Larry Sinclair arrest, Delaware warrant, Charges dismissed, Truth about warrant, Inside information, Obama camp and Bidens, Joe Biden, Fabricated warrant, Political prisoner, * Update *

Larry Sinclair contacted me earlier today. Sinclair was provided
with confidential information from an insider that Sinclair and I
have both been in contact with for months. This insider, who will
remain nameless, revealed that Joe Biden told his son, the Attorney
General of Delaware, to dismiss the case against Larry Sinclair.
He stated that the arrest and warrant had served it’s purpose to
affect and discredit Larry Sinclair’s news conference at the
National Press Club. This source has demanded anonymity. I have
used this source before. Check my track record covering Larry Sinclair versus, say Politico, you know, the one Greta Van Sustern
relied on. Greta quoted an article by Ben Smith of Politico in her
decision to dismiss Sinclair as having no credibility. I wrote an
article weeks ago blasting Greta for doing this.

Who has no credibility now!

Many of us were sure that this was set up by the Obama camp in
conjunction with the Bidens. Now we know. Why did we suspect the
Obama camp and the Bidens? Consider the following:

Two attorneys checked Larry Sinclair’s records early in the year.
There was no warrant in Delaware.

Larry Sinclair found out after his arrest that the Delaware warrant
was fabricated several weeks after his Youtube video came out about
his encounter with Obama in November 1999.

Vicious attacks were made against Sinclair after the video came out
and they escalalated to attacks on his family and death threats.

Shortly before his news conference, Jane Hamsher of Firedoglake
blog, a huge Obama supporter with ties to David Axelrod, initiated
a petition asking the National Press Club to not allow Sinclair
to speak.

Immediately after Larry Sinclair finished his news conference,
Sinclair was arrested on an alleged warrant from Delaware, but
he was not shown the warrant.

Larry sinclair was kept in a local jail for a few days and then
transported to delaware. Sinclair was denied access to his
prescribed medication.

Sinclair appeared before a judge in Delaware and was released on a
unsecured bond. That was the first clue there was no serious charge.

Larry Sinclair learned while he was in Delaware that someone
contacted the Social Security Administration with false information
to cut off Sinclair’s disability payments. This was done in such
a rapid manner that someone in power with connections was involved.

Larry Sinclair secured the services of former Attorney General of
Delaware, Richard Wier. The evening before the next court
appearance, Richard Wier abandoned Sinclair.

The Delaware Journal published several articles about Sinclair that
were total fabrications, lies.

Numerous blogs, in bed with the Obama camp, published lies about
Larry Sinclair.

Larry Sinclair secured the services of attorney Francis Farren.

The charges against Larry sinclair were recently dropped by the office
of the Attorney General of Delaware.

Is the kind of change you want?

Do you want to live in a police state, governed by thought police,
that is no differnt from Nazi Germany?

This is the kind of change Obama and Biden will bring.

First Sinclair, next you.

Ask Jon Voight, Jerome Corsi and anyone else questioning Obama,
his associations and his past.

Now read what Larry Sinclair posted:

“Friday, August 29, 2008

Just Another Campaign Attempt to Save Obama/Biden

Today I received the following information. While I am not disclosing the source of this information, unlike the Obama Blogoidiots, I know the source to be on the inside and to be factual.

The Obama/Biden efforts have been acknowledged to admitting the purpose of the FALSE CHARGES AND ARREST orchestrated out of Delaware.

I am in talks with Attorneys as we speak to bring civil action against 1) The Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden and Susan Dwyer, 2) Suran Patel, 3) DC Metro Police, 4) US Attorney for DC, 5)DC Superior Court Magistrate Judge A. Melendez, 6) Richard R. Weir, Jr, 7) Esteban Para et al.

DEL AG was taken into a private meeting with a handful of senior campaign heads a couple days ago. He was told to drop this issue immediately. Because of the publicity fact, at this point, going into the fall campaign season. They agreed the incident had effectively discredited your press conference.

I’ve had two casual conversations with members of the
main stream media in Denver, who is aware of your story. Who both admitted by appearance this was to coincidental.

Do not be fooled and rest comfortable… this is just beginning. Be on guard for the next 68 days

I will not rest comfortable, but in fact will push even harder now for the TRUTH to be exposed. ”

Read more from Larry Sinclair here:
Listen to Larry Sinclair’s blog radio show:
Sign the Petition to Impeach, expel Senator Obama

15 responses to “Larry Sinclair arrest, Delaware warrant, Charges dismissed, Truth about warrant, Inside information, Obama camp and Bidens, Joe Biden, Fabricated warrant, Political prisoner, * Update *

  1. CW,
    I hope you will get in touch with Greta again and show her how wrong she was. We need someone in the media to finally pay attention!

  2. I am writing to Greta in just a moment. She answered me a couple of days ago. I am going to ask her to reconsider. I am so thankful that Larry Sinclair will not be prosecuted for something that he did not do. Have another Press Conference thats what Sinclair needs to do! No OBAMA YES MCCAIN/Palin!

  3. I have thought for a while that this would become a Conflect of intrest for Biden. His son prosacuting someone accusing Obama. I was shoched when he was made VP because of how it would look.

  4. Thanks, Citizen Wells —



  5. Biden junior is in deep yogurt. Either the charges were false, or they were not false, in which case he dropped them for political reasons. He should be impeached and prosecuted.

  6. sisterrosetta

    “Party Unity My Arse!” Cristi Adkins on Clintons4McCain Radio Saturday August 30th 2PM Pacific – what really happened in Denver

    “Party Unity My Arse!” Cristi Adkins on Clintons4McCain Radio Saturday August 30th 2PM Pacific – what really happened in Denver

  7. sisterrosetta

    soldier4hillary on No Quarter Radio Thursdays 6PM Pacific With Video

    soldier4hillary on No Quarter Radio Thursdays 6PM Pacific With Video


    Obama Should Come Clean
    On Ayers, Rezko
    And the Iraqi Billionaire
    August 30, 2008; Page A11

  9. We allready knew this was the case but the inside info confirms it. Thanks CW!


  10. sisterrosetta

    Columnist Noonan Blasts MSNBC For ‘Fatuous Suck-Upping’ Regarding Barack Obama Acceptance Speech

    Columnist Noonan Blasts MSNBC For ‘Fatuous Suck-Upping’ Regarding Barack Obama Acceptance Speech

  11. Thank you, Val!

  12. sisterrosetta

    Decoding Obama Birth Certificate Mystery – “WND could have had an exclusive, and they blew it, bigtime.” (Polarik)

    Decoding Obama Birth Certificate Mystery – “WND could have had an exclusive, and they blew it, bigtime.” (Polarik)

  13. sisterrosetta

    Good holiday, Citizen!

    “When and How will the Obama Birth Certificate Forgery story break into the MSM?” Polarik – Techdude – Kevmo

    “When and How will the Obama Birth Certificate Forgery story break into the MSM?” Polarik – Techdude – Kevmo

  14. sisterrosetta

    Listen to Clintons4McCain Cristi Adkins Versus Chris Matthews

    Listen to Clintons4McCain Cristi Adkins Versus Chris Matthews

  15. CW:
    As a Larry Sinclair supporter, I never miss a one of your informative posts. You know how to put it all together for us. Thank you for being there for Larry and us!

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