Tag Archives: Big Brother

New York Paying $500 for Snitches to report Illegal Gun Owners, Thought criminals reported, Anonymous tips reminders of “1984” and Nazi Germany, Big Brother

New York Paying $500 for Snitches to report Illegal Gun Owners, Thought criminals reported, Anonymous tips reminders of “1984” and Nazi Germany, Big Brother

“A Party member lives from birth to death under the eye of the Thought Police. Even when he is alone he can never be sure that he is alone. Wherever he may be, asleep or awake, working or resting, in his bath or in bed, he can be inspected without warning and without knowing that he is being inspected.”…George Orwell, “1984″

“”You’re a traitor!” yelled the boy. “You’re a thought criminal!””…George Orwell, “1984″

“An ominous new development within the HJ was the appearance of HJ-Streifendienst (Patrol Force) units functioning as internal political police, maintaining order at meetings, ferreting out disloyal members, and denouncing anyone who criticized Hitler or Nazism including, in a few cases, their own parents.” …TheHistoryPlace.com

21 “Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death.”…Matthew 10

From Freedom Outpost March 22, 2013.

“New York Paying $500 For Snitches To Report Illegal Gun Owners”

I told you yesterday that Governor Andrew Cuomo was having to reevaluate his unconstitutional gun legislation called the SAFE Act. Well now this same tyrant is offering tax payer money for snitches in New York to tell on their fellow citizens that have firearms that are considered illegal under his new gun law.

Back in February of 2012, before the SAFE Act was passed, Cuomo indicated that one of the four pronged initiatives he was putting forth was a program to offer a cash reward (that’s tax payer money) for citizens who become turncoats and out their neighbors to police so that they can confiscate their firearms, which are supposed to be protected under the Constitution.

A “Gun Tip Line” has been set up so that New Yorkers can call a toll free hotline (obviously paid for with tax payer dollars as well) and snitch on people without any evidence that they have an illegal firearm. It’s sort of like Child Protective Services for Firearms. No evidence is needed, just an anonymous tip.

If an arrest is made, the anonymous tipster would get $500.

“This initiative seeks to turn neighbor against neighbor and use their own tax dollars to pay for the $500 reward,” said Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin (R-Melrose).”

“While New Yorkers are pushing for repeal of the tyrannical gun law, Colorado is going ahead with its legislation and sheriffs have made it known that those laws will not be enforced. This leads me to be cautious and, as a result, ask if laws are left in place, what is to keep a new generation from enforcing them? The reality is that is a strong possibility and that is why they need to be repealed, not just ignored. Pratt said that was a hope of his organization and that would largely happen by the public issuing “pink slips” to those in office when there are new elections.”

Read more:


George Orwell birthday, 1984 author, Animal Farm, Big Brother, Thought police, Newspeak, Orwellian, Mainstream media nemesis

George Orwell birthday, 1984 author, Animal Farm, Big Brother, Thought police, Newspeak, Orwellian, Mainstream media nemesis

“All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.”…George Orwell, “Animal Farm”
“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed
–if all records told the same tale–then the lie passed into
history and became truth. “Who controls the past,” ran the
Party slogan, “controls the future: who controls the present
controls the past.”…George Orwell, “1984″

Today, June 25, 2011 is George Orwell’s birthday.

One of the highest honors I ever received was when the Post & Email placed the photo of George Orwell in the article they did on the Citizen Wells blog on May 25, 2010. I am also honored to present the following on George Orwell and 1984.

From The Complete works of George Orwell.

“Eric Blair was born in 1903 in Motihari, Bengal, in the then British colony of India, where his father, Richard, worked for the Opium Department of the Civil Service. His mother, Ida, brought him to England at the age of one. He did not see his father again until 1907, when Richard visited England for three months before leaving again until 1912. Eric had an older sister named Marjorie and a younger sister named Avril. With his characteristic humour, he would later describe his family’s background as “lower-upper-middle class.” ”

“In 1944 Orwell finished his anti-Stalinist allegory Animal Farm, which was published the following year with great critical and popular success. The royalties from Animal Farm provided Orwell with a comfortable income for the first time in his adult life. From 1945 Orwell was the Observer’s war correspondent and later contributed regularly to the Manchester Evening News. He was a close friend of the Observer’s editor/owner, David Astor and his ideas had a strong influence on Astor’s editorial policies. In 1949 his best-known work, the dystopian Nineteen Eighty-Four, was published. He wrote the novel during his stay on the island of Jura, off the coast of Scotland.”

“During most of his career Orwell was best known for his journalism, both in the British press and in books of reportage such as Homage to Catalonia (describing his experiences during the Spanish Civil War), Down and Out in Paris and London (describing a period of poverty in these cities), and The Road to Wigan Pier (which described the living conditions of poor miners in northern England). According to Newsweek, Orwell “was the finest journalist of his day and the foremost architect of the English essay since Hazlitt.”

Contemporary readers are more often introduced to Orwell as a novelist, particularly through his enormously successful titles Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four. The former is considered an allegory of the corruption of the socialist ideals of the Russian Revolution by Stalinism, and the latter is Orwell’s prophetic vision of the results of totalitarianism. Orwell denied that Animal Farm was a reference to Stalinism. Orwell had returned from Catalonia a staunch anti-Stalinist and anti-Communist, but he remained to the end a man of the left and, in his own words, a ‘democratic socialist’.

Orwell is also known for his insights about the political implications of the use of language. In the essay “Politics and the English Language”, he decries the effects of cliche, bureaucratic euphemism, and academic jargon on literary styles, and ultimately on thought itself. Orwell’s concern over the power of language to shape reality is also reflected in his invention of Newspeak, the official language of the imaginary country of Oceania in his novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Newspeak is a variant of English in which vocabulary is strictly limited by government fiat. The goal is to make it increasingly difficult to express ideas that contradict the official line – with the final aim of making it impossible even to conceive such ideas. (cf. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis). A number of words and phrases that Orwell coined in Nineteen Eighty-Four have entered the standard vocabularly, such as “memory hole,” “Big Brother,” “Room 101,” “doublethink,” “thought police,” and “newspeak.” ”

Read more:


Some of my favorite “1984” quotes.

“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed
–if all records told the same tale–then the lie passed into
history and became truth. “Who controls the past,” ran the
Party slogan, “controls the future: who controls the present
controls the past.”

“The past, he reflected, had not merely been altered, it had
actually been destroyed. For how could you establish, even
the most obvious fact when there existed no record outside
your own memory?”

“The past is whatever the records and the memories agree upon.
And since the party is in full control of all records, and in
equally full control of the minds of it’s members, it follows
that the past is whatever the party chooses to make it. Six
means eighteen, two plus two equals five, war is peace,
freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.”

“If the party could thrust its hand into the past and say
of this and that event, it never happened–that, surely,
was more terrifying than mere torture and death.”

“the Times of the nineteenth of December had published the official forecasts of the output of various classes of consumption goods in the fourth quarter of 1983, which was also the sixth quarter of the Ninth Three-Year Plan. Today’s issue contained a statement of the actual output, from which it appeared that the forecasts were in every instance grossly wrong. Winston’s job was to rectify the original figures by making them agree with the later ones.”

“As soon as all the corrections which happened to be necessary in any partiucular number of the Times had been assembled and collated, that number would be reprinted, the original copy destroyed, and the corrected copy placed on the files in it’s stead. This process of continuation alteration was applied not only to newspapers, but to books, periodicals, pamphlets, posters, leaflets, films, sound tracks, cartoons, photographs–to every kind of literature or documentation which might conceivably hold any political or ideological significance. Day by day and almost minute by minute the past was brought up to date. In this way every prediction made by the Party could be shown by documentary evidence to be correct; nor was any item of news, or expression of opinion, which conflicted with the needs of the moment, ever allowed to be on record.”

“We control life, Winston, at all its levels. You are imagining that there is something called human nature which will be outraged by what we do and will turn against us. But we create human nature. Men are infinitely malleable.”

Thank God for the life of George Orwell.

Obama deception illegally removed from YouTube, 1984, Big Brother, Citizen Wells open thread, July 19, 2010

Obama deception illegally removed from YouTube, 1984, Big Brother

“The past, he reflected, had not merely been altered, it had
actually been destroyed. For how could you establish, even
the most obvious fact when there existed no record outside
your own memory?”…George Orwell, “1984″

Obama Deception ILLEGALLY removed from YouTube. Alex Jones reports.


Thanks JJ

1984, Government control of internet, FCC, FTC, Obama administration, Big Brother, Open thread

1984, Government control of internet, FCC, FTC, Obama administration, Big Brother

 “And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed
–if all records told the same tale–then the lie passed into
history and became truth. “Who controls the past,” ran the
Party slogan, “controls the future: who controls the present
controls the past.”…George Orwell, “1984″

June 15, 2010
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
National Press Club
549 14th Street NW
13th Floor
Washington, DC
via webcast (link posted day of event)


There is a new RSS feed on the right of CitizenWells.com. Citizen Wells will be closely monitoring attempts by the Obama Administration and government to control the internet.

Media Fail, MediaFail.com, Citizen Wells fails Media Fail, Obama birth certificate, Information suppression, Obama thugs, 1984, Big brother

Media Fail, MediaFail.com, Citizen Wells fails Media Fail, Obama birth certificate

“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed
–if all records told the same tale–then the lie passed into
history and became truth. “Who controls the past,” ran the
Party slogan, “controls the future: who controls the present
controls the past.”
“The past, he reflected, had not merely been altered, it had
actually been destroyed. For how could you establish, even
the most obvious fact when there existed no record outside
your own memory?”…George Orwell, “1984?

I received an email today about Media Fail, a website that is devoted to “Expose the worst of American media.
Find it. Post it. Fail it. ”

I signed up at MediaFail.com and then posted two commemts about failings of the mainstream media.

1 fail
Chicago Tribune, O’Reilly,MSM FAIL: Blagojevich trial downplayed, misrepresented (wordpress.com)
” He has pleaded not guilty to charges that he tried to sell President Barack Obama’s old senate seat” The indictment is 113 pages and covers corruption involving Blagojevich and his cronies going back many years. Read more at Citizen Wells.
Comments Posted by citizenwells
2 fails
MSM, Factcheck.org FAIL: Obama birth certificate, COLB, college records (wordpress.com)
Obama has employed a legion of private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records. That is the real question not being asked by the mainstream media, including Fox. Video explains more.
Comments (1) Posted by citizenwells

Links to the comments:



A few minutes ago, a commenter on this blog indicated that the second comment, about the Obama birth certificate could not be accessed. I tried to access it and got the following response:

Access denied

You are not allowed to view this.

The following is from the MediaFail.com website:

“What is mediaFAIL?
Every day, we read and watch “news” that favors sensation over substance. Meaningless sideshows can dominate the news cycle for days, blocking out real issues of public concern. Worse, what often passes for reporting is badly sourced, unaccountable and tainted by commercial interests and trivia.
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We don’t just want to give the media a failing grade — we want it to pass. That’s why we’re featuring links to actions on important campaigns by Free Press and our allies, so that you can help build a better media system.
Submitting a link and voting are simple. Here’s how to start:
Sign up for an account
Find and submit a link to an example of terrible reporting (maybe something like this, about two news outlets reporting the exact same story).
Share your submitted “fail” with your friends via e-mail, Twitter or Facebook.
Vote on other fails that you find especially bad.
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Free Press and the Free Press Action Fund welcome submissions and comments meant to spark discussions about improving the media system in America. However, we reserve the right to delete submissions and comments that are offensive or abusive; that are about topics other than the state of U.S. media; that contain ad hominem attacks; or that are designed to subvert or hijack comment threads rather than contribute to them. Repeat offenders may be permanently removed from the site at our discretion.
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Based on my brief experience with Media Fail, I am compelled to



Obama Montana town hall meeting, Obama lies, Update August 18, 2009, Obama thugs, SEIU, Big brother, Thought police, 1984

In another episode of “town hall meetings”, this time focusing the hate on insurance companies instead of the Jews in Nazi Germany or O’Brien in “1984” by George Orwell, modern day Big Brother, Obama, is utilizing the SEIU thugs as part of his Thought Police.

” Obama Gets The Facts Wrong At Montana Town Hall And Adds To Misinformation
By Tom White, on August 15th, 2009, at 10:23 am”

President Obama says there is a lot of misinformation out there, and he is correct. Most of it is coming from his own mouth. In fact, he has so mangled the truth that most experts say his credibility on Health Care is shot. During Friday’s Town Hall meeting in Belgrade, Montana Obama proved by his numerous misstatements and assertions that he is the leading cause of the confusion.

Many of the talking points Obama regurgitates at every opportunity have been completely debunked, yet he feels if he continues to repeat these over and over, they could somehow come true. Or more likely, believe his lies.
The Montana Town Hall was supposed to be one that did not allow the White House to cherry pick attendees. However, many against the Health Care plan arrived at 8:00 AM to get tickets, which were supposed to be distributed beginning at 9:00 AM, only to be told the tickets were all gone.”

“NewsMax reported:

“Something’s a little fishy here,” Jim Walters, eastern coordinator for Resistnet, a grass-roots organization affiliated with the Grassfire.org Alliance, told Newsmax prior to the event. “They weren’t supposed to start handing out tickets until 9 o’clock. I had people up here at 8, and the tickets were already gone.”
Walters estimated 1,000 people were gathered outside the airport near Bozeman, Mont., where the event was held. Walters told Newsmax that union members who arrived via bus from Chicago had initiated an altercation with town hall protesters.

He said he saw police making several arrests.

“I don’t understand that,” Walters said of the union response. “We’re here to have peaceful rallies.”
So much for Grassroots. Bus loads of Union thugs are now the new norm at Obama Town Halls. Strange how these out of towners all managed to get tickets. I guess the Brown Shirts have priority over the common folk.
Obama specifically asked for someone who was “skeptical” of the reform plan. The person asking the question was an insurance salesman, and he asked why the president is trying to “vilify” health insurance companies. “My intent is not to vilify the insurance companies,” Obama said. “We want to make sure the practices that are very tough on people, those practices change.”

But since Obama had opened the meeting saying, “We are held hostage … by health insurance companies”, this was simply another lie. A post on this Blog a few days ago shows that insurance company profits come from investments, not overcharging premiums. Many years the Insurance Companies would have lost money if the premiums were their only income.
Obama’s claims to use prevention to save money is an interesting, but false premise. Charles Krauthammer debunks this theory and says it will actually cost more in an article in the Washington Post.
Obama followed suit in his Tuesday New Hampshire town hall, touting prevention as amazingly dual-purpose: “It saves lives. It also saves money.””

“So, the bottom line is that President Obama is spreading lies and false accounting data. There is no savings in the plan and this plan, in the end, will waste more money, degrade our Health Care system, and prove to be an absolute failure that will ruin our country.”

Read more:


Obama thugs, Nazi brownshirts, 1984 totalitarian regime, Citizen Wells warnings, Obama camp thuggery, Big Brother, Obama attacks, Larry Sinclair, Obama Nazi Germany

The Citizen Wells blog has presented many articles about the Obama camp thuggery that has occurred over the past one and a half years and how it resembles the Nazi Brownshirt tactics and totalitarian state of “1984.” The attacks on Larry Sinclair, myself and others for questioning the “messiah”, Obama, aka Hitler, aka Big Brother, were a clue we were entering a new age foretold by George Orwell. Orwell had just witnessed the rise of the totalitarian regime of Nazi Germany. I am as pleased with myself as anything I have written for exposing the Obama camp as Nazi Brownshirts.
Here is an article from someone that has recently been shocked into believing Larry Sinclair’s story:

“After reading a bit about Larry Sinclair (yes, I do have his book, but have not had time to read it) I’ve come to wonder if Barack Obama does not have an explosive temper.  We know he and those around him are resorting to something akin to racketeering to prevent Americans from expressing their opinion.  Harry Reid just doesn’t understand.  Neither does Nancy Pelosi.  They’re losing their temper, turning nasty.”
“They are denouncing anyone who disagrees with Obama as a “Brownshirt” and calling us terrorists.  If you followed Larry Sinclair’s story the past year, you will know the degree of harassment he has experienced from the same source.  You get in Obama’s way and he’s gonna get you.”
“I gather this is what Sinclair has endured for the past year.  We all know the White House now has an enemies list.  From what I gather, Sinclair is close to the top of the list.  I turned myself in today.  Fortunately they are finally figuring out that what Obama’s White House has done is probably illegal.

I think we Republicans are now getting  a taste of what Sinclair has endured for the past year.  It isn’t pretty.  In fact, it’s down-right un-American – unless you are a member of the SEIU.  Then, you can do what you want, including Rush Limbaugh promoted death threats.  Naturally they are blaming someone from New Mexico.  If you read the tweets, I’m suspicious and suspect someone is making trouble for the guy, who is an admitted Libertarian.  If you are a Union Thug, you can get away with anything, including near murder.

But – not just any Union Thug – the SEIU – OBAMA’S UNION!

Makes you think….and wonder what else Larry Sinclair is right about.”

Read more:




Citizen Wells first article revealing the Obama Camp as Nazi like:
“I soon will post the information I have collected about Barack Obama. I just wanted to say where I am coming from. I am a student of history and am fairly well read. Much of what I am witnessing about Barack Obama reminds me of the period between World War I and World War II in Germany. People were ready for change. Unlike here, conditions were really bad.

Adolf Hitler began speaking about his vision for Germany. He also spewed racist, hate messages and blamed the jews for all of their ills. Obama speaks of change and many of those around him spew the racist, hate filled messages. This is too much deja vu for me.

I wrote this at 3:30 AM EST. I awoke and had to say this. God bless us all and this country.”

 My epiphany


Citizen Wells first analysis Of Obama Camp Nazi qualities:

“April 16, 2008

I have been comparing the Obama campaign to pre World War II Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler for many weeks. Of course my claims have been dismissed by Obama supporters and many times I have been personally attacked for asking simple questions about Obama. I am a student of history and have read a great deal about the era leading up to the second world war and also during and after. The more I observe and think about it, the closer the parallels are.

The rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party

The economic conditions in Germany after World War I were horrible.

Adolf Hitler honed his oratory skills and became a superb speaker.

Adolf Hitler surrounded himself with thugs and Jew haters.

Adolf Hitler and the Nazis blamed the Jews for their problems.

Adolf Hitler spoke of change and a new Germany.

The people of Germany got caught up in the euphoria of the changes that Hitler promised.

The Nazis burned books to eradicate records and contrary thoughts.

The Nazis bullied Jews and other segments of society.

The Nazis were elitists with talk of the Arayan Race.

Adolf Hitler had many people fooled including many jews that never thought all of that evil could happen in their country. moinansari reminded me of this important point. Thank You!


The Barack Obama Campaign

The perceived economic conditions are bad. The economic conditions are perfect here compared to post War War I Germany.

Obama worked on his oratory skills. He is a superb speaker with the ability to mesmerize his followers.

Obama has been surrounded by racists, anti semites, criminals and drug users.

Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, and others have blamed white people and Jews for their problems.

Obama constantly speaks of change.

Obama supporters are caught up in the euphoria of the moment and Obama’s promise of change.

Obama has denied having records, not provided records and been extremely evasive when asked to supply records.

Obama supporters have bullied bloggers when questions about Obama or his past are asked. Some of these attacks are clearly orchestrated by the Obama Campaign. Some of these bullies have attacked family members of bloggers.

Obama has recently shown his elitist attitude during his speech in San Francisco. His arrogance parallels Hitler’s Aryan race comments in regard to Obama’s God Like omnipotence in regard to having the answers to problems.

Obama has many people fooled including many Jews that are ignoring all the evil and anti semitism surrounding Obama.

Thanks moinansari and God bless you.

The parallels are clear and they are scary!

What is the lesson to be learned?

The German people blindly followed Hitler with his promises of change. Hitler and his cohorts were not scrutinized by enough people. Barack Obama is promising change and many are blindly following in a similar euphoric state. All candidates for the presidency must be questioned and carefully scrutinized.”

Article with comments

Christians and Jews supported this man

“The economy in ruins, you believed this man was
your salvation.

Why did you not read his book?  There were many clues
to his personality and intent.

Why did you not question his mesmerizing speeches, often
aimed at the youth?”

Read more


Nazi disregard for human life

““Barack Obama is the most pro abortion candidate ever.”
Terence P. Jeffrey

“But, he argues, we cannot legally recognize them as “persons.”
Because if we do, then somewhere down the road it might threaten someone’s right to an abortion.”
David Freddoso on Obama

History can and does repeat itself. The evil capacity of humans
passes from generation to generation. Left unchecked, this evil
can grow to levels experienced before in history.”

Read more 

History warns us:

The Citizen Wells blog has been warning for many months now that the
Obama camp is very much like Brownshirts in Nazi Germany. The analogies
are many and are scary. Some people scoffed at or ridiculed the articles
but many commented in agreement. Some that appreciated the warnings
are Jewish and one had just visted a Holocaust Museum. Even Winston
Churchill was ridiculed when he gave warnings about the Nazis. A commenter on PatDollard.com, tps, has written a compelling article and warning about the Obama camp. The writer claims to be a student of history and like anyone questioning the “messiah”, Obama, has been ridiculed.

Read more

You can search the Citizen Wells blog or internet for references to Nazi Germany, Brownshirts or 1984.

Wikipedia, Internet scrubbing, Obama thugs, John Bingham, Natural born citizen, Wikipedia or Ministry of truth, Big Brother, Orwellian tactics, 1984

We have the second instance of internet scrubbing reported on this blog in the past several weeks. Today, one of the great commenters on this blog, GBAmerica brought this to our attention:

“They scrubbed Wiki!Our founding father John Bingham from the state of Ohio defined Natural Born Citizen!To hold highest office you must be a natural born citizen which means to be born on US soil and BOTH PARENTS to be BORN on US soil with no Foreign or Domestic Soverigty from any of them!It doesn’t matter where he is born his father was NOT BORN HERE!!!John Bingham put that there to protect WE THE PEOPLE!!!Look it up at the library!”

Recently the Citizen Wells blog caught Wikipedia scrubbing the internet:

Norman Thomas, American Socialist Party article altered

Another great commenter on this blog, Patriot Dreamer,  provided a followup to Wikipedia’s Orwellian action:


Here’s what was removed:

John Bingham confirms that understanding and the construction the framers used in regards to birthright and jurisdiction while speaking on civil rights of citizens in the House on March 9, 1866:”


– {{cquote|[I] find no fault with the introductory clause [S 61 Bill], which is simply declaratory of what is written in the Constitution, that ”every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is”, in the language of your Constitution itself, ”a natural born citizen”…. . .}}

If you go to the article’s “history” page, it says that Wiki user AmesG “Remove quote unsupported by the cited source, and added by a biased “birther” user. Get a life, Birthers” at 15:08 on 18 March 2009:


John Bingham, and other statesmen in our country’s  past understood the distinction between citizen and Natural Born Citizen. The question is, does Wikipedia know the distinction between fact and fiction. Who is controlling Wikipedia?

This is another example of a “1984” world envisioned by George Orwell. A frightening world where history is reshaped, remolded by the “Ministry of Truth”,  aka, the Obama thugs, to suit their own private agenda.

This is the final straw, I will no longer access Wikipedia or be able to trust them as a reference.

John Roberts, Orly Taitz, Obama, Taitz confronts chief justice, Chief Justice Roberts speech, University of Idaho, 1984, Big Brother, Ministry of truth, Obama not eligible, Obama not natural born citizen, MSM lies, distortions

“Winston dialed “back numbers” on the telescreen and called
for the appropriate issues of the Times, which slid out of
the pneumatic tube after only a few minutes’ delay.  The
messages he had received referred to articles or news items
which for one reason or another it was thought necessary to
alter, or, as the official phrase had it, to rectify.  For
example, it appeared from the Times of the seventeenth of
March that Big Brother, in his speech of the previous day,
had predicted that the South Indian front would remain quiet
but that a Eurasian offensive would shortly be launched in
North Africa.  As it happened, the Eurasian Higher Command
had launched its offensive in South India and left North
Africa alone.  It was therefore necessary to rewrite a
paragraph of Big Brother’s speech in such a way as to make
him predict the thing that had actually happened.”

George Orwell…”1984″

Recently, the Citizen Wells blog reported on the Washington
Post rewriting an article to remove potentially damaging
content about Obama and his technology czar, Vivek Kundra.

Citizen Wells article

Dr. Orly Taitz, on Friday, March 13, 2009, confronted Chief
Justice John Roberts after a speech he gave at the University
of Idaho. Read this exerpt from an AP reporter that was
published on the Seattle Post-Intelligencer website.

“At one point during the audience question period, Orly Taitz,
a woman from Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif., said she had

documents proving that President Obama was not born in the
United States and thus could not be president. While audience
members laughed, she said she had half a million signatures
of people demanding the Supreme Court hear the matter.

Roberts cut her off by saying that if she had documents with
her, she should give them to security officers. He also said
he could not discuss the issue.

Earlier this month, a federal judge in Washington, D.C., threw
out a lawsuit questioning Obama’s citizenship, branding the
case a waste of the court’s time.”

Read the entire article:


Next read the Dr. Orly Taitz rendition:
“Yesterday I traveled to Idaho. I was able to address Chief
Justice Roberts during the question answer session after his
lecture. There were numerous cameras recording this event and
simultaneous feed broadcast to all the campuses of the
University of Idaho. Roughly 5,000 people in all the campuses
had an opportunity to hear what I had to say, it is in video
archives and now everybody knows the truth and knows that leftist
media thugs  such as Seattle Washington Observer shamelessly
twist the truth to fit their Pro Obama blind idiot agenda.”

“It was a grueling day, I left home at 3 in the morning after
sleeping only 3 hours and drove to San Diego, from there flew
to Salt Lake City, from there to Spokane, Washington, from there
I drove for a couple of hours to be in Moscow Idaho, to address
Chief Justice Roberts. After the lecture the audience was told,
that they can ask questions, give their name and present a shot
question. I was the first to run to the microphone and told
Roberts. ” My name is Orly Taitz, I am an attorney from Southern
California. I left home at three o’clock in the morning and flew
and drove thousands of miles to talk to you and ask you a
question”. Roberts seemed to be impressed by that and I continued.
“Are you aware that there is criminal activity going on in the
Supreme Court of the United States. I have submitted my case
Lightfoot v Bowen to you. You agreed to hear it in the conference
of all 9 Justices on January 23. Your clerk, Danny Bickle, on his
own accord refused to forward to you an important supplemental
brief, he has hidden it from you and refused to post it on the
docket. Additionally, my case was erased from the docket,
completely erased one day after the inauguration, only two days
before it was supposed to be heard in the conference. Outraged
citizens had to call and demand for it to be posted. On Monday
I saw Justice Scalia and he had absolutely no knowledge of my
case, that was supposedly heard in conference on January 23rd.
It is inexplicable, particularly knowing that roughly half a
million American citizens have written to him and to you Justice
Roberts demanding that you hear this issue of eligibility of
Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro to be the President of
the United States.” At that point I have shown to Roberts
a stack of papers, that I held. Those were my pleadings and
printouts that I got from WorldNetDaily. It contained your
names, names of about 350,000 that signed the petition. (there
were others that have written individual letters,) . Roberts
stated  “I will read your documents, I will review them. Give
them to my Secret Service Agent and I will review them”. His
Secret Service Agent approached me and stated ” Give me all the
documents, I promise you Justice Roberts will get them”. I had a
full suitcase of documents. The agent went to look for a box, he
found a large box to fit all the documents, he showed me his badge,
and introduced himself as Gilbert Shaw, secret Service Agent
assigned to the security of Chief Justice Roberts.”

Read more here:


Now listen to the audio:


Now reread the reporter’s version above and consider the

  • “Orly Taitz, a woman from Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif.”
    No mention that she is an attorney.
  • No mention of the main object of her plea, clerk, Danny Bickle,
    criminal activity at the US Supreme Court or her conversation
    with Justice Scalia.
  • No mention that Justice Roberts said that he would review the
  • Including the following statement to further attempt to discredit
    Dr. Taitz. “Earlier this month, a federal judge in Washington,
    D.C., threw out a lawsuit questioning Obama’s citizenship,
    branding the case a waste of the court’s time.””
  • The reporter portrayed Orly Taitz’ encounter with Chief Justice
    Roberts in the most negative manner.


Whether or not you agree with Dr. Orly Taitz’ methodology she
should be respected for her gumption and her resolve. She has
experienced totalitarian regimes of the former soviet bloc and
loves this country. I have spoken with her at length and her
concern comes through in her voice.

God bless Dr. Orly Taitz.

If you are still not convinced we are experiencing a world that
closely resembles “1984”, you had better wake up.

Obama Official Placed on Leave, Birth certificate controversy, Washington Post article, March 14, 2009, 1984, George Orwell, Big Brother, Internet scrubbing, Revisionist history, Vivek Kundra, White House technology czar, FBI arrests, Yusuf Acar, Sushil Bansal, kickbacks, Corruption

“To the future or to the past, to a time when thought is
free, when men are different from one another and do not
live alone–to a time when truth exists and what is done
cannot be undone:

From the age of uniformity, from the age of solitude,
from the age of Big Brother, from the age of doublethink–
“If the party could thrust its hand into the past and say
of this and that event, it never happened–that, surely,
was more terrifying than mere torture and death.”
“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed
–if all records told the same tale–then the lie passed into
history and became truth. “Who controls the past,” ran the
Party slogan, “controls the future: who controls the present
controls the past.”
“The past, he reflected, had not merely been altered, it had
actually been destroyed. For how could you establish, even
the most obvious fact when there existed no record outside
your own memory?”

George Orwell, “1984”

I would like to thank the Washington Post for providing an
excellent example and the readers of this blog for alerting
me to this Orwellian example of revisionist history straight
out of “1984.”

If you have not read “1984” by George Orwell, our present
times and conditions make it a must read for survival.

Yesterday, the Citizen Wells blog presented a second article on
the arrest of 2 individuals in the Washington DC office
that was headed by Obama’s technology czar, Vivek Kundra, as
recently as a few days ago. This article came from a Washington
Post article dated March 13, 2009. Last night Citizen Wells
was notified that the Washington Post article had been changed.

After some investigating, it was discovered that the whole
nature of the article had been changed. Consider the

The citizen Wells article dated March 13, 2009 revealed several
aspects of the Washington Post article that are potentially
damaging to Barack Obama.

“Obama Official Placed on Leave”

“Vivek Kundra, who was tapped as the White House technology czar
March 5, oversaw technology projects and budgets for 86 D.C.
government agencies as head of the District’s Office of the Chief
Technology Officer.”

“Yusuf Acar, 40, who has worked in the technology office since
2004, was charged with bribery, conspiracy, money laundering and
conflict of interest.”

“FBI agents carted away boxes and envelopes from the Office of
the Chief Technology Officer throughout the day.”

“Acar also told the informant that he could use computers to
create fake D.C. birth certificates, Hibarger said.”

“The scam began unraveling in March last year”

“The informant approached the FBI and began wearing a hidden
recording device and secretly recording phone conversations
involving Acar and Bansal.”

Here is the Washington Post article that has been completely
rewritten. It is located at the same link in the Citizen Wells
article dated March 13, 2009. Notice that the header has nothing
about Obama:

“D.C. Technology Office Scandal Revives Questions of Cronyism

By David Nakamura
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, March 14, 2009; Page B01

Last summer, Vivek Kundra, then the D.C. government’s chief technology officer, introduced a massive overhaul of the way

his agency hired about 300 consultants.
Responding to vendors’ complaints that the contracting process was unfair and rife with cronyism, Kundra received $75

million from the D.C. Council to create the Information Technology Staff Augmentation program to foster greater

transparency and accountability. Kundra hired a company to help the city weed out unqualified résumés, established a

central online database to advertise contracts and disclose who won each one, and posted video solicitations for jobs

online. The ITSA program, he told council members during an oversight hearing in August, was a more open and more fair

way of doing business in the District.

But this week, the technology agency was rocked by a bribery scandal that brought the allegations of cronyism back into

full view and raised questions among consultants about whether anything has changed. Federal authorities have alleged

that Yusuf Acar, a manager in charge of information security, conspired with a contractor named Sushil Bansal to bilk

the city of money in a scheme that involved “ghost” workers and kickbacks. Both men have been arrested.
Questions submitted to Mayor Adrian M. Fenty’s office about the technology office’s contracting process, including

whether the hiring decisions by project managers were reviewed by higher-ranking authorities, were not answered

yesterday. Kundra, who left the technology office last month after President Obama appointed him the nation’s chief

information officer, has not been identified as a suspect in the D.C. case. He has been placed on administrative leave

pending the outcome of the federal investigation and declined to comment.

“We have to find the right balance and find the right checks and balances,” said council member Mary M. Cheh (D-Ward 3),

who recently took over the committee that oversees the technology office.

City Administrator Dan Tangherlini said the scheme that Acar and Bansal are accused of running predates the

implementation of ITSA in October.

Consultants who work with the technology office said yesterday that the bribery allegations emphasize their long-

standing complaints that the agency lacks sufficient oversight to ensure that contracts are awarded fairly. They

described a system in which project managers have virtually unabridged authority to issue “purchase orders” for

consultants and then decide which ones receive the contracts.

Furthermore, they said, some managers making the hiring decisions used to work for the consulting companies that are

making bids, and some of the consultants once worked as full-time city employees. Bansal worked for the city before

founding Advanced Integrated Technologies about six years ago.

“How can we even trust these people anymore?” asked Laurie Collins, owner of a small information technology consulting

firm that has worked with the city. Collins and other consultants complained that a group of fewer than 10 firms win a

disproportionate bulk of contracts, even though the city has 97 registered technology vendors.

Bansal’s firm won 14 of the 167 contracts, including two awarded by Acar, issued through ITSA so far.

Under ITSA, the city hired Optimal Solutions and Technologies to oversee the contracting process. That company set up a

Web site to post job openings and solicit résumés. The résumés of qualified candidates are then sent to D.C. project

managers without company affiliations, a tactic aimed at trying to eliminate potential company biases from the managers

making the hiring decisions.

But consultants said it is easy for vendors to sidestep that safeguard by telling the managers ahead of time which

résumés to look for.
Tim Booker, owner of the consulting firm MindFinders, said managers have developed close relationships with specific

vendors and are hesitant or unwilling to award contracts to other firms. Because of that, it is difficult for the city

to ensure that it gets the best value and services for each contract.
“Managers are not willing to break old habits,” he said. “What it requires is leadership and training and oversight.”

Under their alleged scheme, Acar approved contracts for Bansal’s company for the purchase of goods and services. But

Bansal billed the city for some services that were not provided and workers who did not exist, splitting the proceeds

with Acar, according to the affidavit. Bansal’s company has received $13 million in city contracts, including some from

other managers in the technology office and at least one other city agency.

Michael Master, owner of the consulting firm GiniCorp, opposed the implementation of the ITSA program last summer during

a D.C. Council hearing. But yesterday, he said he did not blame the system for failing to stop Acar and Bansal.
“There’s a longtime culture of bending the rules in this city,” Master said. “Whether the process is transparent or not,

which the whole ITSA thing was supposed to be, you can put in all the rules and laws, but bad people will always find a

way to get around it. This just proves that.”

Staff writer Nikita Stewart contributed to this report.”



Want to read the original article (If the Post has not
scrubbed it. If they do, let me know.)


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as unique content only found online.

If you have a question or comment about our mobile web site, e-mailcusthelp@washingtonpost.com


Did someone forget to scrub the mobile version or was the
main concern the Citizen Wells reference?

A Google search of:

“washington post Obama Official Placed on Leave”

Produced the following results:

D.C. Technology Office Scandal Revives Consultants’ Questions of …Obama Official Placed on Leave After Technology Office Arrests – Washington Post · D.C. Official Arrested in Federal Bribery Sting …
www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/03/13/AR2009031301449.html – 23 hours ago – Similar pages –
Obama Official Placed on Leave After Technology Office ArrestsMar 13, 2009 … The White House said this morning that  President Obama’s chief information officer has been placed on leave out of “an abundance of caution …
mobile.washingtonpost.com/news.jsp?key=361994&rc=dc_me – 21 hours ago – Similar pages –
Obama Official Placed on Leave After Technology Office ArrestsAssistant U.S. Attorney Thomas Hibarger told a federal judge that Acar, of Northwest Washington, is a flight risk because agents seized $70000 in cash in …
mobile.washingtonpost.com/detail.jsp?key=361998&rc=me&p=2 – 21 hours ago – Similar pages –
More results from mobile.washingtonpost.com »
Obama Official Placed on Leave, Acar fake D.C. birth certificates …From a Washington Post Article dated March 13, 2009: “The White House said this morning that …. decentAmerican on Obama Official Placed on Leave… …
citizenwells.wordpress.com/…/obama-official-placed-on-leave-acar-fake-dc-birth-certificates-friday-march-13-2009-vivek-k… – 21 hours ago – Similar pages –

Notice that the original Washington Post article, the top one,
still has the original date of March 13, 2009, but instead of
Obama official it has D.C. Technology Office Scandal. The Citizen
Wells link meshes with the mobile links.

Is this change that you want?

Welcome to 1984.