Tag Archives: Seize power

Obama, Acorn, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Voter fraud, Seize power, Saul Alinsky, Raila Odinga, Obama and Acorn socialists, Smoking gun

If you are not aware of the many ties Obama has to Acorn, you have some
work to do. You can find more on this blog, Michelle Malkin’s site,
Stanley Kurtz articles and many other good sources. Acorn has been
involved in voter fraud for years and just yesterday, the Las Vegas
office of Acorn was raided by law enforcement. Acorn was also a major
force in creating the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac mortgage and financial

Below is an exerpt from an official Acorn document. Read it carefully,
noting the highlighted words and relate their philosophy and actions
to current events. By all means, ask questions, do more reading and
tell everyone you know. As John McCain stated in the debate last night,
check the records of both candidates.
“ACORN Report
The ACORN Report is published by ACORN’s National Office and contains up-to-date information. We have ACORN Reports indexed by date and topic available.”

“City Limits February 1999
During its 15 years in New York City, ACORN has helped squatters claim derelict city-owned property, forced bankers to invest in low-income communities, and organized a war against the city’s workfare program.

It’s also developed a reputation for no-holds-barred tactics—getting results through adversarial campaigns against bankers, politicians and bureaucrats using confrontation and concession rather than consensus. ACORN, unlike most social service non-profits, scorns charity. Their goal is to help poor people seize power.”

This comes straight from the Acorn national office.
Note the following:

“Their goal is to help poor people seize power”

It does not say, as John Mccain or Ronald Reagan would say, help poor
people to better themselves and their economic condition, but rather
“seize power.”

This comes straight out of the playbook of Obama, Saul Alinsky and Raila Odinga.

If you are outraged at this attempt to socialize America, visit:


Read the Acorn article:
