Tag Archives: voters

Coal states, Obama will bankrupt, Obama speech, San Francisco, January 17, 2008, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Colorado, Indiana, Voters, Energy dependence, Job losses, Obama elitist remarks

If you are a voter in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Colorado, Indiana
or anywhere in the US, pay close attention. People clinging to guns and
religion was not the only elitist remark Obama made in San Francisco.
On January 17, 2008, in a San Francisco interview, in another remark
taylored to his elitist followers, Obama stated he would bankrupt the
coal industry. This time, his remarks are not just insulting, they will
lead to more energy dependence and job losses. Once again, in Obama’s own words, he proves how dangerous he would be for the country.

I would like to thank commenter Fae for bringing this to my attention.

Citizen Wells has inside knowledge of clean coal technology that has been implemented in the US for many years. Once again, as in other matters related to the econcomy, taxes and jobs, Obama speaks to his anti American elitist core, telling them what they want to hear, and not from a position of knowledge and what is best for the country.

Rasmussen poll, March 24, 2008, Obama slipping in polls, Wright speech impact

  The impact of pastor Jeremiah Wright and his racist and hate sermons coupled with the 20 year association with Barack Obama is taking a toll on Obama’s election campaign. Here are the Rasmussen poll results for March 24, 2008:

“Nationally, Hillary Clinton now holds a very slight advantage over Barack Obama, 46% to 44%.”

John McCain leads Barack Obama 50% to 41% and Hillary Clinton 49% to 42%.

In North Carolina John McCain leads Hillary Clinton 50% to 34%. McCain leads Barack Obama 51% to 42%. McCain is viewed favorably by 62% of NC voters. Obama is viewed favorably by 48%, Clinton is viewed favorably by 38%.

Texas Primary results 2008, Hillary or Obama, election results

The pollsters are proclaiming a lead for Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama in Texas. Rush Limbaugh is urging people to vote for Hilary. Will there be enough new voters voting for Obama? Will enough people vote for Hilary to stop Obama? As soon as the results are clear, they will be posted here.

Here are some comments from AOL Hot Seat:

“Truthfully, I think that History will tell our posterity that 2008 was the year that “America Woke Up” and realized, you can’t keep electing Liberal Socialist Demoncrats into office and allowing them to keep waving the American Flag, while they are constantly empowering Government to regulate our thoughts, actions, and desires, with absolutely no ability of freedom of choice in how we will live!

NO MORE DEMONCRATS. Freedom Forever!!!!!!!”

Regarding the Rush Limbaugh impact:

“His plan very well could work. His objective is only to keep the vote close enough to keep Hitlary in the race, and keep these two Liberal Socialists fighting, tearing down, and exposing each other for what they REALLY ARE.

Keep both of these Liberal Socialist Democrats (LSD) active and fighting”

By mid afternoon, election officials in Ohio and Texas indicate a high voter turnout, despite bad weather.

Ohio Primary results 2008, Hillary or Obama, election results

The pollsters are proclaiming a dead heat between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in Ohio. Rush Limbaugh is urging people to vote for Hilary. Will there be enough new voters voting for Obama? Will enough people vote for Hilary to stop Obama? As soon as the results are clear, they will be posted here.

Here are some comments from AOL Hot Seat:

“Truthfully, I think that History will tell our posterity that 2008 was the year that “America Woke Up” and realized, you can’t keep electing Liberal Socialist Demoncrats into office and allowing them to keep waving the American Flag, while they are constantly empowering Government to regulate our thoughts, actions, and desires, with absolutely no ability of freedom of choice in how we will live!

NO MORE DEMONCRATS. Freedom Forever!!!!!!!”

Regarding the Rush Limbaugh impact:

“His plan very well could work. His objective is only to keep the vote close enough to keep Hitlary in the race, and keep these two Liberal Socialists fighting, tearing down, and exposing each other for what they REALLY ARE.

Keep both of these Liberal Socialist Democrats (LSD) active and fighting”

By mid afternoon, election officials in Ohio and Texas indicate a high voter turnout, despite bad weather.

Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, lifelong Democrat comments

I just received a comment about Hillary and Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. This was from a life long Democrat, and though I don’t agree with everything that was said, I respect the thought that went into it and I believe it is representative of the opinion of many voters. The comment was made by user mcswain, today, February 29, 2008. Here is the comment as submitted:

on Hillary, if I may……

I have been a lifelong Democrat. I have not missed an election in the last 40 years, literally.

This Obama fellow is what is needed now, it is his time; our time. I am much older than he.

It matters not whether he can deliver, no one can really now. But he brings Hope that may be he/we can. That is what is required now, Hope and hard work. Obama is that, that and a young man’s family’s energy. That and mixed race. That and International. That and Black in America.

Hillary also is about Hope. Resolve too. However, she and Bill had their shot. Took it, hit the mark, dead on. President and Mrs. Clinton. Twice. Undeniable. 8 years. Most everyone had a some good years. Enough.

Another Hillary however……. now it has become about her; them, Bill and Hillary. About obstinance, revenge, vindication, arrogance, pay-back, resolve and a bit of Hope. About Bill involving himself in scuffles and disturbances in the crowds. About Hillary not congratulating or even acknowledging Obama’s last, whatever is the number, of victories in a row. Ridiculous. Bill & Hillary’s time was together in the past. Help them off the stage before one of them falls off and gets hurt again.

OK, that’s it.