Tag Archives: Taxes

Taxes, Unemployment, Businesses don’t pay taxes people do, Citizen Wells open thread, October 18, 2010

Taxes, Unemployment, Businesses don’t pay taxes people do, Citizen Wells open thread, October 18, 2010

The far left, in ignorance, or as part of their agenda of the end justifies the means, perpetually bashes business and the so called fat cats. They believe that anyone making more money than they should pay more taxes. They believe that corporations are evil.

Here is the truth about taxing business and increased business expenses.
Rush Limbaugh, for many years has done an excellent job of explaining the impact of tax increases on American business and ultimately the American public. He explains that corporations do not pay taxes. This also includes non corporations, all business entities. This is the huge message that you never hear from the left, the business bashers. We already have a seious unemployment situation due to Obama and his far left socialists. I am concerned that tax hikes or hidden cost increases that will begin kicking in 2011, coupled with out of control government spending , will take us over the edge. Our new Congress will have to work fast to deactivate the tax and spend Health Care Legislation, cut taxes and provide a more business and jobs friendly envioronment.

Businesses ultimately do not pay taxes. Taxes become part of the cost of doing business. They are passed on to consumers and impact employment and the overall econo. When a business incurrs higher taxes or other increased costs, some combination of the following occurs:

  • The increased costs are passed along to consumers. This could be a local family run dairy farm. The cost increases are reflected in higher milk prices. When higher inheritance taxes are in effect, the children of the dairy farmers could be forced to shut down. That would, of course, diminish supply.
  • The increased costs prevent more hiring from occuring. The spectre of tax increases is causing that now.
  • The increased costs can lead to layoffs and schedule decreases. Our high unemployment rate is witness to that.
  • The increased costs can lead to pay freezes and pay cuts.
  • The increased costs prevent bussinesses from spending money on expansion and new technology, futher putting a damper on the economy.

And don’t forget, people with money start businesses. Questions they must ask are is it feasible, will it make money and where do I locate. Taxes always influnce those decisions.

So when you are encountered by a brain dead, far left sheeple, educate them on higher taxes and business bashing.

Paul Ryan, Health Care Bill truth, Rep Ryan exposes lies about Democrat Bill, Obama lies, Deficit impact, taxes, WI representative Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan, Health Care Bill truth, Rep Ryan exposes lies about Democrat Bill

Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin was interviewed on the Greta Show on Fox last night, March 9, 2010. Paul Ryan echoed his interview by Chris Wallace on Fox News a few days earlier. Ryan is well versed on the Democrat Health Care Bill and exposes the lies being told by Obama and many of the Democrats.

Here are the responses from Paul Ryan during the Chris Wallace interview.

Scott Brown campaigns in Middleboro MA, January 16, 2010, MA Senate race, True Republican, Videos, Youtube video, Everett Square, Spoke from the back of a pickup truck, You deserve better, Taxes, Creating jobs

From Everett News, January 17, 2010.

“Scott Brown campaigns in Middleboro on Saturday night
More than 500 supporters attend event”

“MIDDLEBORO — Scott Brown pulled into Everett Square on Saturday night and spoke from the back of a pickup truck to more than 500 supporters.

The crowd filled the Flat Iron Cafe and even spilled out into the square, filling the parking lot of the Rockland Trust Bank.

Brown spoke briefly to the crowd and was greeted with cheers and chants as he outlined his platform and said.

“You deserve better. … When I go to Washington, I will do my very best to stop backroom deals. We’ve lost our way,” he told the crowd.

Brown spent more time on the ground shaking hands with the crowd, which was a cross section of steel workers, farmers, doctors and the unemployed.

Many, like David Ng of Pembroke, had already voted by absentee ballot. Ng said his vote was against “everything the Democrats try to ram down our throats.””

“Brown’s stand on taxes and creating jobs was a high priority for Voneow. Bill is out of work, and the couple is trying to make ends meet on one paycheck.

“He stands for working like a true Republican instead of feeding special interests. He’s the guy I think can help us,” said Bill.”

“Her husband, Norman, 88, a former member of the Planning Board had already voted for Brown by absentee ballot. Their son, Douglas, said he supports Brown because “he’ll take the reigns of government back from socialist concerns.”

Many in the crowd said the election has national ramifications, calling it a vote that will be heard around the world.”

Read more:


Scott Brown in Middleboro

Part 1

Part 2

Thanks to commenter Jacqlyn Smith, et al.

Federal income tax, Clinton versus Bush comparison

Once again, the nice lady from the west coast has delivered an interesting email. Think the democrats are watching out for the little guy? Think George Bush and the republicans are just trying to help the wealthy? Read the following:

After watching a focus group of democrats that watched the democratic debate the other day in Vegas, ….  for the most part, all of them bashed Bush over and over again on how he is out for his millionaire friends and the big oil companies and he has totally forgotten or disregarded the little guy.  So, an ex-IRS employee decided to look back on the tax tables to see if there is any truth to what they said and the media keeps stating as fact, “Bush is only out for the rich in this country.”

Based on using the actual tax tables (see link below), here are some examples on what the taxes were/are on various amounts of income for both singles and married couples. so let’s see if the Bush tax cuts only helped the rich.
Taxes under Clinton 1999                                     Taxes under Bush 2008
Single making 30K – tax $8,400                           Single making 30K – tax $4,500
Single making 50K – tax $14,000                         Single making 50K – tax $12,500
Single making 75K – tax $23,250                          Single making 75K – tax $18,750
Married making 60K – tax $16,800                     Married making 60K – tax $9,000
Married making 75K – tax $21,000                     Married making 75K – tax $18,750
Married making 125K – tax $38,750                 Married making 125K – tax $31,250
If you want to know just how effective the mainstream media is, it is amazing how many people that fall into the categories above think Bush is screwing them and Bill Clinton was the greatest President ever.  If any democrat is elected, ALL of them say they will repeal the Bush tax cuts and a good portion of the people that fall into the categories above can’t wait for it to happen.  This is like the movie ‘The Sting’ with Paul Newman, you scam somebody out of some money and they don’t even know what happened.  Now this is effective (maybe not honest) marketing or maybe a better word is brain washing.