Gordon Liddy interviews Lt. Col Terry Lakin, Lakin attorney, Court martial, Obama birth certificate, Obama not eligible

Gordon Liddy interviews Lt. Col Terry Lakin, Lakin attorney

Recently, Gordon Liddy interviewed Lt. Col Terry Lakin and  Lakin’s attorney regarding Lakin challenging Obama’s eligibility and failure to provide a legitimate birth certificate. Lt. Col Terry Lakin is facing a court martial. Here are some exerpts from the interview. At the end of the video, Nashville attorney Leo Haffey calls in to express his support and admiration for Lakin. Haffey was incarcerated in Nashville as a political prisoner for speaking out against Obama.

My hat goes off to Lt. Col Lakin and to E. Gordon Liddy for their integrity, courage and patriotism.

38 responses to “Gordon Liddy interviews Lt. Col Terry Lakin, Lakin attorney, Court martial, Obama birth certificate, Obama not eligible

  1. “My hat goes off to Lt. Col Lakin and to E. Gordon Liddy for their integrity, courage and patriotism.”


  2. Lakin2012

  3. truthbetold11

    So what if they get rid of obama, hes the big fish with a ton of other piranhas waiting to pounce. The rule of law must be changed as it is unfolding as we speak

  4. truthbetold11

    The sovereigns will rule the day again


    Posted By: watcher51445

    Date: Tuesday, 20-Apr-2010 07:48:49


    “A new day dawns on “Morally Bankrupt Presidents & Executive Branch Members Protected by “Code of Silence” as AIG
    eyes action over Goldman CDOs

    Posted by Tracy Alloway on Apr 20 02:55.

    AIG, the US government-controlled insurer, is considering pursuing Goldman Sachs over losses incurred on $6 Billion Dollars of insurance deals on mortgage-backed securities similar to the one that led to fraud charges against the US bank, reports the FT.

    Meanwhile, FT Alphaville has a Credit Suisse table showing which banks — ex-Goldman Sachs — are most at risk of lawsuits over their CDOs.”

    This entry was posted by Tracy Alloway on Tuesday, April 20th, 2010 at 2:55 and is featured in The 6am Cut London (20 Apr 2010), The 6am Cut New York (20 Apr 2010) . Tagged with Abacus, aig, CDOs, goldman sachs, sec. source http://ftalphaville.ft.com/thecut/2010/04/20/206646/aig-eyes-action-over-goldman-cdos/

    “Would this Banking Crisis have gone this far….. if England had adhered to her 1899 Act which corresponded with the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, the Clayton Act. Section 8 and the Glass Steagall Act? I do not believe this would have happened.

    Do any of you reading this know what “Acts of Depraved Hearts” and “Morally Bankrupt” means? It’s the same thing the U.K. Prime Minister refers to: Gordon Brown calls for Goldman Sachs investigation Goldman Sachs faces the prospect of investigations in the UK and Germany after Gordon Brown said he was “shocked” at the “moral bankruptcy” alleged against the bank.”

    Additional articles:

    Goldman Sachs fraud charges ‘just the tip of the iceberg’

    (Raw Story)

    April 19, 2010

    Police Commissioner Charlie Hebdo Commits Suicide

    Now we know the truth. The financial meltdown wasn’t a mistake – it was a con

    (The Observer)

    April 19, 2010

    AirAsia Bombshell! Alstom Energy Director, Involved In $4 Billion In Bribes, Was On QZ8501

    Happy Reading…Linda

    # # # #



    “AMERICA FIRST Will not trade truth for Political Correctness

    How Patton Would Have Said IT

    I think this is how General George S. Patton would sum things up…. and then catch holy hell from Ike. He sure had a unique way of expressing his thoughts. ATTENTION! To ALL those whining, panty-waisted, pathetic Citizens, it’s time for a little refresher course on exactly why we Americans occasionally have to fight wars to keep this nation great.
    See if you can tear yourself away from your “reality” TV and Starbucks for a minute, pull your head out of your ass — and LISTEN UP!! Abu Ghraib is not “torture” or an “atrocity,” This is the kind of thing frat boys, sorority girls, and academy cadets do every year.

    A little fun at someone else’s expense. Certainly no reason to wring your hands or get your panties in a wad. Got that ? THIS IS an atrocity! So Was This!!! WHICH PART DON’T YOU GET? Islam a peaceful religion??? My Ass! Millions of these warped misled sons-of-bitches are plotting, as we speak, to destroy our country and our way of life any way they can. Some of them are here among us now. They don’t want to convert you and don’t want to rule you… They believe you are a vile infestation of Allah’s paradise. They don’t give a shit how “progressive” you are, how peace-loving you are, or how much you sympathize with their cause. They want your ass dead, and they think it is God’s will for them to do it. Some think if we give them a hug or listen to them, then they’ll like us. And if you agree?

    Then you are a pathetic dumb ass! If they manage to get their hands on a nuke, chemical agents, or even some anthrax — you will wish to God we had hunted them down and killed THEM while we had the chance. How many more Americans must be beheaded ?? You’ve fallen asleep AGAIN, get your head out of your ass! You may never get another chance! NOW GET OFF YOUR SORRY ASS and pass this on to any and every person you give a damn about… if you ever gave a damn about anything!

    DISMISSED! Do you have enough balls to forward this email… The truth shall set you free!!

    # # # #

    “The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is,
    if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men.” ~ Samuel Adams ~

    # # # #

    This site is PRO:

    Us. Constitution as written by our fore fathers

    Use the word God as has been used traditionally since 1776

    Christian-Judeo & all religions which do not threaten others

    Sarah Palin and others like her

    Capitalism, free enterprise, free trade,

    Israel–our best friend in the Middle East

    Telling the truth to the best of our ability & knowledge

    Making wrong doers accountable

    Taking back America from the criminals

    + + +

    This site is CON:

    Usurper Obama

    All Muslims who want to impose Sharia laws

    All Muslims who want to behead infidels

    All Muslims who agree to stoning women & children

    Trading honesty for political correctness

    Making deals with enemies

    Compromising the Constitution

    US Supreme Court for betraying America

    MSM for suppressing and misrepresenting vital news

    Special note: Saying what is so regardless of race, color, or creed is not RACIST. It is merely stating fact. If anyone who wants to call me racist or other derogatory names because I tell the truth, be my guest. It doesn’t change who I am. It doesn’t change the truth. It tells everything about you!! Therefore, if OJ killed his wife he is a murderer. If Muslims push their own women and children to the front lines to be killed first, they are murderers of their own people. If Obama is not a natural born citizen–he is a usurper. If you can’t stand that, then get lost.”

    Lots of wonderful information at:


  6. Indeed Lt. Col. Lakin’s request is important because he made an oath to uphold the Constitution. But corruption runs deep in these United States. Look how the law abiding, patriotic people going to Tea Parties have been smeared for daring to speak out. Lt.Col. Lakin is an inspiration to me! I hope he is finally the one who can uncover what Obama has been hiding.

  7. I see Timmy Geithner’s signature is on the new high-tech $100. bill. I wish I could read the script text in the background. I remember people were going to stamp or write “tax cheat” by his name.


  8. The Honorable Reverend James David Manning–April 21

    Revolution Radio on Wednesdays focuses on constitutional governance. Because our government is currently rebelling against the constitution, and is not governing according to its principles, I feature many who are finding ways to break down the barriers to the truth.

    I am honored to welcome Reverend James David Manning to Revolution Radio on Wednesday, April 21, to talk about the upcoming Obama Columbia-CIA trial. The trial is likely to expose the likely false diploma that Columbia University gave Obama, as well as offering some explanations for where Obama really was during his supposed ‘Columbia’ years. The huge cover-up of Obama’s Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard records just demonstrates there is something to hide. Reverend Manning has recently released several videos on the kind of information that is likely to be presented at trial.

    Show Link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/drkate/2010/04/22/revolution-radio-reverend-james-d-manning-exposes-obama The call in number is 347-838-9176. Please press “1″ if you wish to ask Reverend Manning a question! Skype users welcome!

    Spread the word!!!
    9 pm Easter, 7 pm Mountain

  9. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    Do you all think this is a good thing?


    This is not just me being paranoid – this is actually happening – many places all over – – –
    Has the MSM covered this at all? Just even simple reporting? Any discussion of pros and cons?
    Would you like to know what books and documents are being used?
    What skills and philosophies are being taught?
    Has anything like this ever happened before? When? By whom? Results?

    Juslt askin’

  10. Linda from NY // April 21, 2010 at 3:32 pm

    New Book…Hmmm…

    Rothschild’s Choice

    “The man Rothschild chooses—that man will become President of the United States,” Texe Marrs was told by an insider. So, who was Rothschild’s Choice in 2008? The answer is obvious: Barack Hussein Obama!

    The fourth Baron de Rothschild, Lord Jacob Rothschild of Great Britain, has been called the 21st Century’s “King of Israel.” He and other Rothschilds preside over the planet’s greatest banking cartel, and Wall Street firms Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Citibank, and others bow to Rothschild dictates. Politicians in world capitals, Washington, D.C., London, Paris, and Tokyo grovel before their awesome power.

    Rothschild’s Choice documents the astonishing rise of a young, half blood “Prince” of Jerusalem, a Communist adept named Barack Obama who won Rothschilds’ favor—and was rewarded for his slavish devotion to their sinister Agenda.

    Here are the revelations that dissolve the mystery of Obama’s meteoric, virtually unheralded rise to global prominence and his elevation . . .
    The Rothchild name is another name for NWO. They are at the root of the regime . Thank you for this post. You may find this piece of the puzzle helpful as well:


  11. From:


    “AMERICA FIRST Will not trade truth for Political Correctness

    How Patton Would Have Said IT

    I think this is how General George S. Patton would sum things up…. and then catch holy hell from Ike. He sure had a unique way of expressing his thoughts. ATTENTION! To ALL those whining, panty-waisted, pathetic Citizens, it’s time for a little refresher course on exactly why we Americans occasionally have to fight wars to keep this nation great.
    See if you can tear yourself away from your “reality” TV and Starbucks for a minute, pull your head out of your ass — and LISTEN UP!! Abu Ghraib is not “torture” or an “atrocity.” This is the kind of thing frat boys, sorority girls, and academy cadets do every year.

    A little fun at someone else’s expense. Certainly no reason to wring your hands or get your panties in a wad. Got that ? THIS IS an atrocity! So Was This!!! WHICH PART DON’T YOU GET? Islam a peaceful religion??? My Ass! Millions of these warped misled sons-of-bitches are plotting, as we speak, to destroy our country and our way of life any way they can. Some of them are here among us now. They don’t want to convert you and don’t want to rule you… They believe you are a vile infestation of Allah’s paradise. They don’t give a shit how “progressive” you are, how peace-loving you are, or how much you sympathize with their cause. They want your ass dead, and they think it is God’s will for them to do it. Some think if we give them a hug or listen to them, then they’ll like us. And if you agree?

    Then you are a pathetic dumb ass! If they manage to get their hands on a nuke, chemical agents, or even some anthrax — you will wish to God we had hunted them down and killed THEM while we had the chance. How many more Americans must be beheaded ?? You’ve fallen asleep AGAIN, get your head out of your ass! You may never get another chance! NOW GET OFF YOUR SORRY ASS and pass this on to any and every person you give a damn about… if you ever gave a damn about anything!

    DISMISSED! Do you have enough balls to forward this email… The truth shall set you free!!

    # # # #

    “The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men.” ~ Samuel Adams ~

    # # # #

    This site is PRO:

    Us. Constitution as written by our fore fathers

    Use the word God as has been used traditionally since 1776

    Christian-Judeo & all religions which do not threaten others

    Sarah Palin and others like her

    Capitalism, free enterprise, free trade,

    Israel–our best friend in the Middle East

    Telling the truth to the best of our ability & knowledge

    Making wrong doers accountable

    Taking back America from the criminals

    + + +

    This site is CON:

    Usurper Obama

    All Muslims who want to impose Sharia laws

    All Muslims who want to behead infidels

    All Muslims who agree to stoning women & children

    Trading honesty for political correctness

    Making deals with enemies

    Compromising the Constitution

    US Supreme Court for betraying America

    MSM for suppressing and misrepresenting vital news

    Special note: Saying what is so regardless of race, color, or creed is not RACIST. It is merely stating fact. If anyone who wants to call me racist or other derogatory names because I tell the truth, be my guest. It doesn’t change who I am. It doesn’t change the truth. It tells everything about you!! Therefore, if OJ killed his wife he is a murderer. If Muslims push their own women and children to the front lines to be killed first, they are murderers of their own people. If Obama is not a natural born citizen–he is a usurper. If you can’t stand that, then get lost.”

    Lots of wonderful information at:


  12. Prairie // April 21, 2010 at 4:15 pm


    I will be listening.

  13. TONIGHT –
    Committees of Safety
    Conference Call!

    9 PM EST
    APRIL 21, 2010


    Dr. Vieira will be on the call tonight along with Oklahoma State Representative Charles Key.

    The call will be co-hosted by Devvy Kidd & Walter Reddy.

    You can also listen to the call live at
    http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/35794and listen to past conference calls.

    Call in (724) 444-7444, then Call ID: 35794.

  14. http://usapatriots-shout.blogspot.com/

    “AMERICA FIRST Will not trade truth for Political Correctness

    ow Patton Would Have Said IT

    I think this is how General George S. Patton would sum things up…. and then catch holy hell from Ike. He sure had a unique way of expressing his thoughts. ATTENTION! To ALL those whining, panty-waisted, pathetic Citizens, it’s time for a little refresher course on exactly why we Americans occasionally have to fight wars to keep this nation great.

    See if you can tear yourself away from your “reality” TV and Starbucks for a minute, pull your head out of your ass — and LISTEN UP!! Abu Ghraib is not “torture” or an “atrocity.” This is the kind of thing frat boys, sorority girls, and academy cadets do every year.

    A little fun at someone else’s expense. Certainly no reason to wring your hands or get your panties in a wad. Got that ? THIS IS an atrocity! So Was This!!! WHICH PART DON’T YOU GET? Islam a peaceful religion??? My Ass! Millions of these warped misled sons-of-bitches are plotting, as we speak, to destroy our country and our way of life any way they can. Some of them are here among us now. They don’t want to convert you and don’t want to rule you… They believe you are a vile infestation of Allah’s paradise. They don’t give a shit how “progressive” you are, how peace-loving you are, or how much you sympathize with their cause. They want your ass dead, and they think it is God’s will for them to do it. Some think if we give them a hug or listen to them, then they’ll like us. And if you agree?

    Then you are a pathetic dumb ass! If they manage to get their hands on a nuke, chemical agents, or even some anthrax — you will wish to God we had hunted them down and killed THEM while we had the chance. How many more Americans must be beheaded ?? You’ve fallen asleep AGAIN, get your head out of your ass! You may never get another chance! NOW GET OFF YOUR SORRY ASS and pass this on to any and every person you give a damn about… if you ever gave a damn about anything!

    DISMISSED! Do you have enough balls to forward this email… The truth shall set you free!!

    # # # #

    “The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men.” ~ Samuel Adams ~

    # # # #

    This site is PRO:

    Us. Constitution as written by our fore fathers

    Use the word God as has been used traditionally since 1776

    Christian-Judeo & all religions which do not threaten others

    Sarah Palin and others like her

    Capitalism, free enterprise, free trade,

    Israel–our best friend in the Middle East

    Telling the truth to the best of our ability & knowledge

    Making wrong doers accountable

    Taking back America from the criminals

    + + +

    This site is CON:

    Usurper Obama

    All Muslims who want to impose Sharia laws

    All Muslims who want to behead infidels

    All Muslims who agree to stoning women & children

    Trading honesty for political correctness

    Making deals with enemies

    Compromising the Constitution

    US Supreme Court for betraying America

    MSM for suppressing and misrepresenting vital news

    Special note: Saying what is so regardless of race, color, or creed is not RACIST. It is merely stating fact. If anyone who wants to call me racist or other derogatory names because I tell the truth, be my guest. It doesn’t change who I am. It doesn’t change the truth. It tells everything about you!! Therefore, if OJ killed his wife he is a murderer. If Muslims push their own women and children to the front lines to be killed first, they are murderers of their own people. If Obama is not a natural born citizen–he is a usurper. If you can’t stand that, then get lost.”

    Lots of wonderful information at:


  15. Alex, Savage, and Rush are all saying it- false flag on American soil is going to happen. Great analysis of who, where, when, why, and HOW. . .


  16. SapphireSunday

    Citizen Carlyle: Unfortunately, it looks real. Here’s a paragraph explaining one of the events:

    “Join Organizing for America in its first large scale training. We will be bringing together volunteers from all over . . . to help learn best practices on recruiting volunteers, running voter contact events in your neighborhood, and much more. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to meet fellow volunteers and gain knowledge on how to do the same types of community organizing President Obama began his career with!”

    Running voter contact events. This reminds me of another group that supposedly does voter contact in a “nonpartisan” manner: The PIRGs. Familiar with them?

    Public Interest Research Groups. Nearly every state has them. They’ve infiltrated college campuses so much so that in many cases, students MUST pay fees to support their activities. This is included in the “student fees” everyone pays when they pay tuition.

    Although it’s supposed to be optional, colleges make it very hard for students to opt out. Where I attended college, I had to pay the fee and then go to another office, stand in line, fill out a form, then take a voucher to another office, to get a receipt and then wait for them to send a refund in the mail. Most students didn’t bother, so the “non-partisan” research group got funding.

    What they do is go door to door around election time, pretending to be providing information about some issue like consumer protection, the environment, recycling, etc. But they show/display campaign literature and it’s always in support of Democrats. Always.

    I don’t answer the door, usually, but sometimes I do, just to argue with them.

    Community organizing you can believe in. Supported by your tax dollars.

    Thanks for tipping us to this. We ought to infiltrate and see what goes on at these events.


    That’s interesting about the constitutions.

  18. Wait a minute – Iran is no threat to the U.S. – only Israel?? Doesn’t sound that way here:


  19. observer // April 21, 2010 at 5:19 pm

    Wait a minute – Iran is no threat to the U.S. – only Israel?? Doesn’t sound that way here:

    EXACTLY, so why are we fighting a war for another country? Who do you suppose is running D.C. and the media? It is not us, that’s for sure.

  20. I got this link off of Steve Quayle’s site. It says the person who filmed the crashed Polish government’s plane where the shots were fired, was murdered.


  21. Let me repeat, whose war are we sending our young men and women to fight? What attack has Iran made on us.

  22. Citizen Carlyle – 4:28PM – Yipes!!! This is one potentially scary thing:

    “Do you all think this is a good thing?


    This is not just me being paranoid – this is actually happening – many places all over – – –
    Has the MSM covered this at all? Just even simple reporting? Any discussion of pros and cons?
    Would you like to know what books and documents are being used?
    What skills and philosophies are being taught?
    Has anything like this ever happened before? When? By whom? Results?

    Juslt askin’”
    I just visited that website and found that there are two locations for meetings within 100 miles of my hometown. This appears to be a real concerted effort to bring together BO supporters to keep things going. It would be interesting to be a spy and attend one of those meetings. They are going to be held May 1 and 2
    in my area.

    Isn’t this all about getting neighborhoods together to network in such a way that there will be an organized “army” of supporters when needed? Didn’t BO say something about that not too long ago? Honestly, I find it very difficult to keep up with it all! We should not let this go undetected under the radar screen.

    I wonder if Rush knows about this?? Of course, we have the right of free assembly, but isn’t it ironic that the very freedoms they have, they would seek to destroy if they had their way?

  23. Citizen Carlyle – 4:28PM – Yipes!!! This is one potentially scary thing:

    “Do you all think this is a good thing

    Two if these within 75 miles from me. The interesting thing is the two areas they plan on holding this have large African-American and Arab-American populations.

    Things that make you go Hummmm….

  24. ..and this is exactly what’s wrong in ‘America.’ Political correctness. I’ll kill us all.


  25. It is rather curious patriots are characterized as racist and bigots. Our Law Enforcement are characterized as racial profilers. But for some strange reason, ACORN is none of the above although they purposely target African and Arab Americans in their “Training” programs.

  26. Thing is that many of the PC crowd can’t call evil what it is…..EVIL!

  27. SueK // April 21, 2010 at 6:15 pm

    Happy vacation to you, SueK, hope all is going well. You and Kittycat are spot on in your assessment of the PC crowd–seems they have a way of slanting the tables in their own favor, yet can seemingly go blind, deaf and dumb whenever they themselves initiate the behaviors they profess to abhor. They kind of remind one of someone holding a buzzing chain-saw atop a freshly cut tree stump, while handing out leaflets saying save the trees. Hope your vacation is unfolding as you would like. Happy trails to ya.

  28. Thanks for keeping us informed Citizen…

  29. Quote of the day:

    If we lived in a Democracy like uneducated people try and tell you we do, Obama’s Natural Born Citizenship might be called a political question, but in our Republic it is a legal matter.
    h/t Dixhistory

  30. Hi Al,

    Great to read you :).

    Thanks very much! Any time off is always *good* time off, I always say! Still lots to do, but it’ll get done.

    I live in a state (MA) where PC-ness rules! I wonder if they ever listen to themselves? I’m about as far from PC as you can get and don’t hesitate to ask them if they heard what they just said.

    You usually get that ‘DUH’ expression.

    Your analogy is a good one; do something, then preach the opposite. Yup, gotta be PC :(.

    I refuse to walk on verbal eggshells. Ever!

  31. This one has sent cold chills up my back once again:
    On Biggovernment site – “Obama’s Back Door Bailout of Wall Street” by Capitol Confidential.

    You must read this, because it addresses the very regulatory bill before the Senate now. The House version passed awhile back, with a 4 trillion cap (trillion, with a t) authorizing the Federal Reserve to make secure loans to failing businesses as deemed necessary. Of course, you all know where the bailout $ are coming from, and some may realize, and rightly so, that the $ is going in part to central European banks, according to those in the know. In other words, if you liked the AIG arrangement, you will love this. Funds “loaned” to failing businesses would be used to pay off creditors of these businesses (substitute “central banks” in many cases, as the feds so deem) . This bill then gives the government the right to step in, fire the boards of directors, and take ownership of these “failing” businesses.

    If that doesn’t reinforce what we already know about BO’s plan to take ownership of US commerce, I can’t imagine what it WOULD take.

  32. This so-called PC language is going to kill our nation. Evil must be called evil, and good must be called good. No two ways about it, and they want to redefine everything.

    Sorry, I’m not with it. Have just had a horrific sneezing fit. Not funny! I sneezed once and it hurt my upper back.

  33. SueK // April 21, 2010 at 6:15 pm

    Saw your comment earlier but had to attend to a pressing matter, so couldn’t respond immediately, but wanted to come back and honor your post with a follow up before turning in. Amid a sea of NY and Ontario license plates earlier today on the Peace Bridge was a lone white car bearing a Massachusetts plate (immediately thought of you, the moonbats, your pet name–Cadillac– for your Governor, etc). Craned my neck/squinted my eyes, etc. to read the state motto as the other motorist jockeyed in line, waiting to pass through customs. Thankfully, a dark SUV obstructing my view changed lanes and the inscription “The Spirit of America” was now clearly visible.

    o and his handlers may seem to have the advantage for now, but somehow I trust the spirit of the American people will eventually pull out a miraculous victory for the home team. Keep the spirit, SueK. It’s time to reset the table.

  34. ***NEW POST***

  35. Vote about Obama’s ineligibility:


  36. Support and Donations are badly needed for LtCol. Terry Lakin. Please Donate Today! A vigorous defense of this case presents the ONLY present hope that Americans will finally learn whether their president lawfully holds office. If you want the proof, you can only hope to get it by supporting LTC Lakin NOW

  37. To everybody!

    I placed a comment on a related topic about a possible way to send donations with your thoughts to American Patriot Foundation, Inc. – T Lakin Defense Fund:

    Retired Army General Supports Lt. Col. Lakin

    Hope you find it useful.

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