Category Archives: money laundering

Blagojevich trial update, Alonzo Monk testimony, Blagojevich Monk Kelly Rezko, Secret meetings at Rezko’s offices in 2003, Rahm Emanuel grant

Blagojevich trial update, Alonzo Monk testimony, Blagojevich Monk Kelly Rezko

Today, Wednesday, June 9, 2010, the first day of testimony in the Rod Blagojevich trial, is off to a interesting start.

From the Chicago Tribune.

“Blago pal talks of secret meetings, code names and favors”

“They met in secret and referred to each other as “1,2, 3 and 4.”

Rod Blagojevich, his longtime friend Lon Monk and trusted fundraisers Chris Kelly and Antoin “Tony” Rezko.”

Their agenda: How to exchange state contracts and jobs for campaign cash for Blagojevich.

The plotting started even before Blagojevich was elected governor in 2002, according to Monk, who took the stand today to testify against his pal from college days.

“This was something that we were going to be able to do now that we were close to Rod and he was going to become governor,” Monk said as Blagojevich stared straight at him and shook his head.

“I was intrigued,” Monk added. “And I wanted to make money.”

At one of the secret meetings — at Rezko’s offices in 2003 — the four discussed money-making ideas that involved state action, said Monk, sometimes sighing loudly as he testified.”

“Collecting kickbacks was too risky while Blagojevich was still governor, Monk said.  “It would be easier for people to find out we were receiving money.”

Rezko was to hold the funds while Blagojevich was in office,  Monk alleged. “Any money found would be held in separate accounts that would be difficult to locate.”

Rezko would often bring up firms and individuals to help with state business or an appointment to a state board, Monk said.

Prosecutor Christopher Niewoehner asked why Rezko would do that.

“So that he could ask them for more money or additional money for donations,” Monk replied.

Asked whether Rezko was trying to give rewards for political contributions, Monk answered yes.

Monk said he also had conversations with Kelly also about helping people get state business or positions.

What would Monk do when Rezko or Kelly asked him for help getting someone appointed or a contract, Niewoehner asked.

“Whatever they asked,” he said. 

Monk also recalled being a meeting with Blagojevich and Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff who was then a congressman. Emanuel was help getting a state grant for the Chicago Academy, Monk said.

Blagojevich had a simple answer. “He’d try and get it done,” Monk recalled as jurors were shown a photo of Emanuel.”

Read more:

Blagojevich trial Monday June 7 2010, Blagojevich states Opening statements will unlock the truth, Blagojevich twitter tweet

Blagojevich trial Monday June 7 2010, Blagojevich states Opening statements will unlock the truth

From the Chicago tribune June 7, 2010.

“Blagojevich: Opening statements will ‘unlock the truth'”

“This is getting to be a regular thing, trial watchers. Along with your morning coffee, it appears you can also get a morning jolt of Rod Blagojevich publicly proclaiming his innocence in a variety of ways and with a variety of well worn metaphors.

The former governor started the morning on the Don and Roma talk show on WLS-AM, the same conservative talker that started giving him a platform as a weekend host shortly after his impeachment last year.
Sounding much like he did when he was still governor and doing regular battle with House Speaker Michael Madigan, Blagojevich didn’t mince words in lobbing accusations of prosecution “lies” in constructing the charges against him.
He also sent out a tweet to “followers” on Twitter. “Looking forward to opening statements because that will unlock the truth… stay tuned,” he wrote.”

Read more:

Obama Rezko Blagojevich and Fitzgerald, January 27, 2008, Obama lies, Obama corruption, CNN bias, Why did Patrick Fitzgerald wait to arrest Blagojevich?, Why has Obama not been arrested?

Obama Rezko Blagojevich and Fitzgerald, January 27, 2008

Lest we forget.
This article is from January 27, 2008. Most of the corruption charges against Blagojevich, Rezko, Levine, et al were in regard to crime and corruption committed when Obama was in the IL Senate.
From Working Life, January 27, 2008.
“Obama and Rezko: CNN Omits the Nub of the Story”

“CNN’s (January 24) coverage of Sen. Barack Obama’s money ties to Illinois political fixer Antoin “Tony” Rezko failed to show the deeper relevance of the story to Obama’s political careeo r. LPAC’s own ongoing probe of the matter can begin to supply the appropriate context.
CNN showed a clip from the debate in which Sen. Hillary Clinton said to Obama, “you were practicing law and representing your contributor, Rezko, in his slum landlord business in inner city Chicago.”
Obama replied, “Oh, no, no, no. I’m happy to respond.” Obama said it was just legal work on a low-income housing project and Tony Rezko was just another client, and he declared, “I did about five hours worth of work on this joint project. That’s what she’s referring to.”
This has rattled many cages. The Clinton-hating website Drudgereport reacted by putting up an undated old photo of Bill and Hillary Clinton posing with Tony Rezko, without explanation, hoping this might undermine allegations regarding Obama.
In their January 24 coverage, CNN went on to show what has long been very public in the Chicago newspapers: that Rezko will soon be tried in two separate cases for extortion, money laundering and fraud; and that when Obama entered politics he got from Rezko his “first significant campaign contribution” and much more later: “tainted cash, some illegal, some just unsavory.” CNN showed buildings that Rezko had developed with public funds solicited for him by Obama, where the tenants were left heatless while Rezko’s donations continued to Obama. CNN mentioned the deal involving Rezko, in which Obama got his own expensive house, bought below the asking price; and how Obama has now donated, to charity, $86,000 of Rezko’s contributions to him.”

“But behind the story, the federal case against Rezko is based on a detailed picture of the web of influence Rezko and his cohorts exerted over state agencies managing Illinois’ financial assets. Barack Obama’s political career was spun out in tandem with this Rezko apparatus, particularly through Rezko’s partner and Obama’s former boss, Allison S. Davis.
Start with U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald’s December 21, 2007 proffer in the Rezko case, with its charges of extortion and kickbacks taken in 2004 from the Illinois Teachers’ Retirement System: $10,000 from this crime was channeled to a “political candidate” not named by the prosecutor. The fact that Rezko was on the finance committee of Obama’s campaign for U.S. Senate, and the other facts in the case, make it clear that Barack Obama was the candidate in question.”

“Having raised half a million dollars for Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, Tony Rezko got the Governor to appoint Rezko’s own men to the Teachers’ Retirement System, among them Stuart Levine, now indicted. And Rezko got Allison S. Davis appointed to the Illinois State Board of Investment, in control of billions in state retirement funds. Although Davis has not been charged with wrongdoing, the feds are reportedly pressing a probe of that agency. Davis is currently the president of that State Board.

Barack Obama was a Harvard Law student in 1990 when he interviewed for a job with Tony Rezko’s slum-redevelopment firm. He didn’t go directly into the Rezko company. But in 1993 Obama was hired by Allison S. Davis, whose law firm (Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland) represented Rezko’s operations over the years, while Rezko raised cash for Obama’s electoral campaigns. Davis became Rezko’s personal financial partner in slum-redevelopment deals, which were then backed by State Senator Obama.

In one of those deals, after both Obama and Davis had left the law firm, Obama wrote letters to state and city housing officials supporting the proposed Cottage View Terrace apartments, a project run by Tony Rezko and Allison S. Davis. The deal cost taxpayers $14 million and the partners got $855,000 in fees. Completed in 2002, the project is now managed by Davis’s son Cullen Davis.”

Read more:

Why did Patrick Fitzgerald wait to arrest Blagojevich?

Why has Obama not been arrested?

This information has been available for over two years. Maybe people will pay attention now.

Rod Blagojevich arrest conspiracy, Obama ties, Why did Patrick Fitzgerald, USDOJ, wait til after 2008 election?, Stuart Levine, Tony Rezko, Who crafted this diversion, Conspiracy to defraud Americans

Rod Blagojevich arrest conspiracy, Obama ties, Why did Patrick Fitzgerald, USDOJ, wait til after 2008 election?


Was US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald a participant in or victim of a conspiracy to mislead the American people?
Why did Patrick Fitzgerald wait to arrest Rod Blagojevich? The investigation had been going on for at least four years. Most of those connected to Blagojevich corruption had been indicted or convicted.
Why did Patrick Fitzgerald wait to arrest Rod Blagojevich until after the 2008 election?
Who devised the diversion of the alleged attempt to sell Obama’s old IL Senate seat?

Rod Blagojevich, along with Stuart Levine, Tony Rezko and a host of other Chicago and IL crime and corruption figures tied to Obama, had been under investigation going back to at least early 2004. Most of the corruption making up the criminal complaints and indictments took place when Obama was in the IL senate. Patrick Fitzgerald claims that he was concerned about Chicago, IL Childrens Hospital, etc. However, he knew of Blagojevich’s involvement in manipulating hospitals and harming the citizens of Chicago and IL many months earlier.
It is difficult to characterize Fitzgerald as a victim.
It is now obvious to myself and many others that the alleged selling of Obama’s senate seat was a well crafted diversion to take the heat off of Blagojevich and Obama for the bulk of the corruption charges. The same charges that convicted Stuart Levine, Tony Rezko, DR. Robert Weinstein and others in bed with Obama.

Rod Blagojevich knew he was being watched. The alleged senate seat selling was a ploy.
We all expected the biased, idiot MSM to follow along like sheep and cover the tapes and senate seat story. When Bill O’Reilly interviwed Rod Blagojevich a few weeks ago and not only did not ask questions about the other charges, but set up the interview to focus only on the selling of the senate seat, that was the final straw for me.
Once again.
Was US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald a participant in or victim of a conspiracy to mislead the American people?
Why did Patrick Fitzgerald wait to arrest Rod Blagojevich?
Why did Patrick Fitzgerald wait to arrest Rod Blagojevich until after the 2008 election?
Who devised the diversion of the alleged attempt to sell Obama’s old IL Senate seat?
Why is Fox News not covering the Blagojevich indictment and ties to Obama?
This is far bigger than Watergate.
We have a president elect, governor, US dept of Justice, complicit MSM and long time, widespread crime and corruption in Chicago and IL.

February 18, 2010, Open thread, Blagojevich Trial, Obama ties to Blagojevich and Rezko, Fox and MSM cover for Obama

This is the open thread for February 18, 2010. Comment about anything that you desire. However, I intend to present more details about the Blagojevich indictment, upcoming trial and why the story needs to be told of Obama’s involvement in the same corruption that ended in the indictments and/or convictions of so many of his associates and contributors. Have you asked Bill O’Reilly or Glenn Beck why they are not covering this?

Chicago Tribune supports David Hoffman, Obama endorsed Alexi Giannoulias in 2006 Democratic primary, IL Democrat Senate primary, Giannoulias gave $10000 to Obama’s campaign, Obama Giannoulias Progressives

The Chicago Tribune supports David Hoffman, opponent of Alexi Giannoulias, who had close ties to Barack Obama and Chicago corruption figures. Hoffman and Giannoulias are competing in the Democrat primary for the former senate seat of Obama.
From the Chicago tribune, January 28, 2010.
“Once again: Hoffman”

“An honest mistake, yes, and a careless one. But it was handled with the forthright integrity we’ve come to expect from Hoffman. And for all the whining from the Giannoulias camp about negative attacks, it’s the only statement whose factual basis has been challenged successfully. Unless you count this: In a press release this week, Giannoulias accuses Hoffman of citing a “non-existent Daily Herald story” in an ad that references loans made by Giannoulias’ family bank to convicted influence-peddler Tony Rezko.

“David Hoffman should stop insulting voters, take down this smear job and put up an ad talking about jobs,” it says.

We’ll leave it to voters to decide if linking Giannoulias to Rezko is a “smear job,” but the Daily Herald story does exist, and the Giannoulias camp knows it. Hoffman’s ad got the date wrong. Careless again. But it has allowed Giannoulias to present himself again as the victim.

None of this changes our opinion. As we wrote in our endorsement: Hoffman, the former inspector general for the city of Chicago, “is an incorruptible man who tells truth to power…”

Hoffman is the Democrats’ best choice to bring the highest ethical standards to the U.S. Senate.”

Read more:,0,1398080.story
From the Chicago tribune, June 12, 2007.
“Obama endorses Alexi Giannoulias for state treasurer”
“But Obama’s record of local endorsements — one measure of how he has used his nascent political clout — has drawn criticism from those who say it reflects his deference to Chicago’s established political order and runs counter to his public calls for clean government.

In the 2006 Democratic primary, for example, Obama endorsed first-time candidate Alexi Giannoulias for state treasurer despite reports about loans Giannoulias’ family-owned Broadway Bank made to crime figures. Records show Giannoulias and his family had given more than $10,000 to Obama’s campaign, which banked at Broadway.”

Read more:,0,484394.story
From Source Watch

“Barack Obama and campaign contributor Alexi Giannoulias”
“Alexi Giannoulias—a “man who has long been dogged by charges that the bank his family owns helped finance a Chicago crime figure” and “who became Illinois state treasurer” in 2006 after Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) “vouched for him”—”pledged to raise $100,000 for the senator’s Oval Office bid,” Charles Hurt reported September 5, 2007, in the New York Post.[1]

The September 5, 2007, Chicago fundraiser was omitted from Obama’s public schedule and the event was closed to the press,” Lynn Sweet of the Chicago Sun-Times reported.[2]

“Before he promised to raise funds for Obama, Giannoulias bankrolled Michael ‘Jaws’ Giorango, a Chicagoan twice convicted of bookmaking and promoting prostitution.”
“Obama and Giannoulias reportedly met on the basketball court “in the late 1990s … at the East Bank Club, a luxurious spot in downtown Chicago,” Jodi Kantor wrote June 1, 2007, in the New York Times.[3] Now, “thanks in part to [Obama’s] backing, [Giannoulias] is now the Illinois state treasurer. Other regular gymmates include the president of the Cook County Board of Commissioners, the director of the Illinois Department of Public Health and several investment bankers who were early and energetic fund-raisers,” Kantor wrote.”
“Obama the king maker”

“”Did U.S. Senator Barack Obama clear the field in the Democratic state treasurer’s race?” lawyer and political analyst Russ Stewart wrote January 4, 2006.”
“But none announced, and all deferred to Alexi Giannoulias, a 29-year-old Chicago investment banker who was an early supporter of Obama in his 2004 Senate race, whose father owns Broadway Bank, and whose family helped bankroll the Obama campaign. Giannoulias has said that he will campaign as a ‘progressive,’ and he has promised to put more than $1 million in family funds into the race,” Stewart wrote.”
“In March 2006, Giannoulias said that “his ‘good friend and mentor, Barack Obama,’ inspired him to run.”

In fact, Giannoulias’ “endorsers” were “essentially the base of the Obama coalition: white north side progressives and south side blacks.””

Read more:
Obama endorses Giannoulias Ad

Post Obama Chicago?

Rod Blagojevich trial, Obama testify?, Blagojevich lawyer Sam Adam Jr, Obama has material information on case, US District Judge James Zagel

From the Chicago Tribune, December 17, 2009.

“State of corruption: Blagojevich lawyer hoping to get Obama to testify at trial”

“Lawyers for former Gov. Rod Blagojevich on Wednesday sought early access to an interview of President Barack Obama by federal investigators as the defense weighs whether to try to call Obama as a witness in Blagojevich’s trial next year.

Blagojevich’s lawyer, Sam Adam Jr., said he realizes it would be an uphill battle to get a sitting president to testify.

Obama was questioned by investigators after Blagojevich was arrested last December on charges he tried to sell the Senate seat vacated by Obama after being elected president.

The defense is also seeking reports of interviews of Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s chief of staff, as well as other staffers about any conversations they might have had with Blagojevich or his aides about the Senate seat.”

“U.S. District Judge James Zagel gave prosecutors until Jan. 8 to respond in writing to the defense request. The defense is also seeking all witness statements in the case earlier than the rules of evidence call for so it can be prepared for the June 3 trial.”

Read more:,0,2299601.story

Alonzo Monk pleads guilty, Obama Health care reform, Rod Blagojevich health care, Illinois pay to play, Chicago politics, Chicago corruption, Obama cronies, Monk and Obama ties

Alonzo Monk pleads guilty

Part 1


I was preparing an article on Alonzo Monk, former chief of staff for Rod Blagojevich, who just pled guilty to corruption charges. Instead of just writing the simple story, a story barely covered by the press, I wanted to provide more background information and the depth of involvement in crime and corruption in Chicago and Illinois and how this is also an indictment of Barack Obama. As in any story involving Obama, there is just too much to write about in one article.
I came across this article from the Chicago Tribune dated December 23, 2007. The article, written many months before Rod Blagojevich was indicted, explains how Heath Care reform, Illinois pay to play style works. Change some names and dates and what do you have? The current Obama attempt to ram government run health care down our throats and enrich his cronies.
“For years, Rod Blagojevich has projected two distinct images that define his tenure as Illinois’ governor.

In one, he is a populist champion with an agenda of “putting people first” by pushing causes like health care for all. In the other, he is a consummate politician with cronies who offer advice while raising campaign cash and asking for favors.”
“Federal prosecutors for the first time have put Blagojevich inside their widespread investigation of pay-to-play in his administration. Blagojevich told one convicted federal informant, “You stick with us and you will do very well for yourself,” according to a court document prosecutors filed.”
“Nix, however, disputed that Knapp’s influence is overriding. Instead, she said Blagojevich long has used a team approach to politicking and governing. In this vein, he is a public official heavily reliant on his aides. His team has a core nucleus of Nix, chief of staff John Harris, former chief of staff Alonzo Monk, longtime political aide John Wyma, state Rep. Jay Hoffman (D-Collinsville), state Sen. James DeLeo (D-Chicago) and campaign spokesman Doug Scofield.

But Monk, Scofield and Wyma are lobbyists, and their clients have won millions in state contracts under Blagojevich’s stewardship. And Kelly, another close adviser and friend, was indicted this month on federal tax fraud charges.

Blagojevich allies and confidants said the governor opened his second term with two key missions for 2007: First, he wanted to expand government-covered health care insurance to all Illinoisans; second, he wanted, once and for all, to politically wound his chief nemesis, House Speaker Michael Madigan, chairman of the state Democratic Party.”
“Health care “is an issue that he feels is a fundamental right,” Hoffman said. “I think he’s willing to stake his administration on it and that’s what this fight is all about.””
“This strategy has worked marvelously in the thick of campaign season. He handily won both gubernatorial contests by creating an enemy—the scandal-marred Gov. George Ryan was used in both cases—and then excoriating that enemy by claiming that he would defend the public against this foe.”

Read more:

Sound familiar?

Now revisit articles from Citizen Wells that reveal the ties between Obama and Chicago and Illinois corruption figures, including Alonzo Monk, and decide if you want Health Care Reform, Chicago style.
December 9, 2008

The real Rod Blagojevich, et al and Obama ties


December 22, 2008

Hospital CEO Wore Wire, helped build Graft Cases In Illinois

March 6, 2009

“Barack Obama’s role in rigging the IL Health Facilities Planning Board by reducing the number of members from 15 to 9
and therefore allowing Tony Rezko, Stuart Levine and Rod Blagojevich to control the board with only 5 members, is
examined in detail. The indictments and criminal complaints of Rezko, Levine, Blagojevich and Weinstein reveal their
involvement in board corruption. Obama should be indicted as well.”

IL Health Facilities Planning Board rigged

August 10, 2009

Mercy Hospital kickbacks

“The brief conversation was between Levine and Rezko on April 24, 2004, just three days after Levine said he and Rezko
had rigged a vote of a state hospital planning board to approve a controversial hospital in Crystal Lake. Hospital
contractor Jacob Kiferbaum was going to pay Levine and Rezko $1 million in bribes if the Crystal Lake facility won
approval, Levine has testified.”

Children’s Memorial Hospital seen as potential shakedown target

“Levine testified that he called Rezko on April 24 to set up a meeting to discuss their next shakedown target: Children’s
Memorial Hospital.”

Valerie Jarrett and Michelle Obama’s job and salary

“Jarrett was appointed chairman of the University of Chicago Medical Center Board in June 2006. She was also made
chairman of a newly created Executive Committee of that Board, according to a June 13, 2006 University announcement. In
addition, Jarrett was named vice-chair of the University’s Board of Trustees, the announcement states. Michelle landed a high paying job at the University of Chicago Hospitals. Two months after Obama became a US senator, she was appointed vice president for community and external affairs. Tax returns show the promotion nearly tripled her pay to
$317,000 in 2005, from $122,000 in 2004.”

Obama healthcare, Chicago corruption

September 12, 2009

Planning board votes rigged for Mercy Hospital scheme

“Although the application was rejected the first time, Mercy moved for reconsideration and won approval at the April 21,
2004 meeting. Beck testified that after the meeting, he and Levine drove to Rezko’s office to tell him the plan was
approved and Rezko was there with Christopher Kelly.”

“It was further part of the conspiracy that defendants ROD BLAGOJEVICH and KELLY, along with Monk, Cellini, Robert
Blagojevich, Harris, Rezko, and Levine, and others, used and attempted to use the powers of the Office of the Governor
and of certain state boards and commissions subject to the influence of the Office of the Governor, to take and cause
governmental actions, including: appointments to boards and commissions; the awarding of state business, grants, and
investment fund allocations; the enactment of legislation and executive orders; and the appointment of a United States
Senator; in exchange for financial benefits for themselves and others, including campaign contributions for ROD
BLAGOJEVICH, money for themselves, and employment for ROD BLAGOJEVICH and his wife.”

Cristopher Kelly dead, Planning board rigging

September 13, 2009

“Kelly dies of possible overdose
Authorities say death may be suicide but are investigating it as homicide”

“Kelly, 51, who was to report to federal prison officials this week to start serving an 8-year sentence, died Saturday at
Stroger Hospital in what authorities said was a possible suicide from an over-the-counter medication. An autopsy is
scheduled for Sunday, and police in Chicago and south suburban Country Club Hills are conducting a death investigation.

Kelly’s death ended a tumultuous year in his life. He twice pleaded guilty to federal charges. He was estranged from his
wife. And he faced serious financial problems, partly due to gambling debts. But Kelly indicated he was not going to turn
on Blagojevich despite pressure from prosecutors.”

Citizen Wells clarification

“Do not let the fact that the federal prosecutors convicted Kelly because of his corruption involving O’Hare International Airport. Just as most of the corruption Blagojevich had to do with “pay to play” politics in Chicago and Illinois, Kelly was involved with Blagojevich, Rezko, Levine and ultimately Obama in the Planning Board rigging that corrupted the Mercy Hospital deal.”

Christpher Kelly’s role clarified

What is the current attempt by Obama and liberal Democrats at health care reform all about?

  • Appeasing their far left core support.
  • More control over the American people to get votes.
  • Payback to trial lawyers and other big supporters (refer to contribution table above).
  • Achieving the goals of far left, socialist, communists who are controlling the party with the goal of redistribution of wealth..

Truth about Obama Health care Reform

Would you trust Obama, et al with your and your family’s health care?

Please pass this story along to Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and as many people as possible. The story of Alonzo Monk pleading guilty has been barely covered. The much larger story of Monk’s involvement in Illinois corruption, the impact on health care in IL and Monk’s ties to Obama is a much bigger story. And the really big story is that Obama is trying to force health care changes on this country just like Rod Blagojevich tried, for the enrichment of himself and his cronies.

For additional insight:

Obama Olympic bid, Denmark, IOC, Olympic committee decision, Chicago, IL, Valerie Jarrett, Michelle Obama, Chicago pay to play politics, Michelle Malkin, Fox News, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity

“Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.”  The Olympic Charter


What do Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett and Michelle Obama have in common?

Long term, strong ties to corruption in Chicago and Illinois.

They have traveled to Denmark to persuade the IOC, International Olympic Committee, to select Chicago as the host city for the 2016 Olympics. As reported by the Citizen Wells blog yesterday:
“What is this really about?
Obama’s pay to play contribution to cronies, diversions away from troubling issues that cloud his presidency and trying to prop up his failing legacy.”

“I was in the process of reporting more on Valerie Jarrett and her past ties to corruption in Chicago and I will do so. For now, Michelle Malkin does an excellent job in this video of exposing the truth about Obama and Jarrett and their motives for getting the Olympics for Chicago.”….Michelle Malkin and Fox News reveal truth

I sent this unplanned email last night after I chanced upon the press email link to the IOC. 
“As a youth, I had aspirations of participating in the Olympics.
I can state factually, and in all humility, that at one time I could compete with
anyone in the world up to 50 meters.
My life did not play out that way.
However, I had a successful business career and in the past several years I have been
researching and writing, covering the 2008 elections.
I have researched and written extensively about Barack Obama, his past and especially
about his ties to crime and corruption in Chicago and Illinois. Valerie Jarrett has many of
the corruption ties that Obama has.
I urge you to not consider Chicago, if for no other reason than the citizens of Chicago
do not want this and cannot afford more “pay to play politics” at their expense.
I will be writing more articles about this and I assure you that the American public will
not support this financially. This I can promise you.
Barack Obama is attempting to add a feather in his cap at the expense of American
citizens, something he has excelled in.
One of my favorite movies is “Chariots of Fire.” I beg of you to make your decision in the
spirit of true sportsmanship and higher ideals lived by the life of Eric Liddell.
Mr. Wells”

Do I expect anyone to read this and factor it into their decision? No. However, if enough people stand up and say no to this, perhaps we can stop this travesty, even if Chicago is selected. It may be too late for Chicago, but we can still salvage the rest of the country.

From an article at by Larry Johnson about the possibility of the Olympics being held in crime infested Chicago.
“16-year-old boy beaten to death in Chicago. This makes my heart ring low down to my knees. It keeps happening there. Something is wrong.

Baghdad, Belfast and Beirut sound like scary places. The inner city in America is even more troublesome to me than these places because one never knows the enemy is the enemy. I lived for a while in the Chicago area. Gangs were recruiting younger and younger members and, without “proper gang-military training” (yes – I read that phrase in a Chicago paper?!), some of their shots went into unintended windows.”
“Chicago continues to break all world records for youth on youth death by violence, excluding war zones. I dream of a day that we can find a way to understand why this happens and how we can stop it, without being an incarceration nation.”
“After drafting this post a friend made a private comment that I think should kick off the discussion.

You wrote in your post it isn’t Obama’s fault – but I think this is partly the fault of Obama and all his cronies. All those decrepit buildings and areas… not doing more to control the crime…. AIG

Yes. We seem to forget that Obama represented the South Side of Chicago after he cheated his way into the state senate. His number one fund-raiser, the convicted felon Tony Rezko, got favors through Obama to help Rezko become the most insensitive slumlord in modern history. In turn Obama got a sweet deal on his first mansion with Rezko’s help. I guess a state senator who thought about his poor constituents between his long bouts of self-adulation would have worked on Tony to educate him on the benefits of providing a better environment to raise families. But I never saw evidence of Barry telling Tony to straighten up or I am going to quit taking your money. Nope. I probably missed that press conference and subsequent speech on why it is America’s problem that we don’t understand that ghetto people are like hillbillies. We don’t really need them to follow Bill Ayers’ plan for america. Let them eat yellow cake.”

Read more:

Consider Obama’s exploitation of the poor due to his long term close ties to ACORN

Report to the Catholic Bishops from 1997
“The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) which is also patterned on Alinsky’s organizational recommendations, recruits individual members.”
“To be eligible to receive CHD funds, a program must be run by the poor, benefit the poor, and change social structures that harm the poor.” However, in light of the politically oriented thrust of ACORN’s activities, it is fair to ask whether the CHD subsidies to ACORN are advisable and commensurate with the purposes of CHD.”

“However, when the CHD funds Alinsky-style, church-based community organizations as in the best interest of the poor and supports organizations which advance other agendas, it divests the poor of their right to an authentic voice. This process tends to treat the poor as exploited units of human capital, rather than as human beings created in the dignity of God’s image.”

Read more:


Fox News, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and MIchelle Malkin have done a superb job of exposing the real agenda of Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett and Michelle Obama. The day after Glenn Beck began exposing Valerie Jarrett and her hidden agenda, the White House blog began their Orwellian lie and smear campaign against Beck.
White House blog
Reality Check: Trying to Turn a Point of Pride into a Moment of Shame
Posted by Jesse Lee
Last night Fox News continued its disregard for the facts in an attempt to smear the Administration’s efforts to win the Olympics for the United States. In the past, hosting the Olympics has been a source of pride and unity for the country, but once again Fox News’ Glenn Beck program has shown that nothing is worthy of respect if it can be used as part of a partisan attack to boost ratings.
RHETORIC:          BECK SAID VANCOUVER LOST $1 BILLION WHEN IT “HAD THE OLYMPICS.”   Glenn Beck said, “Vancouver lost, how much was it? they lost a billion dollars when they had the Olympics.”  [Transcript, Glenn Beck Show, 9/29/09]
REALITY:              VANCOUVER’S OLYMPICS WILL NOT TAKE PLACE UNTIL 2010.   Vancouver will host the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games from February 12 – 28, 2010 and March 12-21, 2010, respectively. [, accessed 9/29/09]”

Citizen Wells response

had – past tense of ownership. A better word, perhaps could have been chosen, such as has. However, had is accurate since they have been working on this for some time and are already losing a large sum of money.

From CBC News Canada, January 9, 2009:

“Vancouver taxpayers could be on the hook for as much as $875 million to complete the Olympic Athletes Village unless city council can reopen a loan given to the developer or find new financing.”

“The Olympic village is a billion-dollar project, and the city taxpayers are on the hook for all of it.”
Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson

Let’ see, January 9, 2009. That appears to be past tense. Citizen Wells
White House blog
RHETORIC: VALERIE JARRETT WILL BENEFIT FINANCIALLY. Beck asked, “Is it possible that she is going to benefit if the Olympics come to Chicago?” Caddell responded, “Well, that’s the word. She has certainly had a lot of dealings going on in real estate.” [Transcript, Glenn Beck Show, 9/29/09]
REALITY: UPON ENTERING GOVERNMENT, VALERIE JARRETT DIVESTED ALL HER REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT HOLDINGS EXCEPT FOR A SINGLE INVESTMENT THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE OLYMPIC BID. Valerie Jarrett divested all her investment real estate holdings upon entering government except for a single real estate holding that she was unable to sell. This single real estate investment has been determined by White House Counsel and the independent Office of Government Ethics to present no conflict of interest in performing her duties as a White House advisor.  It has nothing to do with the Olympic bid.
Citizen Wells response

Valerie Jarrett, as Obama, is entrenched in Chicago pay to play politics. She worked for Mayor daley years ago, worked with Michelle Obama at several jobs and gave Michelle an almost triple pay raise after Obama was elected to the US Senate. Her involvement in shady real estate transactions and slum housing is well documented. She has not been divested of political connections that will benefit her and them.


Regardless of whether or not the IOC selects Chicago, we the American people should not get stuck with the bill before during or after the event and we should not pay for Obama’s falling legacy boost or involvement in pay to play politics.

IOC, if you select Chicago as the site for the 2016 Olympics, you will regret it. Chicagoans and the American public does not support it.

What can you do?

Regardless of which city the IOC selects, contact your congressmen and let them know you are fed up with pay to play politics and paying for shady political maneuvers. Valerie Jarrett is already trying to craft a suspicious HUD deal. We are beginning to see more than the tip of the iceberg of ACORN corruption in Chicago and nationwide and Obama’s long time ties. We cannot aford more of the same.

Christopher Kelly death, investigated as homicide, Chicago Tribune, September 13, 2009, Blagojevich, Rezko, Obama, 8 year sentence, Kelly plead guilty to federal corruption charge

From the Chicago Tribune, September 13, 2009.

“Kelly dies of possible overdose
Authorities say death may be suicide but are investigating it as homicide”

“Kelly, 51, who was to report to federal prison officials this week to start serving an 8-year sentence, died Saturday at Stroger Hospital in what authorities said was a possible suicide from an over-the-counter medication. An autopsy is scheduled for Sunday, and police in Chicago and south suburban Country Club Hills are conducting a death investigation.

Kelly’s death ended a tumultuous year in his life. He twice pleaded guilty to federal charges. He was estranged from his wife. And he faced serious financial problems, partly due to gambling debts. But Kelly indicated he was not going to turn on Blagojevich despite pressure from prosecutors.”

“A street-smart businessman who used connections and savvy to make millions, Kelly parlayed his wealth into power before becoming a member of Blagojevich’s “kitchen cabinet” of advisers. He had been at the former governor’s side through much of his political life since he ran for governor.”

“The Cook County medical examiner’s office said Stroger Hospital officials told them that Kelly apparently died of an overintoxication of salicylate, a drug used in anti-inflammatory and pain relief medications such as aspirin.

Authorities said Kelly was in his 2007 Cadillac Escalade in the parking lot of a lumber yard at 173rd Street and Cicero Avenue in Country Club Hills — a few miles from his Markham office — Friday night when he began vomiting. Sources said a girlfriend of Kelly’s drove him to nearby Oak Forest Hospital of Cook County. The Escalade remained there Saturday afternoon, guarded by police.

A hospital spokesman said Kelly arrived at 11:15 p.m. and was treated and stabilized. But doctors determined he needed more care and transferred him to Stroger Hospital in Chicago, about 25 miles away.

Kelly arrived at Stroger by private ambulance at 5:15 a.m., hospital spokesman Marcel Bright said. Kelly was treated for several hours but pronounced dead at 10:46 a.m., Bright said.

Investigators were still at the empty Forest Lumber yard Saturday night as they looked for evidence. The remote spot, opposite insect-filled cornfields near Interstate Highways 57 and 80, was taped off as officers used flashlights to search on hands and knees.

Country Club Hills Mayor Dwight Welch said detectives were looking for cigarette butts or anything else that might be traced to potential witnesses.

Welch said authorities are investigating whether Kelly overdosed, possibly on over-the-counter medicines. The mayor also said Kelly vomited in the lumber yard’s parking lot.

Oak Forest Hospital officials alerted authorities of Kelly’s whereabouts about 3 a.m., Welch said.

“We are treating this as a death investigation — it’s a possible homicide or suicide, but it’s a high-profile case so we have a homicide level investigation,” Welch said.”

“Kelly made millions as a south suburban roofing contractor who secured million-dollar deals at O’Hare International Airport, Midway Airport and other city agencies. A roofing firm Kelly oversaw, BCI Commercial Roofing, along with an affiliated company, Castle Construction, were paid $7.6 million for work at O’Hare and Midway between 1999 and 2004.”

Read more:,0,3919783.story

Citizen Wells clarification

Do not let the fact that the federal prosecutors convicted Kelly because of his corruption involving O’Hare International Airport. Just as most of the corruption Blagojevich had to do with “pay to play” politics in Chicago and Illinois, Kelly was involved with Blagojevich, Rezko, Levine and ultimately Obama in the Planning Board rigging that corrupted the Mercy Hospital deal….Blagojevich, Kelly indictment


Thanks to commenter bob