KTBB’s Question of the Day: Is There Enough Proof President Obama is a U.S. citizen?, KETK news, World Net Daily, Joseph Farah

The real question is if Obama is a natural born citizen and thus eligible to be president, not whether he is a US citizen. However, finally components of the mainstream media are addressing this important issue. From a recent call in session on KTTB:

“KTBB’s Question of the Day: Is There Enough Proof President Obama is a U.S. citizen?”

“The editor of the popular Web site, World Net Daily, Joseph Farah, is offering a $10,000 reward to anyone who can prove they were resent at the birth of President Barack Obama.

KTBB news anchor Garth Maier, asks East Texans if they think there is a lack of proof that the President was born in Hawaii.”

Click here to listen


Thanks to commenter azgo for the lead.

176 responses to “KTBB’s Question of the Day: Is There Enough Proof President Obama is a U.S. citizen?, KETK news, World Net Daily, Joseph Farah

  1. magna carta

    Man, some of the commenters made me ache.There is a lot of educating to do.We need to post Leo’s question that he suggested should be put before Gibbs everywhere we can post.Read Leo’s latest piece to see his question which uses logic and reason,not conjecture.

  2. Magna Carta,

    Thanks maybe you should post a LINK.


  3. sliderblaze

    that was outstanding

  4. magna carta

    Man..if there’s ever a round-up..I know who’s going in the first group…

  5. I love Lame Cherry!

  6. This wave is growing and growing. It will become a tsunami and it will crash very hard on the usurper.

  7. magna carta

    Getting the rational legal argument out there is so important.Has anyone investigated sending Leo’s stuff to the radio host mentioned on this program…?

  8. truthbetold11

    Who’s going to do the rounding up? We are going to need the seals, special ops,rangers, and many other forces to bring this to a halt.

  9. magna carta

    I guess it depends on who is on the terror lists..TRUTH

  10. I am going to predict that Obama will not go down as he should by using the TOTUS one more time and resign. He will fight this. When he is exposed he will call it a technicality and will not step down. This will create extreme civil unrest.

  11. zachjonesishome

    Have you seen this?
    Exclusive: Judge Accepting Letters in Lawsuit Re. Birth Certificate Question –


    I linked to it on blog just now. Take care. Zach

  12. magna carta

    ZAch..you rock!Thanks..going out TODAY!

  13. KTBB stopped showing new comments, must have been the big bosses!

    There were 13 comments last night.
    The comments got to a count of 260 earlier this morning (about 8:30 am AZ time) and hasn’t changed since. KTBB’s three other ‘Top Stories’ – two have zero comments and one has one comment!

    Is hiding the comments, the same as hiding the birth certificate and all other records?

    Is this what happens when we become a socialist-communist country?

    Is little Tyler, Texas fearing what may happen to them?

    Actually, I was surprised how many of the posted comments do relate to Leo Donofrio’s arguments. ‘Brit subject at birth’.

    Rally the Republic !!!

  14. Woops, spoke too soon! KTTB just released 46 more comments – 306 now!

  15. magna carta

    AZGO…how funny! My sister & mom reside in the kingdom of the BAPTISTS,Tyler!They have the best REPS there! Goemert was a major fighter on hate crimes bill and Leo Berman is a BIGTIME immigration fighter.I have been e-mailing Berman on this issue and he always responded to me on my e-mail updates.Berman is a state rep,not federal.A real patriot and he has been praying for this to go through just like us here!

  16. magna carta

    A suggestion.Any good links or tips..post on the ALIPAC forum.It is a great site and these are good trench warriors over there…

  17. U.S. map as the years progress to 2009

    This is a truly unique chart.

    Simply Click on the upper left hand black arrow on the year bar.

    Keep an eye on the U.S. map as the years progress to 2009. Amazing …


  18. GOD SAVE AMERICA site…this is awesome




  21. magna carta……………I wonder if your sister and mom got to see the East Texas NBC story or listen to the radio talk show?

    Wow, the ALIPAC forum is a busy place.

    ” We have good news to report. President Obama is backtracking on his promises to the racist section of the Latino vote to pass Amnesty this year. He has canceled several meetings and is down playing the importance of the latest scheduled meeting on June 25.

    The open borders Latino organizations components of the Globalist regime which has hijacked the Executive Branch of the US are about to freak out!

    La Raza, MALDEF, LULAC, are in full panic mode because Obama has put them off again and again. Obama recently made a public announcement in support for “Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty” this year or a “path to citizenship for illegals” and his approval ratings quickly fell to their lowest point yet! ”

    Now that’s the good news and now that’s the good news!

    Rally for the Republic !!!

  22. Passing along an email that I got tonight from a trusted source. (This is in reference to last night’s call on Patriot’s Heart radio and the Chalice show.)

    From: Fred Smart
    Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 1:50 PM
    Subject: FW: Here is “The Big News”…cat’s out of the bag, folks!

    THIS is how the usurper will go down. Spread this far and wide, PLEASE. Steph

    From Carl Swensson:

    O.K. folks, the cat’s out of the bag and here it is.
    First, the military is stepping up to the plate and supporting the efforts of the Citizen Grand Juries by putting our Presentments into the hands of our soldiers who are being railroaded into Fort Levinworth via the illegal Court Marshal. They will be using the presentments (Which include Lt. Commander Fitzpatrick’s criminal complaint accusing BHO of Treason) and asking “by what authority am I being tried?” Since all Court Marshal’s come down from the President, he (BHO) will have to prove he is a legal POTUS, duly empowered by virtue of his qualifications under the Second Amendment. This he cannot do! It is currently in play in at least one such case (cannot reveal the soldiers name at this time but will when allowed too) Checkmate.
    Get this to the families of those curently enduring the horror of a Court Marshal. It is now going viral within the Military establishment.
    I always thought it would be the Military who would save our bacon…

  23. Katie,
    I hope this turns out to be as stated. I listened
    to last night’s BlogTalk Radio and thought it
    sounded promising also.

  24. azgo,
    no my family did not hear it but I’m keeping them up to date.sent Leo Berman latest info. ALIPAC is great people are always posting articles there.Very current stuff. These people do not want amnesty!

  25. Obama may be backtracking on the amnesty issue via his words, but it will be like he always does. He’ll say one thing to push his ratings up again but behind the scene his little band of merry men will be doing just the opposite. They can’t risk losing elections in 2010 and especially 2012. Thus he can say to the media—it wasn’t me. I was against it—all the while he knows he will get his way ’cause his boys are working it. I heard on Fox this morning that the amnesty issue was a top priority and will be addressed by fall. Maybe I heard wrong, but they were commenting that it is another huge policy that is being thrown on the table along with healthcare, stimulus etc. and how the heck was he going to do all of it so fast.

  26. Many say its way too much.I do not believe they are going to be able to pull that off BUT we still cannot remove our warrior gear.I called Graham,Kyl,McCain today,all offices. I also let them know I was disappointed that they did not stand against Obama’s vote count.I said the PATRIOTS are gonna win this game..not the globalists.

  27. oldsalt77 – Michael Jackson’s death has totally sucked the air out of the USURPER for awhile.

  28. magna carta


  29. Pecan Prince

    Why hide his birth certificate?
    There are no jobs here for Americans, so how can BHO make promises to others?
    Everyone is required by law to give proof of their TRUE IDENTITY, or would face some type of problem legally. or denied benefits, jobs etc. Why not the POTUS?

  30. Katie, Fred, Carl, et al: fyi…not to be picky, but I believe you mean “court martial”…a Court Marshal is, like, a C.O.P. (a Constable On Patrol, for you who are word-trivia buffs, but didn’t know that’s where the word comes from). Anyway, that was a very interesting post…thanks…so, you think it is the proverbial “smoking gun”?

  31. A Court Marshal…you know, sort of like a baliff; that guy in uniform on Judge Judy who takes the papers from the litigants and walks across the floor to hand them to the Judge…yeh, that guy;
    only, the Marshal is usually the guy who gets to cuff the bad guy and haul him off to the pokey.
    And THAT guy, y’all seem to hope, will be in BHO’s future…sooner than later; get it?

  32. A “court martial” is like the old Chuck Conner’s show “Branded”…remember the opening scene where the Court Marshal guy walks up to him and rips his rank badges off of his Army uniform? That’s the Court Marshal completing the court martial…can be confusing, I know…and not meant to be a Spelling Bee! heehee…but presenting accurately what you mean to communicate can be important. In conclusion…Bee Good, y’all.

  33. I have for a long time felt thatRoberts had to know that there was substantial question regarding the legality of Soetoro’s election, yet instead of doing the right thing and refusing to administer the oath of office he KNOWINGLY administered it. If he knew, or even suspicioned this was the case he should have voiced his concerns to Congress. Instead he became complicit by administering the oath of office. Having done this he could be removed from the bench, by Congress. He violated the trust placed in him by the American people and should therefore BE REMOVED FROM THE BENCH.

  34. I further believe that all of the Justices who denied hearings to the people who filed civil lawsuits against Soetoro should face some form of discipline as well. Probably CENSURE, at the very least. I believe that the lawsuits were denied for the purpose of knowingly assisting a possible illegal POTUS. I believe that they at least suspected his illegality. Each should have informed Congress of his/her suspicions. Instead they KNOWINGLY CHOSE to violate the TRUST placed in them by the American people. All should face disciplinary action.
    Also the snot nosed LITTLE court clerk who chose to tamper with the movement of these civil suits, and otherwise impede them should be fired ftom his position as court clerk.

  35. I say…send in “Mongo”…”candy-gram for Barry, candy-gram for Barry…”

  36. Re-do – good catch. Thanks for pointing it out.

  37. HEY REDO……
    Glad sombody had the presence of mind to clear the air on the meaning of the words marshal, and martial. The thought went through my mind but I was wondering if anybody would even notice the errors to begin with. I reasoned that like myself they would look at the use of the word, and realise what the author really meant anyway. But I still have to say good for you! For many years I helped potential contractors who wanted to do business with DOD. These supply contracts are for an extremely wide range of materials, and supplies. The contracts that each contractor is required to sign, is often worded by DOD in such a way that it almost requires a PH.D in English to unravel the meaning of the terms of agreement. In addition they are often over 50 pages in length.This is one place where a misused, or mispelled word could radically change the meaning which the author was trying to convey. We were quite successful in this venture for a number of years. It finally got to a point where it was taking me out of town excessively, and I signed off of the venture. I owned and operated a commercial printing company which now is operated by my son and a business partner. They have done printing for Defense Logistics Services for many years. What was always nice about doing business with the US Government is that the money was always there upon completion of the order. We never had to go to court to collect our money which sometimes was the case in doing business with private entities.

  38. OldSalt, I agree about Roberts. If we had the court filled with Scalia’s & Thomas’s this would not be happening.

  39. WHAT GOV. SANFORD GAVE UP EVERYTHING FOR- http://www.mcclatchydc.com/251/story/70630.html

  40. magna carta

    My three picks of Sanford/Bachmann/Palin are now Palin Bachmann 2012…what about two women?
    Too bad for Sanford.I hope he can fix his family.Siring four boys in the age of JIHAD earns him my forgiveness.

  41. Don’t count out Romney

  42. Turn “BAD INTO GOOD”!!!
    Use Atlanta , dnc games against them!




    A) NOW WE HAVE THE “DAMN- BEAUTIFUL- EXCUSE” TO go to every major bidge, train intersection, main street intersection , with:




    I). MOVE UP TO MATURE LEVEL OF TRUTH: THAT MORE THAN SHAKING A 200 -year-old protest- tactic- of-” feather- throwing- around- tea bags”:

    MOVE UP. (mature!) TO:


    Extreemly Unlawful POLL TAX!!



    DUMMYCRACTS: poll- taxed-out -of – their-job!

    Poll-taxed-out-of his career!






    JUST, USE 1% of your brain, now if you don’t vote dummycrate, then you have “a “billion road-BLOCKS” TO GETTING ACCESS TO FAIRNESS IN COURTS! TO QUESTION ELLIGIBILTY!
    JUDICIAL Poll tax!!!

    *) Illegal poll tax: if you don’t “vote-&suckup-to”: -dummycrats, you aint getting ACCESS TO MAIN STREAM MEDIA!!







    Wake-up! Dammit!






    SO WITHIN. 30 seconds of obama Hi-Jacking everything in this country what the hell did you do?

    Please put the guns away, back in their closets






    Need up to 3 million Patriots to legally change our names to Barrack Hussain Obama, to get IMMEDIATE IMMUNITY, AND PROTEST LIKE HELL IN STREETS!







  43. AmericanGrandJury.org – The super grand jury of 172 members unanimously voted to indict the usurper. I hope they can get a lot more grand jury members for July. I hope they will be successful with the courts in getting the usurper removed ASAP! I am sick and tired of all the horrible things that foreign monster is doing to our country. He is a poor excuse for a usurper.

  44. Who’s going to do the rounding up? We are going to need the seals, special ops,rangers, and many other forces to bring this to a halt.

    I am going to predict that Obama will not go down as he should by using the TOTUS one more time and resign. He will fight this. When he is exposed he will call it a technicality and will not step down. This will create extreme civil unrest.

    Military, Veterans, and peace officers who will honor their oaths to defend the Constitution, will NOT “just follow orders,” will stand for liberty, and will save the Republic, so help us God. Our motto is:

    “Not on Our Watch!”

  45. Validated Facts on Obama Eligibility Story Updated and Expanded

    If you read the articles at the link and review the citations at the embedded links, you will be “literate” about the facts of the “eligibility” story and will be able to inform the public objectively.

    AKA Obama Fans: All together now – say OMG!!


  46. The big post after my last one looks like Jackie after a few….LOL Does anyone know what that is all about? Geeez

  47. GG: gotta admit…thinking that was you rambling…I wondered just how much pre-Independence Day celebrating (or just your usual ‘hey, WTH, it’s Friday’-thing)…you’ve been doing…a little Jack Daniels or J&B perhaps? Musta been a few bottles o’fun…but dang…a T.U.I. shoulda oughta be issued…
    (Typing Under Influence)…yeeehaaaa!
    Party at Jackie’s everyone! Wheeee!!!
    (or was that really you, GG?)

  48. Activity on the Kerchner case:
    Defendants, Motion to Dismiss


  49. GREG GOSS……………………….I am just about as P.O.d as you are. We keep seeing, and hearing all of the LIBERAL insanity, and it is enough to blow up your brain, as BECK would say. There is one outstanding fact which if used correctly has a good chance of bringing Soetoro’s manure to a screeching halt. He has MADE THE MISTAKE OF TREADING upon the wrong entity, and it was coiled and ready to strike. He has tread upon the US military, and I am praying that they DON”T MISS when they strike. I believe that the UCMJ Article 135 Which basically allows a person being court martialed to question the legal authority of the person whose signature appears upon the initial recitation of the charges. “By what authority do you bring these charges.” If he replies “Euthority of Commander in Chief, he can then be required to PROVE that he is the LEGAL Commander in Chief. If he is not a LEGAL POTUS then he is NOT the legal CIC as well. These up coming court martials have about a 95 percent chance of bringing him down. “Don’t tread on me”

  50. CORRECTION…………………………………

    Earlier today, and just a few minutes ago I placed a comment regarding the UCMJ Article 135. I failed to look up ,and verify the article. In actuality it is Article 138 Right to Redress. While 135 does also pertain, it does not address the right to Redress. The correct Article is 138.
    Sorry for the blunder. Had my fingers in gear before I had my mind engaged.

  51. I can’t believe the usurper is talking about
    the brutality against the Iranians. He was
    in tight with his cousin in Kenya during his
    campaign and the killing of Christians.
    Obama is a hypocrite among other things.

  52. Why do I find myself humming The WHO song:
    “Kenya see the real me…Kenya…KENYA??!!”

  53. Well we must be skeptical of the sudden willingness to discuss the birth certificate

    It could be a trick because they have the forgery ready to go, to divert from the real issue which is his ineligibility via Article II s.1 of the Constitution.

    I have seen their emphasis based on the confabulations the Obots post on Wikipedia to be obfuscation of the facts of eligibility and muddling of the definition of natural born citzen, to the end of confusing readers about the fact that a US citizen CANNOT be president (which is a true statement) only a natural born citizen can be so. They know most people are confused by this, even the “journalists” emphasize US citizenship as the criterion for eligibility.

    I also tried to post over at that radio blog and it would not take…so I think it’s an artificial vent…they only want to paint us as wingnuts and not hear about SCOTUS precedents and La Loi Des Gens and statements and resolutions proving jus soli jus sanguinus.

  54. that last half of that sentence reads like something I heard at a Pentecostal revival…
    heeheehee….at least somebody knew what it meant…

  55. …and, by the way: “Amen! Brother…”

  56. Who ever is fortunate enough to see a day in court with O-Fraudo, should make sure they are seeking “much more” than just the bc.

    They better get access to the passports (someone already ended up dead over that one)

    They need to get access to all the college records as well.

    He might be able to forge a bc, but he’s going to have a hard time forging everything else.

    They also need to subpoena that Selective Service form as well, and have it analyzed by an expert (because we all know it’s a forgery as well)

    I’ve got this gut feeling, this snake is going to sliver right out of this fix, and continue on his way.

    God, i hope i’m wrong!

  57. The South—Do you really think it’s possible for
    anyone to snake out of ALL the eligibility issues that the usurper has to deal with? I just don’t
    think he’ll continue to get away with this
    charade for much longer. With all the groups
    researching, suits filed, military court martials
    to come, no one else could continue to hide
    the truth. Obama will get caught, and he’ll
    be given an option to leave the country—I just
    bet—-in lieu of incarceration.

  58. la loi des gens—-the law of the people (in French)

  59. The entire BC “et al” documents are red herrings. All of these can be forged, and then responses to them “spun” as conspiracy theories by the PTB.

    What cannot be “spun,” (even by the PTB) are legal facts. Presenting the following to the administration, and their response will be the “smoking gun.”

    “During the election, then Senator Obama published a statement at his website which said that his birth status was “governed” by the British Nationality Act of 1948. Can you please tell the American people how a natural born citizen of the United States can be governed – at birth – by British law?”
    – Leo Donofrio (http://naturalborncitizen.wordpress.com/)

    Hopefully, at the Kerchner et al v Obama & Congress et al’ case, this question can finally be submitted to the defendants, and recorded for the record. This case will almost certainly end up in SCOTUS.

    This is the proverbial straw that will break the camel’s back…

  60. truthbetold11

    why do i get that strange feeling m jacksons death was no accident but a staged death to silence him. repux has a excellent post about his involment with some shiek. Remember obama fooled 60 million people. this timing og farah faucets death and many court cases coming up help aide in the deception

  61. V Vote
    O Out
    T The
    E Evil

    Vote Out the CONS in CONgress. Especially all the ones that VOTED for the Destroy America bill.

    The BaWRECK Obamerica continues.

    BO Got BC? NBC?
    http://www.wnd.com to see

    Stand Up, Rise Up befor ethere is no America to Stand Up For.

  62. @truthbetold11 (10:59 pm)

    I think we are on the same wavelength here. Consider that the MJ death was a psyop, as a precursor (conditioning) to a larger psyop.

    I refer to “Louiegirl_Chicago” (pg. 35) in the comments of the KTBB’s forum…

    “…the whole thing is awful because should this happen, it means that the election has to be held again. and on top of that, none of the bills that obama signed into law as president will be valid. what a can of worms! how will it look to the rest of the world?”

    The key phrase here is:

    “none of the bills that obama signed into law as president will be valid.”

    That especially includes the 2 trillion dollar bailout to largely Wall Street bankers, and their international (read “foreign”) cronies.

    Now, if you were strictly a “business person,” protecting with your life your hard earned profits, just how would one go about preventing this scenario from coming to fruition?

    Let me phrase this another way. Producing a BC “et al” documents (albeit “forgeries”) will not diffuse the situation. Allowing the inquiry posed by Donofrio in a court of law, will almost certainly insure the outcome highlighted in “Louiegirl_Chicago’s” scenario.

    What is the ONLY sure way to diffuse that? How do you prevent the likelihood of another general presidential election (way too expensive in matters of “cost-effectiveness”), and at the same time preserve the “status quo” AND your profits?

  63. I might add, to also throw a proverbial “wrench” into the momentum of the 2010 mid-term elections, that will “buy” enough “time” to get us to 2012, that by that “time,” all other “matters” including and especially the general election of 2012 is obsolete?

  64. Please allow me some further thought here. I do this, for the benefit of preparing the minds of those participating here for a most probable future.

    Postulating beyond 2012. If anyone here is familiar with the mulitmedia game “Deus Ex,” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deus_ex) this is very likely what is in for our future. At least preparatory to that end. If you are not familiar with the term “predictive programming,” then I admonish you to google that for amplification. In the same manner, also begin to familiarize yourself with the “Transhuman” movement, as well as genetic bioengineering and organic transgenics. Much of what “Deus Ex” portrays, is very much in line with what William (Bill) Cooper, the former naval intelligence officer that was assassinated by federal and state authorities just after Sept. 11, 2001, describes in his surviving archives.

    If you deem yourself brave enough, then I would also refer you to Tom Horn and his series at:


    Beyond Obama himself, these “people” are evil beyond most’s willful comprehension.

    Prepare yourself. “Know Thy Enemy.”

  65. Tea Party Patriots Action Alert



    Dear Tea Party Patriots,

    Sometimes the call to duty comes in the middle of the night. This is one of those times. And we apologize for the short notice, but you’ve spoken loud and clear, and demanded action.

    Since sending the email asking you what you wanted to do about passage of the Cap and Trade bill approximately 3 hours ago, I have received thousands of responses. All are demanding action, and all are outraged that the House of Representatives passed the Cap and Trade bill, which will cost each family almost $2,000 per year in additional expenses through increased energy prices across all sectors. Patriots across the nation are telling us it’s time to take to the streets. We are in full support of your clearly expressed opinion and are here to assist. 

    To paraphrase one gentleman in the East on a conference call tonight, we need to lean out of every window and scream that we’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore! And we need to scream until everyone is screaming with us. 


    Today you were scammed by the House of Representatives, and despite the fact that you shut down the phones of virtually every member of the House, and barraged them with millions of emails telling them this was against your will, they ignored you and voted for another bill which they haven’t even read. The madness needs to stop and we need to stop the Senate from passing the bill.

    Tomorrow, because you have demanded it…we take to the streets. 

    Take to the Streets to Protest the Cap and Trade Passage in the House

    Date: June 27, 2009

    Time: Noon until – as long as it takes.

    Place: State Capitol; or Federal Building in your City, County or Parish


    Please go to http://www.teapartypatriots.org and list your event. Please try to coordinate with others you see posting events there. If there is already an event in your area, please plant to attend that event, and / or volunteer to help that organizer. This is about coordination, not competition. We need to send a message to the politicians.

    Bring signs, bullhorns, and your usual good behavior. It’s imperative that we shock the politicians and press by being there in large numbers, but we want to make sure that we maintain our reputation by not causing any damage or destruction.

    We wrote and asked what you are willing to do about it…and you answered, by the thousands…you said you wanted to take it to the streets. Now it’s time for you to spread the message. The time is short, but we can make it happen.

    We believe that the Senate will bring the Cap and Traitor bill to the floor on the sixth or seventh of July. We need to send a forceful message to the Senators that we will not tolerate passage of the ACES act in the Senate.

    You are the patriot heroes of a true grass roots movement. We asked, and you told us loud and clear what you wanted to do. You told us it’s time to light a grass fire and hit the streets tomorrow?

    We apologize for the late notice. Your patriotism in standing up to your government is appreciated, and serves as a powerful testament to the founders of this great nation.


    Mark Meckler, Amy Kremer and Jenny Beth Martin

    Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team

    Amy Kremer (amykremer@gmail.com; amykremer on gchat, 678.495.8271)
    Jenny Beth Martin (jennybethm@gmail.com; jennybethm on gchat, 404.326.0936)
    Mark Meckler (mark@teapartypatriots.org, mark.grassroots on gchat)
    Rob Neppell (rob@teapartypatriots.org)

  66. Next Obama is coming after our savings accounts, retirement accounts…the methodology will be creative and indirect as usual. If there’s a penny more to be had after he dilutes the value of the dollar he will steal that too. I have heard rumors his National Real Estate taxes will be made so high that if you cannot pay them they will allow you to deed your real estate to the government upon your death so you will not be evicted…bingo the government owns your property. I don’t know what to do, seems the whole government has turned on We The People, they are totally against us.

  67. Apologies in advance for the double post – due to the urgency of this message I received, I’m trying to get past the moderation hold because of multiple links.

    Tea Party Patriots Action Alert



    Dear Tea Party Patriots,

    Sometimes the call to duty comes in the middle of the night. This is one of those times. And we apologize for the short notice, but you’ve spoken loud and clear, and demanded action.

    Since sending the email asking you what you wanted to do about passage of the Cap and Trade bill approximately 3 hours ago, I have received thousands of responses. All are demanding action, and all are outraged that the House of Representatives passed the Cap and Trade bill, which will cost each family almost $2,000 per year in additional expenses through increased energy prices across all sectors. Patriots across the nation are telling us it’s time to take to the streets. We are in full support of your clearly expressed opinion and are here to assist.

    To paraphrase one gentleman in the East on a conference call tonight, we need to lean out of every window and scream that we’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore! And we need to scream until everyone is screaming with us.


    Today you were scammed by the House of Representatives, and despite the fact that you shut down the phones of virtually every member of the House, and barraged them with millions of emails telling them this was against your will, they ignored you and voted for another bill which they haven’t even read. The madness needs to stop and we need to stop the Senate from passing the bill.

    Tomorrow, because you have demanded it…we take to the streets.

    Take to the Streets to Protest the Cap and Trade Passage in the House

    Date: June 27, 2009

    Time: Noon until – as long as it takes.

    Place: State Capitol; or Federal Building in your City, County or Parish


    Please try to coordinate with others you see posting events there. If there is already an event in your area, please plant to attend that event, and / or volunteer to help that organizer. This is about coordination, not competition. We need to send a message to the politicians.

    Bring signs, bullhorns, and your usual good behavior. It’s imperative that we shock the politicians and press by being there in large numbers, but we want to make sure that we maintain our reputation by not causing any damage or destruction.

    We wrote and asked what you are willing to do about it…and you answered, by the thousands…you said you wanted to take it to the streets. Now it’s time for you to spread the message. The time is short, but we can make it happen.

    We believe that the Senate will bring the Cap and Traitor bill to the floor on the sixth or seventh of July. We need to send a forceful message to the Senators that we will not tolerate passage of the ACES act in the Senate.

    You are the patriot heroes of a true grass roots movement. We asked, and you told us loud and clear what you wanted to do. You told us it’s time to light a grass fire and hit the streets tomorrow?

    We apologize for the late notice. Your patriotism in standing up to your government is appreciated, and serves as a powerful testament to the founders of this great nation.


    Mark Meckler, Amy Kremer and Jenny Beth Martin

    Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team

  68. For sale on eBay: Obama’s ‘Kenyan birth certificate’

    Seller claims Mombasa document ‘certified copy’


  69. LM they took the listing down or it was a fake. I sell on ebay and have for years. I have had a listing canceled by ebay before because I used a picture that I shouldn’t have.

    Anyway, I have contacted the person who listed the item to see if he indeed listed it and why it has been removed.

    We’ll see if he answers

  70. Because he could be faking or pushing up daisies

  71. goodtimepolitics
  72. Ha…he wrote me back. Ebay pulled it and he got them to relist it…so it has a new item number

    Here is the link:


    I have just asked him if he will send me a private picture since he refuses to post it lest the internet go crazy and make facsimiles etc.

    We’ll see.
    In his description he describes himself as an international coin collector and I checked up on his ebay purchases….he is telling the truth there. He has been collecting on ebay for over a year……
    so that much is true.
    He is also in Iowa. So if we have a reader there who could actually ask to SEE it??

  73. Okay…I have asked if we could come and physically inspect the document. I also asked why he didn’t come forward with it as he would then be famous and make tons of money on interviews. I also asked if he feared for his safety…lol

    I’ll let you know….

    Maybe it is a publicity stunt to draw attention to the whole issue?

  74. About that eBay auction of Obama’s alleged certified Kenyan birth certificate . . .

    My guess is it could be authentic because both eBay and the seller could get in big, big trouble if it is not as advertised.

    My greater concern is: What if one of Obama’s henchman, posing as John Doe, buys it and the evidence disappears?

    Also, why is the eBay seller trying to personally profit when America’s future and the Constitution are at stake? That does not pass the smell test.

  75. Sandy – What a wonderful story to wake up to. All we need is for 1000 of us to put up $1000.00 each and we will have him nailed. What scares me more though is how much are the usurpers followers willing to pay? This is one big story.

  76. I hust went to the site again and I see over a 100 new people have gone to see it. There were 287 total looks as of a minute ago. Let’s see how fast this interest is growing. This story could knock the MJ fever right off the map.

  77. I have read the Motion to Dismiss linked above, in Kerchner. As I predicted, this case will be dismissed for all of the reasons I have previously set forth here. In sum, you cannot have standing without a particularized interest, that is, an interest greater than the average citizen. 2) Members of Congress have sovereign immunity, that is, you cannot sue them for actions taken as members of Congress. (Nancy Pelosi has no immunity for conduct related to her role as Chair of the 2008 DNC Convention.) 3) The federal court has no Constitutional authority to issue advisory opinions.

    Again, the reason the military Plaintiffs in my military Complaint for Declaratory Judgment have standing is that, if BO is Constitutionally ineligible to be POTUS (and thus, CIC); and given the oath of the military to protect and defend the Constitution then, any military member upholding his oath could be subject to discipline under the UCMJ. That is, in the future, this military Plaintiff in the Declaratory Judgment case could become the Defendant in a criminal proceeding under the Code. That’s why he needs to know now whether BO is a NBC.

    As I have also said, even if BO moves to dismiss such a military Complaint, on any of these procedural bases, how will that look to the world, for the POTUS to oppose the case procedurally against a member of the military without offering up evidence to the court that would tend to establish, he is a NBC?

  78. Something just does not smell right with this Kenyan BC showing up on EBay. If it is the real thing BO’s thugs will grab it in a minute. Hope this guy made several copies.
    Wow, this is fun, thanks Sandy for checking it out.
    This morning I am trying to organize a protest in front of the Federal Building, here in Wilmington, NC, at noon today. We have to let the Senate know that we are not happy about the Cap and Trade Bill.
    The 8 Republicans need to be bombarded with calls and mail also. I already started emails early this morning.

  79. OK FOLKS – THIS IS THE BIG ONE. I JUST GOOGLED -“barack obama’s kenyan birth certificate on e-bay” and there are already 55,000 stories on it. There have been over 500 looks at the e-bay site in the last half hour. If Drudge puts it up then it’s curtains for the USURPER.

    OR …..(my cma)

  80. Thank you for alerting us all to this fascinating auction. It now has 661 views.

    I love the CitizenWells’ comments section!

  81. The Ebay thing is weird. The item number is a new one from the WND story. But you cannot search for it. You can copy and paste the actual title and it comes up 0 items found. If you search the item number it does come up. I refresh the page and the counter updates. I am also able to watch the item in MyEbay. So it appears to be a legit post. But Ebay is not allowing searches for it.

  82. Okay. I am a power seller on ebay for a few years now wiht close to 700 transactions so I know how the site works. Greg, they pulled the first listing and he was able to get them to relist it which is why you see an item number change. I wrote the guy again. Here is his response to my questions:

    Hello again. Great questions. The winning bidder is welcome to pick up the birth certifcate in person. I’ve already contemplated releasing the birth certificate to the press. A newspaper like the Los Angeles Times. Better yet, go on TV with CNN. These sound like fantastic ideas. However, it’s difficult to be taken seriously with something as atypical as Barack Obama’s African birth certificate. I’ve read some online posts regarding my eBay account. It seems that a lot of people don’t undertstand that I am a collector. I bought a book on eBay entitled “Hitman”, it’s listed in my recent transactions and feedback profile. It looks as if some online communities are frightened by this. Well, I’m a collector and the book is one of the only real “banned” books in the US, making it highly collectible. Thanks for your questions. I trust that my answers are helpful.

    – colmado_naranja

    Colmado means a gathering place-hotspot and naranja means orange….I loked that up too hoping it would be a name….

    Anyway…by picking it up in person, a document specialist can go with you. I am writing again to ask if he allows paypal for the transaction in which case the buyer is protected up to a certain amount….not nearly 1 million which is the buy it now price.

    The whole thing sounds VERY fishy….but he is not like a normal scammer who has joined recently and only has a couple of transactions. He has been there a year and a half.

    Anyway…I’ll let you know more when I write him again

  83. There is no Buy it Now offer. And 1440 hits…which is double what it was 5 mins ago.

  84. jbjd,

    I am not sure that the judge will grant the motion to dismiss in this case. He has made some startling statements on this matter and has even allowed comments. He has stated that the case will go forward earlier. so my question is why would he make the statements he has, allow comments, knowing, as did we all, that a motion to dismiss was a given?

  85. The auction sponsor states:
    “I’m a collector of old Dominican and Cuban money.”
    In the Dominican Republic, where I lived and worked for 1 1/2 years, a colmado is a neighborhood store selling things like eggs (one at a time – unrefrigerated), onions, candles (for when “se fue la luz – black out) and other staples to the neighborhood. Oh yes and refrescos (pop) nice and cold — It gets hot there. From my experience in the DR, colmados are rudimentary convenience stores. I have been to many colmados – they usually are playing merengue music pretty loud.

  86. There is no buy it now because there are now 9 bids on the item. That option usually goes away with the first bid. The original buy it now was a million

  87. Are there not rewards out there that are in the millions for his “Original Long Form” Why doesn’t he just deliver it for the reward?

  88. On second thought why don’t I just bid on the item and then go collect the reward myself….

  89. …dang…I just can’t think of anything funny to write about that…maybe I need to go get another cup of coffee…nobody seems to have liked my WHO song comparison…
    “Kenya see the real me; Kenya…KENYA??!!”…nope…still aint funny.
    More caffeine, please…

  90. Hi Sandy,

    I’m a fair eBayer myself and have seen many unusual items offered, as I’m sure you have.

    Don’t know if I buy the seller’s explanation of why he’s listing this on eBay, but his descriptive write-up on the site is pretty good. He does have a selling history but I’m not sure there isn’t a caveat in there somewhere.

    Please send more info as you get it…this is fascinating!

    (Please also include your eBay handle so that I can buy some stuff 🙂 ).

  91. The reward was for the Hawaiian certificate.

    Sue, I took a real job in January when sales dropped so I have no items listed at the present time. But, my id is hiddencloset01….you can save it for when I start listing again.

    I just don’t know about this wierdness…..I may list something with those key words though since it is getting so many hits….lol

  92. It really must have scared somebody because the e-bay original has gone. NOW WHAY?

  93. Listing is down again….hmmmmm


  95. Ha, are you kidding me? I made a copy as soon as I could!

  96. I have it

  97. My Google alert just sent me 8 post to “Obama’s Birth Certificate on sale on Ebay” Ha.

  98. Whadaya think? Interference from Ovomit thugs or bogus listing?

  99. I still have emails out to the guy….maybe he will relist?

  100. I think maybe he did it as a joke and did not expect so much attention. I emailed him again this morning asking him what he planned to do about his personal physical security.

    Maybe he got scared and realized his hoax was serious?

  101. I FOUND A COPY-

    For sale on eBay: Obama’s ‘Kenyan birth certificate, Seller claims …
    Jun 27, 2009 … [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 36 | View Replies]. Disclaimer: Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual posters and …
    http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2280528/posts – 9 hours ago – Similar
    More results from http://www.freerepublic.com »

  102. The Kenyan BC on ebay has been removed. It was up to $10,350.

  103. I wrote him and told him I had serious pledges of close to 1/2 million and want to know what happened to the listing…..we’ll see

  104. Ya’ll may have to pony up….lol

  105. Sandy, You are killing me!!!!! lol
    Ok, the check is in the mail.

  106. What does a British/ Kenyan birth certificate from 1961 look like? What info does it contain?
    Anyone, out there, who was born, in Zanzibar/ Kenya, in 1961, please post a copy for us to view. Barry, this includes you!

  107. Sandy,

    Whatever I have left over from food shopping, filling up the gas tank, and buying pet supplies today is yours for the cause (don’t get too excited about the dollar amount, OK?)

  108. Greg, Sandy and All,

    Going to eBay right now and signing up for e-mails to be informed of when ‘Obama’s Birth Certificate’ is listed by any seller. This feature works well, and I get a ton of ‘Susan Boyle’ merchandise daily.

    Let’s see what I get.

  109. Sue…he was answering my emails quickly even at 4:00am. Now…crickets and ebay even removed messages from my inbox concerning the item…..I have copies though

  110. Sandy,

    Holy crow…I’ve *never* had a message removed unless I removed it!

    Have signed up for alerts, but this issue seems to be be the hot potato we know it is, even on eBay!

    Even if this was a fraud (likely an Obot posting) some media coverage of the orginal eBay posting might be very nice.

    I’m sure I’ll get a lot of junk with the e-mail alerts, but you never know.

  111. Good letter Greg!! Sue this whole thing is odd …hope WND gets an update

    Comedy break time:


  112. Uh Oh, Looks like it is unlisted again:

    BO Kenyan BC on EBay:

    0 results found for 160344928067 [ Save this searchSaved toMy eBay. ]
    Your search returned 0 items

  113. Just to add to the speculations, suppose the alleged certified copy of Obama’s birth certificate at eBay is part of a sting operation by the FBI (or any person or organization) . . . to entrap a certain White House denizen?

  114. Sandy,

    WND has posted it:


    Let’s see if this thing has legs…

  115. jbjd,
    Can the DNC, and Pelosi, be charged under the Rico act, for instilling an ineligible candidate, and illegal candidate, and usurper, into the position of President?
    This fraud needs to end, I can’t believe the criminals have out smarted the system, and jammed, this usurper, down our throats.
    Where is the FBI? Why hasn’t this fraud been investigated by our law enforcement? All I see is massive pay to play Chicago (Daley) politics on a massive scale.
    How long, will it be, before we get a ruling, from a legal authority, as to eligibility?
    The DNC, and Pelosi were “caught with there pants down”, and now they are in cover-up mode, to keep hidden, the fraud, of certifying Barry as NBC, to place him on the ballot in the election. They knew he wasn’t NBC, hell, the whole world knows, and the people in this country, are spoon fed, a bunch of crap, from these criminals, about, how Barry qualifies, as NBC, because the criminals put a scanned image on the internet! If nothing else charge them all with document fraud, that should be easy to prove, get the document, from fact check, the same one they photographed and put on the internet.
    Is my frustration showing? Sorry.

  116. The Auction is over!

    Winning bid: US $10,350.00

    WINNER: p***1

  117. Yeah but I was hoping WND had updated a story about it’s removal.

  118. Georgetown….do you have a link to that?

  119. I had the item in “watch” if it sold they would have notified me. the auction had over nine days left. Even if he ended the auction early, they would not have removed my messages received from him on said item

  120. bob strauss

    Someone, claiming, to have a Birth certificate, showing, Obama ,was born, in Mombasa, Kenya, doesn’t sound quite right.
    When Obama was born, the country was Zanzibar, a British colony. Kenya came later and should not be on his BC.

  121. He has listed the reasons why ebay canceled his auctions

  122. New ebay listing for Obamas birth certificate, with a twist.

    The seller has received a notice from ebay that they won’t allow the selling of gov’t documents on their site.

    So, now the seller has decided not to sell the birth certificate, but rather sell the “story of how he obtained it”.

    If you buy the story, you get the birth certificate as a bonus.

    Lets see how long this listing stays up this time.

    See it here

  123. Wow, what a story. It keeps sounding more credible.
    Her email address was posted on one of the ebay messages. Dawnella_Wilson
    This has been fun!
    It would be so wonderful if it is true, but I will not hold my breath.
    I have always said that all of these lawsuits, etc could go on forever. It will be something really stupid that will bring Obama down, and it will come out of nowhere.

  124. I’m the current high bidder…lol

  125. Hahahaha@Sandy, be careful!

  126. yeh…wow!! “Lucy…ju go son ‘splaaneen t-do!”

  127. Maybe he needs to reword to “reproduced” because Elvis Presley’s BC is also being sold on ebay


  128. you can’t make up stuff this funny…POTUS getting KO’d on eBay to the highest bidder?…whodathunkit?

  129. …maybe, if convicted, he could be sentenced to be somebody’s butler! heehee…

  130. Could it be that ebay will end up having more journalistic credibility than the NY Times? ROFLOL

  131. somewhere is written something like, (paraphrased): “they will be ensnared by the very trap they set for others…”; might that include a pay-to-play scheme…like eBay? Hmmm, just a thought…kinda weird.

  132. I am laughing so hard, and you might know Sandy is involved. We have had so many good laughs together, but this one takes the cake.
    Re-do, that is sort of what I have said. It will be something so simple and stupid that will bring BO down. But ebay? This is the best ever.
    Somehow Ed Hale will say that he is behind it.

  133. There once was a fellow named Barry
    His story could have an ending that’s harry
    He paid-to-play
    He’s been sold on eBay
    But me thinks the buyer should be wary….

  134. magna carta

    I think the protest need to be scheduled for NIGHTIME.It is 100 degrees in Houston.We need to have candlelight marches in the streets at night.From8-12..say…

  135. Linda…..you are so right. How will Hale twist this to take credit?


    Great poem re-do

    Great man in his own mind-Barry
    Some think he’s a closet kook- fairy
    Usurping our country by the records he hid
    A long-legged mack daddy goes down with a bid

  136. jbjd- No so fast …there are exceptions to Article III standing:

    1.Prudential Standing Rules-
    2.Standing to Challenge Nonconstitutional Governmental Action.—


  137. This is getting crazier….they canceled my bid….

  138. What a shame Sandy…. I hope the seller is OK

  139. Kenya has been called Kenya since the late 1800’s. It was a protectorate of Zanzibar before that. Zanzibar is still Zanzibar.

  140. It’s pulled again……

  141. Here is my latest email to this person:

    Hi…I have tried to bid on this item. I have had some of my auctions pulled before too…VERY frustrating.

    Can you give me someone who I can speak to who can verify that you did indeed get this document for my investors. We are prepared to make a generous offer….you can list at the price we offer and we will buy it the second you list so they cannot cancel?

  142. Good luck Sandy..

  143. Sandy, Have you contacted Ebay support?

  144. Quantcast

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    What is a “Natural Born Citizen?”
    The World & I, by Nancy Salvato

    Original Article

    Posted By:quidnunc, 6/27/2009 1:06:19 PM

    US Schools require students to pass a Federal Constitution test before they graduate from the middle or senior grades. (snip) That said, many people would find themselves unable to explain the evolution of the phrase “natural born citizen” or understand or care why it matters.

    The World & I is a monthly magazine with both print and online issues which publishes articles of interest to serious people on a broad range of subjects. It is owned by the same company which owns The Washington Times.
    Reply 1 – Posted by: BignJames, 6/27/2009 1:10:02 PM (No. 5637320)

    US Schools require students to pass a Federal Constitution test before they graduate from the middle or senior grades

    Oh, yeah? Since when?

    Reply 2 – Posted by: Liberty7, 6/27/2009 1:38:07 PM (No. 5637384)

    Long article which IMHO is not worth the time. Right off, in the third paragraph it equates the term “natural born citizen” with (citizen at birth). There is nothing in the Constitution that says that. The fact is the term “natural born citizen” as used in the Constitution with reference to the President has never been interpreted and while the article rambles through a lot of alternatives, it really doesn’t suggest any practical solution to understanding the term that will ever be accepted. Chances are if you are a citizen by birth, you are a natural born citizen, but how do you become a citizen by birth? There have to be legal standards and interpretation within the confines of the amended constitution. Senator McCain wasn’t born in the United States [although he was born in territory then administered by the U.S.]. It is only reasonable to find that he was a natural born citizen and that he would have if he had been born someplace else outside the territory of the U.S.

    Reply 3 – Posted by: quidnunc, 6/27/2009 1:44:58 PM (No. 5637395)

    McCain wasn’t born in the Canal Zone proper, he was born in a hospital in Panama City.

    Amnd George W. Romney, who was the GOP presidential candidate in 1968 was born in a Mormon colony in the Mexican state of Chihuahua.

    Reply 4 – Posted by: AbingtonJim, 6/27/2009 1:48:58 PM (No. 5637405)

    Bottom line: Øbama’s “birth certificate” is sealed and we don’t have a definitive answer to the question “Is He or Isn’t He?”.

    Reply 5 – Posted by: Observer177, 6/27/2009 2:08:50 PM (No. 5637436)

    Not quite sure where this author is coming from, because Ms. Salvato is “President and Director of Education at the Constitutional Literacy Program for Basics Project “… focused on the threats of aggressive Islamo-fascism and the American Fifth Column,” which would seem to make her a Conservative, and she quotes many solid sources that warn of Presidents who are subject to foreign influences or not sufficiently attached to America and its history and traditions, she seems to be arguing that Obama is a ‘natural born citizen,” since she writes:

    “Although President Obama has a Kenyan father, and was later adopted by an Indonesian national, the fact that his mother was a citizen should legitimize his being born a U.S. citizen.”

    However, in the brief he filed with the U.S. Supreme Court to compel Obama to produce his original birth certificate for examination, lawyer Philip J. Berg laid out in detail his argument, that under the U.S. laws and immigration regulations in place at the time of Obama’s birth—especially if that birth were in Kenya as Berg’s brief contended–his mothers age of 17 rather than 18 years and her residency history would have precluded her from transferring her American citizenship to Obama.

    Reply 6 – Posted by: quidnunc, 6/27/2009 2:33:59 PM (No. 5637480)

    Philip Berg is a 9/11 Truther who brought a RICO lawsuit charging president George W. Bush and 154 others with complicity in the 9/11 attacks.

    His credibility is non-existent.

    Jerome Corsi is also a 9/11 Truther.

    Reply 7 – Posted by: Observer177, 6/27/2009 2:37:09 PM (No. 5637489)


    Neither the MSM nor the courts—including the U.S. Supreme Court–wanted to touch this “natural born citizen” issue during the election, when it could have saved us an enormous amouunt of uncertainty, suspicion and trouble.

    All ruled against the several petitioners–U.S. citizens all—ruling that none of these U.S. citizens had the proper “standing” to question Obama’s citizenship status, that would allow the courts to move forward to an actual examination of the petitioner’s contentions that Obama did not meet the natural born citizen test of the Constitution; thus, these courts all ducked the issue, and never had to examine the substantive issues, claims, statues and points of law raised by various petitioners. But now that citizens are starting to wake up to the fact that they are being frog marched towards Socialism or something far worse—do you really want to pay another $1,500 per year for energy in the service of the unproven theory of “anthropogenic global warming,” or find that your elderly parents or you–if you are older–might be denied necessary care in a national health care system that rations resources based on the decision of some bureaucrat?

    Reply 8 – Posted by: booklady1, 6/27/2009 2:50:26 PM (No. 5637520)

    The Birthers arguement is that it doesn’t matter if Obama was born in Hawaii or in Kenya. They believe that, though it isn’t stated in the Constitution per se, BOTH parents must be born in the US for a person to be ‘natural born’, even if that person himself was born in the US. Obama’s father was Kenyan and a British citizen because Kenya was British at that time. A person’s citizenship is that of his father’s, so they say, so therefore Obama is British, not a natural born US citizen even if born in Hawaii.

    Now, tell me- does anyone really think this line of reasoning will ever be accepted by the majority of US citizens in the 21st century when it is not spelled out in this detail in the Constitution, the Supreme Court has never ruled this way, and Obama has already been elected?

    Reply 9 – Posted by: EllaZella, 6/27/2009 2:51:45 PM (No. 5637524)

    Did he ever act as a “dual citizen” of Indonesia or UK/Kenya? I would think that holding dual citizenship invalidates the claim to Natural Born Citizenship.

    I think it is very likely that he was a dual citizen of Indonesia and not so likely that he was born outside of Hawaii. Obfuscation on the birth certificate issue keeps people focused on that issue and keeps them from thinking more deeply about his allegiances.

    Reply 10 – Posted by: Observer177, 6/27/2009 2:51:54 PM (No. 5637525)

    I notice that whenever anyone raises legitimate questions about Obama’s birth and citizenship status–vital questions about his fitness for office that should be explored–the pejorative terms are not far behind. You can shout “Truther,” or “Birther” or whatever other pejorative term–designed to short circuit thinking and terminate examination and debate–you can come up with but, you cannot forever successfully divert attention from an examination of the points raised by those who have raised what are, on their face, very legitimate questions about whether Obama, who has spent–along with the DNC–an estimated $1 million dollars so far to prevent production and examination of Obama’s original birth certificate, meets the “natural born citizen” test of the Constitution.

    “Where there is smoke there is fire” and one million dollars makes an awful lot of smoke.

    Reply 11 – Posted by: quidnunc, 6/27/2009 3:22:04 PM (No. 5637605)

    The conspiracy theories of Truthers and Birthers will eventually go the way of the passenger pigeon and scare stories about the New World Order, jet contrails and the FEMA shadow government.

    The trouble is panicing about such nitwittery tends to destroy credibility when legitimate concerns are raised.

    Reply 12 – Posted by: Pelorus, 6/27/2009 3:28:01 PM (No. 5637625)

    I can tell you for certain what a Natural Born American Citizen ain’t. Not some greenish and purple bast’rd born to a little white commie in Mombassa, Kenya.

    Reply 13 – Posted by: pliades, 6/27/2009 3:55:39 PM (No. 5637700)

    Thwaaap! You might want to put some ice on that, I’m sure it must kinda smart!

    Reply 14 – Posted by: CuteSocks, 6/27/2009 3:55:39 PM (No. 5637699)

    I see the ‘dumbing down’ is working.

    Reply 15 – Posted by: Country Boy, 6/27/2009 3:59:19 PM (No. 5637713)

    Natural Born means you are naturally an American, by birth. Obama’s father was Kenyan citizen, at the time a British colony. So at birth, Barry Obama was a British citizen, by way of his father. Obama claims U.S Citizenship saying that he was physically born in Hawaii (zero proof). But persons with dual citizenship cannot be Natural Born U.S. Citizens. If Obama ever was a U.S citizen, it appears he lost that status when he moved to Indonesia, and used an Indonesian passport to travel to Pakistan in the early 1980’s

    He is definitely ineligible for POTUS, and is most likely an illegal alien.

    Post Reply Close thread 478534

  145. They don’t have that it was yanked a third time…..

  146. Sandy,
    You are working very hard. We are all hoping
    for the best on this. If you do win have someone
    (or more) go with you to pick it up (protection
    I’d guess would be in order).
    I looked at his feedback. He doesn’t fit the
    typical scammer on Ebay I’ve run into either.
    Keep us posted.
    Has this hit Drudge yet?
    I’m headed there to check.

  147. Did they yank the “story of how he got the BC”?

  148. I sent the morning story to Drudge this morning. Sadly, I think they have decided this is a phony story. OH WELL,THERE IS ALEAYS TOMORROW.

  149. ms helga—

    I’d give Drudge more time to look into it.
    I just e-mailed them as well.
    What about sending to Globe Magazine?

  150. Patriot Dreamer

    I wonder if Joseph Farah and World Net Daily will be making a bid if e-Bay allows it back up?

  151. Still not back up and no response from the seller who has emailed me at least five times before this last yanking????

  152. When Jerry Corsi visited Kenya he is alleged to have sent copies of the Kenyan BC to 5 people in the US, one of whom was alleged to have been Phil Berg. While I am not convinced that this actually occurred, it would seem to me to be a reasonable insurance policy given the fact that he was held INCOMMUNICADO, by Kenyan officials. Allegedly they had no idea that he had been successful in his mission, and after he was released he sent the copies in case he was arrested again. Since this is all information that I was privvy to several months ago as was everyone else I generally disregarded it. There is a certain potential for it to actually be true. I guess we will all need to wait, and see how Soetoro behaves. Watch closely.

  153. It would seem that EBAY has inadvertently shown their TRUE colors by yanking a document that is in NO WAY a government document, which they allegedly stated it is, they have CLEARLY shown ALL of us their POLITICAL affiliation. Obviously they support Soetoro, and therefore are part, and parcel to what is occurring in the US, as it relates to our Constitution. Perhaps it is time to condemn their behavior by everybody moving to CraigsList. At least Craigslist doesn’t appear to be supporting the alleged POTUS.

  154. Perhaps it would be a good time to express our concern regarding the behavior of SOMEONE at EBAY for having first attempted to lie about the status of a PERSONAL DOCUMENT which is STILL a personal document no matter WHO it might be identified with, or allegedly belong to. Since the listed BC COPY is one of a FOREIGN ENTITY, even strengthens the fact that it is NOT a US Government document, and should in NO WAY be seen ,or looked upon as such.
    It would be a good time to telephone the CEO of EBAY, and see if SHE is willing to retract their statement, and behavior.

  155. I have over twenty different blog post on this from Google alerts. This is great, true or not.

  156. I got an email back from seller telling me that I was welcome to bid on it. I wrote back yet again and told seller that item was gone……….

    drama city

  157. citizenwells

    ******* New post up ********

    Larry Sinclair’s book is ready to ship

  158. If a person wants to donate to the hospital of Obama’s birth to honor him, where do they send the check?

    If a person wants to recognize the doctor who delivered Obama, how can he be contacted?

  159. Articles in Africa stating Senator Obama (at that time) was Kenyan Born


    Links listed but scrubbed by…well, you know

  160. Georgetown, “not so fast” what? I have no idea what are you talking about.

  161. Hi Sandy,

    As with many eBay transactions, if the auction ends and no one bids on the item (or, if the item has been removed, as in this case) the seller is no longer under contract with eBay to sell the item there, and may offer it ‘privately.’ This has happened to me.

    Perhaps if you contact the seller again and offer to negotiate OFF eBay?

  162. Jbjd-you wrote:
    jbjd // June 27, 2009 at 8:56 am

    I have read the Motion to Dismiss linked above, in Kerchner. As I predicted, this case will be dismissed for all of the reasons I have previously set forth here…

    My answer:
    …Not so fast jbjd… There are exceptions to the Article lll Standing, the basis on which the defendants request Motion to Dismiss.

    Their request does not have to granted by the Magistrate. Judge has prudential judgement.
    Plaintiff can plead Standing based on the unconstitutional actions of the Government.
    There are numerous other exceptions to the Article lll Standing

  163. Georgetown, without writing a legal treatise, let me simply state, no Plaintiff with the attenuated interest in the outcome of the case pleaded by Kerchner can satisfy federal court requirements of standing. None of the avenues to standing mentioned in your linked references exists in Kerchner. Besides, standing is just one of the sound bases for Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss.

  164. Among the letters and essays I have written I am going to include this essay in my letter to Judge Schneider and address him as the first shining judge in America for whom we have been praying. I am going to send this decent judge some of my other letters and writings.

    I think this judge is seeking public support and intellectual ammunition to help him sustain the pressure he knows he will receive from Obama thugs.

    You Knew You Were Guilty the first Time You Sentenced an Innocent Man

    A movie called Judgment at Nuremberg was produced and released in 1961. It was the true story of four German judges tried in 1948 for war crimes three years after the most important Nazi leaders had already been tried. These judges used their offices to conduct Nazi sterilization and cleansing policies. Since the cold war was heating no one wanted anymore trials as Germany and allied governments wanted to forget the past.

    Spencer Tracy played the retired American Judge, Dan Harwood who went to Germany to do the job. Burt Lancaster played Judge Ernest Janning, the one judge out of the four for whom the German attorney Hans Rolfe, (played by Maximillion Schell) most passionately defended as the “good judge” who by his sentencing did the least harm. The real life Judge Ernest Janning’s name was Schlegelberger. The story details the trial, the testimony from many victims, and the soul searching struggle of Judge Dan Harwood to reach a fair and objective decision—especially about Judge Hans Rolfe. Finally Judge Harwood renders his decision by finding all the judges equally guilty. Attorney Hans Rolfe, Judge Janning, and several other members of the court are shocked into a state of disbelief. Hans Rolfe had so beautifully pointed out what a benevolent and fair man Judge Ernest Janning was.

    The almost last scene shows Judge Harwood walking through the holding cell where the judges were detained. The American judge stops at the cell of the German judge who basically said nothing through out the whole trial and gives him a long look. Finally, Judge Janning says in a shocked whisper; “Why? Judge Harwood answers him in the wise old voice of Spencer Tracy;
    “You knew you were guilty the first time you sentenced an innocent man.”

    “In its decision, the Justice trial tribunal considered what it called Schlegelberger’s “hesitant injustices.” The tribunal concluded that Schlegelberger “loathed the evil that he did” and that his real love was for the “life of the intellect, the work of the scholar.” In the end he resigned because “the cruelties of the system were too much for him.” Despite its obvious sympathy with Schlegelberger’s plight, the tribunal found him guilty. It pointed out that the decision of a man of his stature to remain in office lent credibilty to the Nazi regime. Moreover, Schegelberger signed his name to orders that, in the tribunal’s judgment, constituted crimes. One case described in the decision involved the prosecution in 1941 of a Jew (Luftgas) accused of “hoarding eggs.” Schlegelberger gave Luftgas a two-and-a-half-year sentence, but then Hitler indicated that he wanted the convicted man executed. Although Schlegelberger may well have protested, he signed his name to the order that led to the execution of Luftgas. Another case cited by the tribunal concerned a remission-of-sentence order signed by Schlegelberger. Scheleberger explained in his decision that the sentence imposed against a police officer who was convicted of beating a Jewish milking hand would have been bad for the morale of officers. “
    One day every judge in United States who threw out a case against Obama asking him to produce his birth certificate and other documents based upon “Lack of standing” or any other technicality instead of merit, will be found guilty, too. They will be found guilty of breach of duty, failure to uphold their oath to protect and defend the Constitution, and maybe even conspiracy with the defendant, and possibly taking a bribe. Every judge who had the opportunity to do one simple request—order Obama to produce the documents that proves he is eligible by the requirements of the US Constitution to be a legal president—and failed to do so unwittingly became a traitor and a coconspirator with a usurper in the Whitehouse. This includes the nine traitors in the Supreme Court who literally had a clandestine meeting with Obama, a plaintiff in several pending lawsuits in the Supreme Court.

    Every one of these judges who failed to do the right thing when asked in his/her court is responsible the existing National Security and Constitutional crisis which now exists in America. A simple court order could have prevented the anguish and grief so many concerned citizens now suffer because of this question. Each and every judge knew he/she were guilty when they dismissed the case instead of making the simple order. They should no longer be permitted to serve as judges. Their names along with the case numbers and their actions should be posted on the inter net hall of shame and they should be sanctioned for crimes against America.

    “Richard A. Posner, federal court of appeals judge and one of the most astute observers of the legal scene, noted that it is not only German judges that might over-identify with popular causes. In The New Republic, Posner wrote:
    Perhaps in the fullness of time the growing of marijuana plants, the “manipulation” of financial markets, the bribery of foreign government officials, the facilitating of the suicide by the terminally ill, and the violation of arcane regulations governing the financing of political campaigns will come to be no more appropriate objects of criminal punishment than “dishonoring the race.” Perhaps not; but [the story of the German judges] can in any event help us to see that judges should not be eager enlisters in popular movements of the day, or allow themselves to become so immersed in a professional culture that they are oblivious to the human consequences of their decisions.”

    Unless Obama succeeds in his blue print to convert the Presidency into a dictatorship and totally turn America into an enslaved country, he will be legally removed from office along with a whole crowd of others. All will be indicted and tried for conspiracy, perjury, acts of treason, and more. It won’t make a difference if only ten people or ten thousand people conspired to harm America in the name of a 2008 Presidential election—all those who played major roles and knowingly supported Obama in spite of the fact he is not a “natural born citizen” will be found guilty and held accountable according to law. We will return America to a Republic under rule of law. WE will make certain these people will be held accountable for the crimes against America. We will not allow America to turn into another Nazi Germany. Every one who knew Obama did not qualify and ignored the Constitution is guilty. It is only a matter of time.
    Therese Daniels © 3/2/09

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