Wikileaks Brent Budowsky email to John Podesta, “Sid is lost in his own web of conspiracies”, “disquieting that when HRC was secretary of state she spent a good time of time doing gossip emails with Sid Blumenthal”, “gives me the creeps”

Wikileaks Brent Budowsky email to John Podesta, “Sid is lost in his own web of conspiracies”, “disquieting that when HRC was secretary of state she spent a good time of time doing gossip emails with Sid Blumenthal”, “gives me the creeps”

“#CNN says #Hillary team in 2008 never raised #birther issue. #SidBlumenthal, long-time #HRC buddy, told me in person #Obama born in #kenya”…James Asher, Twitter

“The sad tale of Mr. Blumenthal is especially timely now because this poisonous gasbag could get a job in the Hillary Clinton administration and because he continues to pump out malicious information to his willing accomplices in the media. It’s also important because similarly amoral people surround Ms. Clinton and they will do anything and say anything in the name of political victory.”
“That tells you a lot about Hillary Clinton and what type of president she would be. While she does have a wicked sense of humor and is quite possibly the best prepared of all major candidates now running for the presidency, her election would be great news for Sidney Blumenthal and, ipso facto, terrible news for the world.”… Observer November 3, 2015

“Sidney Blumenthal, a longtime confidant of Bill and Hillary Clinton, earned about $10,000 a month as a full-time employee of the Clinton Foundation while he was providing unsolicited intelligence on Libya to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton”…Politico May 28, 2015



From Wikileaks John Podesta leaked emails.

“Re: New Clinton emails To: Date: 2016-01-01 20:01 Subject: Re: New Clinton emails

Sid is lost in his own web of conspiracies. I pay zero attention to what he says.

On Friday, January 1, 2016, Brent Budowsky <> wrote:

> John, assume I wrote a thousand words about this. It is disquieting that
> when HRC was secretary of state she spent a good time of time doing gossip
> emails with Sid Blumenthal about various matters, the ubiquitous Lanny
> Davis shilling for himself in pathetic ways, and Neera Tanden gossiping
> about what Soros thinks of Obama. At least Tanden I regard as a serious
> person. Sid and Lanny I do not by standards of a secretary of state or
> potential president. >

> I was not in touch with you at the time of the healthcare debate, but what
> Sid suggests does not strike me as your style. I was in very regular and
> close touch with Daschle at the time, and he would never have said to the
> press what Sid suggests, and since I am in the press I know those were not
> his views. I guarantee that based on direct personal knowledge of Tom’s
> views and actions at the time. Blumenthal did not have the slightest idea
> of what he was talking about in his girlie gossip with the secretary of
> state about this. Why she places such great stock over so much time in
> these exchanges with Blumenthal is mystifying to me—and frankly
> troublesome. >

> This whole subject, to use vernacular, gives me the creeps. Secretaries
> of state, presidential candidates and presidents should not be spending
> their time on this kind of minor league stuff. >

Sent from my iPad”



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17 responses to “Wikileaks Brent Budowsky email to John Podesta, “Sid is lost in his own web of conspiracies”, “disquieting that when HRC was secretary of state she spent a good time of time doing gossip emails with Sid Blumenthal”, “gives me the creeps”

  1. “Blumenthal, one-time writer at The New Yorker, is a chief White House aide to Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton. Reportedly, Blumenthal masterminded the White House strategy of blaming all its scandals on a “vast right-wing conspiracy” led by people Mrs. Clinton said were even accusing the Clintons of murder.

    Because of his own conspiracy thinking, Blumenthal has been nicknamed “Grassy Knoll” by White House insiders.

    It is a title he has well earned, if his past writings are any indication.”

    “The world knows that Blumenthal is a radical left-winger. His book demonstrates that. Its introduction is written by former CIA agent Philip Agee, who became something of an icon for the left as he fled the country to find safe haven in Castro’s Cuba and later Europe.”

    The world knows that Blumenthal is a radical left-winger. His book demonstrates that. Its introduction is written by former CIA agent Philip Agee, who became something of an icon for the left as he fled the country to find safe haven in Castro’s Cuba and later Europe.

  2. CW……….
    ……….I would be of the mindset that the VERNACULER which he remarks about would be enough to give ANYONE the CREEPS. I have long thought that Sid Blumenthal is much more to Mzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Piggy than a casual friend. Even though it seems unlikely there is a strong possibility that Blumenthal is actually the father of Chelsea.

  3. misspelled vernacular……sorry bout that’…….haste makes waste!

  4. Didn’t know this term but Wetworks is a code word for assassination used in a Podesta email days before Scalia Death in most recent leak

    Long time CW follower….very very rare poster

  5. Thanks RJS

  6. RJS………..
    ……….I have suspected for some time that Podesta had some involvement with the death of Scalia. Hopefully there will be greater exploration of this ….soon.

  7. RJS……..
    ……….I personally look upon Podesta as one of the worst SNEAKS of the world. Such people will cut someone’s throat for a nickel.

  8. AND……..
    ………..there is URGENT NEED for qualified investigators to CLOSELY scrutinise Podesta……….last 15 years at least!

  9. I can only hope the American people are waking up to the big lie that is the coalition of RINO’s, the press, and the Democratic party….the fact that 2 accusers can be given so much coverage today along with the conveniently placed by NBC 2005 tape all while no press coverage is given too any Clinton accuser and/or WJC’s illegitimate son and/or Podesta emails it is so blatantly obvious what is going on here. I don’t believe the polls….they are doing everything they can to try to de-motivate Trump Supporters and we are only more motivated by the shenanigans. As Pence said last night the movement is On for Trump and there is little enthusiasm for Clinton. Ryan, McCain and any RINO who has pulled support for Trump needs to go down too. At least we have Reps like Tom McClintock. Only 2 more digs I want Trump to give in the next debate. He has to bring up the Bengazi blame it on the video…what difference does it make and he has to say any other workplace employee would have been fired for sleeping with a subordinate. I was very proud to finally hear someone go toe to toe with her unlike our previous RINO’s

  10. ‘West Virginia, Almost Heaven’ Has Been Changed Until After Nov 8…..

    thanks fellows, I needed that this afternoon….

    YOU KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN! The latest bs story to try and tarnish Trump to win the election is totally tied to the Clinton Foundation! This is how you know we’re winning! The Democrats are desperate and ruthless…The elitists in the Republican party are enablers of this desperate move by the Clinton machine. Do you REALLY want more of the crooked Clinton machine in our White House? These people are sickening!

    Jessica Leads, who is accusing Trump of rape, allegedly has the same phone number as the Clinton Foundation… that’s curious From Podesta Wikileaks e-mails:

    Twitter source:

    Jessica Leads, who is accusing Trump of rape, has the same phone number as the Clinton Foundation… that’s curious
    12:35 AM – 13 Oct 2016
    An added bit of damning evidence against Jessica Leads: Trump accuser Jessica Leeds claims Trump lifted the armrest and groped her. But armrests in all 80’s planes don’t lift.

    ———————————————————————————————SECONDLY….anyone who thinks Trump would GROPE this woman is crazier than she is…..this is the ugliest skank I have seen the democrats to bring forward…’on Hillary !, if your going to run false flags up about The Donald, at least give the man his ‘right to associate with beautiful women”…not someone who is a carbon copy of yourself !

    You can’t fix UGLY… should know that by now !!!

  12. Now the above story shows me only one thing….the damn democrats are as “Dumb as a Bag of Rocks”…..and the dumbest wants to be the leader of all the other rocks……well not this rock…..I’m voting for the ‘diamond’

  13. ONE FOR THE ROAD……..
    ……….and now “Michael” is whining that Trumps remarks have shaken him to the core. Probably because poor little “Michael” hasn’t had his daily back door massage yet today.

  14. BTW………..

  15. Wikileaks, Julian Assange, is coming through in spades as promised this month..

    The latest E Mail leak from Hillary’s E Mail Server, copy included I’m article shows an order to murder Judge, Antonio Scalia who was found dead 3 days later..

    The document referred to the job as “Wetwork” a term the Russian KGB as an “Assassination” This could bring the Clintons and the entire DNC down !!!!

    BREAKING! Wikileaks exposes the Assassination of Scalia and it could bring down the Clintons and the Democratic Party!

  16. Reblogged this on TheFlippinTruth.

  17. Pingback: Clintons media congress nailed in 2001 Newsmax article, Felony perjury, Vicious assault on Clinton’s accusers, Full support of the shameless mainstream media, Hillary Clinton and her odious henchman Sidney Blumenthal, Glenn Beck lost soul-can’

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