Tag Archives: Patrick Fitzgerald criminal complaint

Governor Rod Blagojevich Impeachment trial, Chicago IL, January 26, 2009, Live audio, Listen to Impeachment trial, Patrick Fitzgerald criminal complaint, Chicago corruption, Obama senate seat, Obama and blagojevich ties

The impeachment trial of Governor Rod Blagojevich began
today, January 26, 2009, without Blagojevich being present.

Listen to Blagojevich Impeachment Trial

Chicago Tribune article on Impeachment

Article by Chicago lawyer, Gerald D. Skoning on Chicago

“Illinois needs a corruption-avoidance program
By Gerald D. Skoning
January 26, 2009”

“Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s campaign fund recently announced expenditures
totaling more than $1.3 million despite the fact that he’s not running
for anything other than his political life and possibly jail. The
recent disbursements from Blagojevich’s campaign war chest include
$705,000 to Winston & Strawn, $500,000 to his former criminal defense
lawyer Ed Genson and another $100,000 for criminal defense co-counsel
Sheldon Sorosky. At this rate, the governor’s campaign fund, which
swelled to $2.7 million in 2008, could potentially be emptied by legal

Political campaign funding in Illinois is a scandalous mess. Antiquated
laws allow politicians to virtually use their campaign coffers as
unregulated slush funds.

When a politician raises campaign funds, those dollars should only be
used for that campaign for that office—print and broadcast media
advertising, retaining political advisers and campaign staff, phone
banks to get out the vote and Internet gurus to mass-produce blast
e-mails, and so on.”

Read more here:
