Category Archives: Biden

Lou Dobbs telling truth at CNN and FOX not acceptable for fake news, Dobbs and Trump questioned Obama birth certificate, Now Biden legitimacy, Dump Fox

Lou Dobbs telling truth at CNN and FOX not acceptable for fake news, Dobbs and Trump questioned Obama birth certificate, Now Biden legitimacy, Dump Fox

“Lou Dobbs, while still on CNN asked the simple journalistic question, why doesn’t Obama provide a legitimate birth certificate. Dobbs refers to the COLB, Certification of live birth, as a document that refers to another document. After leaving CNN, Lou Dobbs, interviewed by Bill O’Reilly on Fox continues to state ther obvious about Obama not providing a legitimate birth certificate. A shot was fired at Lou Dobbs house.”...Citizen Wells January 26, 2010

“I am leaving with my soul”...Glenn Beck on departure from Fox News

“When an opponent declares, “I will not come over to your side,” I calmly say, “Your child belongs to us already… What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.”...Adolf Hitler


Lou Dobbs was the only reason I watched any Fox “News” segments after they turned hard left and became leaders in the fake news media.

Lou Dobbs, an American Patriot, thrived on telling the American Public the truth.

That wouldn’t work for CNN and now fake news Fox.

One of Lou Dobbs’ last segments on Fox.

Back in 2010 Lou Dobbs questioned Obama’s birth certificate.








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Georgia legislature 2 questions: 1. How do you explain 95% adjudications (errors) 238k in 2 batches?, Why are you letting Arizona push for audit while doing nothing?

Georgia legislature 2 questions: 1. How do you explain 95% adjudications (errors) 238k in 2 batches?, Why are you letting Arizona push for audit while doing nothing?

“Russell J. Ramsland, Jr., a cybersecurity expert from Texas, testified that his team had compared data from Dominion voting machines in those places where they were used around the nation…..Ramsland estimated that these anomalies translated to between 123,000 and 136,000 extra votes for Vice President Biden in Georgia.”…GA senate chairman Ligon report on testimony from Dec 3, 2020 hearing

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”…Abraham Lincoln

“We are calling upon the elections officials to engage the GBI to investigate any and all fraudulent activities, including those which were brought to light during Senate committee hearings on December 3, 2020.”…Georgia Senate Republicans December 8, 2020


Georgia and Arizona have much in common when it comes to election irregularities, illegalities, cover ups and fraud.

They both had Trump haters overseeing their elections.

Gabriel Sterling in Georgia and Katie Hobbs in Arizona.

At least the Arizona Legislature is trying to find the truth and perform a legitimate audit.

From the evidence so far, Georgia has more instances of illegalities, irregularities, cover ups and fraud.

Georgia Legislature:

2 questions

  1. How do you explain having 2 batches in Fulton County with over 238,000 ballots needing adjudication? 95 % of the total.
  2. Why are you sitting there doing nothing with the efforts the Arizona Legislature has expended?

Adjudicated ballots

The following adjudication rates were revealed by GA election official Richard Barron.


During the Georgia Senate election hearing on December 30, 2020, it was revealed 106,000 out of 113,130 ballots had to be adjudicated. 93.69 percent. This happened on election night.”


Now we learn that on November 5, 2020, 132,272 out of 137,134 ballots scanned had to be adjudicated.

That is 96.45 %!!!


In one county.

In 2 batches.

A total of 238,272!


Virtually impossible these were all normal voter mistakes.

  • Were the ballots misprinted? An honest mistake.
  • Were the ballots misprinted to force adjudication?
  • Were new ballots created in the process?
  • If the old ballots were retained, how were they processed in a recount.
  • Supposedly 132,272 ballots were adjudicated the night before the morning of November 5.

GA election official Richard Barron stated the following on election night:


Georgia Legislature why no audit?

From the Georgia Senate report of December 17, 2020:

1- The November 3, 2020 election was chaotic and the results cannot be trusted.
2- The Secretary of State and the State Elections Board failed to enforce the law as written in the Georgia Code, and furthermore, created policies that contravened State law. As Senator Matt Brass concluded at the December 3 hearing, “We have heard evidence that State law was not followed, time after time after time.”
3- The Secretary of State failed to have a transparent process for the verification of signatures for absentee ballots, for the counting of votes during the subsequent recount and audit, and for providing the type of guidance and enforcement necessary to ensure that monitors and other observers had meaningful access to the process.
4- The Secretary of State instituted an unconstitutional gag order so that monitors were told not to use photography or video recording devices during the recount.
5- Election officials at all levels failed to secure test ballots and actual ballots. Many reports indicate that proper procedures were not followed, and there was systematic failure to maintain appropriate records of the chain of custody for these ballots, both prior to and after voting and throughout the recount.
6- The Secretary of State and Election Supervisors failed to stop hostile behavior of workers toward citizen volunteer monitors during the recount process.
7- The events at the State Farm Arena are particularly disturbing because they
demonstrated intent on the part of election workers to exclude the public from viewing the counting of ballots, an intentional disregard for the law. The number of votes that could have been counted in that length of time was sufficient to change the results of the presidential election and the senatorial contests. Furthermore, there appears to be coordinated illegal activities by election workers themselves who purposely placed fraudulent ballots into the final election totals.
8- Grants from private sources provided financial incentives to county officials and exerted influence over the election process.
9- The oral testimonies of witnesses on December 3, 2020, and subsequently, the written testimonies submitted by many others, provide ample evidence that the 2020 Georgia General Election was so compromised by systemic irregularities and voter fraud that it should not be certified.”

So, is that the reason for no audit?

“the 2020 Georgia General Election was so compromised by systemic irregularities and voter fraud that it should not be certified.”

Then do your damned job and decertify the election results!


Declare Perdue the winner of the Nov 3 Senate race.


More here:



ABC15 Phoenix AZ fake news bias or more?, History of lies about 2020 election why?, McCain legacy or Democrat ties?, Partnered with Maricopa Board of Supervisors

ABC15 Phoenix AZ fake news bias or more?, History of lies about 2020 election why?, McCain legacy or Democrat ties?, Partnered with Maricopa Board of Supervisors

“If I had my choice I would kill every reporter in the world but I am sure we would be getting reports from hell before breakfast.”… William Tecumseh Sherman

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”…Abraham Lincoln

“We are being lied to on a scale unimaginable by George Orwell.”…Citizen Wells


ABC15 in Phoenix, Arizona reveals their bias in the following video.

Status quo, par for the course.

At the end they stated:

“As for that audit, what actually comes from it – likely not much, but it is important to know that state law actually prevents the county from handing over any actual ballots.”


Are they in the pocket of the Democrat Party or is this part of the legacy of traitor John McCain?

ABC15 has a history of lies and protecting the Arizona elections officials.

ABC15 January 27, 2021.

“In fact, the hand count audit of approximately 47,000 votes yielded a 100% match with the machine-tabulated results.”


All ABC15 had to do was what Citizen Wells did. Examine the Arizona Hand Count Audit.

From Citizen Wells January 30, 2021.

27 percent of counties had discrepancies!

33 percent of counties did not participate!

Maricopa County sampled only .3 percent of the ballots!

ABC15 January 29, 2021.

“And the truth is, in the past, Sharpies were banned at voting centers because they could bleed through the paper. But in 2020, Maricopa County was using updated machines where Sharpies were actually the preferred pen since they dry so fast. But before election officials could even get ahead of the viral video, it was too late. Hobbs was suddenly on the defense.

This controversy is just one example of how fast misinformation can spread online. In this social media age, more and more people get their news from internet sources that aren’t fact-based — not understanding how to tell fact from fiction.”

Lie (Misleading)

Citizen Wells November 16, 2020.

“Texas Dominion Voting Systems testing and evaluations report dated February 15, 2019.”

Based on the foregoing observations and my examination of the Democracy 5.5 System, its accompanying literature and the presentation made by Dominion officials both in its literature and at the examination, I cannot recommend that the Democracy 5.5 System be certified as compliant with the requirements of the TEXAS ELECTION CODE and the TEXAS ADMINISTRATIVE
CODE. My opinion could potentially change of corrections to the identified problems (in my report and other reports) are properly corrected and presented to the Secretary’s office. ”

“In a follow-up, the vendor stated that only black Sharpie markers should be used for marking the ballots; however, when the black sharpie was used during testing, it did, on a few occasions, bleed through to the back side of the two-sided ballot in such a way that it could confuse the ballot scanner or kick the ballot out. “

It is almost like ABC15 is on the payroll of Katie Hobbs.



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Arizona and Maricopa County 2020 election irregularities and fraud already proven, Why Maricopa Board of Supervisors lied and obstructed audits

Arizona and Maricopa County 2020 election irregularities and fraud already proven, Why Maricopa Board of Supervisors lied and obstructed audits

“Poll workers struggled to operate the new voting machines in Maricopa County, and improperly pressed and told voters to press a green button to override significant errors,”  “The result is that the voting machines disregarded votes cast by voters in person on Election Day in Maricopa County.”…Matt Morgan, Trump 2020 campaign’s general counsel

“The certification of Arizona’s FALSE results is unethical and knowingly participating in the corruption that has disenfranchised AZ voters,” …Jenna Ellis

“Katie Hobbs AZ Secretary of State: Trump derangement syndrome is not illegal, Election fraud, coverup and lying on vote certification is”…Citizen Wells


Why has the Maricopa Board of Supervisors fought so hard to prevent a real audit of the ballots, equipment and software used in the 2020 election in Arizona?

Because it will further prove that they and the Secretary of State, Katie Hobbs lied and committed fraud.

Part of the proof comes from the SOS website and they lied about that.

Before proceeding, be aware of these facts:

  • Acccording to Dr. Kelli Ward, AZ GOP chairman, there were over 200,000 adjudicated ballots in Maricopa County alone.
  • Dominion equipment facilitates the processing of adjudicated ballots (errors) and allows humans to alter ballots.
  • Adjudication is supposed to be overseen by representatives of both parties. That has been a problem nationwide.
  • AZ statute 16-602(G): “G. During any hand count of early ballots, the county officer in charge of elections and election board workers shall attempt to determine the intent of the voter in casting the ballot.”
  • The same highly questionable scenario took place in Georgia on a larger scale of 238,272 adjudicated ballots in 2 batches. GA election official Richard Barron stated the following on election night: “THE ONLY BALLOTS THAT ARE ADJUDICATED ARE IF WE HAVE A BALLOT IN WHICH THERE IS SOME QUESTION AS TO HOW THE COMPUTER READS IT. SO THE VOTE REVIEW PANEL THEN DETERMINES VOTER INTENT.”


The ARIZONA MANDATED “HAND COUNT AUDIT” Took place from early to mid november 2020.

All that it ever was going to accomplish was to verify how well the equipment worked on that day.

5 counties did not participate.

4 counties had discrepancies “within the acceptable margin”.

Only .3 percent of early ballots in Maricopa County were sampled.

If the standard of 2 percent failure rate was applied to the entire population of over 1.9 million early ballots in Maricopa County then over 38,000 failures would be acceptable.

Despite the fact discrepancies were found, it was touted as 100% correct.

A lie!

27 percent of counties had discrepancies!

33 percent of counties did not participate!

Maricopa County sampled only .3 percent of the ballots!


That being said, their best efforts to hide and obfuscate do not prevail.

From the Mohave Count audit:

Page 3


First Baptist Church     Hand Count  766  Difference  3  Percentage  .4 %

Riverpt. Baptist              Hand Count  733  Difference  2  Percentage  .3 %


First Baptist Church     Hand Count  1605  Difference  11  Percentage  .7 %

Riverpt. Baptist              Hand Count  1388  Difference  5 Percentage  .4 %


First Baptist Church     Hand Count  752 Difference  4  Percentage  .5 %

Riverpt. Baptist              Hand Count  711  Difference  1  Percentage  .1 %

Error rate applied to total ballots.

There were 3,385,294 votes cast for president in Arizona.

A .1 percent error rate would impact 3,385 ballots.

.5 percent would impact 16,926 ballots.

Page 4

What is significant about page 4 is:

“Where the hand count is greater than the machine count it is likely due to interpretations of voter intent by the board.”

So it is ok for the board to interpret voter intent?

AZ statute 16-602(G) (see above) apparently allows it.

So how many of the 200,000 plus adjudicated ballots in Maricopa County were interpreted?

It is crucial that those ballots be audited properly!


It is obvious from the Mickey Mouse so called Hand Count Audit that problems were revealed and lied about.

But that is not the only sampling that took place.

Dr. Kelli Ward chairman of the AZ GOP requested and performed 2 small audit samples in Maricopa County

The first sample of 100 ballots yielded a 2 percent error rate and 3 percent vote change in favor of Biden.

The second sample of 1,526 ballots had a .5 percent error rate.

The alleged margin of victory for Biden in Arizona is .3 percent.

A real and thorough audit of the 2020 Arizona election results must be performed for the good of all.


What are the Maricopa Board of Supervisors hiding?


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Arizona election certification authentication update Jan 25, 2021, AZ state legislature audit, Katie Hobbs et al biased and corrupt, Who really won 2020 election?

Arizona election certification authentication update Jan 25, 2021, AZ state legislature audit, Katie Hobbs et al biased and corrupt, Who really won 2020 election?

“Poll workers struggled to operate the new voting machines in Maricopa County, and improperly pressed and told voters to press a green button to override significant errors,”  “The result is that the voting machines disregarded votes cast by voters in person on Election Day in Maricopa County.”…Matt Morgan, Trump 2020 campaign’s general counsel

“The certification of Arizona’s FALSE results is unethical and knowingly participating in the corruption that has disenfranchised AZ voters,” …Jenna Ellis

“Katie Hobbs AZ Secretary of State: Trump derangement syndrome is not illegal, Election fraud, coverup and lying on vote certification is”…Citizen Wells


Arizona election process doomed from start. By design?

  1. Secretary of State Katie Hobbs was never going to conduct a fair election. On August 15, 2017 she tweeted: “.@realDonaldTrump has made it abundantly clear he’s more interested in pandering to his neo-nazi base than being @POTUS for all Americans.” Hobbs has resisted audit efforts.
  2. Maricopa County election officials are hiding something. Instead of complying with the subpoena of the state legislature they have battled to fight an audit. This is a clear admission of guilt.
  3. Sharpie pens were recommended by Dominion but numerous voters had problems with them. These issues were dismissed by Hobbs with help from the fake news media. However, from the State of Texas evaluation of Dominion: “when the black sharpie was used during testing, it did, on a few occasions, bleed through to the back side of the two-sided ballot in such a way that it could confuse the ballot scanner or kick the ballot out. “
  4. The voting equipment and procedures in place were suspect.



How this has played out

  1. Why did Fox News call Arizona for Biden prematurely? Was it rigged?
  2. 10,457 votes allegedly separate the 2 candidates. .3 % of total votes.
  3. On November 12 AZ was still too close to call.
  4. Attorney Sidney Powell stated on the Maria Bartiroma Show that there were 42k ballots in AZ with only Joe Biden’s name.
  5. November 7 Trump lawsuit cited numerous irregularities.
  6. The so called “hand audit” raised more questions than it answered.
  7. An election integrity hearing took place on November 30, 2020.
  8. Katie Hobbs, in the middle of the hearing, prematurely and fraudulently certified the AZ votes. See celebration photo below.
  9. Arizona state rep Finchem Nov 30: “We are clawing our electoral college votes back, we will not release them. That’s what I’m calling our colleagues in both the House and the Senate to do,”  “Exercise our plenary authority under the U.S. Constitution.”
  10. Dec 2: 2 % of judge granted sample of 100 ballots reduced Trump vote. 3 % vote differential.
  11. Dec 4: 1,526 ballot sample revealed .5 % error rate, Greater than vote difference.
  12. Dec 4: AZ legislature requested audit of Dominion software and equipment used in Maricopa County.
  13. Dec 7: AZ GOP calls for decertification of election results and appeals to Arizona Supreme Court.
  14. Liz Harris AZ state rep candidate research found 539 “phantom sleeper voters” out of 2,000 door knocks using Bobby Piton analysis data.
  15. Dec 18: Maricopa Board of Supervisors refused subpoenas to turn over Dominion Voting Machines for an audit.
  16. Maricopa County election officials continue to stonewall to prevent efforts by Arizona legislators to examine Dominion Voting equipment or other election data.
  17. By Jan 20 Maricopa Board of Supervisors had been ordered by a judge to cooperate and legal wrangling began as to the details.
  18. What have they been hiding?

The actions of the Maricopa Board of Supervisors to obstruct and delay the election audit are a clear admission of guilt.


Questions needing answers

  1.  How many total adjudicated ballots in Arizona?
  2. There were over 200,000 adjudicated ballots in Maricopa County. Why?
  3. Where are the original ballots if replaced during adjudication?
  4. Were original ballots examined and counted during alleged hand counts?
  5. Were all of the adjudicated ballots overseen by both political parties? Where is the proof?
  6. Have all of the fraud, irregularities and illegalities addressed in the election integrity hearing of Nov 30 been addressed and answered?

Remember, corrupt biased Secretary of State Katie Hobbs rushed to certify the votes while the election hearing was taking place knowing full well that all of the votes were not legal.

The following is a large segment from the hearing:

Last question:

Why has Katie Hobbs not yet been arrested?


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Trump nor Biden can be impeached unless Trump is still considered President, Biden not clear winner, State legislatures must clarify, Pence should have only counted legal votes

Trump nor Biden can be impeached unless Trump is still considered President, Biden not clear winner, State legislatures must clarify, Pence should have only counted legal votes

“Our Constitution is in actual operation; everything appears to promise that it will last; but nothing in this world is certain but death and taxes.” … Benjamin Franklin

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”…Abraham Lincoln

“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”…Thomas Paine


The eighth wits in the House and Senate (I apologize to all eighth wits who have integrity) must believe that Donald Trump is still president (and he actually is) because they believe that they can impeach him.

US Constitution.

Article II, Section 4:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

So, members of congress must believe that Donald Trump is still President.

And they may be right.

Joe Biden is not.

The ceremony conducted by Mike Pence was illegal because he counted illegal electoral votes presented by corrupt state officials who are not the final arbiters.

Pence should have used the option presented by Senator Cruz to put the count on hold for 10 days and get the state legislators involved to certify the votes per the Constitution.

The state legislators could have done a better job but many did in fact state that the votes certified by rogue state officers were invalid.

More about that here:

It is not too late for the state legislatures to do their constitutional duty.

Arizona is still trying to audit their election results despite the best efforts of election officials to obfuscate and delay, a clear indicator of guilt.

So what in the hell is Joe Biden doing in the White House?

This is a real constitutional crisis of a magnitude never encountered in this country.

State legislatures, do your damn job!

Citizens, hold them accountable!

More to come.



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Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden Jan 21, 2021, “collusion with Chinese Communist party-linked officials”

Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden Jan 21, 2021, “collusion with Chinese Communist party-linked officials”

“The CCP made clear through its state-run media that it favored a presidency under Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden, because he would be “smoother” to deal with than President Donald Trump.”…The Epoch Times

“I have heard Joe Biden say he has never discussed his dealings with Hunter. That is false. I have firsthand knowledge about this because I directly dealt with the Biden family, including Joe Biden,”…Tony Bobulinski 

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”…Abraham Lincoln


From the US Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene press release January 21, 2021.

“Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against President Joe Biden

January 21, 2021

Washington D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden for his corrupt actions involving his quid pro quo in Ukraine and his abuse of power by allowing his son, Hunter Biden, to siphon off cash from America’s greatest enemies Russia and China.

Congresswoman Greene released the following statement:

“President Joe Biden is unfit to hold the office of the Presidency. His pattern of abuse of power as President Obama’s Vice President is lengthy and disturbing. President Biden has demonstrated that he will do whatever it takes to bail out his son, Hunter, and line his family’s pockets with cash from corrupt foreign energy companies.

President Biden is even on tape admitting to a quid pro quo with the Ukrainian government threatening to withhold $1,000,000,000 in foreign aid if they did not do his bidding. President Biden residing in the White House is a threat to national security and he must be immediately impeached.”

The case against President Joe Biden is vast and detailed:

  • Joe Biden abused the power of the Office of the Vice President, enabling bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors, by allowing his son to influence the domestic policy of a foreign nation and accept various benefits—including financial compensation—from foreign nationals in exchange for certain favors.
  • The evidence of widespread knowledge, corruption, and collusion on behalf of the Biden family with foreign nationals is clear and compelling.
  • As Vice President, Joe Biden was the senior Obama Administration official overseeing anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine. Hence, any illegal activity involving corruption conducted by Hunter Biden within or in relation to Ukraine would fall under the purview of the Office of Vice President Biden and the Obama State Department’s anti-corruption efforts. In fact, many State Department officials within the Obama Administration repeatedly registered reservations about Hunter Biden’s role on the board of a corrupt company. Thus, any instances of corruption on behalf of Hunter Biden via his role as a board member of the Ukrainian-operated Burisma energy firm were intentionally not investigated or covered up.
  • In 2016, Ukraine’s top anti-corruption prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, had an active and ongoing investigation into Burisma and its owner, Mykola Zlochevsky. At the time, Hunter Biden continued to serve on Burisma’s board of directors. According to news reports, then Vice-President Biden “threatened to withhold $1 billion in United States loan guarantees if Ukraine’s leaders did not dismiss [Shokin].” After that, Ukraine’s Parliament fired Shokin.
  • During his father’s vice presidency, Hunter Biden built many business relationships with foreign nationals and received millions of dollars from foreign sources, seemingly in exchange for access to his father. The financial transactions which Hunter engaged in illustrates serious counterintelligence and extortion concerns relating to Hunter Biden and his family.
  • President Biden gravely endangered the security of the United States and its institutions of government. Through blatant nepotism, he enabled his son to influence foreign policy and financially benefit as a result of his role as Vice President. He supported his son engaging in collusion with Chinese Communist party-linked officials. He allowed his son to trade appointments with his father and other high-ranking administration officials in exchange for financial compensation. He permitted his son to take money from Russian oligarchs, including Elena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow.”




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ChiComm traitor Mitch McConnell censured by Nelson County Kentucky Republicans, “This has shown his true colors”, A bridge to China

ChiComm traitor Mitch McConnell censured by Nelson County Kentucky Republicans, “This has shown his true colors”, A bridge to China

“Mitch McConnell has shown his true colors by supporting his fellow ChiComm Traitor ally Joe Biden.”...Citizen WElls

“The CCP made clear through its state-run media that it favored a presidency under Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden, because he would be “smoother” to deal with than President Donald Trump.”…The Epoch Times

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”…Ephesians 6:12


From WHAS January 20, 2021.

“Nelson Co. GOP leaders censure Senator Mitch McConnell after floor speech saying Capitol riot was ‘provoked’ by Trump

The speech prompted Nelson County GOP leaders to hold an emergency meeting, voting unanimously to issue a resolution censuring McConnell.

On his last day in the role before becoming minority leader, Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell pointed fingers at President Trump, directly accusing him of playing a role in the January 6th insurrection of the U.S. Capitol.

“The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people,” he said. ”

“McConnell’s speech prompted Nelson County GOP leaders to hold an emergency meeting, voting unanimously to issue a resolution censuring the senate majority leader for his comments.

“This has shown his true colors,” Nelson Co. GOP Chairman Don Thrasher said. “We felt today during his floor speech on the senate where he impugned the character of President Trump was unacceptable to us. his whole behavior overall through this whole process of the last week is not consistent with what he promised us when he was running for re-election.”

McConnell hasn’t said how he will vote in the second impeachment trial of President Trump, but has said it’s a “vote of conscience” and will be based on facts. But in light of the impending impeachment trial in the Senate, Thrasher has also proposed a resolution calling on McConnell to vote to acquit Trump.

“Basically calling for Senator McConnell to support President Trump and denounce the second impeachment as divisive,” Thrasher said. ”

Read more:

Mitch McConnell has shown his true colors by supporting his fellow ChiComm Traitor ally Joe Biden.

Perhaps the following explains why.

From the NY Times June 2, 2019.

Elaine Chao has boosted the profile of her family’s shipping company, which benefits from industrial policies in China that are roiling the Trump administration.”

“Ms. Chao has no formal affiliation or stake in her family’s shipping business, Foremost Group. But she and her husband, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, have received millions of dollars in gifts from her father, James, who ran the company until last year. And Mr. McConnell’s re-election campaigns have received more than $1 million in contributions from Ms. Chao’s extended family, including from her father and her sister Angela, now Foremost’s chief executive, who were both subjects of the State Department’s ethics question.

Over the years, Ms. Chao has repeatedly used her connections and celebrity status in China to boost the profile of the company, which benefits handsomely from the expansive industrial policies in Beijing that are at the heart of diplomatic tensions with the United States, according to interviews, industry filings and government documents from both countries.”

“Foremost has received hundreds of millions of dollars in loan commitments from a bank run by the Chinese government, whose policies have been labeled by the Trump administration as threats to American security. The company’s primary business — delivering China’s iron ore and coal — is intertwined with industries caught up in a trade war with the United States. That dispute stems in part from the White House’s complaints that China is flooding the world with subsidized steel, undermining American producers.”

Read more:



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President Trump departure Comrade Biden installation temporary setback and rallying cry, Band and ban social media fake news media and corporate traitors

President Trump departure Comrade Biden installation temporary setback and rallying cry, Band and ban social media fake news media and corporate traitors

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”…Joseph Goebbels

“The CCP made clear through its state-run media that it favored a presidency under Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden, because he would be “smoother” to deal with than President Donald Trump.”…The Epoch Times

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”…Ephesians 6:12


President Trump did his best to awaken the American people to the treachery and threats of China and its agents.

The Democrat party, Joe Biden, RINOS such as Mitch McConnell and the fake news media did their best to cooperate with and obfuscate the intent of China and its agents.

President Trump departs this morning.

Comrade Joe Biden will be installed.

This should be a temporary setback.

But also a rallying cry.

It is time for us, the American people to do our jobs.

They have awakened a “Sleeping Giant.”

Inspired by the words of Abraham Lincoln:

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”

We must remove China controlled traitors like Mitch McConnell, et al and sunshine patriots too numerous to list.

We must hold accountable the election officials and legislatures of the following states:

Arizona, Georgia, Minnesota, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Traitor Mike Pence counted illegally certified electoral votes that he knew were discounted by most of those legislatures.

The election is not completely over because investigations are and should be ongoing.

Hold them accountable!

Biden can still be removed.

Just as big a problem as the perpetual corruption and un American activities of the Democrat Party and fellow RINOS, is their partner the fake news media and social media Thought Police assisted by corrupt Corporate America.

We can and must stop them.

We must urge and support our fellow real Americans to hit these evil players in the pocketbook.

We can and must do this.




Band together and ban social media, fake news media and corporate traitors.



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