Category Archives: Politics


Mitt Romney attacks Hawley et al for following US Constitution, Crazy “dangerous to democracy”  statement, “motivated by bitterness and jealousy” 

Mitt Romney attacks Hawley et al for following US Constitution, Crazy “dangerous to democracy”  statement, “motivated by bitterness and jealousy.”

“Why would anybody listen to @MittRomney? He lost an election that should have easily been won against Obama. By the way,so did John McCain!”...Donald Trump July 18, 2015

“top Mitt Romney adviser Joseph Cofer Black, who publicly goes by “Cofer Black,” joined Burisma’s board of directors while Hunter Biden was also serving on the board.”...The Federalist September 26, 2019

“I believe Mitt Romney is motivated by bitterness and jealously that @realDonaldTrump accomplished what he has failed to do multiple times. His desire to pander to the chattering class has gotten the best of him…again.”…Rick Gorka former Romney press secretary


Is Mitt Romney still “motivated by bitterness and jealousy.”  ?

From The Hill February 5, 2020.

“Former Romney campaign spokesman says conviction decision is ‘motivated by bitterness and jealousy’

The former press secretary of Sen. Mitt Romney’s (R-Utah) 2012 presidential campaign called his decision to convict President Trump on the impeachment charge of abuse of power “motivated by bitterness and jealousy.”

Rick Gorka, who is now a communications director for the Republican National Committee (RNC), tweeted Wednesday that Trump “accomplished what he [Romney] has failed to do multiple times.”

“These are the same people that hated Mitt in 2012 and they will hate him again when they are done with him,” he added. “It is sad to see that Mitt has not learned the lessons from 2012. Now he has betrayed his Party and millions of voters.”

Gorka’s comments come amid a wave of pushback from the GOP.

The president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., also claimed that Romney was bitter toward the president, and called for him to be expelled from the Senate GOP conference.”

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Does this explain Romney’s irrational and unconstitutional statements?

From Trending Politics January 2, 2020.

“Romney Lashes Out At Josh Hawley: ‘Dangerous For Democracy’

Failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney took aim at colleague Senator Josh Hawley over the Missouri Republican’s intention to object to the certification of the Electoral College vote this week.

Unlike Romney, Hawley is a man of principle who is willing to stand up for Republican voters who were disenfranchised due to fraud and malfeasance in states controlled by Democrats and in Georgia where shady GOP Governor Brian Kemp has enabled the steal.

In remarks reportedly made to a CNN “reporter” Pierre Delecto denounced Hawley’s bid to get the truth out as being “dangerous to democracy” both at home and abroad, not concerned that the perception of tens of millions of Trump voters and the Senate which is still under Republican control, has refused to investigate legitimate complaints regarding the irregularities.

Romney also denounced Hawley’s plans as spreading the false rumor that “somehow the election was stolen” which it was. ”

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Hunter and Joe Biden emails prove lies and corruption, Giuliani: “probably the biggest, highest-level scandal so far this century”, Joe Biden lied

Hunter and Joe Biden emails prove lies and corruption, Giuliani: “probably the biggest, highest-level scandal so far this century”, Joe Biden lied

“I’ve watched Joe Biden on the campaign trail, and I’m concerned that he does not have the mental capacity, the cognitive ability, to serve as our commander in chief. He routinely gets lost in the middle of a thought and can’t recalibrate.”...former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson

“Man in audience questioned Joe Biden about his son’s involvement in Burisma. “You’re selling access to the president.” Joe Biden called him a liar.”...New Hampton, IA December 5, 2019

“Do you really want far left radical Kamala Harris as president?”…Citizen Wells


From Fox News October 14, 2020.

“Joe Biden’s alleged links to Burisma ‘as damaging as can be,’ Giuliani says
‘Remember, Biden denied knowing anything about Burisma,’ Giuliani said”

“Giuliani, the former New York City mayor and U.S. Attorney General for the Southern District of New York, told FOX Business’ Stuart Varney on Wednesday morning that the leaked documents were a smoking gun “for sure.”

“Remember, Biden denied knowing anything about Burisma. Biden denied – numerous times – knowing anything about his, uh, his son’s foreign dealings,” Giuliani said. “That says very clearly that Biden met with the … I think he’s now the [number] two or three guy in the most crooked company in Ukraine.”


“Giuliani at the time was referring to several records leaked in a bombshell report in the New York Post, which includes an email from an adviser to the board of Ukrainian energy firm Burisma thanking Hunter Biden for arranging a meeting with his father, who was the U.S. vice president at the time.

“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together,” states the April 17, 2015 email from Vadym Pozharskyi, according to the report. “It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure.”

Pozharskyi, who was said to be Burisma’s third-highest-ranking executive, also allegedly emailed Hunter in May 2014, seeking “advice on how you could use your influence” for the benefit of the company, the Post reported.”

““It’s probably the biggest, highest-level scandal so far this century,” Giuliani said. “It happened at the highest levels in two governments: the United States and Ukraine.””

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Hillary Clinton is “evil incarnate”, Hillary: “If you want to talk about real evil, it’s her”, David Schippers interviews, Schippers life long Democrat voted twice for Bill, Man of principles

Hillary Clinton is “evil incarnate”, Hillary: “If you want to talk about real evil, it’s her”, David Schippers interviews, Schippers life long Democrat voted twice for Bill, Man of principles

“As a result of our research and review of the Referral and supporting documentation, we respectfully submit that there exists substantial and credible evidence of fifteen separate events directly involving President William Jefferson Clinton that could constitute felonies which, in turn, may constitute grounds to proceed with an impeachment inquiry.”…David Schippers  House Judiciary Committee October 5, 1998

“Let me tell you something. They were all over that woman,” Schippers told “And it was the type of stuff we ran into with the outfit (the Chicago mob). Intimidation just by watching her, making their presence known. … Just to let her know ‘We can do what we want.’ ”…David Schippers

“Hillary: “If you want to talk about real evil, it’s her””…David Schippers


I am not a fan of either political party, especially the uber corrupted Democrat Party.

David Schippers, a life long Democrat who voted for Bill Clinton twice, criticized both parties.

He was the lead counsel in the impeachment investigations of Bill Clinton.

Mr. Schippers passed away in October 2018. God bless him and his family.

I wish that we had a real 2 party system of people like Mr. Schippers who put God and country first over ambition and political party.

David Schippers told the truth about the Clintons and especially Hillary.

From Free Republic April 27, 2002 regarding a radio interview of David Schippers.

“David Schippers, the man called in by Henry Hyde to be chief counsel of the impeachment of William Jefferson Blythe Clinton, has been very candid and succinct in his description of Hillary Clinton. When asked about her on FreeRepublic Radio, he described her as “evil incarnate.”

He also described Bill Clinton as the worst thing to ever happen to this country.

Those who are still wearing the ceremonial kneepads and drinking the Clinton Kool-Aid are hard pressed to criticize Schippers as a member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. Schippers, you see, is a life long Democrat. Schippers, working under Robert Kennedy, helped take down the Chicago mob. Schippers voted twice for Bill Clinton.”

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In a October 21, 2016 interview by Sandy Rios on American Family Association radio, Mr. Schippers called Hillary evil again, worse even than Bill Clinton.

Hillary: “If you want to talk about real evil, it’s her”

Listen to the entire interview here:

We owe David Schippers a tremendous debt of gratitude.

More Americans need to follow his example.


More here:


Hillary Clinton and Clinton foundation… dealing with the devil, Clintons wield much power, Christopher Ruddy went from Clintons critic to friend, NY Times Bob Herbert wrote in 2001 Democratic Party made the equivalent of a pact with the devil, Ruddy reported it

Hillary Clinton and Clinton foundation… dealing with the devil, Clintons wield much power, Christopher Ruddy went from Clintons critic to friend, NY Times Bob Herbert wrote in 2001 Democratic Party made the equivalent of a pact with the devil, Ruddy reported it

“If the guilty and unrepentant get off easy, what type of
prosecution is this. It’s not time to blame the Independent
Counsel Law; blame the prosecutor who wouldn’t do his job.
Because of Kenneth W. Starr’s complicity, the most corrupt
administration in the history of the country continues with
no end in sight. God save us all.”…Christopher Ruddy, NewsMax July 1, 1999

“the Democratic Party overlooked the ethical red flags and made a pact with Mr. Clinton that was the equivalent of a pact with the devil. And he delivered. With Mr. Clinton at the controls, the party won the White House twice. But in the process it lost its bearings and maybe even its soul.”…Bob Herbert, NY Times February 26, 2001

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.”…George Orwell, “1984”



If you make a deal with Hillary Clinton or the Clinton Foundation you likely are making a deal with the devil.


Christopher Ruddy, who wrote many hard hittings articles about the Clintons and Vincent Foster death, became friends with the Clintons in 2007.

The NewsMax business that Ruddy created, has no archives before 2007 despite many articles for many years about the Clintons.


Here is some background.

From Citizen News April 17, 2015.

“Let’s review the history of NewsMax.

From ConWebWatch May 30, 2002.

“NewsMax has lost a lot of money. Nearly $11 million, in fact, since the site’s launch in 1998. NewsMax lost roughly $8.4 million of that in 2000 and 2001.”

“Richard Mellon Scaife has a stake in NewsMax. According to the prospectus, Scaife owns about 7.2 percent of NewsMax Media”

Read more

From Politico August 2, 2014.

“Ruddy and the late former New York City Mayor Ed Koch helped broker a July 2007 meeting with Scaife and the former president in the Clinton Foundation’s Harlem office, and Scaife donated more than $100,000 to the foundation. Still, Scaife raised eyebrows by praising Hillary Clinton during her 2008 campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, and his Tribune-Review later endorsed her over Barack Obama ahead of the Pennsylvania primary.”

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From Joseph Farah of WND March 27, 2012.

“Newsmax’s Chris Ruddy was once a very good friend of mine.

I thought I knew him well.”

“He began to write a series of penetrating articles about the mysterious death of Vincent Foster and was, in a matter of weeks, let go. Why? Because Murdoch had important business with the Clinton administration and didn’t need the headaches Ruddy was presenting him with.

For the next year or so, I did everything in my power to help Ruddy pursue that story and others involving the Clinton scandals. When the New York Times Magazine did a story about “The Clinton Haters,” Ruddy and I were in the middle of it. When Hillary Clinton talked about “the vast right-wing media conspiracy,” we were in the middle of it – along with a guy named Dick Scaife.

Unlike Ruddy and me, Scaife had money – lots of it. He soon hired Ruddy to pursue the Clinton scandals at his newspaper, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

I warned Ruddy about Scaife. I never trusted him. I told Ruddy he would compromise his values if he went to work for Scaife. He didn’t listen.

Today, Dick Scaife and Chris Ruddy own Newsmax – some would suggest my competition.”

“The point is simple. There are many people today who are profiting from their allegedly “conservative” credentials. But some of them – like my old friend Chris Ruddy – have become part of the problem. They haven’t just “compromised,” they’ve gone over to the dark side. In fact, some of them are playing both sides against the middle in an indecent grasp to be part of the establishment.

I just thought you should know.”
Read more

Follow the money.

Sadly, moneyed interests control most of the “information” that used to be called journalism.

And the Clintons control lots of money and moneyed interests.”

From Citizen News April 19, 2015.

From NewsMax February 26, 2001 via the Wayback Machine.

“New York Times Left-Winger: Shun Corrupt Clinton

Bob Herbert, identified today by Fox News Channel as the most liberal columnist at the New York Times, is belatedly joining in on the anti-Clinton bandwagon. But his vehemence is making up for his tardiness.

Herbert writes today that the Democratic Party made “the equivalent of a pact with the devil” in supporting Clinton and “in the process it lost its bearings and maybe even its soul.”

“Now, with the stench of yet another scandal polluting the political atmosphere, some of Mr. Clinton’s closest associates and supporters are acknowledging what his enemies have argued for years – the man is so thoroughly corrupt it’s frightening.

Christopher Ruddy published this on July 1, 1999.

“If the guilty and unrepentant get off easy, what type of
prosecution is this. It’s not time to blame the Independent
Counsel Law; blame the prosecutor who wouldn’t do his job.
Because of Kenneth W. Starr’s complicity, the most corrupt
administration in the history of the country continues with
no end in sight. God save us all.”

Did Ruddy sell his soul or as Joseph Farah stated:

“But some of them – like my old friend Chris Ruddy – have become part of the problem. They haven’t just “compromised,” they’ve gone over to the dark side.”

“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”…Lord Acton

Hillary Clinton Vince Foster murder/suicide coverup, 1993 limited data sources, Mainstream media Rush Limbaugh Sean Hannity, Never smelled right to me, Citizen Wells reopens case, New information to most people

Hillary Clinton Vince Foster murder/suicide coverup, 1993 limited data sources, Mainstream media Rush Limbaugh Sean Hannity, Never smelled right to me, Citizen Wells reopens case, New information to most people

“Don’t believe a word you hear. It was not suicide. It couldn’t have been.”…Assistant Attorney General Webster Hubbell, July 20, 1993

“The only question that remains today is whether or not Hillary Clinton gets away with another cover-up, like she did in the Vince Foster case, and runs for President in 2016, or will she finally be held accountable, and Americans learn the truth about the Benghazi terrorist attack?”…Canada Free Press December 18, 2012

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.”…George Orwell, “1984”



From Canada Free Press December 18, 2012.

“It was on July 20, 1993 when Vince Foster, President Bill Clinton’s childhood friend and Hillary Clinton’s closest White House confidante, was found dead of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound in the head in Fort Marcy Park, Virginia. Before a preliminary investigation began, Americans were told by White House officials and President Clinton that Vince Foster committed suicide in Fort Marcy Park, nobody saw it coming, and it would remain a “mystery”—the cohesive strategy crafted in Hillary’s White House counsel’s office. Clinton Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers even stated: “the Park Service Police is the only agency that’s investigating [Vince Foster’s death], and that the objective of their search is simply to determine that it was a suicide.”

The fix was in. The objective of the investigation into Vince Foster’s death, the highest ranking government official’s death since President John Kennedy was assassinated, was “simply to determine that it was a suicide [emphasis mine].” The conclusion was predetermined. The cohesive strategy stuck as “truth” and they got away with it. Homicide, foul play, the possibility of blackmail, a potential risk to America’s national security, was never investigated. No need for the Clinton White House to cooperate with investigators or the media. They didn’t. Case closed. Move on….

And now Hillary Clinton and the Obama White House are following the same cover-up playbook in Benghazi.”

1993 vs now.

What is the difference?

Even back then I wasn’t trusting reports from the mainstream media. And I was busy working and taking care of the necessities of life.

If I wanted the truth, the facts about a story I looked to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and a few others.


First of all, I trust Rush and Hannity.

But something we depend upon heavily now, was barely being used by the public.


Sean Hannity did a good job of digging and reporting.

There is now so much more information about Foster’s death on the internet.

I have begun examining it and will provide a series of articles.

The whole mess smelled badly in 1993 and smells worse now.

Of course it is deja vu with Hillary obstructing justice with the Benghazi debacle and email crimes.

I never believed it was suicide and am more than ever convinced that Vince Foster was murdered.

From Citizen News April 15, 2015.

“Vince Foster Murder/Suicide coverup

Part 2


From What Really Happened.

“The first witness to find the body insisted that there had been no gun near the body. The memory in Foster’s pager had been erased. Critical evidence began to vanish. Many witnesses were harassed. Others were simply ignored. There were even suggestions that the body had been moved, and a Secret Service memo surfaced which reported that Foster’s body had been found in his car! The official reports were self-contradictory.

“Outside experts not connected the official investigation also had their doubts.

Vincent J. Scalise, a former NYC detective, Fred Santucci, a former forensic photographer for NYC, and Richard Saferstein, former head of the New Jersey State Crime Lab formed a team and did an investigation of the VWF case for the Western Journalism Center of Fair Oaks, Calif. They arrived at several conclusions:

(1) Homicide cannot and should not be ruled out.

(2) The position of the arms and legs of the corpse were drastically inconsistent with suicide.

(3) Neither of VWF’s hand was on the handgrip when it was fired. This is also inconsistent with suicide. The investigators noted that in their 50 years of combined experience they had “never seen a weapon or gun positioned in a suicide’s hand in such an orderly fashion.”

(4) VWF’s body was probably in contact with one or more carpets prior to his death. The team was amazed that the carpet in the trunk of VF’s care had not been studied to see whether he had been carried to the park in the trunk of his own car.

(5) The force of the gun’s discharge probably knocked VF’s glasses flying; however, it is “inconceivable” that they could have traveled 13 feet through foliage to the site where they were found; ergo, the scene probably was tampered with.

(6) The lack of blood and brain tissue at the site suggests VF was carried to the scene. The peculiar tracking pattern of the blood on his right cheek also suggests that he was moved.

Despite numerous official assurances that Vincent Foster really did commit suicide, more and more Americans, over 70% at the last count, no longer believe the official story. TV specials, most notably the one put out by A&E’s “Inside Investigations” with Bill Kurtis, have failed to answer the lingering questions, indeed have engaged in deliberate fraud to try to dismiss the evidence that points to a cover-up.”

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Vincent Scalice, was used as a consultant for a project at PBS.


Richard Saferstein, is the author of Criminalisitics: An Introduction to Forensic Science.

Patrick Knowlton was the first witness at the Vince Foster crime scene. His testimony contradicts the report of investigator Kenneth Starr. His addendum was included as an appendix to the Starr report.


Putin deposed in Russian coup?, Israeli former ambassador to Russia signs of coup, Stroke health issues dead?, Security chief general Viktor Zolotov killed?, Putin not seen in public in 10 days

Putin deposed in Russian coup?, Israeli former ambassador to Russia signs of coup, Stroke health issues dead?, Security chief general Viktor Zolotov killed?, Putin not seen in public in 10 days



From Haaretz March 15, 2015.

“Israel’s former ambassador to Russia: ‘There are signs of a coup’

Zvi Magen believes army factions or wealthy businessmen could be behind President Vladimir Putin’s disappearance.”

“Russian President Vladimir Putin was last seen in public on March 5, and in Russia there are increased fears he is the victim of an attempted coup by security organizations and the Russian army.

Israel’s former ambassador to Russia, Zvi Magen, told Haaretz he believes “there are many signs of a coup. The movement of the army around the Kremlin indicates that there is a change in government, or that an attempt at a change in government is being carried out.”

Magen believes those responsible for the potential coup are “branches or factions in the army who are working together or against one another, or wealthy businessmen, many of whom worked in these organizations. They could only be people who are free to walk around the corridors of the Kremlin.”

He says possible reasons include the ongoing sanctions imposed by the West on those close to the Kremlin, sanctions “that harm them personally. I don’t believe there’s a controversy there surrounding policy. They’re protecting their own interests.””

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From the Russian Monitor March 11, 2015.

(translated into English)

“Putin stroke?”

“Mail “Russian Monitor” received a letter signed by an anonymous employee of the Central Clinical Hospital of President Administration (CDB) in Moscow, in which he reported that the staff of this elite Moscow hospital to which “attributed to” the top management of the Russian Federation, circulate rumors that Vladimir Putin a few days ago was diagnosed with ischemic stroke. The source said that directly to the CDB President not hospitalized.”

У Путина инсульт?

From Radio Free Europe March 15, 2015.

“News Analysis: Three Scenarios For A Succession In Russia”

“For a decade and a half, Vladimir Putin has sat at the top of a closed, hierarchical, and personality-based political system that allows for no competition.

As a result, opinion polls in Russia routinely show the public sees “no alternative” to Putin’s leadership.

So what would happen in Russia if Putin suddenly and without warning left the political stage? Over the last few days, we have seen the anxiety that even the rumor of such an event can produce in Russia and around the world. If Putin is the guarantor of stability in Russia, then does a scenario without Putin automatically imply instability — even violent instability?”

“The Constitutional Scenario”

“So if Putin unexpectedly left the scene and the constitution were followed to the letter, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev would return to the Kremlin and a competitive election would take place in three months.”

“The Consensus Scenario

Of course, such a smooth and legal transition of power is unlikely in Russia.

In Soviet times, political heavyweights wrestled behind the scenes until a successor emerged through some unfathomable communist alchemy.

More recently, when President Boris Yeltsin decided to retire, political insiders reached a consensus and produced the unimaginable candidacy of Vladimir Putin as his successor. They then used a combination of their financial, administrative, and media resources to get him elected.”

“The Conflict Scenario

But what if consensus can’t be reached?

Under Putin, the political system has become more personalized and centered around the president himself, who has balanced conflicting parties. And he has almost certainly stifled all discussion of what could or should happen in a post-Putin era.

But the divisions in Putin’s inner circle, always latent, have become more manifest with the Ukraine crisis and have intensified since the February 27 assassination of opposition figure Boris Nemtsov.

“Now the conflict between the clans has become very seriously intense,” says journalist and analyst Raf Shakirov. “It is obvious that different groups are pushing for different paths.”

The main fault line, he says, is between “hawks” who have become ascendant due to the Ukraine crisis and Russia’s showdown with the West and a “liberal group” responsible for the economy who would prefer a thaw at home and a rapprochement abroad.”

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NC state Democratic lawmaker switching party affiliation, State representative Paul Tine of Kitty Hawk, Fiscal conservative, Disenchantment with state Democratic Party, Democrats increasingly moved to the left

NC state Democratic lawmaker switching party affiliation, State representative Paul Tine of Kitty Hawk, Fiscal conservative, Disenchantment with state Democratic Party, Democrats increasingly moved to the left
“NC rejected Obama in the 2012 presidential election.
By now you know that Thom Tillis defeated Kay Hagan. Another rejection of Obama and his policies.
You may have heard that David Rouzer won the NC 7th Congressional District seat.
What you probably did not hear was that Rouzer is the first Republican to win that seat since 1868.”…Citizen Wells November 5, 2014

“It’s easy to look back and realize what a jerk Hitler was. But at the time, Hitler looked pretty good to the German people, with the help of the media. He was TIME Magazine’s Man Of The Year in 1938. The German people assumed they were safe from a tyrant. They lived in a Republic, after all, with strict laws regarding what the government could and more importantly could not do. Their leader was a devoutly religious man, and had even sung with the boy’s choir of a monastery in his youth.”…

“Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.”…George Orwell, “1984″

From the News Observer January 7, 2015.

“State Democratic lawmaker switching party affiliation”

“In an unusual move announced Wednesday, state Rep. Paul Tine of Kitty Hawk is changing his party affiliation from Democrat to unaffiliated in hopes of getting more done for his district in the upcoming legislative session, which begins next week.

Tine, a 43-year-old insurance company owner, would become the only unaffiliated member of the General Assembly. He said Wednesday in an interview with the Insider that he also hoped to participate in Republican House caucus meetings throughout the session, meaning he would have a front-row seat as the GOP majority discussed proposed legislation and other issues behind closed doors. House Republicans are expected to decide Friday whether to allow him to participate, but the House leadership is on board and the vote appears to be a formality.

His switch to unaffiliated would leave Democrats with only 45 of 120 seats in the House.

Tine said he believed siding with Republicans would help him better represent his district and be part of shaping legislation rather than reacting to it. He begins his second House term next week, representing four heavily Republican counties in eastern North Carolina – Dare, Hyde, Washington and part of Beaufort. He said the district has significant poverty, transportation and education issues, along with high homeowners’ insurance rates.

“As an independent that is working with the Republican majority, I think I can get more done for a district that needs a lot of attention,” he said.

Tine, who has been a registered Democrat since age 18, considers himself fiscally conservative and a moderate legislator who believes government should stay out of people’s lives as much as possible. He expressed disenchantment with the state Democratic Party, which lost legislative majorities four years ago and since then has had well-documented troubles in leadership and in trying to win back state legislative seats. Tine suggested the party has increasingly moved to the left and that he no longer feels at home there.”

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Solar activity organic farming cause global warming, Sun and earthworms harming planet, UN and Dutch studies, Obama and left to ban earthworms?

Solar activity organic farming cause global warming, Sun and earthworms harming planet, UN and Dutch studies, Obama and left to ban earthworms?

“Now, I‟d love to stand here and debate the science of global warming. The media of course long ago declared that debate over – global warming is a planetary emergency, we‟ve got to change the way we live now. I‟ve followed this debate closely for over 15 years. I read everything I get my hands on. I‟m an engineer, so I tend to be skeptical when journalists hyperventilate about science – “World coming to an end – details at 11”. My research convinces me that claims of a scientific consensus about global warming mislead the public and policy makers – and may reflect another agenda.”…Keith O. Rattie April 2, 2009

“Save the earthworm.”…Citizen Wells

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.”…George Orwell, “1984″

From Fox News February 1, 2013.

“Report shows UN admitting solar activity may play significant role in global warming”

“The Earth has been getting warmer — but how much of that heat is due to greenhouse gas emissions and how much is due to natural causes?

A leaked report by a United Nations’ group dedicated to climate studies says that heat from the sun may play a larger role than previously thought.

“[Results] do suggest the possibility of a much larger impact of solar variations on the stratosphere than previously thought, and some studies have suggested that this may lead to significant regional impacts on climate,” reads a draft copy of a major, upcoming report from the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The man who leaked the report, StopGreenSuicide blogger Alec Rawls, told that the U.N.’s statements on solar activity were his main motivation for leaking the document.

“The public needs to know now how the main premises and conclusions of the IPCC story line have been undercut by the IPCC itself,” Rawls wrote on his website in December, when he first leaked the report.

Rawls blames the U.N. for burying its point about the effect of the sun in Chapter 11 of the report.”

Read more:

From WUWT February 3, 2013.

“Worms guilty of climate problem”

“Forget the whole debate around global warming. Because it is all the fault of the worm.

Organic farming cause more greenhouse gases, but also what can of worms. Right earthworms, which improve soil fertility, the greenhouse gas emissions from soil to speed up. And not such a bit as well. Note that research teams of four different international universities, including those of Wageningen. The study was made public Sunday.

Earthworms increase emissions of carbon dioxide from soil on average by 33% and that of nitrous oxide by 42%. That’s because of the hustle and bustle of the critters, preventing the gases can more easily escape to the atmosphere.”

“Greenhouse-gas emissions from soils increased by earthworms

Ingrid M. Lubbers, Kees Jan van Groenigen, Steven J. Fonte, Johan Six, Lijbert Brussaard & Jan Willem van Groenigen


Earthworms play an essential part in determining the greenhouse-gas balance of soils worldwide, and their influence is expected to grow over the next decades. They are thought to stimulate carbon sequestration in soil aggregates, but also to increase emissions of the main greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. Hence, it remains highly controversial whether earthworms predominantly affect soils to act as a net source or sink of greenhouse gases. Here, we provide a quantitative review of the overall effect of earthworms on the soil greenhouse-gas balance. Our results suggest that although earthworms are largely beneficial to soil fertility, they increase net soil greenhouse-gas emissions.”

Read more:

If you thought global warming is a 'can of worms' you were right – Earthworms found to increase GHG emissions

Folks, gather up as many earthworms as you can before Obama and the left try to ban them too.

Biden Ryan debate response, October 12, 2012, Citizen Wells commenters nail it, Joe Biden and Obama have no record to run on, Chicago style politics

Biden Ryan debate response, October 12, 2012, Citizen Wells commenters nail it, Joe Biden and Obama have no record to run on, Chicago style politics

“Vice-presidential candidate Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del. (left), has been advised since 1984 by Joseph Cari (right), the Chicago lawyer and onetime mega-fundraiser who has been tied to the Antoin “Tony” Rezko patronage scandal.”…ABC News August 25, 2008

“Why did Joe Biden’s son have Larry Sinclair arrested at the end of Sinclair’s National Press Club presentation?”…Citizen Wells

“Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove
they are insured… but not everyone must prove they are a citizen.”

“Many of those who refuse, or are unable, to prove they are
citizens will receive free insurance, paid for by those who are forced to
buy insurance because they are citizens.”…Ben Stein

I watched as much of the debate as I could stomach last night. Joe Biden and his running mate Obama have no record to run on and continue to resort to Chicago style and Alinsky politics. Biden, with his constant interruptions and undignified responses, revealed his lack of respect for the office and the American public.

The good commenters of Citizen Wells nailed it.


“Joe ‘Plugs’ Biden is an idiot. Paul Ryan was dignified and stated his case perfectly, even though he was nervous. If Plugs and that ever-present (fake) smirk kept interrupting me, I would’ve embarrassed him on the national stage and told him he was rude and condescending. Either that, or I would’ve crawled across the table and smacked him”


“Moderator bias was on full display and she neglected to mentioned O and her hubby were Harvard buds and invited him to their wedding.”


“All the dufus public who could only say Biden was “passionate” apparently could not tell that he was using his display as a cover for his ignorance. Within his “passion” he was lying and demagoguing. This moderator is still definitely biased towards her specially invited marriage guest. She willingly lost control of Biden’s blatant interruptions when the program was to have 2 min. each. I’d prefer a VP who has control of himself. Also apparently Biden doesn’t know that that “death panel” is already in action with the new penalties against hospitals who receive back Medicare patients before a now ordered time limit.”


“Raddatz is the former Martha Bradley and started out on Boston TV years ago; I didn’t like her then, and I don’t like her now. It was obvious who she was for, and against.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have either Beck, Hannity, Rush, Jeff Kuhner, or Savage (da bomb!) moderate one of these debates but apparently, Conservatives need not apply…the moderator’s job is restricted to moonbats, and moonbats only. I’m surprised Schmepaloupolous hasn’t been up there yet….”


“CNN Poll on debate winner: Ryan 48%, Biden 44%

I think Sharyl Attkisson, CBS, would have been a more intelligent and neutral moderator who would have the facts to challenge the Biden BS.”

“WOW! Read some of the comments about Biden here….even from the marxstream media:”

“CNBC Poll: Paul Ryan Smokes Biden At Debate, 56% – 36%…”

“Number Of Times Biden Interrupted Ryan During 90-Minute Debate: 82”

“I still cannot understand why every person in the audience of the debate was NOT GIVEN a SCOOP SHOVEL as they entered the debate chambers. At least the spectators would have had something to dig their way out of the flood tide of BULLFECES pouring out of Bidens errant mouth. Wouldn’t it have been a more meaningful debate if all of the audience would have held up their scoop shovel everytime Biden said something. But would Biden have been intelligent enough to get the message?”

Biden and Chicago style politics.

From Citizen Wells August 9, 2011.

“Joseph Cari, 58, is one of the first notable figures to be sentenced of those who took plea deals and testified against the impeached Illinois governor. Blagojevich’s former chiefs of staff John Harris and Alonzo Monk are among those still awaiting sentencing.

Cari, who pleaded guilty to attempted extortion, told Judge Amy St. Eve just before she sentenced him that he took full responsibility for his actions and was sorry.

“I will live with the shame and pain for the rest of my life,” he said.

A former finance chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Cari described to jurors at Blagojevich’s first corruption trial how the then-governor boasted to him in 2003 about how governors could pressure companies desperate for state business for campaign cash.”

“Vice-presidential candidate Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del. (left), has been advised since 1984 by Joseph Cari (right), the Chicago lawyer and onetime mega-fundraiser who has been tied to the Antoin “Tony” Rezko patronage scandal.”

“Chicago lawyer and onetime mega-fundraiser Joseph Cari has advised Biden and his campaigns on and off since 1984, serving in posts as varied as a Senate adviser on crime to the Midwest Political Director for Biden’s aborted 1987 presidential bid. In 2005 Cari helped arrange private meetings for Biden with potential supporters, as the senator explored another run for the White House. He has also worked to raise money for Biden . “

“Cari admitted that in 2004 he helped a Rezko associate by making calls in what turned out to be a kickback scheme. The deal was an offshoot of a complex corruption scheme wrought by Antoin “Tony” Rezko , whose ties to Obama have vexed the White House hopeful . Cari has maintained he did not know the details of that scheme or any other.”

Birds of a feather flock together.

From Citizen Wells May 25, 2012.

From the FEC  May 25, 2012.

“MUR 6524

RESPONDENTS: Biden for President, Inc.; and Melvyn Monzack, in his official capacity as treasurer
SUBJECT: In the normal course of carrying out its supervisory responsibilities, the Commission found that Biden for President, Inc. (the Committee) and Monzack, in his official capacity as treasurer, did not retain adequate records to document the notification of contributors of the Committee’s presumptive redesignation of $1,092,899 in excessive contributions. Biden was a 2008 primary candidate for president.

DISPOSITION: The Commission entered into a conciliation agreement whereby Biden for President, Inc. and Monzack, in his official capacity as treasurer, agreed to pay a civil penalty of $50,000.”

Biden and Obama have some of the same Chicago corruption connections.

Biden and Obama campaigns both violated FEC contribution rules.

Biden and Obama have both tried to silence Larry Sinclair.

Obama corrupts US Justice Department Chicago style, Tony West promotion classic Obama pay to play, West and USDOJ complicit with Obama hiding records and eligibility

Obama corrupts US Justice Department Chicago style, Tony West promotion classic Obama pay to play, West and USDOJ complicit with Obama hiding records and eligibility

“Now, I don’t get upset when foreign and national journalists fail to mention Tony Rezko, or the Daley boys, or how the Chicago machine plans to staff the Department of Justice, and the new Department of Homeland Casinos.”…John Kass, Chicago Tribune July 30, 2008

“Why were attorneys and law firms the largest contributing industry to the Obama campaign in 2008?”…Citizen Wells

“Why has Obama, since taking the White House, used Justice Department Attorneys, including Tony West, at taxpayer expense,  to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells

You were warned.

Beginning in 2008, and especially with the revelations from the Tony Rezko trial, you were warned that Obama would bring his Chicago Pay to Play Politics to Washington, DC.

It has happened. In one of the worst possible places.

The US Justice Department.

One of the latest and best examples is the promotion of Tony West in the USDOJ.

First, a little background on Tony West.

From CNN November 12, 2008.

“Tony West – Friend of Barack Obama – Part One”

“But West is also known as a friend of President-Elect Barack Obama. West met Obama in 2004 and offered to help him should he elect to run for President. When Obama did, he called West and thus began West’s role as Chair of the fundraising committee for Northern California. It also started a round of basketball between the two that’s gone well enough for Obama to give West a pair of his shoes to wear for games.”

From the Washington Post.

“Pundits speculated that Derek Anthony “Tony” West’s political career ended when he took on “American Taliban” John Walker Lindh as a client. He was a successful lawyer, working as a partner at the San Francisco firm of Morrison & Foerster, and he had lost two difficult campaigns in the previous four years.

But West didn’t have to be elected to become President Barack Obama’s assistant attorney general for the Justice Department’s Civil Division – just confirmed by the Senate. He now heads the DOJ office charged with defending the federal government in litigation. West has made a career out of handling complex legal issues in criminal and civil trials as well as during negotiations.

West, who is a part of a power family in California, has known Obama since 2004, and he was a top fundraiser for Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign. He was finance co-chair of Obama’s California campaign, where the then-senator raised a record total of $65 million.

Now, West is the lead attorney on the federal lawsuit against Arizona’s immigration law, which allows law enforcement officials to question anyone they reasonably suspect of being illegal immigrants.”

From Citizen Wells March 12, 2012.

“A former Justice Department attorney who blew the whistle on his
department’s policies is now questioning the promotion of a former defense
attorney for an American terrorist to the No. 3 spot at the Justice
Department — specifically charged with crafting U.S. policy on Guantanamo

J. Christian Adams, once an elections lawyer who accused the Justice
Department of racial bias in its decision to not prosecute a voter
intimidation case involving the New Black Panther Party, said Tony West’s
promotion from assistant attorney general for the Civil Division to acting
associate attorney general is one more step toward letting radicals run the
Justice Department.”
“”Tony West took on, and his firm, took some of the most radical causes for
America’s enemies before coming to the Justice Department,” he said.
“When he took on the representation of John Walker Lindh, even after the
sentencing, he was out shilling for him. He said things like … ‘I think
he’ll have a lot to offer after he gets out of jail.’ I mean, what is he
going to have to offer after when he gets out of jail? How to endear
yourself to prominent Democrat lawyers? I mean there’s no reason to be
talking like that.””

Consider the following timeline.

  • Beginning in January 2009, when Obama took control of the White House and Justice Department, he began using USDOJ attorneys, at taxpayer expense, to prevent his birth, college and other records from being released. Prior to then Obama used Robert Bauer of Perkins Coie to keep his records hidden. Tony West is one of those USDOJ attorneys. See list below.
  • On January 21, 2009 retired Naval Commander Charles Kerchner, represented by attorney Mario Appuzo, filed a lawsuit against Barack Obama challenging his eligibility for the presidency. “Obama has sealed most of his important documents that would shed light on his true identity and the main stream media has not challenged him as to why he did so.”
  • The case was subsequently appealed. A response was given by USDOJ attorneys on March 8, 2010. Tony West was listed at the top of the list. “Plaintiffs’
    alleged grievances regarding President Obama’s constitutional
    qualifications reflect a generalized interest in the proper
    administration of the law “shared by all the American people,”
    App. 10, not a concrete injury particular to plaintiffs. The
    Supreme Court has repeatedly held that Article III standing may
    not be predicated on such injury. Plaintiffs’ attempts to
    aggrandize their harms, based on oaths they have taken to support
    to the Constitution, their heightened interest in constitutional
    principles, or the possibility of future military service, fail.”
  • Tony West appeared before the House Judiciary committee on June 24, 2010. “One of this Subcommittee’s duties and obligations is to oversee the activities of the various components of the Department of Justice over which the Subcommittee has jurisdiction.” “I thank Assistant Attorney General Tony West of California and points west, the head of the Civil Division, for appearing before us today and to report on the division’s recent activities.” As you can already see, this is like questioning the fox on recent activity in the hen house.
  • Mr. West made a number of statements that you will find interesting:”Since assuming this position in April 2009, I have focused on three main priorities for the Civil Division: Protecting the American people, protecting taxpayer dollars, and protecting the Nation’s consumers.””The Civil Division is vigorously defending the Affordable Care Act health care reform statute against multiple lawsuits brought on constitutional and other grounds.””The President has pledged to make this Administration the most open and transparent in history, and the department is doing its part to make that pledge a reality.”  Read more below.
  • On September 20, 2012 Obama nominated Tony West to be the full time number 3 position in the USDOJ.

Anybody see a problem here? A conflict of interest!

Chicago Pay to Play Politics.

Obama’s use of Tony West, a friend and fundraiser, to assist him, in cooperation with other USDOJ attorneys, in eligibility lawsuits and in keeping his records hidden, is a clear conflict of interest. This was further exacerbated by West representing the USDOJ before the House Judiciary Committee on June 24, 2010. Obama’s nomination of Tony West to a full time position as the number 3 position in the USDOJ is a clear case of Obama’s continued Chicago pay to play politics of reward your crony, put them in a power position and use them to protect and further your agenda.

Our checks and balances have been destroyed by the Obama camp. We no longer have a viable US Justice Department. Congress and the Judiciary Committee have failed to do their job and we have the most corrupt person ever to occupy the White House.

We cannot immediately remove members of congress or the Judiciary Committee, but we can contact them, voice our disgust and let them know that history will not view them kindly. The members of the Judiciary Committee can be found in the document below.


USDOJ attorneys complicit with Obama.

“Here is a list of some of the US Justice Department attorneys who have assisted Obama in keeping his records hidden. Their representation of Obama is a matter of public record. This list does not include the support staffs.

Eric Fleisig-Greene

Elizabeth A. Pascal

Neal Kumar Katyal Acting Solicitor General

R. CraiG Lawrence

Mark B. Stern

Andre Birotte Jr.

Leon W. Weidman

David A. Dejute

Roger E. West

George S. Cardona

Tony West

Paul J. Fishman”

Tony West USDOJ attorneys response to CDR Charles Kerchner, Mario Appuzo appeal of Obama eligibility challenge March 8, 2010.

Tony West appearance before House Judiciary hearing.