Tag Archives: Larry Sinclair Story

Larry Sinclair book, Obama drug encounter November 1999, Obama camp thugs, Sinclair YouTube video, Larry Sinclair story, Personal attacks, Delaware arrest, National Press Club, Donald Young murder, 2008 election book

Barack Obama became a curiousity in the news when he sought and gained a US Senate seat and spoke at the Democrat Convention in 2004. When Obama began his run for the presidency he, of course, became more news worthy. However, the one event and breaking story that probably gained the attention of more people and subsequently caused Obama to be scrutinized more by more people, was the YouTube video and allegation from Larry Sinclair of a drug and sex encounter with Obama in November 1999. This was the catalyst for me and many others to examine the life, character and associations of Obama more closely. Not only did many more people get involved reasearching Obama, but Larry Sinclair’s websites became a gathering place for sharing information and and experiences with the Obama camp that varied from personal attacks and death threats to tampering of information on the internet and shutting down of sites questioning Obama.

We witnessed a new paradyme of news gathering and presentation. The MSM failed to report the truth about
Obama and Sean Hannity referred to this as the death of journalism. The internet began to take over as
the only place to find out about the real Obama. Of course the Obama camp tried it’s best to thwart the efforts by citizen journalists. This is where Larry Sinclair and many other bloggers and internet reporters stepped in. Despite the MSM not only ignoring the Larry Sinclair allegations and other important stories about Obama and along with the Obama camp trying to discredit Sinclair and anyone questioning Obama, Larry Sinclair and the internet news prevailed.

Larry Sinclair is publishing a book about his encounter with Obama in 1999 and the bigger story of his
experience trying to get Obama to be held accountable and making the public aware. This is an incredible
story that I have watched play out from a front row seat to my astonishment and disbelief. Up to this point
in my life, I have only read about experiences like this happening in other countries. However, despite
this all appearing surreal, it did indeed happen. As soon as Larry Sinclair produced his YouTube video,
he received personal attacks and death threats on his person and family, website attacks and eventual
incarceration in Delaware. This did not happen in the Soviet Union, Kenya or South America. This happened
in America.

I have followed, researched and written about the Larry Sinclair story probably more than any other source.
I can state with authority that Larry Sinclair could not have made up this story. I hope to write a book in the
near future and will elaborate on that and cover the other stories I have been associated with. However,
only Larry Sinclair can tell his story. Here is a quick statement that I sent to Larry recently for possible
inclusion in his book:
“The Larry Sinclair story was the catalyst for me and many others to begin questioning
the character and background of Barack Obama, a candidate that most of us knew little about.
Mr. Sinclair’s allegations appeared preposterous at first but captured my curiousity.
I began by examining the Official Illinois State Senate records for the period of November 3 – 8,
1999. I discovered that Obama was missing on November 4, 1999. I thought, “interesting.”
I then read the transcripts from the Tim Russert, Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun-Times.
All three interviews asked Obama about his records during his tenure in the Illinois
Senate. Obama was consistently vague and evasive in his answers. This piqued my curiousity more.
One thing led to another and within a few days I knew that we had a problem with Obama. I had reached
the point of no return and could not in good conscience abandon my efforts. I continued to follow
the Larry Sinclair story and watched it play out in detail. I got to know Larry and we achieved
a level of mutual trust that soon became a precious commodity.
The Larry Sinclair story evolved into at least four large separate stories:
1. The initial encounter with Obama in 1999.
2. The Donald Young controversy.
3. The attacks made on Larry Sinclair, those following his story and anyone questioning
the “messiah” Obama.
4. The changing and withholding of internet information and attempts to prevent Larry Sinclair
and others from reporting the truth.
I have come to know Larry Sinclair as a person and not just a story. I admire Larry for his
persistence in the face of incredible odds, his integrity and his patriotism.”

If you want to know more about the real Barack Obama and what really happened during the 2008 election.
If you want to read a book about real events that are so surreal they appear as fiction, order a
copy of Larry Sinclair’s book here:


Larry Sinclair, St Paul, Thursday, Sept 4, 2008, Photos, report, Larry Sinclair story, Obama encounter, November 1999, Drugs sex

Here are photos from Larry Sinclair for Thursday, Sept 4, 2008, in St Paul. Sinclair passed out 500 information cards and spoke to many people including RNC delegates and members of foreign and US press.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Read more from Larry Sinclair here:

Larry Sinclair blog radio show, Tonight, 11:00 eastern time, Larry Sinclair story, Sinclair and Obama, November 1999, Sinclair surprise

The Larry Sinclair blog radio show will be airing in a few minutes. It begins at 11:00 eastern time. Larry Sinclair will talk about his Youtube video and the attacks he received shortly afterward that escalated to levels only believed to exist in other countries. Larry Sinclair just notified me he will also provide a surprise tonight. Make sure to tune in:


* Breaking News *, Delaware Drops Charges against Larry Sinclair, Reliable source, Attorney General of Delaware dismissed charges, Larry Sinclair story, * Breaking News *

I just learned from a reliable source close to the story, that the Delaware charges against Larry Sinclair have been dropped. The Delaware Attorney General’s office has dismissed the charges against Sinclair.

I just spoke to Larry Sinclair on the phone and he stated “no comment at this time.”

For those not aware of this story:

Numerous attempts were made to prevent Larry Sinclair from speaking at the National Press Club on June 18, 2008.

Immediately after the news conference, Larry Sinclair was arrested on a warrant from Delaware and taken to a local jail.

Several days later, Larry Sinclair was transported to Delaware. Sinclair appeared before a judge and was released on an unsecured bail.

Larry Sinclair secured the services of former Delaware Attorney General Richard Wier. Attorney Wier abandoned Sinclair the evening before his next court appearance. Larry Sinclair returned home and later secured the services of Mr. Francis E. Farren.

The story that Larry Sinclair tells now is the same one he told me when he was arrested.

If you have not listened to or read Larry Sinclair’s story of his encounter with  Barack Obama in November 1999, his news conference or the details surrounding his arrest, I urge you to do so. Larry Sinclair has a new blog radio show that will air tonight at 11:00 eastern time.

Learn more about the Larry Sinclair story here:



Listen to the Larry Sinclair blog radio show here:


Visit the site to Impeach, expel Senator Obama:


Larry Sinclair story, Obama drugs, Gay sex, November 1999, Down low, Larry Sinclair interview, Midnight Marauder Show, Sinclair tells story, Obama drug encounter

Larry Sinclair was interviewed on August 20, 2008, by the Midnight Marauder Podcast Show. Sinclair told his story from start to finish, the same story he has consistently told of his drug and gay sex encounter with Barack Obama in November 1999. Whether you are aware of this encounter or not, this interview is compelling and worth listening to. The first part of the show spoofs the recent bigfoot fake story but uses the press coverage of the bigfoot story to highlight the priorities of the MSM. Here is the interview of Larry Sinclair:


Read more from Larry Sinclair here:



Voice your concerns about Barack Obama here:


Larry Sinclair, Larrysinclair0926.wordpress.com, Larrysinclair0926.com, Larry Sinclair story, New website, Larry Sinclair blog

Larry Sinclair has moved his blog to his own website:


Larry Sinclair was attacked and smeared before his move and many of the attacks came from bloggers on WordPress. Those attacks continue on WordPress, despite the notifications sent to WordPress. Many of the attackers of the smear campaign use screen names of legitimate commenters in an attempt to discredit Sinclair.

Intelligent and informed truth seekers hopefully will see past this charade.

Larry Sinclair story, allegations, Obama Campaign controls press, David Axelrod, news suppression, George Orwell, doublespeak, MSM failure, Adams, Hearst, Brandeis, Einstein, Goebbels, Hitler, Jefferson, Orwell, Sinclair

“Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry
and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.”    
…. John Adams

“To be honest with you, it’s not so much whether you believe me or not, as much as you hear me.”

…. Larry Sinclair

The mainstream media has failed to do their job and will be held
accountable. Aside from a few notable exceptions such as ABC News
during the PA debate, Tim Russert and the Chicago Tribune, Barack
Obama has been given a free ride by the press. The Democrat
Party, David Axelrod and major monetary players in this country
and the Middle East have flexed their political muscles to
censor the truth about Obama. Phony news organizations like
CNN were never expected to report the truth. Fox News has
become an entertainment network and has been a disappointment.

The internet has increasingly become the primary news source
for many. Sadly, the Obama Campaign and Obama supporters have
aligned to attempt distortion and removal of news on the web.
Tampering with the truth and biased reporting are not a modern
day device. Accurate reporting has been a concern in this
country going back to the American Revolution.

Why has the MSM ignored or prejudged the Larry Sinclair
allegations? There are many reasons, but consider the

Prosecutors routinely use convicted or known criminals to
prosecute other criminals.

Stuart Levine, an admitted heavy drug user and associate of
many crime and corruption figures in Illinois, was compelled
to testify after being wiretapped. His testimony helped
convict Tony Rezko and indict others.

Obama has admitted to drug use. He has a long list of associations
with crime and corruption figures in Illinois.

Larry Sinclair has admitted to prior drug use and brushes
with the law.

Larry Sinclair came forth on his own with his allegations.

A tremendous amount of resources have been expended attempting
to discredit Sinclair.

The Rezko trial and connections to Obama has been not reported
or under reported. It is no wonder that the Larry Sinclair
allegations have not been reported.

Consider the following quotes and ask why the MSM is not doing
their job:

“Please realize that the first duty of newspaper men is
to get the news and print the news.”
…. William Randolph Hearst

“The function of the press is very high. It is almost Holy.
It ought to serve as a forum for the people, through which
the people may know freely what is going on. To misstate or
suppress the news is a breach of trust.”
…. Louis D. Brandeis

“The (American) press, which is mostly controlled by vested
interests, has an excessive influence on public opinion.”
…. Albert Einstein

“Not every item of news should be published: rather must
those who control news policies endeavor to make every item
of news serve a certain purpose.”
…. Joseph Goebbels

“Propaganda must not serve the truth, especially not insofar
as it might bring out something favorable for the opponent.”
…. Adolf Hitler

“Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper.
Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that
polluted vehicle.”
…. Thomas Jefferson

“The past is whatever the records and the memories agree upon.
And since the party is in full control of all records, and in
equally full control of the minds of it’s members, it follows
that the past is whatever the party chooses to make it. Six
means eighteen, two plus two equals five, war is peace,
freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.”
…. George Orwell

“When you pick up your morning or evening newspaper and think
you are reading the news of the world, what you are reading
is a propaganda which has been selected, revised, and doctored
by some power which has a financial interest in you.”
…. Upton Sinclair

We all know why the Larry Sinclair story is not being covered
by the MSM. The great minds above understood.


Larry Sinclair Story, Fact Versus Fiction, Larry Sinclair Arrest, Attempts to Silence Sinclair, Larry Sinclair Political Prisoner, Joe Biden, Attorney General, Delaware

I posted the following on Larry Sinclair’s blog this morning:

1. Story – Larry Sinclair alleges a drug and gay sex encounter with Barack Obama in November 1999. Larry Sinclair has provided records. Obama has supplied none.

2. Larry Sinclair contacted the Obama Campaign and David Axelrod in 2007. After multiple attempts, Sinclair got no response.

3. In January 2008, Larry Sinclair presented a YouTube video to tell
his story. The personal attacks began attempting to discredit Sinclair.

4. In February 2008, Internet pornographer Dan Parisi, who runs the website WhiteHouse.com, made a polygraph challenge to Sinclair.

Polygraph tests are inherently unreliable.

Larry Sinclair volunteered to take the polygraph test.

The computer readings showed that Larry Sinclair passed the test.

Edward I. Gelb, who has a phony PHD, claimed that Sinclair failed the

Dan Parisi, in violation of the contract with Sinclair, set up a
news conference at the NPC, on June 18, 2008.

Dan Parisi canceled his news conference for alleged technical problems.

My reliable source indicates Parisi canceled his news conference
after notification of Sinclair’s arrest.

5. In February 2008, Larry Sinclair set up a blog to tell his story and to answer questions. The personal attacks escalated and led to multiple
death threats. * Note * The saying “follow the money” applies.
Larry Sinclair does not make money off of his blog. Many of the blogs attacking Sinclair (Let’s use the Obama word, smearing) make money off of their blogs. The Citizen Wells blog does not make money either.

6. Larry Sinclair announced a News Conference at the National Press
Club for June 18, 2008. The attacks escalated more. Jane Hamsher,
who I am told from reliable sources has ties to Axelrod, promoted
a petition on her website to block Larry from speaking at the NPC.
Jane Hamsher, by the way, makes money off of her website.

7. Larry Sinclair was arrested at the end of the news conference.
Here are some interesting facts associated with the arrest:

Larry Sinclair addressed the outstanding warrants in CO and FL
several months ago.

I have information from two reliable sources that Sinclair’s
record was thoroughly checked in January 2008 and there were no
other outstanding warrants.

The arrest warrant was from Delaware, not Colorado.

Internet sites known for lies and smears reported they were
responsible for the arrest and that the warrant was from Colorado.

Sylvia Smith of the NPC was seen talking on the phone as Sinclair
was escorted out of the building. I am not accusing Sylvia Smith,
the President of the NPC, of anything. However, it does smell a little.
This is what I believe she said:
“they are bringing  him down now”.

The arrest warrant is from Delaware. The Attorney General of
Delaware is Joe Biden’s son. Joe Biden has been mentioned as a
front runner for Vice President.


What has happened to Larry Sinclair’s right of Habeas Corpus?

Why has Obama not provided records after repeated efforts by
people such as Tim Russert?

Why did a warrant suddenly appear from Delaware?

Why are so many trying to silence and discredit Larry Sinclair?