Tag Archives: embezzlement

Acorn, Catholic Bishops Report, Catholic bishops cut off ACORN funding, October 20, 2008, embezzlement, Wanderer Forum Foundation warning, Alinsky style, Democratic Socialists of America, DSA, New Party, Treat the poor as exploited units of human capital

The Citizen Wells blog began reporting about Acorn corruption, voter fraud, contributions to  mortgage meltdown and strong ties to Barack Obama on August 21, 2008. Since then we have produced numerous articles on Acorn and Obama, in fact, more than enough to prevent Obama from winning the presidency if the public or the MSM had been paying attention. Hat’s off to Michelle Malkin, Larry Johnson and other great journalists who paved the way with extensive research on Acorn and their ties to Obama.

Here are what I consider the top 4 articles on Acorn corruption and how Obama fits in:

October 8, 2008 – Straight from the horse’s mouth

“ACORN Report
The ACORN Report is published by ACORN’s National Office and contains up-to-date information. We have ACORN Reports indexed by date and topic available.”

“City Limits February 1999
During its 15 years in New York City, ACORN has helped squatters claim derelict city-owned property, forced bankers to invest in low-income communities, and organized a war against the city’s workfare program.

It’s also developed a reputation for no-holds-barred tactics—getting results through adversarial campaigns against bankers, politicians and bureaucrats using confrontation and concession rather than consensus. ACORN, unlike most social service non-profits, scorns charity. Their goal is to help poor people seize power.”

This comes straight from the Acorn national office.
Note the following:

“Their goal is to help poor people seize power”

It does not say, as John Mccain or Ronald Reagan would say, help poor
people to better themselves and their economic condition, but rather
“seize power.”

Oct 8, 2008 Acorn National Office report reveals radical agenda

October 8, 2008 – Catholic Bishops report on Acorn, Democratic Socialists of America, New Party.  Obama’s ties

“Barack Obama attended and participated in meetings of the Chicago New Party and the Chicago DSA, the local affiliate of the Democratic Socialists of America.”

“Most New Party members hailed from the Democratic Socialists of America and the militant organization ACORN. The party’s Chicago chapter also included a large contingent from the Committees of Correspondence, a Marxist coalition of former Maoists, Trotskyists, and Communist Party USA members.”

Catholic Bishops report on community organizing, Acorn

“Introduction: This commentary is submitted to the Catholic Bishops of the United States with respect to their possible consideration of changes in the organization, funding, and structure of the Campaign for Human Development (CHD). It is essential to note, however, the limited purpose and scope of this commentary:”

“COMMUNITY ORGANIZING: During the funding period of 1992-1995, CHD gave significant grants to community organizing efforts that implement many of the organizational techniques recommended by Saul Alinsky.”

“The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) which is also patterned on Alinsky’s organizational recommendations, recruits individual members.”

“To be eligible to receive CHD funds, a program must be run by the poor, benefit the poor, and change social structures that harm the poor.” However, in light of the politically oriented thrust of ACORN’s activities, it is fair to ask whether the CHD subsidies to ACORN are advisable and commensurate with the purposes of CHD.”

“This commentary does not oppose CHD funding of genuine, grassroots community organizations, run and supported by individual members of a parish or diocese. There is potential value and virtue in the collective voice. However, when the CHD funds Alinsky-style, church-based community organizations as in the best interest of the poor and supports organizations which advance other agendas, it divests the poor of their right to an authentic voice. This process tends to treat the poor as exploited units of human capital, rather than as human beings created in the dignity of God’s image.”

“There are alternative, self-determined organizations of the poor, which are supportive of life. Those alternative, grassroots community organizations do not merely serve their constituency but rather they are their constituency. They do not use community organizing to further an additional agenda.”
“It would be reasonable for the bishops to consider:

The immediate cessation of all CHD funding to Alinsky-style, church-based community organizations.

To accomplish its goals, as outlined in the People’s Platform, ACORN has developed a political alliance with the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Together with others, ACORN and the DSA have formed a political party, the New Party.

National ACORN president, Maud Hurd, along with Dr. Cornel West (honorary chair of the Democratic Socialists of America) and a representative from the Reproductive Rights Coalition Fund, are listed as New Party supporters.”

Oct 8, 2008 Acorn, Catholic Bishops report, New Party, Democratic Socialists of America

October 10 2008 – Obama lied about Acorn

“Obama lied about his connections to Acorn:

  • Obama helped Acorn in organizing of “Project VOTE” in 1992.
  • Obama was a community organizer.
  • Obama represented Acorn as attorney, ACORN vs. Edgar.
  • Obama was involved in Acorn leadership training sessions.
  • Obama, Annenberg Challenge, William Ayers, Acorn.
  • Acorn, New party endorsement of Obama.
  • February 25th to May 17th 2008, Obama camp paid $832,598 to Acorn.
  • Acorn Voter fraud.
  • Obama may have stolen the nomination through Acorn voter fraud.”

Oct 10, 2008 Obama long time strong ties to Acorn

October 13, 2008 – Acorn contribution to mortgage crisis

“FOR years, ACORN had combined manipulation of the CRA with intimidation-protest tactics to force banks to lower credit standards. Its crusade, with help from Democrats in Congress, to push these high-risk “subprime” loans on banks is at the root of today’s economic meltdown.””
““Instead, Democrats like Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and Reps. Kennedy and Waters allied with the Clinton administration to broaden the acceptability of risky subprime loans throughout the financial system, thus precipitating our current crisis.

ACORN had come to Congress not only to protect the CRA from GOP reforms but also to expand the reach of quota-based lending to Fannie, Freddie and beyond. By steamrolling the GOP that March, it had crushed the last potential barrier to “change.”””

““ACORN’s alliance with the Democratic Party is at the root of the current financial meltdown. And Barack Obama has stayed true to ACORN’s ways.””

Oct 13, 2008 Acorn and Democrat allies built mortgage crisis

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD)  suspended funding for Acorn in October 2008. This is hardly a right wing organization. Where was the media? Where was Congress?

We will provide more details about research done for the Catholic Bishops, much of it done and reported by 1997, and certainly mountains of evidence available in 2008. This is criminal that Obama was given a free ride on this by the main stream media and allowed to continue his pattern of lies and deception.

Stay tuned for more details.