Blagojevich trial, Google manipulation, 1984, Search engine hiding, Citizen Wells Blagojevich articles, Obama thugs, Orwellian information control, Obama Social Security Numbers, Blagojevich mainstream media and Google alter history

***  Update Below ***


Blagojevich trial, Google manipulation, 1984, Search engine hiding

“To the future or to the past, to a time when thought is
free, when men are different from one another and do not
live alone–to a time when truth exists and what is done
cannot be undone:

From the age of uniformity, from the age of solitude,
from the age of Big Brother, from the age of doublethink–
greetings!”…George Orwell, “1984”


1984 has arrived

Those of you following this blog are aware of my repeated references to George Orwell’s novel, “1984.” We have watched our world transform even deeper into the doctrine and thought control prophesied by Orwell. Long time followers of this blog also know that I refrain from knee jerk reactions and endeavor to present documented facts. That is why I waited several days to react to the apparent manipulation of my articles about the Rod Blagojevich trial.
Altering of information on the internet is not new. We watched in amazement early in 2008 when information was being scrubbed or altered. Orchestrated efforts from the Obama camp, the Obama thugs shut down blogs and websites such as Larry Sinclair’s. There have been ongoing reports of search engine manipulation. Even a casual observer could see we were entering the world of “1984.”

“If the party could thrust its hand into the past and say
of this and that event, it never happened–that, surely,
was more terrifying than mere torture and death.”…George Orwell, “1984”

Reports of Obama being associated with multiple social security numbers in multiple geoprahic locations have surfaced for well over a year. Private investigators have been employed to do research and recently these reports were gaining prominence in the search engines. World Net Daily presented an article on May 12, 2010 that Questions Google hiding these articles.
“Google hides Obama’s Social Security Number story
Searches for WND report diverted to Kagan, oil, Tampa stories”
“Internet giant Google today was hushing up the new dispute over President Obama’s strange Social Security number by diverting searches for news reports on the issue to unrelated stories about Elena Kagan, oil, Tampa and the Federal Reserve.
The actual story, posted on, explained how two private investigators – working independently – are asking why Obama is using a Social Security number set aside for applicants in Connecticut while there is no record he ever had a mailing address in the state.
Under a Google news search for “President Obama Social Security number,” the top four results all quoted, “By Jerome R. Corsi Two private investigators working independently are asking why President Obama is using a Social Security number set aside for applicants…”
Is Google ‘evil’? Read the arguments in Joseph Farah’s “Stop the Presses!”
However, the first link is to Politico’s story about “Gay rights central to Elena Kagan fight,” the second links to Politico’s “Senate clears measure to audit Federal Reserve” story, the third links to a Politico story about the GOP plans for a convention in Tampa in 2012, and the last links to a Politico story about “Oil executives play pass the buck.”
Google spokesman Jake Hubert told WND that it appeared to be a “bug in the snippets.”
He said the company was looking into it.”
Read more:

“The past, he reflected, had not merely been altered, it had
actually been destroyed. For how could you establish, even
the most obvious fact when there existed no record outside
your own memory?”…George Orwell, “1984”

I am constantly doing internet searches to keep up with news, do research, to make certain my stories are showing up and to see how they rank. Recently I have been following more closely my articles on the Rod Blagojevich trial. My motivation has been high.

Reported here March 9, 2010.
“We all expected the biased, idiot MSM to follow along like sheep and cover the tapes and senate seat story. When Bill O’Reilly interviwed Rod Blagojevich a few weeks ago and not only did not ask questions about the other charges, but set up the interview to focus only on the selling of the senate seat, that was the final straw for me.”
“This is far bigger than Watergate.
We have a president elect, governor, US dept of Justice, complicit MSM and long time, widespread crime and corruption in Chicago and IL.”

Read more

Because of my disgust about the Blagojevich trial story being misrepresented and downplayed by Blogojevich in harmony with our entertainment based media and those purporting to report the news, I have cranked out a series of articles about the real story, the numerous indictment counts, the long time involvement in corruption in Chicago and Illinois and especially the strong ties to Tony Rezko, Stuart Levine and yes, Obama, as well as a host of others. These articles ranked high on Google using basic search terms such as “Blagojevich trial May 2010.”
Much to my surprise, on May 10, 2010, the search “Blagojevich trial” yielded a ranking of # 3 on Google. A decent ranking on Google was expected, and I believe warranted, due to the extensive array of Balgojevich articles going back to April of 2008, combined with the activity level of the blog. I did not expect that to last. I also did not expect the more explicit searches to not find my article.
At 9:52 PM on May 10, 2010, Larry Sinclair called about another subject. We talked about a variety of things and I mentioned that I had a gut feeling that something about Obama was about to break. Two other things were mentioned during the conversation. His phone conversations being monitored and I mentioned the Google ranking. Within approximately 12 hours of this conversation, the morning of May 11, 2010, I noticed the big change in ranking of my recent Blagojevich trial articles. They were, in fact, fundamentally being hidden by Google. They weren’t just nudged down in the ranking. I had to get very explicit and even add citizenwells to the end to find some of them.
I commented on this fact on the blog and many regular commenters did searches. The hiding did not happen across the internet. Dogpile, which gathers searches across multiple search engines, still reflected a high ranking for the Blagojevich trial articles as did Yahoo and others such as Bing. I let the dust settle and kept monitoring Google. As of this morning, Google is still “hiding” the more recent articles. The ones that are particulary damning for Blagojevich, Obama and the mainstream media.

A search on Dogpile, approximately 14 hours ago yielded the following:
“Web Search Results for “Blagojevich trial, Rezko, Nadhmi Auchi”

 (About Results) Search Filter: Moderate 
Or Search: Images, Videos, News

Obama’s Rezko Auchi conflict of interest, Nadhmi Auchi, Saddam …
Sep 4, 2009 … The Citizen Wells blog series on why Barack Obama should be indicted … Senator Obama: There are reports that Nadhmi Auchi was in 2004-2005 …… Blagojevich trial, Wi…… • Found exclusively on: Google
Alonzo Monk, Guilty plea background, Obama, Blagojevich, Rezko …
Nov 2, 2009 … Citizen Wells “ Note Ata contributions to Obama below …… Blagojevich trial, Rezko, Nadhmi Auchi, Rezko bankruptcy trustees, …… • Found exclusively on: Google

Auchi ” Citizen WElls
“Nadhmi Auchi is an Iraqi whose Baathist ties go back to 1959. A formerly high-ranking … … • Found exclusively on: Yahoo!
Search Rezkorama
May 12, 2010 … Blagojevich trial, Rezko, Nadhmi Auchi, Rezko bankruptcy trustees, … Obama and Stuart Levine From the Citizen Wells blog, April 2, 2008. … • Found exclusively on: Google

Blagojevich trial, Obama and Rezko, Blagojevich defense …
Blagojevich trial, Obama and Rezko, Blagojevich defense subpoena … From CitizenWells: Blagojevich trial, Obama and Rezko, Blagojevich defense subpoena, 2006 …… • Found exclusively on: Yahoo!

Search Blagojevich trial, Redacted motion segments, Obama and Rezko, Obama …
… trial, April 22, 2010, Chicago Tribune Blagojevich Rezko Obama, Blagojevich trial … testified that he attended a party in Rezko’s Wilmette house in April 2004 for Nadhmi Auchi, a …..… • Found exclusively on: Bing

December 2008 – Gabrielle Cusumano, Political Blog, Conservative …– for …. Maybe Obama’s people first demanded that Blagojevich name Jarrett to the Senate …… According … • Found on: Google,

 Yahoo! Search Prosecutors file new details of case against Blagojevich under wraps
Apr 5, 2010 … from citizen wells, link. –When one reads the indictment and criminal … Auchi was a business contact of Antoin Rezko, a former Chicago … to prepare for a dinner he … • Found exclusively on: Google
Blagojevich trial, Rezko, Nadhmi Auchi, Rezko …
↠Blagojevich trial, May 11, 2010, Blagojevich pleads Guilty?, Citizen Wells exclusive, Deaths Suicides Murders, Obama subpoena clues, Who will throw who under the bus… • Found exclusively on: Bing”
First I will state, this search exceeded my expections and would not be expected to repeat. This morning’s search was more normal. What is important from an analysis of the above is the fact that Bing found the May 11, 2010 article and not Google. Google only presented the older articles. The latest articles from Google were the Rezkorama link to the May 12, 2010 article and the Free Republic link to the April 5, 2010 CW article.
Something has changed at Google.The timing is highly suspicious. Do I believe that the Obama thugs are involved? Absolutely.
Will the Obama thugs ultimately win? No!
Help spread the word. Google will ultimately be held accountable. Ask those in your sphere of influence to read the Blagojevich Indictment and read articles here and elesewhere that reveal the truth. Ask other website owners to do the same. Just as the main character in “1984,” Winston, began sharing his thoughts with those around him, we must resort to one on one human contact to counteract the manipulation of information in our current Orwellian society.

“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed
–if all records told the same tale–then the lie passed into
history and became truth. “Who controls the past,” ran the
Party slogan, “controls the future: who controls the present
controls the past.”…George Orwell, “1984”


***  Update, May 14, 2010 10:02 ET  ***

I just did a search on:

“Blagojevich trial, Google manipulation”

This was the result:

“Blagojevich trial, Google manipulation, 1984, Search engine hiding …May 14, 2010 …

Blagojevich trial, Google manipulation, 1984, Search engine hiding, Citizen Wells Blagojevich articles, Obama thugs, Orwellian information ……/blagojevich-trial-google-manipulation-1984-search-engine-hiding-citizen-wells-blagojevich-articles-oba… – 34 minutes ago

Dan Shomon, Obama, Robert Blackwell, Illinois state grants, Obama …May 14, 2008 … Then I google interesting names, organizations, etc that I find which … Blagojevich trial, News and insight, April 27, 2010, Blagojevich ……/dan-shomon-obama-robert-blackwell-illinois-state-grants-obama-retainer-killerspin-blagojevich-rezko-alex… – Cached – Similar
Show more results from

Blagojevich trial, Google manipulation, 1984, Search engine hiding …Blagojevich trial, Google manipulation, 1984, Search engine hiding…/blagojevich-trial-google-manipulation-1984 – 20 minutes ago

ChirpCity | Search. Local Twitter search, Twitter users and tweets …A Walker: Blagojevich trial, Google manipulation, 1984, Search engine hiding …. Danil: New blog post: Top Search Engine Ranking Secrets In Google … – 22 minutes ago – Similar

The Capitol Fax Blog » *** UPDATED w/ Coverage *** Blagojevich …Apr 21, 2010 … Android-Based Google Tablet Coming to Verizon [Tablets] … Blagojevich request for trial delay denied in appeals court … – Cached

Trial date set for Wharton alum accused of – Celeb gossip …She asked a guest she cited as an expert in “the manipulation of phone systems for. … Illinois hair crook Rod Blagojevich is calling on the feds to play all … A watchdog group has filed a formal complaint with the FTC over Google’s ……/Trial-date-set-for-Wharton-alum-accused-of-insidertrading-scheme-2223039.html – Cached”

Googles’  immediate response was proper. “Blagojevich trial, Google manipulation” is fairly specific and should show my article. My recent articles, up to several days ago, were presented in this “normal” fashion. If Google has a satisfactory answer, I will post it.

138 responses to “Blagojevich trial, Google manipulation, 1984, Search engine hiding, Citizen Wells Blagojevich articles, Obama thugs, Orwellian information control, Obama Social Security Numbers, Blagojevich mainstream media and Google alter history

  1. Pixel Patriot

    Good Morning CW


  2. Pixel Patriot
  3. Leo Patrick Haffey


    Of late, first & foremost, I go to CW Blog for reliable info about AKAbo corruption & NewsChannel5 for reports on corruption in Nashville.

    In Nashville, BHO cohorts are running a Crime Syndicate out of the Davidson County Courthouse.

  4. Does anyone know what’s happening with Dr. Manning yet? Where do we listen?


  5. Pixel Patriot

    H.Res.1310 – Recognizing the 50th anniversary of the laser.

    “Just in time for the 50th anniversary of the laser, President Obama has signed a letter telling us all what he thinks of this handy bit o’ technology. And, you know, he loves lasers almost as much as we do!

    For reasons that escape me, the folks at the White House tell me that I can’t post the letter, quote from the letter or (I assume) think too hard about the letter. But if you click the “Read the rest of the post” link you’ll see a picture of someone looking at a piece of paper that’s the same size as the President’s letter (but is absolutely not the actual letter) to give you a feel of what the experience might have been like.”

  6. Jacqlyn Smith

    Pixel Patriot // May 14, 2010 at 9:40 am

    Good Morning CW



    Pixel Patriot….be careful….there are those here who do not like citizens who ban together to take back their country and are working to restore our original Constitution…….just a warning… may be working for the NWO!!

  7. citizenwells

    *** I just updated the article ***

  8. Anyone have the information about the census 2010 things we don’t have to answer. Someone posted it about two weeks ago and I can’t find it.

  9. Leo Patrick Haffey

    I use and there are 3 pages of links to Citizen Wells, but Patriots should not click on anything other that CW links unless they know that other sites are reliable because I do now notice that there are AKAbo PSYOP sites like AGJ showing up when you search for CW Articles.

  10. Jacqlyn Smith

    Pixel Patriot…..on a serious note….I have known about “We the People” for over a year now…..why are they just now trying to start up these Freedom Meetup Groups…..aren’t they a little behind the eight ball when the RAP has been at it for a lot longer and have already begun the process of seating juries across the country. Just wondering???? The estimate from leaders in the RAP is that over 40 million people are involved or are supporters of their plan…..wouldn’t it be a good idea to join forces??? I know there are many citizens groups across our country…..none have gotten the traction of RAP…. IMO because of their bold goals and tactics…..Any thoughts on this??

  11. Fernley Girl

    Obama plans to announce as early as this week that he will begin a formal relationship with the Alliance of Civilizations, the 5-year-old, UN-backed stealth jihad, Islamic supremacist organization.

  12. Leo Patrick Haffey

    Obviously, RAP like AGJ is a AKAbo PSYOP SITE that should be avoided if you want to maintain your Right to Privacy and the rest of your Constitutional Rights.

  13. In reading “1984”, one passage leaped out at me….analyze this……..
    The question is a philosophical, anthropoligical and psychological one, and perhaps a religious one. It is: can human nature be changed in such a way that man will forget his longing for freedom, for dignity, for integrity, for love–that is to say, can man forget that he is human?

    My thoughts?? Evolution didn’t just stop……evil that men do has taken us here……here to a place WE don’t even want to be.

  14. Jacqlyn Smith


    ww // May 14, 2010 at 10:14 am

    Anyone have the information about the census 2010 things we don’t have to answer. Someone posted it about two weeks ago and I can’t find it.

    You only have to answer how many people live in your house…..below is the letter that several of us put in our census envelopes when we sent it back….

    To Whom it May Concern,
    Pursuant to Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution, the only information you are empowered to request is the total
    number of occupants at this address. My “name, sex, age, date of birth, race, ethnicity, telephone number, relationship and
    housing tenure” have absolutely nothing to do with apportioning direct taxes or determining the number of representatives in the House of Representatives. Therefore, neither Congress nor the Census Bureau have the constitutional authority to make that information request a component of the enumeration outlined in Article I, Section 2, Clause 3. In addition, I cannot be subject to a fine for basing my conduct on the Constitution because that document trumps laws passed by Congress.
    Interstate Commerce Commission v. Brimson, 154 U.S. 447, 479 (May 26, 1894)
    “Neither branch of the legislative department [House of Representatives or Senate], still less any merely administrative body [such as the Census Bureau], established by congress, possesses, or can be invested with, a general power of making inquiry into the private affairs of the citizen. Kilbourn v. Thompson, 103 U.S. 168, 190. We said in Boyd v. U.S., 116 U. S. 616, 630, 6 Sup. Ct. 524,―and it cannot be too often repeated, that the principles that embody the essence of constitutional liberty and security forbid all invasions on the part of government and it’s employees of the sanctity of a man’s home and the privacies of his life.
    As said by Mr. Justice Field in Re Pacific Ry. Commission, 32 Fed. 241, 250, ‘of all the rights of the citizen, few are of greater importance or more essential to his peace and happiness than the right of personal security, and that involves, not merely protection of his person from assault, but exemption of his private affairs, books, and papers from inspection and scrutiny of others. Without the enjoyment of this right, all others would lose half their value.’”
    Note: This United States Supreme Court case has never been overturned.

  15. citizenwells

    I wrote about that quite a while ago.
    Man being malleable.

  16. Leo Patrick Haffey

    Thanks for the link Fenley!

    Pamela Geller is a True Patriot and she is one of the foremost reporters on AKAbo’s JIHAD against America.

  17. Jacqlyn Smith


    Leo Patrick Haffey // May 14, 2010 at 10:23 am

    Obviously, RAP like AGJ is a AKAbo PSYOP SITE that should be avoided if you want to maintain your Right to Privacy and the rest of your Constitutional Rights.

    Obviously NOT…if that is WHAT YOU think….always believe the opposite of what Leo posts…I think he may be a mole!!!

  18. Fernley Girl

    Go to the article at the link, click on the link at the end of the article to get a pdf file of the questionnaire. Give it to the Census worker to fill out.

    Public Law 93-579 states in part: “The purpose of this Act is to provide certain
    safeguards for an individual against invasion of personal privacy by requiring Federal
    agencies…to permit and individual to determine what records pertaining to him are
    collected, maintained, used, or disseminated by such agencies.” The following questions
    are based upon that act and are necessary in order that this individual may make a
    reasonable determination concerning divulgence of information to this agency.

  19. citizenwells

    Stocks, Euro, Oil Slump on Debt Concern; Treasuries, Bunds Gain

    Stocks fell around the world and the euro slid to an almost 19-month low against the dollar on concern the sovereign debt crisis will limit growth and lead to a breakup of the shared European currency. Oil retreated for a fourth day and U.S. and German bonds rallied.

  20. Fernley Girl

    My last post was for ww. Give the form to the Census taker to fill out.

  21. I am posting the Elena Kagan information that I have researched. I will post it as a comment rather than a statementof fact from which it comes.
    ELENA KAGAN is a known Lesbian, and actively SUPPORTS the alleged GAY RIGHTS AGENDA.
    This along with her TOTAL lack of experience renders her an EXTREMELY POOR CHOICE for the position on the SCOTUS.

  22. Blagojevich trial, Google manipulation, 1984,…
    Blagojevich trial, Google manipulation, 1984, Search engine hiding, Citizen Wells Blagojevich articles, Obama thugs, Orwellian information control, Obama Social Security Numbers … 2010/ 05/ 14/ blagojevich-trial-google-manipulation-1984-search-engine-hiding-citiz en-wells-blagojevich-articles-obama-thugs-orwellian-information-contr ol-obama-social-security-numbers-blagojevich-mainstrea/

    First item on Ixquick…….wow, that’s fast…..9:36 AM central.

  23. CW……

    Were all standing in quicksand…can we get out?

    Do you have any updates on “Acceptable” primary candidates for the November elections?

  24. Pixel Patriot

    Good Morning Jacqlyn,

    I am encouraged by RAP but I have not kept up regularly with their efforts. I support any initiative to restore our sovereignty as established by the Framers in our Constitution.

  25. Jacqlyn Smith


    Pixel Patriot // May 14, 2010 at 10:39 am

    Good Morning Jacqlyn,

    I am encouraged by RAP but I have not kept up regularly with their efforts. I support any initiative to restore our sovereignty as established by the Framers in our Constitution.

    Pixel….so do I….which republic do you live in???

  26. Jacqlyn Smith


    Fernley Girl // May 14, 2010 at 10:40 am

    Europe is Crashing

    Yep…as predicted….won’t be long now!

  27. CW……………………………………

    Are you trying to extract any juice from the Manning fruit. I am wondering if the alleged trial has begun.

  28. Pixel Patriot


    Pressing responsibilities this morning I have to attend to, will have to answer later. Didn’t want to think I was ignoring you. Have a good day

  29. Leo Patrick Haffey

    hapnHal // May 14, 2010 at 10:38 am


    Were all standing in quicksand…can we get out?

    Do you have any updates on “Acceptable” primary candidates for the November elections?”

    Nov. 2010 will be too late, we will have lost our Country by then. Do you really think AKAbo will allow free elections in Nov?

    The only way to save our Country now is to gather together in groups of 25 Patriots in your Local Counties to forme Citizen Grand Juries to take back control of our Government.

    Our Founding Fathers gave We the People the Fourth Branch of Government, the Citizens Grand Jury, in Our Bill of Rights.

    These 12 Simple Steps are the way for Patriots to regain control of our government:

    1) Advertise and promote the Fact that you are forming a Grand Jury in Blogs, Local Newspapers and Community Organizations.

    2) Form the Grand Jury and select a Foreman.

    3) Select a Private Attorney General to make Presentments to Grand Jury, if local DA refuses to make presentments.

    4) Select a convenient Meeting Place.

    5) Communicate with all Citizens who have criminal information to present.

    6) Schedule presentments by said Citizens.

    7) Subpoena documents from Government Offices and Officials.

    8. Schedule presentment of said Documents to Grand Jury by Grand Jury Attorney General.

    9) Have Grand Jury Attorney General present said Documents to Grand Jury.

    10) After investigation and deliberation is completed, vote and issue a True Bill (Indictment) or No True Bill.

    11) Announce all Indictments to the Press and schedule News Conferences in front of your local Court House.

    12) Serve the Indictment on the Judiciary at Court House News Conferences for the Issuance of Arrest Warrants.


  30. Linda from NY

    Good Morning, Everyone!

    Some Comic Relief for Ya’ll…in honor of twe…who is sorely missed!

    Today’s Toons 5/14/10
    GOP Briefing Room ^ | May 14, 2010 | pookie18

    Posted on 05/14/2010 7:17:48 AM PDT by mystery-ak

    Happy Day, Everyone…Linda

  31. ww // May 14, 2010 at 10:14 am
    Anyone have the information about the census 2010 things we don’t have to answer. Someone posted it about two weeks ago and I can’t find it.

    Here is form from that shows the questions on the first census (1790)

    The original census pages were NOT printed. Everything was handwritten.

    Enumerators of the 1790 census were asked to include the following categories in the census:

    name of head of household,
    number of free white males of sixteen years and older,
    number of free white males under sixteen years,
    number of free white females,
    number of all other free persons, number of slaves,
    and sometimes town or district of residence.

    The categories allowed Congress to determine persons residing in the United States for collection of taxes and the appropriation of seats in the House of Representatives.
    This first United States census schedules differs in format from later census material, as each enumerator was expected to make his own copies on whatever paper he could find. Unlike later census schedules an enumerator could arrange the records as he pleased.

    Click to access 1790.pdf

  32. Linda from NY

  33. citizenwells

    Keeping eye on Manning & trial.

  34. Linda from NY // May 14, 2010 at 10:55 am

    Good Morning, Linda.

    No more rinos and jinos (journalist in name only) !

    It has been increasingly difficult to keep up with all the posts here. I sometimes miss stuff. What happened to twe?

  35. CW,

    Is there something out there on the Manning trial that is being reported somewhere?


  36. Jacqlyn Smith and Fernley Girl,

    thank you for the fast response. As always a great site. Yes, I read daily here. I don’t comment much but perhaps I should. I got that phone call from the census people, lol. I wanted to make sure that I only answer what is required by law.

  37. Jonah,

    very interesting on the early census.

  38. Leo Patrick Haffey

    citizenwells // May 14, 2010 at 11:01 am

    Keeping eye on Manning & trial.”

    We will know by 5:30 pm CDT if Rev Manning’s Trial has been successful, i.e., if it gets a mention on any of the major networks, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN or FOX then that will be a major break through.

  39. citizenwells // May 14, 2010 at 10:25 am

    I wrote about that quite a while ago.
    Man being malleable.
    Hammered into submission; great image.

  40. citizenwells

    “We control life, Winston, at all its levels. You are imagining that there is something called human nature which will be outraged by what we do and will turn against us. But we create human nature. Men are infinitely malleable.” 1984 by George Orwell.

    March 22, 2008

  41. I can’t help but think that the Soetoro GOON SQUAD will be omni present at the trial while trying to look like ordinary folks. EIGHT HUNDRED POUND GORILLAS don’t resemble most people I know.

  42. Linda from NY

    Jonah // May 14, 2010 at 11:02 am

    Morning, Jonah! Dunno…we have not heard a “peep” from twe in soooooooo long.

    He was taking care of his mother who was having a hard time “eating” last we heard. Many people offered “suggestions” and then, “poof,” he disappeared.

    Don’t know if anyone has heard from him otherwise…am just praying for him and his family. I offer the “Toons” in his memory hoping people will not forget him. He frequently helped us all “lighten up,” especially when our discussion got “too serious” or too “stressful.”

    Remembering in NY…Linda

    PS May God Bless You with a Happy Day!

  43. Linda from NY


    Congress’ Historic Decision to Ignore Its Basic Duty

    Heritage Foundation ^ | 05/14/10 | Heritage Foundation

    Posted on Friday, May 14, 2010 11:01:18 AM by AngelesCrestHighway

    “House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) once said that the “most basic responsibility of governing is to pass a budget.” Yesterday it became clear that Congress has decided to shirk that responsibility, as word broke that the House likely will not pass a budget resolution for the first time since the modern budget process was created in 1974.

    That’s earthshaking news, especially given the ballooning federal spending, which soared to an $82.69 billion deficit in April, a projected $1.5 trillion deficit in 2010, and even more deficits as far as the eye can see. Like any American’s household budget that tracks income and expenses, budget resolutions set a framework for Congress’ taxing and spending. But it’s a framework that the leadership in the House would rather do without.”

    Any thoughts on this?

  44. Jacqlyn Smith – 10:25AM

    “Obviously NOT…if that is WHAT YOU think….always believe the opposite of what Leo posts…I think he may be a mole!!!”
    Hey, I thought we weren’t going to indulge in name-calling!

  45. Linda from NY

    Hey, SueK: Are we next?

    Will the loony left boycott New York and Massachusetts?

    Big Bureaucracy ^ | May 14th, 2010 | Ellie Velinska

    Posted on Friday, May 14, 2010 10:31:18 AM by Big Bureaucracy

    “Authorities are arresting men on administrative immigration charges for overstaying their visas.

    No, not in Arizona: in NYC and Boston. Following the money trail in the case of Faisal Shahzad the federal authorities are raiding homes and detaining Pakistani immigrants involved in money transactions with the Times Square bomber. Only they arrest them on immigration charges because the men were in the US illegally.

    It is perfectly fine. It is the same federal law that Arizona is trying to enforce. If somebody is in lawful mish-mash with the authorities, the latter should be allowed to ask for the immigration status.

    Whether it is a cab driver in Boston writing check to a terrorist or a van driver smuggling drugs across the Southern border – the authorities should be allowed to ask for identification – it is the law of the land – the whole land. Arizona is just enforcing the same law that helped the feds last couple of days to detain for questioning people that may have info on the Times Square scare.

    Arizona law is much milder than the federal law. The Shahzad’s helpers would be charged with misdemeanor in Arizona for overstaying their visas. In Boston they are faced with felony for the same action.

    May be I missed it, but I didn’t noticed Shakira moving her lips against the federal authorities detaining folks on immigration charges in NY, NJ and MA.

    I am sure there is a high school basketball tournament somewhere in these three states perfect for boycotting.

    May be the NBA New York team is changing the name of their team to Al-Knicks in solidarity with the middle-easterners asked for their papers in NY and Boston.

    (Excerpt) Read more at …”

  46. Jacqlyn — As much as I’d like to put my faith in RAP, I admit I have serious reservations about RAP, in large part because of the secrecy. We’ve had more than enough of that! And some of your comments reinforce my concerns. It almost sounds like a shadow govt for the privileged few who can/will pay for the privilege.

    Is RAP intending to restore the de facto Constitutional Republic for all of us? Or just for those who sign up with them?

    Please don’t take offense. I know you’ve been in the fight for a long, long time, and that your intentions and motivations are true. I’m just looking for clarification.

  47. Linda from NY

    May 14, 2010

    The Real Reason the Left Loves Illegals

    By J.R. Dunn

    “The Ottomans had an interesting method of assuring political stability. The sprawling empire operated on a system in which “millets”, distinct ethnic and religious groups, were allowed to oversee their own internal affairs while giving absolute loyalty to the sultan and his government. Every now and then a millet would be ordered to pack up and head out for a new home, at times at the opposite end of the imperium, amid new neighbors — sometimes the original residents, sometimes other refugees — of alien origins, ethnicity, and religious belief. Christians among Muslims, Catholics among Orthodox, Bulgarians among Turks, Circassians among Arabs… the variations were nearly endless. In short order, the various groups would become so enmeshed in harassing and attacking each other that they could spare no time or energy to defying the status quo. The Ottoman state acted as a referee, occasionally bouncing an ethnic group that got out of hand, but in general letting the circus roar along while they, the rulers, involved themselves in life’s finer things — conspiracies against fellow officials or plans to conquer Western Europe. From their point of view, it worked. For nearly five hundred years, the Ottoman Empire remained a stable and going concern. Some aspects of the policy remain with us today, long after the empire vanished — it explains much of the recent chaos in the ruins of Yugoslavia, for one thing.”

    Read on at the link…

  48. Citizen Don in California

    OT For a laugh! Or not… may be true.

    A woman went to her doctor for advice.

    She told him that her husband had developed a penchant for anal sex, and she was not sure that it was such a good idea.

    ‘Do you enjoy it?’ The doctor asked.

    ‘Actually, yes, I do.

    ”Does it hurt you?’ he asked.

    ‘No. I rather like it.’

    ‘Well, then,’ the doctor continued, ‘there’s no reason that you shouldn’t practice anal sex, if that’s what you like, so long as you take care not to get pregnant.’

    The woman was mystified. ‘What? You can get pregnant from anal sex?’

    ‘Of course, ‘ the doctor replied. ‘Where do you think people like Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama come from.’


  49. Linda of New York…………………………

    If the LOONEY LEFT is to boycott Massachusetts,they certainly won’t have to travel very far. Like maybe just across the street. This is not an offense against SUEK. I realise that there are some decent ,hardworking, Christian people in Massachusetts also. Sue is certainly among them. I am referring to the Kerry,and Barney Frank type.

  50. For all you experienced computer users out there, could someone give me words of wisdom?

    After reading about Google’s capers these past several days, I have revisited some concerns that I have had regarding the type of ads that appear when I communicate by e-mail.

    It occurs all of the time but was especially noticeable when I first began using e-mails early on. Regardless of the subject of the transmission and irrespective of whether sending or receiving, ads appear that “fit” the subject of the conversation. Talking about a trip to, say, Phoenix – motel accommodations and restaurant ads show up for that location. If the discussion is about pets – there are any number of pet ads. What really got me was an e-mail re. care of my neighbor – Ads for how to get gov’t. aid for elder care and other advice for the elderly.
    Now, when it comes to political talk, which I don’t do much of by e-mail, ads supporting O and the Dems, as well as some conservative ads pop up. Someone has assured me that this is all automatically generated, which I know has to be true. That is, there is no one sitting somewhere placing such “appropriate” ads, but……it is still troubling. By the way, I use g-mail. Does anyone have a word re. this?

    Another thing, being a novice (as most here know) I have always used Google as a search engine, but have learned there are others. I know of Yahoo (it’s on the bar at top of computer), but how does one access other search engines? Just “google” it in?? HELP!

    Thanks in advance.

  51. The usurper’s henchmen are going after about nine people who supposedly looked into a database of student loans to check obama’s information.

    Now we know why the justice dept is so inept at finding terrorists. They have all their manpower concentrating on finding people who are trying to find out who obama really is.

    Rumor has it that they didn’t bother mirandizing the snoopers, but rather they will just be taken before a military tribunal and shot at sun-up.

  52. Linda from NY @ 11:30 am
    Linda-do you think they paid this woman to do this? Why do I think set-up? that or this woman is way beyond desperate.
    ‘Buffalo cougar’: I’m sorry I flirted with Obama
    Woman ‘meant no harm’ calling president ‘hottie with a smokin’ little body’
    Read more:

  53. Leo Patrick Haffey

    Mia // May 14, 2010 at 11:30 am

    Jacqlyn — As much as I’d like to put my faith in RAP, I admit I have serious reservations about RAP, in large part because of the secrecy. We’ve had more than enough of that! And some of your comments reinforce my concerns. It almost sounds like a shadow govt for the privileged few who can/will pay for the privilege.

    RAP is an AKABO plan to steal money from anyone FOOLISH enough to give them money.

    Is RAP intending to restore the de facto Constitutional Republic for all of us?

    RAP is an AKABO plan to destroy our Republic.

  54. For our expert searchers here – Several years ago I read in a Washington, D.C. news paper(Times or Post) how an administrative assistant in Senator Biden’s office had been conned out of about $300,000.00 from Biden’s election war chest. I thought how can this guy run for President when he couldn’t even control the finances in his Senate Office? It turned out that the AA was gay and his friend conned him into a temporary loan. It was never returned and the AA resigned.
    When Biden was selected to be the VP, I tried to find the article with no success. If any good sleuths out there can find it, I would be happy to give a reward.

  55. Leo Patrick Haffey



    It is a compilation of all major search engines. I have used it for 15 years. It always turns up CW articles and others that are insightful. Like the ESPN article on the coverup by Serpas in the NFL QB Steve McNair’s Murder.

  56. Linda from NY

    Michelle // May 14, 2010 at 11:44 am

    Morning, Chelley!

    “Linda-do you think they paid this woman to do this? Why do I think set-up? that or this woman is way beyond desperate.”

    No, Chelley, I do not think she was paid. No, I do not think this was a set-up, although the motive might have been to “diminish” or “embarrass” him in some way. Yes, Chelley, I think this woman is way beyond desperate…FOR ATTENTION! Or maybe, another “certified candidate” for the “Loony Bin.” And…a Republican to boot!

    Ask the Hillbuzz guys…after they have “cleaned up the mess” they made of the floor…LOL.

    I am reaching for my “Ultra Tums,” Chelley!

    Chuckling in NY…Linda 😉 [after taking my Tums, of course!]

    PS This is BEYOND ABSURD! That woman cannot be SERIOUS!

  57. Linda from NY // May 14, 2010 at 11:28 am

    Hi Linda(r),

    Yep, picked up a couple of them here yesterday. In the same breath, the (less than ) illustrious Boston City Council voted this week to ‘boycott Arizona,’ whatever that means.

    One caller to talk radio this morning said ‘Hey, if we’re gonna pick up illegals connected to the Times Square thing, why don’t they swing by and pick up Aunt Zeituni, too?’


  58. oldsalt78 // May 14, 2010 at 11:42 am

    Hi oldsalt78 (soon to be oldsalt79 🙂 ),

    No offense taken; I completely agree that I live amongst moonbats! The only thing I can do is annoy them with the truth until they scream ‘Reagan!’

  59. SueK @12:04 pm

    ‘Hey, if we’re gonna pick up illegals connected to the Times Square thing, why don’t they swing by and pick up Aunt Zeituni, too?’

    Hi Sue!

    I’m lovin’ it. Priceless!

    Hey, I haven’t seen you around much. I hope all is well, and you’re staying well.

    Peter has been missing in action too. Has anyone heard from him?

  60. Leo Patrick Haffey

    I know it looks bleak, but I see definite signs of the inevitable defeat of AKABO and all of his cohorts.

    In Nashville, for example, if you had told me a year ago that BHO cohort Former Nashville Police Chief Ronal Serpas would be critized on Television by BHO cohort Nashville DA Torry Johnson, I would have thought you were smoking CRACK with tommie Brothers.

    In short, the BHO cohorts are turning on each other because they know the end of the BHO Regime is near.

  61. Citizen Don in California


    Feds tell court they can decide what you eat
    ‘Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to obtain any food they wish’.

    … excerpt …

    “The interest claimed by plaintiffs could be framed more narrowly as a right to ‘provide themselves and their families with the foods of their own choice,'” the government document states. But the attorneys say that right doesn’t exist.

    “You are only ‘allowed’ to eat or drink what the FDA gives you permission to. There is no inherent right or God-given right to consume any foods from nature without the FDA’s consent.”
    Doesn’t the Constitution restrict the government to what is listed in the Constitution and all other rights belong to the states and people? So, if the Constitution does not give the government the authority to restrict foods, then they do NOT have that authority. Am I missing something??

  62. Linda from NY // May 14, 2010 at 11:59 am

    She commented that when the Fraud hugged her, she could feel his ribs. Maybe he is loosing weight because he is ill or maybe he’s doing cocaine. Does coke cause weight loss? Just curious.

  63. Citizen Don in California

    Sorry for getting OT, but when I read the above, I just got frustrated and had to say something to somebody and you people lost out.

  64. Lurker // May 14, 2010 at 12:09 pm

    Helloooo Lurker :),

    Health has decided to give me some trouble and I lost another pet last weekend. Circling my own wagons, so to speak.

    I heard from Peter on Wednesday-I’ll touch base this weekend.

    I’ll volunteer to ‘swing by and pick up Aunt Zeituni’-she’s local enough to me…

  65. “Check your facts, Mr. President,” U.S. House of Representatives Republican leader John Boehner said in a statement. “More debt, higher taxes, and bigger government may be President Obama’s idea of a ‘jobs program,’ but it’s hurting our economy and making it harder to put people back to work.”

    Boehner rocks

  66. Fernley Girl

    use for searches. They don’t record them.

    Get off gmail NOW. It’s part of Google and is compiling all sorts of info about you.

    Try Free, or a small monthly fee for enhanced services.

  67. Linda from NY @ 11:59 am
    I was thinking more along the lines to put out the gay rumors-it is common knowledge in some circles but would not play well with the base. On this particular subject the South Side of Chicago is extremely beyond right wing conservative.

  68. The Euro is NOT crashing! It’s going through a NORMAL 50% retracement from its high.

    There are 3 big Conservative governments now in place, and it is killing the Socialists that their gig is up.

    Instead, look to Europe to elect 3 MORE Conservative governments in the next few years! And, the rest of rest of Europe moving to the RIGHT on issues such as immigration.

    It’s the USA that is NOW in trouble, and that has to be reversed in November, or it is our future that is in trouble — NOT the Euro.

    Sarkozy is simply telling the Socialists that your are not “too big to fail!”

  69. Jonah, coke does cause weightloss, especially w/heavy users

  70. martin // May 14, 2010 at 11:31 am

    Re: And who granted them authority?

    The Elders receive guidance from the Secret Guardians, an order older than Abraham. According to the Bible, “they are priests forever”. In other words, their authority is senior to the priests of Levi and all who have come after.

    Are you serious?

  71. Leo Patrick Haffey @ 12:09 pm
    “In short, the BHO cohorts are turning on each other because they know the end of the BHO Regime is near.”
    That is usually how it went in Chicago.

  72. Citizen Don in California @12:11 pm

    Hey Don!

    I think it was SueK or Michelle (?) that told me everyone goes OT from time to time, so don’t worry.
    Which reminds me! I’m still waiting for my membership to the “Don’t worry, be happy club.

  73. And Aids causes wasting…

  74. Linda from NY

    Michelle // May 14, 2010 at 12:17 pm

    Yes, Chelley; that is a possibility, too, especially in light of all of the attention recently centered around Vera Baker.

    Good catch, Chelley! Please let me know what the Hillbuzz guys say about this latest fiasco…Thanks!

    Happy Day, Chelley…Linda

  75. Lurker @ 12:20 pm
    I know I have been guilty-

  76. Linda from NY

    Lurker // May 14, 2010 at 12:20 pm

    Hey, Lurker! There’s a “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” Club? I didn’t know that…count me in!

    Where do I go to sign up? 😉

    Happy Day, Lurker…Linda

  77. Kim @ 12:21 p.m.

    And looking over your shoulder constantly!

  78. Leo Patrick Haffey


    While I agree with 99% of your comment, I respectfully disagree re: “It’s the USA that is NOW in trouble, and that has to be reversed in November,”

    November 2010 will be TOO LATE and AKABO will rig the Nov Elections to make a majority of his cohorts win.

    This is the only way to save our Country now.

  79. Linda from NY

    Kim // May 14, 2010 at 12:21 pm

    Hi, Kim! So does LYING! And…EVIL DOING!

    Ever notice how some people CHANGE when they partake in too much debauchery?

    Then again…so many people are after him in one way or another…it just might be affecting his health. He does look sickly, though!

    Hey, he’s in NYC today meeting with “Bloombugger.” Maybe, Manning’s trial is having an effect on him, too! Hope so.

    Keep on questioning, Kim…Linda

  80. Linda from NY @ 12:27 pm
    Himself on himself.
    “I had just inherited a $1.3 trillion dollar deficit from the previous administration…”

  81. Leo, I too am afraid that November will be too late. By then many more will be on welfare, dependent on the government.
    The coordinator for the Rockford Tea Party in IL, David Hale, says that in the history of revolutions, most revolutions happen during times of prosperity not during depressions. During depressions the people turn to the government, no matter how imperfect it is.
    Our government is busy taking us down into a depression so we will be unable to resist. We don’t have a lot of time.

  82. Leo Patrick Haffey

    Michelle // May 14, 2010 at 12:20 pm

    Leo Patrick Haffey @ 12:09 pm
    “In short, the BHO cohorts are turning on each other because they know the end of the BHO Regime is near.”
    That is usually how it went in Chicago.”

    Even here on CW, I notice that BHO Psyops are losing steam and in my email Inbox I no longer have 300+ a day Spam emails from RAP/AGJ/PsyOps.

    Btw, RAP/AGJ PsyOps don’t waste your time. Your emails go straight to the TRASH.

  83. Linda from NY

    Jonah // May 14, 2010 at 12:11 pm

    Hey, Jonah! IMHO, that woman is a “product” of too much “Sex in the City!”

    Whoever finds pp in the least attractive is in need of serious medical attention IMHO!

    Going for the Tums again in NY…Linda

  84. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    An engineer looks at the RAP phenomenon and uses a tried and true management tool – the Decision Tree:

    Case 1. What if RAP is for real and doing good things? In which case they don’t seem to be discriminating between avid supporters and regular citizens. It seems to be a case of rising waters raises all ships. This would suggest a wait and see attitude – there would be nothing to lose by ignorance.

    Case 2. RAP is all vapor – what if RAP is just huff and puff and posturing? This would suggest that ignoring them is the best choice.

    Case 3. RAP is doing something dangerous. This would require some active resistance to them. At a minimum great care is needed in becoming associated with them in any way.

    SO – let’s summarize. In none of the cases is supporting them a good idea – although in two of the cases there appears to be no harm in doing so. In one of the cases, ‘war’ is required.

    So here is the debate topic for today. Given that we don’t really know what RAP is up to or who the secret puppet masters are — what should be the proper attitude and actions of a sane and wise citizen?

  85. To Leo and Fernley Girl,

    Thanks for the advice on search engines and changing to another e-mail provider….. I appreciate it very much!

  86. Linda from NY @ 12:27 pm
    The Cure
    I love this guy, mouthy (which I like) with a good sense of humor. Lest anyone forget this is what leadership looks like.
    ‘See Me When I’m Pissed’: NJ Governor VS. Reporter Over ‘Confrontational Tone’

  87. Citizen Carlyle @ 12:23
    I like your style! Good post.

  88. John in Illinois

    Is there somewhere I can check on the progress
    or media coverage about Rev. Manning’s protest
    and trial in Harlem ? This needs BIG media coverage since not one court will accept any evidence.

  89. Leo Patrick Haffey

    Kim // May 14, 2010 at 12:41 pm

    Leo, I too am afraid that November will be too late. By then many more will be on welfare, dependent on the government.
    The coordinator for the Rockford Tea Party in IL, David Hale, says that in the history of revolutions, most revolutions happen during times of prosperity not during depressions. During depressions the people turn to the government, no matter how imperfect it is.
    Our government is busy taking us down into a depression so we will be unable to resist. We don’t have a lot of time.”

    Kim, I agree 100%. The only peaceful means to avoid absolute Tyranny now is to gather together in groups of 25 Grand Jurors and regain control of our Government.

  90. Oops 12:43 pm

  91. SueK @ 12:14 pm


    I hope you start feeling better real soon. I’m so sorry for the loss of your family pet member. ✞
    Thanks for the update on Peter. I get concerned when folks go MIA. Let me know how it goes with Auntie Zeituni. lol

  92. Lurker @12:49 pm
    SueK @ 12:14 pm
    “I’m so sorry for the loss of your family pet member. ✞”
    Me too.

  93. bob,

    maybe the teaser to the article i saw was wrong, but what i read was that sarkozy was FOR the greece bailout, not against it.

    the problem is that they are too far gone, and, unfortunately, so are we. gov’t promises have gotten so big that there is literally no way to contain it anymore short of a civil war and breakup of the whole thing. govt promises for medical programs have a present value of over 100 trillion dollars and that was before obamacare.

    we’re screwed.

    buy gold

  94. Kim // May 14, 2010 at 12:19 pm

    Jonah, coke does cause weightloss, especially w/heavy users

    12:21 And Aids causes wasting…



  95. Leo Patrick Haffey


    Others are free to choose as they wish, my educated choice is to IGNORE RAP/AGJ.

    Occassionally, INSANE men speak some truth however muddled with INSANITY, however, there is simply nothing to be gained by giving an ear to INSANITY.

    We have sources of SANE INFO like CW, The Steady Drip, Investigating Obama and Atlas Shrugs. It is simply easier to gather SANE INFO there.

  96. Linda from NY // May 14, 2010 at 12:27 pm

    Hey, Lurker! There’s a “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” Club? I didn’t know that…count me in!

    Where do I go to sign up?

    Happy Day, Lurker…Linda

    Hello Linda!

    Well, that’s what I was told. I think I’m narrowing it down to Miss Sue who told me. lol

  97. Sue K-OMG and this is from the mouths of the folks who are supposed to be representing law and order. Do you know what technicality she may be referring to in MA, or just her interpretation on a whim. No wonder the states couldn’t possibly balance their budgets.
    “Technically it is not illegal to be illegal in Massachusetts.”

  98. yo, I saw your comment at thepost&email about the 9 indicted for looking at Obama’s records, thought it was awesome so I’m bringing it here, hope you don’t mind:

    “Sandra Teague is quoted as saying that she didn’t do it.

    It really wouldn’t surprise me if none of these people are guilty. What this very will may be is a ’shot across the bow’ by the usurper’s people.

    In other words, they’re trying to warn people away from the idea of finding his records. Trying to scare people. Showing us that there is something far more dangerous to our country than terrorists that law enforcement has to concentrate on. People who want to see obama’s records. That’s the real threat to them. Not terrorists.”

    LOVE your droll humor!

  99. Fernley Girl

    Citizen Carlyle, TY!!!!

    Cabby, YW!

    SueK, prayers for you and your little pal.

  100. Linda from NY // May 14, 2010 at 12:42 pm
    Jonah // May 14, 2010 at 12:11 pm
    Hey, Jonah! IMHO, that woman is a “product” of too much “Sex in the City!”
    Whoever finds pp in the least attractive is in need of serious medical attention IMHO!

    The Fraud a hottie???!!!
    Gotta get my Obama Barf Bag, quick!

    Have you used your barf bags yet? I can send more if you need ’em.


  101. citizenwells

    **** New Post ****

  102. Lurker // May 14, 2010 at 12:20 pm

    Lurker, I’m OT with *every* post! 🙂

  103. Kim @ 12:57 pm
    but Kim and yo, we are all familiar of talented little hackers, hacking their way into just about everything. How do we know someone hasn’t already accomplished that mission, months, years ago? and how many could have done the same thing? To me it’s an unknown.
    I can see the headlines now, Obama done in by a nine year old hacker–

  104. Leo Patrick Haffey

    “The coordinator for the Rockford Tea Party in IL, David Hale, says that in the history of revolutions, most revolutions happen during times of prosperity not during depressions.”

    Kim, there are still pockets (regions) of prosperity in the USA and that is where we need to form our Citizen Grand Juries, in Local Red Counties in Red States. There is still time for a peaceful and legal removal of AKABO and all his cohorts.

  105. John in Illinois // May 14, 2010 at 12:46 pm

    Is there somewhere I can check on the progress
    or media coverage about Rev. Manning’s protest
    and trial in Harlem ? This needs BIG media coverage since not one court will accept any evidence.

    Hi John

    I’m chomping at the bit too! I sure wish there was a live traffic webcam around Columbia U. I scoured the net yesterday after Zach asked if anyone knew of one. No luck. I’m hoping there’s lots of video cameras rolling, and someone posts a tidbit soon.

  106. • oldsalt78 // May 14, 2010 at 6:18 am
    The world may change but that doesn’t mean that the US SHOULD CHANGE just because the rest of the world is being led by a bunch of mentally depraved persons who think that the alleged NWO is the greatest thing since “ice cream”. The depravity shows in nearly every quarter of the nincompoops in the UN who like to say how iINTELLIGENT they THINK they are.

    You are right. US had already set the greatest system of government in the world as contracted by the US Constitution. All we need to do is return to the basic fundamentals of the wonderful constitution and America will eventually heal it self.

    Then we need to secede from the UN and while respecting other countries in the world to the point they respect us, make America for legal Americans!

    America has enough resources, technology, and willingness to survive very well without dependency upon other countries—especially Arab oil.

    There is no logical reason for the current economic crisis in America as the need for survival are not only the same as it was prior to the 2008 crisis but even greater now. The needs for housing, food, medical care, transportation, tools, energy, entertainment, education, communication and all it takes for a safe and sane life haven’t diminished because George Soros and Maurice Strong manipulated the economic crisis.

    This is why it is so imperative to remove Obama and his czar shadow government as soon as possible. It is this regime that is standing between we the people and our opportunity to continue the American life style we have all come to enjoy. This evil regime has a covert desire to reduce white America to a life of extreme poverty and enslavement.

    I would rather be shot to death than to live the life they hope to bring us to.

  107. Here’s an old one but hopefully Manning has this little info already to use during his trial. If not, perhaps CW can send it to him. I’ll get CW’s email and forward it.

    Subject: WHO the “HECK” IS HE ???

    > Read this….
    > Why was his law
    > license
    > inactivated in 2002?
    > Why was Michelle s law license INACTIVATED by court order?
    > There is only one Barack Hussein Obama according to the U. S.
    > Census and he
    > has 27 Social Security numbers and over 80 aliases.
    > The one he uses now originated in Connecticut where he is not ever
    > reported
    > to have lived. No wonder ALL of his ‘records’ are sealed!!!
    > It just gets worst.!!!
    > At least we only have 3 years of this mystery man left before we
    > can replace
    > him.
    > Was He There?
    > Who IS He?
    > I have always wondered why NO ONE ever came forward from Obama’s
    > past saying
    > they knew him, attended school with him, was his friend, etc.
    > NO ONE, not one person has ever come forward from his past.
    > This should really be a cause for great concern.
    > To those who voted for him, YOU HAVE ELECTED THE BIGGEST
    > that America has ever known!
    > This is very interesting stuff. Sort of adds credence to the idea
    > of The
    > Manchurian Candidate thing having happened here!
    > Stephanopoulos of ABC news said the same thing during the 08′
    > campaign. He
    > too was a classmate of BO’s at Columbia class of 1984. He said he
    > never had
    > ONE class with him.
    > Was he there?
    > While he is such a great orator, why doesn’t ANYONE in Obama’s
    > college class
    > remember him?
    > Maybe he never attended class!
    > Maybe he never attended Columbia?
    > He won’t allow Colombia to release his records either.
    > Suspicious isn’t it???
    > Looking for evidence of Obama’s past, Fox News contacted 400
    > Columbia
    > University students from the period when Obama claims to have been
    > there,
    > but none remembered him.
    > Wayne Allyn Root was, like Obama, a political science major at
    > Columbia who
    > also graduated in 1983.
    > In 2008, Root says of Obama, “I don’t know a SINGLE PERSON at
    > Columbia that
    > knew him, and they all know me.
    > I don’t have a classmate who ever knew Barack Obama at Columbia.
    > EVER!
    > Nobody recalls him.
    > I’m not exaggerating, I’m not kidding.
    > “Root adds that he was also, like Obama, “Class of ’83 political
    > science,
    > pre-law” and says, “You don’t get more exact or closer than that.
    > Never met him in my life, don’t know anyone who ever met him.
    > At the class reunion, our 20th reunion five years ago, who was
    > asked to be
    > the speaker of the class? Me. No one ever heard of Barack!
    > And five years ago, nobody even knew who he was. The guy who
    > writes the
    > class notes, who’s kind of the, as we say in New York, the macha
    > who knows
    > everybody, has yet to find a person, a human who ever met him.
    > Is that not strange? It’s VERY strange. “Obama’s photograph does
    > NOT
    > appear in the school’s ‘yearbook’ and Obama consistently declines
    > requests
    > to talk about his years at Columbia, provide school records, or
    > provide the
    > name of any former classmates or friends while at Columbia.
    > NOTE: Root graduated as Valedictorian from his high school,
    > Thornton-Donovan
    > School, then graduated from Columbia University in 1983 as a
    > Political
    > Science major (in the same class as Barack Hussein Obama WAS
    > HAVE BEEN IN).
    > Can it be that BHO is a complete fraud??
    > More intrigue concerning “The Man who WASN’T there.”
    > I m sure the truth will be found out, but too bad not soon enough!
    > Please do not give up on ousting the people at the top.
    > We must go on, and continue sending these out to everyone.
    > Pass this on to everyone on your e-list. Pass it across America!

  108. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    I don’t care if EK is a lesbian. I don’t care if EK smokes pot or does crack. I don’t care if EK has a disease. I don’t care if EK plays baseball.

    I care only about truth and openness. As having been involved in the ‘security’ aspects of the great Military Industrial Complex for many years, I can assure you that the biggest concern is blackmail.

    Most people do not understand how easy it is to control people via blackmail. If anybody is hiding ANYTHING, no matter how trivial, it can be a lever. If the person does not want it known, then it can and WILL be used against them. Period.

    EK just needs to come clean – whatever it is and however many secrets.

    But switching the subject to Insane Hussein – regardless of what is true and what he is hiding – just the FACT that he is incontestably hiding stuff is an EXTREME and GRAVE national security risk – a national EMERGENCY.

    I am truly astonished and depressed that the general public does not understand this. This is a HUGE problem and outweighs all the other ideological and economic and political issues we all normally whine about.

    Even if BHO were himself lily white and pure – he is EASILY and READILY blackmailable – and among many other things he has his fingers on the nuclear red button.

    I am literally scared sh-tless.

  109. You and I are both members of the Information Technology Industry so we are more aware than many how dangerous the level of control exercised by Google over the flow of information is to the liberties of the population.

    It is appallingly simple for Google to remove a piece of information from public view. There are other search engines out there. We should all start to use them.

  110. Cabby – AZ // May 14, 2010 at 11:43 am

    Call your IPS provider and upgrade your spam filter……my guy did it free for me instantly and stopped the viagra, Canada drugs, ALL junk mail……somehow my junk/spam filter had been changed….it’s free!!

  111. Cabby… you don’t use GOOGLE, do you?/
    Ixquick is my search engine since I learned about privacy issues with mentioned.

  112. Sorry…didn’t read all post—Ixquick took all of 3 minutes and it’s my homepage……and I’m computer illiterate!!!

  113. Cabby - AZ

    Leo Patrick Haffey // May 14, 2010 at 12:46 pm

    “Kim, I agree 100%. The only peaceful means to avoid absolute Tyranny now is to gather together in groups of 25 Grand Jurors and regain control of our Government.”
    Leo, I’ve been thinking about a method to, perhaps, expedite the above. The aspect of the Citizens’ Grand Juries’ formation that could be quite time-consuming and difficult for the most part would be identifying the crimes and coming up with SOUND evidence. This would require much work by people uninitiated with such things. Would it be at all feasible (and, of course, prudent) for some group experienced in these matters to do the basic leg-work covering a number of alleged crimes and then make their findings available to the local juries, so that each one would not have to do the same footwork?

    The other side of that query would most likely be that the more diversity there is among the juries the better it would be. What are your thoughts? I’m thinking “in the interest of time”
    there is not a lot of room for mistakes and ill-supported allegations.

  114. Cabby - AZ

    Citizen Carlyle (FUBO) // May 14, 2010 at 1:10 pm

    “But switching the subject to Insane Hussein – regardless of what is true and what he is hiding – just the FACT that he is incontestably hiding stuff is an EXTREME and GRAVE national security risk – a national EMERGENCY.
    I am truly astonished and depressed that the general public does not understand this. This is a HUGE problem and outweighs all the other ideological and economic and political issues we all normally whine about.
    Even if BHO were himself lily white and pure – he is EASILY and READILY blackmailable – and among many other things he has his fingers on the nuclear red button.”
    This is the part that REALLY bothers me! Talk about a national security risk? IMO, BHO is a walking time bomb. In past presidencies there has always been a lot made over “the nuclear red
    button”. At this point, one would never know that such existed if we base our knowledge on news sources today.

  115. JJ // May 14, 2010 at 10:23 am

    In reading “1984″, one passage leaped out at me….analyze this……..
    The question is a philosophical, anthropoligical and psychological one, and perhaps a religious one. It is: can human nature be changed in such a way that man will forget his longing for freedom, for dignity, for integrity, for love–that is to say, can man forget that he is human?

    My thoughts?? Evolution didn’t just stop……evil that men do has taken us here……here to a place WE don’t even want to be.


    Can a wild animal be domesticated to suppress its predatory nature, be submissive, and make a good family companion? Ask your pet dogs and cats.

    Evolution of the human species has not been stopped, it has however been suppressed. The engines of evolution run on adaptation to nature and its natural environments. Humans do not adapt to nature any more, we adapt nature to our whims.

  116. Cabby – AZ // May 14, 2010 at 11:43 am

    For all you experienced computer users out there, could someone give me words of wisdom?


    1: The ads are Java and/or Macromedia scripted. It is known a Meta ad scripting: It takes bits and pieces of what you type to create custom user oriented advertising. This can normally be solved by disabling 3rd party Cookies in your web browser in its security settings. Use a strong Firewall, and get hold of an application known as Spybot Search and Destroy (It is FREE ware) to clean up your system at least weekly.

    2: Search engines:,,,, You can also go into your web browser options and set a default search engine.

    3: GET RID OF G_MAIL!!! find another e-mail provider. Anything you send over the net in the form of e-mail, searches etc. through Google Company is re-routed through the NSA. This is in accordance with a government contract they were awarded a while ago for providing what is known as OSINT (Open Source Intelligence), MASINT (Measurement and Standards Intelligence), SIGINT (Signals Intelligence), and a host of other related information that may be deemed of possible Intelligence value.

  117. Cabby - AZ

    P.S. (re. prior post to C. Carlyle) – Furthermore, don’t the intelligence services of all other countries
    know his “secrets”? They, no doubt, know more than we do. This is a grave threat, because he could be blackmailed into surrendering to a nuclear threat – say, a nuclear bomb attack on an American city, or two….. “We will release info on you, unless……..” What do you think he would do??

  118. Jacqlyn Smith

    Cabby – AZ // May 14, 2010 at 11:24 am

    Jacqlyn Smith – 10:25AM

    “Obviously NOT…if that is WHAT YOU think….always believe the opposite of what Leo posts…I think he may be a mole!!!”


    Exactly…but Leo just can’t stay away….you forgot to post what he said first….why are you so biased against me all the time Cabby????

  119. Cabby – AZ // May 14, 2010 at 2:11 pm

    P.S. (re. prior post to C. Carlyle) – Furthermore, don’t the intelligence services of all other countries
    know his “secrets”? They, no doubt, know more than we do.

    Yes, where do you think all of the unaccounted for stimules funds went? For that matter, of the accounted for funds, how much went to other nations?

  120. Leo Patrick Haffey // May 14, 2010 at 12:09 pm

    You may have guessedby now….I don’t watch tv news…
    Husband had channel 5 Nashville on and I caught this ….solved crimes rate had jumped to an unimaginable number and the interviewer was bringing it to light that figures were ‘fudged”??

  121. Cabby - AZ

    CRB – 2:11PM

    You are a real computer techie! Thanks for the info. I have printed it out for reference, because I’ll need some help in doing some of it. I’ve heard of “cookies”, etc., but don’t know the details.
    Appreciate the help!

  122. Jacqlyn Smith


    Mia // May 14, 2010 at 11:30 am

    Jacqlyn — As much as I’d like to put my faith in RAP, I admit I have serious reservations about RAP, in large part because of the secrecy. We’ve had more than enough of that! And some of your comments reinforce my concerns. It almost sounds like a shadow govt for the privileged few who can/will pay for the privilege.

    Is RAP intending to restore the de facto Constitutional Republic for all of us? Or just for those who sign up with them?

    Please don’t take offense. I know you’ve been in the fight for a long, long time, and that your intentions and motivations are true. I’m just looking for clarification.

    Mia….It is all over the air waves….on the internet…..various websites……excuses for not getting involved is just that….an excuse… is not secret…..all are welcome to be a part of the RAP…if you don’t want to that is your choice… one says you have to….but don’t buy into the rumors by people here who’s only goal is to smear me and anything I post about the RAP…go here to read the declaration pages and then do what you want….official website to review the declaration….

    Whatever decision you make is yours and yours alone……this thing is moving ahead….with or without the fear mongers……I do appreciate that you are at least sincere in your comments….Have a good one Mia!! 🙂

  123. November 2010 will be TOO LATE and AKABO will rig the Nov Elections to make a majority of his cohorts win.

    That’s the way I see it, Leo……the elections will be rigged…..TOO MANY HACKERS, TOO LITTLE INTEGRITY!!!

  124. “I had just inherited a $1.3 trillion dollar deficit from the previous administration……….

  125. Jacqlyn Smith


    Leo Patrick Haffey // May 14, 2010 at 11:45 am

    Mia // May 14, 2010 at 11:30 am

    Jacqlyn — As much as I’d like to put my faith in RAP, I admit I have serious reservations about RAP, in large part because of the secrecy. We’ve had more than enough of that! And some of your comments reinforce my concerns. It almost sounds like a shadow govt for the privileged few who can/will pay for the privilege.

    RAP is an AKABO plan to steal money from anyone FOOLISH enough to give them money.

    Is RAP intending to restore the de facto Constitutional Republic for all of us?

    RAP is an AKABO plan to destroy our Republic.

    Cabby….see what I mean…..come on now….admonish him for calling me names….people associated with RAP are FOOLS….come on with the policing of the name calling….be fair to everyone!!

  126. Jacqlyn Smith

    Citizen Carlyle (FUBO) // May 14, 2010 at 12:43 pm

    So here is the debate topic for today. Given that we don’t really know what RAP is up to or who the secret puppet masters are — what should be the proper attitude and actions of a sane and wise citizen?


    The “we” that don’t know what RAP is about are the fear mongers……the sane and wise are the ones actively involved already!!

    “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent” Thomas Jefferson

  127. Jacqlyn Smith

    Leo says….

    Kim, I agree 100%. The only peaceful means to avoid absolute Tyranny now is to gather together in groups of 25 Grand Jurors and regain control of our Government.


    Come on Kim… what he says… your jury… many times does he have to tell you that same thing????


    ‘See Me When I’m Pissed’: NJ Governor VS. Reporter Over ‘Confrontational Tone’


  129. John in Illinois // May 14, 2010 at 12:46 pm

    John, hi….here’s the deal…if you get any information or a write-up, will you share here and all us posters copy and send to all our contacts…….internet grapevine.
    And we do the same.

  130. What if akaBO has AIDS and is taking us all with him??

  131. “Technically it is not illegal to be illegal in Massachusetts.”

    So, technically, of course, noone’s moving to Massachusetts or visiting Massachusetts, technically, of course!!

  132. Jacqlyn Smith

    Ireland: Action To Arrest Wanted War Criminal Kissinger Trilateral Member May 2010 Video

  133. Evolution of the human species has not been stopped, it has however been suppressed. The engines of evolution run on adaptation to nature and its natural environments.

    Humans do not adapt to nature any more, we adapt nature to our whims.

    Ah, yes, and in doing so, what is destroyed??
    Too much, way too much.

  134. Jacqlyn Smith

    JJ….I so love Christie…..even if I’m married! 🙂

    ‘See Me When I’m Pissed’: NJ Governor VS. Reporter Over ‘Confrontational Tone’


  135. Cabby - AZ

    BEWARE of MILK imported from MEXICO –

    Here last month the feds were investigating Amish farmers for selling their milk, but they will encourage the importation of milk from Mexico.

    Read more:

    If we should stay away from water in Mexico, milk is even more in danger of contamination!

  136. Cabby - AZ

    Jacqlyn – You said,

    “Exactly…but Leo just can’t stay away….you forgot to post what he said first….why are you so biased against me all the time Cabby????”
    I would say that we ALL should refrain from nasty remarks, and I am definitely NOT biased against you, Jacqlyn. Just because we don’t agree about RAP doesn’t affect my consideration of you. In fact, if it were possible I’d give you a great big hug!
    Don’t you feel it? (I don’t know how to use those cute smiley faces, etc., yet, like you and others do from time to time.) I come from a background of being used to debate – back and forth exchange – without getting personal. So please know that whatever I’ve said is not meant to be against you, because it is evident that you are very dedicated and have zeal for your beliefs.

    Again, can’t we agree to disagree? OOOXXX is the best I can do.

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