Robert Mueller exposed Part 4, Attorney Sydney Powell exposes Mueller et al, “Mueller Report meets the rule of law”, Former Assistant United States Attorney

Robert Mueller exposed Part 4, Attorney Sydney Powell exposes Mueller et al, “Mueller Report meets the rule of law”, Former Assistant United States Attorney

“It has become apparent that we are dealing with not only ‘mission creep’ by Robert Mueller, but with ‘a case of creeps on a mission — to destabilize and destroy this President.’”…Sydney Powell

“Weissmann is the lead villain in my book LICENSED TO LIE: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice which I published in 2014.  It’s a best-seller, non-fiction legal thriller.”…Sydney Powell

“We are being lied to on a scale unimaginable by George Orwell.”…Citizen Wells


From the video below:

“Sidney Powell is the author of License to Lie, the most widely read book on institutional and individual corruption at the US Department of Justice. She is a writer, commentator and former Assistant United States Attorney with inside knowledge and experiences of how the US Department of Justice actually operates. Licensed to Lie is a frightening story of how “justice” is really delivered by the federal government’s most important and most powerful law enforcement agency.”

“Sidney has been lead counsel in more than 500 federal appeals, 350 of them as an Assistant United States Attorney and Appellate Section Chief in the Western and Northern Districts of Texas. She is a past president of the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers and the Bar Association of the Fifth Federal Circuit, and a member of the American Law Institute. It was from her experiences in several cases that she felt compelled to write.

Sidney Powell is North Carolina home grown – born in Durham and raised in Raleigh with a Bachelors degree and Juris Doctorate from UNC. The ICON team welcomed her to Chapel Hill, NC on April 29th, 2019.”

Sidney Powell is the new attorney for Michael Flynn.


From Creeps on a mission.

“Robert Mueller

Former Director of the FBI left his lucrative position at WilmerHale to become Special Counsel, investigating alleged “collusion” between the Trump Campaign and Russia. Mueller was initially heralded by both sides of the aisle—until they looked more closely. His past record as a prosecutor leaves much to be desired, and he hand-picked a team of blatant partisans and one very unethical prosecutor—Andrew Weissmann. Mueller is a long-time friend and colleague of immediate past FBI Director James Comey. The Strzok-Page text messages reveal that Mueller may have been kept informed during the Clinton email investigation despite the fact he was no longer in the government, and he may be the “insurance policy” they refer to in the event Trump was elected. To date, Mueller’s investigation has found no “collusion” or wrongdoing by President Trump despite working on it non-stop for over a year, and his indictments demonstrate that it has picked the people and searched the books and years of their business dealings to find crimes to pin on them.”

“Andrew Weissmann

Former head of the Enron Task Force, Weissmann was notorious for running rough-shod over everyone in his path. He destroyed Arthur Andersen and its 85,000 jobs by indicting the company—only to have the case reversed by the Supreme Court nine to zip. Then he turned his sights to Merrill Lynch executives. He, Kathryn Ruemmler and Matthew Friedrich made up crimes, hid evidence, lied to the court and jury, and sent four innocent men to prison for up to a year on their concocted case. On the #CreepsOnAMission T-shirt, Weissmann is trying to hide FBI 302s containing evidence favorable to the defense—like they did in the Merrill Lynch case. Weissmann is famous for prosecutorial terror tactics like the pre-dawn raid on Paul Manafort’s home, adding charges of obstruction of justice, and finding various ways to impair a defendant’s ability to mount a defense. Weissmann is the lead villain in my book LICENSED TO LIE: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice which I published in 2014. It’s a best-seller, non-fiction legal thriller.”

“James Comey

Former Director of the FBI. Comey followed his friend Robert Mueller into that position and held it until he was fired by President Trump. Comey made notes of his confidential and classified communications with the President, then leaked those to the New York Times through his friend at Columbia University. Comey admitted to Congress that he leaked information to the New York Times in hopes that it would prompt the appointment of a special counsel. Remarkably, Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein named his friend Robert Mueller as Special Counsel the very next day. Comey is now implicated in the egregious politicization of the FBI, “white-washing’ Clinton’s crimes, the phony FISA applications, and other wrong-doing at the FBI for which he is now under investigation by the Inspector General of the Department of Justice. Meanwhile, in the height of narcissism, Mr. Comey went on his book tour, painting himself as a paragon of virtue, while his recently released memos make clear he is a liar and sought to undermine President Trump from the get-go.”

Read more:


Sidney Powell Exposes the “Collusion Dirt” with the “Mueller Report meets the Rule of Law”


More here:

5 responses to “Robert Mueller exposed Part 4, Attorney Sydney Powell exposes Mueller et al, “Mueller Report meets the rule of law”, Former Assistant United States Attorney

  1. “Peter Strzok
    FBI Agent in the Counter-Intelligence Division of the FBI, Agent Peter Strzok has been at the epicenter of the FBI’s whitewashing of Hillary Clinton’s crimes, the ambush interview of General Michael Flynn, the creation of the Russia-collusion lie with Christopher Steele, FusionGPS, Bruce Ohr, and others, then on Mueller’s task force until the news of his hatred for President Trump exploded into the news with his text messages uncovered by the Inspector General of the Department of Justice.”
    Attorney Sydney Powell

  2. “Dems admit Trump helped GOP candidates sweep North Carolina special elections

    In a major victory for both President Trump and national Republicans, North Carolina GOP state Sen. Dan Bishop was projected to win a fiercely contested special U.S. House election for the 9th District that was widely seen as a bellwether for the president’s chances in the 2020 election.

    And another Republican House candidate, Greg Murphy, decisively won a separate special election in North Carolina’s more solidly GOP-leaning 3rd District earlier Tuesday evening — frustrating Democrats who spent millions trying to make a splash in the state.”

  3. CW………
    ……… is appearing that God has heard our prayers. It looks as though Bishop has indeed won. ONE DEMOCRAT DEFEATED……MANY TO GO !!!

  4. CW……..
    ……….I have a copy of the current issue of the “VERDICT” which is published monthly by Judicial Watch (Tom Fitton). I would encourage everyone to go to Judicial Watch and subscribe to the publication. It is very informative.

  5. JJ…….
    …….here is someone who also watched the second airliner strike the South Tower; I didn’t know until earlier this morning that on the fateful day he too was watching TV, and like myself watched the 2nd airliner hit the South Tower. HE IS WELL KNOWN …….HE IS NOW THE POTUS……DONALD TRUMP. He stated this fact this morning while attending the services at the PENTAGON which I watched this morning as well.

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