Joe Biden, Obama, Larry Sinclair, Delaware Gulag, Attorney General Biden, 9/11/08, Socialism 08, New Castle County Delaware Superior Court, Biden Country

Larry Sinclair has a new post about Joe Biden, Delaware Attorney General Biden, the trumped up warrant against him and his treatment by the Bidens and the Obama camp. Someone with lots of power and influence was able to affect his social security benefits. Was that person(s) the Bidens? Here is Larry Sinclair’s post:

“August 23, 2008

OBAMA/BIDEN PLAN THEIR OWN 9-11: Obama & Biden Hope To Silence Sinclair on 9-11

September 11, 2008 has been set as the date in which the Obama/Biden railroad plans on shooting to shut me and my claims against Barack Obama and the Bidens up once and for all.  That’s right, the scheduling order by the New Castle County Delaware Superior Court (Biden Country), and Joseph R. Biden III Delawares Attorney General has set 9/11/08 as the trial date for me and the charge of “Theft” which the office of Joseph R. Biden III knows full well to be an abuse of his office.

So now the presumptuous Democratic Presidential and Vice Presidential nominee’s intend to use September 11, 2008 to try and silence the truthful charges made against Barack Obama. It isn’t enough that these guys had an arrest made in DC without ever producing a warrant, or a US District Judge held me without ever showing warrant in court.  It is not enough that Delaware knows the charges they filed against me i a sealed Grand Jury are bogus, or that they assisted the Delaware News-Journal and web bloggers in publishing false charges about the matter, it is not enough that Delaware has cost me an my supporters more than $8000.00 to date on this fabricated charge and attempted to help Daddy’s new boss!  These are crimes in and of themselves people.

Do I have faith in the American Justice system?  YES.

Do I have faith in the “You scratch my back, I scratch yours” political environment in Biden Country? NO DOUBT AT ALL THAT THIS IS GOING TO BE BIDEN DICTATED DOWN TO THE TRIAL JUDGE (Who by the way, will not be known to us until September 11, 2008.) 

Does the Delaware Attorney General comply with the laws he is sworn to uphold and enforce? NO

Does Joseph R. Biden II need to answer for his using false information to have me arrested and have SSA discontinue my benefits in a 24 hour time period? YES. 

Does Joseph R. Biden III need to answer to why his office has continue to push a charge that THEY know is without merit and lacking of any criminal intent or basis? YES.

Is Delaware bringing this matter in an effort to assist Barack Obama shut me up?  YOU BET YOUR ASS THEY ARE.

Here is a link to the first article I posted on the Delaware Attorney Generals actions:

Below is an interesting argument by another blogger who has been following this story from the beginning:

I guess we now know who John McCain’s choice will be as Vice President in a guard from his Vietnam POW days beating on American Soldiers as Barack Obama has chosen his chief thug whose family has been joyously bashing, torturing and terrorizing a gay invalid in Lawrence Sinclair.

I had honestly thought Biden had shot his wad when David Plouffe took over for David Axelrod in dealing with Lawrence Sinclair and “smilin‘ Joe” decided not to bribe Mr. Sinclair, but to send in the storm troopers in everyone from the Federal Marshal’s, DC Police, Social Security and the entire state of Delaware justice system led by his bouncing baby boy, Beau Biden was complete overkill like nuking an ant.
Apparently though, the stomach turns both ways like in the mafia, because when Barry Obama came asking for a favor, Joe Biden made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.

“It’s like this Barry. I get your sodomite keester out of hot water by tossing Lawrence Sinclair in prison and you make me Master of the Obama plantation or I happen to pass this onto the FBI and you end up in prison.
You may kiss the ring now”, quote the Biden.

For Barack Obama to choose Biden is simply Watergate suicidal. For Biden to willingly jump on a ticket considering the outright un-American thuggery he has had his boy carrying out against Lawrence Sinclair in the biggest gay bashing in history, is just begging for impeachment and prison time for him.

For a review of Joe Biden’s accomplishments:

1. He had the Delaware Attorney General’s office create a bogus Grand Jury indictment.

2. He had the DC police illegally arrest and detain Lawrence Sinclair.

3. While in custody he deprived Mr. Sinclair of his needed medications as he has a brain tumor.

4. While in custody he had the DC police “loose” Mr. Sinclair so legal counsel could not find him.

5. While in custody he deprived Mr. Sinclair of phone access.

6. While in custody he had the Federal Attorney attempt to hold Mr. Sinclair indefinitely on outrageously high bail.

All of those facts are human rights violations against international law which belong in The Hague.

Out of custody, Joe Biden, as this was coming out of Delaware was sending out forged legal papers to Social Security to get Mr. Sinclair’s benefits cancelled which he depends on and then had him terrorized in threatening to make him repay all benefits.

Out of custody, the Delaware Attorney General’s office has been seeding false stories into the press.

Out of custody, the Delaware Attorney General’s office via Susan Dwyer has refused to provide Mr. Sinclair’s legal counsel with evidence of charges which they are illegally quoting to the press.

Currently, Joe Biden, via his son, Delaware Attorney General and the above deputy, Susan Dwyer, are attempting to imprison Mr. Sinclair for life on a misdemeanor, blackmailing him to plead guilty on the twisting of the law “he is a career criminal”.
That charge is meant for criminals who are committing ceaseless crimes in the said state in violent crimes, not for petty theft. (Note Mr. Sinclair has shown proof there was no crime in Delaware and in fact by the outrageous “check cashing charges” he was made to pay he in this is the victim which Delaware should be investigating.)”

Read the entire article here:

Read more from Larry Sinclair here:


23 responses to “Joe Biden, Obama, Larry Sinclair, Delaware Gulag, Attorney General Biden, 9/11/08, Socialism 08, New Castle County Delaware Superior Court, Biden Country

  1. sisterrosetta

    There’s No Such Thing As A Stupid Question. But If There Were Such A Thing, That Would Have Been One – Decoding Obama Birth Certificate Mystery (Polarik – TexasDarlin – Techdude – Pamela Geller)

    There’s No Such Thing As A Stupid Question. But If There Were Such A Thing, That Would Have Been One – Decoding Obama Birth Certificate Mystery (Polarik – TexasDarlin – Techdude – Pamela Geller)

  2. Pingback: Obama, Larry Sinclair, Joe Biden, 9/11, CitizenWells « ZachJonesIsHome - Helping to Keep an Eye on the Larry Sinclair Allegations

  3. zachjonesishome

    The 9/11 angle is interesting. I put this up at my site. I’m back from vacation. Ready for the next couple of months. Thank you for your work. Zach

  4. bumper sticker- OBAMA BIN BIDEN’09

    dumb & dumber

  5. sisterrosetta

    Inconsistencies abound in FactCheck report on Obama “birth certificate” (Israel Insider – Atlas Shrugs – Polarik)

    Inconsistencies abound in FactCheck report on Obama “birth certificate” (Israel Insider – Atlas Shrugs – Polarik)

  6. what happened to Larry’s site?

  7. zachjonesishome

    I just tried to go to and got a message that it has been suspended. Zach

  8. zachjonesishome

    I have to admire Mr. Sinclair for his drive. When the media and the powers that be try to shut him down, he keeps coming back. It seems that startlogic is not willing to have any controversial statements made against Obama and Biden. Telling one’s truth is a hard thing to stop. Zach

  9. Just a note that the Obama Internet Scrub team has, within the last 30 minutes, had StartLogic “suspend” both of Sinclair’s blog sites. If this is an example of what lies in store for our Constitutional rights, may God help us all.

  10. Yet another example of Obama making deals with The Devil. My prayers are with Mr. Sinclair.

  11. I feel for Larry!! These crooks are some of washington’s supposedly finest!! US is in for a rude awakening

  12. Nurseratchet

    Joe Biden is the one making deals with “the devil.” The Obama thug division is in full swing, once again using their political influence to shut down Larry Sinclair. Why this all out assault on Larry? Why not just issue a statement that Larry is lying? Why? Because, Obama knows the truth. He did smoke crack cocaine with Larry Sinclair in 1999. He did commit adultery by engaging in a sex act with Larry Sinclair. ***********
    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts.
    Daniel Patrick Moynihan:

  13. This shut down of sites thing is getting a little boring.

    If he’s lying, prove it in court and shut him up. If he’s not lying then he has a right to be heard. Actually now that I think about it, I think legally he can even lie about the events if he actually believes it. Although that would be considered delusional I guess and not a lie, but he would still have a right to be heard.

    Keep up the good fight. This story had a Biden connection before Biden was even chosen as VP. If the MSM doesn’t pick this up and run with this after the convention, then I smell a rat.

  14. rosettasister


    I’m having trouble accessing Larry’s sites.

    Know anything?


  15. Just checked both Larry’s sites are suspended, why did i think this would happen yet again.
    Another attempt to hide the truth!!!
    What is Obama/Biden afraid of??

  16. Not to worry. If they think they’re going to keep Sinclair quiet, they have another thing coming.

    After all, it is the masterful plan that the Obama campaign put together, that has resulted in Obama’s miserable performance thus far.

    There is no money, no influence, no power, no time that can help Obama. The seeds of self-destruction lie within him. Isn’t that evident to everybody by now?

  17. Bertrand Russell (Principles of Social Reconstruction):

    Men fear thought more than they fear anything else on earth — more than ruin, more even than death. Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible; thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habits; thought is anarchic and lawless, indifferent to authority, careless of the well-tried wisdom of the ages …
    But if thought is to become the possession of many, not the privilege of the few, we must have done with fear. It is fear that holds men back — fear lest their cherished beliefs should prove delusions, fear lest the institutions by which they live should prove harmful, fear lest they themselves should prove less worthy of respect than they have supposed themselves to be.

    The Obama thought police are busy at work trying to keep their illusionary candidate alive; truth serves no purpose if it fails to serve the campaign. It is more than obvious that truth was the first casualty of the Obama campaign.

  18. Ha..Carly, They know Larrys story is going to break and it will be real soon. Wait until after the convention and the shit will start flying!!

  19. I was addicted to Texasdarlin’s site. I am so glad to have found you CW. I love the sites that get the real story out.

    Holy carp, now the Biden pick makes sense. But why the great O thinks he can hide this is beyond me. At first I dismissed Sinclair as a strange man with an ax to grind for whatever reason. Turns out he is getting more and more credible. Whoa unto the great O.

    Now the only question….Is there not a MSM journalist out there who is even attempting to serve their country in the way the fourth estate intended? No I guess that torch has passed to the bloggers. May God bless you.

  20. boy I am so glad that there are people out there that feel the same as me, I remember way back seeing the youtube with Larry Sinclair and thinking what a joke, But it stayed with me so a few months later I started digging and found( I think her name was Cao) her site and listened to a recording between her and Larry Sinclair.
    I still wasn’t completly convinced and about a month later found Jeff Rense site and listened to about 9 recorded conversation with Sinclair..

    I was so ouraged that stuff like that was going around in our country, than when I heard Biden might be the chosen one. I started adding up one and one. So today I type in my google Biden,Sinclair, attorney general and up pop my suspicion. I am going to make sure everybody I know learns this. Larry keep your spirit up I will be listening tomorrow night Aug 25th you will be on Rense radio show. P. S I hope they don’t shut this site down. It is so spooky so many site are down regarding this matter. Where is the investigating journalist in the country.

  21. DelawareNative

    I’m not surprised in the least. The people of Delaware are brainwashed by the Bidens. The only thing that you could liken it to is the Pavlov-dog response you get from people in Massachusetts about the Kennedys.

    When is this going to emerge in the sunlight? There is so much corruption and everyone is too busy drinking the Obama/Biden koolaid….Ashokey as this sounds I have already started looking for a job in a different country. I am petrified that Obama will be voted in (legally or illegally) and the USA as we know it will no longer exist.

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