Tag Archives: August 24

Blagojevich trial January 2011?, Judge James Zagel, Public defenders, Citizen Wells open thread, August 24, 2010

Blagojevich trial January 2011?, Judge James Zagel, Public defenders

From the Chicago Tribune August 23, 2010.

“At a private meeting last week with lawyers in the case, U.S. District Judge James Zagel said he was eyeing January for a second trial and suggested he would appoint two attorneys for Blagojevich at taxpayer expense, according to sources familiar with the matter.

Blagojevich’s legal team of seven lawyers was paid from his campaign funds for the first trial, but taxpayers will have to foot the bill for the retrial because the $2.7 million in campaign money ran out.

No date for a retrial has been picked, and the matter remains fluid, those with knowledge of the meeting said. The attorneys are scheduled to meet for a public status hearing in front of Zagel on Thursday.”

Read more:


Jan Schakowsky, Illinois Representative, Illegal aliens, August 24, 2009 press conference, No respect for the law, Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, What about US citizens’ rights?

Is there something in the water in Illinois?

I have heard from reliable sources that drug use among politicians in Chicago is rampant.

Obviously there is no respect for the US Constitution or rule of law.

And all of this is coming from the “Land of Lincoln.”

So what is Representative Jan Schakowsky of IL on?

She obviously has no respect for the laws of the US!
“From Rep. Jan Schakowsky’s (D-IL) remarks at an August 24, 2009 press conference held in Chicago by the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights.”

Let’s all keep an eye on Representative Jan Schakowsky and unite to remove her from office.


Thanks to commenter LM.

Trent Franks town hall meeting, August 24, 2009, Franks did not say lawsuit?, pursue looking into Obama birth certificate, Politico.com, Trent Franks believes Obama born in Hawaii?, Franks town hall statement

The Trent Franks town hall meeting on Saturday, August 22, 2009, in Kingman, AZ is stirring up a lot of controversy. According to the Mojave Daily News, Franks was reported as saying:

“Franks said there was not enough evidence that Obama is not an American citizen. He did say there was a lot of conflicting evidence of Obama’s citizenship and that he was considering filing a lawsuit, the only congressman to do so. Franks asked why the president did not simply produce a birth certificate.””

The Citizen Wells blog has reported on the town hall meeting as well as further comments coming from representative Franks office.
A comment was posted by a citizen from AZ:

“I have emailed Rep Franks several times,…. and He has responded to me each time….by email and also snail mail letter.  Pretty much saying that obama has been vetted and all is in order.  MAYBE we should email him some info to WAKE UP his mind a little bit.  You prepare what you want and I will make sure he gets it.  I will email it and I will also send him a certified letter.  WHAT do you think?  (I also emailed Sen Mccain,…. but never received any response at all)”
Today we received this comment from travelbugs:

“I just got off the phone with Congressman Franks office. He said that he did not say he would pursue a lawsuit, but rather that he would pursue looking into this. I also explained that it is much more than the long form birth certificate. I further stated that he had to simultaneously ask for the college records and passport records to be opened up to fully understand the depth of this. The staffer said they have been flooded by calls today about the birth issue and he took my message down, in great detail, and promised to pass it along to the Congressman. Everyone needs to call and relay this same information. He can get a fake birth certificate, but he cannot forge the passport and college records as well. These elements are critical to bringing about the truth!”


Politico is now reporting the following:

“Franks in July: Obama ‘born in Hawaii'”

“A month before Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) told a town hall audience that there is not enough evidence that President Barack Obama is a natural-born citizen, he told an interviewer that he believes Obama was “born in Hawaii.”
According to the Mohave Daily News, on Sunday, Franks told a town hall audience in Kingman, Ariz., that there is conflicting evidence as to whether the president was born in the United States. According to the report, the Republican congressman called on Obama to produce his birth certificate and threatened to sue the president over the issue.
But in July, when a camera crew from the liberal blog FireDogLake approached Franks to ask if he believed the so-called birthers, who dispute whether Obama was born in the United States and would therefore be ineligible to serve as president, Franks made his anti-birther position pretty clear.
“I believe Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, stayed within the United States and, therefore, is a constitutionally natural-born citizen of this country,” Franks told the blog’s Mike Stark.”

Read more:


I, Citizen Wells, today, August 24, 2009, submitted a request to meet with Trent Franks. I will keep you informed of what comes of this.

So, representative Trent Franks, what is your position on Obama’s eligibility and not presenting a legitimate birth certificate? Your constituents and the American public want to know.