Arizona and Maricopa County 2020 election irregularities and fraud already proven, Why Maricopa Board of Supervisors lied and obstructed audits

Arizona and Maricopa County 2020 election irregularities and fraud already proven, Why Maricopa Board of Supervisors lied and obstructed audits

“Poll workers struggled to operate the new voting machines in Maricopa County, and improperly pressed and told voters to press a green button to override significant errors,”  “The result is that the voting machines disregarded votes cast by voters in person on Election Day in Maricopa County.”…Matt Morgan, Trump 2020 campaign’s general counsel

“The certification of Arizona’s FALSE results is unethical and knowingly participating in the corruption that has disenfranchised AZ voters,” …Jenna Ellis

“Katie Hobbs AZ Secretary of State: Trump derangement syndrome is not illegal, Election fraud, coverup and lying on vote certification is”…Citizen Wells


Why has the Maricopa Board of Supervisors fought so hard to prevent a real audit of the ballots, equipment and software used in the 2020 election in Arizona?

Because it will further prove that they and the Secretary of State, Katie Hobbs lied and committed fraud.

Part of the proof comes from the SOS website and they lied about that.

Before proceeding, be aware of these facts:

  • Acccording to Dr. Kelli Ward, AZ GOP chairman, there were over 200,000 adjudicated ballots in Maricopa County alone.
  • Dominion equipment facilitates the processing of adjudicated ballots (errors) and allows humans to alter ballots.
  • Adjudication is supposed to be overseen by representatives of both parties. That has been a problem nationwide.
  • AZ statute 16-602(G): “G. During any hand count of early ballots, the county officer in charge of elections and election board workers shall attempt to determine the intent of the voter in casting the ballot.”
  • The same highly questionable scenario took place in Georgia on a larger scale of 238,272 adjudicated ballots in 2 batches. GA election official Richard Barron stated the following on election night: “THE ONLY BALLOTS THAT ARE ADJUDICATED ARE IF WE HAVE A BALLOT IN WHICH THERE IS SOME QUESTION AS TO HOW THE COMPUTER READS IT. SO THE VOTE REVIEW PANEL THEN DETERMINES VOTER INTENT.”


The ARIZONA MANDATED “HAND COUNT AUDIT” Took place from early to mid november 2020.

All that it ever was going to accomplish was to verify how well the equipment worked on that day.

5 counties did not participate.

4 counties had discrepancies “within the acceptable margin”.

Only .3 percent of early ballots in Maricopa County were sampled.

If the standard of 2 percent failure rate was applied to the entire population of over 1.9 million early ballots in Maricopa County then over 38,000 failures would be acceptable.

Despite the fact discrepancies were found, it was touted as 100% correct.

A lie!

27 percent of counties had discrepancies!

33 percent of counties did not participate!

Maricopa County sampled only .3 percent of the ballots!


That being said, their best efforts to hide and obfuscate do not prevail.

From the Mohave Count audit:

Page 3


First Baptist Church     Hand Count  766  Difference  3  Percentage  .4 %

Riverpt. Baptist              Hand Count  733  Difference  2  Percentage  .3 %


First Baptist Church     Hand Count  1605  Difference  11  Percentage  .7 %

Riverpt. Baptist              Hand Count  1388  Difference  5 Percentage  .4 %


First Baptist Church     Hand Count  752 Difference  4  Percentage  .5 %

Riverpt. Baptist              Hand Count  711  Difference  1  Percentage  .1 %

Error rate applied to total ballots.

There were 3,385,294 votes cast for president in Arizona.

A .1 percent error rate would impact 3,385 ballots.

.5 percent would impact 16,926 ballots.

Page 4

What is significant about page 4 is:

“Where the hand count is greater than the machine count it is likely due to interpretations of voter intent by the board.”

So it is ok for the board to interpret voter intent?

AZ statute 16-602(G) (see above) apparently allows it.

So how many of the 200,000 plus adjudicated ballots in Maricopa County were interpreted?

It is crucial that those ballots be audited properly!


It is obvious from the Mickey Mouse so called Hand Count Audit that problems were revealed and lied about.

But that is not the only sampling that took place.

Dr. Kelli Ward chairman of the AZ GOP requested and performed 2 small audit samples in Maricopa County

The first sample of 100 ballots yielded a 2 percent error rate and 3 percent vote change in favor of Biden.

The second sample of 1,526 ballots had a .5 percent error rate.

The alleged margin of victory for Biden in Arizona is .3 percent.

A real and thorough audit of the 2020 Arizona election results must be performed for the good of all.


What are the Maricopa Board of Supervisors hiding?


More here:



16 responses to “Arizona and Maricopa County 2020 election irregularities and fraud already proven, Why Maricopa Board of Supervisors lied and obstructed audits

  1. “Attorney Sidney Powell 42k ballots in Arizona with only Joe Biden selected on ballots”…Maria Bartiroma show

  2. AND,
    ……….I will be truly surprised if the Arizona election cheating is ever brought into a courtroom.

    …………PRAYING for it to happen seems to take the edge off of the BULLSH-T.

  4. Our only chance is for the AZ legislature & citizens to get a thorough audit & decertify their votes.
    This could act as a catalyst for other states with possible lawsuits & economic sanctions to awaken them.

  5. CW…….
    ………..right, wrong, or indifferent there is no legal way that the Arizona vote CERTIFICATION can be undone…….but the bastards who done the crime CAN NOW DO THE TIME. EVEN THAT IS DOUBTFUL!!!!!! AMERICAN MALES NO LONGER HAVE GONADS. MOMMY TAUGHT THEM TO RUN AND HIDE WHEN BULLSH-T IS HAPPENING. DADDY ENDED UP IN JAIL.!!!!!

  6. AND,
    ………THE BULLSH-T that is happening now was perpetrated by the same bastards who made the people of Arizona think Sheriff Arpaio was full of manure when he showed the world that Lil Barry Soetoro isn’t even a US citizen

  7. AND,
    ……….most of America’s smelly, snotnosed, drughead street punks think that the lost Kenyan Chimpanzee is REALLY C-O-O-L. They are the very people who should know better. YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID. We were somehow able to tolerate the lost Kenyan homosexual Chimpanzee for 8 years, so hopefully America’s SNOTNOSES will be a LITTLE smarter after 4 years of Mr. Malarkey.

  8. SO……..
    ………..could a low IQ MOTHER, and a missing FATHER have anything to do with a child moron who grows up to be an adult imbecile?

  9. From a prior article & Mia:

    “Thanks, CW — It does my heart good to see you’re on top of this. I saw your site in a related search, and it made me smile inside and out. I promise we’re not giving up nor giving in here in good old AZ. And we’ve got some good people fighting the good fight. God willing, AZ will just be the beginning. Take good care and keep fighting the good fight my friend — Mia”

  10. Pingback: Arizona audit: Focus on ballots, 200k + adjudicated (errors) ballots in Maricopa County red flag, Why so many and how were they processed and who supervised? | Citizen WElls

  11. Pingback: Arizona audit: Focus on ballots, 200k + adjudicated (errors) ballots in Maricopa County red flag, Why so many and how were they processed and who supervised? | Citizen WElls – Additional survival tricks

  12. Thank you for your ongoing quest for truth and justice!

  13. Pingback: ABC15 Phoenix AZ fake news bias or more?, History of lies about 2020 election why?, McCain legacy or Democrat ties?, Partnered with Maricopa Board of Supervisors | Citizen WElls

  14. What happens now ? Board of supervisors have spit in the faces of its citizens. No respect for the rule of law, no respect for the people of this country. Jail time will send a message ,it must be done the law was broken .This is a big deal and has to be made right .

  15. Scott:
    Lock em up.
    Full speed ahead damn the torpedoes.

  16. Get at least one to squeal.

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