Saudi government, Saudis bought Obama 2008 election, James Manning video, Saudis bought Columbia University, Obama Columbia degree, Obama Harvard degree, Saudis bought large share of Fox network, Obama in Afghanistan

Many Americans were stunned and outraged when this news and photo of Obama bowing low to the Saudi king emerged.

Now listen to Pastor Dr. James Manning, a man I have come to respect for his intelligence, articulation and patriotism.

Now do you understand why Obama bowed so low to the Saudi King?

Now do you understand why…..

Why Obama attended Jeremiah Wright’s TUCC church.

Why Louis Farrakhan attended TUCC church.

Why Wright and Farrakhan traveled to Libya and met with Moammar Kadafi (Ghadafi).

Why Obama did not take Federal matching funds.

How Obama stole the Democrat primaries and caucuses.

How Obama was able to utilize so many Internet and other resources to steal the 2008 election.

Why Obama traveled to Pakistan in1981.

Why nobody remembers Obama being a student at Columbia. 

Why Khalid al-Mansour and the Saudis paid for Obama’s Harvard education.

Why Syrian born Tony Rezko made contact with Obama while at Harvard.

Why Obama wanted Gitmo closed and Muslim terrorists given US Constitutional Rights.

Why the Saudis paid for Obama’ grandmother, Sarah Obama to fly to Mecca.

Why the Fox network will not touch Obama’s eligibility issues.

Obama is a Muslim.

And the biggest why of all….

Why Obama has employed a legion of private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records.

Everything makes more sense now, doesn’t it.

God bless Pastor Dr. James Manning.

292 responses to “Saudi government, Saudis bought Obama 2008 election, James Manning video, Saudis bought Columbia University, Obama Columbia degree, Obama Harvard degree, Saudis bought large share of Fox network, Obama in Afghanistan

  1. Rush is hot! about the Constitution not being followed referring to Obama on air right now. I am waiting for him to say something about eligibility. Fingers are crossed.

  2. Don in California

    So, instead of having a British ruler, we have a Saudi ruler?

  3. Linda from NY

    Sure does. His bow to the Saudi King was a “thank you” for all he has done for him through his associates and his money!

    Are the Saudis in the process of buying America?

    If they can buy the Presidency, they can buy anything one might say.

    However…they sorely underestimate the resolve of the American people…WE WILL NOT BACK DOWN NOR WILL WE BOW DOWN TO A FOREIGN DIGNITARY OR GOVERNMENT!

    Peace be with all of you…Linda

    PS And…we will rid our country of the poisonous snakes who inhabit the offices of our government including the Evil One in our Oval Office!

  4. Rush knows he has always used teasing comments….never denigrated people questioning the issue.
    New Scott Brown ad on web…spread it and pray the Massachusetts people will….REPENT,REPENT,REPENT!

  5. Don in California @ 1:20 pm
    so here is some goofy logic of my own. Saudi’s own 40 % of Fox stock, so you report 40 % of the news the Saudi way, and now we flip over to the other 60 % (theoretically American) and report the American view. Stressing truth, justice and the American way.
    60 % is controlling interest the way I see it.
    You could call it Fox 60/40 report. 60 % truth, 40 % propaganda.
    I hope these idiots make Breitbart and others rich, failing that people who can hold their heads up with pride.

  6. I have to agree that the Deal letter not being released is suspect. The Obama camp will say they already answered this question(vague, not really telling how, what, where and why) and Deal will claim he asked and they did not answer. I believe Deal just wants this off his plate asap so he can get on to running for Gov. We should keep the pressure up. I wonder what Beck would have to say about Deal?

  7. Very interesting video. Creepy Obama is on part of it.
    A Flawed Constitution?
    Published January 7, 2010 2010 Election , congress , constitution , drkate 6 Comments
    ©2009 drkate
    (H/T Charles Kerchner)
    So if they feel that way, why would they take an oath to uphold and defend it? One word: power. A pox on all of their houses!

  8. Linda from NY


    Are you sure? Who owns the other 60%…Ruppert?

    Ruppert is pp’s buddy…a supporter. Surely, his interest is in continuing to make money off of the gullible public.

    I agree…people like Breitbart and other alternative internet news organizations make them all look like little boys and girls playing in a sandbox.

    Happy Day…Linda

  9. Barack Hussein Obama, Jihadist in Chief

  10. Don in California // January 8, 2010 at 1:20 pm

    So, instead of having a British ruler, we have a Saudi ruler?
    Sure Don, the Saudi King didn’t buy the presidency for O he bought it for himself. O is the puppet.
    When O get to fundamentally change America, install Sharia Law, Saudi would have bought America – IMHO.

  11. RUSH SPEAKS ON BROWN…..says it could trigger a new wave of dem. retirements….

  12. The jigsaw pieces are all coming together.

  13. magna carta // January 8, 2010 at 1:25 pm

    Hi Magna,

    Geesh, haven’t you heard *enough* Boston accents by now? 🙂

    Good ad. Croakley’s getting a tad hot undah the collah!

  14. SueK // January 7, 2010 at 11:16 pm

    To Sue and anyone else who knows someone with a drinking problem or has one themselves. This is from the last thread about your friend’s sister’s (?) drinking problem.

    I used to have a scientific article regarding alcohol addiction. I will send it if I can find it somewhere. Anyway, the gist of it is that people who become alcoholics have a genetic predisposition to a tolerance for large amounts of alcohol. Regular people would puke or pass out but alcoholics from even their first attempts at drinking have a “hollow leg”. Think about it. Almost everyone I know who has a drinking problem was always able to drink everyone else under the table. The problem here is that high amounts of alcohol change the chemistry in the brain (unfurtunately irreversibly) so that they begin to crave and need the alcohol.

    That being said, drinking is still a choice. I highly recommend the book “Rational Recovery”. It is out of print but can be found on ebay. It is a real alternative to those who can’t do AA. I had many bouts of binge drinking throughout adulthood and tried many times to quit. I have not had a single drink in almost 2 years and more importantly I never plan to. With AA you are always hanging on “one day at a time” and you are helpless. With RR you are not a victim and you make the choice not to drink. At first it sounds implausible but I swear it works because it separates the addict, called “The Beast” who will do anything to get it’s drink from “Your True Self” who is the person who wants to be a good wife, mother, citizen, etc. Please pass this info to anyone who seems like a hard case and has been through the usual channels of AA and rehab. By the way, I felt so strongly about responding to your comments that this is the first time I have ever admitted to my drinking history online.

  15. ANYBODY…………………………….

    Take a look at the picture of Soetoro who’s ass is towards us, then look at the trousers or special dress that he is wearing. It makes me think that it is some sort of MUSLIM lower covering. It sure as hell is NOT his street clothes. If he is wearing some sort of MUSLIM attire to satisfy the a hole he is bowing to then this only more firmly than ever cements the idea that Soetoro is a practicing MUSLIM, and is probably sympathetic towards the ENEMY. He has now acknowledged recently that we are at war, so why the hell is he sympathising with them? This is a treasonous act ANYTIME. As CINC he is bound to follow our laws. We need to nail his ass now.

  16. Patriot Dreamer

    “It’s On – Push Polling ‘Hate Group’ Support for Brown”

    Unethical “push polling” now being used in Massachusetts.

  17. One would think that a member of the House of Representatives just asking questions about how Obama qualifies for the office he now holds would be news, NO? I hear crickets.

    If Deal is unsure, and can’t explain it to the citizens of his district, how can anyone else know beyond a reasonable doubt?

    Rep. Deal, what is the definition of natural born citizen? What qualifications are necessary to hold the office of POTUS?

    I am going to quote Alan Keyes new article. “We have simply observed that there is a positive constitutional requirement that he be a natural born citizen of the United States, and that the evidence thus far available does not establish that he is.”

  18. Don in California

    Thanks for the replies:
    I was disgusted to know that we had a British Subject as our president (no capital P on purpose) and now I find out that we have a Saudi president. Still not happy!!

  19. LindafromNY…………………………………………

    I don’t call the Saudis foreign dignitaries. I have a cruder name for them……A$$holes!!!

  20. mrsmwp // January 8, 2010 at 1:39 pm

    Thank you, mrsmwp…I will pass the info along.

    Appreciate it!

  21. Obama declares H1N1 emergency

    …Calling the emergency declaration “an important tool in our kit going forward,” one administration official called Obama’s action a “proactive measure that’s not in response to any new development.” Having trouble finding vaccine? Share your story

    Truckloads Of Unused Swine Flu Vaccines

  22. Patriot Dreamer // January 8, 2010 at 1:41 pm

    Oh, PD, let them call ME!

    BRING IT!!!!!!!

  23. Linda from NY Sue K @ 1:25 pm
    I know how the Republicans can win everything.
    First know your enemy. Since I’m familiar with the South Side of Chicago, when you think of Obama and minions think Nazi’s, Gestapo and SS. They lean mostly to SS (the sickest branch of Hitler’s beyond evil empire).
    The Republicans cannot be timid-Dems will do a street fight, but Republicans are armed with so many good video’s of Obama’s continual lies, corruption, totally inept on everything, but the worst National Security. Flying public be alert, with this government you are on your own. Let Obama and minions fall on their own words via video.
    On the Republican side the more Scott Browns, Sarah Palins, Michelle Bachmanns former military they can find the better. They cannot have anyone tainted by corruption, if they did not lead a perfect life advise in the beginning so that it can be dealt with-they will look for anything they can smear don’t give them the satisfaction. Don’t want to look like hypocrites. Obama so judgemental of Bush, so do a better job idiot, so far he has blown it on every occasion.
    In other words hit them with every lie they tried to shove down the American peoples unsuspecting throats.
    Mention strange ties with foreign countries, some of which are enemies, bad treatment to allies. Electoral fraud (this is big and documented) Strange sources of money-foreign-unions (extortion). Lord this list also could go on forever.

  24. Don in California

    oldsalt77 // January 8, 2010 at 1:41 pm
    Also, remember, Americans don’t bow to anybody. I have spent time in Korea and Japan and never bowed to anyone, why would our president bow unless he felt he was “lower” than they were.

  25. Don in California

    Michelle // January 8, 2010 at 1:48 pm
    The idea of the videos is a good one. One problem is that the only way to get them out is on the internet.No news source will air them. Then a lot of people just don’t believe anything they see on the internet. I’m not sure how to change all of that, but it shouldn’t stop anyone from posting the videos.

  26. citizenwells

    A scary puzzle picture has emerged.

  27. Linda from NY


    I can understand your terminology. Doesn’t this all just make your blood boil?

    To think that someone representing our country could cow-tow to a pseudo king is sickening!

    This guy belongs in prison and not in the WH!


  28. Deal’s letter to Obama

    January 6, 2010

    “Deal Chief of Staff Todd Smith today told CL that the congressman sent Obama a letter in early December that addresses constituents’ concerns about the president’s birth certificate. Smith says the White House acknowledged receiving the missive.

    However, Smith says, Deal didn’t request Obama’s birth certificate — the letter was about the hullabaloo that’s erupted about the document’s authenticity.

    Smith said Deal’s office has received numerous inquiries about Obama’s proof of citizenship and birth certificate. Smith stressed that the congressman’s not “trying to make a political issue about it,” which he says is why the congressman didn’t issue a press release trumpeting the letter. “He just wants it off the plate so that we can get on to health care, the economy and homeland security.”

  29. On Foxnews last night there was some notations that Conservatism is now at 40% in the US, Moderatism is at 36%, and Liberalsm has fallen to 21% as of last night. This is allegedly the first time that Conservatism has prevailed since the 70s.

  30. Let’s hope alot of Boston voters feel this way about patrician rule on the 19th:

  31. Patriot Dreamer

    SueK // January 8, 2010 at 1:48 pm

    SueK, I know you will know what to say!


  32. cw or anyone else, could you share the link to Pastor Manning’s full video. obviously, he had more to say before the 9 minute clip ended. thanks in advance

  33. Linda from NY


    I agree with you…the Republicans have a lot of canvas upon which they can paint a true picture of the incompetent one.

    However, I am concerned when they do not support Conservative candidates like Doug Hoffman and Scott Brown. If they continue to alienate the Conservatives, we will end up with a third party for sure.

    It seems to me we will have to scrutinize all candidates closely. Some people have said that a RINO is better than a DEM, but I am not so sure.

    Happy Day…Linda

  34. jc – this Deal letter is a set up. 0 will simply respond by directing him to the fraudulent digital COLB and fraudulent newspaper announcements.

  35. citizenwells

    It is listed on the Youtube video.

    PS- I tried to provide the highlights and it was still 9 minutes.

  36. CW,

    Thanks for the vid of Manning. He is, as always stellar.

    However, Fox and therefore, all media is complicit. That has been known for some time. Manning has been rigorous in obtaining the connecting links. Next step? Any thoughts?


    d2i, Deal has already seen the fraudulent digital COLB and still he dares to question Obama. To what end? At this late date?

    This madness will not end until we agree on the definition of natural born citizen. How can you call yourself a NBC if you do not know what the definition is?

    How can you vet any candidate if you do not know what the definition of NBC is?

    So I ask again, Supreme Court, what is the definition of NBC? Nancy Pelosi, what is the definition of NBC? Gibbs, Obama, et all, what is the definition of NBC?

    Until the American people know what the definition is we are lost.

  38. The facts he is pointing out I remember reading at ATLAS SHRUGGED.Many Americans just do not have a clue.
    This whole presidency just REEKS of TREASON!

  39. citizenwells

    I put a comment up on Creative Loafing

  40. Magna carta …………………………

    The guy from Boston seems to have only ONE adjective, ONE noun, and ONE verb in his entire vocabulary, which seems to consist of about 3 words. Did this person even go to school? I spent a year and a half in Boston. Fortunately those who I came in contact with were much more articulate, and they didn’t even need the F … word. So I guess it comes back to the mentality of the user. It was pretty plain that he is on our side though.

  41. Patriot Dreamer

    “401k/IRA Screw Job Coming?”
    by Karl Denninger

  42. the lefts agenda:

    They want to take over the private sector, we all know that. They know the public won’t stand for it, so they need a diversion. Try KSM in a civilian court, and at the same time turn it into a trial of Bush. Then they can divert attention from their evil economic deeds and try to get Bush found guilty of war crimes. Now we know why they made that sleazy little move of giving Interpol free reign in the US. So they could come in and pick up war criminals. See how it all fits together.

    I’m brushing up on my conspiracy theory skills.

  43. Natural born citizen has been defined, people are just to ignorant. It is time to go to DC and prove it with the papers congress wrote many many years ago.

  44. Old Salt…
    He was on Fox news with a skinny toothpick girl who does not want to be on the same HC plan as he is. He was chewing donuts and smoking a cigar.
    Also, at his website he is now on the radio on Saturday mornings co-hosting with someone…….I’m sure he had to chew lots of soap.


    Another account of the Deal letter.

    This account supposedly is written by someone who feels that Obama is qualified since he was born in US.

    Is being born in the US the only requirement to being a natural born citizen? That’s a debate that needs to be had.

  46. The volcano has erupted. You can’t put the lid back on after this explosive news from Pastor Manning. It’s impossible. I pray his documented evidence is locked up in a very safe vault.

    I can’t help but wonder if Sutton, when he passed away, left a package for the good Pastor. These two men knew each other well. If anyone is going to be held credible by the black voter it is going to be Pastor Manning. And the riots in the streets aren’t going to be directed toward those of us fighting for the truth anymore. Nope. It’s going to be due to the Democratic, Republican and most importantly, Obama’s betrayal of the American blacks who believed in him.

    This is such a HUGE betrayal…OMG. OMG. OMG.

    Someone with some technical skills needs to make sure this video survives YouTube’s scrubbing.

  47. Unless the RNC gets rid of Steele, we are headed for a third party and should this happen, I truly believe the Democrats will keep control of Congress, if so Obama will completely destroy America. As to Deals letter, after no one would sign the letter with him , he basically dropped the ball. As never before, we must band together, to save America and restore her PRESTIGE, at all cost. This means all groups need to air their differences and join as one movement and stop the banter between each other. I believe Talk Radio Host are causing division in differnt groups on PURPOSE!!!

  48. Don in California

    Margie // January 8, 2010 at 2:18 pm

    Natural born citizen has been defined, people are just to ignorant. It is time to go to DC and prove it with the papers congress wrote many many years ago.
    Margie, read this:

    The founders realized further clarification was needed and made an attempt in 1790 by act of the 1st Congress, and then later redefined in 1795 by act of the 3rd Congress.

    The actual Congressional records reside in the National Archives Building in Washington D.C. and these volumes are the official recorded proceedings of our Congress from the 1st Congress of 1790 ongoing, including the current 111th Congress of 2008.

    In the official copies of the THIRD U.S. Congress (1795) margin notes state “Former act repealed. 1790. ch. 3.” referencing the FIRST U.S. Congress (1790).

    The actual text of the THIRD CONGRESS in 1795 states, “…children of citizens [plural = both parents] of the United States…shall be considered citizens of the United States; Provided That the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons, whose fathers have never been resident in the United States…” (THIRD CONGRESS Session II. Ch.21. 1795, Approved January 29, 1795, pp. 414-415. Document margin note: “How children shall obtain citizenship through their parents” Document margin note: “Former Act repealed 1790 ch.3.”)
    Read the rest at giveusliberty

  49. citizenwells

    Much of what Manning says is either documented or implied by Obama’s actions.
    Percy Sutton already stated that Khalid al-Mansour paid for Obama’s Harvard ed
    on behalf of Saudis.
    Obama stated he was in Pakistan in 1981.
    No one remembers BO being a student at Columbia.
    BO did bow low to the Saudi king.
    And of course,
    BO has kept his college records sealed.

    That is enough to hang someone in many courts.

    PS-Mannings orig video can be downloaded.
    I have both copies.
    If necessary I will put it up somewhere else.

  50. Don in California

    “That is enough to hang someone in many courts.”
    But, not in American courts-anymore!!

  51. That’s some scary sh!t there PD, re;

    *it was just months ago tha I warned my hubby this could happen…*

  52. Oldsalt-I looked at that pic you mentioned and all I see Barry wearing is a suit.

  53. Thanks alot Don. I appreciate all the help. There is absolutely no doubt to what I was taught in school many years ago.

  54. Don in California

    Margie, I had posted that a few threads back. Guess no one saw it.
    You’re welcome, glad to do it.

  55. Don in California

    Margie, did you have a tv show many years ago? “My Little Margie”, starring Gale Gordon.

  56. Don in California // January 8, 2010 at 2:31 pm
    I think we had better worry about our vital records in the Natl. Archives. Does the name Sandy Berger come to mind? Records stuffed in his socks and pants. The Anagram for Sandy Berger is-


  57. Don in California

    Giveusliberty had a link to a scan of the actual document. I will go try to down load it.

  58. JC.
    I have a problem with what allegedly is said to be a question regarding “NATURAL BORN CITIZEN”. No offense to anyone, but I am simply saying that in the Constitution the founders ” implied” that a candidate must be a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN of the US to be eligible to run for the office of POTUS. For the last 68 years I have believed that to be a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN it is necessary to have been born to a married couple(one male, and one female) who are both also US citizens by birth and have resided in the US. I don’t understand the need of so many people trying to SPLIT HAIRS. I read the Constitution from beginning to end in the 5th grade. And I have been refreshing my understanding since all of this question began in 07. I still think that the Constitution clearly states the definition of natural born citizen, even if the definition isn’t written. I think that the founders depended upon the reader to have enough understanding of grammar to comprehend their words. I believe that it is quite clear. I think that there will always be a controversy of varying degrees until someone DRAWS A PICTURE FOR THOSE WHO NEED GRAPHIC ILLUSTRATIONS to understand. But what do we do when they even question the meaning of a picture? Just my view point folks, no offense intended to anyone.

  59. Patriot Dreamer

    Prominent Voice in Health Care Debate [MIT economist Jonathan Gruber] Took Money [$300K] from the Administration

  60. Ms. Helga………………………………………………

    I know him as Sandy “BURGLAR”

  61. Patriot Dreamer

    Public Policy Polling (Dem. affiliated):

    “What we’re seeing in Massachusetts”

  62. Here’s another question for you,


    On Christmas Day 2009 the President of the United States could not be disturbed when the “crotch Bomber” tried to blow up Northwest Airlines flight 253. In fact Barack Obama could not be notified of the bombing attempt for some three hours after the fact. Why? Who was Barack Obama doing that prevented him from being “disturbed” for three hours after the fact?

    What White House boy toy, play pal was in Hawaii with Obama? Was it Reggie Love, Nick Colvin, Kal Penn or maybe one of Obama’s old Frank Marshall Davis days play pals?

    Lets not forget that Bill Clinton could not be “disturbed” with urgent National interest while he had his pants opened in the Oval office.

    Barack Obama needs to explain what he was doing that required he NOT be disturbed when America was attacked on Christmas day, and who he was doing it with. Makes you think about Hillary’s “3AM” ads again doesn’t it!

    Who’s crotch were you in Barack Obama? Was Barack Obama doing Santa Clause or was he servicing Donald Young’s killer?

  63. JB you have to look really close. First look at where his jacket ends. Then you will see fabric hanging out where it shouldn’t be. It resembles a sort of very baggy pair of trousers. It is very obvious where his waist would be. The trousers should not be hanging down or out like they appear to be. Then look at the lower dress of the Saudi to whom he is bowing. You will see a similar sort of HANG. It appears to be some sort of cover dress over his normal clothes. You will also see that he is wearing a tan or light gray jacket under his black jacket. Maybe this is all a trick of angles.

  64. Howie Carr’s ‘unscientific’ poll on WRKO radio in Boston:

    Can Scott Brown beat Martha Coakley and the Democratic machine in Massachusetts?

    Yes 80%
    No 20%

  65. jb,

    you only see the suit because the long legged mac daddy has such skinny legs that the robe fits down in his pants. 🙂

  66. citizenwells

    Good question Larry.

  67. Don in California

    nobama is talking “again”. Does he ever do any work? I swear, if a camera is around, he is in front of it.

  68. old salt,

    you’re absolutely right about the constitutional meaning of nbc. the problem here is that the meaning has been perverted over time until it is a shadow of it’s former meaning. now almost anyone can be a nbc and they even claim in law dictionaries that you only have to be born in the US as the sole criteria. it’s very hard to put the genie back in the bottle, as we’ve seen with the interstate commerce clause and the general welfare clause, and that’s why i think getting to the bottom of the birth cert is so critical. I think we can get him on that issue, if we can only get a look at those vital records.

    Not that i’m against going forward with the quo warranto thing. by all means, hit him with everything we’ve got.

  69. CW – I can’t imagine anyone stating the many items Pastor Manning is outlining without some record; especially the millions to Columbia. Otherwise, he and his church could be sued for slander and more. The good Pastor isn’t a stupid man. He must have some sort of evidence detailing the deal b/w Mansour and CU. I just don’t see him going out on such a long limb w/o a feathered matress underneath.

    Also, I went to his site and he is asking everyone to send the video to everyone they know. The vid at his site is more than 18 minutes long and has some other detail. Here’s the link

    Let’s help the good Pastor to get the word out. He needs us as we do him.

  70. Hey Larry – good too see your probable right on comment. Take care, Zach

  71. Why would our president bow unless he felt he was “lower” than they were.

    You just answered yourself.

  72. Drudge Report is finally linking to Alex Jones’

    It’s down the page on the left hand side. Glad to see DR waking up and helping spread the news.

  73. Here is an answer I gave on another site about the birth certificate issue-


    “It is simplicity that makes the uneducated more effective than the educated when addressing popular audiences.”


    “During this teleconference, the States’ chief law enforcement officers discussed potential legal challenges to the Senate’s Health Care Bill. No one questions that the Nebraska Compromise is patently absurd. The question is whether it is also unconstitutional,” stated Attorney General King. “We are evaluating whether it is, and, if it is, what our oaths require us to do to defend the Constitution. If the Senate refuses to contemplate these serious constitutional questions and concerns, then we will.”


    “… what our oaths require us to do to defend the Constitution.”


    These AGs seem to be very selective in their defense of the Constitution.

  75. DONinCalifornia……………………………..

    That is where I was during the Korean war. Stopped off at Kobe,Sasebo, Yokusuka, Manila, Subic Bay, Hong Kong. Kwajelin, Eniwetok, Pearl. Then, visited Aleutian Islands, Bering Sea, Arctic Ocean. (DEW) line Radar post at BARROW AK., and Unimak Island. We started out in a converted Kearney built C-2 freighter filled to the battens with supplies for YOU NAME IT. By the time 6 weeks had passed she was nearly empty. Returned to San Pedro, in ballast. Nearly froze my bippie off in the Arctic Ocean. Slept next to #2 boiler warmest place on the ship. Just right!. Crew’s quarters about 40 degrees. F. All were complaining. To think that I volunteered for that cruise. Wanted to see the Bering Sea. So much for that!!!!!! Should have stayed at Pearl. I have 20/20 hindsight. By the way I don’t remember bowing to anyone during my hitch either. Used a little profanity though.

  76. mrsmwp @ 1:39 pm well Bless your heart. I know a lot of people-I can’t think of anyone that has not had someone in the family or friends who has not been touched by substance abuse. Legal/Illegal. The worst I ever saw was one of our neighbors 36 years of pills from psychiatrists. Cure her husband retired, no more drug prescriptions. I saw that from little on. I’m one that must be allergic to alcohol, if it doesn’t make me sick it makes my joints hurt. Not worth the pain. The buzz thing they talk about, never got there-just tired and sleepy. A drink or two-tops three all I can do and watered down to the max.


    Abrham Lincoln.

  78. “The Manning Report”
    Live Mon.-Fri. at 3PM – 6PM EST

  79. magna carta @ 1:58 pm
    That video reminded me of the hot-headed Italians in Chicago, I don’t talk like that but they do and they mean every word of what they say.
    When the guys would get like that-mad-we just got out of their way and let them rip. Takes awhile for them to chill down. Italian people in America very patriotic people and just don’t like to have their intelligence insulted.

  80. Don… Can citizens go to the National Archive and make copies of the congressional bills to educate the masses?

  81. YO.

    Maybe when pigs fly! WHOA wait a minute maybe pigs are already flying somewhere.

  82. Patriot Dreamer @ 2:17 pm
    They are pushing (TV commercials down here in Florida) Roth IRA’s. I’m not familiar with either product to comment, I’m just wondering why they are doing commercials to convert. Call this #…..

  83. patriot dreamer

    Not an apology, but NPR ombudsman says: the “tea bag” cartoon doesn’t fit with our values:

  84. Patriot Dreamer

    Michelle // January 8, 2010 at 3:56 pm

    Maybe someone makes $ off of the conversion?

  85. Don in California

    Margie // January 8, 2010 at 3:53 pm
    Someone in DC might be able to go. Not sure. Would guess that it is open to the public.

  86. Patriot Dreamer @ 2:17 pm
    Abraham Lincoln was so smart in his simplicity. How true his words are, I think great Presidents have a great understanding of human nature. Obama has none, except from a corrupt point of view. I wonder if he remembers the old axiom
    “There is no honor among thieves.” I think one of HIS OWN will do him in. Omerta to you Obama-the Mafia cracked it and so will all other liars.

  87. Is being born in the US the only requirement to being a natural born citizen? That’s a debate that needs to be had.
    Ahmadinejad is visiting the U.S….he impregnates a girl here and does not marry her…..they share custody and split living arrangements equally in U.S. and Iran……at age 35, the child runs for POTUS.

  88. Patriot Dreamer @ 3:59 pm
    That is what I was thinking the old commission thing.

  89. JJ @ 4:10 pm Another potential problem-children artificially inseminated by the “banks”.
    No one knows who the father is. Many of those children either have come of age or will.

  90. Don in California

    JJ // January 8, 2010 at 4:10 pm

    Is being born in the US the only requirement to being a natural born citizen? That’s a debate that needs to be had.
    That debate has already been had. 1st and 3rd Congress and the debate determined that both parents had to be citizens.

  91. Don… I sent the info. to Senator Levin in Michigan. Grant it, he probably doesn’t read his mail, or will do anything about it.

  92. Dr. Manning is in rare form today.. his posting recorded 1-6-10, and posted today 01-08-10

    As the good Reverend would say “Amen, and “Boom Shakalaka”

  93. Dr. Manning is in rare form today.. his posting recorded 1-6-10, and posted today 01-08-10

    As the good Reverend would say “Amen, and “Boom Shakalaka”

  94. Michelle // January 8, 2010 at 4:15 pm


    Then we get into the issue of the child’s schooling, lifestyle, background, and I don’t even want to think of the problems this leads to…….oh, well, we knew technology would lead here some day and is the country ready for it??

  95. RichardL // January 8, 2010 at 4:24 pm

    Hi RichardL,

    Thanks for the link.

    From what I’m hearing, it doesn’t seem as if Rev. Manning realizes that Barky went to Columbia College, and not Columbia University.

  96. citizenwells

    Columbia College is part of Columbia U.

  97. @ CW,
    Dr. Manning has all his recent clips on :… recent since he was banned from YouTube.


  98. citizenwells // January 8, 2010 at 4:46 pm

    Thanks, CW!

  99. That debate has already been had. 1st and 3rd Congress and the debate determined that both parents had to be citizens.
    Did aka Obama not get the memo????

  100. Don in California

    JJ // January 8, 2010 at 4:48 pm ,

    He, courts, and congress don’t care.

  101. I received this today,…. ~author unknown

    Words of wisdom. . . . . . .

    “The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.”

    ~~~~~I did NOT vote for that Fraud~~~~~~
    this is not me.

  102. SueK // January 8, 2010 at 4:47 pm

    citizenwells // January 8, 2010 at 4:46 pm

    Thanks, CW!
    Columbia College is the oldest undergraduate college at Columbia University, situated on the university’s main campus of Morningside Heights in the Borough of Manhattan in the City of New York

  103. Linda from NY

    Rev. Manning said it again! He’s an Al Qaeda operative…and I’m gonna prove it!

    Twice…he said it twice!

    “You are not going put him away quietly!”


    He’s hot under the collar!

  104. Love Dr. Manning! No,no, no, no, noooooo……. you are going to let them get away free …. no, no, no, no, no, no……, no! He is so real!!

  105. Barack Hussein Obama, Jihadist in Chief

    “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

    U.N. investigator says video of executions appears to be authentic

    United Nations (CNN) — A video purportedly showing Sri Lankan soldiers executing bound, blindfolded and naked Tamils appears to be authentic, a U.N. investigator said Thursday.

  106. Obots Coming Out Of The Comas?

    President Obama and the Congressional Democrats promised the American people an era of transparency and ethical governance. And what did they get? Neither, and some would say worse.

  107. Ed Koch: I campaigned for Obama but his response to the Christmas day attack was terrible

  108. Video: Napolitano Most Surprised By “Determination Of al-Qaeda”

    Napolitano Shocked By the ‘Determination of Al-Qaeda’ & That They Dont Need Buddy System to Attack

  109. Video: Rove: Lawyering Up Terrorist Untrained to Withstand Interrogation Was a Horrendous Decision

  110. Video: Ribbons for Soldiers Banned in Connecticut Town

    Town Bans Pro-Troops Yellow Ribbons

    The Board of Burgesses for the borough voted recently to ban all yellow ribbons on trees on the Litchfield green. Yellow ribbons are commonly tied around trees to honor members of the Armed Service branches.

  111. CW @ 3:11 Larry’s question is good. Do not disturb for 3 hours. hmmmm. Wonder where Secret Service might have been?

  112. bob strauss // January 8, 2010 at 1:19 pm

    Rush is hot! about the Constitution not being followed referring to Obama on air right now. I am waiting for him to say something about eligibility. Fingers are crossed.

    Rush won’t touch the “Third Rail”___

  113. Judge Napalatano just gave a wonderful closing speech in place of Glenn Beck on Fox News. I think he is one of us.


  115. Can anybody get the postemail place? I haven’t been able to get into it today.


  116. JJ // January 8, 2010 at 4:57 pm

    Hi JJ,

    Appreciate it! I’m not up on my colleges these days, but you and CW have set me straight.

    Rev. Manning has the fire in his belly and if anyone can get to the truth, I think he can!

  117. Linda from NY


    Nope…was there earlier today but now, I cannot get in.

    Anyone know if Postemail has been hacked?

    Happy Night…Linda

  118. Sue K
    this is for you. This is live video of Florida Manatees gathering by Florida Power and Light’s warm water which they generate. It is cold down here so the Manatees are herding to the warm water.

  119. I was able to get in:

    Homepage new


  120. Linda from NY

    joyceaz: Thanks…got in, too.

  121. Breaking News from FOX ….

    London Heathrow Airport Security Alert:

    Bomb sniffing dogs, passengers taken off of a
    plane, and a “suspect” handcuffed.

  122. Don in California

    I got in to Post email too. no problem.

  123. I still can’t get in. Weird.

  124. National News is on CBS-sounds like the Christmas bomber story is changing again. Others back in Yemen just like him ready to do the same thing in the same way. 4-5 other countries also named with the same groups of terrorists.

  125. bob strauss // January 8, 2010 at 1:19 pm

    Rush is hot! about the Constitution not being followed referring to Obama on air right now. I am waiting for him to say something about eligibility. Fingers are crossed
    Hi Bob,
    I didn’t get to hear Rush today. Did he mention
    more on the Constitution and/or eligibility?

    Thanks, Maddie.

  126. Heathrow Airport Update from FOX …

    Police arrested TWO guys from a plane
    bound for Dubai.

  127. kittycat77 // January 8, 2010 at 6:35 pm

    Try clicking on the refresh button of your browswer…

  128. Don in California

    I just posted this on
    anything incorrect about it?

    To answer a few questions: 1. Obama has admitted in public, to being a British Subject at birth.
    The 1st and 3rd American Congress discussed Natural Born Citizen and decided that it required two parents that are American citizens and born on American soil. Obama is not a Natural Born Citizen.
    2. American military travel on military orders, not passports. Some members are issued “Offfical” passports due to their travels or duties. Foreign passports are not used.
    3. Oboma’s birth certificate is only important to show who his parents were. It doesn’t matter where he was born if he is/was a dual citizen.
    Thank you.

  129. Don in California

    January 08, 2010
    Petition to recall LA Senator Mary Landrieu
    Clarice Feldman

    The blog “And So It Goes in Shreveport” notes that a petition to recall Senator Mary Landrieu has been accepted for filing by the Louisiana Secretary of State. Citizens have 180 days to file enough signatures to get this on a ballot:

  130. oldsalt, I agree you know the facts.

    Alan Keyes said it best in his new article. “We have simply observed that there is a positive constitutional requirement that he be a natural born citizen of the United States, and that the evidence thus far available does not establish that he is. We have asked that the courts or the Congress fulfill their sworn duty to uphold the Constitution, and that they pursue an authoritative investigation of the facts and issues involved in order to reach a substantive decision that addresses the constitutional requirement. Thus far they have refused to do so.”

    If “we the people” knew what you OldSalt knew, the facts would take minutes to establish and the case closed.

    But the reality is anyone who dares to comment on the natural born citizenship of Obama is besmerched

  131. Joyceaz –
    That’s exactly what I wrote in the intro to my book…the problem is not Obama….it’s the complete stupidity and lack of common sense in mainstream America. This predicament, however, has all been consciously been brought into being by the left for the last 40-60 years.

  132. Sorry there I go again making up word usage. I should have said anyone who dares to comment on the natural born citizenship of Obama is denigrated.

    It is clear to me Obama does not qualify.

  133. I would think at least 60% of registered Dems feel the same way. They could have stood up, but they chose not to.
    More on this later when we have time to tell you the whole story, but here in Chicago there’s a push going out from big donors we know from Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Evan Bayh seems to be in a lot of trouble in Indiana.
    This is a very tough predicament for us to be in, because we got to spend a decent amount of time with Bayh at several campaign stops for Clinton in 2008. We like the man. He, or Ted Strickland, would be Vice President right now in an alternate reality where we didn’t fail to win the nomination for Hillary Clinton.
    But, we are so disgusted by all 60 Democrats in the Senate right now for not stopping the unconstitutional monstrosity that is the Healthcare Rationing Bill that, despite our past positive feelings for him, we think Evan Bayh should be booted from the Senate.
    All it took was one Democrat — JUST ONE — to tell Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and the White House that more time was needed for the public, let alone the Senators voting, to understand what was really in the Healthcare Rationing Bill before voting on it.
    Evan Bayh had the chance to stand up, courageously, and tell Democrats they were operating in the dead of night, in secret, contrary to all their promises they would handle healthcare in the open following the wishes of the people.
    Bayh could have ground everything to a halt and FORCED Democrats to behave responsibly, sensibly, and in the manner they promised in 2008.
    He didn’t.
    That was his choice.
    We just can’t support him anymore after that.
    And the same holds true for all Democrats in the Senate.
    These people can’t be trusted, and should not be in office.
    So, we’re saying no to the requests to help fundraise and campaign for Bayh in Indiana. It’s more bridges we’re burning with people who keep score here in Chicago, but we just can’t help anyone who votes for this monstrosity. The manner in which this bill was rammed through at Christmas in the dead of night so appalls us, we want every last one of these Jokers ejected from office at the first available opportunity.
    Though it pains us to side against Evan Bayh, we feel Evan Bayh sided against us in the Nightmare Before Christmas.
    How much trouble do you think he’s really in in Indiana? The talk we hear is that, as of the latest internal polls this week, he’s going to lose his seat.

  134. Nancy Peacock

    In answer to Larry’s question, if I were to bet, I’d put my money on Reggie.

  135. This is the link that I’m using:

    Homepage new

    Still can’t get into it, no matter how many times I refresh. Says link is broken.

  136. Barack Hussein Obama, Muslim in Chief

    A Woman’s Worth Relative to a Man’s

    Question: Does Islam teach that a woman is worth less than a man?

    Summary Answer: Absolutely. The only debatable point is by what degree.

    The Qur’an:

    Qur’an (4:11) – (Inheritance) “The male shall have the equal of the portion of two females” (see also verse 4:176).

    Qur’an (2:282) – (Court testimony) “And call to witness, from among your men, two witnesses. And if two men be not found then a man and two women.” Muslim apologists have sometimes creatively tried to explain why a woman’s testimony is worth half that of a man’s under Islamic law (based on this verse) while still attempting to maintain the semblance of equality. Unfortunately for them, studies consistently show that women are less likely to tell lies than men, meaning that they would make more reliable witnesses in any court – were it not for Islam’s obvious sexism.

    Qur’an (2:228) – “and the men are a degree above them [women]”

    Qur’an (5:6) – “And if ye are unclean, purify yourselves. And if ye are sick or on a journey, or one of you cometh from the closet, or ye have had contact with women, and ye find not water, then go to clean, high ground and rub your faces and your hands with some of it” Men are to rub dirt on their hands if there is no water to purify them following casual contact with a woman (such as shaking hands).

    Qur’an (24:31) – Women are to lower their gaze around men, so they do not look them in the eye.

    Qur’an (2:223) – “Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will…” A man has dominion over his wives’ bodies as he does his land. This verse is overtly sexual. There is some dispute as to whether it is referring to the practice of anal intercourse, which it has been used historically to justify. If this is what Muhammad meant, however, then it would appear to contradict what he said in Muslim (8:3365).

    Qur’an (4:3) – (Wife-to-husband ratio) “Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four”

    Qur’an (53:27) – “Those who believe not in the Hereafter, name the angels with female names.” Angels are sublime beings, and would therefore be male.

    Qur’an (4:24) and Qur’an (33:52) – A man is permitted to take women as sex slaves outside of marriage.

    From the Hadith:

    Bukhari (6:301) – “[Muhammad] said, ‘Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?’ They replied in the affirmative. He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her intelligence.'”

    Bukhari (6:301) – continued – “[Muhammad said] ‘Isn’t it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?’ The women replied in the affirmative. He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her religion.'” Allah has made women deficient in the practice of their religion as well, by giving them menstrual cycles.

    Bukhari (2:28) – Women comprise the majority of Hell’s occupants. This is important because the only women in heaven ever mentioned by Muhammad are the virgins who serve the sexual desires of men. (A weak Hadith, Kanz al-`ummal, 22:10, even suggests that 99% of women go to Hell).

    Bukhari (62:81) – “The Prophet said: “‘The stipulations most entitled to be abided by are those with which you are given the right to enjoy the (women’s) private parts (i.e. the stipulations of the marriage contract).'” In other words, the most important thing that a woman brings to a marriage is between her legs.

    Bukhari (62:58) – A woman presents herself in marriage to Muhammad, but he does not find her attractive, so he “donates” her on the spot to another man.

    Muslim (4:1039) – “A’isha said [to Muhammad]: ‘You have made us equal to the dogs and the asses'”

    Abu Dawud (2:704) – “…the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) said: When one of you prays without a sutrah, a dog, an ass, a pig, a Jew, a Magian, and a woman cut off his prayer, but it will suffice if they pass in front of him at a distance of over a stone’s throw.”

    Abu Dawud (2155) – Women are compared to slaves and camels with regard to the “evil” in them.

    Ishaq 593 – “As for Ali, he said, ‘Women are plentiful, and you can easily change one for another.'” Ali was raised as a son by Muhammad. He was also the 4th caliph. This comment was made in Muhammad’s presence without a word of rebuke from him.

    Ishaq 593 – “From the captives of Hunayn, Allah’s Messenger gave [his son-in-law] Ali a slave girl called Baytab and he gave [future Caliph] Uthman a slave girl called Zaynab and [future Caliph] Umar another.” – Even in this world, Muhammad treated women like party favors, handing out slave girls to his cronies for sex.

    Ishaq 969 – “Men were to lay injunctions on women lightly, for they were prisoners of men and had no control over their persons.” – This same text also justifies beating women for flirting.

    Additional Notes:

    The fourth Caliph, who was Muhammad’s son-in-law and cousin, said just a few years after the prophet’s death that “The entire woman is an evil. And what is worse is that it is a necessary evil.”

    A traditional Islamic saying is that, “A woman’s heaven is beneath her husband’s feet.”

    The revered Islamic scholar, al-Ghazali, who has been called ‘the greatest Muslim after Muhammad,’ writes that the role of a Muslim woman is to “stay at home and get on with her sewing. She should not go out often, she must not be well-informed, nor must she be communicative with her neighbors and only visit them when absolutely necessary; she should take care of her husband… and seek to satisfy him in everything… Her sole worry should be her virtue… She should be clean and ready to satisfy her husband’s sexual needs at any moment.” [as quoted from Ibn Warraq]

    A Yemeni cleric recently explained in a television broadcast what it is that makes women inferior and unable, say, to serve as good witnesses: “Women are subject to menstruation, when their endurance and mental capacity for concentration are diminished. When a woman witnesses a killing or an accident, she becomes frightened, moves away, and sometimes even faints, and she cannot even watch the incident.”

    The many opportunities denied women under Islamic law, from giving equal testimony in court to having the right to exclude other wives from their marital bed, is very clear proof that women are of lesser value then men in Islam. Muslim women are not even free to marry outside the faith without being killed by their own families.

    Islamic law also specifies that when a woman is murdered by a man, her family is owed only half as much “blood money” as they would be if she had been a man.

    Although a man retains custody of his children in the event of his wife’s death, a non-Muslim woman will automatically lose custody of her children in the event of her husband’s death unless she converts to Islam or marries a male relative of within his family. Even the rights of Muslim mothers are subordinate to her husband’s family.

    Contemporary Muslims like to counter that Arabs treated women as camels prior to Muhammad. This is somewhat questionable, given that Muhammad’s first wife was a wealthy woman who owned property and ran a successful business prior to ever meeting him. She was even his boss… (although we’re sure that changed after the marriage). Still, it is somewhat telling that Islam’s treatment of women can only be defended by contrasting it to an extremely primitive environment in which women were supposedly non-entities.

    At best, Islam elevates the status of a woman to somewhere between that of a camel and a man.

    The immutable, ever-relevant Qur’an explicitly permits women to be kept as sex slaves, and this is hardly something in which Muslims can take pride.

    See also:

    <b Muhammad's Hatred of Women


    Myth: Muhammad would Never Approve of Rape

    It is against Islam to rape Muslim women, but Muhammad actually encouraged the rape of women captured in battle. This hadith provides the context for the Qur’anic verse (4:24):

    The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) sent a military expedition to Awtas on the occasion of the battle of Hunain. They met their enemy and fought with them. They defeated them and took them captives.

    Some of the Companions of the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) were reluctant to have intercourse with the female captives in the presence of their husbands who were unbelievers. So Allah, the Exalted, sent down the Qur’anic verse: (Sura 4:24) “And all married women (are forbidden) unto you save those (captives) whom your right hands possess.” (Abu Dawud 2150)

    Actually, as the hadith indicates, it wasn’t Muhammad, but “Allah the Exalted” who told the men to rape the women in front of their husbands, which is all the more reason not to think of Islam as being the same as other religion.

    There are several hadith in which Muhammad is asked for his opinion on how women should be raped following their capture. This pertains to an episode in which his men were reluctant to devalue their new slaves for later resale by getting them pregnant. Muhammad was asked about coitus interruptus in particular:

    “O Allah’s Apostle! We get female captives as our share of booty, and we are interested in their prices, what is your opinion about coitus interruptus?” The Prophet said, “Do you really do that? It is better for you not to do it. No soul that which Allah has destined to exist, but will surely come into existence.” (Bukhari 34:432)

    As indicated, the prophet of Islam did not mind his men raping the women, provided they ejaculated within the bodies of their victims.

    As one might imagine, Muhammad’s obvious approval of raping women captured in battle, and his own personal participation as recorded in many places, is of intense inconvenience to the Muslim apologists of our time. For this reason, some of them attempt to explain away these many episodes and Qur’anic references to sex with captives by pretending that these are cases in which women have fled bad marriages and sought refuge with the Muslims. Some apologists even refer to them as “wives,” even though the Qur’an makes a clear distinction between “those whom thy right hand possesses” and true wives (see Sura 33:50).

    Beyond the desperation of the 21st century apologist however, there is absolutely nothing in the historical text that supports this rosy revision of Muslim history. The women of the Banu Mustaliq were sold into slavery following their rape:

    “We went out with Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) on the expedition to the Bi’l-Mustaliq and took captive some excellent Arab women; and we desired them, for we were suffering from the absence of our wives, (but at the same time) we also desired ransom for them. So we decided to have sexual intercourse with them but by observing ‘azl (Withdrawing the male sexual organ before emission of semen to avoid-conception). But we said: We are doing an act whereas Allah’s Messenger is amongst us; why not ask him? So we asked Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him), and he said: It does not matter” (Sahih Muslim 3371)

    In fact, female slaves were traded like any other simple commodity by Muhammad and his Muslims:

    “Then the apostle sent Sa-d b. Zayd al-Ansari, brother of Abdu’l-Ashal with some of the captive women of Banu Qurayza to Najd and he sold them for horses and weapons.” (Ibn Ishaq 693)

    Is it Muslim to sell one’s wife for horses? Clearly these were not wives!

    More importantly, by definition a “captured” woman is not one who is fleeing her husband. She is fleeing her captor (ie. the Muslim slave raider). This hadith describes a typical raid, in which the women and children are captured as they are attempting to flee the attacking Muslims:

    “…and then we attacked from all sides and reached their watering-place where a battle was fought. Some of the enemies were killed and some were taken prisoners. I saw a group of persons that consisted of women and children [escaping in the distance]. I was afraid lest they should reach the mountain before me, so I shot an arrow between them and the mountain. When they saw the arrow, they stopped. So I brought them, driving them along” (Sahin Muslim 4345)

    The Muslim narrator (who happens to be Muhammad’s adopted son) sees the women trying to escape (following the massacre of their men) and cuts off their route by shooting an arrow into their path. These aren’t women trying to seek refuge with the Muslims. They are trying to avoid capture by the Muslim.

    The same hadith goes on to recount that Muhammad personally demanded one of the captured women for his own use:

    I drove them along until I brought them to Abu Bakr who bestowed that girl upon me as a prize. So we arrived in Medina. I had not yet disrobed her when the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) met me in the street and said: “Give me that girl.” (Sahih Muslim 4345)

    The prophet of Islam and his companions used war to collect women for personal sexual use and for trading. Unless she was arbitrarily declared as someone’s wife, the woman became a sex slave. In no case was her fate tied to anything that she had personally done, nor was she given a choice about her future.

  137. I used to visit this website when it first started, but noted Mr Wells has absolutely nothing in his heading to show support to one of the most active and courageous Patriots I have ever known, and that is Dr. Orly Taitz. If he, or anyone did as much as she has done to get the eligibility issue out there on MSM or in front of a make shift utube to send around the world, or in the courts in many states, flying around to assist those who are sticking there necks out further than any one of us has sitting in front of a computer, would you think he would be proud enough and thankful enough to have her name up there too.

    You see some people expect you to read their articles, as if that is GOING TO MAKE THE DIFFERENCE, it only takes one, and I would put my money on Dr. Taitz who just ceases to amaze me what she is doing and all those who feel threatened and intimidated thwart her cause. Anyone now supporting Berg makes me really wonder, as all he has done of late is tried to stop her with his alleged attacks on her character…hhhmmm…take a look in the mirror on those accusations, as we know you are not perfect….

  138. If I have asked it once I have asked it a thousand times(Don’t Exaggerate) why does Chris Matthews pronounce Dick Cheny (Cheeeeeeeeney?)
    Puhlease -anybody?

  139. John Feeny,… I received that in an email today.
    It stated: Author Unknown. Maybe someone copied and pasted it from your intro. It sure does make a lot of sense. I have thought the same thing,…. just couldn’t say it like you.
    The thought process of The Average America,… is slim to none. No one wants to think about what is really happening in this country. They think by ignoring the Greedy acts of our Government,…. things will just get better by themselves. Soon they will wake up and wonder what happened to our Freedoms. It will be too late. As I told my daughter from Minnesota yesterday,…. “Beck Our Country is being destroyed and by you sticking your head in the sand will not help.” You will be sorry in a few months and wish you had of stood up for THE RIGHT THING TO DO. Her only response is that she knows but, don’t know what to do. (I would help if she would accept my info)
    My daughter likes to stick her head in the sand and pretend it won’t effect her. They won’t watch the news and makes fun of me for wanting to know what is going on. THERE IS LOTS OF MIDDLE AMERICANS JUST LIKE THAT. How do we get them informed? BELIEVE ME,…. I HAVE BEEN TALKING TO THEM FOR SEVERAL YEARS….. with no luck.
    Thanks John

  140. Speaking of the 3 a.m. Red Phone—Given
    the choice between HRC and BO who would
    you rather have getting to it—I can tell you
    she wouldn’t have spent 3 days before responding to the Christmas bomber, and she’s
    a lot tougher and wouldn’t be bowing to Saudi

  141. @kittycat77:

    I just visited the new site using this URL:

    Homepage new

    I experienced no trouble, and the site appears to be working.

  142. Nancy Peacock

    I guess for the same reason that he sits there and waves a copy of a jpg and says, “I’ve got the birth certificate right here, I’ve got the birth certificate right here!”

  143. Everyone should have one of these on the next march to Washington D.C. !!!

  144. Linda from NY


    Scott Brown will be on Hannity TONIGHT at 9 PM ET/12AM ET

  145. Jacqlyn Smith

    OMG…I just listened to Jon Ralston interview Elaine Wynn(Steve Wynn’s ex) and she says even though she is a registered Republican she is supporting Harry Reid…..what an idiot…..maybe that is why she is divorced…..Steve did not vote for the FRAUD…gave him a D- so far…..she voted for the FRAUD….gave him and A+ in citizenship and a B+ in achievement…’s that when he trashes the country on foreign soil and hasn’t achieved a DAMN thing except make us less safe……how can she call herself a fiscal conservative…..I wonder what DRUG she is on????

  146. You guys, when I get the website in, which it’s already there anyway, this is what I get:

    The webpage “” cannot be found
    DNS error occurred. Server cannot be found. The link may be broken.

    Note the website address, and it doesn’t matter if I click it from here or using my address. It doesn’t matter.

    So weird. And I just cleaned my history and cache, etc.

  147. Hmmm…

    What is a birth.jpg?

    I wonder if I have one of those…

  148. Some humor (got this in an email today)

    Sounds like Dangerfield or Youngman have returned. Enjoy!

    The economy is so bad that:

    I got a pre-declined credit card in the mail.

    I ordered a burger at McDonald’s and the kid behind the counter asked, “Can you afford fries with that?”

    CEO’s are now playing miniature golf.

    If the bank returns your check marked “Insufficient Funds,” you call them and ask if they meant you or them.

    Hot Wheels and Matchbox stocks are trading higher than GM.

    McDonald’s is selling the 1/4 ouncer.

    Parents in Beverly Hills fired their nannies and learned their children’s names.

    A truckload of Americans was caught sneaking into Mexico .

    Dick Cheney took his stockbroker hunting.

    Motel Six won’t leave the light on anymore.

    The Mafia is laying off judges.

    Exxon-Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen.

    Congress says they are looking into this Bernard Madoff scandal. Oh Great!! The guy who made $50 Billion disappear is being investigated by the people who made $1.5 Trillion disappear!

    And, finally… I was so depressed last night thinking about the economy, wars, jobs, my savings, Social Security, retirement funds, etc., I called the Suicide Lifeline. I got a call center in Pakistan , and when I told them I was suicidal, they got all excited, and asked if I could drive a truck.

  149. Kittycat, use this link.

    Homepage new

    if it don’t work,… try a different search engine.

  150. Dear CW – I think that we are beginning to suffer information overload. We belong in the 3% “nutcase” category (according to the MSM) and the more we scream and yell the less effective we become. It is so simple to prove our case because we have the proof that Obama has a Kenyan father. This is the only proof we need. NBC means that his mother and father BOTH have to be born in the U.S. Why are we waisting all of our time with all the extraneous garbage?
    I think we should make Rev. Manning our spokesman and I would be happy to contribute to such a cause. What does anyone else say?
    PS – At my age I can’t FUTZ around much more.

    “It is simplicity that makes the uneducated more effective than the educated when addressing popular audiences.”

  151. SueK // January 8, 2010 at 6:14 pm

    Wikipedia…the online encyclopedia for ‘dummies’……

    I use it a lot..must tell you something!

  152. scarolina // January 8, 2010 at 7:43 pm
    My favorite Jackie Mason joke – Why do Jewish husbands die before their wives? BECAUSE THEY WANT TO!!

  153. Well, this just sucks that’s all I can say. I’ve ran AVG twice now, ran Malware Bytes or whatever, tried, and tried to use safari and I still can’t get into it. So what the heck is the problem? I’m in TX, is anyone else here having that problem?


  154. Don in California

    ms. helga // January 8, 2010 at 8:04 pm
    It doesn’t matter what we can prove when congress and the courts ignore it all. I don’t know how to get the evidence out to the public. When the news (including Fox) won’t report it and the public doesn’t believe the internet. How do we get our day in court???

  155. Well, heck, maybe it’s just my Internet now. It was slow getting here, but it did get here.

  156. John Feeny // January 8, 2010 at 6:55 pm

    However this deception turns out…… of two things are certain…….
    The voters will scrutinize voting machines and voting practices more closely to bring about honest elections on paper ballots………
    or, the election process and selection of the POTUS and all the constitutional requirements will be forever buried and this nation is history.

  157. joyceaz // January 8, 2010 at 7:55 pm

    Kittycat, use this link.

    Homepage new

    if it don’t work,… try a different search engine.
    Kittycat,…. if you can’t get to the site thru the link above,….. I DON’T HAVE A CLUE. SORRY

  158. Patriot Dreamer 141–and that’s why we never do surveys. You never know who is on the other end of the phone and why they are asking the questions. It could be legit…but there are so many chances that it is not.

    BTW All: Caller ID identifications can be faked.

  159. #

    Don in California // January 8, 2010 at 8:21 pm

    ms. helga // January 8, 2010 at 8:04 pm
    It doesn’t matter what we can prove when congress and the courts ignore it all. I don’t know how to get the evidence out to the public. When the news (including Fox) won’t report it and the public doesn’t believe the internet. How do we get our day in court???


  160. A truckload of Americans was caught sneaking into Mexico .

    I just read an account that aka Obama has done so much damage to our country, the Mexicans are going home…….and it isn’t a joke!!!

  161. LM 532–Thanks for posting that again. I posted that two to three days ago. It bears watching!

  162. Michael Steele doesn’t think the Reps can
    take control of the House and Senate.
    Even IF he thought that, he should have said
    ” H*ll, yes!”

    What was he thinking???

  163. JJ—Is that true? The Mexicans are
    returning, for real?

  164. What are the chances of getting some of these retiring congressmen to stand up for the Constitution, and ask for an investigation into Obama’s vitals on their way out.

    If the Saudis own 40% of Fox News, what percentage of the other networks do they own, and how much influence do they have over what America watches?

  165. What Is the Biggest Issue in the Health Care Debate?

    Covering millions of uninsured Americans….3%

    Solving escalating costs of health care…. 8%

    Preventing tax dollars for being used for abortions……5%

    Ensuring access for low-income rural residents……<1%

    Stopping federal takeover of healthcare system…84%

  166. Jacqlyn,
    Did you hear the FOX panel tonight talk about
    Interpol and the Executive Order recently
    signed by Obama? I was surprised that
    no one on the panel (even C.K.) was not
    blown away on this issue. What do ‘ya think
    about that one?

  167. IMHO, I think JC is right that we must demand a definition for NBC. I respect what you all do here, and I don’t mean to intrude, but I think this is important. Right now, the msm and obots have defined all the terms, and just focus on insulting the birthers, as if it’s the only logical conclusion and everyone knows how crazy we are… and there are so many people who don’t know any better so they just take their word for it. We are letting them make the rules. We have to put them on the defensive. Make them explain themselves. By forcing them to define the term, we not only force them to take a stand, we also inform the masses. When people understand the issue, they will also understand the fraud that’s been committed by both the msm and Obama. It sure can’t hurt.

  168. Michelle // January 8, 2010 at 6:29 pm

    Thanks, Michelle…I read about that!

    FP & L is awfully nice to help out-did I read correctly that that particular station was closed and they opened it to generate warm water for the manatees?

    My snowbird neighbors are in the Sarasota area (I’m house sitting) so I’ve e-mailed them to keep me posted.

    Very nice to see these gentle creatures getting a hand!

  169. What are the chances of getting Sarah Palin
    to ask about Obama’s vitals? She has
    standing and suffered damages during the
    Generals. I would if I were she.

  170. Obama State Department INCREASING “Diversity Visas” from terror-sponsoring nations now (Including Saudi Arabia)
    Back in June 2009: DIVERSITY VISA NUMBERS: IMPORTING JIHAD IN THE TENS OF THOUSANDS and April 2009: “Diversity Visas” and “Religious Visas”: Importing Jihad, the advancement of this importation of jihad.
    Obama wasted no time in opening up the visa regulations when he took office last year, beginning with “religious visas.” Before, whoever wanted to enter as a supposed ‘missionary’ needed to demonstrate his/her affiliation with a religious institution for at least two years. Obama changed it to almost no proof at all.
    It is predominately Muslims who use the “religious visa”. And that number is quite high. Many countries such as Pakistan or territories such as Palestine use this type of visa, because it has been harder for them to get a regular visa (though that is no longer true for the Palestinians). But because most Muslims can’t really provide or do not want to provide the information of a specific mosque they’ve attended or they’ve “preached” at, they complained — and now DOS has granted their wish of waiving the 2-year proof requirement.

    Bottom line, this yet another type of visa they are using, and this change helps them enormously.

    Another type of visa that is dangerous and is an IV (Immigrant Visa), is what is called a “Diversity” visa — a class of immigrants known as “diversity immigrants.” Diversity Visas (DV) each fiscal year are made available to persons from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States. The annual DV program makes visas available to persons meeting the simple eligibility requirements. A computer-generated, random lottery drawing chooses selectees for diversity visas. The visas are distributed among six geographic regions, with a greater number of visas going to regions with lower rates of immigration.

    Just to give you an idea of the impact of these changes on regions rife with jihad, look at the numbers

    And don’t be fooled by Europe’s number — diversity means we are importing Europe’s Pakistanis, Moroccans, Algerians, etc., and we know how well they have integrated into those societies.

    New numbers show a dramatic increase. And remember Egypt includes Gaza and Ethiopia includes Somalis …thats how they hide those numbers.
    Egypt 12,300
    . Ethiopia 12,475
    . Nigeria 12,900

  171. OT:
    The Sea Sheperd is working hard to stop
    Japanese whaling. I read that this group
    recently saved 6-7 whales. Japanese
    rammed the smaller anti-whaling boat (sinking
    it). The Japanese need to be stopped.
    Bob Barker gave 5 million $ to the work
    of the Sea Sheperd anti-whaling.

  172. Dr Manning says Obama was in Afghanistan, instead of being at Columbia U, but he doesn’t elaborate on what Obama was doing while he was in Afghanistan.
    This really looks good for our National Security, the fox is guarding the hen house. Where the hell is the FBI, US Marshalls, DOJ, do the Saudis own them too?

  173. kittycat77 // January 8, 2010 at 8:21 pm

    Well, heck, maybe it’s just my Internet now. It was slow getting here, but it did get here.
    When that happens to me……I disconnect from my server , re-connect and it is better…….at times I have a disconnect, a poor connection sort of.

    Good luck.

  174. ms. helga // January 8, 2010 at 7:17 pm

    Hi Ms. Helga,

    I worked with someone named ‘Cheney’ and she did pronounce it ‘Cheeney.’

    I also know a Chaney, and it’s pronounced ‘Chayney.’

    Perhaps it’s just the way some people pronounce their names? My Home Economics teacher in junior high was ‘Lipchitz.’ You can just imagine what some of the bad girls did with that. The teacher would always pronounce it ‘Lip-chitz.’ The girlies called her something entirely different….

    So, I think that the leg tingler is pronouncing ‘Cheney’ as he sees it.

  175. Bob,
    If Dr. Manning ends up really connecting him
    to AlQaeda during these “Afghan Years” then
    he’ll be gone, off to GITMO. He’ll find out
    what treason means and not see the light of day
    again is my thought.

  176. Maddie // January 8, 2010 at 8:49 pm

    JJ—Is that true? The Mexicans are
    returning, for real?
    That’s what I read….could be in areas that are urban, no rural farming jobs, or where states like Ky have really taken notice and legislated for proof of citizenship for entitlement programs…….
    no license here/no insurance, no welfare, no voting, must prove citizenship….

  177. I am totally impressed with Scott Brown from MA. MA should be honored to have him as their Senator. Wow

  178. Thanks everyone, but I still can’t get in. Maybe it’s my area, I guess. I tried my husband’s computer and still the same.

    So tomorrow will be a better day.

    JJ, was it you that told me the price of your propane? Ours is 2.40, not 1.90. And every little bit makes a difference in the price.

    Well, I hope everyone has a great night. Hopefully warmer weather to come. I sure do hope so.


  179. terminu,
    Thanks for posting info above on diversity visas.
    Very interesting and good to know.

    I know we have a good number of Somalis in
    Central Ohio, probably more now thanks to

  180. JJ–
    Hooray! Hope that continues.

  181. Did anyone hear Bob Barr on FOX tonight?
    He didn’t sound like a Conservative to me.
    What am I missing? I thought he sounded
    like a LEFT, left winger.

  182. joyceaz // January 8, 2010 at 9:20 pm

    Well, Joyce, hop on the first flight out of Phoenix to Beantown, and we’ll have ACORN register you.

    You can VOTE here! It’ll be easy :).

  183. bob strauss // January 8, 2010 at 9:08 pm

    Dr Manning says Obama was in Afghanistan, instead of being at Columbia U, but he doesn’t elaborate on what Obama was doing while he was in Afghanistan.
    I heard him say bo was in a training camp for al kaada!!

  184. SueK,….. I’ll make my reservation. Tonight was the first time I had listened to him (he was on Hannity). I truely believe he will be voted in. He sounds like a TRUE AMERICAN. AMERICA FIRST.
    Maddie,….. Yes, I heard the idiot bob barr on O’s show. I couldn’t believe my ears. What a moron. He didn’t have anything good to say about any Republican….. Cheney, Palin were talking out of turn,… but yet barky has been doing a wonderful job with President Bush’s terrorist laws. He didn’t want to admit that obamas administration had destroyed all that President Bush had in place. I was impressed by O’s stand for Bush against o’fraud. Sometimes he can think.

  185. When is Dr. Manning going to tell us his sources so the world will know he’s telling the truth? He’s great, but the press will say he’s off his rocker if we can’t prove his claims.

  186. Saw a comment over at FR that Scott Brown is pro-abortion…is that true??? I woulda never donated a cent had I known that.

  187. Rocknee, Those are some pretty strong words from Dr Manning, saying Obama was in Al Queda training camp. I sure hope he has actionable evidence.

  188. If this is true, we sure can’t win for losing. What is the POINT of even TRYING????????

  189. HELLO TICKTOCK,… I found this about Scott Browns standing on abortion. At the bottom of this post he tells……….
    ***from Scott Browns Website*****
    IssuesWhy I’m Running…
    America is a great country but we also have some challenges that we need to solve if we’re going to remain the world’s superpower. The most important of our challenges is getting the U.S. economy moving again. People are hurting as they struggle to make ends meet. They’re worried about their future, and that of their children and grandchildren. I want to ensure that we leave them an America that is financially stronger and independent: minus a national debt that we can never repay.

    Health Care
    I believe that all Americans deserve health care coverage, but I am opposed to the health care legislation that is under consideration in Congress and will vote against it. It will raise taxes, increase government spending and lower the quality of care, especially for elders on Medicare. I support strengthening the existing private market system with policies that will drive down costs and make it easier for people to purchase affordable insurance. In Massachusetts, I support the 2006 healthcare law that was successful in expanding coverage, but I also recognize that the state must now turn its attention to controlling costs.

    I am a free enterprise advocate who believes that lower taxes can encourage economic growth. Raising taxes stifles growth, weakens the economy and puts more people out of work. Our economy works best when individuals have more of their income to spend, and businesses have money to invest and add jobs. I have been a fiscal watchdog in the state legislature fighting bigger government, higher taxes and wasteful spending.

    Energy and Environment
    I support common-sense environment policy that will help to reduce pollution and preserve our precious open spaces. I realize that without action now, future generations will be left to clean up the mess we leave. In order to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, I support reasonable and appropriate development of alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, nuclear, geothermal and improved hydroelectric facilities. I oppose a national cap and trade program because of the higher costs that families and businesses would incur.

    I am passionate about improving the quality of our public schools. Accountability and high standards are paramount. I support choice through charter schools, as well as the MCAS exam as a graduation requirement. I have worked to ensure that all children have access to a quality education. I am a strong advocate for the METCO program, which provides lower income students with broader educational opportunities.

    I recognize that our strength as a nation is built on the immigrant experience in America. I welcome legal immigration to this country. However, we are also a nation of laws and government should not adopt policies that encourage illegal immigration. Providing driver’s licenses and in-state tuition to illegal immigrant families will act as a magnet in drawing more people here in violation of the law and it will impose new costs on taxpayers. I oppose amnesty, and I believe we ought to strengthen our border enforcement and institute an employment verification system with penalties for companies that hire illegal immigrants.

    As a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army National Guard, I am uniquely aware of the importance and sacrifice of our men and women serving in the military. I have been a vigorous supporter of legislation providing benefits to returning service members, as well as, benefits for the families of those killed in action. I believe we need to recognize the sacrifice of all of our servicemembers by keeping better track of returning military personnel so they get the services they deserve. That includes providing them with first-class medical care and other benefits to which they are entitled. I am known as a leader on veterans’ issues through my work on the Veterans and Federal Affairs Committee, the Hidden Wounds of War Commission, and the Governor’s Task Force on Returning Veterans.

    Gun issues
    I support the Second Amendment and believe that citizens have the right to keep and bear arms as a basic constitutional liberty. I support safe and responsible gun ownership.

    Death penalty
    I believe there are some crimes that are so heinous that they deserve capital punishment. Our Government should have the ability to impose the death penalty in cases where it is justified.
    While this decision should ultimately be made by the woman in consultation with her doctor, I believe we need to reduce the number of abortions in America. I believe government has the responsibility to regulate in this area and I support parental consent and notification requirements and I oppose partial birth abortion. I also believe there are people of good will on both sides of the issue and we ought to work together to support and promote adoption as an alternative to abortion.

    I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. States should be free to make their own laws in this area, so long as they reflect the people’s will as expressed through them directly, or as expressed through their elected representatives.

    Israel has made enormous sacrifices in an attempt to secure peace – including unilateral withdrawal from Gaza. I support a two-state solution that reaffirms Israel’s right to exist and provides the Palestinians with a place of their own where both sides can live in peace and security. As our closest ally in the Middle East, Israel lives every day under the threat of terror yet shares with America a dedication to democratic ideals, a respect for faith, and a commitment to peace in the region. Until a lasting peace is achieved, I support the security barrier erected by Israel which has proven successful in protecting Israeli civilians from terrorist attacks.

    I support the bi-partisan Iran sanctions bill and believe that until Ahmadinejad gives up his nuclear ambitions he should be isolated from the rest of the world. With its reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons, Iran represents the biggest threat to Israel. Ahmadinejad is a Holocaust denier who has threatened to wipe Israel off the map. Meeting with him confers legitimacy when the only correct response is to treat him as an outcast. A personal meeting with Ahmadinejad, as suggested by my opponent, would embolden him and be used as a propaganda tool to strengthen his position.

  190. kittycat77 // January 8, 2010 at 9:22 pm

    I can get it cheaper, but I like their installation and set up fee…
    After my first tank, I can go elsewhere if other companies are less on their price per gallon.
    I do realize that 50 cents per gallon on a 500 gallon tank is $250 and that will surely make me go elsewhere…….
    I got a letter from Ky about their fight to keep our gas/electricity prices from spiking.
    I like living here.

  191. ticktock // January 8, 2010 at 9:41 pm

    Hi ticktock,

    No, I don’t believe he is.

    Remember, that when we’re talking about this subject, it all comes down to the individual’s conscience.

    I was strongly pro-choice for most of my life, but have gotten some wisdom in the last 10 years or so.

    I wouldn’t say he’s ‘pro-abortion.’ Here’s what Scott says. You be the judge:

    While this decision should ultimately be made by the woman in consultation with her doctor, I believe we need to reduce the number of abortions in America. I believe government has the responsibility to regulate in this area and I support parental consent and notification requirements and I oppose partial birth abortion. I also believe there are people of good will on both sides of the issue and we ought to work together to support and promote adoption as an alternative to abortion.

  192. SueK // January 8, 2010 at 9:27 pm

    joyceaz // January 8, 2010 at 9:20 pm
    You are so funny!!!!!!! And you know we all would if we could afford the plane fare……absentee voting….new for me.

  193. joyceaz // January 8, 2010 at 9:34 pm

    Joyce, I’ll pick you up at the airport….

    If you’re not here in this twisted state it’s hard to understand that most often, it’s the *best* candidate who is defeated. There is an entrenched liberal machine operating here and with the Dems in power, it makes it much more difficult for good non-Dem candidates to be elected.

    We were all pretty shocked when Mitt Romney was elected Governor. Sometimes, strange things happen here in the land of Kennedy, Kerry and Frank, and I’m hoping that Scott can pull off a huge upset to the Dem machine on 1/19.

  194. Thanks for the responses to my abortion question. I’m sorry to say, his position does disappoint me, tho I believe he would be the better choice obviously. I just don’t see a baby’s life as a decision between she and her doctor. Yes, medically, of course there are those situations…the life of the mother etc. But choosing whether an innocent human life lives or dies just doesn’t fall into a medical category for me, and when politicians go into the “we need to reduce abortions” rant BUT….it turns me off. Either the baby is a life worth living or it isn’t IMHO. sigh.

  195. Greta V. S. is interviewing Mitt Romney on
    her show. Romney is answering Greta’s questions superbly, imho. Everything he’s saying makes sense. Greta asked him about
    the Tea Party Movement. He clearly understood what the Tea Parties are all about.

  196. SueK
    Can you click on Freeperpost I listed at 10:02? Can you tell me if this is even a possiblity? This is in regards to Scott Brown’s race and that they would hold his swearing in until AFTER the HealthDebacle vote.

  197. SueK,
    Don’t you like Romney? He’s on Greta right now. Sounds so good, no?

  198. Romney just said Scott Brown can win.

  199. SueK,…. Mitt is on Gretas ON THE RECORD right now. He sure is easy to listen to. He makes sense and just so enjoyable to listen to him rather than that ?????????? in the White House.
    He says that people are flocking to Scott Brown.
    MA voted for President Ronald Regean 2 times.
    So,…. there is hope guys.
    I also know how people don’t always vote for the best candidate. (MN idiots voted for Al Franken)
    I AM FROM MN. NO,…….. I did NOT vote for him. I became an Arizonian because of that election.

  200. L J // January 8, 2010 at 10:15 pm

    Hi LJ,

    Yes, I read it at FR. Anything’s possible in MA, with Barky’s buddy Deeeval Patrick as ‘Governor.’

    We’ve known for a while that they’re gonna slam this Death Care bill through, no matter what. I think they also realize that by doing so, they’re FIRED! Political suicide, if you ask me.

    It may be a possibility, but I’m not sure. I remember Niki Tsongas (another one who will be fired) being sworn in immediately.

    I think that if this is the plan, the State Elections Commission needs to look into this.

    Paul Kirk is a hack, and was ‘placed’ illegally. Don’t like what happens in MA? Change the rules. Welcome to the People’s Republic of Taxachusetts.

  201. Jacqlyn Smith


    Maddie // January 8, 2010 at 8:55 pm

    Did you hear the FOX panel tonight talk about
    Interpol and the Executive Order recently
    signed by Obama? I was surprised that
    no one on the panel (even C.K.) was not
    blown away on this issue. What do ‘ya think
    about that one?

    Maddie….I trust Charles to tell the truth….I’m not really familiar with what Interpol can do!

  202. Hey Maddie and Joyce,

    I was hired under Mitt’s administration and yes, I like him very much; I miss him.

    MA finally took a turn for the better with he and Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey at the helm.

    Mitt has been pounding the pavement for Scott and regardless what people here thought of him, he garnered respect, even with the moonbats. His successor is thought of as an incompetent buffoon.

    Scott’s got the momentum, and it’s growing daily. I’m just praying my head off that itcontinues, and that the skeletons come creeping out of Croakley’s closet…there are enough of them.

  203. Joyceaz,
    Glad to hear your reaction was the same
    as ours here. It was just so unbelievable listening to Bob Barr and to think he was a
    Conservative and had the nerve to blame Bush–
    BO would be lucky to have Pres. Bush’s rules
    against terrorism in place. You are correct,
    Barr is an idiot.

  204. Jacqlyn Smith


    ticktock // January 8, 2010 at 9:41 pm

    Saw a comment over at FR that Scott Brown is pro-abortion…is that true??? I woulda never donated a cent had I known that.

    No it’s a lie!

  205. SueK // January 8, 2010 at 10:24 pm
    #@#$@$#$# ##!#$#%^##$@))_)*(*
    Yeah, I know what I typed is a lot of cursing but DOG GONE IT! Isn’t there just one, ONE decent Demonrat among them? What the heck is wrong with their minds? Have they really gone INSANE? Why is it that they can get away with this *&*)&&Y%? Anyone with an R or I has to go through an x-ray machine with a magnifier glass attached to them 24hrs a day and if they utter just (1) PC wrong comment, we have to listen to their BULL EXCREMENT for at least 2 months! Has fairness completely left us? Sorry for the diatribe but I believe I have just reached my 212F point and it will take me a while to cool down. WHERE IS MY WHAC-O-BAMY?

  206. SueK,
    Excellent. I was just so impressed listening to Romney. Greta really grilled him on all the hot issues….”If you were President….what would you do …..” He replied with confidence, with knowledge– you felt secure looking and listening to him—such a change from you know who.
    Mitt did say he believed Scott would win.
    I’ll be praying for him for you guys as well.

  207. Jacqlyn Smith

    I just saw where the House DemoCRAPS are having their annual retreat next week(probably on the tax payer dime) and guess who will be their keynote speaker on the last night??? None other than “Slick Willy”…..guess why??? You guessed it….to drive home the importance of passing the Death Scare bill…..Yeah….these fools still think the reason they lost the house back to the Repubs in the 90’s was because they didn’t pass a Health Care bill….what a total bunch of morons…..I hope Stupak and his gang stand up to these fools!!!

  208. Jonah // January 8, 2010 at 10:39 pm

    He may have said that but they are laying in wait for him. Check out my post @10:02

  209. JS—
    They were probably joking but said that the new Interpol change didn’t mean that a helicopter
    was going to land in your backyard!
    Yes, I trust C.K., too. He’s our “guy.” 🙂

  210. Maddie,… Bob Barr ran for President in 08. After listening to him tonight,.. I think he did that to dilute the votes for the Right (McCain). He ran as a Libertarian. I don’t remember him being so IGNORANT when he campaigned and I listened to him. Wonder what he has in mind. I have not heard from him since the election.
    And, I will admit that I won’t miss him if it is another 15 months before I do again.

  211. Pingback: Bogus POTUS Won’t Connect the Dots « Bobbi85710's Mouth in the South

  212. Bob Barr is NO Libertarian. That has always been the siliest thing for him to call himself. He’s a liberal in EVERY way. He needs to be ignored!

  213. twe-I love the CSI Obama-he is such a yutz.

  214. ticktock,….. Yes, he does. I really don’t need to see or hear him for many moons.

  215. Joyceaz—I can’t imagine anyone wanting to
    vote for Barr with the responses he came up
    with tonight—he was SO pro-obama–just
    sounded left, left, and further left to me.
    ticktock—thanks. I thought he was a
    liberal–very much so in fact. FOX called
    him a Conservative before he come on–then
    after he opened his mouth, I said to myself
    NO WAY was he Conservative. Liberal all
    the way—yes, I will ignore him. Thanks again for your post.

  216. Maddie, ticktock, He is a conservative. (I know, I thought the same thing.) He is no Conservative. Listening to him made me want to turn the channel. He was a Republican and in the 08 election he ran as a libertarian for President. But, HE IS A LIBERAL. all for the o’fraud. blaaaaa blaaaa blaaaaa sickening to listen to.

  217. SueK @ 9:00 pm You read correctly, I think it was shut down for some reason (cleaning?) but it got very cold down here-record breaking. They are trying to save many different crops. If folks love Orange Juice-Grapefruit Juice might want to stock up a little bit, prices may go up or check Florida news. Other crop troubles too. Another crop people may not realize-all those beautiful flowers that you get at Home Depot, Lowe’s, Wal-Mart, Target probably come from Florida. It is a billion dollar industry-I’m sure the farmers are working 24/7 to save as many plants as they can. Manatees-Florida tries so hard to protect, it is the idiot’s with speed boats that are the worst offenders. They have been cracking down as much as they can. Manatees love Florida Power and Light and their nice warm water. My friends and I saw 3 when we were on a visit to her neck of the woods.

  218. Bob Barr was a Republican Rep from Georgia.

  219. Jacqlyn Smith


    L J // January 8, 2010 at 10:02 pm

    If this is true, we sure can’t win for losing. What is the POINT of even TRYING????????

    LJ….More dirty tricks by the awful DemoCRAPS!!! They are really going to piss people off if they try this!

  220. Sue K @ 9:41 how many times I remember Mother Teresa saying “I’m fighting abortion, with adoption”.

  221. The size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed, for the vast masses of a nation are in the depths of their hearts more easily deceived than they are consciously and intentionally bad. The primitive simplicity of their minds renders them a more easy prey to a big lie than a small one, for they themselves often tell little lies, but would be ashamed to tell big lies. — Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf 1925

  222. Jacqlyn Smith // January 8, 2010 at 11:13 pm

    As I was saying! Still looking for my Whac-O-Bamy! I’m really upset about this!

  223. Jacqlyn Smith


    L J // January 8, 2010 at 11:20 pm

    Jacqlyn Smith // January 8, 2010 at 11:13 pm

    As I was saying! Still looking for my Whac-O-Bamy! I’m really upset about this!

    First we get Brown elected….then take care of these a-holes!!!

  224. Jacqlyn Smith // January 8, 2010 at 11:23 pm

    Can we line them up? You know like at the carnival and make a game out of them, PLEASE!!!!! Something like, oh, I don’t know, DART THROW or Pie throw, not cream pies but COW PIES? We could pay off the Debt I’m sure just by doing this!!! PLEASE!!!

  225. SueK // January 8, 2010 at 10:31 pm There is no doubt in my mind that Scott Brown could be President if he so chooses. Can you imagine a debate with him and Creepola ( if he is still around with justice he gets jail) next election.

  226. Asked the question last night. What is Scott Brown’s thoughts on bo’s eligibility?

    Being exMilitary, he should have all the boys in Iraq and Afgan interestes at heart.

  227. For the life of me I cannot imagine what the heck happened to the Democrats. Congress people-I think what Obama tells me to think, I say what Obama wants me to say, I walk like Obama tells me to walk, they are like The Stepford Democrats. So DOA-this country has gone conservative so fast, independent-very last on the list liberal. The Republicans could win a lot all they have to do is put up sensible candidates like Scott Brown and they could return to power-if they so choose. I don’t understand why they are not on the attack as much as they possibly can-you can’t say Obama is not supplying plenty of fodder.

  228. Jacqlyn Smith


    Michelle // January 8, 2010 at 11:36 pm

    For the life of me I cannot imagine what the heck happened to the Democrats. Congress people-I think what Obama tells me to think, I say what Obama wants me to say, I walk like Obama tells me to walk, they are like The Stepford Democrats. So DOA-this country has gone conservative so fast, independent-very last on the list liberal. The Republicans could win a lot all they have to do is put up sensible candidates like Scott Brown and they could return to power-if they so choose. I don’t understand why they are not on the attack as much as they possibly can-you can’t say Obama is not supplying plenty of fodder.

    Michelle…..Maybe the Repubs are still believing what the MSM is saying….they certainly are listening to the people!

  229. Dear friend,

    Thank you for your support, your vote and your patriotism.

    As the Libertarian Presidential Nominee, I campaigned hard across our nation. In doing so, I was able to reach many thousands of Americans and deliver a refreshing message of liberty that they can carry forward.

    While I congratulate President Elect Obama in his victory, our work towards freedom and away from statism is now more important than ever and we need to start immediately.

    To move forward, our campaign needs to clear up a few financial obligations of the campaign. And, we face many thousands in expenses for compliance with federal election regulations.

    Bob Barr

    (I couldn’t resist….this on the website)

  230. Jacqlyn Smith

    LJ….Remember….even if they pass this death scare bill… is unconstitutional and there are already several att. generals lined up to sue and stop it in it’s tracks!!

  231. Jacqlyn Smith @ 11:42 pm
    I now listen to the national news not for what is reported, but for what is NOT reported. Things that I know existed-9/12 March- over 2 million show up in DC barely reported, another 2 million at least in various communities. Climagate barely a mention. It is like the national networks do baby news-you could call it NEWS LIGHT, where as here on all the web-sites you get HARD NEWS. If I wanted fairy tales I would read fiction.

  232. brown the forty first vote?

    you forgot about snow and collins who never pass up an opportunity to stab the republican party in the back.

  233. Jacqlyn Smith


    Michelle // January 8, 2010 at 11:46 pm

    Jacqlyn Smith @ 11:42 pm
    I now listen to the national news not for what is reported, but for what is NOT reported. Things that I know existed-9/12 March- over 2 million show up in DC barely reported, another 2 million at least in various communities. Climagate barely a mention. It is like the national networks do baby news-you could call it NEWS LIGHT, where as here on all the web-sites you get HARD NEWS. If I wanted fairy tales I would read fiction.

    Michelle…..I only listen to the local news now….I don’t ever tune into the national news on CBS,NBC or ABC….I get most of the news from the internet….I already know about the fiction these devious networks report!

  234. Jacqlyn Smith


    yo // January 8, 2010 at 11:50 pm

    brown the forty first vote?

    you forgot about snow and collins who never pass up an opportunity to stab the republican party in the back.

    Snowe and Collins aren’t for this immoral bill…they are hanging with the Repubs on this!!

  235. Jacqlyn Smith // January 8, 2010 at 11:43 pm

    I know….., It’s hard to stay optimistic when they pull this low-down underhanded garbage. I must not be very smart because I sure couldn’t come up with a lot of these self-serving tactics.

  236. Jacqlyn Smith @ 11:43 pm Yes, thank you for the reminder re: AG’s and Gov Arnold has removed his support since CA got stiffed and was it NE that got “goodies”. That was a big tactical error on Obama’s part in my opinion. Now that we have determined what you are, let’s haggle about the price, so of course one or the other will get miffed if somone else got lesser/more than another and they have to pick up the slack. Wisdom from Groucho.

    “The important thing is to not stop questioning.
    The reason most American’s are questioning Obama’s eligibility, treason, malefeasance in high office-just plain old common ordinary curiosity.
    “Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity!” —Albert Einstein

  237. L J // January 8, 2010 at 10:36 pm

    Hi LJ,

    Understood. Completely.

    Ya know, I listen to people around here and read some of the comments in local newspapers and just skake my head.

    Perhaps one of the reasons why this happens is that we’re pretty much a hotbed for higher education (Harvard, MIT, etc.) and with that goes ‘professors.’ The moonbattiest of the moonbats (think Skippy Gates and the Cambridge Police Dept.) fill kids’ heads with liberal crappola; some of that garbage would be cause for arrest in other countries.

    There’s also the ‘old blood’ who think they’re somehow entitled to Ted Edward’s seat. Sorry, folks, it’s vacant. He’s dead. He didn’t ‘own’ it in the first place, only kept his butt in it for 47 years.

    Previously in 2004, they changed the law so that Mitt could NOT ‘appoint’ an interim Senator should a seat become vacant (if Kerry won the Presidency…thank the Lord for his defeat) and now, they’ve changed it back so that Deval Patrick could appoint Kirk in the interim at the request of the now-deceased Kennedy.

    To answer your question no, there’s not a decent one among them, bar one: State Treasurer Tim Cahill. Tim’s always done a good job, IMO, and rumor has it that he will be challenging Patrick for the governorship as an *Independent.* Scratch one off the Dem ledger-Tim’s turning. Republicans running are Christy Mihos and Charlie Baker.

    Any of the three would be better than Cadillac Deval and he faces a tough reelection here.

    So, there is hope in the Bay State. Now, to get rid of Bahney Fwank and John Kerry….

    Let’s see how the Senate race shapes up…I’m not having a conniption about the Death Care bill. Yet.

  238. Rocknee // January 8, 2010 at 11:36 pm

    Hi Rocknee,

    I haven’t heard anything about it, and with good reason, I think.

    Nobody, especially candidates, are gonna touch the eligibility issue at this point, but just because he hasn’t said anything doesn’t mean he’s not aware of it. He’s got my vote.

  239. SueK // January 8, 2010 at 11:58 pm

    Thank You SueK!! You are such a cool head in a time of tempest! God Bless You! I really do try not to get upset, but you know once in a while I blow a cork. I just don’t understand the underhanded tactics being used. Did they always do this? I really don’t remember these kind of shenanigans being shoved on us and in this manner. Have I really been a Rip Van Winkle?

  240. Jacqlyn Smith

    I am watching the David Goldman untold story of how he finally got his son back from Brazil…..such a moving story!! The in-laws remind me of these crazed DemoCRAPS!! So evil to try and brainwash a small child against his flesh and blood father!!!

  241. L J // January 9, 2010 at 12:15 am

    L J, I pop off more than you think, but thank you kindly :).

    If we just keep in mind that these wackaloons (my term) will do anything (and I *do* mean anything) to retain their ‘power,’ then no mob tactics they use should surprise us.

    Can’t you just see them in a back room somewhere, smoking cigars and plotting? Even Pelosi? (I’ll bet she looks very dainty with a huge Cuban cigar!)

    I think we’ve all been Rip Van Winkle-I know I have- but we’re all part of the new ‘Sleeping Giant Movement’ and man, are we awake!

    We’re now aware of what they’re capable of; that’s 99% of the battle!

    Hang on LJ…it’s gonna be an interesting ride!

    God bless you, too, and g’night.

  242. G’night all!

  243. WLS radio in Chicago is bringing back Cisco Cotto to talk radio with Roe Conn afternoons. Cisco was doing a promo with Roe tonight and he was talking about O’s ineligibility big time! I can’t wait to hear more from him.

  244. Houston, we have a problem…

  245. Don in California

    Orly asks court for ‘evidentiary hearing for possible criminal prosecution’

    An attorney who has been involved in several cases alleging Barack Obama isn’t qualified to be president because he is not a “natural born citizen” as required by the Constitution now is asking a California judge in investigate possible fraud against the court.

    Orly Taitz, who has, among other cases, one pending at the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf of a member of the military wondering whether orders from Obama as commander-in-chief are valid, said the possibility of fraud is one of several concerns in the case.

    “There is such a high probability of criminal acts of identity theft and Social Security fraud committed by the respondent that the undersigned requests this honorable court to use its inherent powers to order Sua Sponte an evidentiary hearing on this particular issue for possible criminal prosecution,” she wrote in her latest arguments that also request the case be moved to Washington, D.C.

    She noted the respondent, Obama, “has submitted himself to the jurisdiction of this honorable court and can be brought to a separate evidentiary hearing to ascertain if fraud was perpetrated upon the court by assertion of false identity, even if the underlying case is not heard or closed for one reason or another.”

    She also asked that the U.S. attorney’s office, which has been representing Obama’s interests in the case, be barred from participating “due to the obvious inherent conflict of interest.”

    Taitz told WND she’s submitted to the court testimony from private investigators and others regarding allegations Obama has used multiple Social Security numbers.
    Read the rest at

  246. Just as Orly is focusing on fraud in the court, we need to focus on fraud in the media, media malpractice, and the intentional endangerment of Americans by the liars on the networks.

    The media has blood on its hands, it’s not cute funny “puppy press” concept any more, they are literally getting scores of innocent and good Americans KILLED.

  247. Jacqlyn Smith

    Keyes reply to opposition Quo Warranto

    Posted on | January 9, 2010 | No Comments

    Please see the document here:

    Keyes reply to opposition Quo Warranto

    Read the document at…

  248. Jacqlyn Smith

    Below post found at….


    Free taxis with Medicaid

    For three years now, a woman has left her home in Poughkeepsie, New York, five days a week and taken a taxi to visit her child at St. Margaret’s Center, a nursing home for disabled children in Albany, New York. Each night, she rides home by taxi.

    That costs $300 a day.

    What dedication — by taxpayers.

    That is right. Taxpayers have shelled out $196,000 over the past three years so that she can make this Poughkeepsie-Albany commute each day. Incredibly, state health officials defended this daily abuse of taxpayers. Could not the woman move to Albany?

    It would have been cheaper to buy her a Cadillac Escalade and have her drive herself.

    But under Medicaid’s incomprehensibly illogical rules, taxpayers had to give this woman a whopping $65,000 subsidy.

    We underpay doctors by 20% or more. But one — likely two — cab drivers have a gravy train going there.

    For New York state, the bill comes to $98,000 — with federal taxpayers shelling out another $98,000.

    Oh and this happens all over the place. Ambulances in Southern West Virginia became taxis as they shuttled people off to the drug store and the like — and then billed Medicaid.

    New York state Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli said the $196,000 taxi drive was part of at least $169 million in misspent funds.

    “We found the state Medicaid system is leaking millions of dollars,” DiNapoli told the Albany Times-Union. “Safeguards designed to protect the taxpayers by detecting waste, fraud and abuse keep failing.”

    No, those safeguards are set so far from safety that they are designed to let insiders game the system.

    Obamacare will be no different.

  249. Jacqlyn Smith

    Below is a statement from Scott Brown concerning the dirty tricks the DemoCRAPS plan to pull if he (Brown) wins in Massachusetts special election on Jan. 19th…more ammunition as to why CROAKLEY needs to LOSE and big time!!!! This is so Unethical!!!!

    Yesterday, Brown, who has been closing the gap with Coakley in polls and fund raising, blasted the political double standard.

    “This is a stunning admission by Paul Kirk and the Beacon Hill political machine,” said Brown in a statement. “Paul Kirk appears to be suggesting that he, Deval Patrick, and (Senate Majority Leader) Harry Reid intend to stall the election certification until the health care bill is rammed through Congress, even if that means defying the will of the people of Massachusetts. As we’ve already seen from the backroom deals and kickbacks cut by the Democrats in Washington, they intend to do anything and everything to pass their controversial health care plan. But threatening to ignore the results of a free election and steal this Senate vote from the people of Massachusetts takes their schemes to a whole new level. Martha Coakley should immediately disavow this threat from one of her campaign’s leading supporters.”

    A spokeswoman for Coakley’s campaign declined to comment today.


  251. You decide

    Should Someone Be Fired for Failed Christmas Attack?

  252. citizenwells

    Good morning.

  253. Linda from NY

    Jacqlyn: This one’s for you!

    Palin supporters: welcome to our deja vu all over again

  254. Linda from NY

    SueK: This one’s for you!

    Vets for Brown

  255. Linda from NY

    Kentucky’s Answer to Unconstitutional Federal Actions

  256. Linda from NY

    Judge rules against CAIR

    Does this mean there is hope?

  257. Linda from NY

    It begins: Federal judge tosses Gitmo detainee’s confession as coerced

    Maybe, not.

  258. Linda from NY

    U.S. reverses stance on treaty to regulate arms trade

  259. Linda from NY

    Pelosi open to prosecution of Bush administration officials (Vanity/Schadenfreude)

    Wrong! Let’s prosecute her!

  260. Linda from NY

    Recruitment Shooting Suspect Doesn’t Think Killing Was Murder (June 2009)


  261. Linda from NY

    Obama’s National Security Betrayal: Declassifies Treasure Trove of Intel to our Enemies

    Is there any doubt this man is Anti-American?

  262. Linda from NY

    Mitt Romney Goes “On the Record” Says Obama Has Accomplished Virtually Nothing In First Year – Video

    Geewillikers…ya think?

  263. LindaNY–this one for you…
    Did you see Greta’s interview with Mitt Romney last night? It was excellent. Now, there is some
    “Presidential Material!”
    Boy did he nail every question with sensible

  264. Orly going after SS# FRAUD by Obama:

    “There is such a high probability of criminal acts of identity theft and Social Security fraud committed by the respondent that the undersigned requests this honorable court to use its inherent powers to order Sua Sponte an evidentiary hearing on this particular issue for possible criminal prosecution,” she wrote in her latest arguments that also request the case be moved to Washington, D.C.

    She noted the respondent, Obama, “has submitted himself to the jurisdiction of this honorable court and can be brought to a separate evidentiary hearing to ascertain if fraud was perpetrated upon the court by assertion of false identity, even if the underlying case is not heard or closed for one reason or another.”

    She also asked that the U.S. attorney’s office, which has been representing Obama’s interests in the case, be barred from participating “due to the obvious inherent conflict of interest

    Excellent, Dr. Taitz!

  265. Linda from NY // January 9, 2010 at 10:03 am

    Mitt Romney Goes “On the Record” Says Obama Has Accomplished Virtually Nothing In First Year – Video

    PS – Have a nice day

  266. Yes, Linda, it means we need MORE rulings
    like this…

    A federal judge ruled against the Council on American-Islamic Relations today in its lawsuit against a father and son who carried out a six-month undercover investigation of the D.C.-based Muslim group, denying a request to conduct discovery – an examination of its opponent’s witnesses, facts and documents – prior to hearing a motion to dismiss the case.

    CAIR is suing P. David Gaubatz and his son, Chris Gaubatz, for allegedly stealing sensitive internal documents and making recordings of officials without consent. Chris Gaubatz, who posed as a Muslim in an internship with CAIR’s national office in Washington, took some 12,000 pages of documents destined for a shredder in an attempt, he said, to expose the group’s ties to Islamic jihad and terrorism. His father is a former Air Force special agent with extensive Middle East experience who researches the spread of radical Islam in the U.S. and its threat to national security…

    Maddie’s opinion… SHUT DOWN CAIR!

  267. **** New Post ****



  269. Pingback: AHA…That’s WHY Obama BOWED! at Desert Conservative

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  271. Einstein debunks Obot eligibility theory

    Albert Einstein did much of his work in physics by conducting “thought experiments”
    Here is a political thought experiment designed to refute the naïve thought that I have seen repeated so many times; “the fact that Obama’s mother was a US citizen when Obama was born settles the issue, regardless of where on the planet he was born”:

    Suppose that in 1975 Osama bin Laden married his first wife, an American girl who was only 17 years old. A male child was born to Osama bin Laden that same year. By the year 2012 this male child was old enough to be President of the United States and since his mother was an American Barak Hussein Osama was legally able to be on the ballot and in 2012 the son of Osama bin Laden was elected as President.

    Or is that just plain wrong?

  272. Just a Reminder – Before he was nominated AKA Obama Signed Resolution Describing Him As Ineligible

  273. joyceaz

    I received this today,…. ~author unknown

    Words of wisdom. . . . . . .

    “The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. ”

    Young people have been taken in by a big city con man and will pay for it for the rest of their lives:
    Stupid is as stupid does – IMPORTANT!

    Uninformed voted Obama – Informed voted McCain – Poll…Who Elected Obama?

    Who elected Obama?

    ??? FOX….??? is in question as long as they continue to cover-up the truth about the giant elephant sitting smack dab in everybody’s living room every day and night, along with the rest of the MSM. 98% of media and news in the US is sourced back to 5 major corporations, all of which have dominate ownership outside of the USA. Think about this the next time you rave about PALIN or FOX, or any of the slime that work for/with the MSM and that call themselves loyal US citizens. No such thing. Who LIES? THEY LIE. Facts can’t be disputed, crystal clear cover-up.
    Question???when will the likes of Andrew Breitbart report these truths:

  275. Pingback: Citizen Wells: Putting it All Together «

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