Blagojevich to Speak at Northwestern Illinois University, The Daily Northwesterner, Obama speech November 8 1999, Ethical?, well educated people?, ask pointed questions?, Rigging of IL Health Board, Obama ties

Blagojevich to Speak at Northwestern Illinois University
This will serve as the open thread for today, February 25, 2010.
From The Candor, February 23, 2010.
“Blagojevich to Speak at Northwestern Illinois University”

“According to “The Daily Northwesterner”, next Tuesday, March 2, former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich will be appearing at the Northwestern University Campus. The evening, hosted by the College Democrats, will concern talks about corruption in politics.

The night’s agenda includes a talk by, followed by a question and answer session between the former governor and the NU faculty and finally it will end with students being able to ask Blagojevich their own questions.

While I believe that this tacky criminal (with the mouth of a gangster rapper) should be spending time in jail, this is a great opportunity for any political active students in the area.

With Northwestern University being slightly over an hour away, BU students with an interest in politics should defiantly be attending this event. This is an hour to watch ethical, well-educated people ask pointed questions to a once elected crook.”

Read more:

This reminds me of an article from May 21, 2008.

“I reported many weeks ago, after reading the allegations by Larry Sinclair that he and Obama used drugs and engaged in gay sex in November 1999, that Obama was absent from the Illinois Senate on November 4, 1999. We have proof that Larry Sinclair was in Chicago from November 3 to November 8, 1999. We now know that Obama was in Chicago on November 8, 1999. We also know that the Illinois Senate was not in session again until November 16, 1999.

Obama was in Chicago at least by November 8, 1999 to speak at Public Interest Law Week at Northwestern University School of Law. Obama was a speaker at the 12:00 Noon Keynote Address on Monday, November 8, 1999.

So now we know that both Larry Sinclair and Obama were in Chicago at the same time.”

Obama speech in 1999 lends credence to Sinclair allegations

56 responses to “Blagojevich to Speak at Northwestern Illinois University, The Daily Northwesterner, Obama speech November 8 1999, Ethical?, well educated people?, ask pointed questions?, Rigging of IL Health Board, Obama ties

  1. Good Morning! Larry Sinclair’s run for Congress was an excellent idea. Have a great day! Zach

  2. If we didn’t have already enough proof that the Photoshopped Prez was working with the enemy here is another. They have been trying to find their “domestic enemies” which they label and ridicule and making it harder for them to get weapons, etc YET they are trying to to make it easier for the REAL ENEMY, which they may well be aiding, to find us even at night.

  3. CW……………………………………….

    Sometimes pieces of puzzles come from strange places,and at equally strange points in time.(Ref; Obama,and Larry.)


    That should be the punishment for any Jihadi Mooslum Radical including the Photoshopped Prez if it is proven he is aiding and abetting the enemies that have attacked us and are in the process of illegal inlfiltration and Cigvil Rights like Litigation to overtake this Christian Nation.

  5. PRWH………………………………….
    You are probably right …..about his enemies…….but more than likely his alleged domestic enemy will very soon (if not already) become his WORST enemy.

  6. PRWH………………………

    WE THE PEOPLE will become Soetoro’s worst enemy, and at the same time cause his worst nightmares.

  7. New Post: Senator Scott Brown’s American Truck, the Cargo Cult and a Siren’s Song

    I sent it to Australia but it is late there.

  8. I wonder if Glenn Beck will be covering it?

  9. New Ray McBerry YouTube Videos

    5 Part Interview

    The Only States’ Rights Republican for Governor for the State of Georgia in 2010

    Restoring Georgia ’s Sovereignty

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Part 4

    Part 5

    Pixel Patriot

  10. Peter
    Finding out the MSA’s have infiltrated some of our High Schools too. Not just colleges. These are fronts…listed in the unindicted coconspirators section of the Holy Land Foundation case documents.

  11. Tenth Amendment Summit
    February 25th & 26th

    Keynote Speakers To Include:

    Judge Andrew Napolitano
    Former superior court judge, author and Fox News analyst, expert on constitutional issues.

    Chief Justice Roy Moore
    Former Alabama Supreme Court chief justice, Ten Commandments, candidate for governor of Alabama.

    Ray McBerry
    Nationally recognized speaker on the Tenth Amendment and current Republican candidate for Governor of Georgia.

  12. Have a great day. Going to try to walk dog before ice gets bad. Zach

  13. I am watching the so called health care summit! I don’t like beer so I will drink my coffee! Right now it’s on mute with Barry and Pelosi.

    I have a question? Has any one noticed Barry and Biden holding their heads up with their hands and elbows on table? If so what body language does that tell you?
    Sorry about so many I’s next time I will use a lot of meeeeeeeeeeeeee’s 🙂

  14. There is a below the surface current that is becoming pervasive in this country. It is the growing number of people who are relearning their US History,in addition with some Constitutional law, and a little Civics thrown in. The result is going to be a very large, and knowledgeable group of Americans. It is from this base that Americans will venture forth, re take this country,repair the damage, and give it back to the People. If the alleged Health Care is rammed into our faces we will rebel with whatever force is neceassary to give us relief, since the courts will not.
    We have heard the statement of the usurper,who emphatically says that” If the political winds turn against me I will stand with the MUSLIMS.” The quote is taken from Soetoro’s own book that he wrote himself,entitled “Audacity of Hope”. This also serves to clarify the fact that he has conflicting ALLEGIANCES. Having such “CONFLICTS OF INTEREST” shows even more clearly than ever he is NOT ELIGIBLE to be the POTUS, and actually is ONE of the same group of MUSLIMS who murdered over 2500 innocent CHILDREN,WOMEN,and MEN on 9-11.
    Those who elected him to our country’s highest office in effect chose to SPIT on the familys of those who died at the hands of the FOAMING AT THE MOUTH LUNATICS who have slurped up far too much Goat’s milk, and as a result have sufferred from ingesting extremely high levels of calcium, which ended up deposited in their brains, ultimately affecting their ability to behave rationally,or in a civilised manner.

  15. Rules of Engagement or Disengagement?
    By Jim Kouri, CCP

    ……..….U.S. troops involved in President Barack Obama’s much-heralded military surge in Afghanistan are complaining about the new rules of engagement to which they must adhere. As a result of alleged killings of innocent civilians by Afghan and NATO troops, the Pentagon has promulgated strict rules that force soldiers and Marines to hold their fire until they are certain the individuals they face are armed.
    READ MORE…………

  16. Jonah……………………………………..
    As a veteran of TWO of our country’s services I will emphatically state that by the time it is determined if a person,or persons are armed it will be FAR TOO LATE. We will see many of our soldiers shot down by a laughing enemy. Our alleged CINC should be required to act under the same premise. You can be sure he will NOT.

  17. Don in California

    I’ve tried to watch the health care “summit”. I haven’t heard anyone speak except nobama. Is this just another tv appearance for nobama???

  18. Donincalifornia……………………………………..
    Pretty easy to see that it is really a PHPTOOP, and BULLSH##.

  19. Don……………………

    I meant to say PHOTO OP. Need another COFFEE! LOL

  20. So under the frauds new rules of engagement it pretty well puts our hero’s in undue stress and to lose their lives. So can they and a family member sue the ass hole? Will they have merit to force Barry to prove who he is?

  21. Don in California

    oldsalt78 // February 25, 2010 at 11:20 am
    nobama can’t even let people speak without interrupting. Oh, how I wish we had a President instead of a squatter in the White House.

  22. Since many don’t log onto Orly on account of security, I cut and paste the piece- she is asking McCain for an apology:

    On January 13th , a little over a month ago I got a letter from senator McCain and has written an article about it. In his letter McCain tried to show himself sympathetic to the issue of Obama’s illegitimacy to presidency, but stated that his hands are tied by the issue of separation of powers, in that this issue needs to be decided by the courts without interference by Congress. Today he released a National re-election campaign add, where he included a clip of my NBC interview and where he is saying that we have more important things to do, then deal with Obama’s illegitimacy to presidency. This is a despicable behavior. Though I respect McCains military record, his latest add is appalling. There is nothing more important today then the issue of Obama’s illegitimacy to US presidency, the issue of Obama sitting in the White House and fraudulently using Social Security number 042-68-4425 that was issued in CT to an individual born in 1890.

    By releasing this ad McCain is not only ignoring the most important issue, the country is facing today, but he is also influencing Chief Judge of the US District Court for the District of Columbia Royce Lamberth, who is supposed to render in 12 days a decision on my Application for preliminary Injunction in Taitz v Obama, he is influencing the Appellate judges in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta, who are supposed to render a decision on my appeals in Cook et al v Good et al and Rhodes v McDonald and he is influencing judges in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, who are supposed to decide on my Barnett et al v Obama et al, where I represent 40 high ranked members of US military, State representatives from all over the country and Ambassador Alan Keyes.

    Senator McCain owes me and my clients an apology and an opportunity to discuss this matter with him on the merits on the National TV, as his add was shown all over the National TV and all over the Internet, on a widely watched show, such as Sean Hannity show. (my husband’s favorite).

  23. Obama may not be the only one facing big troubles due to lies.
    Maybe Al Gore’s been advised by legal counsel to lie low. He may be the leader of the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) movement, but he’s not defending it in public, not even when it’s falling apart and his new fortune is based upon it.

  24. Prairie

    Why can’t a member for the SS#’s family sue pp for identity fraud? Anyone?

    James Madison Saved Us All
    Posted by hillbuzz under Uncategorized | Tags: George Will, James Madison |
    Here’s a great piece by George Will, which talks briefly about an interesting phenomenon we’re observing these days: Leftists going absolutely out of their minds crazy because the Constitution does not allow them to force their radical agenda upon a continental nation of private citizens who do not want socialism to rule over them.
    The Left is screeching and writhing because it’s come as close as it will ever get to its goals of destroying the country and remaking it in the image of failed European states.
    Will notes that presidents Reagan, Clinton, and Bush were able to accomplish so much more by working across the aisle than Dr. Utopia accomplishes by trying to force through his socialist agenda, while he yet enjoys the largest majority Democrats have had in decades.
    Because of his poor performance and failed presidency, Democrats will lose that majority come November, and might not get it back for decades, so long as the public remembers what Leftists did in power when they took over the country in 2008.
    But, as Will notes, the genius that created our Constitution scried deep into the future in great prescience, almost anticipating a day like today, when a madman sat in the White House and spineless, partisan loons held the majority in both chambers of Congress.
    Thank you James Madison. Thank you George Will for thanking Madison. Thank you voters, in advance, for booting as many bums out in 2010 as possible.

  26. kidmon-Prairie 12:10 pm
    does anyone know who the original person was that belonged to that ss#? I sure wouldn’t want my ss# used for criminal activities, nor any of my relatives, what about all the other ss# numbers?
    Can you imagine the ramifications not just in this use, but many people running around with many ss# numbers used in crimes?

  27. OMG! Did you see this? Perhaps the slumbering Ann Coulter is waking up? This paragraph is in her column today that discusses the Healthcare Summit.

    “Right now, Americans are hopping mad, swinging a stick and hoping to hit anyone who so much as thinks about nationalizing health care. If they could, Americans would cut the power to the Capitol, throw everyone out and try to deport them. (Whereas I say: Anyone in Washington, D.C., who can produce an original copy of a valid U.S. birth certificate should be allowed to stay.)”

  28. **** Notice ****

    From the owner of the T-Room blog:


    There is a malicious sabotage attack going on at the site. We believe it is through the advertising but cannot confirm at this time.

    If your pc is already infected, first accept my sincerest apologies. It’s the last thing we intended to happen.

    Second, if you are attacked DO NOT OPEN OR AGREE TO ANYTHING.

    Third, please, if you have already been to the site, run your spyware, malware and/or other anti virus program now.

    We are putting The T-Room back into Maintenance Mode to identify and remove the virus.

    We will send notification out when it is back up and running.

    Again, our sincerest apologies.

  29. McCain has proven himself to be a total idiot and a traitor by smearing Orly while trying to smear Hayworth. He is ruining it for the law suits that are very important to get to the bottom of bo’s ineligibility. I hope that this will all backfire on McCain and people in AZ will vote that fool out of office. He is a bo fan. He campaigned for bo instead of against.

  30. Well, if you want to keep up-to-date on the Kabuki theater at Blair House, but can’t stomach watching or listening, this link actually makes it fun 😆

    You can watch live on a link here, or do what I do. Just read (and keep refreshinging) the live blogging comments…these Hot Air commenters should get their own show!

  31. Don in California

    McCain just put it to nobama that we do not want the current bill, that we want them to start over. He is wrong, I don’t want them to have anything to do with healthcare. Get them out of my personal life!!

  32. Carlyle // February 25, 2010 at 12:23 pm

    “Right now, Americans are hopping mad, swinging a stick and hoping to hit anyone who so much as thinks about nationalizing health care. If they could, Americans would cut the power to the Capitol, throw everyone out and try to deport them. (Whereas I say: Anyone in Washington, D.C., who can produce an original copy of a valid U.S. birth certificate should be allowed to stay.)”

    In other words, those who don’t????>>>>>>>>>>Yep, she knows.


    What is the T-Room blogsite??

  34. Michelle // February 25, 2010 at 12:20 pm

    Can anyone get the name that the social security # belongs to?

    Maybe SCarolina could run a geanology on it and find a living relative and have them sue pp!
    I would’ve thought Orly would have already done this!!

  35. oldsalt78 // February 25, 2010 at 11:16 am

    As a veteran of TWO of our country’s services I will emphatically state that by the time it is determined if a person,or persons are armed it will be FAR TOO LATE. We will see many of our soldiers shot down by a laughing enemy. Our alleged CINC should be required to act under the same premise. You can be sure he will NOT.
    Then you understand that our soldiers are being forced into dangerous situations and not allowed to protect themselves due to these imposed rules of engagement. I have many family members who have served in the military and these ROE are very troubling.

    The Washington Times
    Published: Tue, 16 Feb 2010
    Description: ‘All-Star’ panel on whether the new restrictions are putting Americans in danger


    Posted by John Romano in News and Analysis on December 12, 2009
    WASHINGTON, D.C. (YBH.ME) – Tom Bowman and Renee Montagne of NPR’s Morning Edition, hardly a conservative military think tank, highlighted the frustration American forces are facing under General Stanley McChrystal’s new rules of engagement in Afghanistan on yesterday’s show.

    Monday, November 16, 2009
    Dozens of U.S. soldiers who spoke to The Washington Times during a recent visit to southern Afghanistan said these rules sometimes make a perilous mission even more difficult and dangerous…………

    Many times, the soldiers said, insurgents have escaped because U.S. forces are enforcing the rules. Meanwhile, they say, the toll of U.S. dead and injured is mounting…………

    The Times compiled an informal list of the new rules from interviews with U.S. forces. Among them:
    • No night or surprise searches.
    • Villagers have to be warned prior to searches.
    • ANA or ANP must accompany U.S. units on searches.
    • U.S. soldiers may not fire at the enemy unless the enemy is preparing to fire first.
    • U.S. forces cannot engage the enemy if civilians are present.
    • Only women can search women.
    • Troops can fire at an insurgent if they catch him placing an IED but not if insurgents are walking away from an area where explosives have been laid.

  37. I went to this website:

    and tried to open the link to an article:
    U.S. Deaths in Afghanistan Triple During 2009 – TIME
    but the article about U.S. deaths in Afghanistan tripled in 2009 has been removed

  38. JJ, the T-Room blogsite is d two eye’s new website.

  39. Mitch McConnell……..

    “To this point, the Republicans have used 24 minutes, the Democrats 52 minutes. Let’s try to have as much balance as we can.”

    Why did you even bother going, Mitch???

  40. Kim // February 25, 2010 at 1:40 pm

    JJ, the T-Room blogsite is d two eye’s new website.


  41. It has a virus, wait for an all clear to visit.

  42. Kim // February 25, 2010 at 1:40 pm

    JJ, the T-Room blogsite is d two eye’s new website.

    Do you mean d2i, who comments here?
    He has a website?


    If you have been unable up until now to wrap your brain around the election fraud that occurred in the 2008 Presidential (Electors) Election in applicable* states like Georgia, Hawaii, Maryland, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia, among others; well, this picture showing how that fraud was carried out in Texas is worth a thousand words.

    As you follow this roadmap to fraud, keep in mind: if Barack Obama failed to satisfy the eligibility requirements of office to get election officials to print his name on the ballot in the state of Texas then…

    * Applicable states for the purpose of charging election fraud in the 2008 election are those states whose laws only allow the names of qualified candidates to appear on the ballot.


  44. Kim // February 25, 2010 at 1:40 pm
    JJ, the T-Room blogsite is d two eye’s new website.
    Can you tell me why mentioning d two eye would put my comment in moderation?


  45. Not usually one to go around wanting everyone to apologize for everything. I think the “he needs to apologize!” stuff to gets old and wearing. BUT, sorry, if Ann Coulter and Glenn Blech all of a sudden “get it”, and it becomes clear to 99 percent of the population that we’ve been duped by a foreigner, then we deserve an apology. I want Blech to write Zach personally and apologize for kicking him off his blog. We all know Zach is kind and cordial always. There’s no excuse and I want apologies from these people. I will accept them, but I damn well want them!

  46. ticktock // February 25, 2010 at 3:20 pm

    What’s happening, ticktock… Beck showing his true colors again??

    I can not believe people don’t see through this insincere, self-centered, egotistical, immature actor.

  47. Hannah Giles is making them Erosionists Lieberals “DIG DEEP” again LMAO.

  48. jbjd,

    Great Job.
    Just a suggestion the page documents should be able to be enlarged.


  49. don in california

    jbjd // February 25, 2010 at 2:00 pm
    Do you think this will go anywhere or will it be like all the other complaints, hidden on a back shelf somewhere?

    I hope and pray it goes somewhere.

  50. #

    don in california // February 25, 2010 at 10:32 pm

    jbjd // February 25, 2010 at 2:00 pm
    Do you think this will go anywhere or will it be like all the other complaints, hidden on a back shelf somewhere?

    I hope and pray it goes somewhere.
    It’s not up to me; I don’t live in TX (or SC or VA or…). ( I just ‘work’ there.)

  51. PRWHPF,

    If you don’t want to view the page on Scribd but want to stay at the blog, you can use the zoom in function from the “View” drop down menu.

  52. don in california

    jbjd // February 25, 2010 at 10:43 pm
    I was just asking for an opinion. Nothing else has managed to get anywhere except to raise our hopes.

  53. Hi,

    I just came across to from yahoo and I find very interesting.
    I hope, can make lot’s of new friend here 🙂

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