Tag Archives: Google manipulation

Blagojevich trial, Google manipulation, 1984, Search engine hiding, Citizen Wells Blagojevich articles, Obama thugs, Orwellian information control, Obama Social Security Numbers, Blagojevich mainstream media and Google alter history

***  Update Below ***


Blagojevich trial, Google manipulation, 1984, Search engine hiding

“To the future or to the past, to a time when thought is
free, when men are different from one another and do not
live alone–to a time when truth exists and what is done
cannot be undone:

From the age of uniformity, from the age of solitude,
from the age of Big Brother, from the age of doublethink–
greetings!”…George Orwell, “1984”


1984 has arrived

Those of you following this blog are aware of my repeated references to George Orwell’s novel, “1984.” We have watched our world transform even deeper into the doctrine and thought control prophesied by Orwell. Long time followers of this blog also know that I refrain from knee jerk reactions and endeavor to present documented facts. That is why I waited several days to react to the apparent manipulation of my articles about the Rod Blagojevich trial.
Altering of information on the internet is not new. We watched in amazement early in 2008 when information was being scrubbed or altered. Orchestrated efforts from the Obama camp, the Obama thugs shut down blogs and websites such as Larry Sinclair’s. There have been ongoing reports of search engine manipulation. Even a casual observer could see we were entering the world of “1984.”

“If the party could thrust its hand into the past and say
of this and that event, it never happened–that, surely,
was more terrifying than mere torture and death.”…George Orwell, “1984”

Reports of Obama being associated with multiple social security numbers in multiple geoprahic locations have surfaced for well over a year. Private investigators have been employed to do research and recently these reports were gaining prominence in the search engines. World Net Daily presented an article on May 12, 2010 that Questions Google hiding these articles.
“Google hides Obama’s Social Security Number story
Searches for WND report diverted to Kagan, oil, Tampa stories”
“Internet giant Google today was hushing up the new dispute over President Obama’s strange Social Security number by diverting searches for news reports on the issue to unrelated stories about Elena Kagan, oil, Tampa and the Federal Reserve.
The actual story, posted on WND.com, explained how two private investigators – working independently – are asking why Obama is using a Social Security number set aside for applicants in Connecticut while there is no record he ever had a mailing address in the state.
Under a Google news search for “President Obama Social Security number,” the top four results all quoted, “By Jerome R. Corsi Two private investigators working independently are asking why President Obama is using a Social Security number set aside for applicants…”
Is Google ‘evil’? Read the arguments in Joseph Farah’s “Stop the Presses!”
However, the first link is to Politico’s story about “Gay rights central to Elena Kagan fight,” the second links to Politico’s “Senate clears measure to audit Federal Reserve” story, the third links to a Politico story about the GOP plans for a convention in Tampa in 2012, and the last links to a Politico story about “Oil executives play pass the buck.”
Google spokesman Jake Hubert told WND that it appeared to be a “bug in the snippets.”
He said the company was looking into it.”
Read more:


“The past, he reflected, had not merely been altered, it had
actually been destroyed. For how could you establish, even
the most obvious fact when there existed no record outside
your own memory?”…George Orwell, “1984”

I am constantly doing internet searches to keep up with news, do research, to make certain my stories are showing up and to see how they rank. Recently I have been following more closely my articles on the Rod Blagojevich trial. My motivation has been high.

Reported here March 9, 2010.
“We all expected the biased, idiot MSM to follow along like sheep and cover the tapes and senate seat story. When Bill O’Reilly interviwed Rod Blagojevich a few weeks ago and not only did not ask questions about the other charges, but set up the interview to focus only on the selling of the senate seat, that was the final straw for me.”
“This is far bigger than Watergate.
We have a president elect, governor, US dept of Justice, complicit MSM and long time, widespread crime and corruption in Chicago and IL.”

Read more

Because of my disgust about the Blagojevich trial story being misrepresented and downplayed by Blogojevich in harmony with our entertainment based media and those purporting to report the news, I have cranked out a series of articles about the real story, the numerous indictment counts, the long time involvement in corruption in Chicago and Illinois and especially the strong ties to Tony Rezko, Stuart Levine and yes, Obama, as well as a host of others. These articles ranked high on Google using basic search terms such as “Blagojevich trial May 2010.”
Much to my surprise, on May 10, 2010, the search “Blagojevich trial” yielded a ranking of # 3 on Google. A decent ranking on Google was expected, and I believe warranted, due to the extensive array of Balgojevich articles going back to April of 2008, combined with the activity level of the blog. I did not expect that to last. I also did not expect the more explicit searches to not find my article.
At 9:52 PM on May 10, 2010, Larry Sinclair called about another subject. We talked about a variety of things and I mentioned that I had a gut feeling that something about Obama was about to break. Two other things were mentioned during the conversation. His phone conversations being monitored and I mentioned the Google ranking. Within approximately 12 hours of this conversation, the morning of May 11, 2010, I noticed the big change in ranking of my recent Blagojevich trial articles. They were, in fact, fundamentally being hidden by Google. They weren’t just nudged down in the ranking. I had to get very explicit and even add citizenwells to the end to find some of them.
I commented on this fact on the blog and many regular commenters did searches. The hiding did not happen across the internet. Dogpile, which gathers searches across multiple search engines, still reflected a high ranking for the Blagojevich trial articles as did Yahoo and others such as Bing. I let the dust settle and kept monitoring Google. As of this morning, Google is still “hiding” the more recent articles. The ones that are particulary damning for Blagojevich, Obama and the mainstream media.

A search on Dogpile, approximately 14 hours ago yielded the following:
“Web Search Results for “Blagojevich trial, Rezko, Nadhmi Auchi”

 (About Results) Search Filter: Moderate 
Or Search: Images, Videos, News

Obama’s Rezko Auchi conflict of interest, Nadhmi Auchi, Saddam …
Sep 4, 2009 … The Citizen Wells blog series on why Barack Obama should be indicted … Senator Obama: There are reports that Nadhmi Auchi was in 2004-2005 …… Blagojevich trial, Wi…
citizenwells.wordpress.com/2009/09/04/obama%E2%80%… • Found exclusively on: Google
Alonzo Monk, Guilty plea background, Obama, Blagojevich, Rezko …
Nov 2, 2009 … Citizen Wells “ Note Ata contributions to Obama below …… Blagojevich trial, Rezko, Nadhmi Auchi, Rezko bankruptcy trustees, …
citizenwells.wordpress.com/2009/11/02/alonzo-monk-… • Found exclusively on: Google

Auchi ” Citizen WElls
“Nadhmi Auchi is an Iraqi whose Baathist ties go back to 1959. A formerly high-ranking … citizenwells.wordpress.com/2008/06/15/rezko-obama-blagojevich-larry …
citizenwells.wordpress.com/category/auchi/ • Found exclusively on: Yahoo!
Search Rezkorama
May 12, 2010 … Blagojevich trial, Rezko, Nadhmi Auchi, Rezko bankruptcy trustees, … Obama and Stuart Levine From the Citizen Wells blog, April 2, 2008. …
www.rezkorama.com/ • Found exclusively on: Google

Blagojevich trial, Obama and Rezko, Blagojevich defense …
Blagojevich trial, Obama and Rezko, Blagojevich defense subpoena … From CitizenWells: Blagojevich trial, Obama and Rezko, Blagojevich defense subpoena, 2006 …
citizenwells.wordpress.com/2010/05/09/blagojevich-… • Found exclusively on: Yahoo!

Search Blagojevich trial, Redacted motion segments, Obama and Rezko, Obama …
… trial, April 22, 2010, Chicago Tribune Blagojevich Rezko Obama, Blagojevich trial … testified that he attended a party in Rezko’s Wilmette house in April 2004 for Nadhmi Auchi, a …..
citizenwells.wordpress.com/2010/04/23/blagojevich-… • Found exclusively on: Bing

December 2008 – Gabrielle Cusumano, Political Blog, Conservative …
https://citizenwells.wordpress.com/2008/12/12/wrotnowski-v-bysiewkz-application– for …. Maybe Obama’s people first demanded that Blagojevich name Jarrett to the Senate …… According …
gabriellecusumano.blogtownhall.com/2008/12 • Found on: Google,

 Yahoo! Search Prosecutors file new details of case against Blagojevich under wraps
Apr 5, 2010 … from citizen wells, link. –When one reads the indictment and criminal … Auchi was a business contact of Antoin Rezko, a former Chicago … to prepare for a dinner he …
www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2487569/posts • Found exclusively on: Google
Blagojevich trial, Rezko, Nadhmi Auchi, Rezko …
↠Blagojevich trial, May 11, 2010, Blagojevich pleads Guilty?, Citizen Wells exclusive, Deaths Suicides Murders, Obama subpoena clues, Who will throw who under the bus
citizenwells.wordpress.com/2010/05/12/blagojevich-… • Found exclusively on: Bing”
First I will state, this search exceeded my expections and would not be expected to repeat. This morning’s search was more normal. What is important from an analysis of the above is the fact that Bing found the May 11, 2010 article and not Google. Google only presented the older articles. The latest articles from Google were the Rezkorama link to the May 12, 2010 article and the Free Republic link to the April 5, 2010 CW article.
Something has changed at Google.The timing is highly suspicious. Do I believe that the Obama thugs are involved? Absolutely.
Will the Obama thugs ultimately win? No!
Help spread the word. Google will ultimately be held accountable. Ask those in your sphere of influence to read the Blagojevich Indictment and read articles here and elesewhere that reveal the truth. Ask other website owners to do the same. Just as the main character in “1984,” Winston, began sharing his thoughts with those around him, we must resort to one on one human contact to counteract the manipulation of information in our current Orwellian society.

“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed
–if all records told the same tale–then the lie passed into
history and became truth. “Who controls the past,” ran the
Party slogan, “controls the future: who controls the present
controls the past.”…George Orwell, “1984”


***  Update, May 14, 2010 10:02 ET  ***

I just did a search on:

“Blagojevich trial, Google manipulation”

This was the result:

“Blagojevich trial, Google manipulation, 1984, Search engine hiding …May 14, 2010 …

Blagojevich trial, Google manipulation, 1984, Search engine hiding, Citizen Wells Blagojevich articles, Obama thugs, Orwellian information …
citizenwells.wordpress.com/…/blagojevich-trial-google-manipulation-1984-search-engine-hiding-citizen-wells-blagojevich-articles-oba… – 34 minutes ago

Dan Shomon, Obama, Robert Blackwell, Illinois state grants, Obama …May 14, 2008 … Then I google interesting names, organizations, etc that I find which … Blagojevich trial, News and insight, April 27, 2010, Blagojevich …
citizenwells.wordpress.com/…/dan-shomon-obama-robert-blackwell-illinois-state-grants-obama-retainer-killerspin-blagojevich-rezko-alex… – Cached – Similar
Show more results from citizenwells.wordpress.com

Blagojevich trial, Google manipulation, 1984, Search engine hiding …Blagojevich trial, Google manipulation, 1984, Search engine hiding http://tinyurl.com/2dzr9sfhttp://twitter.com/RiverRoads/statuses/13976361281.
friendfeed.com/…/blagojevich-trial-google-manipulation-1984 – 20 minutes ago

ChirpCity | Search. Local Twitter search, Twitter users and tweets …A Walker: Blagojevich trial, Google manipulation, 1984, Search engine hiding …. Danil: New blog post: Top Search Engine Ranking Secrets In Google …
chirpcity.com/search/2 – 22 minutes ago – Similar

The Capitol Fax Blog » *** UPDATED w/ Coverage *** Blagojevich …Apr 21, 2010 … Android-Based Google Tablet Coming to Verizon [Tablets] … Blagojevich request for trial delay denied in appeals court …
thecapitolfaxblog.com/2010/04/21/blagojevich-lashes-out/ – Cached

Trial date set for Wharton alum accused of – Celeb gossip …She asked a guest she cited as an expert in “the manipulation of phone systems for. … Illinois hair crook Rod Blagojevich is calling on the feds to play all … A watchdog group has filed a formal complaint with the FTC over Google’s …
celebrifi.com/…/Trial-date-set-for-Wharton-alum-accused-of-insidertrading-scheme-2223039.html – Cached”

Googles’  immediate response was proper. “Blagojevich trial, Google manipulation” is fairly specific and should show my article. My recent articles, up to several days ago, were presented in this “normal” fashion. If Google has a satisfactory answer, I will post it.