Tag Archives: Chicago Tribune article

Roland Burris, Natural born citizen, Obama not natural born citizen, January 7, 2009, Chicago Tribune article, Harry Reid, Dick Durbin, Democrat leaders, Burris referring to Obama?, Democrats silence Burris?

In an affadavit signed January 5, 2009 by Roland Burris, he states:

“I am a resident of the State of Illinois, at least 30 years of
age and a natural born citizen of the United States of America.”

Well, well, well, it seems that Mr. Burris is more qualified to be
president than Barack Obama. Is that why Democrat “leaders” are
having a change of “heart”?

Consider this article from the Chicago tribune dated January 7, 2009.

“Senate leader leaves door ajar for Burris”

“WASHINGTON — A day after the U.S. Senate barred Roland Burris from
being seated, Majority Leader Harry Reid left the door open to his

After a 45-minute meeting this morning between Reid, Burris and Assistant
Majority Leader Dick Durbin, Reid said Senate Democrats would wait to see
if the Illinois Supreme Court would order Illinois Secretary of State
Jesse White to sign Burris’ appointment by Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

Also important, he said, would be Burris’ scheduled testimony tomorrow
before the Illinois House panel considering whether to recommend
Blagojevich’s impeachment.”

Read more here:


Read more about Roland Burris and natural born citizen here:
