Category Archives: Glenn Beck

Clintons media congress nailed in 2001 Newsmax article, Felony perjury, Vicious assault on Clinton’s accusers, Full support of the shameless mainstream media, Hillary Clinton and her odious henchman Sidney Blumenthal, Glenn Beck lost soul-can’t be that stupid

Clintons media congress nailed in 2001 Newsmax article, Felony perjury, Vicious assault on Clinton’s accusers, Full support of the shameless mainstream media, Hillary Clinton and her odious henchman Sidney Blumenthal, Glenn Beck lost soul-can’t be that stupid

“Billy and Hillary Clinton continue to be lying, cheating, manipulative, scratching, clawing, ruthlessly aggressive, insatiably ambitious politicians who are giving public service a bad name – and nothing about them has changed in the past forty-plus years, except that they have deluded more and more people,”…Dolly Kyle Browning

“The Clintons’ “systematically abuse women and others – sexually, physically, and psychologically – in their scramble for power and wealth,” says the book’s press release.”…”The Clintons’ War on Women”

“Hi. I’m Juanita Broaddrick. And I’m here to support Donald Trump. I tweeted recently — and Mr. Trump retweeted it — that actions speak louder than words. Mr. Trump may have said some bad words, but Bill Clinton raped me and Hillary Clinton threatened me. I don’t think there’s any comparison.”…Juanita Broaddrick, rape victim



I have listened to Glenn Beck for years in my car while running errands. I used to listen to him in my office.

Lately it has gotten to the point where I can barely stomach his stupid remarks about Donald Trump.

For months my impression of Beck was that of a spoiled child, not getting his way when his boy Ted Cruz was not nominated and Trump was.

Since then Beck has pouted, taken his marbles away and used name calling because the country didn’t play his way and follow his sage wisdom.

Today Beck slammed Trump for using rape victims from Bill Clinton’s past, 30 years ago.

Everything that Trump is exposing goes to the heart of Hillary’s past, persona and fitness for office.

A big part of a puzzle picture.

One example of puzzle pieces is Sidney Blumenthal, involved in Hillary’s past and present.

Beck can’t be that stupid.

He must have lost his soul.

From Newsmax January 30, 2001.

“Call It a Criminal Conspiracy – Because That’s What It Is

Over the past eight years these people dragged their party through the muck and slime of the Clinton-Gore administration, all the while insisting that any suggestions that their leaders in the White House were anything less than pure and spotless as the driven snow were the rantings of crazed right-wingers.

They knew that was hogwash, of course, but there being honor even among thieves, they refrained from taking notice of even the worst outrages being perpetrated downtown at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Faced with the fact, now admitted under threat of prosecution, that the president of the United States committed felony perjury, they launched a vicious assault on Clinton’s accusers, ranting and raving and often resorting to blackmail in a vain effort to prevent their congressional colleagues from doing their duty and impeaching the man for the crimes they knew he had committed.

In the Senate they lined up shoulder-to-shoulder to block conviction and allow this shameless miscreant to serve out his term of office and be free to do more grievous harm to this nation.

While this was going on they had the full support of the shameless mainstream media, which either ignored the shocking details of the Clintons’ serial misbehavior or portrayed them as the fevered imagining of that notorious vast right-wing conspiracy that Hilllary Clinton and her odious henchman Sidney Blumenthal managed to blame for every catastrophe that has befallen mankind since the Fall.

Well, now the cat’s out of the bag. With the departure of the real-life Snopes family from the White House, trailed by truckloads of loot, and the odor of last-minute unpardonable pardons lingering in their wake, the last traces of manufactured Hollywood glitter have at last vanished and the Clintons stand revealed as the conscienceless white-trash boors they are.

Their naked display of arrogance, having been accompanied by their patented brand of total disregard for even the outward appearance of dignity, has, with few notable exceptions, disgusted even the most subservient members of the media … and even some members of the Democratic Party on the Hill.

With Sidney now gone (and busy arranging a reported $650,000 advance for a book about his time as the Clintons’ most disreputable hatchet man) and what Dick Morris calls the Clinton secret police no longer able to tap into FBI files and other government dossiers, the threat of blackmail has been lifted, or at least moderated, and the more decent members of the congressional wing of the Democratic Party are now free to come out of the Clinton closet and admit that their former president is a low-class bum and that their leadership who supported and covered up for him is itself thoroughly corrupt.”

Read more:

From Citizenwells October 13, 2016.

“From Wikileaks John Podesta leaked emails.

“Re: New Clinton emails To: Date: 2016-01-01 20:01 Subject: Re: New Clinton emails

Sid is lost in his own web of conspiracies. I pay zero attention to what he says.

On Friday, January 1, 2016, Brent Budowsky <> wrote:

> John, assume I wrote a thousand words about this. It is disquieting that
> when HRC was secretary of state she spent a good time of time doing gossip
> emails with Sid Blumenthal about various matters, the ubiquitous Lanny
> Davis shilling for himself in pathetic ways, and Neera Tanden gossiping
> about what Soros thinks of Obama. At least Tanden I regard as a serious
> person. Sid and Lanny I do not by standards of a secretary of state or
> potential president. >

> I was not in touch with you at the time of the healthcare debate, but what
> Sid suggests does not strike me as your style. I was in very regular and
> close touch with Daschle at the time, and he would never have said to the
> press what Sid suggests, and since I am in the press I know those were not
> his views. I guarantee that based on direct personal knowledge of Tom’s
> views and actions at the time. Blumenthal did not have the slightest idea
> of what he was talking about in his girlie gossip with the secretary of
> state about this. Why she places such great stock over so much time in
> these exchanges with Blumenthal is mystifying to me—and frankly
> troublesome. >

> This whole subject, to use vernacular, gives me the creeps. Secretaries
> of state, presidential candidates and presidents should not be spending
> their time on this kind of minor league stuff. >”

Wikileaks Brent Budowsky email to John Podesta, “Sid is lost in his own web of conspiracies”, “disquieting that when HRC was secretary of state she spent a good time of time doing gossip emails with Sid Blumenthal”, “gives me the creeps”

Hillary is a sociopath.

She was 30 years ago and she is today.

That is why she lies and mistreats people.

Trump is right.

I don’t know who owns Beck’s soul.



More here:




TheBlaze Ted Cruz not eligible, Glenn Beck insists Cruz is eligble for POTUS, Must be born in US to be president, Citizen not equivalent to natural born citizen

TheBlaze Ted Cruz not eligible, Glenn Beck insists Cruz is eligble for POTUS, Must be born in US to be president, Citizen not equivalent to natural born citizen

“In his 1789 article, Ramsay first explained who the “original citizens” were and then defined the “natural born citizens” as the children born in the country to citizen parents.”…Attorney Mario Apuzzo

“no Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President . . . .”…US Constitution

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”…Abraham Lincoln



The Blaze on April 24, 2015 covered a story about Arnold Schwarzenegger who was not born in the US.

“Legendary action movie star and former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger may have been born in Austria — but make no mistake, he’s 100 percent American.

Appearing on SiriusXM’s “Opie With Jim Norton” radio show on Wednesday, Schwarzenegger proclaimed that he owes his entire career to the United States of America. The actor expressed his deep love for America after comedian Jim Norton asked if he had a desire to run for president, something he’s unable to do because he wasn’t born in the country.”

“something he’s unable to do because he wasn’t born in the country.”

This is in direct contradiction to Glenn Beck who believes that Ted Cruz is eligible.

From Citizen Wells March 25, 2015.

“At the time the US Constitution was drafted and ratified there were 2 classifications of citizens, natural born citizens and everyone else.

That is why non natural born citizens, just citizens, had to be grandfathered in to run for president.

The US Constitution states:

“no Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President . . . .”

There was no naturalization law and no naturalized citizens by law.

Natural born citizen was understood at the time and needed no further explanation.

However, a prominent historian and founding father, David Ramsay did, in the same year the Constitution was ratified, 1789, define natural born citizen.

From Citizen News March 25, 2015.

“Yes, the Glenn Beck Radio Show is mostly comedy. Occasionally they inject facts and outrage.
Glenn Beck once again insulted legal scholars and concerned Americans with his entertainment culture low information media use of “citizen” interchangeably with “natural born citizen.”
 “One of his parents is American. That’s all it takes. For the love of heaven, if illegal aliens can come to the America and give birth, and that birth child is a citizen, then so is Ted Cruz, for the love of heaven. Stop it!” Pat said. The Immigration and Nationality Act states that a person is a citizen by birth if they are born to a parent with U.S. citizenship, ”
Perhaps the explanation for Beck and his lackeys doing so comes from commenter JayJay.
Submitted on 2015/03/25 at 3:18 am
““no Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President . . . .”
Sadly, Americans are so lacking in grammar, they don’t get the significance of the comma after ‘states’.”




Thanks to great commenter bob strauss.

Glenn Beck comedy show WND media lie about natural born citizen and Constitution, Citizens not eligible, Ted Cruz eligibilty in question, Founder and Historian David Ramsay Defines Natural Born Citizen in 1789

Glenn Beck comedy show WND media lie about natural born citizen and Constitution, Citizens not eligible, Ted Cruz eligibilty in question, Founder and Historian David Ramsay Defines Natural Born Citizen in 1789

“In his 1789 article, Ramsay first explained who the “original citizens” were and then defined the “natural born citizens” as the children born in the country to citizen parents.”…Attorney Mario Apuzzo

“no Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President . . . .”…US Constitution

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”…Abraham Lincoln



At the time the US Constitution was drafted and ratified there were 2 classifications of citizens, natural born citizens and everyone else.

That is why non natural born citizens, just citizens, had to be grandfathered in to run for president.

The US Constitution states:

“no Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President . . . .”

There was no naturalization law and no naturalized citizens by law.

Natural born citizen was understood at the time and needed no further explanation.

However, a prominent historian and founding father, David Ramsay did, in the same year the Constitution was ratified, 1789, define natural born citizen.

From Citizen News March 25, 2015.

“Yes, the Glenn Beck Radio Show is mostly comedy. Occasionally they inject facts and outrage.
Glenn Beck once again insulted legal scholars and concerned Americans with his entertainment culture low information media use of “citizen” interchangeably with “natural born citizen.”
 “One of his parents is American. That’s all it takes. For the love of heaven, if illegal aliens can come to the America and give birth, and that birth child is a citizen, then so is Ted Cruz, for the love of heaven. Stop it!” Pat said. The Immigration and Nationality Act states that a person is a citizen by birth if they are born to a parent with U.S. citizenship, ”
Perhaps the explanation for Beck and his lackeys doing so comes from commenter JayJay.
Submitted on 2015/03/25 at 3:18 am
““no Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President . . . .”
Sadly, Americans are so lacking in grammar, they don’t get the significance of the comma after ‘states’.”
Yesterday on WND, writer Cheryl Chumley omitted a crucial sentence of the US Constitution that states who is eligible to be president.
Words matter.
Especially in the US Constitution.
Especially when they define the eligibility for president of the US.
So the question is, why did Cheryl Chumley omit them?
From WND March 24, 2015.
“Section One, Article Two of the Constitution states “no person except a natural born citizen, or citizen of the United States … shall be eligible to the office of president.””
Read more:
Why did she leave out:
“at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution”
which is crucial to the statement and to differentiate between citizen and natural born citizen?
Much of the tone of this article is atypical for a WND article.
It resembles work from the left or “1984.”
Read the full article and let me know.
She left out 9 words.
9 very important words.
I can only think of one plausible answer.
The same conclusion you are arriving at.”
“Patriot and legal scholar Mario Apuzzo has provided some of the best information on the definition of natural born citizen from  the year the Constitution was ratified.

From Mario Apuzzo:


“Founder and Historian David Ramsay Defines a Natural Born Citizen in 1789″
“In defining an Article II “natural born Citizen,” it is important to find any authority from the Founding period who may inform us how the Founders and Framers themselves defined the clause. Who else but a highly respected historian from the Founding period itself would be highly persuasive in telling us how the Founders and Framers defined a “natural born Citizen. ” Such an important person is David Ramsay, who in 1789 wrote, A Dissertation on the Manners of Acquiring the Character and Privileges of a Citizen (1789), a very important and influential essay on defining a “natural born Citizen.” David Ramsay (April 2, 1749 to May 8, 1815) was an American physician, patriot, and historian from South Carolina and a delegate from that state to the Continental Congress in 1782-1783 and 1785-1786. He was the Acting President of the United States in Congress Assembled. He was one of the American Revolution’s first major historians. A contemporary of Washington, Ramsay writes with the knowledge and insights one acquires only by being personally involved in the events of the Founding period. In 1785 he published History of the Revolution of South Carolina (two volumes), in 1789 History of the American Revolution (two volumes), in 1807 a Life of Washington, and in 1809 a History of South Carolina (two volumes). Ramsay “was a major intellectual figure in the early republic, known and respected in America and abroad for his medical and historical writings, especially for The History of the American Revolution (1789)…” Arthur H. Shaffer, Between Two Worlds: David Ramsay and the Politics of Slavery, J.S.Hist., Vol. L, No. 2 (May 1984). “During the progress of the Revolution, Doctor Ramsay collected materials for its history, and his great impartiality, his fine memory, and his acquaintance with many of the actors in the contest, eminently qualified him for the task….”

In 1965 Professor Page Smith of the University of California at Los Angeles published an extensive study of Ramsay’s History of the American Revolution in which he stressed the advantage that Ramsay had because of being involved in the events of which he wrote and the wisdom he exercised in taking advantage of this opportunity. “The generosity of mind and spirit which marks his pages, his critical sense, his balanced judgment and compassion,” Professor Smith concluded, “are gifts that were uniquely his own and that clearly entitle him to an honorable position in the front rank of American historians.” In his 1789 article, Ramsay first explained who the “original citizens” were and then defined the “natural born citizens” as the children born in the country to citizen parents. He said concerning the children born after the declaration of independence, “[c]itizenship is the inheritance of the children of those who have taken part in the late revolution; but this is confined exclusively to the children of those who were themselves citizens….” Id. at 6. He added that “citizenship by inheritance belongs to none but the children of those Americans, who, having survived the declaration of independence, acquired that adventitious character in their own right, and transmitted it to their offspring….” Id. at 7. He continued that citizenship “as a natural right, belongs to none but those who have been born of citizens since the 4th of July, 1776….” Id. at 6. Here we have direct and convincing evidence of how a very influential Founder defined a “natural born citizen.” ”


Thanks to CDR Charles Kerchner for his ongoing assistance and dedication to this country.




Janet Yellen jobs lies, Obama lies, Media lies, Yellen employment growth strong and touts stated unemployment rate, Gallup CEO Jim Clifton correct, Dictionary states lie is anything that gives or is meant to give a false impression

Janet Yellen jobs lies, Obama lies, Media lies, Yellen employment growth strong and touts stated unemployment rate, Gallup CEO Jim Clifton correct, Dictionary states lie is anything that gives or is meant to give a false impression

“There’s no other way to say this. The official unemployment rate, which cruelly overlooks the suffering of the long-term and often permanently unemployed as well as the depressingly underemployed, amounts to a Big Lie.”…Gallup CEO Jim Clifton 

“In February 2015 there were 43,000 fewer white Americans employed, 354,000 more not in the labor force, 96,000 more employed and we added 295,000 jobs? Was Common Core math used?”…Citizen Wells

“Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.”…George Orwell, “1984″



Two people with vast knowledge of US employment have made statements in the past several years.

Keith Hall ran the Bureau of Labor Statistics from 2008 to 2012.

From the Atlanta Journal Constitution August 5, 2013.

“The July government employment report released Friday showed the job market treading water.”And a closer look at one of the two measures the Labor Department uses to gauge employment suggests that part-time work accounted for almost all the job growth that’s been reported over the past six months. …” ‘Over the last six months, of the net job creation, 97 percent of that is part-time work,’ said Keith Hall, a senior researcher at George Mason University’s Mercatus Center. ‘That is really remarkable.’”

Read more:

Jim Clifton is the CEO of Gallup.

From Gallup February 3, 2015.

“The Big Lie: 5.6% Unemployment”

“Here’s something that many Americans — including some of the smartest and most educated among us — don’t know: The official unemployment rate, as reported by the U.S. Department of Labor, is extremely misleading.

Right now, we’re hearing much celebrating from the media, the White House and Wall Street about how unemployment is “down” to 5.6%. The cheerleading for this number is deafening. The media loves a comeback story, the White House wants to score political points and Wall Street would like you to stay in the market.

None of them will tell you this: If you, a family member or anyone is unemployed and has subsequently given up on finding a job — if you are so hopelessly out of work that you’ve stopped looking over the past four weeks — the Department of Labor doesn’t count you as unemployed. That’s right. While you are as unemployed as one can possibly be, and tragically may never find work again, you are not counted in the figure we see relentlessly in the news — currently 5.6%. Right now, as many as 30 million Americans are either out of work or severely underemployed. Trust me, the vast majority of them aren’t throwing parties to toast “falling” unemployment.

There’s another reason why the official rate is misleading. Say you’re an out-of-work engineer or healthcare worker or construction worker or retail manager: If you perform a minimum of one hour of work in a week and are paid at least $20 — maybe someone pays you to mow their lawn — you’re not officially counted as unemployed in the much-reported 5.6%. Few Americans know this.

Yet another figure of importance that doesn’t get much press: those working part time but wanting full-time work. If you have a degree in chemistry or math and are working 10 hours part time because it is all you can find — in other words, you are severely underemployed — the government doesn’t count you in the 5.6%. Few Americans know this.

There’s no other way to say this. The official unemployment rate, which cruelly overlooks the suffering of the long-term and often permanently unemployed as well as the depressingly underemployed, amounts to a Big Lie.

And it’s a lie that has consequences, because the great American dream is to have a good job, and in recent years, America has failed to deliver that dream more than it has at any time in recent memory. A good job is an individual’s primary identity, their very self-worth, their dignity — it establishes the relationship they have with their friends, community and country. When we fail to deliver a good job that fits a citizen’s talents, training and experience, we are failing the great American dream.”

Read more:

Jim Clifton was attacked and ridiculed.

But Clifton was correct.

Websters New World College Dictionary

“The official dictionary of the Associated Press”
Lie definition (noun)
“anything that gives or is meant to give a false impression.”
So why does Janet Yellen, Obama the liar in chief and the media continue to tout the “low” unemployment rate.

It is a big lie!!!

Janet Yellen in her FOMC presentation repeatedly referred to the “low” unemployment rate in the context of strong employment growth as well as the number of “jobs” being added.

“We have seen continued progress toward our objective of maximum employment. The pace of employment growth has remained strong, with job gains averaging nearly 290,000 per month over the past three months. The unemployment rate was 5.5 percent in February; that’s three-tenths lower than the latest reading available at the time of our December meeting.”

Click to access FOMCpresconf20150318.pdf

Obama has a long well documented tradition of lying.

The mainstream media is controlled by Big Brother Obama.

So why is Yellen lying?

Let’s examine US employment in the short term and over Obama’s 6 year tenure.

All of this data can be found at the US Labor Dept. BLS site.

The latest report was for February 2015.

The Labor Dept. reported 295,000 jobs added.

However, there was only a 96,000  gain in employment.

And Whites had 43,000  fewer employments!

There were 354,000 more people not in the labor force!

There were 180,000 more people not in the labor force who want a job now!

Does Yellen consider this strong employment growth?

That does not even cover new entrants into the labor force.

Remember, there are approx. 4 million people turning 16 each year in the US. This is from people living here and does not count illegals.

From Obama’s first 6 years.

5,205,000 full time employments were lost during the first year of Obama’s occupation of the White House from January 2009 to January 2010?

2.8 million white Americans fewer were employed during Obama’s first year.

During Obama’s term, from January 2009 to now, 75 percent of the employment went to Hispanics/Latinos.

Read more:

What about people losing their job?

Averaging 300,000 initial claims each week seems to be a victory to those in government and the media.

From Zero Hedge March 19, 2015.

“After some ‘stability’ in the last few weeks, initial jobless claims in the major shale states has started to rise again with Texas the most impacted for now. Overall initial jobless claims rose very modestly to 291k, but leaves the 4-week average above 300k for the 2nd week in a row – the first time in over 6 months.”

I have been concerned for some time that we are not getting the full impact of these numbers.

From the BLS.

Unemployment insurance (UI) programs are administered at the state level and provide assistance to jobless people who are looking for work. Statistics on the insured unemployed in the United States are collected as a by-product of state UI programs. Workers who lose their jobs may file applications to determine if they are eligible for UI assistance. These applications are referred to as “initial claims.” Claimants who meet the eligibility requirements must file “continuing claims” for each week that they seek benefits.

Data on initial and continuing UI claims are maintained by the Employment and Training Administration, an agency of the U.S. Department of Labor, and are available on the Internet at

While the UI claims data provide useful information, they are not used to measure total unemployment because they exclude several important groups. To begin with, not all workers are covered by UI programs. For example, self-employed workers, unpaid family workers, workers in certain not-for-profit organizations, and several other small (primarily seasonal) worker categories are not covered.

In addition, the insured unemployed exclude the following:

  1. Unemployed workers who have exhausted their benefits.
  2. Unemployed workers who have not yet earned benefit rights (such as new entrants or reentrants to the labor force).
  3. Disqualified workers whose unemployment is considered to have resulted from their own actions rather than from economic conditions; for example, a worker fired for misconduct on the job.
  4. Otherwise eligible unemployed persons who do not file for benefits.

Because of these and other limitations, statistics on insured unemployment cannot be used as a measure of total unemployment in the United States. Indeed, over the past decade, only about one-third of the total unemployed, on average, received regular UI benefits.”

The number of people who have lost jobs and in some cases fallen by the wayside may be much higher than we thought.

I hope to report more on this soon.

I know that the mainstream media is not reporting this.

Are Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck or your favorite talk radio host reporting these facts?

Let me know.






Glenn Beck Obama birth certificate misinformation, Beck opens mouth inserts foot again, Beck has no credentials and does no research, Citizen Wells challenge to Beck, Put up or shut up

Glenn Beck Obama birth certificate misinformation, Beck opens mouth inserts foot again, Beck has no credentials and does no research, Citizen Wells challenge to Beck, Put up or shut up

“Why has Obama, since taking the White House, used Justice Department Attorneys, at taxpayer expense,  to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells

“When asked where I believe Obama was born I answer, I don’t know. There is zero proof he was born in Hawaii. The only evidence of his birth location that we have is much circumstantial evidence and that points to Kenya.”…Citizen Wells

“Why does Glenn Beck continue to make uninformed attacks and insults upon Sheriff Joe Arpaio and millions of concerned Americans?”…Citizen Wells

Once again, before I let Glenn Beck have it, I would like to say that I like Glenn Beck and mostly agree with him.

I admire him for being in recovery and admitting it.

There are 2 quotes that come to mind.

“A man’s got to know his limitations”…Clint Eastwood.

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”…Karl Marx.

I listen to Glenn Beck’s radio show when I can. Often when I am driving.

A few days ago I heard Beck downplay Obama’s birth certificate again. He states that it is not an important issue and that Obama was born in Hawaii. Aside from not being qualified to make a determination about any documents alleged to be a birth certificate for Obama, Beck by his own admission does not personally do research. He also apparently relies heavily on the bloviator Bill O’Reilly who is almost as big a narcissist as Obama.

Without pretense, expressed or implied, I am imminently more qualified than Beck to evaluate and comment on issues such as the image placed on . I have credentials and I have done the hard work, the intensive research to enable me to state the following.

A disturbing picture puzzle of Obama has emerged. Many pieces are in place. Natural Born Citizen status (irrespective of his birth location), birth certificate, Chicago corruption ties and involvement, Muslim influences, radical influences, abuse of power, etc.

Would anyone assembling a puzzle intentionally leave out a large gap or piece?

Such it is with the birth certificate, college records and other records.

Here is the bottom line on the Obama birth certificate and proof of US birth.

The following in no way is meant to detract from the efforts of the Sheriff Joe Arpaio investigation and other efforts to determine the validity of the purported birth certificate.

Best case scenario for the image placed on

Fact: The image is not a copy of an original Hawaii birth certificate of the era.

The verbage “or abstract” at the bottom therefore implies that the data came from databases.

The data from the databases could have been provided some time after the birth.

By HI statutes (there were 4 rules at the time of Obama’s birth), Obama could have been born outside the US and had his birth recorded as Hawaiian.

The state of Hawaii could recognize the data and use it to produce what they call a COLB or birth certificate.

Under no circumstances does this prove a Hawaii birth, even if the data is authentic or sanctioned by the state of Hawaii.

Glenn Beck, I will be glad to explain this further.

Glenn, for someone who claims to be in recovery, a little more humility and admitting you are wrong would go a long way.

Citizen Wells

Glenn Beck exposes gun lies on April 30 2013 radio show, Glenn Beck book Control, Exposing the Truth About Guns, Obama left gun statistics lies, US not highest crime country

Glenn Beck exposes gun lies on April 30 2013 radio show, Glenn Beck book Control, Exposing the Truth About Guns, Obama left gun statistics lies, US not highest crime country

“The problem occurs, sir, in those areas precisely where we have said ‘no guns.’ The problem doesn’t occur where the guns are allowed freely to be carried to be used by people. There we have very low murder rates.”…Larry Pratt

“Weaker people, whether at school, at home or elsewhere are best protected from stronger people, with ill intent, by guns and proper security measures.”…Citizen Wells

“Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA – ordinary citizens don’t need guns, as their having guns doesn’t serve the State.”…Heinrich Himmler

Obama, the left and the media have been involved in their self serving agenda of spreading lies about guns and the crime rate in the US. A reasonable, rational citizen paying attention should be able to see through this.

Here are a few self evident truths:

Criminals always get guns, knives, bombs or other weapons.

A stronger person or group of people can overpower a weaker person. Rapes for example are often a case of a stronger male overpowering a female using no gun.

Security must be a priority and doesn’t always require being armed with guns.

The Sandy Hook massacre was not the result of insufficient gun control. It was a lack of security. Security was not a priority. And yes, by law, they could have been armed.

What may not be so self evident is the fact that in the US and many locales, increased gun ownership has resulted in lower crime rates. And of course the opposite is true. Places like Chicago, with some of the strictest gun laws, have seen crime rates go up. And in the case of Chicago, hundreds of school age children being harmed.

Another one of the big lies is about the US having the highest crime rates of major countries.

From Political Outcast January 12, 2013.

“England’s Crime Rate Nearly Four Times Higher than United States”

I’ll give Piers Morgan credit for one thing: He’s not afraid to interview people who have strong disagreements with him. He’s giving them a platform for views that rarely see the light of day on liberal networks.

He had Alex Jones of InfoWars on a few nights ago. While Jones was a little over the top, he didn’t roll over for Morgan. Too many conservatives want to be friends with the media as if their agreeable style will somehow endear them to the liberal media establishment. It will never, never, never happen.

Morgan also had Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America on. Don’t mess with Larry Pratt. He comes to interviews prepared, and he’s a lot more measured and calm than Jones. In his December 19, 2012 interview, Pratt had said that “evil’s in our hearts. Not in the guns.” That’s probably the first time the secularist Morgan ever heard that before. Of course, it’s true. Good people, or at least people who work hard to say no to evil thoughts and desires, do not murder people. When some usually good person “snaps,” the snapping is the evil in them (James 1:13–15; Mark 7:14–15).

Pratt went on to say to Morgan in the interview:

“The problem occurs, sir, in those areas precisely where we have said ‘no guns.’ The problem doesn’t occur where the guns are allowed freely to be carried to be used by people. There we have very low murder rates.”

“Analysis of figures from the European Commission showed a 77 per cent increase in murders, robberies, assaults and sexual offences in the UK since [the] Labour [Party] came to power.

The total number of violent offences recorded compared to population is higher than any other country in Europe, as well as America, Canada, Australia and South Africa.

“The UK had a greater number of murders in 2007 than any other EU country — 927 — and at a relative rate higher than most western European neighbours, including France, Germany, Italy and Spain.

It gets worse. “Overall, 5.4 million crimes were recorded in the UK in 2007 — more than 10 a minute — second only to Sweden. . . . It means there are over 2,000 crimes recorded per 100,000 population in the UK, making it the most violent place in Europe.”

Great Britain’s crime rate is nearly four times that of the United States. “By comparison, America has an estimated rate of 466 violent crimes per 100,000 population.”

Read more:

Glenn Beck on his April 30, 2013 radio show quoted chapters from his new book “Control, Exposing the Truth About Guns.” Beck does an excellent job of exposing the lies from the media and left on gun statistics. Listen to the Glenn Beck segment here.

Glenn Beck Boston bombing announcement, April 22, 2013, Saudi National Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, Government sources, Documents, FBI informants, Alharbi given terrorist status

Glenn Beck Boston bombing announcement, April 22, 2013, Saudi National Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, Government sources, Documents, FBI informants, Alharbi given terrorist status

” the FBI reviewed its records and determined that in early 2011, a foreign government asked the FBI for information about Tamerlan Tsarnaev. The request stated that it was based on information that he was a follower of radical Islam and a strong believer, and that he had changed drastically since 2010 as he prepared to leave the United States for travel to the country’s region to join unspecified underground groups.”…FBI press release April 19, 2013

“Saudi Arabia, which gave us 15 of the 19 Sept. 11 hijackers, will soon get the coveted “trusted traveler” status from the Department of Homeland Security.”…NY post March 21, 2013

“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”…Barack Obama

***  12:30 PM update below  ***

From Glenn Beck live Monday, April 22, 2013.

On Tuesday April 16, 2013, the NCTC issued an event file for deportation of Saudi National Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi.

212 3B status – proven terrorist status.

Solid evidence required.

Next John Kerry met with a Saudi representative in private.

Then the significance of Alharbi is downgraded.

Wednesday, the file on Saudi National Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi is modified with the 212 3B status being removed and the deportation order rescinded.

The Saudi National Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi had been on a terrorist watch list but was given a special student status.

The DHS told the media that the other Saudi being held was being deported.

The other Saudi had a student visa that allowed him to live in Finley, Ohio.

Beck just said that they are working on the family connections and there is more to come.

***  Update  ***

To clarify what was reported live as Glenn Beck spoke earlier:

“Background points:

  • A Saudi national originally identified as a “person of interest” in the Boston Marathon bombing was set to be deported under section 212 3B — “Security and related grounds” — “Terrorist activities” after the bombing
  • As the story gained traction, TheBlaze’s Chief Content Officer Joel Cheatwood received word that the government may not deport the Saudi national, originally identified as Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi
  • Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano refused to answer questions on the subject when confronted by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) on Capitol Hill.
  • An ICE official said a different Saudi national is in custody, but is “in no way” connected to the bombings.
  • A congressional source, however, says that the file on Alharbi was created, that he was “linked” in some way to the Boston bombings (though it is unclear how), and that documents showing all this have been sent to Congress.
  • Key congressmen of the Committee on Homeland Security request a classified briefing with Napolitano
  • Fox News’ Todd Starnes reports that Alharbi was allegedly flagged on a terrorist watch list and granted a student visa without being properly vetted.  Sources close to the investigation also told him the Saudi is still set for deportation.
  • New information provided to TheBlaze reveals Alharbi’s file was altered early Wednesday evening to disassociate him from the initial charges
  • Sources say the Saudi’s student visa specifically allows him to go to school in Findlay, Ohio, though he appears to have an apartment in Boston, Massachusetts
  • Sources tell us this will most likely now be kicked from the DHS to the DOJ and labeled an ongoing investigation that can no longer be discussed.”



Rand Paul announcement March 5, 2013, Glenn Beck states big, Paul Illinois GOP dinner, Obama Administration use of attack drones, US citizen surveilance, Paul 2016 presidential bid

Rand Paul announcement March 5, 2013, Glenn Beck states big, Paul Illinois GOP dinner, Obama Administration use of attack drones, US citizen surveilance, Paul 2016 presidential bid
“In the Department’s view, a lethal operation conducted against a U.S. citizen whose conduct poses an imminent threat of violent attack against the United States would be a legitimate act of national self-defense that would not violate the assassination ban. Similarly, the use of lethal force, consistent with the laws of war, against an individual who is a legitimate military target would be lawful and would not violate the assassination ban.”…Obama DOJ Memo

“I just want you to know that we are working on it (gun control)….We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”…Barack Obama

“Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA – ordinary citizens don’t need guns, as their having guns doesn’t serve the State.”…Heinrich Himmler

A few minutes ago Glenn Beck stated that Rand Paul would make a very big announcement on The Blaze today. Many are speculating that it has something to do with Obama’s use of drones to spy on US citizens.

From Illinois Review March 5, 2013.

“If Republicans in Illinois are beaten down and discouraged, they didn’t show it at last night’s Northwest Suburban Republican Lincoln Day Dinner where more than 650 people came out to hear U.S. Senator Rand Paul.

Ryan Higgins, the Republican Committeeman for Schaumburg Township, attributed the success of the dinner to high enthusiasm among party regulars as well as an influx of new members.”

“”We meet three times a week with the Republican caucus,” Paul said. “With the group now down to 45, we’ve gotten to know each other pretty well and sometimes it’s an echo chamber. If you say, ‘I’m for the Second Amendment,’ you get slapped on the back and everybody loves you. But you go down the list, and it’s not always such a consensus. Once you get to the Fourth Amendment, you’re not getting everybody.”

“You may not realize this, but they gave up on the Fourth Amendment when they stopped issuing warrants before examining your bank records,” Paul said. “I don’t know about you, but everything’s on my Visa card. You can tell if I go to a doctor, you can tell if I drink, if I gamble. For goodness sake, shouldn’t you have to issue a warrant before you look at my Visa bill?””
“”I hate terrorists as much as anyone, and they should be killed on the battlefield,” Paul said. “But we can’t let drones fly around threatening U.S. citizens. What you need to understand in this controversy over drones is we’re not talking about someone with a grenade launcher on their shoulder. Some of these people being killed by drones are in their house or in a cafeteria.

“I’ve said a lot of bad things about the government,” Paul said. I don’t want them coming to my house with a drone.” Paul said, emphasizing the Obama Administration’s plan to use drones, even within America boundaries, is vague and without geographic boundaries.

“Can’t we have a little more assurance from the president that he won’t attack American citizens without a trial?”

Privacy issues, drones, prisoner rights are all a part of the discussions that have come up in recent U.S. Senate hearings, he said, from the nomination for Intelligence Chief Brennan to the Benghazi incident and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Paul told the audience Secretary Clinton should have resigned immediately after Libyan Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others were killed in Benghazi.”

“Paul is considering a bid for the White House in 2016, and he met privately with local Republican donors such as Jack Roeser and Bruce Rauner before dinner.”

Joe Biden Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?, Father Charles Woods are these the words of someone who is sorry?, Obama did not look him in the eye

Joe Biden Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?, Father Charles Woods are these the words of someone who is sorry?, Obama did not look him in the eye

“But Crowley and Obama had it wrong. the Post’s Glenn Kessler explained:

What did Obama say in the Rose Garden a day after the attack in Libya? ”No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this nation,” he said.
But he did not say “terrorism”—and it took the administration days to concede that that it an “act of terrorism” that appears unrelated to initial reports of anger at a video that defamed the prophet Muhammad.”…Washington Post Oct. 17, 2012

“The question that I had in my mind, was why did we not do something to protect our forces?”…Charles Woods, father of slain Navy Seal

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. His heart sank as he thought of the enormous power arrayed against him, the ease with which any Party intellectual would overthrow him in debate, the subtle arguments which he would not be able to understand, much less answer. And yet he was in the right! They were wrong and he was right. The obvious, the silly, and the true had got to be defended. Truisms are true, hold on to that! The solid world exists, its laws do not change. Stones are hard, water is wet, objects unsupported fall towards the earth’s centre. With the feeling that he was speaking to O’Brien, and also that he was setting forth an important axiom, he wrote:

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.”…George Orwell, “1984”

Glenn Beck just played the interview of the father, Charles Woods, of the slain Navy Seal, Tyrone Woods.

From The Blaze October 25, 2012.


“The father of one of the former Navy SEALs killed in the terrorist attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya says President Barack Obama wouldn’t even look him in the eye and Vice President Joe Biden was disrespectful during the ceremony when his son’s body returned to America. He also says the White House’s story on the attack doesn’t pass the smell test.

Charles Woods, father of Tyrone Woods, called into “The Glenn Beck Program” on TheBlazeTV Thursday and recounted his interactions with the president, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Biden at the ceremony for the Libya victims at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. He told host Glenn Beck that what they told him, coupled with new reports that indicate the Obama administration knew very good and well, almost immediately, that a terrorist attack was occurring in Benghazi, make him certain that the American people are not getting the whole truth.

Vice President Biden, as he has become known to do, reportedly made a wildly inappropriate comment to the father who had just lost his hero son.

Woods said Biden came over to his family and asked in a “loud and boisterous” voice, “Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?”

“Are these the words of someone who is sorry?” said Woods.

The grieving father also described his brief encounter with President Obama during the ceremony for the Libya victims.

“When he finally came over to where we were, I could tell that he was rather conflicted, a person who was not at peace with himself,” Woods said. “Shaking hands with him, quite frankly, was like shaking hands with a dead fish. His face was pointed towards me but he would not look me in the eye, his eyes were over my shoulder.”

“I could tell that he was not sorry,” he added. “He had no remorse.”

Beck said he wanted to give the president “the benefit of the doubt,” and asked Woods how he could be sure that Obama wasn’t just uncomfortable or nervous during their conversation. Woods said it was Obama’s “demeanor.”

Hillary Clinton’s comments to Woods raise even more questions about the White House’s official story on the Benghazi attack, which has already been extremely inconsistent.

After apologizing for his loss, Woods said Clinton told him that the U.S. would “make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.

Obviously, Clinton was referring to the anti-Muslim YouTube video that the Obama administration spent nearly two weeks blaming for the attack. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice, Clinton and the president himself all blamed the video at various points. Beck pointed out that the White House is now trying to claim that it has always considered terrorism as the cause of the attack.

“When she said that, I could tell that she was not telling me the truth,” Woods said about Clinton.

Reading another State Department email that further calls into question the U.S. response to the attack, Beck revealed that the U.S. government was made aware that the compound in Benghazi was under attack by “mortar fire,” hardly a sign of a spontaneous protest.

“The question that I had in my mind,” Woods replied, “was why did we not do something to protect our forces?”

“We didn’t even dispatch anybody,” Beck lamented.

“You released the information that the White House within minutes of the attack, watched in real time the events unfolding,” Woods told Beck earlier in the program. “They denied the pleas for help and they watched my son die.

Woods went on to read the following statement, in honor of his son:

“I want to honor my son, Ty Woods, who responded to the cries for help and voluntarily sacrificed his life to protect the lives of other Americans. In the last few days it has become public knowledge that within minutes of the first bullet being fired the White House knew these heroes would be slaughtered if immediate air support was denied. Apparently, C-130s were ready to respond immediately. In less than an hour, the perimeters could have been secured and American lives could have been saved. After seven hours fighting numerically superior forces, my son’s life was sacrificed because of the White House’s decision. This has nothing to do with politics, this has to do with integrity and honor. My son was a true American hero. We need more heroes today. My son showed moral courage. This is an opportunity for the person or persons who made the decision to sacrifice my son’s life to stand up.”

Tears in his eyes, Beck told Woods that his son was not even there for security purposes but after hearing cries for help he voluntarily protected his fellow Americans, knowing his life would be put in danger. Beck called Tyrone Woods a “hero” multiple times throughout the show.

“I am sorry for your loss, and I know there are millions of Americans that are sorry for your loss,” Beck concluded.”

Watch the interview here.

Obama and Glenn Beck Masons?, Newsweek June 2008 article, Obama being protected, Why has Glenn Beck ridiculed Arpaio Military officers and concerned Americans

Obama and Glenn Beck Masons?, Newsweek June 2008 article, Obama being protected, Why has Glenn Beck ridiculed Arpaio Military officers and concerned Americans

“Why has Obama, since taking the White House, used Justice Department Attorneys, at taxpayer expense,  to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells

“Why does Glenn Beck continue to make uninformed attacks and insults upon Sheriff Joe Arpaio and millions of concerned Americans?”…Citizen Wells

“You can’t fix stupid.”…Ron White

We now know that the US Justice Department and many judges are corrupt, few congressmen care about the Constitution and the manistream media has protected Obama. Yet, many of us still shake our heads in disbelief when people like Glenn Beck not only don’t cover eligibility issues but go to great lengths for many months to ridicule millions of concerned citizens, including high ranking military officers and now Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

In 2008 there was a rumor that Obama is a Mason. I have yet to find any strong evidence for or against this supposition. However, in the June issue of Newsweek, a photo was staged to give the appearance of Obama wearing a Masonic ring. If this wasn’t Obama in the photo, why did Newsweek suggest with the photo that it was?

From Blair’s blog January 6, 2009.

“Obama’s Masonic Ring

This picture is from a June 2008 edition of Newsweek magazine. It appears to be Obama reaching for the “Presidential Seal”. Please take a close look at the ring on Obama’s right hand.

Obama is wearing a masonic ring. The square and the compass are clearly visable.

The important thing to remember is that these pictures are carefully staged. I’m sure they (Newsweek photographers) take several pictures. The ones they publish are obviously the ones they want you to see. This was either done for your benefit, the general public, or for the benefit of other freemasons, probably both. Either way the message is clear. Obama is a freemason and another freemason is going to be President of the United States.”

More images here:

From Infowars April 8, 2011.

“It was on his Friday, April 1, program, but it was no joke. Glenn Beck, who has announced he will leave Fox News, was blatantly wearing a masonic emblem over his grey sweater, quite a conspicuous clothing accessory.
Included in the imagery is a Mason’s compass, a skull, a scroll & pen, and a date that appears to be 1681 or 1682 (unclear), the first a possible reference to the year Freemason William Penn founded Philadelphia (later the first capital of the United States) and Pennsylvania, the second a possible reference to the founding of La Petite Resurrection des Templiers” a licentious society that was a spin off to Masonic circles in France. Their members supposedly “wore concealed upon their shirts a decoration in the form of a cross, on which was embossed the figure of a man trampling on a woman, who lay prostrate at his feet.”
Why would Beck choose this apparel? Is it an obscure reference to colonial founders or a tip-off that his allegiances lie with the secret society-elites who have long wielded power?”
What motivates Glenn Beck to belittle concerned Americans who believe in the US Constitution. Are he and Obama Masons? Is it money? He states that he does not do research and depends on his staff. Perhaps this is one of the reasons.
From Media Decoder January 5, 2011.
“Glenn Beck Hires Former Huffington Post Chief”
“Looking to further expand his growing media presence, Glenn Beck, the conservative talk-show host, has hired a one-time chief executive of the left-leaning Huffington Post to lead his new Web site, The Blaze.
Betsy Morgan, who ran The Huffington Post for two years, ending in 2009, will become president of The Blaze, a four-month-old site intended to curate news articles and opinion pieces of special interest to Mr. Beck’s conservative audience.
He has built that following through aggressive expansion into multiple forms of media, including his high-rated program on the Fox News Channel, a series of best-selling books and numerous personal appearances.
His broadest exposure continues to be in radio, where he ranks as the third-most popular host (after other conservative voices, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity).
Mr. Beck, however, experienced some setbacks in that medium this week. Both WOR radio in New York and WPHT in Philadelphia are dropping the show as of Jan. 17.
Scott Lakefield, the assistant program director of WOR, said ratings for Mr. Beck had fallen off since his early days on the station. “We noticed a downward trend,” Mr. Lakefield said. “The audience was just going elsewhere.”
Christopher Balfe, the president of Mr. Beck’s company, Mercury Radio Arts, said that the host remained highly popular on radio nationally, with ratings up 35 percent since the start of 2009. He also said the company would seek new stations in New York and Philadelphia.
The appointment of Ms. Morgan to The Blaze (which Mr. Beck named after the biblical story of Moses and the burning bush) raised some eyebrows at The Huffington Post because of her shift to a polar opposite political point of view. But she said in an interview, “I am a very apolitical person. I’m a business person, who is absolutely fascinated by brands.”
The aim of The Blaze, Ms. Morgan said, is to broaden beyond politically based information to cover other topics of interest to Mr. Beck, whom she called “a widely-known conversationalist on a lot of topics.”
She acknowledged that some of his views had been seen as incendiary and had led to some difficulty in selling to national advertisers. But she said, “Glenn has built for himself quite an enormous brand” and the purpose of The Blaze is to “leverage the huge loyalty of that audience.””