2014 Obama Blagojevich Rezko, Economy collapse, Arpaio investigation of Obama fraud, AL Supreme Court ruling, Fuddy death, Wall St vs your street, Democrats need to win 2014 elections may get Trumped

2014 Obama Blagojevich Rezko, Economy collapse, Arpaio investigation of Obama fraud, AL Supreme Court ruling, Fuddy death, Wall St vs your street, Democrats need to win 2014 elections may get Trumped

“I believe I’m more pristine on Rezko than him.”…Rod Blagojevich

“Who benefited most from the suicide/murder of Orlando Jones?

Who benefited most from the murder of Donald Young?
Who benefited most from the murder of Lt. Quarles Harris Jr.?
Who benefited most from the suicide/murder of Christopher Kelly?
Who benefited most from the murder of Bill Gwatney?
Who benefited most from the death/murder of Andrew Breitbart?
And now
Loretta Fuddy?”…Citizen Wells

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”…Abraham Lincoln

So far no one has ratted on Obama.

Tony Rezko said that he wouldn’t.

Some never had the chance.

Orlando Jones
Donald Young
Quarles Harris Jr.
Christopher Kelly
Bill Gwatney
Andrew Breitbart
Loretta Fuddy

I believe that Rod Blagojevich made a deal with Obama. Probably beginning in 2006.

I believe that Blagojevich, who was deeper under investigation than Obama, agreed to take the heat for a reduced or pardoned sentence.


A lot of interesting things can happen in 2014.

We will know the results of the Blagojevich appeal ruling within a few weeks.

I believe that he will get a sentence reduction or a new trial.

This will determine what Obama does next. And of course Obama not being impeached or arrested will too.

If Obama does not lose senate control in 2014, I believe that he will pardon Blagojevich.

Of course the AL Supreme Court may rule that Obama is ineligible.

The Sheriff Joe Arpaio investigation may convince enough congressmen to investigate Obama.

Dead men don’t talk or do they?

There are plenty still alive who may talk. Even Tony Rezko.

The economy has been propped up by smoke and mirrors. That can only work so long.

Despite the best efforts of the media to talk of an economic recovery the economy on your street, not Wall St. has been heavily impacted.

Millions are unemployed, working part time, receiving food stamps and now being charged more for their healthcare insurance.

The media and Obama camp are trying to prop up the economy through the 2014 elections. They have to win.

By their own admission Obama could be impeached otherwise.

My hope for 2014 is that Obama is arrested and removed from office.

Survival of our nation depends on it.

40 responses to “2014 Obama Blagojevich Rezko, Economy collapse, Arpaio investigation of Obama fraud, AL Supreme Court ruling, Fuddy death, Wall St vs your street, Democrats need to win 2014 elections may get Trumped

  1. citizenwells

    Happy New Year.

    God help us.

  2. Thornton Parsons

    Happy New Year, CW. God save the Republic.

  3. “Happy New Year” 2014 !!!!! New Year, greetings from the Tea Party, to begin on a more positive note !!!!! God bless, Our Republic !!!!!!http://www.teaparty.org/happy-new-year-tea-party-32608

  4. Happy New Year, I guess…..
    Won’t be watching the Queer (ROSE) Parade this year.
    Football games yes!

  5. A quote from NBC_Vic_Hern’s Canada Free Press article posted on the previous thread………..

    “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”—Isaiah 41:10

    Where Do we go From Here, America…Will There be Anything left?
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    We must rely on God’s promises because without our faith in God, we are lost. God, have mercy on the remnant who remain faithful to you and deliver us from the evil that is oppressing this great nation. in Jesus’ name, Amen.

  6. Happy New Year Everyone….the book is finished. I hope my future generations are kind in their evaluations. Here’s what i learned in 2013:

  7. To all bloggers at CW. Happy and prosperous New Year. I went to sleep in 2013 and didn’t wake up until 2014 har har. (really old joke)

  8. RMinNC……
    Great to see you back. Hope you will stick around for awhile! Lots of NEW STUFF coming.

  9. I watched Joyce Meyers recently on tv. She draws a huge crowd,almost like those that Billy Graham attracted, with his country wide crusades. She makes a lot of great points,and has a very special way of communicating…….which she does in an extraordinary way. While I am an OLD TESTAMENT person she appears to follow the NEW TESTAMENT.

  10. CW……
    Has the Alabama Supreme Court returned their ruling yet? If not when is it due? I lost track of what was going on there.

  11. A union member was recently on Foxnews. During the interview he stated that the healthcare plan which he finally accepted has tripled his premiums,and taken his out of pocket costs to $16,000.00. Hell he might as well nat even have any coverage at all,and use Medicaid. SAME DIFFERENCE……no useful coverage. He implied that he had no idea how he was going to PAY FOR THE COVERAGE. When this happens to another 5 million people there will be HELL TO PAY for ALL of the LUNATIC LEFT LIBERALS.

  12. ………and I will watch in GLEE as each of the LUNATICS receives his/her total SLAPDOWN, and voted OUT OF OFFICE in 2014. In reality every one of them should face prosecution for PERPETRATING INSURANCE FRAUD against the American people. While prosecution is REMOTE it is by no means out of the question. In reality they have committed crimes against the American people, by FORCING the unwanted ACA upon us.

  13. bye bye Godbless!

  14. oldsailor,
    As you may already know, Joyce Meyer is from St. Louis. In the 80s, we used to hear her preach to a packed storefront auditorium every week at Life Christian Center. She always had a good message. But I was troubled by her prosperity gospel, as evidenced by her opulent dwelling. She once admitted that one of her followers cleaned her house at no charge yet I was at fancy ice cream store one evening when she came in wearing a mink coat. When the offering basket was being passed at one of her sermons, she told people that if they felt moved to, take of their jewelry and put it in the basket. But as I said, she always had a good message in her preaching. She led a lot of people to Christ and THE Gospel.

  15. citizenwells

    No AL ruling that I am aware of.

  16. citizenwells

    “How Will The Economy Improve In 2014 If Almost Everyone Has Less Money To Spend?”

    “Is the U.S. consumer tapped out? If so, how in the world will the U.S. economy possibly improve in 2014? Most Americans know that the U.S. economy is heavily dependent on consumer spending. If average Americans are not out there spending money, the economy tends not to do very well. Unfortunately, retail sales during the holiday season appear to be quite disappointing and the middle class continues to deeply struggle. And for a whole bunch of reasons things are likely going to be even tougher in 2014. Families are going to have less money in their pockets to spend thanks to much higher health insurance premiums under Obamacare, a wide variety of tax increases, higher interest rates on debt, and cuts in government welfare programs. The short-lived bubble of false prosperity that we have been enjoying for the last couple of years is rapidly coming to an end, and 2014 certainly promises to be a very “interesting year”.”


  17. Happy New Year! This year I pray for justice. I thank all the bloggers , and mostly CitizenWells.

  18. oldsailor81, I googled this for your information.

    From what I have learned, Larry Klayman is a very good attorney, if anyone can get results, it would be him.

    Obama eligibility case still very much alive in Alabama Supreme Court
    Coach is Right ^ | 12/22/13 | George Spelvin

    Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2013 9:23:06 AM by Oldpuppymax

    The McInnish-Goode case, no # 1120465, against former Alabama Secretary of State Beth Chapman has definitely NOT been quietly dismissed according to a spokesperson for the Alabama Supreme Court. “It’s still pending,” the court clerk told CiR on Thursday, December 19, at 3:06 p.m. EST. She said the case has not been dismissed, stating, “I don’t know where they get” the information that case was tossed. CiR was checking web reports that on the very day Attorney Larry Klayman won his blockbuster NSA spy scandal case against the Obama administration, his other big case concerning the Obama Birth Certificate forgery and authentication was dismissed.

    Attorney Klayman is plaintiffs’ counsel for Hugh McInnish and Virgil Goode, two Alabama Republican party officials who are challenging former Alabama Secretary of State Beth Chapman’s decision to allow Obama and other candidates to appear on that state’s 2012 presidential election ballots without first fully vetting them…

    (Excerpt) Read more at coachisright.com …

  19. oldsailor,
    This is the info from the Coach is Right site.

    Obama eligibility case still very much alive in Alabama Supreme Court
    December 22, 2013 Coach Collins 16 Comments

    by George Spelvin, staff writer

    The McInnish-Goode case, no # 1120465, against former Alabama Secretary of State Beth Chapman has definitely NOT been quietly dismissed according to a spokesperson for the Alabama Supreme Court. “It’s still pending,” the court clerk told CiR on Thursday, December 19, at 3:06 p.m. EST. She said the case has not been dismissed, stating, “I don’t know where they get” the information that case was tossed. CiR was checking web reports that on the very day Attorney Larry Klayman won his blockbuster NSA spy scandal case against the Obama administration, his other big case concerning the Obama Birth Certificate forgery and authentication was dismissed.

    Attorney Klayman is plaintiffs’ counsel for Hugh McInnish and Virgil Goode, two Alabama Republican party officials who are challenging former Alabama Secretary of State Beth Chapman’s decision to allow Obama and other candidates to appear on that state’s 2012 presidential election ballots without first fully vetting them for eligibility. At stake, says investigator Mike Zullo, is “deception of voters and state election commissioners.”

    This huge case was taken to appeal for oral argument in front of the AL Supreme Court after lower courts tossed its premise, a typical legal action taken across America by most other lower judiciary challenges to the Obama Birth Certificate issue. Carl Gallups, Freedom Friday’s radio talk host in northern Florida, has for weeks been pointing out there actually are THREE birth certificate filings on record in this case. “Now a third birth certificate has been submitted by AL Democrats. (1) The Obama, WH generated web birth certificate was shown by Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s forensic investigators to be document forgery. Obama supporters have submitted yet another BC for consideration.

    Meanwhile, several major developments are causing tensions to rise. The first concerns the inexplicable death of the main Hawaii Department of Health official linked to issuance of the “real” Barack Obama BC, 65 year old Loretta Fuddy. Hers was the only death in a nine passenger plane crash last week that saw the pilot reportedly swim to shore to get help, after which, according to another Honolulu print outlet, he actually drove himself home. Attempts by CiR to re-verify this account were thwarted because print access became limited. Pilot Clyde Kawasaki was reported as saying, “All I know is ‘bang,’. . .OK, I’m in trouble now.”

    Attorney Orly Taitz now has entered into the plane crash reconstruction. Unclear is what happened to Fuddy’s body immediately after the plane hit the water. Taitz issued a recent press release saying she “was contacted by Mr. Larry Fenton who tried to serve Fuddy with a Taitz subpoena. “He said he received a Facebook request from Loretta Fuddy to be friends,” says Taitz. Fenton was not allowed to serve Fuddy with the subpoena in person as required by law, but “was told to leave it at the gate.” (2)

    Lead Arpaio investigator Mike Zullo filed a 207 point affidavit in the case against Sec of State Chapman, citing possible “fraudulent creation of an official document, forgery of a governmental birth record, and deception of voters and state election commissioners across the county.” (3) Point #35 of the filing states: “It was now demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that the WH website document was an utter forgery.” Gallups is reporting Zullo has gone to ground because of a history changing news tip the detective is chasing all over the country!

  20. NUKE FEAR: Feds Order 14 Million Doses of Potassium Iodide…


  21. That’s one way for the usurper to avoid bad poll numbers.
    Free press?

    Obama pollster asks reporters to stop covering polls in 2014…


  22. Revealed: Pristine Image Of Footprint On Alleged Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate


  23. citizenwells

    “Obamacare officially went live at midnight. This means that 2.1 million Americans (the latest enrollment number provided by the administration) will be given a chance to exercise their new plans at hospitals and clinics across the country (it was unclear what the latest number of Americans kicked off their existing plans was most recently: the tally was 4.0 million as of mid-November and it is fair to assume it has risen since then). And then the real glitches will begin.

    We reported two weeks ago that navigating the healthcare.gov labyrinth successfully and “signing up” for Obamacare is one thing; actually activating coverage by making a payment is something totally different. We added that “if people don’t pay by Dec. 31, insurers may end up stuck with a disproportionate number of sicker and costlier customers.”

    It is this “shock” realization that one’s Obamacare plan is not active until after the healthcare service has been rendered, that may hit as many as 50% of all enrollees, which means that of the 2+ million Americans who believe they have coverage, up to 1 million is about to be served with a bill which they can’t afford. This also happens to be the main story across various media outlets today.”


  24. Bob Strauss…….
    I am sure that the present Hawaii governor will NOT HAVE the gonads to start an investigation into Fuddy’s death, which has a very powerful odor to it. When 9 people are put into the same exact set of circumstances and 1 of them DIES from alleged injuries I see a number of red flags go up. First of all when I looked at the debris I could not believe what I saw. I personally know that that particular aircraft would never break up that badly in a ditching even if the pilot went in nose down. The simple fact that he and allthe other passengers didn’t have a scratch on them says comfirmation. The pilot sufferred a laceration to his forheadbut it was not a life threatening injury. The Cessna is a very strong aircraft,and while it might have ruptured a few skin panels would have survived pretty much in one piece. The fact that he swam ashore tends to say that he sufferred no major injuries either. I believe that the people who were hired to do the lift of the airplane were ordered to break it up as much as possible with the idea that it might make it to difficult to determine the cause of the power loss. I strongly believe that there was an act of sabotage just before the airplane took off. Who ever done the sabotage thought that the airplane would hit the water and sink immediately with everybody on board.Hopefully sworn depositions will be taken individually of all the people on board. Then each story can be looked at both comparatively,and individually.. Somewhere there might be conflicting stories.

  25. If you wish to verify the condition of the partially submerged aircraft go to KITV.com. There are pictures of the partially submerged aircraft which CONFIRMS ALL that I said earlier ….the aircraft is a very strong airplane and the photograph taken by KITV shows the airplane to be in ONE PIECE and showing only minor damage. Had the airplane broken up in as many pieces as it was shown later it would have sunk very quickly and in all probability would have taken most of the people on board with it.

  26. …………yet the LIBERAL oriented Hawaii newspaper said that the aircraft was substantially damaged. If that is the case why the hell was it still floating 25 minutes after it was ditched. Just some more LIBERAL LUNATICS who think that NOBODY else has any brains, and that they can pass off a BLATANT LIE. It is obvious that the newspaper is a Soetoro supporting WHORE.

  27. ……..nor would the aircraft have broken up very badly,if at all on it’s way to the bottom. It would have followed a downward course which would have been a bit like it was flying. It would have struck the ocean floor without much force at all. I believe that the airplane would have struck the bottom nose first. as it was when the pieces were being brought up

  28. Disregard last line beginning with “AS IT”

  29. …….I have personally watched Korean war AD1 Skyraiders (a VERT HEAVY aircraft) being winched yard and stay from the ocean floor. Some of those particular aircraft had very classified equipment on board,which necessitated the recovery of the aircraft if it was in shallow enough water. In water up to about 300′ it required a UDT team about about an hour to sling and attach a lifting line from the salvage vessel. As I stated earlier this was often done by a 5 hold cargo ship by yard and stay. Easy lift NO BREAKAGE.

  30. Nowadays we have ROVs that are fitted to do such recovery work without damaging the craft being raised. The excessive breakage of the Cessna appears to me as something which was done DELIBERATELY.

  31. bye bye My day was made by KITV.COM! Godbless!

  32. CW
    Obamacare Question…….
    When is a law not a law?
    If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.” T. Jefferson

  33. John in Illinois

    An explosive interview with Jim Garrow, a former U.S. Intelligence operative with knowledge about a number of current and coming events in the U.S. and worldwide. Mr. Garrow has agreed to spend the entire show with us to discuss a variety of topics, from the suspicious deaths and deliberate marginalization of journalists, to the truth about Barack Hussein Obama.

    OMG If you have the time look up Hagmann and Hagmann blogtalkradio tomorrow and listen to the Jan 1 show at 7pm CST . Hopefully it will be archived
    If you think things are bad , wait till you hear this interview. Everything from Obama’s origins to Breitbart Clancy and Hastings. The 3 nukes missing from Diaz AFB to Israel . This Garrow guy has all the inside info because he was in the business.

  34. John in Illinois

    For all you military people on this site …. he great

  35. What Garrow has to say on the Hagmann show is really quite stunning. If Garrow’s intelligence background can be verified as a rock solid, unassailable fact, I will be a true believer about all the stuff being said about Obama. I imagine the slander campaign against Garrow by Obama operatives has likely started, if indeed, his background is for real.

  36. Well, a quick check of the web finds several articles already debunking Garrow. This one is interesting. What is the real truth about this guy?


  37. citizenwells

    Good ole Jefferson.

  38. Gore’s Global Warming Secret

    You’ll never guess what initially inspired Al Gore’s “temperature” mania – the one that’s raised our tempers.
    Well, Gore is from Tennessee where you can hear Bible belt preachers warning about “Hell fire” in the next life.
    And Gore, concerned about this life, is surrounded by those who also know about the prediction in Revelation (chapter 16) of the coming time when a change in the sun will result in humans being “scorched with great heat”!
    It wouldn’t be convenient if folks were to discover that Gore, a liberal, was influenced by the handbook closely associated with Christian fundamentalists!
    If Tennessee fundy preachers could look at the same predictions-packed apocalyptic book and stretch forward in time some future events, Gore could surely do the same thing and stretch forward the “great heat” and turn it into cold cash.
    All of us are well aware of the incredible influence that the Gore-orrhea plague has had on the whole world including the White House!
    But Gore’s overlooked another Bible verse which says that “there is nothing hid that shall not be revealed.”
    The real “inconvenient truth” is that the SS Al Gore is now stuck in ice – and what we need is a Gorebreaker!

  39. Pingback: Blagojevich appeal status March 24, 2015, Sentence shortened or Obama pardon?, Obama cronies Rezko and Blagojevich know corruption details, Will Rod Blagojevich rat on Obama? | Citizen WElls

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