Category Archives: Crony Capitalism

Bill Hillary Chelsea Clinton foundation fraud, Legal definition or just dictionary, Slush fund is misleading, Example on about page regarding 2013 consolidated financial reports, 88.4 percent spent on programs???

Bill Hillary Chelsea Clinton foundation fraud, Legal definition or just dictionary, Slush fund is misleading, Example on about page regarding 2013 consolidated financial reports, 88.4 percent spent on programs???

“the Democratic Party overlooked the ethical red flags and made a pact with Mr. Clinton that was the equivalent of a pact with the devil. And he delivered. With Mr. Clinton at the controls, the party won the White House twice. But in the process it lost its bearings and maybe even its soul.”…Bob Herbert, NY Times February 26, 2001

“The William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation, which reportedly expects to raise $200 million to build a library to help memorialize the ex-president’s legacy, is nothing more than a ‘slush fund,”…Dick Morris February 2001

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.”…George Orwell, “1984”




Corporate fraud:

“Activities undertaken by an individual or company that are done in a dishonest or illegal manner, and are designed to give an advantage to the perpetrating individual or company. Corporate fraud schemes go beyond the scope of an employee’s stated position, and are marked by their complexity and economic impact on the business, other employees and outside parties.”


“an act of deceiving or misrepresenting”
The about page for the Bill Hillary and Chelsea foundation shows the following at the bottom:

2013 Expenditures (Per 2013 Consolidated Financials)

Management and General

Gives one the impression that 88.4 percent of the expenditures went to the advertised end recipients doesn’t it?

Here are the breakdowns for the expenditures:


Click to access clinton_foundation_report_public_11-19-14.pdf

That is a total of $ 222,396,102.

“Program services” $ 196,633,380.

Management general $ 15,633,562.

Fund raising $ 10,129,160.

The breakdown for “program services”.

Salaries and benefits……………… $ 65,775,050
Direct program expenditures……. 29,389,026
Professional and consulting………. 13,697,674
Conferences and events………………. 9,721,984
UNITAID commodities expense.. 28,647,779
Procurement and shipping…………. 1,668,867
Travel………………………………………. 16,707,454
Telecommunications…………………. 2,214,469
Meetings and trainings……………… 7,470,295
Bank and other fees…………………….. 706,900
Occupancy costs……………………….. 4,715,823
Office expenses…………………………. 4,673,655
Capital charges…………………………. 3,962,232
Depreciation…………………………….. 4,318,967
Other……………………………………….. 2,963,205

That is a lot of salaries, consulting, conferences, travel and meetings.

And those items total $ 113,372,457.

51 percent of total expenditures.

How did spending $ 113,372,457 help the advertised charity recipients.

Who benefited most?

I would like to to see the details.

From WND April 22, 2015.

“Wall Street analyst uncovers Clinton Foundation fraud”

“The Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation – already under scrutiny for foreign donations – is now being accused of fraudulent and possibly criminal mismanagement.

Over the past six weeks, Wall Street financial analyst and investor Charles Ortel has shared with WND, prior to publication, the results of his six-month, in-depth investigation into what he characterizes as an elaborate scheme devised by the Clintons to enrich themselves.

Through their foundation, Ortel contends, the Clintons have defrauded an unsuspecting international public of hundreds of millions of dollars for personal gain.

The findings come amid separate charges in Peter Schweizer’s upcoming book “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich.”

In Ortel’s April 20 report, “False Philanthropy? First Interim Report Concerning The Bill Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation,” he asks: “Did management exercise vigilance to ensure that the Clinton Foundation actually carried out its original and its amended tax-exempt purposes?””

““The numbers that the Clinton Foundation supply to the global public in its legally mandated filings do not add up, are frequently incorrect and overall appear to be materially misleading,” Ortel explained.

He said that in numerous cases, the Clinton Foundation “appears to have followed inconsistent policies adding in appropriate portions of the various activities it pursued around the world to create ‘consolidated’ financial statements.”

“In some instances, portions were added only for some of the years in which the entities remained in operation, artificially enhancing purported financial results,” Ortel concluded. “In other cases, important elements of activity were improperly characterized and combined.”

Ortel asks: “Do the Clintons, and others who operate the Clinton Foundation, function as Robin Hood in reverse – do they dupe small, modest income donors to enrich themselves and cronies?””

Read more:

Wall Street analyst uncovers Clinton Foundation fraud


Clinton Foundation 2013 IRS 990 filing reveals revenue of 148.9 million and charitable giving of 8.9 million, Clintons spent 6 percent of revenue on charity, 64 million not spent increased net assets to 247 million, Would you donate to a charity with this record?

Clinton Foundation 2013 IRS 990 filing reveals revenue of 148.9 million and charitable giving of 8.9 million, Clintons spent 6 percent of revenue on charity, 64 million not spent increased net assets to 247 million, Would you donate to a charity with this record?

“Would you support a charitable foundation that gives 6 percent of revenue to charity?”…Citizen Wells

“the Democratic Party overlooked the ethical red flags and made a pact with Mr. Clinton that was the equivalent of a pact with the devil. And he delivered. With Mr. Clinton at the controls, the party won the White House twice. But in the process it lost its bearings and maybe even its soul.”…Bob Herbert, NY Times February 26, 2001

“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”…Mark 8:36



We have all been warned about giving to charities that only give a small percentage of donations to the advertised recipients.

I have just observed one of the most flagrant examples of this that I have ever encountered.

The Bill Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

You may have heard or read about this foundation only spending 10 percent of their budget on charities for 2013.

It is even worse than that.

The foundation had revenue of $ 148.9 million and expenses (budget) of $ 84.7 million. The remainder, $ 64.2 million increased the foundation’s net assets to $ 247.3 million.

The Bill Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation spent 6 percent of 2013 revenue on charities.

From the top of form 990.
Briefly describe the organization’s mission:

“Improve global health & wellness, increase opportunity for women/girls, reduce childhood obesity, create economic opp & growth and help communities address effects of climate change.”

What a bunch of hypocrites.

Criminals is a better adjective.

From Consumer Reports.

“How is Your Favorite Charity Rated by Watchdogs?
Before you give, check out how charitable organizations are rated by the watchdogs”

“Charitable giving often comes to mind this time of year. The holidays might have you thinking about the less fortunate, or charitable donations might be part of your year-end tax strategy. Whatever the reason, make sure the group you choose will put your money to good use and not spend it on big salaries for its executives or huge payments to professional fundraisers.

The easiest way to research national charities is with the three major charity watchdogs: Charity Navigator, CharityWatch, and the BBB Wise Giving Alliance. They rate charities based on how they spend their money, protect donor privacy, govern themselves, and more.”

From Fox News April 29, 2015.

“In 2012, the Better Business Bureau reported the Clinton Foundation did not meet the standards of an accountable charity, failing on six counts, largely because of a lack of transparent financial reporting. According to the Better Business Bureau website, the charity is again under review and a new report will be released soon.”






Hillary Clinton and Clinton foundation… dealing with the devil, Clintons wield much power, Christopher Ruddy went from Clintons critic to friend, NY Times Bob Herbert wrote in 2001 Democratic Party made the equivalent of a pact with the devil, Ruddy reported it

Hillary Clinton and Clinton foundation… dealing with the devil, Clintons wield much power, Christopher Ruddy went from Clintons critic to friend, NY Times Bob Herbert wrote in 2001 Democratic Party made the equivalent of a pact with the devil, Ruddy reported it

“If the guilty and unrepentant get off easy, what type of
prosecution is this. It’s not time to blame the Independent
Counsel Law; blame the prosecutor who wouldn’t do his job.
Because of Kenneth W. Starr’s complicity, the most corrupt
administration in the history of the country continues with
no end in sight. God save us all.”…Christopher Ruddy, NewsMax July 1, 1999

“the Democratic Party overlooked the ethical red flags and made a pact with Mr. Clinton that was the equivalent of a pact with the devil. And he delivered. With Mr. Clinton at the controls, the party won the White House twice. But in the process it lost its bearings and maybe even its soul.”…Bob Herbert, NY Times February 26, 2001

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.”…George Orwell, “1984”



If you make a deal with Hillary Clinton or the Clinton Foundation you likely are making a deal with the devil.


Christopher Ruddy, who wrote many hard hittings articles about the Clintons and Vincent Foster death, became friends with the Clintons in 2007.

The NewsMax business that Ruddy created, has no archives before 2007 despite many articles for many years about the Clintons.


Here is some background.

From Citizen News April 17, 2015.

“Let’s review the history of NewsMax.

From ConWebWatch May 30, 2002.

“NewsMax has lost a lot of money. Nearly $11 million, in fact, since the site’s launch in 1998. NewsMax lost roughly $8.4 million of that in 2000 and 2001.”

“Richard Mellon Scaife has a stake in NewsMax. According to the prospectus, Scaife owns about 7.2 percent of NewsMax Media”

Read more

From Politico August 2, 2014.

“Ruddy and the late former New York City Mayor Ed Koch helped broker a July 2007 meeting with Scaife and the former president in the Clinton Foundation’s Harlem office, and Scaife donated more than $100,000 to the foundation. Still, Scaife raised eyebrows by praising Hillary Clinton during her 2008 campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, and his Tribune-Review later endorsed her over Barack Obama ahead of the Pennsylvania primary.”

Read more
From Joseph Farah of WND March 27, 2012.

“Newsmax’s Chris Ruddy was once a very good friend of mine.

I thought I knew him well.”

“He began to write a series of penetrating articles about the mysterious death of Vincent Foster and was, in a matter of weeks, let go. Why? Because Murdoch had important business with the Clinton administration and didn’t need the headaches Ruddy was presenting him with.

For the next year or so, I did everything in my power to help Ruddy pursue that story and others involving the Clinton scandals. When the New York Times Magazine did a story about “The Clinton Haters,” Ruddy and I were in the middle of it. When Hillary Clinton talked about “the vast right-wing media conspiracy,” we were in the middle of it – along with a guy named Dick Scaife.

Unlike Ruddy and me, Scaife had money – lots of it. He soon hired Ruddy to pursue the Clinton scandals at his newspaper, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

I warned Ruddy about Scaife. I never trusted him. I told Ruddy he would compromise his values if he went to work for Scaife. He didn’t listen.

Today, Dick Scaife and Chris Ruddy own Newsmax – some would suggest my competition.”

“The point is simple. There are many people today who are profiting from their allegedly “conservative” credentials. But some of them – like my old friend Chris Ruddy – have become part of the problem. They haven’t just “compromised,” they’ve gone over to the dark side. In fact, some of them are playing both sides against the middle in an indecent grasp to be part of the establishment.

I just thought you should know.”
Read more

Follow the money.

Sadly, moneyed interests control most of the “information” that used to be called journalism.

And the Clintons control lots of money and moneyed interests.”

From Citizen News April 19, 2015.

From NewsMax February 26, 2001 via the Wayback Machine.

“New York Times Left-Winger: Shun Corrupt Clinton

Bob Herbert, identified today by Fox News Channel as the most liberal columnist at the New York Times, is belatedly joining in on the anti-Clinton bandwagon. But his vehemence is making up for his tardiness.

Herbert writes today that the Democratic Party made “the equivalent of a pact with the devil” in supporting Clinton and “in the process it lost its bearings and maybe even its soul.”

“Now, with the stench of yet another scandal polluting the political atmosphere, some of Mr. Clinton’s closest associates and supporters are acknowledging what his enemies have argued for years – the man is so thoroughly corrupt it’s frightening.

Christopher Ruddy published this on July 1, 1999.

“If the guilty and unrepentant get off easy, what type of
prosecution is this. It’s not time to blame the Independent
Counsel Law; blame the prosecutor who wouldn’t do his job.
Because of Kenneth W. Starr’s complicity, the most corrupt
administration in the history of the country continues with
no end in sight. God save us all.”

Did Ruddy sell his soul or as Joseph Farah stated:

“But some of them – like my old friend Chris Ruddy – have become part of the problem. They haven’t just “compromised,” they’ve gone over to the dark side.”

“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”…Lord Acton

Blagojevich appeal status March 24, 2015, Sentence shortened or Obama pardon?, Obama cronies Rezko and Blagojevich know corruption details, Will Rod Blagojevich rat on Obama?

Blagojevich appeal status March 24, 2015, Sentence shortened or Obama pardon?, Obama cronies Rezko and Blagojevich know corruption details, Will Rod Blagojevich rat on Obama?

Why did Patrick Fitzgerald and the US Justice Department wait until December 2008 to arrest Rod Blagojevich?”…Citizen Wells

“I believe I’m more pristine on Rezko than him.”…Rod Blagojevich

“Regardless of how this plays out, it benefits Obama. If there is no appeal or the appeal is denied, Blagojevich will be sequestered. If the appeal proceeds, it could drag out beyond impacting the 2012 election cycle. The intent is obvious.”…Citizen Wells, July 19, 2011



You don’t suppose…

Two Obama cronies are languishing in prison.

Tony Rezko and Rod Blagojevich.

Tony Rezko has indicated that he would not rat out his buddy Obama.

Rod Blagojevich, in the approx. 3 percent of wiretaps released, inadvertently ratted out Obama.

You don’t suppose that Rezko, of Syrian birth, made a deal with Obama related to Syria?

I do suppose that Obama and Blagojevich have a deal. It probably involves others including former prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald.

Despite the lies told by Fitzgerald about the rapid arrest of Blagojevich, the prosecution and legal process of his trials and appeals has dragged out forever.

Remember, the feds knew about and began investigating the Blagojevich Administration by at least late 2003.

I stated some time ago that I believe that Blagojevich’s sentence would likely be reduced, that is, if Obama doesn’t pardon him first.

From Citizen Wells January 1, 2014.

“So far no one has ratted on Obama.

Tony Rezko said that he wouldn’t.

Some never had the chance.

Orlando Jones
Donald Young
Quarles Harris Jr.
Christopher Kelly
Bill Gwatney
Andrew Breitbart
Loretta Fuddy

I believe that Rod Blagojevich made a deal with Obama. Probably beginning in 2006.

I believe that Blagojevich, who was deeper under investigation than Obama, agreed to take the heat for a reduced or pardoned sentence.


A lot of interesting things can happen in 2014.

We will know the results of the Blagojevich appeal ruling within a few weeks.

I believe that he will get a sentence reduction or a new trial.

This will determine what Obama does next. And of course Obama not being impeached or arrested will too.

If Obama does not lose senate control in 2014, I believe that he will pardon Blagojevich.

Of course the AL Supreme Court may rule that Obama is ineligible.

The Sheriff Joe Arpaio investigation may convince enough congressmen to investigate Obama.

Dead men don’t talk or do they?

There are plenty still alive who may talk. Even Tony Rezko.

The economy has been propped up by smoke and mirrors. That can only work so long.

Despite the best efforts of the media to talk of an economic recovery the economy on your street, not Wall St. has been heavily impacted.

Millions are unemployed, working part time, receiving food stamps and now being charged more for their healthcare insurance.

The media and Obama camp are trying to prop up the economy through the 2014 elections. They have to win.

By their own admission Obama could be impeached otherwise.

My hope for 2014 is that Obama is arrested and removed from office.

Survival of our nation depends on it.

2014 Obama Blagojevich Rezko, Economy collapse, Arpaio investigation of Obama fraud, AL Supreme Court ruling, Fuddy death, Wall St vs your street, Democrats need to win 2014 elections may get Trumped


Hunter Biden director of company preparing to drill shale gas in East Ukraine, Burisma Holdings, Biden sons Hunter and Beau tied to Obama controversies

Hunter Biden director of company preparing to drill shale gas in East Ukraine, Burisma Holdings, Biden sons Hunter and Beau tied to Obama controversies

“Why did the Illinois Senate Health & Human Services Committee, with Obama as chairman, create and push Bill 1332, “Illinois Health Facilities Planning Act,” early in 2003, which reduced the number of members on the Board from 15 to 9, just prior to rigging by Tony Rezko and Rod Blagojevich?”…Citizen Wells

“Sen. Barack Obama sought more than $3.4 million in congressional earmarks for clients of the lobbyist son of his Democratic running mate, Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, records show.”
“Obama’s spokesman also acknowledged lobbying for Mercy Hospital, another client of Hunter Biden.”…Washington Post  August 27, 2008

“Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.”…George Orwell, “1984″



From Zero Hedge July 25, 2014.

“Company In Which Joe Biden’s Son Is Director Prepares To Drill Shale Gas In East Ukraine”

“Recall what we said earlier today: the proxy Ukraine war just like that in Syria preceding it, “is all about energy.”

Recall also the following chart showing Ukraine’s shale gas deposits, keeping in mind that the Dnieper-Donets basin which lies in the hotly contested eastern part of the nation and where as everyone knows by now a bloody civil war is raging, is the major oil and gas producing region of Ukraine accounting for approximately 90 per cent of Ukrainian production and according to EIA may have 42 tcf of shale gas resources technically recoverable from 197 tcf of risked shale gas in place.
Finally, recall our story from May that Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, just joined the board of the largest Ukraine gas producer Burisma Holdings. From the press release:

R. Hunter Biden will be in charge of the Holdings’ legal unit and will provide support for the Company among international organizations. On his new appointment, he commented: “Burisma’s track record of innovations and industry leadership in the field of natural gas means that it can be a strong driver of a strong economy in Ukraine. As a new member of the Board, I believe that my assistance in consulting the Company on matters of transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion and other priorities will contribute to the economy and benefit the people of Ukraine.””

“In a nutshell Ukraine (or rather its puppetmasters) has decided to let no crisis (staged or otherwise) or rather civil war, go to waste, and while the fighting rages all around, Ukrainian troopers are helping to install shale gas production equipment near the east Ukrainian town of Slavyansk, which was bombed and shelled for the three preceding months, according to local residents cited by Itar Tass. The reason for the scramble? Under peacetime, the process was expected to take many years, during which Europe would be under the energy dictatorship of Putin. But throw in some civil war and few will notice let alone care that a process which was expected to take nearly a decade if not longer while dealing with broad popular objections to fracking, may instead be completed in months!”

Read more:

From Citizen Wells September 1, 2008.

What do Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, Attorney General
Beau Biden and Hunter Biden have in common? Ties to crime,
corruption and lobbyists. The fabricated warrant from Delaware
against larry Sinclair that was recently dismissed, originated
in the office of Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden.

As you read below, notice the ties to Mercy Hospital.

The Washington Post has an article dated August 27, 2008 about
Hunter Biden, the lobbyist son of Senator Joe Biden and his
connection to Barack Obama. However, after reading about Hunter
Biden’s activities, it is readily apparent that he is connected
to Obama’s web of deception. Here are exerpts from the Washington
Post article:
“Obama, Biden’s Son Linked by Earmarks
Candidate Got Funding for Nursing Program

Now that Sen. Joseph Biden, left, is the Democratic vice presidential candidate, congressional ties to his lobbyist son Hunter, right, are coming under scrutiny.
By James V. Grimaldi and Kimberly Kindy
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, August 27, 2008″
“Sen. Barack Obama sought more than $3.4 million in congressional earmarks for clients of the lobbyist son of his Democratic running mate, Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, records show.”
“Obama’s spokesman also acknowledged lobbying for Mercy Hospital, another client of Hunter Biden.”
“The younger Biden started his career as a lobbyist in 2001 and has registered to represent about 21 clients that have brought in $3.5 million to his Washington firm, according to lobbying disclosure forms.

Sen. Biden has collected more than $6.9 million in campaign contributions from lobbyists and lawyers since 1989, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.”
“From 2001 to 2005, Hunter was paid an undisclosed amount by the credit card giant, which has since been purchased by Bank of America. It has been widely reported that he received $100,000 a year.

At the time, Sen. Biden led a successful, high-profile battle in the Senate for a bankruptcy bill that ultimately benefited credit card companies. The law makes it more difficult for people to file for personal bankruptcy protection under Chapter 7.”
Read more of the article here:
From a Chicago Sun-Times article dated August 23, 2008 about
University of Chicago Medical Center. This is where Michelle Obama
worked as a $317,000 a year vice president. This also is the hospital that nearly tripled her salary in 2004, just after Barack Obama was elected to the US Senate.

“Michelle Obama — currently on unpaid leave from her $317,000-a-year job as a vice president of the prestigious hospital”

“Obama’s top political strategist, David Axelrod, co-owns the firm, ASK Public Strategies, that was hired by the hospital last year to sell the program — called the Urban Health Initiative — to the community as a better alternative for poor patients. Obama’s wife and Valerie Jarrett, an Obama friend and adviser who chairs the medical center’s board, backed the Axelrod firm’s hiring, hospital officials said.”

“Another Obama adviser and close friend, Dr. Eric Whitaker, took over the Urban Health Initiative when he was hired at U. of C. in October 2007. Whitaker previously had been director of the Illinois Department of Public Health. Obama has said he recommended Whitaker for the state job, giving his name to Tony Rezko, who helped Gov. Blagojevich assemble his Cabinet. Rezko, a former fund-raiser for Obama and Blagojevich, was convicted in June on federal corruption charges tied to state deals.”
Read more of the article here:,CST-NWS-hosp23.article
From the Federal indictment against Dr. Robert Weinstein:

“The false statements count alleges that on May 24, 2004, Weinstein lied to an FBI agent when he said that Levine never told him that Rezko had influence over the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board, the state board that regulates hospital construction and expansion. In fact, the indictment alleges Weinstein knew that he and Levine had discussed Rezko’s influence over the Planning Board, including in a recorded conversation on April 21, 2004, in which Levine explicitly advised Weinstein of Rezko’s role in manipulating the Planning Board’s vote earlier that day on the Certificate of Need application of Mercy Health System Corp. Hospital and other matters.”

Read the indictment here:
From the Petition to Impeach, expel Senator Obama:
“Whereas: Senator Barack Obama used the office of IL Senator to
facilitate the vote rigging in Chicago as chairman of the Illinois Senate Health and Human Services Committee. Mr. Obama pushed legislation in Senate Bill 1332 to reduce the number of members of the Health Facilities Planning Board from 15 to 9. Mr. Obama did conspire with Stuart Levine, Tony Rezko and Rod Blogojevich to rig the committee and was rewarded with campaign contributions. The new members appointed included 3 doctors who contributed to Mr. Obama. On April 21, 2004, Stuart Levine explicitly advised Dr. Robert Weinstein, who is now indicted, of Tony Rezko’s role in manipulating the Planning Board’s vote.”




Daniel S. Mahru Obama corruption crony gets probation, Mahru began cooperating with Feds in December 2005, Daniel Frawley deposition links Rezko money to Obama, Mahru Tony Rezko partner

Daniel S. Mahru Obama corruption crony gets probation, Mahru began cooperating with Feds in December 2005, Daniel Frawley deposition links Rezko money to Obama, Mahru Tony Rezko partner

“I’m assuming the information is about the payments made by Rezko to Obama, so we know we’re talking about the right conversation, right?” …Attorney Daniel Konicek, Frawley Deposition

“Why was Obama in constant contact with Tony Rezko in 2004 when Rezko was conspiring with William Cellini to use TRS, Teacher Retirement Fund, assets for political gain and personal enrichment?”…Citizen Wells

“Why did the Illinois Senate Health & Human Services Committee, with Obama as chairman, create and push Bill 1332, “Illinois Health Facilities Planning Act,” early in 2003, which reduced the number of members on the Board from 15 to 9, just prior to rigging by Tony Rezko and Rod Blagojevich?”…Citizen Wells

“I believe I’m more pristine on Rezko than him.”…Rod Blagojevich



From Illinois Pay To Play May 2, 2014.

DoJ silences Obama associate Daniel S. Mahru with his freedom

“Ernie Souchak, Editor-in-Chief, Illinois PayToPlay (IP2P) has learned that Daniel S. Mahru, former business partner of Antoin “Tony” Rezko, made a deal with the Department of Justice (DoJ) for his silence.

IP2P is the first to report that on, October 4 2012, Daniel S. Mahru will receive probation at his sentencing hearing. IP2P has also learned that this is being done to insure Mahru will not speak of crimes, of which he has knowledge, that implicate Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Allison Davis, Tony Rezko and others. (Remember Tony recently saying he committed crimes for which Fitzgerald did not charge him.)

IP2P is also investigating the circumstances surrounding meetings that took place where Daniel T Frawley and Daniel S Mahru (both convicted felons) met with author Jerome Corsi in Chicago to discuss secret meetings between Barack Obama, Nadhmi Auchi, Tony Rezko, (now Governor) Pat Quinn, and others.

Mahru is unwilling to talk about what was discussed at those meetings. Could that have anything to do with his probation deal?”

“The real question is why announce Mahru’s probation now?

Well, because it’s time to tie up all those loose ends.

So, the only announcement left that Eric Holder’s Dept. of Justice needs to make is Rod Blagojevich will be released early from prison.

In other words, it’s time to complete the “deal” that will insure Blago’s continued silence.

It’s the Chicago way.”

Read more:

From Citizen Wells July 15, 2011.

Here are some interesting exerpts from the Daniel Frawley Deposition.

Attorneys Franklin & Schutte represent Frawley, plaintiff.

Attorney Konicek represents George Weaver, defendant.

Frawley: “George told me that he had a meeting at his office on LaSalle Street with Dan Mahru, with some people from First Bank–I didn’t know how many at the time–and himself. And George instructed me not to attend.”

Konicek: “So who said it to you, and where was it said to you?”

Frawley: “Dan Mahru told me that First Bank was agreeable to a settlement.”

Konicek: “In March 13, 2006, you had a conversation with Mr. Weaver where you say he instructed me not to cooperate.”

Frawley: “Yes, I had a conversation with Mr. Weaver where he instructed me not to cooperate.”
Frawley: “I was on the phone, making a phone call to Tony Rezko. I had a luncheon engagement with him.”

“George was outside of the room where I was making the telephone call, and the purpose of the call was for me to keep my luncheon engagement with Tony Rezko and to go over and to record Tony Rezko.”

“George saw and heard me on the phone, came running in and went like this [demonstrating]: Cut it,”

Franklin: “For the record, the deponent is crossing his hands across his throat.”

Konicek: “And Tony Rezko was where when you were speaking to him?”

Frawley: “He was on the other end of the phone. I don’t recall where he was.”
Konicek: “I’m assuming the information is about the payments made by Rezko to Obama, so we know we’re talking about the right conversation, right?”

Konicek: “Am I correct it was about Obama being paid by Rezko?”

Frawley: “I’m not answering that question, based upon my attorney’s instructions.”

Konicek: “But on March 13, 2006, you’ve already indentified for me being at 219 South Dearborn. You’re talking to Tony rezko on the phone, and Mr. Weaver makes this gesture to you, right?”

Frawley: “Mr. Weaver made the gesture and told me to get off the phone, to end the phone call.”
Konicek: “Okay. And then where were you instructed not to cooperate?”

Frawley: “In the same building, at 219 South Dearborn….in a different room.”
Konicek: “Did you bring to Mr. Weaver in Hinsdale a statement showing payment to Tony Rezko in the amount of $ 1.5 million?”
Konicek: “Are you going to answer?”

Frawley: “No.”

Konicek: “Are you asserting your Fifth Amendment privilege?”

Frawley: “Yes.”

Konicek: “And in the phone call where Mr. Weaver said he wanted to contact Channel 7, was that about the $ 1.5 million from Rezko?”

Frawley: “I don’t know.”

Konicek: “Who, is the question, are the clients that you’re referring to in this paragraph 21?”

Frawley: “If the question is who were the clients that George was representing, the answer to that question is Tony Rezko and himself.”

Konicek: “Give me locations.”

Frawley: “George was my attorney. Georges offices were her in Chicago. And George was being paid by me, and George was supposed to be representing my interests. And George was representing his own and Tony Rezko’s.”

Konicek: “Did you have a meeting in Hinsdale with Mr. Weaver where the subject of disclosing  Rezko’s payment of $ 1.5 million –”

Franklin: “Objection. Fifth Amendment.”

Konicek: “Did you have contact with Mr. Rezko after your arrest in Cook County?”

Franklin: “Objection. Goes to Fifth Amendment.”

Reported at the Chicago SunTimes and saved by Free Republic February 24, 2008.
“Indicted developer Tony Rezko is claiming his former business partner, Dan Mahru, became a federal informant and turned on him to avoid being arrested for his own legal problems.
In court documents filed in federal court late Friday, Rezko’s attorney says Mahru began cooperating with federal authorities in December 2005 –10 months before Rezko was indicted — after being confronted by government agents.”

Working out the deal?


Thanks to commenter Whistleblower.


Obama Rezko Chicago corruption ties still in news, Mutual Bank v Mahajan update, March 20, 2014, Judge Kendall settlement conference, Obama’s ghosts of Christmas past gathering

Obama Rezko Chicago corruption ties still in news, Mutual Bank v Mahajan update, March 20, 2014, Judge Kendall settlement conference, Obama’s ghosts of Christmas past gathering

“Why wasn’t Rod Blagojevich, Governor of IL, prosecuted before Tony Rezko, a businessman?”…Citizen Wells

“Why was Tony Rezko’s sentencing delayed?”…Citizen Wells

“Why did Mutual Bank fire whistleblower Kenneth J Connor after he
challenged the appraisal on the land purchased by Rita Rezko, just
prior to the land sale to Obama?”…Citizen Wells

We learn much from literature as well as history.

Beware the Ides of March.

Ghosts of Christmas past.

Has Barack Obama learned?

We have another Ghost of Christmas past returning to join the other spirits of Obama’s troubled past.

The FDIC lawsuit against Amrish Mahajan, former president of Mutual Bank, et al is scheduled for a settlement conference in the courtroom of Judge Virginia M. Kendall on March 27, 2014. Mutual Bank loaned Rita Rezko the money for the lot that was purchased by the Obama’s. It is also the bank that fired whistleblower Kenneth J. Conner after he questioned the appraisal of that lot.

Daily Calendar

Thursday, March 27, 2014   (As of 03/20/14 at 05:51:58 AM )

Honorable Virginia M. Kendall               Courtroom 2319 (VMK)

1:11-cv-07590   Federal Deposit Insurance Corporatio   02:00   Settlement Conference

From Citizen Wells December 27, 2013.

“The FDIC lawsuit against Amrish Mahajan, et al is still alive.

Amrish Mahajan, the former president of Mutual Bank of Harvey, the bank that loaned Rita Rezko the money to buy the lot subsequently sold to the Obamas, has been barred from banking.

From Chicago Business July 1, 2013.

“Politically connected ex-Mutual Bank president barred from banking”

“Amrish Mahajan, former president of failed Mutual Bank of Harvey and a major fundraiser for imprisoned former Gov. Rod Blagojevich, has been barred from future participation in the banking industry under a newly released regulatory order.”

Read more about the Mahajan Obama Rezko connection here.

Raghuveer Nayak sentencing Thursday January 23, 2014, Blagojevich Obama fundraiser, Convicted of bribery, 19 count indictment, Chicago pay to play politics

Raghuveer Nayak sentencing Thursday January 23, 2014, Blagojevich Obama fundraiser, Convicted of bribery, 19 count indictment, Chicago pay to play politics

Why did Patrick Fitzgerald and the US Justice Department wait until December 2008 to arrest Rod Blagojevich?”…Citizen Wells

“I believe I’m more pristine on Rezko than him.”…Rod Blagojevich

“There is enough corruption in Illinois so that all it takes is someone who is serious about finding it to uncover it. If a U.S. attorney is not finding corruption in Illinois, they’re not seriously looking for it.”…Northwestern Law Professor James Lindgren



From NBC Chicago January 23, 2014.

“Department of Justice spokesman Randall Samborn said Wednesday’s proceedings were part of a two-day evidentiary hearing. They’ll continue Thursday. Nayak may or may not be sentenced at the end of the day Thursday.

A Chicago-area businessman convicted of bribery was scheduled to learn Wednesday whether he’ll get time in jail for his role in the corruption scandal involving former Illinoig Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

Raghuveer Nayak wasn’t charged in the case of the now-imprisoned former governor but is alleged to have offered to raise $1 million for Blagojevich’s campaign if he named then-Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. to President Barack Obama’s old Senate seat.

A government court filing says the sentencing judge should consider those allegations, arguing that Nayak “corrupted the political process.””

Read more:

From Citizen Wells June 26, 2012.

“A longtime friend of U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.who was at the center of a Senate seat scandal that sent ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich to prison was arrested Wednesday in his own federal fraud case, accused of bribing doctors to send patients to his surgical centers.

Raghuveer Nayak, a wealthy businessman and former campaign fundraiser for both politicians, was indicted on charges he secretly paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to physicians from 2000 to 2010 to have patients referred to Rogers Park One Day Surgery Center, Lakeshore Surgery Center and other Chicago-area facilities he owned.

The investigation of his businesses had hung over Nayak’s head for years, and his lawyer, Thomas McQueen, said the charges were not unexpected. “He knew this had never gone away,” McQueen said after the FBI arrested his client at Nayak’s Oak Brook home.”

“The indictment of Nayak is seen as one of the final offshoots of the sweeping federal investigation known as Operation Board Games, which in addition to Blagojevich led to convictions of fundraiser Antoin “Tony” Rezko, formerAld. Edward Vrdolyak, Republican power broker William Cellini and others. One of the final sentences in cases connected to that probe could be handed down as soon as next week, when political insider turned federal witness Stuart Levine is expected to learn his punishment.”

“Nayak’s businesses have over the years needed the approval of state regulators and auditors, and Nayak became a big campaign bundler and contributor, donating more than $779,000 to elected officials including Blagojevich, Attorney General Lisa Madigan and Obama from the late 1990s until his name surfaced in the Blagojevich scandal.”

Obama crony capitalism fails again, White House replaces CGI, Obamacare website contractor, Toni McCall Townes-Whitley Senior VP CGI and Michelle Obama Princeton alumnus

Obama crony capitalism fails again, White House replaces CGI, Obamacare website contractor, Toni McCall Townes-Whitley Senior VP CGI and Michelle Obama Princeton alumnus

“Public records indicate that during this time, every quarter from 2010 through 2012, CGI Group itself was lobbying on “HUD housing management contracts.”
Finally, there’s also a whistleblower lawsuit from a former CGI employee — who’d been recruited from HUD after overseeing the very Section 8 contracts CGI won — alleging that he was fired after refusing to go along with fraudulent plans to work around the bidding process. CGI denies the accusations, but has so far failed to get the case thrown out.”…Washington Post October 23, 2013

“Why was Obama promoting Capri Capital and other investment firms at the same time that Rezko, Levine and Cellini were shaking them down?”…Citizen Wells

“Now, I don’t get upset when foreign and national journalists fail to mention Tony Rezko, or the Daley boys, or how the Chicago machine plans to staff the Department of Justice, and the new Department of Homeland Casinos.”…John Kass, Chicago Tribune July 30, 2008



More Obama crony capitalism failures at taxpayer expense.

From the Washington Times January 10, 2014.

“Finally! White House to replace lead contractor”

“The Obama administration plans to replace the lead contractor on, the glitchy federal website that hindered the fall rollout of the new health care law, with another company.

Officials plans to drop CGI Federal, after the company took a share of blame for its role in preparing a website that serves 36 states and needed extensive repairs after its Oct. 1 launch, the Washington Post first reported. A major consulting company, Accenture, will take its place.

CGI’s contract runs out at the end of February, and Accenture had built the relatively well-functioning health exchange that California is using to enroll people in private plans or Medicaid under Obamacare, the Post reported.”

Read more:

From Citizen Wells October 25, 2013.

Is this another case of Barack and Michelle Obama involved in crony capitalism or just poor judgement?

Toni McCall Townes-Whitley, who was in Michelle Obama’s class at princeton, is a Senior VP at CGI.

From the Association of Black Princeton Alumni.

Toni McCall Townes-Whitley ’85
Senior Vice President, Federal Civilian Agency Programs, CGI

First Lady Michelle Obama ’85


From the CGI website.

Toni Townes-Whitley
Senior Vice-President,
Civilian Agency Programs
CGI was the lone bidder.
From The Washington Examiner October 13, 2013.

“Feds reviewed only one bid for Obamacare website design”

“Federal officials considered only one firm to design the Obamacare health insurance exchange website that has performed abysmally since its Oct. 1 debut.

Rather than open the contracting process to a competitive public solicitation with multiple bidders, officials in the Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Medicare and Medicaid accepted a sole bidder, CGI Federal, the U.S. subsidiary of a Canadian company with an uneven record of IT pricing and contract performance.

CMS officials are tight-lipped about why CGI was chosen or how it happened. They also refuse to say if other firms competed with CGI, or if there was ever a public solicitation for building, the backbone of Obamacare’s problem-plagued web portal.

Instead, it appears they used what amounts to a federal procurement system loophole to award the work to the Canadian firm.”

“The multiple awards were in the form of “task orders” for projects of widely varying size. Over the life of the CGI contract — which expires in 2017 — the IT firm can receive awards worth anywhere from the “$1,000 to $4 billion,” according to a contracting document provided by CGI to the Washington Examiner.

This is apparently the route chosen by CMS officials in awarding the Obamacare website design contract to CGI.

Between 2009 and 2013, CMS officials awarded 185 separate task orders to CGI totaling $678 million for work of all kinds, according to, a federal spending database.The Obamacare website design contract was for $93 million.”

“The first indication of questions of CGI performance and pricing came in February 2010 when the firm protested a $230 million CMS contract award to Computer Sciences Corp. Inc.

In a sharp rebuff to CGI in November 2010, General Accountability Office acting counsel Linda H. Gibson denied the CGI protest.

In doing so, she noted that CSC’s bid was $148 million versus CGI’s bid of $258 million. When CMS modified the terms of its proposal, CSC was still substantially lower, coming in at $223 million versus CGI’s price tag of $395 million.”

“As the Examiner previously reported, CGI in Canada also suffered embarrassment in 2011 when it failed to deliver on time for Ontario province’s flagship project a new online medical registry for diabetes patients and treatment providers.

Ontario government officials cancelled the $46.2 million contract after 14 months of delay in September 2012. Ontario officials currently refuse to pay any fees to CGI for the failed IT project.”

Read more:

Obama’s history of crony capitalism is extensive and includes another Princeton grad, John Rogers.

From Citizen Wells October 23, 2011.

“Mr. Obama also recently pointed to his work on the Illinois pension issue as a model for what he would do as president to promote minority-owned companies.”

“The goal was always “to open up doors,” said John W. Rogers Jr., the chief executive of Ariel Capital Management, one of the investment firms that received state business. “It was, as the Rev. Jesse Jackson has eloquently put it, to force other industries to have their ‘Jackie Robinson’ moment.””

“During this period, campaign finance records show, executives from Ariel, Loop and two other leading Chicago investment firms, Holland Capital Management and Capri Capital, sharply increased their donations to Mr. Obama’s State Senate campaign fund. And once he began his campaign for the United States Senate, they quickly became a fund-raising core that has carried over into the presidential race.

Mr. Rogers, who is one of three people at his company who have each bundled at least $50,000 in donations for Mr. Obama’s presidential campaign, said that his financial support for the senator had “no connection” to his company’s efforts to win state contracts, but that it reflected the broader excitement over what Mr. Obama’s success meant for blacks in America.”

“Still, things have not worked out as well for some of the investment managers. Both Ariel and Holland were given several hundred million dollars to invest.

But one of the funds dropped Ariel and two dropped Holland last year after their investment returns lagged behind those of other firms.”

“In 2002, the year after Obama made the pitch, the Illinois Teacher Retirement System reported an 18% increase in assets managed by minority-owned firms. Ariel’s share grew to $442 million by 2005.

In 2006, after the federal investigation became public, the teacher pension board severed its relationship with Ariel, concluding that Ariel’s investment returns were insufficient.”



Judicial Watch Obama tops 10 most corrupt Washington politicians 2013, Master at catch me if you can corrupt politics, Administration secretive and dishonest, Obama Chicago pay to play politics

Judicial Watch Obama tops 10 most corrupt Washington politicians 2013, Master at catch me if you can corrupt politics, Administration secretive and dishonest, Obama Chicago pay to play politics

“I believe I’m more pristine on Rezko than him.”…Rod Blagojevich

“Why has Obama, since taking the White House, used Justice Department Attorneys, at taxpayer expense,  to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells

“Now, I don’t get upset when foreign and national journalists fail to mention Tony Rezko, or the Daley boys, or how the Chicago machine plans to staff the Department of Justice, and the new Department of Homeland Casinos.”…John Kass, Chicago Tribune July 30, 2008



No one should be surprised. Obama mastered Chicago pay to play politics long before he went to Washington.

His entire life is a secret, although the puzzle pieces are being filled in.

From Judicial Watch January 2, 2014.

President Barack Obama:

President Barack Obama actually tops this “Top Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” list for 2013 as the driving force behind so many of the misdeeds. This is Obama’s seventh straight year on the list, dating back all the way to 2007 (in 2006, he earned a “Dishonorable Mention”). He is a master at catch-me-if-you-can, corrupt politics.  This year, he has again acted as a one-man Congress, rewriting entire sections of federal law on his own.  Not only is his administration secretive and dishonest; its callous disregard for the rule of law undermines our constitutional republic. Examples include:

  • Perhaps Obama’s most outrageous actions over the past year were his continual lies about the ability of Americans to keep their own health insurance under Obamacare. According the Free Beacon, Obama misled the American people a total of 36 times between 2008 and 2013 with his promise, “If you like your health insurance, you can keep it.” And according to NBC News, Obama knew, even as he repeated his lie, that “more than 40 to 67 percent of those in the individual market would not be able to keep their plans, even if they liked them:”

None of this should come as a shock to the Obama administration. The law states that policies in effect as of March 23, 2010 will be “grandfathered,” meaning consumers can keep those policies even though they don’t meet requirements of the new health care law. But the Department of Health and Human Services then wrote regulations that narrowed that provision, by saying that if any part of a policy was significantly changed since that date – the deductible, co-pay, or benefits, for example – the policy would not be grandfathered.

Buried in Obamacare regulations from July 2010 is an estimate that because of normal turnover in the individual insurance market, “40 to 67 percent” of customers will not be able to keep their policy. And because many policies will have been changed since the key date, “the percentage of individual market policies losing grandfather status in a given year exceeds the 40 to 67 percent range.”

That means the administration knew that more than 40 to 67 percent of those in the individual market would not be able to keep their plans, even if they liked them.

  • Throughout 2013, the Obama family continued to use the White House as its own personal travel bureau and the taxpayers as their personal expense account.
  • Though Obama quickly disavowed any knowledge of the IRS assault on Tea Party and other conservative groups leading up to the 2012 presidential election, the fact is that it was the president himself who fingered the groups for what might be called “special handling.” Consider Obama’s own hostile and aggressive statements, made just as his IRS officials were gearing up their assault:

August 9, 2010: During his weekly radio address, Obama warned of “attack ads run by shadowy groups with harmless-sounding names.” The President said:  We don’t know who’s behind these ads and we don’t know who’s paying for them . . . you don’t know if it’s a foreign controlled corporation. … The only people who don’t want to disclose the truth are people with something to hide.”

September 20, 2010:  Speaking in Philadelphia, Obama once again warned that “nobody knows” the identities of the individuals who support conservative groups.

September 22, 2010: Speaking in New York, Obama warned against groups opposing his policies “[posing] as non-for-profit social and welfare trade groups” and he claimed such groups were “guided by seasoned Republican political operatives” and potentially supported by some unidentified “foreign controlled entity.”

October 14, 2010: Obama attacked organizations with “benign sounding” names as “a problem for democracy.”

Little wonder that after their boss sounded the call to attack, Obama’s IRS appointees obeyed the command. And even less wonder that, caught red-handed, Obama first claimed total ignorance and, when the ploy failed, simply labeled it all a “phony scandal.”

  • According to the Galen Institute, Obama has now unilaterally rewritten the Obamacare law as passed by Congress 14 times by executive fiat, with the majority of those changes coming in 2013. Those changes include such major overhauls as the congressional opt-out, eviscerating the individual mandate, and delaying the employer mandate. The latest Obama fix came on December 20, when he suddenly moved to allow hundreds of thousands of people who have lost their insurance due to Obamacare to sign up for bare-bone “catastrophic” plans. As National Reviewobserved, “Of course, like every other exemption from Obamacare the latest fix is supposed to last only a year, raising the prospect that people will be kicked off their catastrophic coverage as soon as the 2014 election is safely in the political rear-view mirror.””

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