17 year old male gets 3 brain blood clots after Pfizer Covid vaccine mother regrets decision, 1043 reports of blood clotting disorders attributed to Pfizer, No Informed Consent!

17 year old male gets 3 brain blood clots after Pfizer Covid vaccine mother regrets decision, 1043 reports of blood clotting disorders attributed to Pfizer, No Informed Consent!

“Why are we vaccinating healthy adults when 81 percent of Covid-19 cases are mild and there is  a 99 percent survival rate. Why are we testing vaccines on children who are minimally impacted by the disease?”…Citizen Wells

“VAERS received 4,178 reports of death (0.0017%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.”...CDC May 5, 2021

“Patients are not being informed, warned of the deaths that have occurred and serious injuries after vaccinations.”…Citizen Wells

From The Defender May 10, 2021.

“Teen Hospitalized With Blood Clots in Brain After First Dose of Pfizer Vaccine

The mother of the 17-year-old, whose symptoms were initially dismissed as a pulled neck muscle, said she regrets her decision to allow him to be vaccinated.

A Utah teen remains hospitalized with three blood clots in and near his brain that developed after he received the first dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine.

Everest Romney, 17, received the vaccine April 21 and began experiencing neck pain, fever and severe headaches one day later. His mother, Cherie Romney, said her son’s pediatrician initially dismissed the symptoms as a pulled neck muscle. However, she was convinced it was something else, ABC4 News reported.

After more than a week of symptoms and being unable to freely move his neck, the family got this diagnosis: two blood clots inside his brain, and one on the outside.

“In a million years, I never expected it,” Romney said. “The worst thing, the worst thing, is to have the doctor come in and say, ‘OK, well, we found two blood clots inside his brain.’ The hardest thing was I let him get that shot. And he was healthy and well before. But you question it, you can’t help but question it when it all goes wrong.””

““In weighing the risk and benefits with COVID as opposed to COVID vaccinations, we strongly encourage our patients to become vaccinated because the risk is much less than the risk of the disease,” said University of Utah Health’s Dr. Richard Orlandi in a press conference.”

“After administering nearly 100 million doses of Pfizer’s vaccine, the CDC reported there hasn’t been a single related case of a blood clot forming in the brain as of April 12.

The CDC’s statement contradicts numerous news reportsstudiesscientists and the agency’s own system for monitoring adverse reactions, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

Utilizing a search criteria that included reports of blood clots associated with blood clotting disorders, VAERS yielded a total of 2,808 reports for all three vaccines from Dec. 14, 2020, through April 30. Of the 2,808 cases reported, there were 1,043 reports of blood clotting disorders attributed to Pfizer.

As The Defender reported in April, scientists warned U.S regulatory officials as far back as December 2020 that Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines pose similar blood clot risks as the Johnson & Johnson.”

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Why are we vaccinating children who are at little risk from Covid and known and unknown risks from the vaccines?

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4 responses to “17 year old male gets 3 brain blood clots after Pfizer Covid vaccine mother regrets decision, 1043 reports of blood clotting disorders attributed to Pfizer, No Informed Consent!

  1. This experimentation on children must end!
    Do not let them vaccinate your kids!

  2. oldsailor88

    ………..cranial blood clotting may put the person in grave danger. Clots are not easy to dissolve, and when they do there is a real chance that pieces of the clots can move into the lungs…….death can follow !!!!!

  3. oldsailor88

    ……….the foregoing also pertains to people who have clotting in their legs.

  4. The injection is the mark of the beast. Why are they acting as if injecting everyone on the planet is the most important thing? They will likely roll out the vaccine passport system and people won’t be able to buy, sell or travel without it.

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