Tag Archives: smoking gun

Obama met with Blagojevich on November 5 2008, Smoking gun?, Obama lies, Axelrod lies, Blagojevich wiretap, KHQA TV article, KHQA retraction, Obama denial, Axelrod denial

Obama met with Blagojevich on November 5 2008, Smoking gun?, Obama lies, Axelrod lies

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”…Abraham Lincoln


Remember the controversial meeting between Obama and Blagojevich on November 5, 2008, one day after Obama stole the general election?


“Ill. governor meeting with Obama today

By Carol Sowers
Wednesday, November 05, 2008 at 10:39 a.m.
CHICAGO, ILL. — Now that Barack Obama will be moving to the White House, his seat in the U.S. Senate representing Illinois will have to be filled.

That’s one of Obama’s first priorities today.

He’s meeting with Governor Rod Blagojevich this afternoon in Chicago to discuss it.

Illinois law states that the governor chooses that replacement.

There’s already been speculation about his selection…from Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. of Chicago’s south side who co-chaired Obama’s presidential campaign, to recently-retired state senate president Emil Jones, to the governor himself.”

Read more:


KHQA TV then retracted the story.

“KHQA TV wishes to offer clarification regarding a story that appeared last month on our website ConnectTristates.com. The story, which discussed the appointment of a replacement for President Elect Obama in the U.S. Senate, became the subject of much discussion on talk radio and on blog sites Wednesday.

The story housed in our website archive was on the morning of November 5, 2008. It suggested that a meeting was scheduled later that day between President Elect Obama and Illinois Governor Blagojevich. KHQA has no knowledge that any meeting ever took place. Governor Blagojevich did appear at a news conference in Chicago on that date.

That’s fine, except for the fact that the KHQA story in my NewsBusters/BizzyBlog post earlier today was from November 8 — three days later (link again is to a file saved at my web host, obtained from Google cache shortly before it disappeared). It (obviously) talked about the meeting in the past tense (bold is mine):”

Read more:


Many, many thanks to Bizzy Blog for capturing verbage and screen shots. This is an excellent example of Orwellian attempts at revisionist history.

David Axelrod confirmed that Obama met with Blagojevich.

“At a news conference today, President-elect Barack Obama said that he had no contact with disgraced Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich (D-IL) or anyone on the governor’s staff about potential replacements for Obama in the United States Senate. But that statement directly contradicts Obama’s top political strategist, David Axelrod, who told a local Chicago television reporter less than two weeks ago that Obama did have a conversation with Blagojevich about the Senate vacancy.

“I know [Obama has] talked to the governor, and there are a whole range of names, many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them.””

Read more:


David Axelrod then issues a retraction.

“The Obama press office just sent out the following statement, via email:STATEMENT FROM SENIOR ADVISOR DAVID AXELROD

I was mistaken when I told an interviewer last month that the President-elect has spoken directly to Governor Blagojevich about the Senate vacancy. They did not then or at any time discuss the subject.
That should put the entire matter to rest.”

Read more:


As many of you know, I have been scrutinizing the wiretap evidence presented in the Rod Blagojevich trial. It’s a dirty job, but somebody’s got to do it. I was reading the following segment again. At first I did not notice the importance until the date November 5, 2008 jogged my memory. I reread the segment and it’s context. It appears to me that Blagojevich is referring to a meeting that will take place with Obama the afternoon of November 5, 2008.

DATE: 11/05/2008
TIME: 8:31 A.M.
ACTIVITY: Rod Blagojevich home line incoming call.
BLAGOJEVICH: Rod Blagojevich
HARRIS: John Harris


BLAGOJEVICH So, okay. How do we play this? We do
our thing today at 1:30, right?
HARRIS Yeah, 1:00, 1:30 whatever, ah, Lucio was
gonna check Obama’s public schedule too,
to see…
BLAGOJEVICH Well, he wants to do it at 1:30 cause
Quinn’s doing something at 2:00 o’clock.11
I don’t think it really… (UI) wants,
he wants to screw Quinn, I don’t know.
HARRIS Right, okay.
BLAGOJEVICH You think we should do something today
or no?
HARRIS Yeah, I don’t think we ought to make it
ah, that detailed. In other words, when
you talk about your search team, I think
you ought to be vague, you ought not
mention who, you just ought to say,
senior members of my staff. You know.
Ah, you ought to say that ah, you know,
again, that Barack Obama’s agenda, help,
you know, help ’em, help president-elect
Obama. Ah, I’ve, I’ve given talking
points to Lucio to kind of word-smith
with Bob, for your consideration. I
think you ought to wrap it as much
around Obama as possible.



Balanoff and Axelrod were ruled out from information in the wiretap.
Looks damning to me.


Obama Kenyan, Kenyan birth certificate, Orly Taitz, smoking gun, Obama not natural born citizen, Usurper, Mombasa Kenya birth certificate

Dr. Orly Taitz and World Net daily are reporting that Dr. Taitz has a copy of Barack Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate.

Here is a copy of the Kenyan Birth certificate:


The document is certainly compelling. Here are some more reasons to believe that this document may be Obama’s Kenyan Birth Certificate.

From an USafrica, June 3, 2008:

“Today, the historic dateline of Tuesday June 3, 2008 has become etched in the collective history of mankind as a worthy milestone. “Tonight, we mark the end of one historic journey with the beginning of another– a journey that will bring a new and better day to America. Because of you, tonight, I can stand before you and say that I will be the Democratic nominee for president of the United States.” With those soaring words, the history of this day continues to resonate all over the world as Senator Barack Obama, the savvy, hardworking son of a Kenyan immigrant and White mother, shattered the iron-gates of what seemed culturally and politically impossible.”


The Citizen Wells blog reported the above article on June 10, 2008. In that article it was noted that we had corroborating evidence from a reporter behind the scenes. This reporter is well connected in Washington, DC and Chicago. The reporter’s name was and is protected for their safety.

Read more

Philip Berg quoted in Citizen Wells article of August 25, 2008:

“”We really don’t believe he was born in Hawaii,” Berg said. “We think he was born in Kenya.”
The presidential candidate’s father, Barack Obama Sr., was born and raised in a small village in Kenya, according to Obama’s campaign Web site.
Berg’s suit claims the senator’s grandmother, brother and sister, who live in Kenya, believe they were present during Obama’s birth in the African country.””

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From the Texas Darlin blog, October 11, 2008, (updated)

“Coast Provincial General Hospital, Mombasa, Kenya
Update 2, 10/12/08 10:40 AM ET:  Since originally posting this story Saturday,  Atty. Philip Berg’s office informed us that they cannot discuss this matter due to pending litigation, which is understandable.”

“At this time, we have no further independent verification. However, the reason we published this story and the reason we will keep the story on this blog is that the language in Berg’s filing — which is a matter of public record — is specific about the Kenyan birth place, and we assume that the claim is based on something besides wishful thinking.

Update 1, 10/11/08: Please note that the information about the Kenyan BC is based on a tip that has not yet been verified. The information about the lawsuit is confirmed, and was taken from the court record.”

“Judah Benjamin’s analysis follows the Foreword.”

“I have received an unverified tip that certified copies of a Kenyan Birth Certificate (BC) for Obama were sent from Kenya, and have been received by three separate individuals. I am told that these documents are certified, with an embossed seal, and display the name of the hospital where Obama was born, as well as witness signatures.

Reportedly this BC reflects information filed Oct. 9 by Philip Berg. See item #18 on this docket, page 10, the relevant language of which, underlined in red, is captured here in a screen shot:
It reads:

…Obama was born at Coast Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya located in Coast Province…

We do not currently have any additional confirmation of this new information. If it is an accurate tip, the implications are disastrous for Senator Obama and his backers. For that analysis, we proceed to Judah Benjamin…”

(The link to the Texas Darlin blog does not currently work)


Philip Berg has Sarah Obama on tape, October 26, 2008:

“Berg said, he is in possession of a native-language audiotape of Sarah Obama, Barack Obama’s paternal grandmother, stating on the day of the last presidential debate that her famous grandson was indeed born in Kenya, and that she was present in the hospital for his birth.”

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Modern Ghana News and MSNBC verify that Obama was born in Kenya:

“For Ghana, Obama’s visit will be a celebration of another milestone in African history as it hosts the first-ever African-American President on this presidential visit to the continent of his birth.”

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EPA CO2 report, OMB memo, White House memo, Senator John Barrasso, smoking gun, Office of Management and Budget, OMB, dubious assumptions, negative economic impact, EPA administrator Lisa Jackson, accusing the EPA of making the finding for political reasons

“Leaked OMB CO2 memo: “no demonstrated direct health effects””
“All is not well in CO2 regulation land. You may have heard about a leaked memo from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) that questions the EPA findings on CO2 being a “threat to human health”.”

“It has some strong language about the negative impact EPA regulation of CO2 would have on the U.S. economy.”

““Making the decision to regulate CO2…is likely to have serious economic consequences for regulated entities throughout the U.S. economy, including small businesses and small communities,””

“The memo has no listed author but is marked “Deliberative–Attorney Client Privilege.” A spokesman for OMB told Dow Jones Newswires that the brief is a “conglomeration of counsel we’ve received from various agencies” about the EPA finding, the conclusions of which would trigger regulation of greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act.”

“At a Senate hearing [yesterday], Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) grilled EPA administrator Lisa Jackson about the memo.

“This is a smoking gun,” Barrasso said, accusing the EPA of making the finding for political reasons.”

Read more:


Obama, Acorn, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Voter fraud, Seize power, Saul Alinsky, Raila Odinga, Obama and Acorn socialists, Smoking gun

If you are not aware of the many ties Obama has to Acorn, you have some
work to do. You can find more on this blog, Michelle Malkin’s site,
Stanley Kurtz articles and many other good sources. Acorn has been
involved in voter fraud for years and just yesterday, the Las Vegas
office of Acorn was raided by law enforcement. Acorn was also a major
force in creating the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac mortgage and financial

Below is an exerpt from an official Acorn document. Read it carefully,
noting the highlighted words and relate their philosophy and actions
to current events. By all means, ask questions, do more reading and
tell everyone you know. As John McCain stated in the debate last night,
check the records of both candidates.
“ACORN Report
The ACORN Report is published by ACORN’s National Office and contains up-to-date information. We have ACORN Reports indexed by date and topic available.”

“City Limits February 1999
During its 15 years in New York City, ACORN has helped squatters claim derelict city-owned property, forced bankers to invest in low-income communities, and organized a war against the city’s workfare program.

It’s also developed a reputation for no-holds-barred tactics—getting results through adversarial campaigns against bankers, politicians and bureaucrats using confrontation and concession rather than consensus. ACORN, unlike most social service non-profits, scorns charity. Their goal is to help poor people seize power.”

This comes straight from the Acorn national office.
Note the following:

“Their goal is to help poor people seize power”

It does not say, as John Mccain or Ronald Reagan would say, help poor
people to better themselves and their economic condition, but rather
“seize power.”

This comes straight out of the playbook of Obama, Saul Alinsky and Raila Odinga.

If you are outraged at this attempt to socialize America, visit:


Read the Acorn article:


Obama Breaking News, smoking gun, Obama hypocrite, Obama lies, Jeremiah Wright and Don Imus

Another smoking gun concerning Barack Obama and his lies and hypocrisy. How did I miss this one. It is documented by ABC news by Jake Tapper April 11, 2007. We know that Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama’s pastor and mentor for 20 years is a racist, anti semite and fomentor of inflammatory hate filled messages. Obama chose to associate with Jeremiah Wright for 20 years. Obama chose to attend the same church as Louis Farrakhan, an even more racist,  and anti semite. Compare the “nappy headed ho” comment of Don Imus that got him fired last year. Now, Don Imus was certainly wrong to say what he said. But compare that to what Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan have consistently said over many years. Read the following quotes from Barack Obama as recorded by ABC news April 11, 2007:

“I understand MSNBC has suspended Mr. Imus, but I would also say that there’s nobody on my staff who would still be working for me if they made a comment like that about anybody of any ethnic group. And I would hope that NBC ends up having that same attitude.” 

“He didn’t just cross the line. He fed into some of the worst stereotypes that my two young daughters are having to deal with today in America. The notions that as young African-American women — who I hope will be athletes — that that somehow makes them less beautiful or less important. It was a degrading comment. It’s one that I’m not interested in supporting.”

“What we’ve been seeing around this country is this constant ratcheting up of a coarsening of the culture that all of have to think about,”

 “Insults, humor that degrades women, humor that is based in racism and racial stereotypes isn’t fun,”

“And the notion that somehow it’s cute or amusing, or a useful diversion, I think, is something that all of us have to recognize is just not the case. We all have First Amendment rights. And I am a constitutional lawyer and strongly believe in free speech, but as a culture, we really have to do some soul-searching to think about what kind of toxic information are we feeding our kids,”

The last paragraph says it all. Still think that Barack Obama is not a hypocrite? Still think that Barack Obama is not a liar? Still think that Jeremiah Wright is not a problem?

Read the article from ABC News here:


Obama smoking gun, Jeremiah Wright, NY Times, 2007, Barack Obama knew racist, anti semitic position

Barack Obama has denied attending sermons of pastor Jeremiah Wright that spoke of hating America and God damn America. Obama has distanced himself from Jeremiah Wright, even though he has had a close association with Wright for 20 years. Jeremiah Wright has been consistently referred to as Barack Obama’s mentor. So, Obama is giving high ideal speeches about racism and proposing that he will help heal the country and is suddenly denouncing pastor Wright. Obama’s innocence of Wright’s sermons is insincere if not an outright lie. Below are references to 2 NY times articles from 2007. They show Obama distancing himself from Wright early in 2007. Obama and his staff knew then that Jeremiah Wright and his anti America, racist and anti semitic statements would pose a problem.

The following is from a NY Times article of March 6 2007:

““Fifteen minutes before Shabbos I get a call from Barack,” Mr. Wright said in an interview on Monday, recalling that he was at an interfaith conference at the time. “One of his members had talked him into uninviting me,” Mr. Wright said, referring to Mr. Obama’s campaign advisers.”

“In Monday’s interview, Mr. Wright expressed disappointment but no surprise that Mr. Obama might try to play down their connection.”

““When his enemies find out that in 1984 I went to Tripoli” to visit Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, Mr. Wright recalled, “with Farrakhan, a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell.” Mr. Wright added that his trip implied no endorsement of either Louis Farrakhan’s views or Qaddafi’s.”

“According to the pastor, Mr. Obama then told him, “You can get kind of rough in the sermons, so what we’ve decided is that it’s best for you not to be out there in public.””

Read the full article here:

The following is from a NY Times article of April 30 2007:

“Few of those at Mr. Wright’s tribute in March knew of the pressures that Mr. Obama’s presidential run was placing on the relationship between the pastor and his star congregant. “Mr. Wright’s assertions of widespread white racism and his scorching remarks about American government have drawn criticism, and prompted the senator to cancel his delivery of the invocation when he formally announced his candidacy in February.””

“It is difficult to tell whether Mr. Obama’s religious and political beliefs are fused or simply run parallel. The junior senator from Illinois often talks of faith as a moral force essential for solving America’s vexing problems. Like Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York and John Edwards, his fellow Democratic candidates, he expresses both a political and a religious obligation to help the downtrodden. Like conservative Christians, he speaks of AIDS as a moral crisis. And like his pastor, Mr. Obama opposes the Iraq war.”

“It also helped give him spiritual bona fides and a new assurance. Services at Trinity were a weekly master class in how to move an audience. When Mr. Obama arrived at Harvard Law School later that year, where he fortified himself with recordings of Mr. Wright’s sermons, he was delivering stirring speeches as a student leader in the classic oratorical style of the black church.”

 “He has said that he relies on Mr. Wright to ensure “that I am speaking as truthfully about what I believe as possible.” He tends to turn to his minister at moments of frustration, Mr. Wright said, such as when Mr. Obama felt a Congressional Black Caucus meeting was heavier on entertainment than substance.”

““If Barack gets past the primary, he might have to publicly distance himself from me,” Mr. Wright said with a shrug. “I said it to Barack personally, and he said yeah, that might have to happen.””

Read the full article here: