Jan Schakowsky, Illinois Representative, Illegal aliens, August 24, 2009 press conference, No respect for the law, Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, What about US citizens’ rights?

Is there something in the water in Illinois?

I have heard from reliable sources that drug use among politicians in Chicago is rampant.

Obviously there is no respect for the US Constitution or rule of law.

And all of this is coming from the “Land of Lincoln.”

So what is Representative Jan Schakowsky of IL on?

She obviously has no respect for the laws of the US!
“From Rep. Jan Schakowsky’s (D-IL) remarks at an August 24, 2009 press conference held in Chicago by the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights.”

Let’s all keep an eye on Representative Jan Schakowsky and unite to remove her from office.


Thanks to commenter LM.

103 responses to “Jan Schakowsky, Illinois Representative, Illegal aliens, August 24, 2009 press conference, No respect for the law, Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, What about US citizens’ rights?

  1. Civis Naturaliter Natus

    LM wrote:


    Long-gagged FBI whistleblower’s full under-oath testimony from Ohio election case, details Congressional blackmail, bribery, espionage, infiltration, more…

    112th Congress, Ron Paul et al, Do your damn job, US Constitution, Natural born citizen, Obama eligibility



    I have to say THANKS for this link.

    This 254pp testimony by Edmonds blows the lid off the sewer of corruption in the Federal Government, top to bottom, esp. in our congressmen, Republicans and Democrats, and shows the massive foreign control of our Federal Governement in detail and how they do it (blackmail & bribery)…

    No wonder we have a foreigner in the White House!

    I used to believe that 9/11 was truly a surprise to our government, but it seems more likely from this testimony that it was knowinly permitted to happen to create a crisis to exploit…

  2. Me thinks that we can be thankful for Youtube videos like this…and speeches like this from the Rep….’cause it makes it so much easier to identify the ones that need to go, using their own words…no need for time spent doing ‘investigative journalism’. Thank you, Ms. Rep. Schakowsky for saving us all that time and energy…
    “now we see you…then we won’t..”
    Let’s hope & pray that others like her will do the same…just speak up about where you stand on the un-Constitutional issues…they’ll get posted for all to see. Do us all a favor.

  3. The United States of America cannot have it both ways. Illegal potus in Washington, illegal aliens, and this from the people who swore to uphold the Constitution so help them God. This makes them criminal enablers and traitors.

  4. btw: was referring to vid post from previous thread re: “PETIIFSOTB” (or for ease of pronunciation just call it “Pithed-Off!”):
    which stands for:
    “People for the Ethical Treatment of Illegal Immigrants from South OF The Border”…
    Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?!

  5. Voting won’t matter- they obviously don’t give a damm about votes as shown by their fearless, arogant behavior. Obama is building his forces by strengthening the anti-American groups with money, weapons, un-constitutional rights, and able bodies- our youth included. All this crazy chit is so tied together in one word- overthrow.

    I pray there is a 2010, I have doubts.

  6. It is so sad, they all think they are above the law. When are we going to take it to the streets?

  7. Afternoon, all…
    I think ‘Chicago’ needs to have a “t” added somewhere to the middle of its name. Hey – we can make it a ‘t’ party!

    Okay…that was bad. Give me a pass on that one.


  8. PRARIE…………………………………………………..

    If we don’t find a leader soon, by 2010 the US till be renamed United Socialist States of Camexamera= the AMERO (new currency).

  9. Trent Franks sounds like somebody who intends to act like a representative of his constituents. If he follows through then I take my hat off to him. He will be terribly alone in the political cesspool.

  10. JF @ 11:55: I didn’t think that was too bad…I got a chuckle out of it…not any worse than my
    “Pithed Off!” attempt…what the hey…





  12. Civis Naturaliter Natus


    Great idea…if only there was a website where voters could go to access links to videos about their US Senators and Representatives…it would help form voter stances in 2010….and it would not be so hard to write up, I’d think…

  13. CNN
    suggestions for the site name:


    I could go on and on….
    Seriously though- we could petition Beck, Rush, etc. to host it as there sites are already well known.

  14. She sounds like she has early Alzheimer’s or dementia.

  15. the media is playing into obama’s hands glorifying Kennedy today- so he can come out and re-organize and re-slant the health care reform.

    It is as sickening as the Jackson coverage! 10 on the barf scale. How the hell does obama always seem to score these “timely” distractions whenever he is in trouble?

  16. Civis Naturaliter Natus


    There has been much talk and discussion regarding Obama not being a Natural Born Citizen on the basis of where he was born and the citizenship of his father, Barack Hussein Obama Snr.

    But even if it turns out that Barack Hussein Obama Jr. was born in Hawaii, it is clear that he is not only not a NBC, he is not even a native born citizen, nor a 14th Amendment citizen…

    The reason is that while the Constitution allows Congress broad power to establish uniform naturalization laws, it contrains native born citizens to the definition of the 14th amendment, which definition requires that the one born be under the jurisdiction of the USA…the Supreme Court requires that both parents be citizens, and in Wong Kim Arc allows that for Chinese citizens, who by treaty could not naturalize as US citizens, that their children could be considered native born.

    However, the so called anchor baby law, passed by Congress, in 1986 (?) does not creative native born citizens, nor natural born citizens, but merely naturalized citizens at birth ( citizens by statue at birth)

    because Congress only has power to establish means by where one becomes a naturalized citizen, it has no power to make NBCs or native citizens…

    Therefore, even where Obama may have claimed to be a native born citizen, he perjured himself…

  17. Fernley Girl

    Prairie is concerned about having elections in 2010.
    I noticed this article after LM provided the link to Bradblog.
    A new way to steal votes with electronic voting machines.


  18. I’d like to propose a T Level. “T” for TYRANNY that is. Each day we should rank the severity of tyranny. It should match that of T for TERRORISM as they are both a serious threat to the U.S. Levels should be:

    5 – Unfathonable. Revolt!
    4 – Extremely High. Protest.
    3 – High. Take action and notify everyone to stay alert.
    2 – Medium. Create alarm and prepare.
    1 – Low. Stay frosty and alert.
    0 – No threat today.

    What do you think?

  19. Patriot Dreamer

    Top Political Fundraiser Charged With $74 Million Fraud

  20. Democrat activist vandalizes Democrat office in Colorado:

  21. Exclusive: America’s Most Forgotten – A Previously Deported Illegal Alien Murders Pre-Med Student in Drunk Driving Incident


  22. http://www.gallup.com/poll/122468/Obama-Weekly-Approval-Average-New-Low.aspx

    Change is approval ratings greatest in 18-29 yrs.
    An important loss.

  23. Old Salt,
    great article
    The Shell Game – How the Federal Reserve is Monetizing Debt


  24. FYI:
    I am sure you are all watching Beck, but if you missed his radio show this morning – he is begging us to watch today as he will “reveal what has him scared the most.” He will also reveal an important video if he can get it verified.

  25. Do you guys remember this happening? I wonder if we’ll ever hear the tapes. I’m sure they probably think people have forgotten about it.


    “LA Times Obama Video Takes on a Life of Its Own

    Terry Trippany on Oct 30 2008 at 7:10 am | Filed under: Election 2008, Feature Article, Media Watch

    The Media Circles the Wagons with Bogus Claims About John McCain (click here for jump)

    As time goes on questions surrounding the LA Times decision to withhold a damaging video of Barack Obama takes on a life of its own.

    Unless you live on another planet you know that the tape shows Barack Obama yucking it up a Jew bashing party in honor of Rashid Khalidi. Guests included American terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. Obama denied knowing Khalidi yet the Times reports he toasted him at the party.

    Now Middle East expert Debbie Schlussel has entered the picture and is coming at the Times for withholding a video on a story they allegedly lifted from her. Schlussel wrote about Barack Obama, the Nation of Islam and the fundraiser in the videotape back in January of this year. She claims that LA Times writer Peter Wallsten ripped her off and that she may know the source of the tape he refuses to release….”

  26. Greg Goss // August 26, 2009 at 7:35 am
    Can anyone tell me why someone knowing what IP address’s have hit their website is a problem? I can see those stats on my analytical page, so what!
    jbjd when asking you to post replies on his blog is because it keeps the topic and comments in one place. We, CW readers and commentators, are not the only ones reading jbjd’s blog. Based on his comments and his blog post I do not see how anyone could consider him an obot!

    Of course the reason I direct comment to my blog is that, others who do not read this blog will certainly have the same questions asked here; and I want to avoid having to duplicate my answers. (Not as ‘sexy’ as accusing me of tracking people’s IP’s.) As for the impossibility of concluding I am an “obot” after reading my posts, I agree completely.

    Rocknee // August 26, 2009 at 12:05 pm
    cnn, jbjd,
    I not a lawyer, in fact I am slow ut average back home. cnn, the Constitution does not define NBC and SCOTUS has not either.
    jbjd is saying the crimal act is election fraud committed by pelosi, dnc, obama for the forged colb posted on the internet and then telling ALL americans that barry is eligible cause he was born in hawaii.

    Very close. Some states have laws that say, the nominee for POTUS must be eligible for the job. In other words, in order to get the name of the nominee onto the state ballot, the party must warranty, he is a NBC. By signing that Certification of Nomination, NP warrantied, BO is a NBC. (First, because DNC rules actually say, the nominee for POTUS must be Constitutionally eligible for the job; and second, because given the state law, it is presumed the DNC is not submitting the name of an ineligible nominee.) But you can’t just warranty a fact without first checking to see whether it is true. Otherwise, you commit fraud. And given the strong circumstantial case I have put together, it would appear unlikely that any other ‘evidence’ existed on which NP could have based her warranty that BO is a NBC, except for that photocopied COLB (authenticated by APFC). The AG’s statutory role is to investigate allegations of election fraud.

  27. ABC 20/20 co-anchor John Stossel comments on health care plan:


  28. Great article by Thomas Sowell on personal responsibility:


  29. As we discuss the NBC issue, we leave out the most horrific being COMMITTED, that would be the dismantling of the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. My mind goes to a little Country named HONDURAS that seems to value their freedom and CONSTITUTION more than the United States. We have to get the military involved in this to save America. I see no other way of saving the freedoms we have enjoyed so long. It appear that no legal action will get a chance in our courts and if we sit back until Obama covers the United States with Foreign Troops we will go down. The powers that be on the Conservative side needs to set the Military on a goal to save America. Discussion is good for the soul but if it never moves beyond that we will lose our freedom and our Country. Just had to Vent!!!

  30. Linda from NY

    OT…Have any of you listened to the Town Hall Meeting hosted by AK-R Senator Lisa Murkowski? I thought it was quite informative and interesting; she took questions from some of the people who were outside; worth your time:


  31. Barry Soetoro Fraud

    Yikes! Something’s stinkin’ in the Land o Lincoln. Just when I thought politicians in that state couldn’t reveal any more dirty nasties, this comes along. Begs the question: are there any decent public servants there?

  32. Just watched the clip of Schakowsky. The drug to which you refer, CW?

    I call it “handentitleine” – a toxic cocktail of handouts and entitlements. They’re all ADDICTED.

  33. Leo
    says us nbc have no rights

  34. Rename health care bill for Kennedy

    “Ailing Senator Robert Byrd, one of only two to have served longer than Kennedy, suggests in an emotional statement renaming the pending health care legislation for the late Massachusetts Senator:

    In his honor and as a tribute to his commitment to his ideals, let us stop the shouting and name calling and have a civilized debate on health care reform which I hope, when legislation has been signed into law, will bear his name for his commitment to insuring the health of every American.”

    Socialized health care is socialized health care. By any other name is socialized health care. The Kennedy socialized health care is socialized health care. By any other name is Kennedy socialized health care.

    No matter how it is rewritten, compromised or named it still boils down to GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER HEALTH CARE SOCIALIZED MEDICINE. If there are any smarts left in the Kennedy dynasty in hopes Ted will be well remembered, they should not allow the naming of this travesty of a government takeover of 17% of America’s business be named after him.


    What is also obvious is that “they don’t get it!’

    “US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi vowed Wednesday to push through embattled health reform legislation this year following the death of Senator Ted Kennedy, who called the effort “the cause of my life”.

    “Ted Kennedy?s dream of quality health care for all Americans will be made real this year because of his leadership and his inspiration,” Pelosi said in a statement.

    President Barack Obama’s sweeping plan to provide health insurance to all Americans, the top domestic priority of his administration, has met with stiff public and political opposition amid concerns over the costs of the plan and the role of government in providing medical care.
    Pelosi, one of Obama’s top Democratic allies, was reminding Americans that reforming the health care system was a cause dear to the heart of Kennedy, who died late Tuesday after losing a long battle with brain cancer.

    “Sadly, Senator Kennedy left us exactly one year after he inspired the nation with his speech of optimism, vitality, and courage at the Convention in Denver,” she said.”

    Barry, Pelosi, and the blinded-by-their-own-lust-for-power thugs are threatening to pass this “genocide bill” regardless what the citizens of America say. They forget the only citizens who support this bill are the Acorn, SEIU, and miscellaneous people who are paid to be bussed in and attend town hall meetings in order to attempt to minimize the overwhelming number of people who are attending these meetings begging their leaders to not vote for this bill.

    How much more proof does the rest of America need about the recalcitrance, lawlessness and contempt this group of criminals have towards its citizens, America’s laws, and all that is sacred to Americans? Their lust for power is so insatiable, they will stop at nothing to steal want they want! Our greatest effort is yet to come!

  35. JeffM @ 1:45 suggested: “T” alert status:

    5 – Unfathonable. Revolt!
    4 – Extremely High. Protest.
    3 – High. Take action and notify everyone to stay alert.
    2 – Medium. Create alarm and prepare.
    1 – Low. Stay frosty and alert.
    0 – No threat today.
    like the idea…but think it needs to identify the individual or group who needs to be contacted immediately & correspondingly…and the FIRST order of business…here; I’ll take the first whack at it…feel free to edit as you so desire…
    0 – No threat today: Have a cold beer or two and call yer buddies over and watch your favorite ballgame;
    1 – Low. Stay frosty and alert: Have several frosty cold beers; remind yourself where your weapons and ammo are;
    2 – Medium. Create alarm and prepare: Have a shot of whisky and a few cold beer chasers…remover locks from yer weapons;
    3 – High. Take action and notify everyone to stay alert: Re-load the cooler and your weapons and tell yer buds to do the same;
    4 – Extremely High. (Protest): get all yer buddies with all their stuff (don’t forget the cooler)…make sure there’s a full tank of gas in the truck;
    5 – Unfathonable. Revolt!: “Start the truck, Buford! Sempre Fi!!! (bring the cooler, just in case…)

  36. Patriot Dreamer

    Obama’s ‘diversity officer’ at FCC to use Alinsky’s confrontational tactics [to achieve “fairness doctrine” results]:

  37. Patriot Dreamer

    So, what “T” alert status are we at today?

  38. Re-do…


    Patriot Dreamer, our “T Alert Status” today appears to be at Level 3.

  39. If someone has time and Photoshop skills, what I would love to see is an “FBI’S” Most Wanted list with all the high-profile Soetoro CZARS along with Barry, Nancy, and whoever else will fit onto the sheet. Then we can start posting these around town.

  40. What in the world is going on with Orly’s website?

  41. jbjd, As I peruse these posts there are commentators that I routinely skip over. I have read all of your comments and replies to you from others. Not sure why some are skeptical of your motives. I appreciate your thoughts and the time you have put into them.

  42. I am not haveing a problem with Orly’s site beyond the normal warning screen that you can ignore.

  43. GG,

    Thank you.

  44. Pretty sad new item from UNESCO. The United Nations is recommending that children as young as five years of age be taught about masturbation and other sexual phenomena. Yeah, one world order and all that. Sure, bring it on.


  45. Well, I see that it’s under construction: http://orlytaitzesq.com/

    That was working yesterday. This is besides her blog where the warning comes up.

  46. GG @ 4:09: may have had something to do with the whole ‘support of HRC’ thing that raised many an eyebrow…and some who just can’t resist the temptation to debate…for progress or not.

  47. GG ‘otra vez’: and the continuing banter of issues that will likely prove nothing, but take up lots of diversionary space…blah, blah, blah…

  48. OT: story from young California girl trying to ‘go green’ and remodel her home said:

    “Last year I replaced all the windows in my house with that expensive double-pane energy efficient kind, and today, I got a call from the contractor who installed them.

    He was complaining that the work had been completed a whole year ago and I still hadn’t paid for them… ‘Hellloooo!!!………….
    just because I’m blonde doesn’t mean that I am automatically stupid!’

    So, I told him just what his fast-talking sales guy had told me last year, that in ONE YEAR these windows would pay for themselves!

    ‘Helllooooo!! It’s been a year!’ I told him.

    There was only silence at the other end of the line, so I finally just hung up. He never called back. I bet he felt like an idiot.
    Keeping it real, JeffM…Keeping it real.

  49. She is the poster child for the fact that liberalism is a mental illness.


  51. GLEN BECK 5est call friends

    Record show!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  52. Media broke FCC RULES ??

  53. Jeff..good one. I’m going to Brady’s townhall held in moderate Republican zone outside Houston.I will pass out Kerchner advertorial there.I only printed 50 but am working on more. Nailed an elevator yesterday with this flyer. I recommend all bathroom stalls too.Keep double-side tape in purse…flyers in car.This townhall should be large they had to move it to a movie theater.

  54. Re-do 4:34: ROFLMAO!!! Loved it!!

    jbjd has some valid points.

    I’m not having probs w/Orly’s site other than the usual obot screen that can be bypassed.

    Patriot Dreamer: I saw a chart on this yesterday (don’t remember if it was here or via something I saw on TCOT. Anyway, the chart showed FDIC is ALREADY in the red. Ugh!!

  55. Everyone,

    Okay, just looked up VA; add it to those states with laws requiring nominee for POTUS to be eligible for the job. (If you want the actual cite, go to my blog.) http://jbjd.wordpress.com

  56. Hey, I don’t believe all the crap about JBJD being some sort of Obama plant. I have a very sensitive and powerful system on my computer that detects cookies and malware, and so I went to JBJD’s site. Nothing came up. Nothing.

    Don’t think there’s anything there. I think JBJD is clean.

  57. By the way, I use the paid version of a-squared. It’s incredible. I highly recommend it.

  58. Ceremony at the White House Sep 20 to celebrate the 60th founding of the PRC:


    broadcasters http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/52435

    FCC’s Chief Diversity Officer Wants Private Broadcasters to Pay a Sum Equal to Their Total Operating Costs to Fund Public Broadcasting
    Thursday, August 13, 2009
    By Matt Cover

    Seal of the Federal Communications Commission(CNSNews.com) – Mark Lloyd, newly appointed Chief Diversity Officer of the Federal Communications Commission, has called for making private broadcasting companies pay licensing fees equal to their total operating costs to allow public broadcasting outlets to spend the same on their operations as the private companies do.

    Lloyd presented the idea in his 2006 book, Prologue to a Farce: Communications and Democracy in America, published by the University of Illinois Press.

    Lloyd’s hope is to dramatically upgrade and revamp the Corporation for Public Broadcasting through new funding drawn from private broadcasters.

    The CPB is a non-profit entity that was created by Congress and that currently receives hundreds of millions of dollars in federal subsidies each year. In fiscal 2009, it is receiving an appropriation of $400 million.

    “The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) must be reformed along democratic lines and funded on a substantial level,” Lloyd wrote in his book.

    “Federal and regional broadcast operations and local stations should be funded at levels commensurate with or above those spending levels at which commercial operations are funded,” Lloyd wrote. “This funding should come from license fees charged to commercial broadcasters. Funding should not come from congressional appropriations. Sponsorship should be prohibited at all public broadcastershttp://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/52435

  60. gianni 5:31 p.m.,

    Thanks for the info. I am always open to reconsideration.

  61. OT: same California girl…was getting bored this summer just laying around, working on her tan; so in a moment of feeling energetic and friendly, went next door to see if her elderly widowed neighbor needed any chores done.

    The octagenarian answered her knock at the door and her offer to help out by saying, “well, young lady…that’s awfully kind of you; you could start by painting the Porch for me…you’ll find all the rollers and paint back in the Garage.”

    The peppy young blonde returned about an hour later and said to the nice man, “well, ALL DONE!…is there something else I can do?”
    (the old man was speechless, with an astonished look on his face…) so she continued,
    “Oh, and by the way…that’s not a Porch, silly man…it’s a Ferrari!”

  62. from http://www.repubx.com
    monitoring – | MSNBC Pimp: Trust The Government And “Get Your Damn Vaccine” >>
    Calling A National General Strike
    by DefendUSx August 26, 2009 14:39
    By Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri & Jim Kirwan

    A few days ago, Larry Flint wrote in the Huffington Post, calling for a one-day General Strike throughout the US to let those in Washington and New York know we are all fed up with the lies, and deceit, and the out-of-control white-collar crime that passes for government. He is right! However, only one day is not enough for the massive troubles we are in right now. It would be ignored. We want to call for a week-long NATIONWIDE GENERAL STRIKE.

    The French have a history of doing this, and they get results. Get enough food to last for a week or more. Shop at your local organic Farmers Market. Fill up your tank, if you have a vehicle. Go home, be with your family and friends. Make this a time of love and connection. Make this a time of true peace in our collective hearts! Bury any superficial differences, because we all belong to the human family. If all we humans can do is harm each other and be angry (and we have every right to be!), then we have learned nothing about the higher, collective COMMON GOOD! We must rise to the occasion that these trying times require! Love! Caring! Justice! Peace! These must be our priorities!


    This is to put on notice those who are supposedly “in charge.” They are deliberately wrecking our country for some insane global police state, in violation of ALL our own sovereign national laws: 1. The system is broken! No checks and balances remain. Our redress of grievances has been continuously IGNORED BY CONGRESS AND OTHER PUBLIC OFFICIALS.

  63. Grand Jury Inditements to Congress








  66. Patriots heart network,listen in 7 est


  67. kittykat-FYI I rarely have a problem, just the one time she had the major hit.
    Hacking doesn’t help
    In spite of all the hacking, this site is in top 0.68% of all the web sites in the world, meaning 99.32% of all the web sites in the world have less traffic then this site

  68. gianni,

    Before I can revel in your clean bill of health, I just want to make sure, you accessed the site “jbjd” and not “JBJD.” I am jbjd, small letters.

    Thank you.

  69. Hi jbjd,

    I also enjoy your commentaries; I think that not only do you have command of the law, but are also able to project where there may be a problem and point it out in non-legal, understandable terms.

    I miss you when you go away :).
    CNN, I also love your posts-very informative, in depth, and on target.

    I know flu and health-related matters, but the old Paralegal certificate from years ago is rusty, so I depend on the legal eagles for the technical aspects of all this.

    I appreciate the fine comments from you both and thanks for always keeping me up-to-date, even though at times there might be a difference of opinion-I guess it’s a matter of perspective.

    We’re all in this together.

  70. Gianni…………………………………………
    Hey , no offense, but there are over 1000 ways for someone to be a plant, or “mole “if you will.Apparently you can only understand the electronic type where spyware is used which generates cookies. You need to learn about the remaining 999 that can also be used with computers.By the way I have my computer protected from creeps who attempt to put their crap in my computer. It has protected me for severaL YEARS,and was just upgradad.

  71. Michelle @ 6:14:
    “…MSNBC Pimp: Trust The Government And “Get Your Damn Vaccine”…
    To that, one should say to those who think nothing is amiss, “oh…okay; tell ya what:
    you go ahead of me…and call me in 6 months and let me know how it’s working for you…then maybe I’ll consider it. Heck, you’ll probably get yours for free, with that great Congressional medical program you’ve got…I’ll probably need the six months time to ‘save up’ for mine…after you, pal!”

  72. Soo many still don’t know what is happening


  73. Going OT, you gotta watch this its really true, and this guy is a riot!


  74. Sal–good one!

    **NEW POST**

  75. Civis Naturaliter Natus


    I asked a friend who blogs, he says that at wordpress, every poster’s IP is available to be read by the blogger who approves the posted comments…if that is true, the information you provide is besides the point….no one claimed that by just reading a blog someone could get your IP, but I am glad that you and OldSalt point out that that is technically possible…

  76. SueK,

    Thank you.

  77. Civis Naturaliter Natus



    for those not familiar with the details of the Keyes vs Obama FOIA case…

    There have been a long series of technicality issues on serving the papers. Service is the official notice given to the defendents of the case. They have from the beginning played games and either prevented service or avoided it or complained that details were not kept therefore it was invalid. Carter’s in chambers’ order, just a week ago, ordered Orly to serve them to the letter of the Court rules on service…he does not want an appeal on the basis of bad service…Orly call’s it the 4th service, because obviously she’s mad and believed the other 3 counted…

    All this is in preparation for the Sept. 8th hearing…

  78. CW……………………………………………
    This comment is going to be about Ted Kennedy. I am not going to edit the comment at all. I am going to enter it as soon as I am done typing it. I am certain that it will ruffle some feathers, and/or anger some people outright. I only ask that if they dislike what I have to say that they simply disregard my comment. With that here I go;
    Senator Ted Kennedy has finally passed into oblivion for eternity. There are people who thought he was a great man, and there are those of us who look upon him in a very differrent light. We have watched, and listened to a lot of his rhetoric over the years. I have also spent several years documenting the Chappaquidick incident which very nearly ended his political career. This incident was on top of a well known problem with alcohol. The incident began with a party from which Ted departed early, but had been drinking heavily the entire day. Accompaning him was Bobby Kennedy’s assistant Mary Jo Kopechne. He was thought to have been speeding, for the car to flip over completely before entering the 9′ deep water. The car ended up upside down in the water with the rear of the vehicle protruding slightly from the depths. The car lay at a slight angle forward. Above the driver and passenger doors was approximately 2 ‘of water. Certainly NOT a depth that a champioship swimmer like Ted Kennedy would have had a problem diving down to open the passenger door for her to escape. Or perhaps smashing the rear window out(which was above water). It is really hard to understand how even drunk that he couldn’t have saved her life. As I stated he was a championship swimmer. All of the Kennedys were. Yet he wasn’t so drunk that he could’nt swim across a 30 acre lake to get himself help.
    In view of all that has been said initially,together with a few scraps of info which has emergrd over the years most people have concluded that it was an unfortunate accident. I would be more inclined to say unfortunate for Mary Jo Kopechne, because it was she who allegedly drowned in the vehicle. In reality there are many parts of the time line that have never fit, and there was unknown to the public strange marks on both sides of her neck that could easily have been strangulation marks. For a vehicle to have been only a few feet under water, and then only for half the length of the vehicle she could have easily smashed out the rear window and escaped. I believe that for whatever the reason Kennedy flew into one of his well known rages over something, and ultimately strangled her, probably with his necktie. It is thought by a lot of people that he had impregnated her, and decided to set up this half assed accident to shut her up permanently. But he forgot about tidal influence over the lake and that it would only be about 9’ deep at the time he tried to execute his hastilly concocted plan. This way all he would plead guilty to is driving drunk; something which he was already well known for. Prebably nobody would even ask any questions, after all the entire investigative group knew, and were friends of the Kennedys. Allegedly no autopsy was ever performed, and her body was held inaccessible even to her own parents. It is believed that her parents were BOUGHT off by ROSE Kennedy. I personally believe that he killed her before the vehicle went into the drink. Otherwise she could have extricated herself. There was very little body damage to the vehicle. The only thing that would have prevented her from getting out of the vehicle would have been the pressure which the outside water would have put upon the doors of the vehicle until the water found it’s own level. Kennedy had already escaped this would have REDUCED the pressure on the doors, but the vehicle would have filled while he was escaping, and she could have easilyfollowed him out. There are far too many aspects that tend to make everyone who has ever considered this case to think that she was already dead when the car went into the drink. In addition is the fact that he swam across a 30 acre lake, when he could have climbed out of the water right at the scene. He didn’t want her out of the vehicle right away. She might live to bring him down.
    I personally believe that he murdered her, and tried to cover it up by staging the accident. He knew that he could escape, but she would have only half the time he had, so that would help his story. For all of these years I have looked upon Ted Kennedy as the LYING, SLIMEY, DRUNKEN COWARD, that he has ALWAYS been. At least Mary Jo Kopechne has finally received her day in court. Ted Kennedy’s son nearly caused his father some more heat,when he attempted to rape a Florida woman some years back. Like father, like son.

  79. citizenwells

    I had considered posting the same info.
    The truth about Ted Kennedy has been suppressed too long.

  80. I didn’t know there were two distinct sites, one JBJD and one jbjd. I’ll have to check it out.

  81. More info on Kennedy:

    The Last of The Kennedy Dynasty

    As soon as his cancer was detected, I noticed the immediate attempt at the “canonization” of old Teddy Kennedy by the mainstream media. They are saying what a “great American” he is. I say, let’s get a couple things clear & not twist the facts to change the real history.

    1. He was caught cheating at Harvard when he attended it. He was expelled twice, once for cheating on a test, and once for paying a classmate to cheat for him.

    2. While expelled, Kennedy enlisted in the Army, but mistakenly signed up for four years instead of two. Oops! The man can’t count to four! His father, Joseph P Kennedy, former U.S. Ambassador to England (a step up from bootlegging liquor into 20the US from Canada during prohibition), pulled the necessary strings to have his enlistment shortened to two years, and to ensure that he served in Europe, not Korea, where a war was raging. No preferential treatment for him! (like he charged that President Bush received).

    3. Kennedy was assigned to Paris, never advanced beyond the rank of Private, and returned to Harvard upon being discharged. Imagine a person of his “education” NEVER advancing past the rank of Private!

    4. While attending law school at the University of Virginia, he was cited for reckless driving four times, including once when he was clocked driving 90 miles per hour in a residential neighborhood with his headlights off after dark. Yet his Virginia driver’s license was never revoked. Coincidentally, he passed the bar exam in 1959. Amazing!

    5. In 1964, he was seriously injured in a plane crash, and hospitalized for several months. Test results done by the hospital at the time he was admitted had shown he was legally intoxicated. The results of those tests remained a “state secret” until in the 1980’s when the report was unsealed. Didn’t hear about that from the unbiased media, did we?

    6. On July 19, 1969, Kennedy attended a party on Chappaquiddick Island in Massachusetts. At about 11:00 PM, he borrowed his chauffeur’s keys to his Oldsmobile limousine, and offered to give a ride home to Mary Jo Kopechne, a campaign worker. Leaving the island via an unlit bridge with no guard rail, Kennedy steered the car off the bridge, flipped, and into Poucha Pond.

    7. He swam to shore and walked back to the party, passing several houses and a fire station. Two friends then returned with him to the scene of the accident. According to their later testimony, they told him what he already knew – that he was required by law to immediately report the accident to the authorities. Instead Kennedy made his way to his hotel, called his lawyer, and went to sleep. Kennedy called the police the next morning and by then the wreck had already been discovered. Before dying, Kopechne had scratched at the upholstered floor above her head in the upside-down car. The Kennedy family began “calling in favors”, ensuring that any inquiry would be contained. Her corpse was whisked out-of-state to her family, before an autopsy could be conducted. Further details are uncertain, but after the accident Kennedy says he repeatedly dove under the water trying to rescue Kopechne and he didn’t call police because he was in a state of shock. It is widely assumed Kennedy was drunk, and he held off calling police in hopes that his family could fix the problem overnight. Since the accident, Kennedy’s “political enemies” have referred to him as the distinguished Senator from Chappaquiddick. He pled guilty to leaving the scene of an accident, and was given a SUSPENDED SENTENCE OF TWO MONTHS. Kopechne’s family received a small payout from the Kennedy’s insurance policy, and never sued. There was later an effort to have her body exhumed and autopsied, but her family successfully fought against this in court, and Kennedy’s family paid their attorney’s bills… a “token of friendship”?

    8. Kennedy has held his Senate seat for more than forty years, but considering his longevity, his accomplishments seem scant. He authored or argued for legislation that ensured a variety of civil rights, increased the minimum wage in 1981, made access to health care easier for the indigent, and funded Meals on Wheels for fixed-income seniors and is widely held as the “standard-bearer for liberalism”. In his very first Senate roll, he was the floor manager for the bill that turned U.S. immigration policy upside down and opened the floodgate for immigrants from third world countries.

    9. Since that time, he has been the prime instigator and author of every expansion of an increase in immigration, up to and including the latest attempt to grant amnesty to illegal aliens. Not to mention the pious grilling he gave the last two Supreme Court nominees, as if he was the standard bearer for the nation in matters of “what’s right”. What a pompous ass!

    10. He is known around Washington as a public drunk, loud, boisterous and very disrespectful to ladies. JERK is a better description than “great American”. “A blonde in every pond” is his motto.

    Let’s not allow the spin doctors make this jerk a hero — how quickly the American public forgets what his real legacy is. Let’s keep this going for truth, justice and the American way.

  82. jbjd, have followed your work since TD’s days. You always take a different “tact” and we need all the possibilities approached.

    Finally it seems to me that Article 2 Sec 1, does define what a Natural Born Citizen is, by how the founders wrote the addendum for themselves..
    as they were dual citizens.

    Seems to me jbjd we define the term not by what it is, as Leo says it has never been done?
    rather by what those who wrote the Constitution says it isn’t.

  83. TO:
    John Feeny // August 26, 2009 at 11:55 am

    Afternoon, all…
    I think ‘Chicago’ needs to have a “t” added somewhere to the middle of its name. Hey – we can make it a ‘t’ party!

    Okay…that was bad. Give me a pass on that one.


    That’s pretty funny BUT what’s even more funny besides Chit-cago is that Cago in Portuguese Means to defaccate or take a crap.

  84. song,

    It’s not that simple. For example, all of those founders were born in the American colonies EXCEPT Alexander Hamilton who, at the time of the drafting, was a citizen. Judging just by the plain language, what if they intended to grandfather only him in?

  85. Gianni,

    There aren’t two different blogs using the same letters, one in caps and one in small. OFI copied my post, completely, WITHOUT PERMISSION, and used all caps in the title. JB used to post on td. But as far as I know, I am the only one who posts as jbjd; and my blog is the only blog using jbjd.

  86. dunno jbjd, seems clear the intent had nothing to do with “who” rather with “when”, and the “when” is clear, what natural born isn’t don’t you think?

    Seems that a reverse reading is implied, such as the definition is not what it is? But what it Isn’t.

    For trying to define what something is, can easily be done by understanding what something isn’t, and I think the open ended approach by the writers was merely meant to imply, rather than define by offering a limit of “time” to the clause. Therefore, dual citizenship was “grandfathered” in only for that limit of time, defining the trajectory of the future presidents through the limits defined.

  87. song,

    You make my point. Two people, 2 definitions. On to the court…

  88. This has go to be the most ridiculous argument not to vet someone that I ever heard. If I was the Judge I would have been flabbergasted, its about the Constitution( all Americans) what has embarrassment (1 American) have to do with it?
    “Obama’s Lawyers wrote in the Berg Case that “Significant family embarrassment would accrue if Berg was granted subpoena power”

  89. Michelle…exactly what I have been thinking. Suppose it’s because he is a man of color that he gets away with this? (BTW I am not racist…not yet at least! until this administration crams the idea down my throat) I just cannot imagine any other reason and never thought anyone would be so arrogant to try for this position if not qualified. It confuses me to no end! Thank goodness for bloggers like CW where we can see we are not alone in this thinking. I felt so isolated until I started coming to this site over a year ago. I enjoy CW and all of the commenters whom I feel offer a wealth of info. I have lost friends and really don’t care to talk to some of my family members who support this Yayhoo. I just keep hoping and praying to God that the truth comes out and thy will be done.

  90. Ah, but AP @ 10:17: but as the way things are, HE can do no wrong, nor be questioned; therefore ANYONE who has ought in contradiction MUST be a racist: that’s the reasoning, as I think we’re seeing it…none are immune from the label who oppose anything HE says or is. What other reason could there possibly be?

  91. Tweeted .

    I believe her husband has some issues with the corruption as well. Just don’t remember what it was .

    She is very very radical.

    She was considering a run for the Burris Senate seat but dropped the idea TG !!!

    10thAmendment/ twitter

  92. RedState Endorses Roy Blunt for Missouri

    Posted by The Directors (Profile)

    Wednesday, August 26th at 10:44AM EDT

    Roy Blunt has worked his way into the top ranks of Republican leadership in Congress. He has been trusted by Republican Presidents for many years with candid advice. He is relied on even now by Republicans in Congress as they struggle to keep the team together in opposition to the siren calls of compromise with the Democrats.

    Rest of Story:

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