President Trump statement on Michigan election lawsuit Bailey v Antrim County May 10, 2021, “Michigan Election Fraud case has just filed a bombshell pleading claiming votes were intentionally switched”

President Trump statement on Michigan election lawsuit Bailey v Antrim County May 10, 2021, “Michigan Election Fraud case has just filed a bombshell pleading claiming votes were intentionally switched”

“practice of assigning names and numbers” to non-eligible voters who did not appear in either the poll book or the supplement poll book. “…Poll worker Zachary Larsen, former MI Asst. AG

“The only reason to change software after the election would be to obfuscate
evidence of fraud and/or to correct program errors that would de-certify the
election. Our findings show that the Central Lake Township tabulator tape totals
were significantly altered by utilizing two different program versions (10/23/2020 and 11/05/2020), both of which were software changes during an election which violates election law, and not just human error associated with the Dominion Election Management System. This is clear evidence of software generated movement of votes. The claims made on the Office of the Secretary of State website are false.”…Antrim County audit report

“Trump’s not gonna win. I made f*cking sure of that!”...Eric Coomer, executive with Dominion Voting Systems

From President Donald Trump May 10, 2021.

“The major Michigan Election Fraud case has just filed a bombshell pleading claiming votes were intentionally switched from President Trump to Joe Biden. The number of votes is MASSIVE and determinative. This will prove true in numerous other States. All Republicans must UNIFY and not let this happen. If a thief robs a jewelry store of all of its diamonds (the 2020 Presidential Election), the diamonds must be returned. The Fake News media refuses to cover the greatest Election Fraud in the history of our Country. They have lost all credibility, but ultimately, they will have no choice!”

Antrim County Hearing May 10, 2021.

From Citizen Wells May 8, 2021.

From Attorney Matthew DePerno in

Bailey v Antrim County MI (Jocelyn Benson) 

Matthew S. DePerno, Esq.@mdeperno

New discoveries and filings today: (1) 1,061 phantom ballots discovered in Antrim

(2) nearly 100% turnout between ages 65 and 80

(3) 20.3% of all ballots sent to PO boxes


Plaintiff’s Response to Joint Motion for Summary Disposition

Filed May 3, 2021.

“Guy and Benson worked in unison with Election Source to rig the election
by manipulating the Dominion Voting System and altering data to transfer
votes from Donald Trump to Joseph Biden.”

“Indeed, the United States Supreme Court ruled….that “fraud vitiates everything.””

More here:

12 responses to “President Trump statement on Michigan election lawsuit Bailey v Antrim County May 10, 2021, “Michigan Election Fraud case has just filed a bombshell pleading claiming votes were intentionally switched”

  1. Attorney DePerno was great in court yesterday.

  2. oldsailor88

    ……….ever so slowly the mountain of Democratic bullsh-t is turning into a mountain of fertilizer, from which will sprout tiny fingers of truth at first, followed by massive growth of truth. This is a natural process, which even the crooked Dominion voting machines cannot FLIP. har har

  3. oldsailor88

    ………the slimy Democrats who think there is NO WAY for their CROOKED BULLSH-T to be compromised. Sadly they forgot that there are still a few intelligent people walking the Earth who can see through the mountain of Democratic bullsh-t, and these folks are working hard to show the world that the Democrats aren’t quite as smart as they THINK they are. In truth they are stupid……Honest Abe said it best……..”You can fool some of the people…………….BUT YOU CAN’T FOOL ALL THE PEOPLE ALL THE TIME”. YOU TELL EM ABE!!!!!

  4. oldsailor88

    …………the truth about the 2020 election WILL BE TOLD. The bastards who perpetrated the traitorous activity against the American people will HOPEFULLY end up with permanent slammer vacations at Leavenworth.

  5. Finally! What we have known for months is finally being shown to the public! Absolute proof is now being confirmed that the 2020 Election was stolen – just like Mike Lindell’s videos proved long ago, Now, most of the public that has been asleep regarding this issue will be awakened to the truth! Thank God! It’s only a matter of time before the criminals who orchestrated the biggest election theft in history are all located, tried, and found guilty of treason against our beloved USA, President Trump, the legitimate voters, and all of the American people who have been affected by this treasonous act perpetuated against us all! It’s about time to permanently drain the swamp!

  6. Reblogged this on Talk Wisdom and commented:
    What we have known for months is finally being shown to the public! Absolute proof is now being confirmed that the 2020 Election was stolen – just like Mike Lindell’s videos proved long ago, Now, most of the public that has been asleep regarding this issue will be awakened to the truth! Thank God! It’s only a matter of time before the criminals who orchestrated the biggest election theft in history are all located, tried, and found guilty of treason against our beloved USA, President Trump, the legitimate voters, and all of the American people who have been affected by this treasonous act perpetuated against us all! It’s about time to permanently drain the swamp!

  7. To Citizen Wells (or others here),

    I saw the very end of a brief clip on Newsmax where the spokeswoman ( I think it may have been Emerald Robinson?) was sharing a prepared statement of apology to Eric Coomer for apparently stating some disinformation about him. He’s the big culprit in all of this fraud, isn’t he? Since I didn’t see or hear the entire segment, I’m not sure what she was apologizing about, but it did involve Coomer. Isn’t he obviously implicit in the whole Dominion switching votes from President Trump to biden scheme?

  8. “Trump’s not gonna win. I made f*cking sure of that!”…Eric Coomer, executive with Dominion Voting Systems

  9. Yes! Heard that Coomer said that. That should be cause for an investigation into his vote flipping machines. The truth will come out and hopefully he and all others involved in this huge vote fraud scheme will be caught, tried and convicted.

  10. oldsailor88

    …………for far too long the POS DEMOCRATS have been getting away with everything they venture……largely because the RINOS have sway over the rest of the Republicans. Sadly the Repubs are still AFRAID to even hiccup too loudly. The only person with GONADS in the GOP seems to be Donald Trump. HE CAN’T DRAIN THE SWAMP BY HIMSELF. Time for the WIMPS in the party to grow a pair along with a spine. But don’t hold your breath while you wait for t5hat to happen. I have been on earth for soon to be 89 years, and the one thing I have learned above all else is that people like Chuckey baby, Mzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Important, the California CRAZY, and all the rest of their POS friends, will happily continue to spend your money unless you take the initiative to stop them. The courts are now corrupt, so you will not find any help from them. The SCOTUS is now politicized, and is useless. Only branch of government remaining = WE THE PEOPLE.!!!!!! Sadly many of WE THE PEOPLE have become so dumbed down, that these folks think UP is DOWN, and they cannot discern the truth. WHAT IS LEFT? OBLIVION.

  11. oldsailor88

    ……..about all we have left is prayer, and hope. We need to pray for the few people left in America who are now combing through the Arizona election ballots. But what will happen if they decide to side with the bastards who perverted the election? Probably nothing, and the DEMOCRATS will take their SOCIALISM to the next higher level……..which is VOIDING the CONSTITUTION.

  12. oldsailor88

    AND NOW,
    ………….a fast growing segment of American young people think that they would be better off if America became a Marxist Socialist country. Sadly these children probably will not discover the error of their beliefs, until AFTER THE FACT, at which point there IS NO RETURN.

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