expedited hearing filed with the State Board of Elections, Recount of Durham County early vote, Attorney Thomas Stark formal appeal, Malfunctions and irregularities, Remove the votes of persons ineligible

NC governor race request for expedited hearing filed with the State Board of Elections, Recount of Durham County early vote, Attorney Thomas Stark formal appeal, Malfunctions and irregularities, Remove the votes of persons ineligible

“Durham historically hasn’t figured out how to carry out an election properly.”…Superior Court Judge Donald Stephens

“Durham County is widely considered to be the most liberal county in NC.”…Citizen Wells

“We control life, Winston, at all its levels. You are imagining that there is something called human nature which will be outraged by what we do and will turn against us. But we create human nature. Men are infinitely malleable.”…George Orwell, “1984″



From Pat McCrory for Governor November 26, 2016.

“Request for expedited hearing filed with the State Board of Elections

Appeal requests the State Board expeditiously call for a recount of the Durham County early vote data tabulated on election night”

“Today, attorney and registered Durham County voter Thomas Stark filed a formal appeal with the State Board of Elections in relation to the ‘malfeasance’ in tabulating approximately 90,000 ballots that were reported just before midnight on Election Day. The original complaint reasonably demands the County Board of Elections conduct a recount of the original paper ballots before the county’s canvass date. The county denied this request and the Pat McCrory Committee concurs in a call for an expedited appeal of the protest for a full recount of the Durham county early vote ballots. This reasonable request will provide confidence and clarity in the Durham results for the voters of North Carolina. Upon completion of this recount, we can better asses next steps.

“It was concerning to learn that the Durham County Board decided to not approve attorney Tom Stark’s protest to recount the early vote totals from election night. The malfunctions and irregularities in Durham have been extremely troubling to this campaign and the people of North Carolina, and the State Board confirmed several errors. We are now left with no other position but to request the State Board of Elections expeditiously order a full recount of Durham county early vote totals. Once this occurs, we can all move towards a conclusion of this process,” said Russell Peck, campaign manager for the Pat McCrory Committee.

As earlier reported by ABC11, their has been a long history of voting problems in Durham County. In the 2016 general election, electronic errors, glitches and untrained staff caused major problems that received bipartisan scorn. Superior Court Judge Donald Stephens even stated in a recent hearing on the problems, “Durham historically hasn’t figured out how to carry out an election properly.”

During the March 15 primary election, the Durham County Board of Elections mishandled roughly 1,900 provisional ballots forcing the state to allow eligible voters to recast their ballots months later. It was also recently reported that the state board of elections turned over their completed investigation to investigators who are now looking into whether crimes were committed in this case, as election officials said the wrong vote count was accurate and some votes may have been counted twice.

If a Durham recount provides the same results as earlier posted, the McCrory Committee will be prepared to withdraw its statewide recount request in the Governors race.”



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NC State Board of Elections meeting audio reveals widespread voter fraud, Greensboro News Record lies again, 339 felons voted illegally, NC Democrat Party complicit in Bladen County fraud, “reckless allegations of fraud”

NC State Board of Elections meeting audio reveals widespread voter fraud, Greensboro News Record lies again, 339 felons voted illegally, NC Democrat Party complicit in Bladen County fraud, “reckless allegations of fraud”

“Other payments which are disclosed on Bladen County Improvement Association PAC contribution reports include
the following:

Mary Johnson, witness for 74 ballots, $450;
Lola Wooten, witness for 58 ballots, $500;
Deborah Cogdell, witness for 45 ballots (including both witnesses on 1 ballot), $300; and
Bridgette Keaton, witness for 16 ballots, $630.”…Bladen County NC election protest

“What is your threshold for acceptable voter fraud since 1 vote can win most elections?”…Citizen Wells

“We control life, Winston, at all its levels. You are imagining that there is something called human nature which will be outraged by what we do and will turn against us. But we create human nature. Men are infinitely malleable.”…George Orwell, “1984″



The American Press must stop lying to the people.


From the Greensboro News Record November 22, 2016.

“Gov. Pat McCrory’s attempt to undermine public confidence in North Carolina’s elections is unjustified and inexcusable.”

“But the Republican governor’s campaign has gone too far in making reckless allegations of fraud and trying to implicate Cooper, the Democratic attorney general.”

“Investigations by various local election boards have found a few problems. For example, some people died after casting early ballots but before Election Day. A few felons may have voted.”

Read more:

Square what the News Record and the rest of the disgusting mainstream media has “reported” versus the following.

Hey News Record editors. Did you listen to the entire State Board of Elections meeting?

I did.

From Citizen Wells November 21, 2016.


The Pat McCrory Committee issued the following statement in response to Roy Cooper’s desperate press conferences attacking Governor McCrory:

“Why is Roy Cooper so insistent on circumventing the electoral process and counting the votes of dead people and felons? It may be because he needs those fraudulent votes to count in order to win. Instead of insulting North Carolina voters, we intend to let the process work as it should to ensure that every legal vote is counted properly.” – Ricky Diaz, Governor McCrory’s campaign spokesman

Fact: The State Board of Elections discovered over 339 convicted felons who voted early or absentee. This total does not include numbers from Election Day. (News & Observer on Twitter, 11/20/2016)

Fact: Over 90 counties have yet to complete their county canvases and finalize their vote totals.

Fact: Protests are being filed in over 50 counties to challenge fraudulent absentee ballots and votes by felons, double and dead voters.(Charlotte Observer, 11/17/2016)”

“According to disclosure reports, among the largest contributors to the Bladen County Improvement Association PAC are the North Carolina Democratic Party and candidates for statewide and countywide offices, such as: Mike Morgan, Wake County district court judge and Supreme Court justice-elect; June Atkinson, superintendent of public instruction; Ken Spaulding, former gubernatorial candidate; Dan Blue III, state senator and former candidate for state treasurer; Chris Rey, mayor of Spring Lake and former candidate for U.S. Senate; G. Michael Cogdell, Bladen County commissioner.”



NC governor race update November 21, 2016, 339 convicted felons voted early or absentee, McCrory: “Why is Roy Cooper so insistent on circumventing the electoral process and counting the votes of dead people and felons?”, Bladen County fraud also in Durham County?

From Citizen News April 3, 2014.

“Tillis, Berger Issue Joint Statement On Newly Discovered, Alarming Evidence Of Voter Error And Fraud”

“Raleigh, N.C. – House Speaker Thom Tillis (R-Mecklenburg) and Senate Leader Phil Berger (R-Rockingham) issued a joint statement Wednesday in response to more alarming evidence of voter error and fraud discovered by the North Carolina State Board of Elections.

Initial findings from the Board presented to the Joint Legislative Elections Oversight Committee today show:

  • 765 voters with an exact match of first and last name, DOB and last four digits of SSN were registered in N.C. and another state and voted in N.C. and the other state in the 2012 general election.
  • 35,750 voters with the same first and last name and DOB were registered in N.C. and another state and voted in both states in the 2012 general election.
  • 155,692 voters with the same first and last name, DOB and last four digits of SSN were registered in N.C. and another state – and the latest date of registration or voter activity did not take place within N.C.

These findings only take into account data from the 28 states who participated in the 2014 Interstate Crosscheck, leaving out potential voter error and fraud in the 22 states that do not participate in the consortium.

Additionally, during an audit of death records from the Department of Health and Human Services, the Board discovered:

  • 50,000 new death records that had not previously been provided to the State Board of Elections.
  • 13,416 deceased voters on the voter rolls in October 2013.
  • 81 deceased voters that had voter activity after they died.

The findings were made possible by a new election reform law passed by the General Assembly last year, which called on the Board to improve the accuracy of voter registration lists and combat potential fraud by cross checking information on voting records with those of other states.

“While we are alarmed to hear evidence of widespread voter error and fraud, we are encouraged to see the common-sense law passed to ensure voters are who they say they are is working,” said Tillis and Berger. “These findings should put to rest ill-informed claims that problems don’t exist and help restore the integrity of our elections process. We appreciate the State Board of Elections bringing this critical information to light.””

“Finally, whatever the actual level of voter fraud that occurred in the 2012 election, the potential for future fraud is truly staggering. Pew Research Center published a report revealing election rolls in a shambles nationwide. They found:

  • 24 million invalid or inaccurate voter registrations
  • 1.8 million deceased voters
  • 2.75 million registered in multiple states.

As noted earlier, Cloward and Piven’s Motor Voter law is responsible for much of this mess.

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas found 30,000 dead voters still on the rolls in North Carolina, a state Obama won by only 14,000 votes in 2008.”

From The News & Observer August 2, 2016.

“North Carolina’s attorney general won’t represent the state in appealing last week’s court ruling that overturned a voter ID mandate and other voting restrictions.”

“We’re very disappointed to hear that again his office is not willing to do his job,” McCrory said. “In fact, I question whether he should even accept a paycheck from the state of North Carolina any more because he continues to not do his job, as his oath of office requires him to do.”

From the Winston Salem Journal October 23, 2014.

“The Winston-Salem Journal reported Wednesday that, according to the SBOE, a specific search of those 10,000 names on the state’s voter rolls turned up 145 that belong to immigrants in the U.S. under the federal program known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, which provides qualified applicants with a two-year reprieve from deportation.

The number has been pared down to 119 after more research, said Josh Lawson, a spokesman for the SBOE.”

From ABC News August 12, 2011.

“Authorities have charged four Wake County residents with voter fraud in connection with the last presidential election.

Twenty-six-year-old Kierra Fontae Leache of Pheiffer Drive in Raleigh, 46-year-old Shelia “Sheilia” Romona Hodges, also of Pheiffer Drive in Raleigh, and 25-year-old Brandon Earl McLean of Bethune Drive in Raleigh, allegedly cast two ballot votes in 2008.

All three are registered Democrats.

According to arrest warrants, Leache filed a no-excuse absentee application on Oct. 29, 2008, as well as voted at the polling place on Martin Luther King Boulevard in Raleigh on Nov. 4.

Leache later admitted to authorities that she did vote twice in the presidential election.

Hodges and McLean – who also is facing unrelated charges from this past June – both each participated in early voting at Chavis Heights Community Center in Raleigh and later voted on Election Day at their local fire department polling place, according to court documents.

They also admitted to the charges.”


More here:


Trump calls media liars, Trump wrong?, Thomas Jefferson wrong?, Mark Twain wrong?, Upton Sinclair wrong?, George Orwell wrong?, Albert Einstein wrong?, Carl Sagan wrong?, William Tecumseh Sherman convinced he would get reports from hell

Trump calls media liars, Trump wrong?, Thomas Jefferson wrong?, Mark Twain wrong?, Upton Sinclair wrong?, George Orwell wrong?, Albert Einstein wrong?, Carl Sagan wrong?, William Tecumseh Sherman convinced he would get reports from hell

“The function of the press is very high. It is almost Holy.
It ought to serve as a forum for the people, through which
the people may know freely what is going on. To misstate or
suppress the news is a breach of trust.”
…. Louis D. Brandeis

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it”…Joseph Goebbels

“We are being lied to on a scale unimaginable by George Orwell.”…Citizen Wells



President elect Donald Trump has called the media liars to their faces.

Thanks to Julian Assange and Wikileaks we have proof.

From Zero Hedge November 22, 2016.

““The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down,” the source added. A second source confirmed the encounter.

The Post adds that “the meeting took place in a big board room and there were about 30 or 40 people, including the big news anchors from all the networks…”

“Trump kept saying, ‘We’re in a room of liars, the deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong. He addressed everyone in the room calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was network of liars.”

Aside from being right, Trump is in good company.

Thomas Jefferson

“Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper.
Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that
polluted vehicle.”

Mark Twain

“It has become a sarcastic proverb that a thing must be true if you saw it in a newspaper. That is the opinion intelligent people have of that lying vehicle in a nutshell. But the trouble is that the stupid people — who constitute the grand overwhelming majority of this and all other nations — do believe and are moulded and convinced by what they get out of a newspaper, and there is where the harm lies.”

Upton Sinclair

“When you pick up your morning or evening newspaper and think
you are reading the news of the world, what you are reading
is a propaganda which has been selected, revised, and doctored
by some power which has a financial interest in you.”

George Orwell

“It is impossible to read through the reports in the Communist Press without realizing that they are consciously aimed at a public ignorant of the facts and have no other purpose than to work up prejudice.”

Albert Einstein

“The (American) press, which is mostly controlled by vested
interests, has an excessive influence on public opinion.”

Edward R. Murrow

“The speed of communications is wondrous to behold. It is also true that speed can multiply the distribution of information that we know to be untrue.”

Carl Sagan

“I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time — when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness…

The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance”

William Tecumseh Sherman

“If I had my choice I would kill every reporter in the world but I am sure we would be getting reports from hell before breakfast.”

Donald Trump is the right man for the job.

Trump is not afraid to speak the truth.


More here:




NC state board of elections meeting November 22, 2016, Legal questions affecting the 2016 general election,Briefs, McCrory & N.C. Republican Party, Cooper & N.C. Democratic Party, Southern Coalition for Social Justice, Ballot retrieved and discounted if voter ineligible?

NC state board of elections meeting November 22, 2016, Legal questions affecting the 2016 general election,Briefs, McCrory & N.C. Republican Party, Cooper & N.C. Democratic Party, Southern Coalition for Social Justice, Ballot retrieved and discounted if voter ineligible?

“Other payments which are disclosed on Bladen County Improvement Association PAC contribution reports include
the following:

Mary Johnson, witness for 74 ballots, $450;
Lola Wooten, witness for 58 ballots, $500;
Deborah Cogdell, witness for 45 ballots (including both witnesses on 1 ballot), $300; and
Bridgette Keaton, witness for 16 ballots, $630.”…Bladin County NC election protest

“The end justifies the means, the template of the left.”…Citizen Wells

“We control life, Winston, at all its levels. You are imagining that there is something called human nature which will be outraged by what we do and will turn against us. But we create human nature. Men are infinitely malleable.”…George Orwell, “1984″



The NC State Board of Elections meeting is taking place now.



As directed by the State Board, Executive Director Strach has established the below order of proceedings. Members of the public have been informed they will not be recognized but were given the opportunity to submit written comments; 473 have done so.

McCrory & N.C. Republican Party ……………(30 min. argument)

Cooper & N.C. Democratic Party ………………(30 min. argument)

McCrory & N.C. Republican Party……(10 min. optional rebuttal)

Cooper & N.C. Democratic Party……….(10 min. optional rebuttal)

Southern Coalition for Social Justice…………..(20 min. argument)

*Order of appearance as between the parties was determined by coin toss. Southern Coalition for Social Justice is the only organizational party to have filed a timely brief and their motion to present was granted under Paragraph 5 the Order dated Nov. 20.


Brief of Pat McCrory Committee & N.C. Republican Party

Brief of Cooper for North Carolina & N.C. Democratic Party Application to appear pro hac vice

Brief of Southern Coalition for Social Justice”

The briefs can be found here:

Click to access Record_and_Order_of_Proceedings.pdf



More here:

NC governor race update November 21, 2016, 339 convicted felons voted early or absentee, McCrory: “Why is Roy Cooper so insistent on circumventing the electoral process and counting the votes of dead people and felons?”, Bladen County fraud also in Durham County?

NC governor race update November 21, 2016, 339 convicted felons voted early or absentee, McCrory: “Why is Roy Cooper so insistent on circumventing the electoral process and counting the votes of dead people and felons?”, Bladen County fraud also in Durham County?

“Other payments which are disclosed on Bladen County Improvement Association PAC contribution reports include
the following:

Mary Johnson, witness for 74 ballots, $450;
Lola Wooten, witness for 58 ballots, $500;
Deborah Cogdell, witness for 45 ballots (including both witnesses on 1 ballot), $300; and
Bridgette Keaton, witness for 16 ballots, $630.”…Bladin County NC election protest

“The end justifies the means, the template of the left.”…Citizen Wells

“We control life, Winston, at all its levels. You are imagining that there is something called human nature which will be outraged by what we do and will turn against us. But we create human nature. Men are infinitely malleable.”…George Orwell, “1984″



I listened to the entire NC State Board of Elections emergency meeting yesterday, November 20, 2016.

And guess what, as best as I can determine, so far the mainstream media is underreporting what took place.

For example, the IT Manager did a query on his own initiative and discovered that over 300 felons had voted illegally.

I also learned that some counties had not begun their canvass yet. One of the reasons apparently is the delay in getting data from the DMV.

Many counties will take at least until Tuesday to complete their canvass.

It is my opinion that it will take longer.

The board addressed the McCrory request to consolidate the review of county protests and after much discussion decided to wait.

They approved hiring legal counsel.

They unanimously agreed to take over the Bladen County protest after revealing they already had personnel investigating there and that it probably will rise to the level of a criminal investigation.

Durham County protests were brought up but it was decided they will wait and allow normal channels to prevail.

Before making further decisions about the scope of their involvement in protests, they agreed to get further input from the counties and citizens and another meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, November 22, 2016.

From the McCrory for Governor website November 21, 2016.

“Roy Cooper Should Stop Trying To Circumvent Electoral Process

The Pat McCrory Committee issued the following statement in response to Roy Cooper’s desperate press conferences attacking Governor McCrory:

“Why is Roy Cooper so insistent on circumventing the electoral process and counting the votes of dead people and felons? It may be because he needs those fraudulent votes to count in order to win. Instead of insulting North Carolina voters, we intend to let the process work as it should to ensure that every legal vote is counted properly.” – Ricky Diaz, Governor McCrory’s campaign spokesman

Fact: The State Board of Elections discovered over 339 convicted felons who voted early or absentee. This total does not include numbers from Election Day. (News & Observer on Twitter, 11/20/2016)

Fact: Over 90 counties have yet to complete their county canvases and finalize their vote totals.

Fact: Protests are being filed in over 50 counties to challenge fraudulent absentee ballots and votes by felons, double and dead voters.(Charlotte Observer, 11/17/2016)

Fact: The State Board of Elections agreed to take up the Bladen County protest involving hundreds of potentially fraudulent absentee ballots – all apparently including votes for Cooper.”
There is a protest in Durham County about absentee ballot fraud similar to the one filed in Bladen County.

Click to access Durham_Posthill_(Absentee_Fraud).pdf

More on the Bladen County protest.

The NC Governor race between Governor Pat McCrory and Attorney General Roy Cooper is still tight. So tight that after the canvassing Friday there are reported to be only 6,600 votes separating them. That allows a recount under NC Law.

However, the much bigger story is voter fraud being documented, investigated and protested.

From Pat McCrory’s Facebook account.


From the McCrory website.

“Hundreds of Fraudulent Cooper Ballots Discovered, Challenged In Bladen County

N.C. Democrat Party-Funded PAC Involved In Apparent Massive Voter Fraud Scheme”

“A formal protest has been filed with the Bladen County Board of Elections to challenge several hundred apparently fraudulent absentee ballots cast for Roy Cooper and other Democrats in Bladen County. Initial evidence laid out in the protest suggests a “massive scheme to run an absentee ballot mill involving hundreds of ballots, perpetrated by and through the Bladen County Improvement Association PAC,” a political action committee funded by the N.C. Democrat Party and other prominent statewide Democrats.

The protest, filed by Bladen County Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor McCrae Dowless and corroborated by a forensic handwriting expert, notes “shocking evidence resulting from a blatant scheme to try to impact the voting results of an entire county and perhaps even sway statewide and federal elections,” including the gubernatorial race.”

“According to disclosure reports, among the largest contributors to the Bladen County Improvement Association PAC are the North Carolina Democratic Party and candidates for statewide and countywide offices, such as: Mike Morgan, Wake County district court judge and Supreme Court justice-elect; June Atkinson, superintendent of public instruction; Ken Spaulding, former gubernatorial candidate; Dan Blue III, state senator and former candidate for state treasurer; Chris Rey, mayor of Spring Lake and former candidate for U.S. Senate; G. Michael Cogdell, Bladen County commissioner.”


From the protest.

“6. Does this protest involve an irregularity or misconduct not described in number 5 above? If so, please give a detailed description of such misconduct or irregularity and name those who committed such action.
Yes. The voters of Bladen County, North Carolina, appear to be the victims of a massive scheme to run an absentee ballot mill involving hundreds of ballots, perpetrated by and through the Bladen County Improvement Association

Upon in-person visual review of mail-in absentee ballots by a forensic handwriting expert, it appears that literally hundreds of fraudulent ballots were cast. These ballots all appear to have been cast in support of a ticket of
candidates, but in particular for a write-in candidate for the Bladen County Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor. Despite the unusually large number of ballots cast for a particular write-in candidate named Franklin
Graham, it appears that out of the hundreds of ballots reviewed that voted for Mr. Graham, the handwriting on hundreds of those ballots matches only about a dozen handwriting styles.

In particular, one very active absentee ballot “witness,” Deborah Monroe, who was apparently personally validating validated at least 67 mail-in absentee ballots, appears to have written in “Franklin Graham” as a write-in candidate at
least 71 times. In further shocking evidence of this scheme, the Bladen County Improvement Association PAC filed reports with the North Carolina State Board of Elections admitting they that it paid Ms. Monroe multiple payments
totaling $550 for “G.O.T.V.” See Attachment at 8, 23, 47.

Other payments which are disclosed on Bladen County Improvement Association PAC contribution reports include
the following:

Mary Johnson, witness for 74 ballots, $450;
Lola Wooten, witness for 58 ballots, $500;
Deborah Cogdell, witness for 45 ballots (including both witnesses on 1 ballot), $300; and
Bridgette Keaton, witness for 16 ballots, $630.

While the Bladen County Improvement Association PAC has many funders, its single largest funder is the North Carolina Democratic Party, supporting the organization with a $2,500 contribution. See Attachment at 7. Not only
was the Democratic Party itself an active supporter of this organization, a number of Democratic campaigns for North Carolina state office made financial contributions to the PAC. These include the Michael Morgan Committee
contributing $1,500, backing the recently-elected Democrat North Carolina Supreme Court Justice; the Committee to Elect Dan Blue III contributing $1,000, backing the unsuccessful Democratic nominee for North Carolina
Treasurer; the Committee to Elect Robert Wilson contributing $1,000, backing the unsuccessful candidate for the Democratic nomination for Lieutenant Governor, and the Committee to Elect Judge Vince Rozier, contributing
$250, backing the unsuccessful Democratic nominee for North Carolina Court of Appeals.

Several other batches of mail-in absentee ballots of between 5 and 15 have handwriting samples that appear to match.

These are not simply helpful individuals who have attempted to assist a large swath of Bladen County’s voters to cast their ballots. This is the shocking evidence resulting from a blatant scheme to try to impact the voting results of
an entire county and perhaps even sway statewide and federal elections. This is clear from the fact that only a very few of the voter assistance sections of these mailed-in absentee ballots have been completed, despite being
completed by just a few individuals.

Therefore, it appears that a surprisingly small number of individuals were responsible for casting a very large number of ballots. Few of these ballots were properly indicated as having been completed with assistance by a third

I will also be submitting a report from a Forensic Document Examiner that details much of the handwriting analysis outline above. That will be submitted under separate cover as soon as the report is completed.”

NC Democrat Party complicit in massive voter fraud in North Carolina, Funded Bladen County Improvement Association PAC, Protest filed first by voter and candidate McCrae Dowless, Governor Pat McCrory filing protests in 50 NC counties



More here:




NC Governor election race breaking news, Over 300 felons discovered voting, Board of Elections emergency meeting, IT manager ran query on own initiative

NC Governor election race breaking news, Over 300 felons discovered voting, Board of Elections emergency meeting, IT manager ran query on own initiative

“Other payments which are disclosed on Bladen County Improvement Association PAC contribution reports include
the following:

Mary Johnson, witness for 74 ballots, $450;
Lola Wooten, witness for 58 ballots, $500;
Deborah Cogdell, witness for 45 ballots (including both witnesses on 1 ballot), $300; and
Bridgette Keaton, witness for 16 ballots, $630.”…Bladin County NC election protest

“The end justifies the means, the template of the left.”…Citizen Wells

“We control life, Winston, at all its levels. You are imagining that there is something called human nature which will be outraged by what we do and will turn against us. But we create human nature. Men are infinitely malleable.”…George Orwell, “1984″


A few minutes ago in the NC State Board of Elections emergency meeting it was announced that the IT manager, on his own initiative, discovered that over 300 felons had voted in the 2016 election.

The protest of the Bladen County results was also just mentioned.

They have decided to end this meeting and reconvene on Tuesday AM to allow more time to hear from the county boards and other individuals before making a move to possibly consolidate evaluation of protests at the state level.

They also agreed to approve seeking outside legal counsel for the board.


More here:

NC State Board of Elections emergency meeting Sunday November 20, 2016, Election protests filed in over half of counties, Absentee ballot fraud felon voting double voting dead people voting provisional ballot processing, 85 county boards have rescheduled canvasses

NC State Board of Elections emergency meeting Sunday November 20, 2016, Election protests filed in over half of counties, Absentee ballot fraud felon voting double voting dead people voting provisional ballot processing, 85 county boards have rescheduled canvasses

“Other payments which are disclosed on Bladen County Improvement Association PAC contribution reports include
the following:

Mary Johnson, witness for 74 ballots, $450;
Lola Wooten, witness for 58 ballots, $500;
Deborah Cogdell, witness for 45 ballots (including both witnesses on 1 ballot), $300; and
Bridgette Keaton, witness for 16 ballots, $630.”…Bladin County NC election protest

“The end justifies the means, the template of the left.”…Citizen Wells

“We control life, Winston, at all its levels. You are imagining that there is something called human nature which will be outraged by what we do and will turn against us. But we create human nature. Men are infinitely malleable.”…George Orwell, “1984″



**  Check the Citizen Wells Twitter account for real time updates  **

The NC State Board of Elections is conducting an emergency meeting at 4:oo PM, Sunday November 20, 2016.

Election protests have been filed in over half of the 100 counties in North Carolina.

85 of the  county boards have rescheduled canvasses.

There have been numerous reports of absentee ballot fraud, felon voting, double voting, dead people votingand problems with provisional ballot processing.

Governor McCrory’s campaign has asked the State Board to intervene and take jurisdiction over pending protests.

Here is one of the more glaring cases of probable voter fraud in Bladen County.

“From Pat McCrory’s Facebook account.


From the McCrory website.

“Hundreds of Fraudulent Cooper Ballots Discovered, Challenged In Bladen County

N.C. Democrat Party-Funded PAC Involved In Apparent Massive Voter Fraud Scheme”

“A formal protest has been filed with the Bladen County Board of Elections to challenge several hundred apparently fraudulent absentee ballots cast for Roy Cooper and other Democrats in Bladen County. Initial evidence laid out in the protest suggests a “massive scheme to run an absentee ballot mill involving hundreds of ballots, perpetrated by and through the Bladen County Improvement Association PAC,” a political action committee funded by the N.C. Democrat Party and other prominent statewide Democrats.

The protest, filed by Bladen County Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor McCrae Dowless and corroborated by a forensic handwriting expert, notes “shocking evidence resulting from a blatant scheme to try to impact the voting results of an entire county and perhaps even sway statewide and federal elections,” including the gubernatorial race.”

“According to disclosure reports, among the largest contributors to the Bladen County Improvement Association PAC are the North Carolina Democratic Party and candidates for statewide and countywide offices, such as: Mike Morgan, Wake County district court judge and Supreme Court justice-elect; June Atkinson, superintendent of public instruction; Ken Spaulding, former gubernatorial candidate; Dan Blue III, state senator and former candidate for state treasurer; Chris Rey, mayor of Spring Lake and former candidate for U.S. Senate; G. Michael Cogdell, Bladen County commissioner.”


From the protest.

“6. Does this protest involve an irregularity or misconduct not described in number 5 above? If so, please give a detailed description of such misconduct or irregularity and name those who committed such action.
Yes. The voters of Bladen County, North Carolina, appear to be the victims of a massive scheme to run an absentee ballot mill involving hundreds of ballots, perpetrated by and through the Bladen County Improvement Association

Upon in-person visual review of mail-in absentee ballots by a forensic handwriting expert, it appears that literally hundreds of fraudulent ballots were cast. These ballots all appear to have been cast in support of a ticket of
candidates, but in particular for a write-in candidate for the Bladen County Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor. Despite the unusually large number of ballots cast for a particular write-in candidate named Franklin
Graham, it appears that out of the hundreds of ballots reviewed that voted for Mr. Graham, the handwriting on hundreds of those ballots matches only about a dozen handwriting styles.

In particular, one very active absentee ballot “witness,” Deborah Monroe, who was apparently personally validating validated at least 67 mail-in absentee ballots, appears to have written in “Franklin Graham” as a write-in candidate at
least 71 times. In further shocking evidence of this scheme, the Bladen County Improvement Association PAC filed reports with the North Carolina State Board of Elections admitting they that it paid Ms. Monroe multiple payments
totaling $550 for “G.O.T.V.” See Attachment at 8, 23, 47.

Other payments which are disclosed on Bladen County Improvement Association PAC contribution reports include
the following:

Mary Johnson, witness for 74 ballots, $450;
Lola Wooten, witness for 58 ballots, $500;
Deborah Cogdell, witness for 45 ballots (including both witnesses on 1 ballot), $300; and
Bridgette Keaton, witness for 16 ballots, $630.

While the Bladen County Improvement Association PAC has many funders, its single largest funder is the North Carolina Democratic Party, supporting the organization with a $2,500 contribution. See Attachment at 7. Not only
was the Democratic Party itself an active supporter of this organization, a number of Democratic campaigns for North Carolina state office made financial contributions to the PAC. These include the Michael Morgan Committee
contributing $1,500, backing the recently-elected Democrat North Carolina Supreme Court Justice; the Committee to Elect Dan Blue III contributing $1,000, backing the unsuccessful Democratic nominee for North Carolina
Treasurer; the Committee to Elect Robert Wilson contributing $1,000, backing the unsuccessful candidate for the Democratic nomination for Lieutenant Governor, and the Committee to Elect Judge Vince Rozier, contributing
$250, backing the unsuccessful Democratic nominee for North Carolina Court of Appeals.

Several other batches of mail-in absentee ballots of between 5 and 15 have handwriting samples that appear to match.

These are not simply helpful individuals who have attempted to assist a large swath of Bladen County’s voters to cast their ballots. This is the shocking evidence resulting from a blatant scheme to try to impact the voting results of
an entire county and perhaps even sway statewide and federal elections. This is clear from the fact that only a very few of the voter assistance sections of these mailed-in absentee ballots have been completed, despite being
completed by just a few individuals.

Therefore, it appears that a surprisingly small number of individuals were responsible for casting a very large number of ballots. Few of these ballots were properly indicated as having been completed with assistance by a third

I will also be submitting a report from a Forensic Document Examiner that details much of the handwriting analysis outline above. That will be submitted under separate cover as soon as the report is completed.”

NC Democrat Party complicit in massive voter fraud in North Carolina, Funded Bladen County Improvement Association PAC, Protest filed first by voter and candidate McCrae Dowless, Governor Pat McCrory filing protests in 50 NC counties

Updates from the meeting will be posted at the Citizen Wells Twitter account real time.



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