Category Archives: Court martial

Terry Lakin imprisonment, Letters, Support, Anxiety and Loneliness of being away from your family, Leo Haffey remembers

Terry Lakin imprisonment, Letters, Support, Anxiety and Loneliness of being away from your family, Leo Haffey remembers

“Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans

Leo Haffey sent this to me. It is a powerful message of what LTC Terry Lakin must be going through and what we must do to help and support him. When he refers to Citizen Wells, it is WE, us, the American people.

“Reading LTC Lakin’s letter brought back bitter & sweet memories from the time of my false imprisonment by BHO Jr.’s cohorts in Nashville: The thin flexible pens (so hard to write with)–The hours spent in lockdown in tiny cells–The anxiety–The Loneliness of being away from your family, particularly during the Holidays–”feeling of helplessness” etc.
So I started reading my prison journals at
And then I found this:
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Who cares?

In the first 24 hours of this blog 1243 people cared enough about Leo to visit here.
Posted by Aristotle The Hun at 6:08 AM 1 comments:
citizenwells said…
I care and I want the truth.
September 29, 2009 11:24 AM
And I remembered how overjoyed it made me when my wife showed me those writings by my friends Aristotle and Citizen Wells and all the good people from the Citizen Wells Blog who cared.
So I urge everyone to write to LTC Lakin and send whatever money you can afford. Things like batteries for a radio, a dollar for a soft drink, a bag of potato chips are luxuries for a man in Jail.

United in Our Constitutional Cause,

Leo Patrick Haffey”

LTC Lakin prison letter, December 21, 2010, Terry Lakin Action Fund, Leavenworth

LTC Lakin prison letter, December 21, 2010, Terry Lakin Action Fund, Leavenworth

“Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans

LTC Terry Lakin first letter from prison, December 21, 2010.

“Hope all is well. Don’t know how to start a letter or what to say. I hope I made a difference in a very important matter. It cost me a lot. But I now have to believe it turned out okay. There certainly are no do-overs. The important thing is for the work to carry-on so we never have this situation again.

Today is my fourth day at Leavenworth and my first day with supplies to write and send letters and hoping for a phone call today. Another soldier and I arrived Saturday AM shortly after midnight. We are considered in ‘reception’ status until we complete about a week of briefings and assessments. But they have a holiday schedule until after New Year’s Day. Although they are making some efforts we likely will remain in ‘reception’ status until into January.

Reception status is mostly lock down in my cell. We now get two hours of ‘rec time’ in the morning and afternoon. Rec time is cell door open to a common pod area with a four-seat table, an exercise bike that does not work, a flat-screen TV that we cannot watch, and two showers. Activity is playing cards or a few board games, working out in my cell between meals, reading the rulebook, Bible, and now writing letters. Looks like the routine for the next several weeks. We have limited stamps, envelopes, and I am writing with a small, soft plastic (almost rubber pen) that is not to comfortable.

After getting more integrated in January (hopefully minimum security) we may have more privileges. There will not be much use of a computer, limited phone, news, or TV. We have to order our own health and comfort supplies from a small provided list. We are allowed one order request per month and not more than $35 per month. I’m hoping they will honor my first order on credit- we have not been able to get money into our account yet – not having any communication with Pili yet. I’m hoping to get a small radio with ear buds so I can get some news radio. Had to work hard to decide about how many batteries I could get by with vs how many rolls of toilet paper to buy.

The trial seems long ago now. What a feeling of helplessness going through the process. I likely got the best outcome I could have- but it was painful.

After the trial I overhead someone say, “Well, he’s no hero now!” Sorry, I was not in it to be a hero. Just thought I was doing the right thing. I spent enough of myself and my family’s future for now. Others are going to have to continue.

Got to go now. Moving cells quickly. Phones don’t look good today. They brought a phone in but no one knows how we can call out collect. Sigh…


 To contribute to the  Terry Lakin Action Fund:

LTC Lakin is an American Hero. A real hero.

LTC Lakin fund, Washington Times ad, January 3, 2011, Obama eligibility issues

LTC Lakin fund, Washington Times ad, January 3, 2011, Obama eligibility issues

“Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans

From CDR Charles Kerchner January 3, 2011.

“We are pleased to announce that the Fund is paying for and running a full color two page center fold ad in support of LTC Terry Lakin and further exposing to the public the Obama constitutional eligibility issues in the Washington Times National Weekly this week — the 3 Jan 2011 edition – pages 20 & 21.  A JPG copy of the two page spread is attached. You can also see the ad and link to get a PDF version to down load and print out the two pages at:

Please if you can, make a donation to the Terry Lakin Action Fund to help support his wife and children while he is in prison. He stood up for us and our Constitution. Now its our turn to stand up and help him.

CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)

2011 New Year’s resolutions, Hold Congress Media Fox News accountable, Free LTC Lakin, Expose truth about Obama

2011 New year’s resolutions, Hold Congress Media Fox News accountable, Free LTC Lakin, Expose truth about Obama

“Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans

Citizen Wells 2011 New Year’s resolutions:

1. Defend and Obey the US Constitution.

2. Hold Congress accountable.

3. Hold the media accountable. This includes Fox News.

4. Free LTC Terry Lakin with honor.

5. Expose the truth about Barack Obama.

6. If Necessary, start a new internet/TV news show. A real news show.

Cornell law professor, Obama eligibility, William A. Jacobson, Evidence must be reviewed, Birth certificate, Natural born citizen Status

Cornell law professor, Obama eligibility, William A. Jacobson, Evidence must be reviewed, Birth certificate, Natural born citizen Status

“Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans

I would like to thank William A. Jacobson, Associate Clinical Professor, Cornell Law School, for an excellent article on the Obama eligibility controversies and for allowing my comment on his blog.

“There is a bizarre intellectual dance taking place around the topic of Barack Obama’s birthplace. 

The world has been artificially divided into “Birthers” and “anti-Birthers” when in fact I suspect a large percentage or even majority of the population is neither and simply wants all the evidence released so that we can move beyond the issue.  For most people, who have had to show their own birth certificates at various points in their lives, the notion that a presidential candidate should release his or her birth certificate to prove qualification for office reflects neither pro- nor anti-Obama sentiment, but a “what’s the big deal?” attitude.

It also seems that the supposed intellectual poles have been reversed.

People who supposedly are irrational and driven by hatred demand to see the evidence.  People who supposedly are rational and driven by dispassionate intellect demand that the evidence not be seen.

Isn’t this the exact opposite of what should take place?  Or have the labels been misapplied?

We can push and probe as to George W. Bush’s military record even though most of the claims made clearly were crank and politically motivated (and based on forged documents).  We can lament that 35% of Democrats as of May 2007 still believed George W. Bush knew of the 9/11 attacks in advance, or that Truthers still claim 9/11 was an inside government job, even though we have had commissions and investigations which prove otherwise.

We can deal with accusations of John McCain’s alleged misconduct during imprisonment even though such suggestions were beyond the pale, and also questions as to whether McCain’s birth in the Panama Canal Zone disqualified him from the highest office in the land:

The Senate has unanimously declared John McCain a natural-born citizen, eligible to be president of the United States….”

“Why isn’t everyone who believes the “Birthers” to be driven by hatred and racism, and motivated by politics, doing what Obama’s family friend and the new Democratic Governor of Hawaii wants to do, rebut and rebuke with the best evidence?

I think a large part of this is the fear of being labeled a “Birther,” which is the functional equivalent of being called a “racist” by the mainstream media and by organizations such as Media Matters, Think Progress and their progeny.  As I have pointed out before, you don’t need to doubt Obama’s birthplace or eligibility to be labeled a “Birther”; just ask Scott Brown.

We have reached the point that merely expressing normal political and legal inquisitiveness will result in a charge of Birtherism or racism because it now involves Barack Obama, even though similar questions as to John McCain’s eligibility for office were raised in the 2008 election cycle.

I repeat, whiter-than-white John McCain had his eligibility questioned because of his birthplace, so how is it necessarily racist that the same thing takes place as to Barack Obama?  The racist charge is just a way of shutting down the conversation, a convenient excuse for epistemic closure.

As I’ve posted before, I think the circumstantial evidence supports the view that Obama was born in Hawaii, and there is no credible evidence otherwise.  But to reach this conclusion, the one thing neither I nor anyone else can honestly say is that all the evidence has been reviewed.

And personally, I’d love for the records to be released and show that Obama was born in Hawaii, so as to put this politically losing issue behind us.  I’d much rather focus politically on Obama’s destruction of the health care system and bankrupting of the country, than be drawn into the birthplace dance.

But I also have pointed out that Obama’s strategy of concealing the records and dismissing the “Birthers” as cranks is not working in the longer term.  While the charge of Birtherism can be used by Democrats to shape the political landscape, polling shows that there is a substantial segment of the population which doubts Obama’s legitimacy. ”

Read more:

“But to reach this conclusion, the one thing neither I nor anyone else can honestly say is that all the evidence has been reviewed.”

Correct, Mr. Jacobson.

There were some really interesting comments placed under the article. I urge you to read them. Not the least of them was one from Captain Pamela Barnett.

“Barnieca said…

I appreciate that it seems that you are trying to be honest…. SCOTUS rulings prove that obama is not a natural born citizen because he had a foreign father that was NEVER a U.S. citizen. I see a lot of supposedly smart liberal educators ignore this fact. I am suing obama and it did NOT ever stem from hate. I fight for truth and justice under our Constitution. The only question of Natural born centers around where a child was born.. Parent citizenship has always been required to be of TWO citizen parents. If Obama was born in HI as he claims but has not proven, he would only be a NATIVE born citizen as he says on his own campaign website. Native and Natural Born are not equal. Native is Jus solis, but ignores the jus sanquenis aspect to make him Natural Born. There is also a difference between being Born a citizen and natural born.

I swore an oath to defend the Constitution and so did LTC Terrence Lakin who sits in Fort Leavenworth for demanding this issue be resolved before he would deploy again. safeguardourconstitution dot com
you can also see my new website unlawfulpresident dot com for videos that support my belief obama is not NBC.
CPT Pamela Barnett

December 29, 2010 12:27 PM”

My Comment.
 “citizenwells said…

Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?
That is the question.
With all due respect, there is no credible circumstantial evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii. As a matter of fact, the efforts expended in keeping the records hidden and covering up put suspicion on where he was born.

December 29, 2010 1:53 PM”

Maureen Dowd, NY Times, Poem of Dowd’s attack on LTC Terry Lakin, Obama big brother spokesman

Maureen Dowd, NY Times, Poem of Dowd’s attack on LTC Terry Lakin, Obama big brother spokesman

“Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans

Dedicated to Maureen Dowd, in lock step with the NY Times,
poster child for “The end justifies the means” and Orwellian
Big Brother speaker for Obama.

DO stands for Defense Officer.
The rest is obvious.

Most of DO’s down in DO ville liked justice a lot,
But Maureen Dowd, who lived just north of DO ville, did not.

She wrote nasty Dowd things, she laughed with her friends,
She knew writing mean things was the means to an end.

Before Christmas she entered the courtroom just achin,
To belittle, discredit and besmirch Colonel Lakin.

It seems Colonel lakin cared too much to be heard,
Not a glimpse at certificate, not a mention or word,

When Lakin spoke of guilt and of duty and of honor,
Maureen Dowd smiled in laughter, quite befitting her genre,

Kindred DO’s in disgust observed Dowd with their irks,
As Dowd laughed at Lakin with her Dowdy Dowd smirks.

Dowd reported the outcome with her own biased clatter,
She protected Obama, what could possibly matter.

But Maureen Dowd failed in mission,  she forgot,
Most of DO’s down in DO ville like justice a lot.

Christmas 2010, Thanks be to God, Thanks to our forefathers and military, LTC Terry Lakin

Christmas 2010, Thanks be to God, Thanks to our forefathers and military, LTC Terry Lakin

“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”…Thomas Paine

On this Christmas morning, December 25, 2010, we have much to be grateful for. First and foremost, thanks be to God.

We should also be thankful for our forefathers, guided by the providence of God, who made it possible for us to continue the struggle for liberty.

“A week before Christmas ’77 Washington’s army took up winter quarters at Valley Forge on the west side of the Schuylkill. Although the General’s choice of location was sharply criticized, the site he had selected was central and easily defended. Then came a cruel race with time to get huts erected before the soldiers, barefoot and half naked, froze to death. Hundreds of horses did in fact starve to death, and for the army starvation was a mortal danger. “No meat, no meat!” was the constant wail. Improvements came about after Nathanael Greene assumed the duties of Quartermaster General on March 23rd.

Yet, despite the ever-present fear of mutiny, no real dissaffection occurred. As Hessian Major Baurmeister conceded, the army was kept from disintegrating by the “spirit of liberty.” Men and officers accepted their tragic plight with a sense of humor and extraordinary forbearance, but it was an ordeal that no army could be expected to undergo for long. Nathanael Greene wrote to General Washington, “God grant we may never be brought to such a wretched condition again.””…”The Spirit of ‘Seventy Six”

The struggle to live free under the rule of law ordained in the US Constitution did not end with our founding. It must be preserved everyday of our lives. We must stand with those like minded individuals who carry forth the spirit of 76, and the ideals of the Declaration of Independence and as Abraham Lincoln stated:

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”

One such man is LTC Terry Lakin. He is imprisoned for doing his duty to defend the US Constitution from foreign and domestic enemies. He is, as Lincoln stated, doing his duty to  “overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” We all have that duty.

Let us be thankful for patriots like LTC Terry Lakin, stand beside them in the struggle and work hard to free LTC Lakin and restore the foundations of this country.

LTC Terry Lakin contact info, Operation Free Dr. Lakin, Letters, Greeting cards, Post office money orders, Contact Major General Horst

LTC Terry Lakin contact info, Operation Free Dr. Lakin, Letters, Greeting cards, Post office money orders, Contact Major General Horst

“Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans

From Safeguard our Constitution.

“Contact Terry and Plead his Case
  How to Contact Terry and Participate in Operation Free Terry Lakin.
Contacting Terry
Terry arrived safely at Fort Leavenworth to begin serving his six month sentence following his conviction at court-martial.

If you want to contact Terry via mail please follow these guidelines carefully:

Do not use rank or title. Only first name, last name, and registration number (see below).
We can send him letters, greeting cards and post office money orders but nothing else.
Do send any packages, food, magazines, etc.
Send your mail to:
Terrance Lakin #89996
830 Sabalu Road
Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027

Pleading Terry’s Case: Operation Free Dr. Lakin
For those of you who inquired about clemency, please contact MAJOR GENERAL HORST, who was the convening authority for court-martial. MG Horst has the power to suspend or shorten LTC Lakin’s sentence. His email address is: e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it · His fax number is 202-685-2801. You should call the PAO (Public Affairs Officer), Col. Robert Manning. The phone number to call is 202-685-4899.

You might remind MG Horst that LTC Lakin was denied the right to evidence to defend himself- i.e. denied discovery and denied the testimony of expert witnesses. Feel free to repeat to him that officers swear an oath to the Constitution- are trained on the unified chain of command and know that they are supposed to question orders that may be illegal. The Army failed LTC Lakin repeatedly when it avoided answering his simple question- is the Commander-in-Chief legally, Constitutionally eligible to command the U.S. Armed Forces? His Congressional delegation failed him too when it could not answer this question.

LTC Lakin enjoyed support from high ranking, retired military officers, Major General Paul Vallely, and Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney and eligibility plaintiffs, CDR Charles Kerchner and Captain Pam Barnett (who both attended his court-martial). LT GEN McInerney had wanted to testify as an expert witness for LTC Lakin but was disallowed by the Judge, COL Lind. Former Presidential candidate, Ambassador Alan Keyes also supported LTC Lakin and was not permitted to testify.”

LTC Lakin support, CDR Kerchner radio interview, December 19, 2010, Court martial discussion

 LTC Lakin support, CDR Kerchner radio interview, December 19, 2010, Court martial discussion

“Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans


“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”…Thomas Paine

From CDR Charles Kerchner December 19, 2010.

For Immediate Release – 19 December 2010

CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) of PA and William Baer of NJ (who both attended the LTC Terry Lakin court martial which convened on 14-16 Dec 2010 at Ft Meade Md) will be guests on the Rule of Law – Live and Let Live radio show 90.1 FM out of Austin TX hosted by Gary Johnson on Sunday, 19 Dec 2010, at 10 p.m. EST. They will be discussing and answering questions with the host about the LTC Terry Lakin court martial trial and other matters regarding Obama’s constitutional ineligibility to be President and Commander in Chief.

For more information on the LTC Terry Lakin court martial see these two websites:

CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
Lehigh Valley PA USA

From CDR Charles Kerchner

“LTC Terry Lakin stood up for us all in his effort to support and defend the Constitution.  The Congress has failed him when he wrote letters as a soldier to Congress people asking for a Congressional Inquiry into Obama’s exact legal identity like that same Congress investigated John McCain.  The Congress did nothing. The legal system in the USA both civilian and domestic failed him.  He has now paid the price for his courage.  As I write this he is imprisoned in Ft. Leavenworth in Kansas starting a sentence of six months.  His wife was a stay at home mom raising their three young children. As part of his punishment he has lost all pay and benefits and any future retirement opportunities. Upon release from prison he will be dismissed from the Army. We must now stand up and financially support Terry Lakin and his family in his moment of need.  Please visit this website and make a financial contribution large or small to this specialized fund dedicated to supporting Terry and his family while he is imprisoned.  I have.

I thank you in advance for any help you can give.


CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
Lehigh Valley PA USA

I agree with and support CDR Kerchner’s efforts.

I want to take this further.

I am going to push for a reversal of this kangaroo court’s findings.

I am going to push for LTC Terry Lakin to be reinststed with rank and privileges and then to receive a promotion.

I am going to insist that Congress step up and do the job they should have done at the latest in January of 2009.

LTC Terry Lakin, an American Hero and Patriot.

LTC Lakin incarceration, Surrender to Obama?, Nuts!, General Anthony McAuliffe, Defeat enemy, Free Lakin

LTC Lakin incarceration, Surrender to Obama?, Nuts!, General Anthony McAuliffe, Defeat enemy, Free Lakin

“Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans

“Nuts!”…General Anthony McAuliffe response to Germans December 22nd, 1944

Nuts! is also my response to the enemy. The Obama camp and those that fight to keep a usurper in the White House and ignore the US Constitution.

I next want to point out a couple of interesting things that came out of the LTC Terry Lakin court martial.

First, LTC Lakin’s efforts to get answers and his encounters with congressmen.

“He testified that he started to have concerns about the Constitution during the primary elections, when he was stationed at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. He learned that there was controversy as to the natural-born-citizen status of both major political parties’ general election candidates.  He said Senator McCain provided everything he could to address his status, including a birth certificate with the doctor’s name and hospital’s name.  He compared that with

the lack of scrutiny that Senator Obama received.  He had questions about the image of a certificate of live birth on the Internet and relatives stating they were present at his birth in Kenya.  He said he had an open mind, but he was skeptical.  One candidate went through scrutiny, but there was a lack of information as to the other.

Mr. Puckett pressed, “Why were you so interested in this?”  I think he expected the answer to be because of the oath of office, but LTC Lakin instead gave an answer about reading newspapers.  LTC Lakin testified that after the election, he became “extremely concerned.”  He said the issue wasn’t about politics or anything else (probably an implicit denial of racism) but the Supreme Law of the Land.  He stated that he “wanted a valid Commander-in-Chief.”  He testified that after the election, he was no longer comfortable with being selected for deployment.  He was “concerned that the Constitution wasn’t being followed.” 

He believes his “oath as an officer is to protect and defend the Constitution.”  He believed questions about the President’s eligibility “may weaken the Constitution.”  He said he doesn’t know if the President is ineligible and he doesn’t believe that anyone can know.

Neal Puckett asked, “What did you do as a soldier.”  LTC Lakin said his “sought out advice” from his command and from his friends.  He contacted legal assistance at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, who said they would research the issue and get back to him, but then they would never return his calls.  He talked to his  commander and supervisor who said there was an issue and there were questions, but they did not know what to do to answer them.  He then filed an Article 138 complaint.  He was asking, “Please, someone in my command, tell me there’s not an issue about illegal orders.”  He submitted the Article 138 complaint to his company commander and asked him to forward it.  The reply he received back was that his Article 138 complaint was deficient, so the Army didn’t have to answer it.

LTC Lakin then wrote letters to his two Senators and Congressman.  One Senator didn’t reply.  One said the issue had been raised “and Twittered about and been found not to be an issue.”  His Congressman forwarded his letter to Military Affairs.”
“LTC Lakin then became aware he was “on the short-list for deployment.  This greatly concerned me.”  He went to Capitol Hill for face-to-face meetings with one Congressman and high-level staffers.  He was told that the issue was a concern, but the media ridiculed it, so they let it go.”

Second, Neil Puckett uses the word Obsesses about LTC Lakin’s concern over presidential eligibility. I assume that Mr. Puckett is merely trying to protect his client.

“Dr. Lakin innocently and naively thought” that disobeying orders “was the only choice he had.”  Mr. Puckett told the members that “the Army didn’t fail him.  The Chief of Staff didn’t fail him.  He had questions and concerns.  And it became an obsession with him.”  He compared LTC Lakin to someone with obsessive -compulsive disorder.  Mr. Puckett then explained that he obsesses over people who don’t board airplanes and “get their butts in the seat” quickly enough. But Dr. Lakin’s obsession was the President’s eligibility.  “And it ate away at him.”

I will address the word “obsess” used by Neil Puckett.

“But Dr. Lakin’s obsession was the President’s eligibility.”

Obsession is a rather odd word to use for survival instincts and duty.

I will try to write real slow so that the folks on the left and mainstream media can understand. Folks like Maureen Dowd.


The above list of items fall under the heading of basic survival. Do you speak in terms of being obsessed about breathing? Drinking water, etc.?

The list is prioritized with safety last, but still crucial to survival. Referring to presidential eligibility as an obsession is like calling breathing an obsession. What good is breathing if you are not safe in your home, safe from unwarranted arrest or nuclear attack.

Now Congress.

I personally was involved in 2008 in trying to get the attention of three congressmen as well as NC election officials. I prepared an article on what a Natural Born Citizen is and it was made into a video. We had a friend of the family of Ron Paul as an intermediary. Here is the response that we got from Ron Paul:

Late in December of 2008, Congressman Paul was asked if he would
challenge the Electoral votes in Congress. Here is his response:

“If I did that, I would be laughed out of Congress.”

You probably know where this is leading. The US Congress let the whole country down in 2009 when they failed to challenge Obama’s eligibility. This led to the patriot LTC Terry Lakin being court martialed. We are going to hold Congress accountable.

I, by God, had better not hear another congressman quote Twitter or

Let’s roll!