Tag Archives: Jeremiah Wright

Larry Sinclair, Chicago, October 5, 2008, TUCC, Reverend Moss, Trinity United Church of Christ, Sinclair plans to attend, Obama, Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, Donald Young, Sinclair Obama tour

I spoke to Larry Sinclair a few minutes ago. He was several hours away
from Chicago and stated that he hopes to attend one of the Sunday
services at TUCC, Trinity United Church of Christ. This is the same
church that Obama attended for many years with Jeremiah Wright as
pastor. Wright still has a presence at the church but the new reverend
is Otis Moss III.

TUCC is the same church where:

  • Wright said “God damn America.”
  • Wright said “The chickens have come home to roost” after 9/11.
  • Wright cheated on his wife. The same wife he allegedly stole from a
    man he was providing marriage counseling.
  • Wright and Louis Farrakhan visited Libya.
  • The church philosophy centers around Black Liberation Theology.
  • The same church where gay choir director Donald Young was murdered.

Read more about Larry Sinclair and his Take it to the Streets Tour:

Worship Services:
7:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and 6:00 p.m.


Trinity United Church of Christ
400 West 95th Street Chicago, Illinois 60628
Phone: (773) 962-5650

Obama, Jeremiah Wright, No respect for women, No respect for America, Wright has affair, Obama insults Palin, Lipstick on a pig’

“Birds of a feather flock together”

We have watched Barack Obama disrespect Hillary Clinton and the women of America during the campaign and the Democratic Convention. Obama attended TUCC for many years where his pastor condemned America and said “God damn America.” At the same time, Wright stole his current wife from a man he was marriage counseling and today it was discovered he cheated on his wife in April. Today, the same day we find out about Wright cheating on his wife, Obama insulted Palin.

ZachJonesIsHome blog has written an article about Obama’s insult of Sarah Palin. here are some exerpts:

“September 09, 2008

Obama: ‘Lipstick on a pig’

Amie Parnes reports from Lebanon, VA:

Obama poked fun of McCain and Palin’s new “change” mantra.

“You can put lipstick on a pig,” he said as the crowd cheered. “It’s still a pig.”

“You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It’s still gonna stink.””

“What a surprise that Barack is now using the sexist dogwhistles against Sarah Palin. He used them during the whole primary against Hillary Clinton. Pig? She stinks like fish? How pathetic!”

“From ZachJonesIsHome: Sen. Obama is nothing but a crude sexist thug from Chicago.

He has the audacity to insult Gov. Palin and women across the US, but will he tell us anything about his past? Will his friends fill us in on what his experiences are? Will the media ask him anything?”

Read more here:




Obama, Jeremiah Wright, O PASTOR IN SEX SCANDAL, NY Post, September 9, 2008, Wright controversy continues

The NY Post has uncovered more controversy surrounding Obama and his former pastor, Jeremiah Wright. In an article dated Tuesday, September 9, 2008, the NY Post reveals that Wright had an affair with Elizabeth Payne, a Dallas church worker. here are some exerpts from the breaking news:



“Posted: 4:13 am
September 9, 2008”

“He almost wrecked Barack Obama’s presidential dreams, and now firebrand pastor Jeremiah Wright has helped destroy a Dallas church worker’s marriage – and her job, The Post has learned.

Elizabeth Payne, 37, said she had a steamy sexual affair with the controversial, racially divisive man of the cloth while she was an executive assistant at a church headed by a popular Wright protégé.”

” “I was involved with Rev. Wright, and that’s why I lost my job and why my husband divorced me,” Payne said. ”

“Payne’s husband, Fred Payne, 64, said he learned of the affair in late February, when he discovered e-mails between his wife and Wright.

“There must have been about 80 of them, back and forth,” he said. “Wright said things like he was going to leave his wife for Elizabeth.”

Wright has been married to his second wife, Ramah, for more than 20 years.

The preacher reportedly wooed Ramah away from her first husband in the 1980s, when the couple came to marriage counseling at Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.”

Read more of the article here:


Donald Young death certificate, Larry Sinclair, Donald Young murder, Jeremiah Wright, Young’s death announced in church before pronounced dead, Jeremiah Wright knowledge of Young’s murder?

Larry Sinclair continues to ask questions about the murder of Donald Young, the gay choir director at TUCC, in December 2007. Larry Sinclair is asking why did Jeremiah Wright announce the death of Donald Young before Young was pronounced dead by the coroner. Sinclair has posted several articles on his new blog site and included a copy of Donald Young’s death certificate. Sinclair’s blog was shut down this morning. The reason given was that someone complained to HostMonster. Sinclair’s blog is back up. I am going to contact the management of HostMonster and get a clarification and determine what their position is on freedom of speech.

The Obama Campaign continues to be guilty of what they accuse others of, smears. The Obama Camp has done everything in their power to try to silence Larry Sinclair. Here are two comments from my blog from obviously one of the Obama henchmen:

 “Larry’s Tumor
Larry’s site was shut down because he illegally posted Mr. Young’s death certificate. Regardless of what Mr. Sinclair states, a death certificate is not public information per Illinois law. I notified his webhost, and they removed his site. I would highly recommend you also remove the death certificate from your site. You are also breaking the law.”

“Larry’s Tumor

Did you notice the death certificate go *poof* on larry’s site?

You might want to follow suit.”

I went to the Illinois Archives and here is what I found:

“Photocopies of Death Certificates dated on or after January 1, 1916
Prior to November 15, 2002, the Illinois State Archives offered free uncertified copies of death certificates dating from 1916 to 1947 to all patrons who requested them by email, telephone, or postal mail. Because the demand for those records overwhelmed our staff resources that service was discontinued.  Researchers may obtain copies of death certificates dated on or after January 1, 1916 by:

Visiting the Illinois State Archives Reference Room
Researchers wishing an unofficial and uncertified copy of a death certificate may visit the Illinois State Archives Reference Room. To locate a death certificate in our Reference Room, the following information from the database will be needed: decedent’s name; date of death; name of county and, if provided, township where the death took place; and death certificate number.
Contacting the Illinois Department of Public Health
The original death certificates remain in the custody of the Illinois Department of Public Health. Requests for death records on or after January 1, 1916 may be made to the Illinois Department of Public Health, Division of Vital Records, by mail, by fax, in-person and online. Researchers who are unable to visit the Illinois State Archives Reference Room may direct requests for death certificates after 1915 to the Illinois Department of Public Health.
Contacting the appropriate County Clerk
Copies of death certificates may also be obtained from the county clerk’s office in the county where the death occurred. Click here for the addresses of the county clerks of all 102 counties in Illinois.
In compliance with current legislation, the Illinois Department of Public Health and county clerks shall furnish for genealogical purposes certified or uncertified photocopies of death records not less than 20 years old at a specified fee (410 Illinois Compiled Statutes 535/24).”

Several commenters from the Obama Camp have tried, in typical Obama diversionary tactics, to state that Jeremiah Wright having knowledge of Young’s death soon after it happened was plausible. Read the following well written, fact based comment:

FYI, the church knowing SO SOON is highly suspicious. It is very likely they had first hand knowledge of the crime for the following reasons;

1. A crime scene takes hours to process. CSI has to be called out, as well as the Medical Examiner and a detective(s) to be assigned.

Those professionals take hours to arrive at the scene, be debriefed and start their own analysis taking notes, interviewing those CLOSEST to Young. Photos, fingerprints, trace evidence collection, coroner, interviews of roommate & next of kin.

2. Why would anyone call the church that soon? If Donald Young worked for the church, and didn’t show up, someone from the church may have called his home, but no information would be released from the crime scene that early in the investigation to anyone, not even the next of kin.
Once the next of kin is informed of the death, they are normally in such grief, that phone calls are not made right away.
Donald Young was a school teacher full time, so he was either a volunteer or part-time employee of the church and probably wouldn’t have been ‘notified’ until well after the crime scene had been processed, which would have taken many meticulous hours.

Discovering a friend or relative as the victim of a shooting is traumatic, gruesome shocking and terrifying. Who did this? Am I next?

Church services would be ‘in session’ and the phones would most likely not been answered.
It has been stated that many people got up and left the church. It is doubtful the services were ‘extended’ as a previous poster said was typical in a black church.

It is intensely suspicous the church knew so soon.”

Read more from Larry Sinclair here:



Larry Sinclair has a new post up. Sinclair has compared information on the death certificate of Donald Young to the announcement of Young’s death by Jeremiah Wright. Sinclair also provides information on the death of Nate Spencer and Larry Bland.


Posted by Larry Sinclair on July 18th, 2008

Certified Copies of Death Certificates Raise even More Questions

Below is the Chicago Television News report on the murder of Trinity United Christian Church Choir Director and openly gay lover of presumptive Democratic Presidential Nominee Barack Obama.


Now I have the following questions to ask based on fact, not fiction as has been claimed by the Obama internet warrior.

1.   Jeremiah Wright announced Donald Young’s death at either the 7:30 AM or 11:00 AM Service. Based on the Certified copy of Chicago Death Certificate on Donald Young, Young was “found shot at 7:30 am,” but was not pronounced dead in his apartment from multiple gunshot wounds by Medical Examiner until 12:10 PM, Sunday December 23, 2007

How did Jeremiah Wright already know Donald Young was dead?  Who told him?

The following information is also provided to demonstrate that which I have always stated was my knowledge, instead of the pro Obama factions making claims I have accused Obama of being involved in multiple murders.

I have always stated that while Larry Bland was indeed the victim of murder (Bland was pronounced dead by Medical Examiner of Multiple gun shot wounds November 17, 2007 at 8:40 AM) I have always stated it was my belief Young’s murder was intentionally made to appear to have been committed by the same killer of Bland.

Nate Spencer was not murdered, and in fact the information that I posted and informed people was my understanding is in fact verified based on the certified copy of the Death Certificate of Nate Spencer.  Nate Spencer pronounced dead of natural causes, “septicemia, pneumonia, HIV December 26, 2007 at 6:31 AM”

I repeat my above question:  How did Jeremiah Wright already know Donald Young was dead?  Who told Wright that Young was dead well before Donald Young was pronounced dead?”

Read more about this story here:



Whitey remarks, Whitey video, Michelle Obama, TUCC, Barack Obama, Jeremiah Wright, Whitey video announcement

Rumors have been going around the internet and other circles for several weeks about an alleged video of Michelle Obama making “whitey” remarks in TUCC. I have read many of the remarks and speculation about the video. I have no substantive confirmation (3rd party confirmation) of the existence of the video. However, I would not be surprised if it exists. I believe it was Michelle Obama that urged Barack to attend and join TUCC.

sisterrosetta, a regular blogger that I know by reputation, has been spending many hours searching for the truth about Obama. sisterrosetta submitted a comment on the subject and I believe it deserves a post. All credit is being given to those providing the information. Here is the comment as posted:

Sunday, June 01, 2008 Rumors on the Internets: “New and Dramatic Developments” on the Michelle Obama “Whitey” Video … Posted by: Matt Lewis at 7:44 AM


Larry Johnson, the blogger who first reported the existence of a video of Michelle Obama talking about “Whitey” from the pulpit, has posted this on his blog:

“New and dramatic developments. This is a heads up. I’ll post the news Monday morning by 0900 hours. Now I know why people who have seen the videotape say it is stunning. Barack’s headaches are only starting.”

… Again, at this point, this is still a rumor. And I do note that he does not promise to release the video no Monday, but to update us with news.

But if the Clinton campaign does have video of Michelle Obama saying this, Monday would be a good time to leak it. Here’s why:

1. In politics, you never want to release all the bad information about your opponent at once. Obama just resigned from his church under duress. His goal was to separate from the church. But a new video featuring Michelle would demonstrate that the problem wasn’t merely the church — that his family was enmeshed in this radical ideology.

2. Hillary will win Puerto Rico today, giving her some momentum. Obama is rumored to be announcing a large number of superdelegate endorsements on Monday, so that his victories in the Mountain West can be what puts him over the top in terms of the delegate count. This video (or confirmation that a video exists) could cause some of the superdelegates to get cold feet, or — depending how bad it is — even consider reversing course.

Another option might be to “suspend” (but not dissolve) her campaign, and release the video before the convention. I can’t see why holding the video until then would be prudent — but you never know what else she might plan on releasing in the next few weeks.

Again, this all may, or may not, be true. So far, it’s rumors on the internet. But the source (whom I’ve spoken to on the phone) seems to be credible. And it certainly does not seem unrealistic to believe that such a tape exists. Stay tuned …

See also:



Jeremiah Wright, Barack’s rev Stole a Wife, NY Post article, May 4, 2008, Wright counsels and steals wife, * breaking news *

The NY Post, on May 4, 2008 has reported that Jeremiah counseled a parrisioner’s wife and then moved in on her. Here are some excerpts from the NY Post article:

“May 4, 2008 — The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama’s loose cannon of a spiritual adviser, stole the wife of a parishioner – after the man sought Wright’s help in saving his troubled marriage, the former husband told friends.

Delmer Reed, 59, confided to pals that he believed the minister moved in on his wife while Wright was counseling the couple at his Chicago church in the early 1980s, The Post has learned.

“That’s exactly how he said it,” Reed’s divorce lawyer, Roosevelt Thomas, told The Post.

“It looks like Delmer might have been right,” he said, because after Delmer and Ramah Reed were divorced, she got remarried – to Wright. “Either that or this was the biggest coincidence in the world.”

Asked about the relationship between Wright and his ex-wife, Reed told The Post, “Oh, the things I could tell you.””

Read more of the article here:

I would like to thank  goodtimepolitics, for commenting on this and alerting me.

Jeremiah Wright, Donald Young murder, Obama, Larry Sinclair, Rev. Wright: I ask you to do what Jesus would do!

Larry Sinclair is asking Jeremiah Wright this question:

Rev. Wright: I ask you to do what Jesus would do!

Here is Sinclair’s letter:
May 1, 2008

Open Letter to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright: The Ship is Sailing

Dear Rev. Wright:

I am posting this open letter to you, to appeal to you, please DO WHAT JESUS WOULD DO, Tell the truth about Barack Obama.

You and I both know that you did counsel Barack Obama in the fall of 2007 on how to best address my request to him to come clean about his 1999 crack cocaine use.

You and I both know, that even though I never once mentioned the sexual encounters between Barack Obama and myself to his campaign, he did acknowledge said sexual encounters to you and your former Choir Director Donald Young.

You and I both know that Barack Obama and Donald Young had an intimate relationship with each other.

You know that Barack Obama knows who murdered or had Donald Young murdered!  And you know why Donald Young was murdered.

Rev. Wright, you claim you are running for Jesus not for votes.  So I appeal to you now, DO WHAT JESUS WOULD DO, come forward, be honest, and tell the truth!  If you honestly had nothing to do with the planning, assisting, and executing of Mr. Young’s murder, then just come clean with what you know about Baracks involvement as his Pastor.  DO WHAT JESUS WOULD DO, and give this man’s family closure and a sense of peace again.

Rev. Wright please allow Barack Obama to be required to answer for his lies, betrayal, and selling of his soul for the sole purpose of winning an election.   Come forward about Barack’s confiding in you as to the truthfulness of my allegations against him.

I truly hope you will stop protecting this man; stop allowing this liar and his handlers to abuse, attack and slander those of us who speak the truth about him.  Rev. Wright, you have the power to put all of this to rest once and for all by being honest and telling the American People, that Barack Obama admitted to you I am telling the truth about his drug use and sexual encounters with me in 1999.


To read more about this letter, Larry Sinclair and the Donald Young murder investigation, click here:

Obama, NC primary, Jeremiah Wright, Obama comments, Wright comments, planned strategy?

Obama’s campaign is imploding.

Obama must win in the NC primary.

Wright’s sermons are show stoppers in NC.

Jeremiah Wright has made speeches defending himself.

Obama has elevated his non approval of Wright and his sermons.

Was this planned by Obama and Wright?

Let me know what you think.

Obama comdemns Wright, insensitivity and outrageousness, Obama outraged and saddened, Jeremiah Wright, black church

Obama, in a speech at the National Press Club in Washington, on Monday, April 28, 2008, distanced himself even more from Jeremiah Wright. Here are some of the remarks made by Obama in reference to Wrights sermons and comments:

“insensitivity and outrageousness”

Obama said he is “outraged” and “saddened” by Wright’s recent comments to the press.

“I have said before and I will repeat again that some of the comments that Reverend Wright has made offend me and I understand why they’ve offended the American people,”

“He does not speak for me. He does not speak for the campaign and so he may make statements in the future that don’t reflect my values or concerns,”

“I think certainly what the last three days indicate is that we’re not coordinating with him.”

Obama has associated with Wright for 20 years. When Don Imus made the “nappy headed hos” comment a year ago, Obama severely chastised Imus, yet Obama knew of Wright’s volatile sermons a least a year ago. Obama criticized Wright earlier this year only when it became politically expedient. Now Obama is in trouble and he finally condemns Wright to attempt to save his campaign.

Obama is revealing his lack of character.