Category Archives: California

California rejects Obama Obamacare cancellation fix and extension, 1.1 million Californians receiving notices of individual health insurance dropped, Socialists spend other people’s money

California rejects Obama Obamacare cancellation fix and extension, 1.1 million Californians receiving notices of individual health insurance dropped, Socialists spend other people’s money

“If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan.”…Barack Obama

“millions of Americans are getting or are about to get cancellation letters for their health insurance under Obamacare, say experts, and the Obama administration has known that for at least three years.”…NBC News October 29, 2013

“…and Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They [socialists] always run out of other people’s money. It’s quite a characteristic of them.”…Margaret Thatcher



From Zero Hedge November 21, 2013.

“Obama’s Flip-Flopping In Shambles As California Rejects Proposed One-Year Plan Extension”

“When Barack Obama, floundering in the endless humiliation from the disastrous rollout of Obamacare, gave the country’s insurance  companies the “put option” to reject the one-year “cancellation” extension fix stemming from the whole “if you like your plan, you can keep it, period” fiasco, he committed a cardinal sin – he lost control of the situation, because from that point onward the decision was no longer in his court. Furthermore, due to the syndicate nature of insurance companies and state insurance commissioners implementing Obamacare, suddenly the decision was subject to game theoretical facets including cooperation and defection, or rather just defection since at this point the biggest spoils would go to whoever had the initial leverage or rather, defiance of the president. Sure enough, California just flopped on Obama’s most recent flip when the state, moments ago, rejected Obama’s proposed fix to allow legacy plans to survive for one additional year.



“The state insurance commissioner had said that 1.1 million Californians are receiving notices that their current individual health insurance policies will be discontinued in 2014 because they do not meet the benefit requirements of the federal health care overhaul.

That has angered some policy holders, many of whom will see their monthly premiums and deductibles rise sharply with the new plans being offered. It also flies in the face of promises Obama made repeatedly when he said people who liked their current health insurance policies could keep them under his health insurance reforms.

The president has since backtracked and has asked states to allow insurance companies to extend those older policies.

But many insurance companies oppose that, saying doing so would undermine the new markets being set up under Obama’s law. They also said they did not have enough time to rebuild policies they already had discontinued.”


“And while Calirofnia’s decision certainly makes sense financially for the insolvent state (if not any other more prudent states), it merely adds to Obama’s political crucifixion as now it will appear as if he has lost all control over not just the website enrollment process, but also the entire onboarding process and is unable to even keep beneficiary states under control.

Welcome to socialist central planning 101 – where everything that can go wrong, sooner or later does.”

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Obama lies on Obamacare proven, California health insurance premiums increase 64 to 146 percent, Like your health insurance?, Job cuts new taxes increased costs, Affordable health care act???

Obama lies on Obamacare proven, California health insurance premiums increase 64 to 146 percent, Like your health insurance?, Job cuts new taxes increased costs, Affordable health care act???

“If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan.”…Barack Obama

“The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)[1] imposes numerous tax hikes that transfer more than $500 billion over 10 years—and more in the future—from hardworking American families and businesses to Congress for spending on new entitlements and subsidies. In addition, higher tax rates on working and investing will discourage economic growth both now and in the future, further lowering the standard of living.”…Heritage Foundation

“Can we stop calling ObamaCare the Affordable Care Act now?”…Guilford College student

Obama lies on Obamacare have now been proven.

Why would anyone be surprised?

Some of Obama’s lies on Obamacare include:

Obamacare is not a tax.

Obamacare will keep health care costs down.

Obama is creating jobs.

You can keep your existing health care coverage.

From Forbes May 30, 2013.
“Rate Shock: In California, Obamacare To Increase Individual Health Insurance Premiums By 64-146%”

“One of the most serious flaws with Obamacare is that its blizzard of regulations and mandates drives up the cost of insurance for people who buy it on their own. This problem will be especially acute when the law’s main provisions kick in on January 1, 2014, leading many to worry about health insurance “rate shock.”

Last week, the state of California claimed that its version of Obamacare’s health insurance exchange would actually reduce premiums. “These rates are way below the worst-case gloom-and-doom scenarios we have heard,” boasted Peter Lee, executive director of the California exchange.

But the data that Lee released tells a different story: Obamacare, in fact, will increase individual-market premiums in California by as much as 146 percent.

Lee’s claims that there won’t be rate shock in California were repeated uncritically in some quarters. “Despite the political naysayers,” writes my Forbes colleague Rick Ungar, “the healthcare exchange concept appears to be working very well indeed in states like California.” A bit more analysis would have prevented Rick from falling for California’s sleight-of-hand.

Here’s what happened. Last week, Covered California—the name for the state’s Obamacare-compatible insurance exchange—released the rates that Californians will have to pay to enroll in the exchange.

“The rates submitted to Covered California for the 2014 individual market,” the state said in a press release, “ranged from two percent above to 29 percent below the 2013 average premium for small employer plans in California’s most populous regions.”

That’s the sentence that led to all of the triumphant commentary from the left. “This is a home run for consumers in every region of California,” exulted Peter Lee.

Except that Lee was making a misleading comparison. He was comparing apples—the plans that Californians buy today for themselves in a robust individual market—and oranges—the highly regulated plans that small employers purchase for their workers as a group. The difference is critical.

Obamacare to double individual-market premiums

If you’re a 25 year old male non-smoker, buying insurance for yourself, the cheapest plan on Obamacare’s exchanges is the catastrophic plan, which costs an average of $184 a month. (That’s the median monthly premium across California’s 19 insurance rating regions.)

The next cheapest plan, the “bronze” comprehensive plan, costs $205 a month. But in 2013, on (NASDAQ:EHTH), the average cost of the five cheapest plans was only $92.

In other words, for the average 25-year-old male non-smoking Californian, Obamacare will drive premiums up by between 100 and 123 percent.

Under Obamacare, only people under the age of 30 can participate in the slightly cheaper catastrophic plan. So if you’re 40, your cheapest option is the bronze plan. In California, the median price of a bronze plan for a 40-year-old male non-smoker will be $261.

But on eHealthInsurance, the average cost of the five cheapest plans was $121. That is, Obamacare will increase individual-market premiums by an average of 116 percent.

For both 25-year-olds and 40-year-olds, then, Californians under Obamacare who buy insurance for themselves will see their insurance premiums double.”

Read more:

From the Greensboro News Record May 30, 2013.

“Like your health care policy? Affordable Care Act may change it”

“Many people who buy their own health insurance could get surprises in the mail this fall: cancellation notices because their current policies aren’t up to the basic standards of President Barack Obama’s health care law.

They, and some small businesses, will have to find replacement plans – and that has some state insurance officials worried about consumer confusion.

Rollout of the Affordable Care Act is going full speed ahead, despite repeal efforts by congressional Republicans. New insurance markets called exchanges are to open in every state this fall. Middle-class consumers who don’t get coverage on the job will be able to pick private health plans, while low-income people will be steered to an expanded version of Medicaid in states that accept it.

The goal is to cover most of the nation’s nearly 50 million uninsured, but even Obama says there will be bumps in the road. And discontinued insurance plans could be another bump.

Also, it doesn’t seem to square with one of the president’s best known promises about his health care overhaul: “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan.””

“”You’re going to be forcibly upgraded,” said Bob Laszewski, a health care industry consultant. “It’s like showing up at the airline counter and being told, `You have no choice, $300 please. You’re getting a first-class ticket, why are you complaining?'”

Obama’s promise dates back to June of 2009, when Congress was starting to grapple with overhauling the health care system to cover uninsured Americans. Later that summer, public anxieties about changes would erupt at dozens of angry congressional town hall meetings with constituents.

“If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period,” the president reassured the American Medical Association. “No one will take it away, no matter what.””

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From Citizen Wells November 25, 2012.

Wake Forest declined an interview request for this article. But it has said in other accounts that the roughly 6 percent staff cut is a pre-emptive measure for expected budget cuts and rising costs. And it expects remaining workers will become more productive as a result.

That’s a delicate balance, said Mark Graban, a national expert and consultant on health care management who lives in San Antonio, Texas.

“It’s easy to add up the cost savings of reduced payroll,” he said. “But it’s hard to add up the side effect of those layoffs.”

He said layoffs are sweeping the industry. Graban referred to a report from the American Hospital Association that says hospitals will cut 93,000 jobs during 2013.

Read more:


Thanks to commenter RMinNC.

California Crime Drops As Gun Sales Surge, Gun buyback lauded, 600000 sold last year, New CA gun laws for 2013 2014, Criminals turn in crime guns no questions asked

California Crime Drops As Gun Sales Surge, Gun buyback lauded, 600000 sold last year, New CA gun laws for 2013 2014, Criminals turn in crime guns no questions asked

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”…Barack Obama

“If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States, for an outright ban, picking up [every gun]… Mr. and Mrs. America, turn ‘em all in.”…Dianne Feinstein

“Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA – ordinary citizens don’t need guns, as their having guns doesn’t serve the State.”…Heinrich Himmler

I always expect the most stupid manifestations of liberalism in California and they never disappoint me.

From Political Outcast December 31, 2012.

“California Crime Drops As Gun Sales Surge”

“Los Angeles officials recently lauded their gun buyback program on Wednesday that bribed gun owners with a Ralph’s gift card worth either $100 or $200, depending on the type of gun they turned in. On Wednesday, the LAPD collected 2,037 guns including handguns, rifles, “assault” weapons and one rocket launcher. In total, these buybacks have pulled in about 10,000 California guns since the program began in 2009.

While officials are celebrating these programs and saying that these events will make California streets safer, gun sales there have shot up significantly in the past 10 years. In 2002, 350,000 guns were sold in California, but last year, over 600,000 were sold. So a couple thousand guns were turned in last week, but that’s nothing compared to the hundreds of thousands bought last year alone. What’s also telling is the overall drop in crime that corresponded to the increase in gun sales:

“Gun deaths and injuries have dropped sharply in California, even as the number of guns sold in the state has risen, according to new state data…. During that same period, the number of California hospitalizations due to gun injuries declined from about 4,000 annually to 2,800, a roughly 25 percent drop, according to hospital records collected by the California Department of Public Health. Firearm-related deaths fell from about 3,200 annually to about 2,800, an 11 percent drop, state health figures show. Most of the drop in firearm-related injuries and deaths can be explained by a well-documented, nationwide drop in violent crime. The number of California injuries and deaths attributed to accidental discharge of firearms also has fallen. The number of suicide deaths involving firearms has remained roughly constant.”

Expect the gun control advocates to attribute any drop in violent crime in California to these silly gun buyback programs. But what they don’t tell us is how many people are turning in their guns because they’re old and defunct. Maybe some of their guns aren’t even worth $25, so the prospect of getting $100 in groceries sounds like a great deal.

What they also don’t tell us is how many criminals are turning in guns that they used to commit crimes. Since there are “no questions asked,” the police are taking the evidence and destroying it for the criminal.

And as for the rest of the gun owners who turned in their weapons, they’re only making themselves more vulnerable to the criminals who wouldn’t dare turn in their guns.

These programs will have little to no effect on violent crime rates. However, what is already having an effect is the proliferation of guns to law-abiding citizens in California who understand that when seconds count, the police are minutes away.”

From Californiality January 1, 2013.

“New California Gun Laws 2013”

“New California gun laws for are now in effect as of January 1, 2013.

The list of new California gun laws for 2013 signed by Governor Jerry Brown also includes two delayed gun laws which go into effect one year from now.

Following afterward are existing state firearms laws that took effect at the beginning of last year.

New California Gun Laws 2013

AB 1527 – Long Gun Open Carry Ban

The new gun law prohibits open carry of unloaded long guns, such as rifles and shotguns, in public places. This is a follow-up to last year’s AB 144, which prohibited the open carry of unloaded handguns in public places. Read the official text of AB 1527 because there are several other provisions within the new gun law. Law now in effect.

SB 1315 – Imitation Firearms

The new gun law authorizes Los Angeles County to enact and enforce an ordinance that is stricter than state law regarding the manufacture, sale, possession or use of any BB device, toy gun, replica of a firearm or other device that is so substantially similar in coloration and overall appearance to an existing firearm as to lead a reasonable person to perceive that the device is a firearm and that expels a projectile that is no more than 16 millimeters in diameter. Read the official text of SB 1315. Law now in effect.

Senate Bill 1367 – Deer, Archery Season, Concealed Firearms

The new gun law revises the Fish and Game Code authorizes a peace officer, whether active or honorably retired, or a person with a valid license to carry a firearm on his or her person while engaged in the taking of deer with bow and arrow, but prohibits taking or attempting to take deer with that firearm. Read the official text of SB 1367. Law now in effect.
Next Year’s California Guns Laws Not Yet In Effect”

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2.3 million California ballots not yet processed, 963 ballots found in Broward County FL warehouse, Florida must have recount, Who is watching CA?

2.3 million California ballots not yet processed, 963 ballots found in Broward County FL warehouse, Florida must have recount, Who is watching CA?

“I’m here to vote because I’m standing on my religious views. I’m a Democrat but I’m voting for Romney because he believes in the same values and morals that I stand on,”...CA voter, KABC News

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. His heart sank as he thought of the enormous power arrayed against him, the ease with which any Party intellectual would overthrow him in debate, the subtle arguments which he would not be able to understand, much less answer. And yet he was in the right! They were wrong and he was right. The obvious, the silly, and the true had got to be defended. Truisms are true, hold on to that! The solid world exists, its laws do not change. Stones are hard, water is wet, objects unsupported fall towards the earth’s centre. With the feeling that he was speaking to O’Brien, and also that he was setting forth an important axiom, he wrote:

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.”…George Orwell, “1984″

“It’s not who votes that counts, it’s who counts the votes”…Joseph Stalin

As of 5:00 PM yesterday, November 13, 2012, 2,304,250 ballots had not been processed in the state of California.

Vote by Mail: 1,250,178

Provisionals: 972,147

Other: 81,925

Click to access unprocessed-ballots-report.pdf

And in Florida, where voter fraud, irregularities and floating vote counts are documented, almost 1,000 ballots were found in a warehouse in Broward County.

From WSVN News November 14, 2012.

“Almost 1K ballots found in Broward elections warehouse”

“Nearly a thousand ballots that were not included in Florida’s final count have been found in a warehouse in Broward County.

Tuesday morning and into the night, there was a buzz of activity at the Voting Equipment Center in Lauderhill, a week after the general election. There was a recount going on for two commission seats that were too close to call, one in Hallandale Beach and another in Dania Beach. Workers had to count those votes manually.

Also keeping elections officials busy is the fact that 963 filled ballots were found in a warehouse. The supervisor of elections, Dr. Brenda Snipes, said this happens all the time, especially when dealing with paper ballots. Her department is not the only one to have seen more ballots added to the final number after the election, and they have until Nov. 18 to certify all the votes.

Snipes noted that it is a routine thing to look for these kind of mishaps after election night and she is just glad that they are now being tallied into that final count.

Last Tuesday, close to 800,000 people voted in Broward County, some waited in lines for four to five and sometimes six hours. Many have said the news of these ballots add to their uneasiness about how the election was run. Florida was the last state to officially announce its election results, long after President Obama was officially announced as re-elected.

Snipes said there is no reason for alarm. “I’ve run several elections here, and this election was run no different than any other,” she said. “I think the difference with this election is that there was a close race between the two presidential candidates, and there was pressure put on everyone, including our office, to get all of the votes, count, count, count, so you don’t have an opportunity to check every box that comes back because you got to get what you got in hand and get it out of there, so if the voters would rather that we kind of sit back and relax and then clean up and find ballots. Then I think they would really be very upset.”

She said that further complicating this election was a very long ballot filled with proposed amendments. Snipes has promised that her department will meet their deadline by Sunday.”

Read more:

California mail in provisional and other total over 3 million uncounted, Prop 37 defeated?, Romney votes being counted?, Over half of ballots mailed

California mail in provisional and other total over 3 million uncounted, Prop 37 defeated?, Romney votes being counted?, Over half of ballots mailed

“I’m here to vote because I’m standing on my religious views. I’m a Democrat but I’m voting for Romney because he believes in the same values and morals that I stand on,”...CA voter, KABC News

“The statewide ballot initiative to label genetically engineered food known as Proposition 37 was soundly defeated on election day, by 53 percent to 47 percent.”…Mercury News
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. His heart sank as he thought of the enormous power arrayed against him, the ease with which any Party intellectual would overthrow him in debate, the subtle arguments which he would not be able to understand, much less answer. And yet he was in the right! They were wrong and he was right. The obvious, the silly, and the true had got to be defended. Truisms are true, hold on to that! The solid world exists, its laws do not change. Stones are hard, water is wet, objects unsupported fall towards the earth’s centre. With the feeling that he was speaking to O’Brien, and also that he was setting forth an important axiom, he wrote:

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.”…George Orwell, “1984”

The great Citizen Wells commenter zachjonesishome provided this update today, November 11, 2012 at 11:00 AM. DID PROP 37 REALLY LOSE OR WAS IT VOTE FRAUD? ^ | 11-8-2012 | John Rappaport

Posted on Sunday, November 11, 2012 10:32:18 AM by Renfield

Hold your horses.

On election night, not long after the polls closed in California, the announcement came out: Prop 37 was losing. A little while later, it was all over. 37 had gone down to defeat.

But is that the whole story? No.

As of 2:30PM today, Thursday, November 8th, two days after the election, many votes in California remain uncounted.

I tried to find out how many.

It turns out that the Secretary of State of CA, responsible for elections in the state, doesn’t know.

I was told all counties in California have been asked, not ordered, to report in with those figures. It’s voluntary.

So I picked out a few of the biggest counties and called their voter registrar offices. Here are the boggling results:

Santa Clara County: 180,000 votes remain uncounted.

Orange County: 241,336 votes remain uncounted.

San Diego County: 475,000 votes remain uncounted.

LA County: 782,658 votes remain uncounted.

In just those four counties, 1.6 million votes remain uncounted.

The California Secretary of State’s website indicates that Prop 37 is behind by 559,776 votes.

So in the four counties I looked into, there are roughly three times as many uncounted votes as the margin of Prop 37′s defeat.

And as I say, I checked the numbers in only four counties. There are 54 other counties in the state. Who knows how many votes they still need to process?

So why is anyone saying Prop 37 lost?

People will say, “Well, it’s all about projections. There are experts. They know what they’re doing. They made a prediction…”

Really? Who are those experts? I have yet to find them.

For big elections, the television networks rely on a private consortium called the National Election Pool (NEP). NEP does projections and predictions. Did NEP make the premature call on Prop 37? So far I see no evidence one way or the other.

NEP makes some calls for the television networks, but NEP is composed of CBS, CNN, FOX, NBC, ABC, and AP. It could hardly be called an independent source of information for those networks.

NEP has AP (Associated Press) do the actual vote tabulating, and NEP also contracts work out to Edison Media Research and Mitofsky International to do exit polls and projections based on those polls.

Edison Media Research did the exit polls in the state of Washington for this election. How? They surveyed 1493 people by phone. Based on that, I assume they made all the projections for elections in that state, even though there is no in-person voting in Washington, and voters can submit their ballots by mail, postmarked no later than election Tuesday. So how could Edison know anything worth knowing or projecting on election night?

Both Edison Research and Mitofsky were involved in the 2004 election scandal (Kerry-Bush), in which their exit polls confounded network news anchors, because the poll results were so far off from the incoming vote-counts.

Edison and Mitofsky issued a later report explaining how the disparity could have occurred; they tried to validate their own exit-poll data and the vote-count, which was like explaining a sudden shift in ocean tides by saying clouds covered the moon. It made no sense.

So if NEP did the premature Prop 37 projections that handed 37 a resounding loss, there is little reason to accept their word.

We’re faced with a scandal here. An early unwarranted projection against Prop 37 was made, when so many votes were still uncounted.

Those votes are still uncounted.

Why should we believe anything that comes next?”

This is a snapshot of the vote tally for California taken at approximately 9:00 AM on November 10, 2012.

Obama……..Romney….Johnson.. Stein….. Barr ..Hoefling.. Total

5,863,499   3,816,757   104,350   61,004   39,031     0     9,884,641

The latest Estimated Unprocessed Ballots for November 6, 2012, General Election from California is dated November 9, 2012, 5:00 PM.

Vote by mail:  2,314,609

Provisionals:  922,446

Other:  97,440

Estimated total remaining: 3,334,495

Click to access unprocessed-ballots-report.pdf

Did Obama lose California?, Or was vote closer?, Romney votes missing, Obama votes plummet, Mail in ballots problem?, Something rotten in state of CA

Did Obama lose California?, Or was vote closer?, Romney votes missing, Obama votes plummet, Mail in ballots problem?, Something rotten in state of CA

“I’m here to vote because I’m standing on my religious views. I’m a Democrat but I’m voting for Romney because he believes in the same values and morals that I stand on,”...CA voter, KABC News

Did Obama lose in California?

Something is definitely rotten in the state of CA.

The following 2012 CA counts were captured at approximately 9:00 AM today.

Obama…… Romney… Johnson.. Stein… Barr……Hoefling.. Total

5,863,499  3,816,757  104,350  61,004  39,031         0            9,884,641

The following 2012 CA counts were captured at approximately 2:45 PM today.

5,958,059  3,870,455 106,147  62,005   39,627 29,064   10,065,357

In 2008,  13,474,082 votes for president were cast.

As of 2:45 today 10,065,357 votes for president were cast.

That is a difference of 3,408,725 votes.

In 2008 Obama received 8,274,473 votes.

So far in 2012 Obama has received 5,958,059 votes.

That is a difference of 2,316,414 votes.

Obviously some of those votes Obama didn’t get went to Romney.


In 2008 John McCain received 5,011,781 votes.

So far in 2012 Romney has received 3,870,455 votes.

Does any rational person believe that Romney received that much less than McCain?

Especially with Obama’s drop in votes.

Let’s assume for a moment that 1 million fewer people voted in 2012.

Where’s the rest of the votes?

Consider the following.

A record number of Californians have registered to vote.

Field Poll estimated there would likely be a million fewer voters than in 2008.
Field poll predicted nearly thirteen million Californians or about seventy percent of registered voters would cast ballots.
Fifty one percent of voters will vote by mail.

“Those probably don’t get counted for another couple of weeks,” Mark DiCamillo, Director of Field Poll

People have been questioning how Mitt Romney could get fewer votes than John McCain. CA is part of the answer. How many mail in ballots remain to be counted and what controls are in place to insure security and accuracy?

Remember, California had one of the highest unemployment rates in the country. It is plausible that this race could be much closer.


Click to access 2008presgeresults.pdf

RFK assassination witness Nina Rhodes Hughes confirms computer analysis of multiple shooters, Two guns firing, Sirhan Sirhan, 13 shots detected

RFK assassination witness Nina Rhodes Hughes confirms computer analysis of multiple shooters, Two guns firing, Sirhan Sirhan, 13 shots detected

From CNN April 30, 2012.
“RFK assassination witness tells CNN: There was a second shooter”
“As a federal court prepares to rule on a challenge to Sirhan Sirhan’s conviction in the Robert F. Kennedy assassination, a long overlooked witness to the murder is telling her story: She heard two guns firing during the 1968 shooting and authorities altered her account of the crime.

Nina Rhodes-Hughes wants the world to know that, despite what history says, Sirhan was not the only gunman firing shots when Kennedy was murdered a few feet away from her at a Los Angeles hotel.

“What has to come out is that there was another shooter to my right,” Rhodes-Hughes said in an exclusive interview with CNN. “The truth has got to be told. No more cover-ups.”

Her voice at times becoming emotional, Rhodes-Hughes described for CNN various details of the assassination, her long frustration with the official reporting of her account and her reasons for speaking out: “I think to assist me in healing — although you’re never 100% healed from that. But more important to bring justice.”

“For me it’s hopeful and sad that it’s only coming out now instead of before — but at least now instead of never,” Rhodes-Hughes told CNN by phone from her home near Vancouver, British Columbia.

Sirhan, the only person arrested, tried and convicted in the shooting of Kennedy and five other people, is serving a life sentence at Pleasant Valley State Prison in Coalinga, California.

The U.S. District Court in Los Angeles is set to rule on a request by the 68-year-old Sirhan that he be released, retried or granted a hearing on new evidence, including Rhodes-Hughes’ firsthand account.

At his 1969 trial, Sirhan’s original defense team never contested the prosecution’s case that Sirhan was the one and only shooter in Kennedy’s assassination. Sirhan testified at his trial that he had killed Kennedy “with 20 years of malice aforethought,” and he was convicted and sentenced to death, which was reduced to life in prison in 1972.

After the trial, Sirhan recanted his courtroom confession.

In the recent federal court filings, state prosecutors led by California Attorney General Kamala Harris argue that even if there were a second gunman involved in the Kennedy shooting, Sirhan hasn’t proven his innocence and he’s still guilty of murder under California’s vicarious liability law.”

“In a response also filed in federal court in Los Angeles, the defense team led by New York attorney William Pepper contends that the FBI misrepresented Rhodes-Hughes’ eyewitness account and that she actually had heard a total of 12 to 14 shots fired.

“She identified fifteen errors including the FBI alteration which quoted her as hearing only eight shots, which she explicitly denied was what she had told them,” Sirhan’s lawyers argued in February, citing a previously published statement from Rhodes-Hughes.
In this NBC photo taken in 1965, TV actress Nina Roman, today known as Nina Rhodes-Hughes, left, and her “Morning Star” co-star Elizabeth Perry, right, meet Robert F. Kennedy at NBC’s Burbank studios. Two and a half years later, Rhodes-Hughes witnessed Kennedy’s assassination.The FBI and the California attorney general’s office both declined to comment to CNN on the controversy over Rhodes-Hughes’ witness account since the matter is now being reviewed by a federal judge.

Rhodes-Hughes was a television actress in 1968 who worked as a volunteer fundraiser for Kennedy’s presidential campaign.

The FBI report indicates that Rhodes-Hughes was indeed inside the kitchen service pantry of the Ambassador Hotel during the crucial moments of the Kennedy shooting, but she contends the bureau got details of her story wrong, including her assertions about the number of shots fired and where the shots were fired from.

Rhodes-Hughes, now 78, tells CNN she informed authorities in 1968 that the number of gunshots she counted in the kitchen pantry exceeded eight — which would have been more than the maximum Sirhan could have fired — and that some of the shots came from a location in the pantry other than Sirhan’s position.

Robert Kennedy was the most seriously wounded of the six people shot inside the hotel pantry on June 5, 1968, only moments after the New York senator had claimed victory in California’s Democratic primary election. The presidential candidate died the next day; the other victims survived.

The Los Angeles County coroner determined that three bullets struck Kennedy’s body and a fourth passed harmlessly through his clothing. Police and prosecutors declared the four bullets were among eight fired by Sirhan acting alone.

Rhodes-Hughes tells CNN the FBI’s eight-shot claim is “completely false.” She says the bureau “twisted” things she told two FBI agents when they interviewed her as an assassination witness in 1968, and she says Harris and her prosecutors are simply “parroting” the bureau’s report.

“I never said eight shots. I never, never said it,” Rhodes-Hughes told CNN. “But if the attorney general is saying it then she’s going according to what the FBI chose to put into their report.”

“There were more than eight shots,” Rhodes-Hughes said by phone. She says that during the FBI interview in her Los Angeles home, one month after the assassination, she told the agents that she’d heard 12 to 14 shots. “There were at least 12, maybe 14. And I know there were because I heard the rhythm in my head,” Rhodes-Hughes said. She says she believes senior FBI officials altered statements she made to the agents to “conform with what they wanted the public to believe, period.”

“When they say only eight shots, the anger within me is so great that I practically — I get very emotional because it is so untrue. It is so untrue,” she said.

Contacted by CNN for comment, Sirhan lead attorney William Pepper called the alleged FBI alteration of Rhodes-Hughes’ story “deplorable” and “criminal” and said it “mirrors the experience of other witnesses.”

Other witnesses also mentioned more than eight shots

Law enforcement investigators have always maintained that only eight shots were fired in the RFK assassination, all of them by Sirhan. His small-caliber handgun could hold no more than eight bullets.

But released witness interview summaries show at least four other people told authorities in 1968 that they heard what could have been more than eight shots. The following four witness accounts appear not in FBI reports but in Los Angeles Police Department summaries:

— Jesse Unruh, who was speaker of the California Assembly at the time, told police that he was within 20 to 30 feet behind Kennedy when suddenly he heard a “crackle” of what he initially thought were exploding firecrackers. “I don’t really quite remember how many reports there were,” Unruh told the LAPD. “It sounded to me like somewhere between 5 and 10.”

— Frank Mankiewicz, who had been Kennedy’s campaign press secretary, told police that he was trying to catch up to the senator when he suddenly heard sounds that also seemed to him to be “a popping of firecrackers.” When an LAPD detective asked Mankiewicz how many of the sounds he’d heard, he answered: “It seemed to me I heard a lot. If indeed it had turned out to have been firecrackers, I probably would have said 10. But I’m sure it was less than that.”

— Estelyn Duffy LaHive, who had been a Kennedy supporter, told police that she was standing just outside the kitchen pantry’s west entrance when the shooting erupted. “I thought I heard at least about 10 shots,” she told the LAPD.

— Booker Griffin, another Kennedy supporter, told police that he had just entered the pantry through its east entrance and suddenly heard “two quick” shots followed by a slight pause and then what “sounded like it could have been 10 or 12” additional shots.

An analysis of a recently uncovered tape recording of the shooting detected at least 13 shot sounds erupting over a period of less than six seconds. The audiotape was recorded at the Ambassador Hotel by free-lance newspaper reporter Stanislaw Pruszynski and is the only known soundtrack of the assassination.

Audio expert Philip Van Praag told CNN that his analysis establishes the Pruszynski recording as authentic and the 13 sounds electronically detected on the recording as gunshots.

“The gunshots are established by virtue of my computer analysis of waveform patterns, which clearly distinguishes gunshots from other phenomena,” he said in an e-mail. “This would include phenomena that to human hearing are often perceived as exploding firecrackers, popping camera flashbulbs or bursting balloons.””

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John Bryson, Obama Commerce secretary nominee, BrightSource Energy $1.37 billion federal loan guarantee, Stimulus money for jobs overseas

John Bryson, Obama Commerce secretary nominee, BrightSource Energy $1.37 billion federal loan guarantee, Stimulus money for jobs overseas

From World Net Daily September 26, 2011.

“Obama Commerce pick awarded $1.37 billion in ‘stimulus funds’ for another risky solar plant”

“President Obama’s nominee for Commerce secretary served as chairman of the board of a solar energy company that recently received a $1.37 billion federal loan guarantee – the largest the Department of Energy has ever given for a solar power project.

Now that company, BrightSource Energy, is attempting to build the world’s largest solar power plant amid concerns such ventures may be too risky an investment for the federal government.

In June, BrightSource Chairman John Bryson was nominated by Obama to head the Commerce Department.

WND reported in June that Bryson co-founded an environmental activist group that is a member and funder of the controversial Apollo Alliance.

Read what we’ll need to accomplish to restore America to greatness.

Apollo is run by a slew of socialists and radicals, including Jeff Jones, a founder of the Weather Underground domestic terrorist organization. Jones himself boasts of doing work for the environmental group founded by Bryson, the Natural Resources Defense Council.

Bryson served until June as co-chairman of the Pacific Council on International Policy, a globalist organization whose members can be found throughout the Obama administration.

The massive loan guarantee to BrightSource is meant to build an expensive California desert solar plant known as the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System.

The system will feature mirrors that reflect sun toward a massive central tower that is in turn heated to produce steam meant to spin turbines to produce electricity.

The size of the BrightSource plant is thought to produce enough power to meet the needs of hundreds of thousands of Californians.

During a national address last October, Obama mentioned the possible benefits of BrightSource Energy’s “revolutionary new type of solar power plant.”

However, some have doubted that the massive solar plant will actually work.

The Bay Citizen quoted Michael Boyd, president of the nonprofit Californians for Renewable Energy, as saying there is “no evidence” BrightSource’s project will succeed.

Boyd complained most of the equipment used at the plant would be manufactured in China and Germany.

“Stimulus money isn’t going to jobs here in the U.S. It’s going to jobs overseas,” he said.”

“In 1970, Bryson co-founded the Natural Resources Defense Council, or NRDC, with a $400,000 seed grant from the Ford Foundation.

The group is also funded by the Tides Foundation, to which philanthropist George Soros has donated more than $7 million over the years. Tides itself is a major funder of leftist causes, including ACORN, whose founder and former chief organizer, Wade Rathke, is a Tides board member.

The NRDC is a major proponent of fighting so-called global warming. It recently endorsed a document called the Earth Charter, which, Discover the Networks notes, blames capitalism for many of the world’s environmental, social and economic problems.

The charter maintains that “the dominant patterns of production and consumption are causing environmental devastation, the depletion of resources, and a massive extinction of species. The benefits of development are not shared equitably and the gap between rich and poor is widening.”

The NRDC is a member of the Apollo Alliance. NRDC’s president, Frances Beinecke, is on Apollo’s board. The NRDC is also listed by Apollo as a funder of the group, having donated between $1,200 to $2,999 to become an Apollo “clean energy benefactor.”

The NRDC endorses many Apollo initiatives.

Apollo’s New York office is run by Jeff Jones, who founded the Weather Underground with terrorists Bill Ayers and radical Mark Rudd when the three signed an infamous statement calling for a revolution against the American government inside and outside the country to fight and defeat what the group called U.S. imperialism.

Jones currently boasts on his personal website that he has done consulting work for the NRDC.

Apollo has been credited by the Obama administration with helping craft portions of the $787-billion “stimulus” bill signed into law.

The Apollo Alliance has boasted in promotional material that it was behind several of the Obama administration’s “green” initiatives, in addition to crafting “green” sections of the stimulus bill.

Among Apollo’s board members are a group of extremists including:

•Van Jones, President Obama’s controversial former “green jobs czar” who resigned in September 2009 after it was exposed he founded a communist revolutionary organization and signed a statement that accused the Bush administration of possible involvement in the 9/11 attacks. Jones also called for “resistance” against the U.S.

Jones himself described the Apollo Alliance’s mission as “sort of a grand unified field theory for progressive left causes.”
•Joel Rogers, a founder of the socialist New Party. WND reported evidence indicating Obama was a New Party member. In an interview with WND, New Party co-founder and Marxist activist Carl Davidson previously recounted Obama’s participation with the New Party.
Following publicity of Apollo’s radicalism, including scores of articles by WND and investigations by the Fox News Channel, Apollo announced it will merge with the BlueGreen Alliance, a collaboration of large environmental groups and unions.”

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California mystery missile UFO captured in raw footage?, Catalina Island UFO sightings, UFO hunters

California mystery missile UFO captured in raw footage?, Catalina Island UFO sightings, UFO hunters

I have been listening to all of the government denials, theories and ridiculous
comments about the California Mystery Missile being an airplane. It is obvious,
after a brief perusal that this is not an airplane. I finally found a few minutes
and examined the raw footage. What I found amazed me. I do not have any special video analyzing tools or experience, however I can see well and think. I put up a simple video of the just over 5 second segment.
Reported here on November 10, 2010.

“Is our government lying to us again?

I am not saying or implying that a UFO was involved. However, after listening to all the denials, I was reminded of an incident from 1966 off the coast of Catalina Island.”

UFO Hunters has covered this story and other strange occurences happening around Catalina Island.

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I placed the following comment under that article.

“Interesting hypothesis:
Suppose our sub fired a missle at a UFO.
Thought provoking, eh?”

Here is what I found when I examine the video clip.

The raw video can be viewed here:

A clearer view of the object:

This is starting to look a lot like Roswell.