Monthly Archives: February 2009

West Virginia Election Complaint, WV Secretary of State, Obama not eligible, Federal Elections Commission lawsuit, WV residents participating

I was asked to post the following:
“Subject: I am the Lady in WV filing Election Complaint


re: Searching for Lady in West Virginia filing Federal
Elections Comm. suit

(Ed, Please forward this to anyone contacting you from WV
to get involved.  Thanks.)

My name is XXXXX XXXXXX.
I called into to Ed’s show on Feb 13 asking for residents of
WV who are interesting in doing something in their state to
question Barack Obama’s eligibility for the office of president.
I am preparing to file an Election Complaint with the WV Secretary
of State concerning Barack Obama.  WV has some unique laws in this
regard and there may be an opening to get this issue out in the
I am looking for WV residents who would consider participating
in this.  I will email you information to educate you on the issue,
possibly speak with you on the phone, and we will go from there. 
At this point, this is not a suit.  WV allows ‘ANY PERSON’ to file
an election complaint with the secretary of state.
Please contact me at .
Let’s get this citizenship issue settled once and for all!”

OBAMA ADMINISTRATION STAFF ATTACK PA DOCTOR, February 14, 2009, Larry Sinclair, Dr. Ila Peterson, Obama organized group of internet thugs, Peterson attacked, Blue States Digital, Email threats, Internet attacks, FBI, larrysinclair-0926

Larry Sinclair called me on 2/16/09 and asked me to remove the article.

From Sinclair’s blog:

“Updated @12:07 AM 2-16-09

I have removed the original post due to unrelenting harassment directed at my friend.

It is truly a sad state of this Country to know that the President and his staff can with total disregard for the Law and the Constitution attack, threaten, harass and intimidate American citizens and their children the way Barack Obama and his paid staff have done.”

9/11, September 11, 2008, Financial Terrorist Attack, Financial crisis, Representative Kanjorski, PA, Pennsylvania Democrat, Kanjorski Youtube video, Arlen Williams report, money market accounts, Electronic run on the banks, InvestigatingObama

I was asked to post the following:

ATTACK OCCURED 9/11 – Manufactured Catastrophe: The Cat is Out of the Bag – MarxoFascist War on Our American Freedom & Personal Livelihoods

That, according to Rep. Kanjorski of Pennsylvania (D); see video below.

I.O. had written below, “This is WAR UPON AMERICA, much more threatening than 9/11.What are we going to do about it?” We now have a kind of correction to make: This WAS 9/11. Comment to this article:

Anonymous said…
Please listen to the video closely. Kanjorski states that there was a closed meeting of Congress on about the 15th of September. This would be a MONDAY. Then he lets it slip out that the financial meltdown occurred on a Thursday… of the previous week.

This would be THURSDAY – SEPT. 11

Yes, a FINANCIAL TERRORIST ATTACK occurred on Thursday, September 11, 2008, the seventh anniversary of 9/11. And no one is telling us
about it!

God help us!
February 14, 2009 6:16 AM

To this, I will add, as reported yesterday in I.O.:


“We have a once in a generation chance to act boldly, to turn adversity into
opportunity, and use this crisis as a chance to transform our economy for the 21st century.”

– Barack Hussein Obama, 2/12/2009, according to email from

God help us, indeed. This outrageously unreported story will be discussed further on live net-radio this Monday, 2/16, 8pm ET,,, 5pm PT on “The Awakening, with Hanen & Arlen.”

Original post, 2/12/2009, evening:

It’s been published on other site(s) with my blessing [an email I sent, as below, slightly edited] and I hear it may be on its way to Sen. John McCain. Does he care? Feel free to spread it everywhere, too. I suggest that everyone who cares about America email this information, about the Kanjorski confession — to everyone who has an email address that he has or finds, everywhere in the world. Also, faxed, mailed, and otherwise shoved before the faces of everyone within reach.


Or do you want to live on PLANET FASCIST-SOROS, subsector MARXOFASCIST-OBAMA?

This is about real treason, real economic terrorism, and real mega-tampering into the sacred process of The Sovereign American Citizens’ national election (getting us our illegitimate “president”). And the government/media cover-up is the second sedition.
This is WAR UPON AMERICA, much more threatening than 9/11.
What are we going to do about it?
This is the email I sent out last night, slightly edited.

Thursday, February 12, 2009 3:26 AM

From: “Arlen Williams”


Congress knows. They all know (or should know) and just enough are cooperating to keep it happening. None of them are telling us — except for one, now.

Please read the attached and watch the video. It goes far, far beyond “important news.” After you do, please consider forwarding it to your entire email database — including business and professional contacts. (No apologies from me to my personal business contacts. It is urgent and vital.)

Mushroom management of Sovereign Americans must end NOW. It is time for glasnost in America. Please forgive the understatement of this title:

For more context, on Soros, Obama, and all — also for the obvious solution (along with investigation, prosecution, and a military intervention if necessary): how Barack Obama must rightfully be declared a fictitious “president,” since he is not a natural born Citizen, at


God save America from these apostate, fascist, self-made illegitimates,
Arlen Williams


PS: Add to this, the huge, consecutive Friday sell-offs into Wall St., during our pre-election “crisis,” well revealed to America at the time by Mike Huckabee — and the public “slips of the tongue” by apparently subversive Senators Charles Schumer and Harry Reid, contributing to the destruction of IndyMac, by Schumer — said to be the catalyst for the entire mortage meltdown — and in Reid’s case, exacerbating the crisis among critical insurance companies. Does it need to get clearer?

If you are not convinced, please stay and do some more reading. The dots connected for you should be enough to relate “probable cause,” fellow Americans.

Have you listened to the words out of this man’s mouth, yet?”

Read more here:


Congress Watch, WHY Initiative, US Constitution, US Congress, Obama eligibility, Congressmen, Senators, Representatives, Accountable, 2010 Elections, Military oath, Restore the Constitutional Republic

The WHY initiative is a new movement that evolved out of
efforts by the Citizen Wells blog US Constitution Hall of Shame
and Democratic Disaster (now Restore the Constitutional Republic)
and others to inform congressmen before the general election
and before Congress certified the Electoral College votes.
We are taking this effort nationwide and will be asking for
volunteers. Our initial efforts are to get some straight answers
on Obama’s eligibility and upholding the US Constitution. This
will continue on through the 2010 election cycle and beyond. We
must hold Congress accountable to the US Constitution and
American people.

Here are some exerpts from The WHY Initiative: Holding Congress Accountable

“I am writing this as a concerned American, not as a Democrat, Republican,
Independent or other political position. I dislike modern political
parties, although in honesty, I am more disgusted with the modern day
Democrat party. We need more statesmen, less politics and putting
America first. I promise you I will go after Republicans with the same
veracity that I question Democrats.

You, I and most Americans have let this happen. Like the frog slowly
cooking in a pot of water, not realizing that it is being cooked, we
have allowed our institutions, like Congress and the Judicial as well
as the MSM, to cook our brains into a stupor of submission. Television
screens, just like the screens in the homes of “1984″ have brought us
just the “news” that the modern day Big Brother, the Obama Camp, wants
us to hear. Revisionist history and adoration of Big Brother.

The changes in this country did not occur overnight and our attempts
to restore obedience to the US Constitution and responsible institutions
will take time and effort. We have been given a wake up call. Just as the
“shot heard round the world” was a wake up call for the patriots of the
American Revolution, we must sieze this unique moment in history and
rise to the occasion. We have seen what will happen if we choose to do
otherwise. Join us in making Congress accountable to the American public.”

From the Mario Apuzzo lawsuit

“110. When so much doubt has been expressed in the public arena about Obama’s
eligibility to be President, Congress had a duty to investigate and confirm for
the sake of the Constitution and the plaintiffs and other American people which
it represents if Obama is so qualified by holding a Congressional hearing and
investigation on the matter with full subpoena power. Endnote 17.”

From Dean Haskins:

“The Death of Common Sense

The Birth of The WHY Initiative”

“Exactly when did common sense die in this country? Obviously, it has
been on life support for some time; but now that our collective national
synapses have stopped firing, we aren’t even in an era of philosophical

“By now, those reading this have likely heard all the constitutional
reasoning regarding the ineligibility of the UPOTUS (Unconstitutional
President of the United States).  However, in spite of our undaunted
pleas to our elected officials, it appears they continue to suffer a
profound inability to discern between truth and fiction.
In response to the many inquiries they have received, they continue to
reply with faulty logic, misinformation, and outright lies.  And, we
are becoming more and more aware of the fact that many, if not all, of
our correspondence with them has never even reached them.  There is a
fortified firewall between the elected officials and their constituents. 
That moat is commonly referred to as “staffers.”  I have been told that
many of the staffers simply toss the inquiries, and their bosses never
even see them.
From the many replies that people have received from the offices of
elected officials (for I am now very careful not to say that they are
actual responses from the officials themselves), there is an Orwellian
pattern of damaged brain matter in their words.  Here are some of the
more common blights of misinformation being proffered by this
inexplicable class of political zombies:”

Read more here:

We have created a new blog, Congress Watch, to place not only the
dialogue we have with congressmen during the WHY Initiative, but
going forward into and beyond the 2010 Elections. We will also
put information there to help convince congressmen that we do
indeed have a constitutional crisis with a usurper as president.
Letters of support and concern from the military will be posted
as well as efforts throughout the country to get congressmen to
listen to their constituents and obey the US Constitution.

We have already been in touch with concerned citizens and other
internet sites. Congress Watch belongs to the people just as the
US Constitution belongs to the people. We are seeking involvement
from other bloggers, internet sites and concerned Americans to
help in this endeavor. Sadly, our best efforts, hurried as they were
before the general election and Congress convening, fell on deaf
ears. That will not happen this time. Their apathy, arrogance
or other defects will be met with resolve of knowing that many
of them will seek reelection in 2010. They cannot ignore us for
very long.

We now have time to organize properly. We will get by congressional
aides to get answers from congressmen. A team of “experts” will
be available to answer questions in a professional manner, but
we will not accept defeat. We will demand straight answers from

What can you do to help?

Dean Haskins, who became chairman of Restore the Constitutional
Republic in January, has reorganized and secured the website
as a .com. We are requesting that those who want to organize
state efforts or assist to get the attention of their congressmen
go there and sign up:

The efforts to get the attention of congressmen will be more
orderly than past efforts. We realize that the people of each
state are more apt to have insights into the office hours
and local meeting habits of their elected officials. We will
have our “experts” available as needed. The experts will not
be intimidated.

We are also asking for volunteers to help with Congress Watch.
Once again, we have short term and long term goals, however
the objective is always the same, holding Congress accountable.
Bloggers, internet sites or concerned citizens, if you would
like to help keep Congress Watch up to date with information
on congressmen and nationwide initiatives, leave a comment
on the blog:

We must seize the moment to regain trust in government and
control of this country.

God bless.

Obama Occidental College records, Subpoenaed records, Obama ineligible, Gary Kreep, U.S. Justice Foundation, Barry Soetero, College lawyers, Stuart W. Rudnick of Musick, Peeler & Garrett, Fredric D. Woocher,, February 13, 2009

More evidence that Obama is hiding his past and is not
eligible to be president. From World Net Dailly,
February 13, 2009:
“‘Sanctions’ sought in eligibility case
President’s attorneys file motion demanding birth, college records be withheld from public”

“By Bob Unruh”

“A high-powered team of Los Angeles attorneys representing President Obama in his effort to keep his birth certificate, college records and passport documents concealed from the public has suggested there should be “monetary sanctions” against a lawyer whose clients have brought a complaint alleging Obama doesn’t qualify for the Oval Office under the Constitution’s demand for a “natural born” citizen in that post.

The suggestion came in an exchange of e-mails and documents in a case brought by former presidential candidate Alan Keyes and others in California. The case originally sought to have the state’s electors ordered to withhold their votes for Obama until his eligibility was established. Since his inauguration, it has been amended to seek a future requirement for a vetting process, in addition to the still-sought unveiling of Obama’s records.


In the case, being handled largely by Gary Kreep of the U.S. Justice Foundation, he recently subpoenaed the records documenting the attendance by Obama, or possibly the student when he was known as Barry Soetero, from Occidental College.

The lawyer for the college, Stuart W. Rudnick of Musick, Peeler & Garrett, urgently contacted Fredric D. Woocher of Strumwasser & Woocher.

“This firm is counsel to Occidental College. The College is in receipt of the enclosed subpoena that seeks certain information concerning President-Elect Barack Obama,” he wrote via fax. “Inasmuch as the subpoena appears to be valid on its face, the College will have no alternative but to comply with the subpoena absent a court order instructing otherwise.”

Within hours, Woocher contacted Kreep regarding the issue, telling him, “It will likely not surprise you to hear that President-elect Obama opposes the production of the requested records.
“In order to avoid the needless expense of our bringing and litigating a Motion to Quash the subpoena, I am writing to ask whether you would be willing to agree voluntarily to cancel or withdraw the subpoena…”

Woocher warned, “Please be advised, in particular, that in the event we are forced to file a motion to quash and we prevail in that motion, we will seek the full measure of monetary sanctions provided for in the Code of Civil Procedures.” ”

“”OBAMA has been inaugurated as the president of the United States. However, to properly assume such office, OBAMA must meet the qualifications specified in Article II, Section 1 of the United States Constitution for the Office of the President of the United States, which includes that he must be a ‘natural born’ citizen,” the amended complaint states.

“OBAMA has failed to demonstrate that he is a ‘natural born’ citizen. There have been a number of legal challenges before various state and federal courts regarding aspects of non-, lost, or dual citizenship concerning OBAMA. Those challenges, in and of themselves, demonstrate Petitioners’ argument that reasonable doubt exists as to his eligibility to serve as President of the United States.

“To avert a constitutional crisis which would certainly accrue after such an election through laborious legal challenges, this writ seeks to require SOS (Secretary of State) to verify the eligibility of a Presidential candidate prior to the candidate appearing on the California ballot. It is incumbent on the candidates to present the necessary documentation confirming his or her eligibility, but, to date, for this past election, OBAMA has failed to do so,” the complaint continues.

“An unprecedented and looming constitutional crisis awaits if a President elected by the popular vote and the electoral vote does not constitutionally qualify to serve in that capacity,” the case said. “In addition, if OBAMA is not a ‘natural born’ citizen and not eligible for presidency, OBAMA will be subject to the criminal provisions of the California Elections Code, stating, ‘Any person who files or submits for filing a nomination paper or declaration of candidacy knowing that it, or any part of it, has been made falsely, is punishable by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000) or by imprisonment in the state prison for 16 months or two or three years or by both the fine and imprisonment,'” the complaint states. ”

Read more here:

Thanks to commenter Canadian4Hillary for the heads up on this article.

Representative Sue Myrick, United States Congressman, NC Representative , Andy Polk , Aide Polk, Obama ineligible, US Constitution, Congress, Electoral votes, North Carolina constituents, The WHY initiative. Restore the Constitutional Republic

“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and
the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service
of their country; but he that stands now, deserves the love and
thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered;
yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict,
the more glorious the triumph.” —Thomas Paine 1778


Are Watching



Citizen Wells Intro to WHY initiative

The last article revealed the responses that Dean Haskins received
from the Office of Senator Jim DeMint. This article reveals the
responses from Representative Sue Myrick’s office.

We are moving ahead with the “WHY” initiative to hold Congress
accountable now and moving forward. Dean Haskins has set up
Restore the Constitutional Republic under a .com for organizational
purposes and we are finalizing plans to challenge congressmen across
the nation now and henceforth. Dean Haskins, the Citizen Wells blog,
other internet websites, attorneys, businessmen, the military and
millions of Americans are united to uphold and defend the US
Constitution. We are determined to get answers from congressmen.

Why did they believe that Obama is eligible?

Why did no member of Congress challenge the Electoral votes?

Despite our many concerns about policies and actions such as the
so called stimulus bill, we are determined to uphold the US
Constitution and make Congress accountable. This effort will move
forward through the 2010 elections.

Millions of Americans were stunned as every institution in this
nation connected with the 2008 election, ignored the US
Constitution and pleas from masses of the public to vet Senator
Obama. Congressmen ignored their constituents, as if part of
some conspiracy to ensure that Obama got elected.

So we are asking WHY.

The obvious red flag that most people get, the one I am certain a
5th grader could understand is, if Obama was eligible, why did
Obama employ an army of attorneys and spend great sums of money
beginning with Philip Berg’s lawsuit in August 21, 2008, to avoid
proving his eligibility. All Obama had to do is what John McCain
did, provide Congress with a vault copy of his birth certificate,
i.e., a real birth certificate, not a record of a birth certificate
like Obama has tried to do.

If you’re not as smart as a fifth grader then consider the following:

Obama traveled to Pakistan in 1981 on an Indonesian passport.

Obama’s father was Kenyan, under British rule.

Obama became an Indonesian citizen.

There is no legal proof that Obama was born in Hawaii.

If Obama was born in Kenya, his mother did not meet the eligibility
requirements for Obama to be a natural born citizen.

Consider this letter from a Brigadier General:

Charles E. Jones
Brigadier General US Air Force, Retired
Lifetime subject to recall for active duty
Recipient of the Distinguished Service Medal (AF)

“We the People of the United States of America” are entitled to know
the legal qualifications of the President and Commander in Chief. 
For the better good and National Security of “We the People of the
United States” and for Absolute Command of the Military Forces of the
United States, I whole heartedly support the efforts of Dr. Orly Taitz,
ESQ for taking legal action to determine whether or not Barack Hussein
 Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, Citizen of Indonesia and possibly citizen
of Kenya, is eligible to become President of the United States and
Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces.

We were notified recently that 4 TN state representatives
have agreed to cooperate with Orly Taitz in her lawsuit.
Eric Swafford, Stacy Camfield, Glen Casada and
Frank Niceley  have signed a document demanding Obama
produce his documents:

Dean Haskins and I have begun the process of contacting
congressmen and we started with Representative Sue Myrick
and Senator Jim DeMint. We have been discussing possible
reasons why so many senators were misinformed or apathetic.
Perhaps much of the information sent to them was filtered
or blocked by their aides. Regardless, we want answers.
Here is a comment received from Sue Myrick’s office:

From Sue Myrick’s office.
Polk, Andy

“ohhh- I understand it correctly based on US Supreme Court cases interpreting
what “natural born citizen” Constitutionally means.  Had he not met the
definition, Chief Justice Roberts, the worlds leading Constitutional scholar,
would not have sworn him in because he would have violated his duty to uphold
the Constitution.  You can argue with me all you want on this issue, but I can
do nothing for you on this point.  The only thing you can do, if you feel so
strongly about Obama not being a citizen, is file a lawsuit in federal court.”

I recently called Sue Myrick’s office and after a conversation with her staff,
was informed that I should email her. Here is the email that was sent on
February 5, 2009:

“I am Mr. Wells of the Citizen Wells Blog, based out of NC. I have done extensive
research and covered the 2008 election process. I am also part of a group that is
evolving to uphold and save the US Constitution and rule of law.
I am in the forefront of a group of people that will be holding Congress accountable
now and through the 2010 election and beyond.
I have been in touch with Philip J berg and his assistant, Dr. Orly Taitz and her assistant,
Cort Wrotnowski, Lt Cols in the AF, business people and regular Americans that are
deeply concerned and care about this country. We are not going away. Our resolve is
I do not know where you obtained your information regarding the eligibility of Obama to
be president. There was an Orwellian like effort by the MSM and Obama camp to distort
the truth. If Obama had been eligible, he would not have employed an army of attornies
and spents thousands of dollars to avoid presenting his proof. McCain in contrast
provided a vault version of his birth certificate to Congress.
I was asked to do research for a documentary on Obama and the provision for natural
born citizen in the US Constitution. This was specifically done to present to Ron Paul.
Congressmen were notified prior to the election of the eligibility cloud surrounding
Obama. I posted some of the ludicrous responses that were received from some
senators and representatives in a US Constitution Hall of Shame on my blog.
I am not a conspiracy theorist. However, we are going to find out why no member
of congress took this issue seriously, why they ignored the people that put them
in office and why no one spoke up in Congress when the Electoral College votes
were certified.
Our team is contacting a senator from the southeast and we hope to meet with him
soon. We are going to get some straight answers and will do whatever is necessary
under the law to do so. I decided to write you (I just called your office) because
you represent my district and you seem to be a straight shooter.
This initiative is designed to get some straight answers now, but will build into
a general effort to hold congress accountable and remove from office in 2010
those politicians that have a selfish, irresponsible agenda.

I deeply care about this country.
Mr. Wells
I have received no response from Sue Myrick. I have recently
been trying to locate someone that knows her. It is a shame
isn’t it. It is so difficult to get the attention of our
congressmen. Well guess what. We are not going to stop until
we get their attention and that includes voting them out of
office if they continue to fail us. In fairness to Sue Myrick,
so far we have only gotten responses from her staff. Sooner
or later she will see our requests and sooner or later she
will have to respond.

If you have been frustrated by congressmen that have ignored
your pleas to examine Obama’s eligibility problems, take
comfort in the fact that Dean Haskin’s brother was heavily
involved in SC politics. However, as will become obvious soon,
we do not give up easily. We, on behalf of the American public,
demand straight answers and we intend to get them. All of this
correspondence will be recorded and all congressmen will be
accountable sooner or later. There will be a day of reckoning
at least by the 2010 elections.

This is going to be a nationwide effort. We will be asking for
volunteers and hope to have an organization for each state. If
you have the desire and the resolve, go to the Restore the
Constitutional Republic site (new .com) and check often. In the
forum, there is a place by state where you can interact and sign
up. We have another site set up to collect and gather information
about each congressmen. We will use this going forward as a
clearing house for all efforts to hold congressmen accountable.
Details will follow soon.

Continue to contact your congressmen as you want. One thing that
we are trying to do with the WHY intiative, is to notify
congressmen that we will meet with them or otherwise establish
a dialogue and we will speak on authority. Citizen Wells and
Dean Haskins are initially available. We will be contacting
Orly Taitz and others to form an expert panel to answer any
questions or challenges provided. Orly has been doing some
of this already.

I know that many are impatient and frustrated. As I have stated
on numerous occasions, these problems did not come about overnight
and will not go away overnight. However, each step that we take
brings us one step closer to a safer, more just country.

God bless.

Senator Jim DeMint, United States Senator, SC senator, Ian Headley, Aide Headley, Obama ineligible, US Constitution, Congress, Electoral votes, South Carolina constituents, The WHY initiative, Restore the Constitutional Republic

“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and
the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service
of their country; but he that stands now, deserves the love and
thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered;
yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict,
the more glorious the triumph.” —Thomas Paine 1778


Are Watching



Citizen Wells Intro to WHY initiative

We are moving ahead with the “WHY” initiative to hold Congress
accountable now and moving forward. Dean Haskins has set up
Restore the Constitutional Republic under a .com for organizational
purposes and we are finalizing plans to challenge congressmen across
the nation now and henceforth. Dean Haskins, the Citizen Wells blog,
other internet websites, attorneys, businessmen, the military and
millions of Americans are united to uphold and defend the US
Constitution. We are determined to get answers from congressmen.

Why did they believe that Obama is eligible?

Why did no member of Congress challenge the Electoral votes?

Despite our many concerns about policies and actions such as the
so called stimulus bill, we are determined to uphold the US
Constitution and make Congress accountable. This effort will move
forward through the 2010 elections.

Millions of Americans were stunned as every institution in this
nation connected with the 2008 election, ignored the US
Constitution and pleas from masses of the public to vet Senator
Obama. Congressmen ignored their constituents, as if part of
some conspiracy to ensure that Obama got elected.

So we are asking WHY.

The obvious red flag that most people get, the one I am certain a
5th grader could understand is, if Obama was eligible, why did
Obama employ an army of attorneys and spend great sums of money
beginning with Philip Berg’s lawsuit in August 21, 2008, to avoid
proving his eligibility. All Obama had to do is what John McCain
did, provide Congress with a vault copy of his birth certificate,
i.e., a real birth certificate, not a record of a birth certificate
like Obama has tried to do.

If you’re not as smart as a fifth grader then consider the following:

Obama traveled to Pakistan in 1981 on an Indonesian passport.

Obama’s father was Kenyan, under British rule.

Obama became an Indonesian citizen.

There is no legal proof that Obama was born in Hawaii.

If Obama was born in Kenya, his mother did not meet the eligibility
requirements for Obama to be a natural born citizen.

Consider this letter from a Brigadier General:

Charles E. Jones
Brigadier General US Air Force, Retired
Lifetime subject to recall for active duty
Recipient of the Distinguished Service Medal (AF)

“We the People of the United States of America” are entitled to know
the legal qualifications of the President and Commander in Chief. 
For the better good and National Security of “We the People of the
United States” and for Absolute Command of the Military Forces of the
United States, I whole heartedly support the efforts of Dr. Orly Taitz,
ESQ for taking legal action to determine whether or not Barack Hussein
 Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, Citizen of Indonesia and possibly citizen
of Kenya, is eligible to become President of the United States and
Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces.

We were notified today that 4 TN state representatives
have agreed to cooperate with Orly Taitz in her lawsuit.
Eric Swafford, Stacy Camfield, Glen Casada and
Frank Niceley  have signed a document demanding Obama
produce his documents:

Dean Haskins and I have begun the process of contacting
congressmen and we started with Representative Sue Myrick
and Senator Jim DeMint. We have been discussing possible
reasons why so many senators were misinformed or apathetic.
Perhaps much of the information sent to them was filtered
or blocked by their aides. Regardless, we want answers. Here
is a dialogue that Dean Haskins had with Ian Headley, an
aide to Senator DeMint. Please remember that we have not
yet spoken to Senator DeMint.

Beginning of dialogue:

I recently had an interesting exchange with one of SC Senator Jim DeMint’s staffers.  Now, understand, as far as legislators go, I think Senator DeMint is one of the better ones we have; however, on this particular issue, he appears to be either as uniformed, or as willfully negligent, as the rest of them.  At this point, I’m not sure which.  And I say that, understanding that it is possible he is not even aware this exchange even occurred (although I’d be surprised if, by my last two posts to him, Mr. Headley didn’t alert Senator DeMint of the “situation” he had just created). 
Some of us are now wondering just how many of our communications actually make it to the elected officials to whom we write.  It looks like the staffers provide quite a firewall between their bosses and We the People.
If this weren’t such a tragically dire situation for our country, it would be quite humorous.  It seems Mr. Headley wasn’t in the mood for a logical argument, but he obviously got a nice workout dancing around my questions.
So, see if you can tell where a bit of rudimentary logic pulled the wheels off his wagon.
Note: I start my letter by referencing my late brother who, until his death in 2000, was the Speaker Pro Tem of the SC State House.  He died of cancer at age 45.
Dear Senator DeMint:
By way of introduction, I am Terry Haskins’ brother.  I live in Virginia, and work in music production, ad and website design, and writing.  I am also the chairman of Restore the Constitutional Republic.  I pray that I may gain your consideration in this matter, simply because I understand you respected my brother, as he did you.  Before this last election cycle, I have never been a political “activist,” however, this issue has grabbed my attention, and I believe that, if he were alive today, Terry would have heartily joined me in the profound concern I have in this.
By now, I’m sure you are aware of the growing mass of concerned citizens throughout the U.S. who have legitimate questions about Mr. Obama’s natural born citizen status.  Many volunteers in several organizations worked tirelessly to provide the members of Congress with the pertinent information, and since you’ve recently been included as a defendant in one of the many lawsuits that have been filed across the country (Kerchner v. Obama), I’m sure you are aware of the constitutional issues that are being raised.
Senator DeMint, we are not conspiracy theorists, and we do not don tinfoil hats, as the liberal mainstream media would have everyone believe.  We are just everyday citizens who know something is not right, and who highly regard our Constitution.  I believe that you are a very intelligent person, but I don’t believe it even takes that much common sense to understand that someone doesn’t hire high-priced law firms to battle dozens of lawsuits if he does not desire to keep the very thing being asked for hidden.  There is obviously something on that document he does not want us to know—as well as all the other documentation he has sealed from public scrutiny.
That being said, this letter is really not intended as a vehicle by which to defend or expound the numerous claims that are being proffered.  This letter is more of a personal request.
I am in fairly frequent contact with many of the leaders of this grassroots movement, and, frankly, we have been dumbstruck at the obvious lack of inquest by any of our elected officials.  We know many of those leaders to have been quite vocal about unpopular matters in the past, and we are now trying to understand why not one member of Congress uttered even a whimper about this.
We know there must be a reason, and that is the purpose of this letter.  We would like an opportunity to sit down with you, face to face, and have you explain to us why this bizarre series of events unfolded as it did.  There simply must have been something that prevented an honest, open discussion about this, and we’d certainly appreciate knowing what that was.
I look forward to your response.
For our Constitution,
Dean C. Haskins
P.S.  I don’t know if you are aware that I designed a website in Terry’s memory.  If you haven’t seen it, it is located at
Mr. Haskins,
Thank you for your note.  Your brother meant so much to so many of us in South Carolina.  One of the highest points of Senator DeMint’s career was receiving the Terry Haskins award from the SC Republican Party.
I heard from Senator Thomas’ office and appreciate you contacting me.
I cannot speak for other Members of Congress and neither can Senator DeMint.  However, Senator DeMint has looked into the claims with regard to Barack Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of President.  Multiple court cases have reached the Supreme Court, through the legal framework of our nation.  Each case has since been dismissed.  It appears from all evidence available, the President was qualified under the Constitution for Congress to certify the electoral college vote.
You would need to contact other Members of Congress, if you have questions about their thoughts and actions on this issue.  Neither I, nor Senator DeMint, are in a position to explain their actions.
I wish you all the best, and encourage you to keep fighting to have the right policies implemented in our nation.
Ian Headley
Mr. Headley,
Thank you so much for your speedy reply.  I genuinely appreciate it.  I would also like to express my gratitude for your kind sentiments about my brother.  I still miss him very much.
Please know that I mean absolutely no disrespect here, but your response is precisely the type of misinformation about which I spoke.  Since none of the cases dealing with the natural born issue have even had their merits heard, what standard of truth did Senator DeMint use to determine that Mr. Obama is, indeed, a natural born citizen?  Each of those cases was dismissed over issues of “standing.”  One can determine nothing of the merits of a case when it is dismissed on a procedural technicality.  Has Senator DeMint physically verified something to which nobody else has had access?
And, since the only proof Mr. Obama has proffered to date has been verified by two separate forensic document examiners to be a forgery, again, I ask, what is Senator DeMint’s standard of truth?  Please see this.
Your statement also seems to imply that there are presently no active lawsuits, which is simply not true.  Please look here.  In addition to the fact that Senator DeMint is one of the defendants in a procedurally active case (Kerchner v. Obama), please know that there continue to be new actions filed.
Please watch my video dealing with this issue here.
Mr. Headley, what has happened to common sense?  It appears no longer to exist.
Kindest regards,
Dean Haskins
Mr. Headley,
I just wanted to follow up and ask if I can expect an answer from either you or Senator DeMint regarding what specific evidence Senator DeMint used to determine, conclusively, that Barack Obama is a natural born citizen, since none of the dismissed cases had any of their merits heard.  I’m sure you can understand my concern, because a plaintiff not having standing to bring a case is certainly not the same thing as evidence being weighed by a court.  Your previous response seemed to indicate that Senator DeMint determined that Barack Obama is a natural born citizen simply because the Supreme Court believed the plaintiff’s were not legally able to have their cases heard. 
Please provide the evidence that Senator DeMint used to come to the conclusion he did.
Thank you,
Dean Haskins
Mr. Haskins,
I understand you are not satisfied with the results of the various unsuccessful court cases with regard to this issue.
However, you initiated this communication stating, “this letter is really not intended as a vehicle by which to defend or expound the numerous claims that are being proffered.”
Relying on your statement, I did not intend my response to engage in a discussion about the finer points of said ‘numerous claims’, nor will I do so now.
I believe my original response was clear as to the questions Senator DeMint is capable of answering.
I wish you all the best.
Ian Headley
Mr. Headley,
I apologize that I apparently have not communicated well, and there seems to be a bit of a “disconnect” between us.  My statements have nothing to do with my level of “satisfaction” about the outcomes of cases that have been dismissed; merely that those “outcomes” had nothing to do with the natural born citizenship issue—only whether or not the court believed the person(s) bringing the cases had standing to do so.
And, I am not “defending or expounding the numerous claims that are being proffered;” I am simply asking for you to explain your original answer.  You said,
“However, Senator DeMint has looked into the claims with regard to Barack Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of President.  Multiple court cases have reached the Supreme Court, through the legal framework of our nation.  Each case has since been dismissed.  It appears from all evidence available, the President was qualified under the Constitution for Congress to certify the electoral college vote.”
To which I questioned what the evidence was that Senator DeMint used to determine that Obama is a natural born citizen, other than the various plaintiffs’ ineligibility to have their cases heard (which, again, is not evidence of natural born citizenship).  Having provided no additional information about evidence, your statement could easily be understood to be that Senator DeMint actually relied on no evidence whatsoever by which to come to his conclusion.
If that is what you are saying, then I will accept it at face value.  And, I actually already suspected that to be the case.  That is what prompted my original request for a conversation with Senator DeMint, to determine why he chose not to demand that evidence be provided, knowing that there were so many unanswered questions surrounding the issue.  I believe that the truthshould be within the scope of answers Senator DeMint is capable of providing, and it appears you have now provided that.
Thank you,
Dean Haskins
Mr. Headley,
I certainly did not desire to end our discussion on such a disagreeable tone; although, with just a bit of elementary logic, you should be able to see the fundamental flaws in your answers to me.  Actually, yours is not all that different from the numerous other replies we’ve received from the offices of Congress members. 
It truly is a sad commentary that none of our elected officials actually bothered to ask for the most basic proof that Barack Obama is constitutionally eligible to be our president.  We firmly believe he is not, and he continues to obfuscate anything that might possibly prove us wrong.  And my reason for contacting Senator DeMint was to find out exactly what his reasoning was not even to ask for such basic proof.  It’s not as if the members of Congress weren’t alerted about the problem, for we have people across this country who sent them certified letters, and then retained the documentation proving their letters were sent.
The 20th Amendment states, “If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified . . .” Obviously, our forefathers envisioned a scenario in which someone would have attained the status of “President elect,” and then failed to qualify.  That would mean that, after he won the Electoral College vote, the founding fathers expected the members of Congress to verify that he was constitutionally qualified.  That simply did not happen with Barack Obama.
And we now believe we are in the midst of a constitutional crisis; hence the continued legal challenges, and the growing swell of military personnel (active and veteran) who are demanding this calamity be addressed.
Please don’t get me wrong, I admire and respect Senator DeMint.  I believe he is a fine statesman, and that is why I continue to labor over these communications.  In light of the fact that he is one of the many named defendants in Kerchner v. Obama, I believe Senator DeMint is in a singular position to get in front of this matter and lead our country out of this disaster. 
Senator DeMint could start a process to right this wrong by immediately calling for a congressional investigation into this matter.  He could declare to the joint houses of Congress that “We have erred by not exercising our constitutionally prescribed due diligence in this.”  Certainly, you can see the personal legal benefits he could derive from such actions; but, more importantly, he would go down in the annals of history as the one true patriot who actually fought for our Constitution.
I still desire to have a conversation with him.
For our Constitution,
Dean Haskins
Chairman, Restore the Constitutional Republic

End of dialogue

If you have been frustrated by congressmen that have ignored
your pleas to examine Obama’s eligibility problems, take
comfort in the fact that Dean Haskin’s brother was heavily
involved in SC politics. However, as will become obvious soon,
we do not give up easily. We, on behalf of the American public,
demand straight answers and we intend to get them. All of this
correspondence will be recorded and all congressmen will be
accountable sooner or later. There will be a day of reckoning
at least by the 2010 elections.

This is going to be a nationwide effort. We will be asking for
volunteers and hope to have an organization for each state. If
you have the desire and the resolve, go to the Restore the
Constitutional Republic site (new .com) and check often. In the
forum, there is a place by state where you can interact and sign
up. We have another site set up to collect and gather information
about each congressmen. We will use this going forward as a
clearing house for all efforts to hold congressmen accountable.
Details will follow soon.

Continue to contact your congressmen as you want. One thing that
we are trying to do with the WHY intiative, is to notify
congressmen that we will meet with them or otherwise establish
a dialogue and we will speak on authority. Citizen Wells and
Dean Haskins are initially available. We will be contacting
Orly Taitz and others to form an expert panel to answer any
questions or challenges provided. Orly has been doing some
of this already.

I know that many are impatient and frustrated. As I have stated
on numerous occasions, these problems did not come about overnight
and will not go away overnight. However, each step that we take
brings us one step closer to a safer, more just country.

God bless.

Defend our Freedoms Foundation, TN State Representative, Eric Swafford, Tennessee, Dr Orly Taitz, Eric Swafford plaintiff, Lawsuit, Obama not eligible

From Dr. Orly Taitz website, Defend our Freedoms Foundation:



First State Representative Joins Action!

Representative Eric Swafford of Tennessee has agreed to be a Plaintiff in a legal action of Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ to demand that Barack Obama proves his eligibility.

Download a copy of Representative Swafford’s consent form and bring it to your representatives today and insist they join in this action.

Representative Swafford proposed bill for Tennessee’s soveignty yesterday.

More States are expected to follow soon.”

Read more here:

Philip Berg update, February 9, 2009, Radio interview, MommaE blog radio, Sentinel Radio, US Constitution, Obama not eligible, Berg Vs Obama, US Supreme Court

From MommaE blog radio:


I wanted to let you know that Phil Berg will be on Sentinel
Radio tonight at 9 PM Eastern, the last hour with Hanen and
her Co-Hosts. He will be talking about the cases he has, any
updates and the fact that he will continue the fight to
defend our Constitution and to get the truth.

Please post this on your blogs, any blogs you are connected
with and allowed to post on and send to everyone in your
address book. Link to the show, call in number and times are
listed below.

Call In No:                646-727-2652        

6:00 PM Pacific Time

7:00 PM Mountain Time

8:00 PM Central Time

9:00 PM Eastern Time

I hope that you will join us for our first show. You can just
listen or you can come into the Chat as a Guest, listen and read
the Chat, or you can register/sign in and join in the Chat while
listening. The choice is yours.

MommaE for
Hanen and Sentinel Radio

Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln’s birthday, February 12, 2009, US Constitution, US Congress, Lincoln quotes, Hold Congress accountable, Safeguard liberties, Reverence for the laws, Restore the Constitutional Republic, The WHY initiative

“The greatness of Napoleon, Caesar or Washington is only
moonlight by the sun of Lincoln. His example is universal
and will last thousands of years….He was bigger than his
country—bigger than all the presidents together… and
as a great character he will live as long as the world

Leo Tolstoy, 1909



US Constitution


Abraham Lincoln spoke about preserving the US Constitution
and the union far better than I ever will. He lived it,
breathed it and made the ultimate sacrifice for it. Those
that wish to embrace Lincoln and be thought of in the same
sentence, must acknowledge that Abraham Lincoln stood for
something larger than himself, and be willing to sacrifice
for the good of all.

We are approaching the 200th anniversary of the birth of this
great man, born on February 12, 1809. A man for the ages.

“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the
people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all
the time.”
“I hold, that in contemplation of universal law, and of the
Constitution, the Union of these States is perpetual.”
“I therefore consider that in view of the Constitution and the
laws, the Union is unbroken; and to the extent of my ability I
shall take care, as the Constitution itself expressly enjoins
upon me, that the laws of the Union be faithfully executed in
all the States.”
“Let every American, every lover of liberty, every well wisher
to his posterity, swear by the blood of the Revolution, never
to violate in the least particular, the laws of the country;
and never to tolerate their violation by others.”
“I am exceedingly anxious that this Union, the Constitution, and
the liberties of the people shall be perpetuated in accordance
with the original idea for which that struggle was made, and I
shall be most happy indeed if I shall be an humble instrument in
the hands of the Almighty, and of this, his almost chosen people,
for perpetuating the object of that great struggle.”
“Fellow-citizens, we cannot escape history. We of this Congress
and this administration, will be remembered in spite of ourselves.
No personal significance, or insignificance, can spare one or
another of us. The fiery trial through which we pass, will light
us down, in honor or dishonor, to the latest generation.”


“I freely acknowledge myself the servant of the people, according
to the bond of service — the United States Constitution; and that,
as such, I am responsible to them.”
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter
and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

Lincoln speaks to us today:

“Let reverence for the laws, be breathed by every American mother,
to the lisping babe, that prattles on her lap — let it be taught
in schools, in seminaries, and in colleges; let it be written in
Primers, spelling books, and in Almanacs; — let it be preached
from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislative halls, and enforced
in courts of justice. And, in short, let it become the political
religion of the nation; and let the old and the young, the rich
and the poor, the grave and the gay, of all sexes and tongues,
and colors and conditions, sacrifice unceasingly upon its altars.”


“It is not merely for to-day, but for all time to come that we
should perpetuate for our children’s children this great and free
government, which we have enjoyed all our lives.”
“I appeal to you again to constantly bear in mind that with you,
and not with politicians, not with Presidents, not with
office-seekers, but with you, is the question, “Shall the Union
and shall the liberties of this country be preserved to the latest


“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this
continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to
the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that
nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long
endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have
come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place
for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live.
It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate — we can not
consecrate — we can not hallow — this ground. The brave men,
living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far
above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note,
nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what
they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated
here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus
far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to
the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead
we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the
last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that
these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under
God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of
the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from
the earth.”

Our marching orders, from Lincoln:

“Don’t interfere with anything in the Constitution. That
must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our
“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the
courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the
men who pervert the Constitution.”


“Neither let us be slandered from our duty by false accusations
against us, nor frightened from it by menaces of destruction to
the Government nor of dungeons to ourselves. LET US HAVE FAITH


“When the people rise in masses in behalf of the Union and the
liberties of their country, truly may it be said, “The gates of
hell shall not prevail against them.””
Join us in our endeavor to get straight answers from
congressmen and forever hold Congress accountable.

The WHY initiative.