US Constitution Hall of Shame

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the
Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and
domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;
that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation
or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge
the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”
Congressional oath of office


The following Senators and Representatives were added to
the US Constitution Hall of Shame because of their
inaccurate or ambiguous responses to concerns voiced to
them about Barack Obama’s eligibility. The congressmen
provided reponses that ranged from confused to utter
stupidity and party bias. It is recognized that many of
them have been fooled just as many in the public have
been. Some of these congressmen have a consistent
pattern of putting party politics over country. However,
it is hoped that many, when confronted with the facts
relating to Obama’s eligibility and the 2008 election,
will ask questions and endeavor to seek the truth.

Congress will convene on January 8, 2009 to count and
validate the Electoral College votes. This presents an
opportunity to challenge the Electoral College votes and
Obama’s eligibility. It is apparent, that after learning
the truth about Obama’s lack of qualifications, many in
congress will be compelled to demand that Obama provide
proof of eligibility.

Contact these congressmen and make sure they know the truth.
We suggest that you call their office(s).

Country and US Constitution first.

Contact your Congressman

List of Senators and contact information

List of Representatives and contact information

Hall of Shame Members



Senator Jeff Sessions



Senator Mel Martinez

Representative John Mica



Senator Saxby Chambliss



Senator Mike Crapo


Senator Barack Obama Hall of Shame 2008 Man of the Year



Senator David Vitter



Senator Barbara Mikulski

Representative John Sarbanes



Senator Carl Levin





Senator Roger F Wicker



Senator Harry Reid

New Jersey

Senator Robert Menendez


Senator Sherrod Brown

Representative Steven LaTourette



Senator Jim Inhofe


Representative John Tanner


Senator John Cornyn



Representative Jay Inslee


Senator Herb Kohl

Representative James Sensenbrenner

Representative Tammy Baldwin

81 responses to “US Constitution Hall of Shame

  1. Be glad to kick off a comment! Thanks C.W. Glad to see you have useless Herb Kohl on dat Hall of Shame. Three letters I have written to him with three computer generated responses. All you patriots in here need to boycott his deptment stores as well. He’s shameful.


  2. CW… just a thought here ! At the top of this page under the oath, perhaps you could write a small paragraph letting future readers know what this page is really all about. Something to the effect of…

    Below is a list of United States Senators who’ve been contacted by thousands of bloggers about their concerns pertaining to the eligibility of B.H.Obama for President and their duty to uphold their Constitutional oaths.From the responses below, you can “clearly” see that “none” of these Senators have any idea what they are talking about and obviously “don’t care”. They are a disgrace to the office they hold and we will begin a grass roots movement to vote each and every one of them out of office for their plain and arrogant dereliction of duty.

    I’m sure you can “jazz” this up a bit more and humiliate them 🙂

  3. The South.
    You are right.
    I have been performing a balancing act.

  4. zachjonesishome

    Nice Page. Keep IT Going. Our “Representatives” are indeed shameful. ZachJonesIsHome

  5. Blago just created his own form of a constitutional crisis..LOL He nominated Roland Buriss. for Obama’s senate seat. Looks like the game is on. Hi c.w.


  6. Hmmmmmmmm I wonder how the Trolls are going to deny Roland his senate seat. After all, They made it clear they won’t seat any of Blago’s appointments. If they deny Roland that seat, Roland can sue! Looks like Blage made a brilliant move!

    Have a Great Day!


  7. Pingback: “The U.S. Constitution Hall of Shame” Has New Members From Congress - CitizenWells « ZachJonesIsHome - Helping to Keep an Eye on the Larry Sinclair Allegations

  8. Please include Kentucky Senator Bunning, and Representative Whitfield; Mr. Bunning presented a lesson on the election process and I have posted Mr. Whitfield’s insults earlier.

  9. Judy.
    I asked earlier for the entire letter from Whitfield.
    Do you have it?

  10. I just wtote to Reid & Ensign i’ll let you know if I get a response. Here’s the letter I wrote:
    Senator Reid,
    I would be tragic for you as the leader of the Senate not to put an end to the American People’s concern about Barack Obama’s eligibility for holding the office of President Of The United States. For many this could be ended quite easily.
    Please do your duty and demand a resolution to our questions and have him release the original vault copy of his birth certificate. It would be so easy for Barack Obama himself to end this once and for all. It just confuses me to no end why he won’t do this. That is the biggest question I have in this whole mess. And having “his people” produce a Certificate of Live Birth on the internet doesn’t mesh for me.
    I just have a hard time with everyone saying because a couple of staff people over at Factcheck held it and looked at it, it just has to be true. They have no credentials to verify legal documents. They’re just people. People that aren’t qualified to speak for the government.
    What credentials do they have in Document Verification?
    We were promised transparency. For any administration to deny this basic information of eligibility, goes against everything this nation was founded on. Please do your job and end our concerns.

  11. Pingback: Philip Berg Request Citizen Support! « ZachJonesIsHome - Helping to Keep an Eye on the Larry Sinclair Allegations

  12. I am not sure how to e-mail you directly, but here is one from Congressman John Sarbanes that deserves his own listing.

    From: Congressman John Sarbanes

    Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 1:38:47 PM
    Subject: Reply from Congressman John Sarbanes

    December 23, 2008
    Dear Mr. XXX:

    Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns about President-elect Barack Obama’s citizenship status.

    The Supreme Court has turned down emergency appeals over the President-elect’s constitutional eligibility for the presidency on several occasions. State officials in Hawaii have also confirmed that their records indicate President-elect Obama was born in Hawaii. I hope you find this information helpful.

    Again, I appreciate hearing from you. Please do not hesitate to contact me about other issues of concern to you in the future.

    John Sarbanes
    Member of Congress
    P.S. I want to keep in touch with you. If you’d like to sign up for my newsletter, please do so by visiting my website Thanks!

    My response:
    Congressman Sarbanes,

    The Democratic National Committee as well as the Republican National Committee are private entities. They are not responsible to check to see if their candidate is qualified to be President of the US, although they should. The Secretaries of State should be the persons responsible to check a candidate’s qualifications. By all reports I have read all 50 Secretaries of State relied on both the DNC, the RNC, and the minor parties committees as the authority to provide qualified candidates. Proof of this is the fact that the Socialist Workers Party provided a candidate, Roger Calero, who was on several states ballots even though he was born in Nicaragua. Since this has failed, you are part of the checks and balances, that we the people have vested upon you to insure our Constitution is upheld.

    The Second Amendment to the Constitution specifically states as a requirement, “natural born citizen” for president and vice president. This is different than a citizen, or a naturalized citizen. President-elect Obama was born to a father who was a citizen of the United Kingdom. Further he has not provided a legitimate copy of his birth certificate, he most likely lost his US citizenship if he had it when he was adopted in Indonesian, he also traveled to Pakistan in 1981 or 1982 when US citizens could not legally travel there. He is NOT a natural born citizen he is at best a citizen but more likely an illegal alien. Why has he spent around $800,000 in defending himself in these various lawsuits instead of providing a $12 document where many of these cases would go away?

    His birth certificate on his website has been proven to be false and even if it was a legitimate certificate, that particular kind of certificate is one in which a person born outside the US could obtain. What is being requested is the long form where it states the doctor who delivered him and the hospital where he was born.

    The statement from the Hawaiian officials stated the fact that they have the original document, that is all. They never released it, nor did they confirm that he was born in Hawaii.

    The Supreme Court has NOT reviewed the merits of the cases and have NOT dismissed the cases. They denied the requests to stay the election. Many lawsuits are pending at both the state and federal level.

    I understand you are a democrat and want to see a democrat in the white house. However, you took an oath to uphold the Constitution. I seriously hope that you review the facts and do your duty.

    Very Respectfully,


  14. Add Sen Saxby Chambliss of GA to the list. He is sending out a canned response basically reassuring all of us plebes that BHO was born in Hawaii and if you are born in the US you are a citizen and eligible to be President. I had to enlighten Saxby with a detailed definition of Natural Born. I have sent him and our other potted plant Johnny Isackson letters urging them to stand up with our wonderful US Representative John Linder on Jan 8th and protest the ratification of the electoral vote. What a joke! Those 2 idiots couldn’t find their way home. They are pathetic but pretty representative of go along, get alongs that are running our country.

  15. Georgia Girl.
    Send me the letter.

  16. Pingback: 2008 “Man of the Year” for “Constitution Hall of Shame” - Barack H. Obama « ZachJonesIsHome - Helping to Keep an Eye on the Larry Sinclair Allegations

  17. stand up and fight.
    I quoted this letter in the kickoff to the Hall of Shame.

  18. AnotherFineMess

    Do you feel that we might be doing an insufficient job of communicating the complex issues?

    From the point of a busy senator this would seem to be an open and shut case. We need to find a way to convince them that the received opinion of Mr. Obama is false.

    I can understand why a busy politician reading these pages might become confused and reject our claims – we’ve not made the case for our side very well. It’s confusing and difficult to follow.

    Furthermore, the pages of evidence on this site are somewhat hard to read and seem to represent a range of contradictory opinions? For example is Obama an illegal-immigrant and therefore not a citizen at all, or simply not a “natural-born” citizen. What of the claims made by Larry Sinclair – these tend to divert attention from our campaign’s core message.

    Also, I feel that placing a senator or representative in a “hall of shame” sends the wrong kind of message to the kind of people whose support we need to earn.

    Also, were any representative’s staff to see this page they would see that a significant number of their federal colleagues have seen fit to ignore our claims. Is it wise to list the names of every representative who has rejected our message? Surely that sends the exact opposite message that we wish to communicate.

    May I suggest that we re-focus this campaign on promoting the positive evidence for Obama’s ineligibility. We should avoid discussion of hearsay, rumor and negative characterization of politicians.


  19. AnotherFineMess.
    First of all, feelings have nothing to do with this.
    We have made this simple enough for a fifth grader to understand.
    As a matter of fact, I was taught and understood it in the fifth grade.
    Placing congressmen in the Hall of Shame is being too kind. They deserve
    expulsion for dereliction of duty and being guilty of High Crimes and
    Misdemeanors. Many of these clowns have had a legal education.
    There is no excuse for not knowing the law, for not being informed and
    for not caring.
    Each person on this list can begin the process of redeeming themselves in the public’s
    eye by asking questions, learning the facts and apologizing.
    This is not some silly little game. This is not about party politics
    and “me me me” personalities. This affects the lives of US citizens and
    the world.
    Ignorance is not bliss and is no excuse.
    Do our congressmen care about this country?
    Are our congressmen smarter than a fifth grader.

  20. Wells, I can see you are a principled man – but unfortunately when playing the “game” of politics one must also be pragmatic. The unfortunate fact is that this IS a complex issue. Complex issues are hard to communicate.

    Senators have been told one thing (specifically that Obama is a qualified, American citizen) by their aides. We are trying to convince them that this is not the truth. We are certainly not going to convince them by calling them and their colleagues names.

    Furthermore, we cannot hope to convince them of the merits of our argument by drawing attention the large number of congressmen who feel that are arguments are without merit.

    Ignorance is not bliss and is no excuse.
    Do our congressmen care about this country?
    Are our congressmen smarter than a fifth grader.

    Are they really “ignorant”? There is a great deal of well-presented “evidence” that supports the ideas they cling onto. Most congressmen feel that they have seen a photo of Obama’s birth-certificate.

    We have to make our evidence seem more compelling!

    I learnt a few things in the service of my Church: The fact is, most people will reject a message not because they are stupid or un-caring, but because they are afraid of what it means if they are wrong. The way to convince people is to touch their hearts – reach out to them. It does no good to draw attention to their own folly.

    In my experience, most politicians really do care about the county (even the Dems). If we were able to be more convincing there might be a few who would give our ideas their time… unfortunately none of us have made a clear, coherent case… yet.

    Unfortunately this site IS confusing: It is full of unsubstantiated allegations (e.g. Donald Young murder, Larry Sinclair drug-use, API), and this detracts from your more serious claims (Obama eligibility).

    I would advise you to simplify your presentation a great deal, make your headlines shorter and easier to understand and make your articles get to the point quickly instead of quoting from the constitution all the time. That way you will have a better chance of communicating the BIG issues in a way that can be understood by a busy politician.

  21. citizenwells

    Specific: Larry Sinclair allegations.
    I have researched and know more about the Larry Sinclair story because,
    unlike the MSM, I got off my ass and presented a story that was being ridiculed
    and discredited by others. The Larry Sinclair story is huge if for no other reason
    than because of the massive orchestrated attempts to silence him.
    Remember when the John Edwards story was being dismissed as absurd.
    The same scenario existed then.
    We can disagree on techniques but I do massive amounts of work and
    I have to make the call.
    No offense.
    I do consider suggestions and I may employ some of yours.
    I have not had the luxury of time when cranking out articles.
    It has been important to get the articles out asap as soon as I
    have verification and/or consider the news as being important.
    Many decisions are left up to the reader, but no decision can be
    made if the Info is not presented.

  22. citizenwells

    There is a time and place for everything.
    People are tired of all the politically correct nonsense they encounter
    including the rampant biased stupidity emanating from Congress.
    There is a time for righteous indignation, such as that used by Jesus
    with the money changers in the temple.
    This is not directed at you.
    However, I am disgusted with many so called Christians in this country
    that ignored classic signs such as evidence of “fruit of the spirit” so lacking
    in Obama. They, like the so called Christians of Nazi Germany, have turned their
    heads and allowed Obama and his evil entourage to waltz through the election

  23. citizenwells

    From MommaE blog radio:


    I just want to tell you that tonights Show is on! Mark McGrew, who has been writing all of the articles about Phil Berg’s case and Obama’s eligibility for Pravada the Russian News Site and Lisa, Phil Berg’s Assistant will be the guests on tonight’s show. We will be talking about the Law Suit and other things pertaining to Obama’s eligibility to be the President of the United States of America.

    Please post this on your Blogs, any Blogs you are associated with and send to everyone in your address book. Link, call in number and times for the Show is below!

    Call In # 347-237-4870

    5:30 Pacific Time

    6:30 PM Mountain Time

    7:30 PM Central Time

    8:30 PM Eastern Time

    I hope to see you all there. You can register/log-in and chat while listening or just listen. The choice is yours.


  24. Pingback: Philip Berg Has A New Update - Globe Covering Case - Will They Cover CitizenWells’ Constitution Hall of Shame? « ZachJonesIsHome - Helping to Keep an Eye on the Larry Sinclair Allegations

  25. Hey people!!! Please forget about the birth certificate. It is a huge distraction. The issue is “natural born citizen”. BHO could have been born on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and he would still not be a natural born citizen.

    His citizenship comes from his fathers’ lineage, he was Kenyan under British rule and therefore a British citizen at birth. If you would like to examine his mothers’ transferred citizenship then one would have to look at the laws on the books at the time. His mother would have to be a US citizen and have resided in US territory for (10) years, (5) of those years after the age of 14. She was 18 when she gave birth to BHO. So he is never going to be a “natural born citizen” regardless of what his birth certificate states.

    We can go further and look at his Indonesian citizenship, and I believe he still is an Indonesian citizen, but that is beyond the original point. Try to stay on point and argue only that point. His own website supports this argument! Just point that out when you write your representatives. It’s simple people let’s not try and complicate it.

  26. Pingback: Pakistan Daily Publishes David Icke’s Article - Barack Obama The Naked Empero « ZachJonesIsHome - Helping to Keep an Eye on the Larry Sinclair Allegations

  27. Pingback: Berg v Obama, Hollister v Soetoro, America’s Right Update, Constitution Hall of Shame, Citizen Action « ZachJonesIsHome - Helping to Keep an Eye on the Larry Sinclair Allegations


    1. Constitution Article II requires USA President to be “natural born citizen”.

    2. BHO’s website admits his dad was Kenyan/British, not American, citizen when BHO was born.

    3. BHO is therefore not a “natural born citizen” (irrespective of Hawaiian birth or whether he may be a 14th Amendment “citizen” of USA) — confirmed in the Senate’s own McCain qualification resolution (that both parents must be citizens of USA) co-authored by BHO.

    4. Supreme Court has already docketed two upcoming conferences, 1/9/09 and 1/16/09 — between dates Congress counts electoral votes (1/8/09) and Presidential inauguration (1/20/09) — to address Berg Case and fashion relief on BHO’s eligibility to be President.

    5. Since the fact of BHO’s dad being Kenyan/British not in dispute, Supreme Court rules on Summary Judgment to enjoin BHO’s inauguration as President.

    6. Therefore, BHO is not inaugurated as President.

    7. Vice President Elect Biden is inaugurated Acting President under the 20th Amendment to serve until new President is determined — the procedure for which determination to be set out by Congress and/or the Supreme Court so long as in conformance with the Constitution.


    IF, when counting the electoral votes, Congress WERE TO find by 1/8/09 that Obama — not being an Article II “natural born citizen” (father Kenyan/British, not American) — fails to qualify as President, Biden would become the full fledged President under 3 USC 19 (free to pick his own VP such as Hillary) AND THERE WOULD BE NO NEED FOR DEFERRAL TO THE SUPREME COURT to enjoin Obama’s inauguration relegating Biden to being merely Acting President under the 20th Amendment until a new President were duly determined.

    (The preferable choice, at least for the Democrats, would seem obvious.)

  29. Pingback: CitizenWells - New Lawsuit - Get This To Senate and House « ZachJonesIsHome - Helping to Keep an Eye on the Larry Sinclair Allegations

  30. Pingback: Time is Short - Contact Senators and Representatives - Contact Supreme Court « ZachJonesIsHome - Helping to Keep an Eye on the Larry Sinclair Allegations

  31. Dear Mr. ******:

    Thank you for contacting my office regarding Senator Barack Obama’s birth certificate. I appreciate hearing from you and appreciate the opportunity to respond.

    The United States Constitution requires the President to be a natural born citizen of the United States. Senator Obama’s campaign provided his birth certificate to the media amid allegations that he did not meet this qualification. The certificate, confirmed by the Hawaii Department of Health as authentic, shows that he was born in Hawaii. There are a number of lawsuits pending on this matter, and I will be following the outcomes of the cases closely.

    Thank you again for contacting me. Please visit my webpage at for more information on the issues important to you and to sign up for my e-newsletter.

    Johnny Isakson
    United States Senator

  32. Unfortunately, you can add Randy from Texas to the Hall of Shame.

    “Thank you for contacting me regarding President-elect Barack Obama. I appreciate knowing your views.

    On Tuesday, November 4, 2008 Senator Barack Obama was elected to the office of President of the United States. While I may not see eye-to-eye with President-elect Obama on every issue, the American people expect Congress to work with the President in a bipartisan manner. I will continue to uphold my conservative principles as we work on policies that benefit America. Please be assured that I will keep your views in mind as we move forward with a new Administration and a new Congress in January.

    Again, thank you for contacting me. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I may be of service to you in the future. If you would like to receive updates of my actions in Congress, I send a weekly e-newsletter called “Randy’s Roundup” to keep people up-to-date on the big issues facing Washington and West Texas. Many people have told me they enjoy learning what activities I have been up to on behalf of West Texans. Please visit the 19th District’s website at to sign up for the Roundup.”

  33. Opps. forgot to add his last name…wasn’t sure how to spell it and ws going to copy/paste before I sent….

    Randy Neugebauer from Texas

  34. Pingback: Obama - Media Bias - Birth Certificate - Berg v Obama - Larry Sinclair - Dustin Hoffman « ZachJonesIsHome - Helping to Keep an Eye on the Larry Sinclair Allegations

  35. Pingback: Lightfoot v Bowen - Lieutenant Colonel Adds His Voice Requiring Proof of Obama’s Eligibility to Serve. « ZachJonesIsHome - Helping to Keep an Eye on the Larry Sinclair Allegations

    WASHINGTON, DC 20510
    COMMITTEES: (202) 224—4343
    URBAN AFFAIRS (859) 341—2602
    November 24, 2008

    Dear Mr.
    Thank you for contacting me regarding a person’s eligibility to run for the President of the United States. It is good to hear from you.
    The ability to receive United States citizenship is one of the core pillars in our great democracy. It is outlined in the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and Section 301(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) (8 U.S.C. Section 1401(a)), that a person who is born in the United States, subject to its jurisdiction, is a citizen of the United States regardless of the race, ethnicity, or alienage of the parents. Additionally, according to the U.S. Constitution, only a natural born citizen or a citizen of the United States of, at minimum, thirty- five years of age and fourteen years of United States residency, is eligible to run for the President of the United States.
    In regard to Senator Obama, there is a federal lawsuit pending in Pennsylvania addressing this matter. However, as a United States Senator, I cannot intervene in the legal process and must defer to the courts to make the appropriate decision about this case.
    Thanks again for contacting me. I hope this information was helpful. Please feel free to contact me in the future.
    Best personal regards,
    United States Senator
    SUITE 2 SUITE 12 SUITE 105 ROOM 10728 ROOM 305
    (606) 435—2390 (270) 885—1212 (859) 219—2239 (502) 582—5341 (270) 689—9085
    ToIl-Free 1—800—283—8983

    (202) 224-2541 flt 1iS flXie RULES AND ADMINISTRATION
    Decernbcr 29. 2008

    Dear Mr.

    Thank you for contacting me with your thoughts. Hearing from you helps me represent Kentucky in the United States Senate.
    As a United States Senator for Kentucky, I take very seriously my responsibility to listen to the folks at home. The hallmark of representative democracy is two-way communication between the elected and the voters. After all, the office I occupy is a public trust, and I want to earn your trust each and every day.
    In your correspondence. you mentioned your concerns regarding President-Elect Barack Obama’s eligibility to serve as President of the United States. The judicial system is the appropriate forum for examining such concerns, and multiple state and federal courts have heard cases regarding the matter. The topic has thus received extensive legal briefing, and the U.S. Supreme Court has recently declined to intervene in two cases that rejected challenges to the President-Elect’s eligibility.
    Again, thank you for contacting me. Please continue to keep me informed of issues that are important to you.
    —-———- —-UNITED S-T4TESSENATOR –

  38. Pingback: Supreme Court Decides Not to Determine the “Standing” Issue in Berg v Obama! Stronger Cases Remain! Lightfoot v Bowen « ZachJonesIsHome - Helping to Keep an Eye on the Larry Sinclair Allegations

  39. Pingback: Chief Justice Roberts Requested To Recuse Himself From Swearing Obama In Due To Conflict of Interest In Lightfoot v Bowen - Dr. Orly « ZachJonesIsHome - Helping to Keep an Eye on the Larry Sinclair Allegations

  40. I received this letter from Senator Mitch McConnell R-Kentucky.

    Dear Mr. ————

    Thank you for contacting me with your thoughts. Hearing from you helps me represent Kentucky in the United States Senate.

    As a United States Senator for Kentucky. I take very seriously my responsibility to listen to the folks at home. The hallmark of representative democracy is two-way communication between the elected and the voters. After all, the office I occupy is a public trust, and I want to earn your trust each an every day.

    In your correspondence, you mentioned your concerns regarding President-Elect Obama’s eligibility to serve as President of the United States. The judicial system is the appropriate forum for examining such concerns, and multiple state and federal courts have heard cases regarding the matter. The topic has thus received extensive legal briefing, and the U.S. Supreme Court has recently declined to intervene in two cases that rejected challenges to the President-Elect’s eligibility.

    Again thank you for contacting me. Please continue to keep me informed of issues that are important to you.


    Mitch McConnell
    United States Senator

    So I guess he is no help either. It seems the congress and senate really doesn’t care

  41. pd3611, looks like we got a form letter huh?

    Citizenwells, please add Kentucky to the Hall of Shame

  42. I have a letter from Moore.
    Let me know how to send it to you

  43. kansas.
    Post the letter as a comment.

  44. The way that our esteemed legislators are rolling over and playing dead in regard to Barack Obama’s eligibility and cabinet choices, makes me wonder if they drank of the Obama Kool-aid, or maybe they KNOW something. The governor of Hawaii is a Republican, Right? SHE could have peeked at BO’s original birth certificate and maybe there is nothing of significance. Or, more than likely there is some menacing information; otherwise BO would not have fought so hard to keep the public from seeing the document. Fitzgerald’s investigations of Rezko and Blagojevich probably have turned some incriminating evidence against BO, don’t you think?
    It may be in the best interest for the nation to be patient, to abide by the results of the Presidential election and allow the man to be inaugurated. Then, hopefully, after BO takes office the proper authorities can come out with guns swinging. I know, it’s agonizing to watch the arrogant, deceitful usurper to be sworn in as the President of the United States. Just be patient and pray that God hears the pleas of the remnant, asking him to have mercy on this nation and to bring justice to his faithful people.

  45. Dear XXXXXX:

    Thank you for sharing with me your concerns regarding allegations that President-elect Barrack Obama is not a citizen of the United States.
    Earlier this year, a number of rumors regarding the citizenship of the President-elect Obama have focused on the claim that that the President-elect has “refused to produce his birth records” to prove that he is a citizen of the United States. As you may know, these claims have now been definitively debunked by a number of credible fact-checking organizations, including and

    In fact, in June 2008, when questions regarding President-elect Obama’s citizenship status had begun to swirl around the Internet, the Obama campaign made a scanned copy of his Certification of Live Birth from the State of Hawaii available on its campaign website. Furthermore, those who have actually examined the original document (including staffers form who have made photographs of the original birth certificate available on their website – ) have verified that it bears all the elements the State Department requires of a valid certificate of birth. In addition, officials from the state of Hawaii, including Health department Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino and Registrar of Vital Statistics Alvin Onaka, have personally verified that the health department holds Obama’s original birth certificate.

    As you are aware, in August 2008, attorney Philip Berg included claims of a forged birth certificate (among other rumors) as the basis for a suit in U.S. District Court challenging President-elect Obama’s eligibility for the presidency on the grounds that Obama was actually born in Kenya, and is a citizen of Indonesia, and therefore should not be considered a native-born citizen of the United States. In late October U.S. District Judge R. Barclay Surrick dismissed the complaint. In a 34-page memorandum and opinion, the Judge Surrick said that Berg’s allegations of harm were “too vague and too attenuated” to confer standing on him. Surrick also ruled that Berg’s attempts to use certain laws to gain standing to pursue his claim that Obama was not a natural-born citizen were “frivolous and not worthy of discussion.”

    You may also be interested to know that on December 8, 2008, the Supreme court denied a request for an emergency stay to prevent members of the Electoral College from voting for the president until the Supreme Court could decide whether or not to hear Donofrio v. Wells, a challenge to President-elect Obama’s eligibility to be president according to the Article II requirement that the president be a “natural-born citizen.” The case was originally filed in New Jersey, where lower courts rejected the case on the grounds that the plaintiff did not have standing to sue. In rejecting the request for an emergency stay, the Supreme Court also effectively denied a writ of certiorari, making it highly unlikely that the Supreme Court will ultimately hear the case.

    Thank you again for contacting me to share your concerns about these claims. I appreciate the opportunity to provide you with some additional information that proves the falsity of claims that President-elect Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States. I hope you will continue to keep in touch and please feel free to let me know whenever I may be of assistance.

    Very truly yours,
    Member of Congress

  46. I wouldn’t even know where to start correcting him on these issues and could not do so nearly as precisely or eloquently as some of you here so PLEASE “RIP HIM A NEW ONE” for me!!!

  47. Thanks kansas.
    Mr. Moore went to great lengths to attempt to discredit Berg, Donofrio and
    others. Had he actually spent some time doing real research he obviously
    would have arrived at a different conclusion.
    One must question the motives of Congressman Moore.

  48. Pingback: "The BOPAC Report" & Larry Sinclair’s Allegations - ZachJonesIsHome

  49. Citizen Wells,

    I am a regular poster and contributer at I also received a very similar “canned” answer about Obama’s citizenship and background from our other Georgia Senator Johnny Isakson… Please add his ignoble name to the growing list of the Hall of Shame. I had already sent them snailmail when they abdicated their reponsibility to the Constitution when it was incumbent upon them to raise their voices at the Electoral College Vote Count. In my letter to them I indicated that I, and my family no longer consider them our Congressional Senators and will make every effort at the next election cycle when they come to us for their votes to vote them out of office … preferably right out of the state of Georgia……..Thanks for your great service,

  50. Pingback: The BOPAC Report - Obama - Michelle Obama - Rush Limbaugh - 2nd Amendment - Pakiston - Larry Sinclair - Obama’s D*#@ « "The BOPAC Report" & Larry Sinclair’s Allegations - ZachJonesIsHome

  51. governor Rod Blagojevich has made it clear why we are called F.I.P.’s. President Obamba gave us a graze of grace,but this site took that from us too. The dept. of commerce should go with the new slogan , “Chicago, freaks ,weirdos ,pschos ,crack whores,and whaco Goveners Capitol of America”.

  52. The following letter is from the Usurper President. I am stunned …awestuck…In all my years, I never had a president send me such a letter. What the @##@# Can’t wait to see the propagandized video. Anyone for a House Party to discuss the Pork-u-lus Plan? Maybe he really is worried about Rush’s influence. Insecurity in the man that leads our country…makes one feel safe all over. Still campaigning…not getting all that applause and having to really work…puts a cramp in his style.

    I guess Andy Barr, Politico, was right…”Obama says passing stimulus is key to his future. President Barack Obama acknowledged Monday that the fate of his reelection four years from now likely rests on the success of the proposed $825 billion stimulus package.

    Subject: What recovery means for you

    The economic crisis is growing more serious every day, and the time for action has come.

    Last week, the House of Representatives passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which will jumpstart our economy and put more than 3 million people back to work.

    I hope to sign the recovery plan into law in the next few weeks. But I need your help to spread the word and build support.

    It’s not enough for this bill to simply pass Congress. Americans need to know how it will affect their lives — they need to know that help is on the way and that this administration is investing in economic growth and stability.

    Governor Tim Kaine has agreed to record a video outlining the recovery plan and answering questions about what it means for your community. You can submit your questions online and then invite your friends, family, and neighbors to watch the video with you at an Economic Recovery House Meeting.

    Join thousands of people across the country by hosting or attending an Economic Recovery House Meeting this weekend.

    The stakes are too high to allow partisan politics to get in the way.

    That’s why I’ve consulted with Republicans as well as Democrats to put together a plan that will address the crisis we face.

    I’ve also taken steps to ensure an unprecedented level of transparency and accountability. Once it’s passed, you will be able to see how every penny in this plan is being spent.

    You can help restore confidence in our economy by making sure your friends, family, and neighbors understand how the recovery plan will impact your community.

    Sign up to host or attend an Economic Recovery House Meeting and submit your question for the video now:

    Our ability to come together as a nation in difficult times has never been more important.

    I know I can rely on your spirit and resolve as we lead our country to recovery.

    Thank you,

    President Barack Obama

    P.S. — If you can’t host or attend an Economic Recovery House Meeting, you can still submit your questions for Governor Kaine and then share the video with your friends and family this weekend. Learn more here

  53. Pingback: US Congress, US Constitution, Obama not eligible, 20th Amendment, Citizen Wells, Restore the Constitutional Republic, Sue Myrick, Jim DeMint, Senators, Representatives « Citizen Wells

  54. CitizenWells,
    I have a letter from Peter Roskam from IL that I would like to add to your US Constitution Hall Of Shame. Please contact me and I will be happy to forward it to you. He failed to respond to my inquiries for 4 months and finally, I received a letter last week. I TOTALLY ignored my information and stated HI had the BC,therefore Barry was eligible for POTUS. He did not respond at all to my 2 request for him to challenge the certification of the electoral vote. I got NO response from that. He has not wanted to be on a conference call with several (7) of his constituents that have ALL asked him where he stands on this issue of eligibility. He refused.

  55. Pingback: Congress Watch, WHY Initiative, US Constitution, US Congress, Obama eligibility, Congressmen, Senators, Representatives, Accountable, 2010 Elections, Military oath, Restore the Constitutional Republic « Citizen Wells

  56. Pingback: Senator Jeff Sessions, United States Senator, AL senator, US Constitution, Congress, Alabama constituents, The WHY initiative, Restore the Constitutional Republic, Citizen Wells, US Constitution Hall of Shame « Congress Watch

  57. Pingback: Senator Mel Martinez, United States Senator, FL senator, US Constitution, Congress, Florida constituents, The WHY initiative, Restore the Constitutional Republic, Citizen Wells, US Constitution Hall of Shame « Congress Watch

  58. CW

    This is a letter from US Senator Bunning of Kentucky. I received two, same letter, different dates. One as Pres-elect (Dec 08) and other (Jan 09)as President. Let you determine if he is to be admitted. I fell he is using the 14th amendement as eligibility.

    WASHINGTON, DC 20510
    January X,2009
    Dear Mr. XXX:
    Thank you for contacting me regarding a person’s eligibility to run for the President of
    the United States. It is good to hear from you.
    The ability to receive United States citizenship is one of the core pillars in our great democracy. It is outlined in the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and Section 301(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) (8 U.S.C. Section 1401(a)), that a person who is born in the United States, subject to its jurisdiction, is a citizen of the United States regardless of the race, ethnicity, or alienage of the parents. Additionally, according to the U.S. Constitution, only a natural born citizen or a citizen of the United States of, at minimum, thirty¬five years of age and fourteen years of United States residency, is eligible to run for the President of the United States.
    In regard to President Barack Obama, there are federal lawsuits pending in several states addressing this matter. However, as a United States Senator, I cannot intervene in the legal process and must defer to the courts to make the appropriate decision about these cases.
    Thanks again for contacting me. I hope this information was helpful. Please feel free to contact me in the future.
    Best personal regards,¬
    — -“— ¬
    United States Senator
    HAZARD OFFICE: 601 MAIN STREET . SUITE 2 HAZARD, KY 41701 (606) 435-2390
    HOPKlNSVlLLE OFFICE: 1100 SOUTH MAIN STREET SUITE 12 HOPKINSVlllE, KY 42240 (270) 885-1212
    lexiNGTON OFFICE: 771 CORPORATE DRIVE SUITE 105 LEXINGTON, KY 40503 (859) 219-2239
    Toll-Free 1–800-283-8983

  59. Bridgette,

    Thanks for your post. Obama was clearly distressed by the lack of Republican support for the stimulus bill. I have been musing why that would be see since he really doesn’t need their vote to pass virtually any bill.

    Now he is asking the public to support their economic efforts, almost in a pleading fashion.
    Again I ask why. I understand he wants to be a popular president and seen as a populist president, but those answers do not suffice either.

    The p0wers that be understand that there is a growing revolt brewing in the country and that having sufficient votes is only a bare minimum to pass any legislation, but I keep wondering if there is something else we are not aware of. Just musing.


    Obama gay sex rumors, down low, Chicago gay community, Chicago restaurant, Larry Sinclair

    All of these were called or visited from November 20 – December 2nd 2008. It is confirmed,
    OBAMA was not born in any hospital in Honolulu County! NONE AS A FACT!
    Hospital employees were bribed, some gave info for free. All to be released on video shortly.
    1. The Queen’s Medical Center – Honolulu, Hawaii Obama claims as his birth hospital
    2. Kapi’ olani Medical Center Obama’s sister claims Barack Obama born here
    Honolulu Shriners Hospital Never a patient Mom or Obama

    Straub Clinic & Hospital Never a patient Mom or Obama
    Hawaii Health Systems Corporation – Honolulu, Hawaii Never a patient Mom or Obama
    Cancer Institute of Maui – Wailuku, Hawaii No Comment ???
    Kuakini Hospital – Honolulu, Hawaii Never a patient Mom or Obama
    Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific – Honolulu, Hawaii Never a patient Mom or Obama
    St. Francis Healthcare System of Hawaii – Hawaii Never a patient Mom or Obama
    Straub Heatlh – Honolulu, Hawaii Never a patient Mom or Obama
    Tripler Medical Center – Honolulu, Hawaii Never a patient Mom or Obama
    Wahiawa General Hospital – Wahiawa, Hawaii Never a patient Mom or Obama
    Wilcox Memorial Hospital – Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii Never a patient Mom or Obama

  61. CW, Below is self explanatory, I will be happy to forward the original.

    Representative Hodes,

    With all due respect I need to correct you some facts. The “certificate” that you speak of from the Obama campaign is what is called a “Certificate of Live Birth” or CLOB. Under the laws of Hawaii at the time COLB were issued to anyone for a “live” birth that happened “anywhere”. It is not a “birth certificate”. Further more by Obama’s own admission his father was not a US citizen. A “natural born citizen” is a person born to parents (plural) that are citizens (plural) of the United States.

    I would also respectfully ask you why he has and why does he still spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on high priced law firms to keep anything relating to his identity from public view? Don’t you think that is a fair question Mr. Hodes?

    Greg Goss

    —– Original Message —–
    From: Representative Paul Hodes
    To: Greg Goss
    Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 5:50 PM
    Subject: Re: Automatically response to E-mail message

    February 24, 2009

    Dear Mr. Goss,

    Thank you for contacting me about the citizenship of President Barack Obama. I truly appreciate hearing from you, and I am working hard to stand up for New Hampshire’s interests in Congress.

    I share your support for respecting the laws set out in our Constitution. The concern about Barack Obama’s citizenship was raised during the campaign for the Presidency of the United States. President Obama publicly posted his birth certificate on his campaign website which confirms that he was born in Hawaii in 1961. This birth certificate confirms that President Obama is a natural born citizen of the United States, above the age of 35, and is therefore qualified to be President of the United States of America. If you would like to view President Obama’s birth certificate, I encourage you to go to the website

    I encourage you to continue to contact me about the issues that are important to you. Please feel free to visit my website at where you can share your ideas with me, learn about the services I can provide to you, and sign up for my periodic e-mail updates on what I am doing to help New Hampshire.


    Paul Hodes

    Member of Congress

  62. Pingback: The Right Side of Life » WND: Sen. Martinez Says Eligibility is Up to the Voters to Decide

  63. Pingback: The Obama Experiment - Congressional and Judicial Acquiescence - Birth Certificate Challenges - Philip Berg - Berg v Obama - Dr. Orly Taitz - Media Misrepresentations - Rush Limbaugh - Hannity - Glenn Beck - Ron Paul - Michael Savage « "The BOP

  64. Pingback: The Obama Experiment - Congressional and Judicial Acquiescence - Birth Certificate Challenges - Philip Berg - Berg v Obama - Dr. Orly Taitz - Media Misrepresentations - Rush Limbaugh - Hannity - Glenn Beck - Ron Paul - Michael Savage « "The BOP

  65. To the Oklahoma Hall of Shame honors, you can add the name of Mary Fallin to whom I sent a request that she introduct a resolution to the senate asking for Obama’s documentation of citizenship.

    She answered with a letter repeatng all the baloney about how Obama was born in Hawaii and how he had produced his COLB, etc. etc. Sounded like it had been dictated by the king himself.

    I contacted her because she will be running for governor. Now I intend to campaign against her.

    She’s an Idiot!

  66. Ms. Alexander

    From the Office of Senator DeMint‏
    Sent: Mon 6/01/09 6:31 PM

    Dear Ms. Alexander,

    Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns regarding President Barack Obama’s citizenship. I appreciate hearing from you on this issue.

    Over the past several months, at least eight appeals have been made to the Supreme Court claiming Barack Obama is ineligible to hold the office of President of the United States because he is not a “natural-born citizen,” as required by the Constitution. Each case has since been dismissed, and it appears from all evidence available, the President’s birth certificate is genuine.

    The Hawaii State Health Department, which legally retains the birth certificates of every American citizen born in Hawaii, has positively confirmed the authenticity of Obama’s original birth certificate. Additionally, the nonpartisan has examined the original document and found that his birth certificate does in fact have a raised seal and the required evidence of a genuine document.

    Before his inauguration, Supreme Court Justice David Souter rejected an emergency plea to prevent Congress from certifying the official electoral vote, and on January 8, 2009, Vice President Dick Cheney announced Obama would be our 44th president after confirming the results before a joint session of the House and Senate.

    I greatly value your thoughts and concerns as my constituent regarding the outcome of the 2008 Presidential Election. It is encouraging to witness citizens, like you, who care enough for their country to be involved in its democratic processes. Please rest assured I will continue to investigate similar allegations and closely monitor the integrity of our federal elections.

    Thanks again for sharing your views with me. Please feel free to contact me in the future about any issue important to you or your family. It is an honor to serve you and the people of South Carolina in the United States Senate.


    Jim DeMint
    United States Senator

    ***Disclaimer: Please do not respond to this message, as this e-mail address is not setup to accept incoming emails. If you would like to send further correspondence to my office, please click on this Contact link which will direct you to the contact page on my website.
    Thank you.***

  67. roxannadanna

    Nevada… Harry Reid. LOL he’s the top of this list.
    Good to see no one from my other “home” states: Wyoming and Arizona.

  68. Billy Brown

    Better use of land and Tax dollars.

    One simple step to reduce taxes is to look at the land in the medians and alongside the highways the next time you are driving down a divided highway, and realize how much tax dollars is being spent to maintain all that land for cosmetic benefits only. Exponential amounts of tax dollars are being spent on tractors, labor, fuel, employ benefits, and hourly wages just to mow grass. This land can be used more productively to benefit America.
    That land could be leased to farmers for pennies on the dollar, or for free. Either way this would benefit citizens allowing these tax dollars to be used in other needed areas. For example farmers could grow crops such as bamboo to reduce the demand on trees. There is a higher yield of bamboo per acre than trees and grows in a fraction of the time. Crops could also be grown such as bamboo, corn or kudzu for bio-fuel reducing our demands on foreign oil.

    Taxpaying citizen

  69. U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (RINO-SC) drinks the “Barack Obama is Constitutionally qualified” brand of koolaid and passes it to constituents.

  70. SOOOO WRONG!!!!! Make him prove it. Just like anyone else would be required to!!!!!!!!! He’s a liar and a cheat and TOTALLY unqualified to be in his position.

  71. No thankx…. no comment(s) no more….
    I´m already too well known as is my residency here in the Canaries….
    It´s getting thát hot that today I received an email voucher to go to the bank and collect my “inheritance” of 50 billion US (hold on.. don´t stumble, 50,000,000,000 US buckaroos) from an unknown but dead as a doornail corpus evictus… I burried in my “beneficiaries” file…. Right now I don´t need the loot but if somebody is in complete dire need I´ll be glad to load some of it off… no “ploblem”….
    From this GripeVine…. & Donah..//


    All that is asked is that you consider the suggestion here.

    The entire Congress of the United States is corrupt. With very few exceptions!
    And we mean both Houses and we mean both major parties..

    We realize that a few Members of each House are trustworthy, but, as a group
    they are absolutely the most corrupt bunch to ever disgrace our Nation.

    In November of 2010, the entire House of Representatives will stand for reelection;
    all 435 of them.

    One third of the Senate, a total of 33 of them, will also stand for reelection.

    Vote every incumbent out. With VERY FEW Exceptions!
    And we mean almost every one of them. No matter their Party affiliation.

    Let’s start all over in the House of Representatives with 435 (or so) people who have absolutely no experience in running that body, with no political favors owed to anyone
    but their own constituents.

    Let’s make them understand that they work for us. They are answerable to us
    and they simply have to run that body with some common sense.

    Two years later, in 2012, vote the next third of the incumbents in the Senate out.

    We can do the same thing in 2014, and, by that time, we will have put all new people
    in that body as well.

    We, the People, have got to take this Country back…OUR COUNTRY!
    and we HAVE to do it peacefully. Except for a very few! Are you listening Nancy? Harry? Diane?

    That’s what the Framers of our Constitution envisioned.

    We are also suggesting TERM LIMITS on the new bunch:

    8 years for Representatives and 12 years for Senators – NO EXCEPTIONS!

    The longer they stay in office, the more power they get, and they love it! And will do anything to get re-elected.

    We have term-limited the President, now let’s term-limit the Legislators.

    Please, if you love this Country, send this (as I have done) to absolutely everyone!
    This thing can permeate this Country in no time. Let’s make it happen. Don’t just delete this! Please pass it on. Give our Country a fighting chance!



    ~ Another one of the season’s better ideas… ~

    The 28th AMENDMENT to The Constitution of The United States of America!!


    Sounds like a good idea to me! ~ 28th Amendment? Do we need a new amendment to the Constitution? ~ “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the
    government fears the people, there is liberty.” Thomas Jefferson

    ~ ~ ~ AMENDMENT 28 ~ ~ ~

    Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators or Representatives, and Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States.

    Let’s get this passed around, folks – these people have brought this upon themselves!!!





    A Little more info about how much the crooks in Congress and the Senate care about you, their slaves:

    Take a look at some very SAD TRUTH!! ->>


    WWW (dot) RENSE (dot) COM (slash->/) GENERAL89 (slash->/) 23R (dot) HTM

  74. You are fighting a ‘losing’ battle!



    Eliminate the “Tax-Free” organizations or,

    live forever with the ‘STATUS QUO’!

  75. Demand the Candidates Challenge Obama’s Eligibility

    I can’t help noticing the great silence to my post asking that we demand the November candidates make Obama’s eligibility part of their platform. I call it the acid test of their character.
    I received the following explanation in my e-mail.

    “. . . but the Democrat Senate Committee (headed by Menendez, an anti-American klutz) is trying to smear Republican candidates who raise the eligibility issue, and sad to say, they might be effective with that approach. I agree that Obama has never established his eligibility.

    My response:

    Since when is labeling and name calling more powerful than that of obeying and complying with the laws, traditions, and Constitution of America? If the worst that can happen is to be called a name, then being called names is a fair trade for demanding the legitimacy of the most important job in the world. Out of fear of being labeled, are we willing to let this criminal destroy America?

    Congress failed to up hold its oath to serve and protect the Constitution when it was supposed to properly vet Obama’s background before they counted the votes. Every person in congress is guilty and complicit of tacit agreement to commit treason against America by looking the other way. When Ron Paul was asked why he didn’t challenge Obama’s credentials, he said he failed to do because he didn’t want to be ridiculed by Congress. He placed his career above his country. Ever since I have lost respect for Ron Paul and will never support him unless he gets a back bone and challenges the legitimacy of this president.

    Since when has name calling and smearing become more powerful than the law of the land?

    So out of fear of being called a “racist, a birther, or a conspiratist nut” we permit criminals and thugs to steal America, loot our treasury, and destroy our freedoms. Look at the price America is now paying. Have we all turned into vanilla pudding? Are we willing to lose our rights to chose our own health care, raise our children, own our properties, earn our way, have to pay a “vat tax”–all because we don’t want to be called an unpopular name?

  76. This is a wonderful blog page, brought further out into the light by The Post & Email, which also does a fantastic job in exposing the Obama fraud.

    Ron Paul is a disgrace to his office by not challenging Obama’s birth credentials, and McCain is even worse. Where was Hillary Clinton? I guess she agreed to the payoff of the Secretary of State job after realizing she could not win, even if she exposed Obama for the fraud he is.

    At least, Congressman Nathan Deal, wrote Obama a letter to Obama challenging him to show his birth certificate, albeit, it was a little late. But since he is running for governor, I guess he feels safe to do so now.

    I have worked hard on my diversion into the Obama eligibility issue of late, and have posted many pictures (a picture is worth a thousand words they say) on my Web site.

    To take a look at a few, just check out on my page for a start, and continue with the links there.

    Thank you,

    Larry Brian Radka

    One who loves the truth, and hates being made a fool of by Congress, the Justice Department, and maistream media.

  77. Robert Gibbs Is Asked About Obama’s Connecticut Social Security Number

  78. Wow! Gibbs admits to seeing Obama’s birth certificate and even putting it on the Internet! I think Tim Adams, a senior election official in Hawaii in 2008, would completely disagree with him. See my page and others for more on this matter and also the numerous Obama social security numbers.

  79. Being a natural born citizen is a bit more complicated than being born to citizen parents and on US soil.

    Founder James Wilson wrote after they formed the Colonies into the United States “we have returned to the ancient Saxon Customs”.

    In Shakespeare’s Henry the V there is a line…”Were all thy children kind and natural”

    What does the writer mean by kind and natural? This is the clue to the meaning why the Founders used the word natural.

    Kind and natural have the same meaning. The Founders placed the presidency into a kind. I know this may be complicated to some.

    The Founders were Anglo Saxon. If you were not an Anglo Saxon you were a foreigner.

    Go to the Saxon dictionaries..look for the word gecynde you will see it means natural.

    Do you see the word cynde..kind…natural…this means race.

    Now you have the secret no historian has been able to discover..the meaning of a natural born citizen. Sure they have to have citizen parents.

    But this is not all.

  80. I just discovered this news sourcet. Looks like I just found the way to subscribe, which was what I was looking for.

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