Blagojevich prosecution delays protect Obama, Part 1, Blagojevich arrest delayed after 2008 election, Patrick Fitzgerald USDOJ had key witness and crimes

Blagojevich prosecution delays protect Obama, Part 1, Blagojevich arrest delayed after 2008 election, Patrick Fitzgerald USDOJ had key witness and crimes

“Why wasn’t Rod Blagojevich, Governor of IL, prosecuted before Tony Rezko, a businessman?”…Citizen Wells

“Why did Patrick Fitzgerald and the US Justice Department wait until December 2008 to arrest Rod Blagojevich?”…Citizen Wells

“Blagojevich’s name has been mentioned often. It was brought up at least 30 times Wednesday morning by Stuart Levine, the government’s star witness against Rezko.”…Tony Rezko trial

“Regardless of how this plays out, it benefits Obama. If there is no appeal or the appeal is denied, Blagojevich will be sequestered. If the appeal proceeds, it could drag out beyond impacting the 2012 election cycle. The intent is obvious.”…Citizen Wells, July 19, 2011

Part 1

The Blagojevich arrest was delayed

Was Barack Obama the original plan for the presidency by the DNC and Chicago Machine? Rod Blagojevich envisioned himself in that office. But in a high
profile position as Governor of Illinois, with brashness by nature and a less stealthy approach to pay to play politics than Obama, the feds began investigating him in 2003 and reports soon hit the Chicago media of corruption in his administration.

The bulk of the charges in the Criminal complaint, indictment and evidentiary proffer and indeed, what the Tony Rezko trial centered around, took place from 2003 to 2005. They include much activity involving the TRS, Teacher Retirement System, Hospital construction approval, a plan to shakedown Children’s Memorial Hospital, appointments to state government such as Ali Ata to the Illinois Finance Authority and real estate transactions involving Blagojevich’s wife Patti.

One of the clearest examples of impacting the citizens of Illinois was the corruption of the TRS.

2003: “Of the five funds, the one in the sorriest shape is the Illinois Teacher Retirement System, which provides the pensions for suburban and downstate
teachers. Its ratio of assets to liabilities stood at a mere 52 percent last year, so poor that it was considered among the five worst-funded plans in the
country.”  Chicago Magazine March 23, 2011

“Rezko’s partner in the Rezmar development company, Daniel Mahru, is referred to as “Individual Z” in the indictment, and according to court filings, Rezko told Mahru that “$500 million” of TRS money was earmarked for their company. Mahru is reportedly cooperating with federal investigators.”

“In addition to lining their own pockets, the money gained through the scheme was funneled to the campaigns of Blagojevich and Obama. Prosecutors have identified two $10,000 payments that were made to Obama’s US Senate campaign through straw donors Joseph Aramanda and Elie Maloof, which originated from a kickback paid by investment firm, Glencoe Capital, to secure approval for a $50 million deal. Evelyn Pringle, “Operation Board games for Slum Lords”


“The brief conversation was between Levine and Rezko on April 24, 2004, just three days after Levine said he and Rezko had rigged a vote of a state hospital
planning board to approve a controversial hospital in Crystal Lake. Hospital contractor Jacob Kiferbaum was going to pay Levine and Rezko $1 million in
bribes if the Crystal Lake facility won approval, Levine has testified.

Levine testified that he called Rezko on April 24 to set up a meeting to discuss their next shakedown target: Children’s Memorial Hospital. Just minutes
before Levine called Rezko, Levine had hung up with a money manager from the investment banking firm Bear Stearns named Nicholas Hurtgen, who prosecutors say was a confederate in past Levine kickback schemes.” Rezko trial, March 21, 2008 

So, why would the prosecution of Blagojevich be delayed despite the fact that he profoundly affected the citizens and state of IL?

  • Obama had a clear role in the rigging of the health planning board.
  • Obama played a role in cronyism affecting the TRS, Teacher Retirement System.
  • Obama had long time and regular associations with Tony Rezko and was as Blagojevich stated in a wiretap “more tony’d up than me.”
  • A blagojevich trial before the 2008 elections would have stopped Obama. Tony Rezko would not talk about Obama, Blagojevich did and would.

The following facts make the argument that Rod Blagojevich should have been arrested long before December 8, 2008 and before Tony Rezko.

  • Blagojevich began scheming as soon as he entered office. From the Blagojevich arrest press release. “The charges include historical allegations that Blagojevich and Harris schemed with others – including previously convicted defendants Antoin Rezko, Stuart Levine, Ali Ata and others – since becoming governor in 2002 to obtain and attempt to obtain financial benefits for himself, his family and third parties, including his campaign committee, Friends of Blagojevich, in exchange for appointments to state boards and commissions, state employment, state contracts and access to state funds.”
  • Pamela Meyer Davis began wearing a secret FBI wiretap  in late 2003 to record conversations involving state health planning board.
  • Most of the corruption in the Tony Rezko, Stuart Levine and Rod Blagojevich indictments took place between 2003 and 2005. Counts 1, 2 and 4 in the Blagojevich Indictment were eventualy dropped. Those counts covered that time period and represented approximately half of the indictment.
  • “FBI Special Agent Daniel Cain, the primary case agent on the investigation into Levine and Rezko, is on the stand now in testimony that is laying the foundation for entering the wiretaps into evidence. Cain said the investigation, dubbed Operation Board Games by the federal agents, began in December 2003 and was prompted by information gleaned from an informant whom he did not identify. That witness, he said, took part in meetings with two other individuals who were in contact with Levine by phone at his home. Cain said Levine had three phone lines in his North Shore home. Federal agents recorded conversations on those lines April 8-May 21, 2004. Those dates span the time when Levine, Rezko and others allegedly were working to rig the hospital board vote on a Mercy Health System hospital proposal for Crystal Lake and other kickback schemes prosecutors claim they were engaged in.” Rezko trial March 12, 2008
  • June 7, 2004: Stuart Levine, member of the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board, abruptly resigns. This is the first indication that the Blagojevich administration is under federal criminal investigation.
  •  July 2, 2004: Stuart Levine resigns from the state Teachers’ Retirement System board.
  •  May 9, 2005: Stuart Levine indicted on corruption charges. Federal subpoena issued to Tony Rezko.
  •  Sept. 15, 2005: Joseph Cari, former lawyer for the state’s teacher’s pension board pleads guilty to extortion. A high ranking public official is described in court documents only as “Public official A.”
  •  Oct. 25, 2005: The Chicago Tribune reports about a federal grand jury investigation into the alleged political hiring practices of the Blagojevich administration.
  •  Aug. 5, 2006: The Chicago Tribune reports that Stuart Levine is cooperating with the federal investigation of state government.
  • Sometime  between May 9, 2005 and August 5, 2006, Levine has begun cooperating with the feds. Levine knows almost as much as Rezko and becomes the key witness in the Rezko trial and other prosecutions. The Feds know plenty about Blagojevich at this point.
  •  Oct. 11, 2006: Tony Rezko is indicted on federal charges he sought millions of dollars in kickbacks and campaign donations from firms seeking state business.
  • So far everything seems normal and makes sense.  The next move should be to indict Blagojevich. Blagojevich, the governor, versus Rezko, the businessman, has the power to corrupt state government, has been doing so and thanks to Levine, the Feds know the details. If you have any doubts about this, read the transcripts of the Rezko trial. For example: “Gov. Rod Blagojevich has avoided answering questions about the corruption trial of Antoin “Tony” Rezko, the other day declaring, “I’m not in that case.” But Blagojevich’s name has been mentioned often. It was brought up at least 30 times Wednesday morning by Stuart Levine, the government’s star witness against Rezko. Rezko trial March 19, 2008.
  • Patrick Fitzgerald and the feds wait over 2 years, until December 9, 2008 to arrest Blagojevich and then state they are trying to protect the citizens of Illinois. From the Government’s Sentencing Memorandum, signed by Patrick Fitzgerald and filed on November 30, 2011: “By way of comparison, Antoin Rezko,…received a sentence of 126 months imprisonment for corrupt activity that he engaged in directly with Blagojevich or with Blagojevich’s tacit approval. Yet, Rezko:(a) held no elected office of trust;”
  • Oct. 22, 2006: Obama publicly states he is considering a run for the Presidency.
  • Oct. 27, 2006: Stuart Levine pleads guilty in a scheme to squeeze millions of dollars from firms seeking state business. Court papers contain  allegations that Rezko and  Christopher Kelly were using their influence for corrupt purposes.
  • November 7, 2006 USA Today reports: “Despite scandal, Gov. Blagojevich wins re-election in Illinois” “U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald has said he is investigating “very serious” allegations of hiring fraud at multiple agencies under Blagojevich.”
  • January 16, 2007:”Judicial Watch filed an open records lawsuit against the office of Governor Rod Blagojevich (D-IL), who is under federal investigation on several fronts, including corrupt hiring practices. Judicial Watch’s lawsuit, filed on January 16, 2007 in the Cook County, Illinois Circuit Court, specifically seeks, among other documents, any and all grand jury subpoenas received by the Governor’s office or any state agencies under the Governor’s control.”
  • October 28, 2007 the Chicago Tribune reports: “Removing a governor” “The public disappointment in Rod Blagojevich, whose tenure follows the corrupt regime of George Ryan, should launch a public debate: Do the people of this state want a way to say to their politicians, “You are serving your interests, not ours. You are dismissed.””
  • May 2, 2008 a governor recall initiative was narrowly defeated. “State government is hemorrhaging with scandal and corruption,”  Sen. Dan Cronin, sponsor.
  • June 4, 2008 Tony Rezko convicted on 16 of 24 counts. Counts 1, 11, 12, 14, 15 were related to Mercy Hospital and the rigging of the Planning Board.
  • Dec. 9, 2008 Blagojevich is arrested. “Fitzgerald said, “We make no allegations” that Obama was aware of any alleged scheming by Blagojevich.”
  • Jan. 9, 2009 IL House votes 114 to 1 to impeach Blagojevich.
  •  Jan 29, 2009 IL Senate removes Blagojevich from office.

Having read the above, forget for a moment the supposition that Patrick Fitzgerald and the US Justice Department were protecting Obama and ask the simple question:

Why was Blagojevich left in office until December 2008?

Good question, eh?

Some truths are ageless and I often quote Shakespeare.

For example:

“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

Patrick Fitzgerald stated after the Blagojevich arrest:

“The complaint makes no allegations about the president-elect whatsoever.”

“We make no allegations that he’s aware of anything.”

“But we ask that the press, in particular, recognize that we are not casting aspirsions on people other than the two people we charged and bear that in mind and be responsible.”

Fitzgerald admits that the crime spree had been going on for years.

“I just think it’s very, very disturbing that we have these pay-to-play allegations going on for years.”

Yes, disturbing.

And I would add, criminal.

I stand by earlier statements that the selling of the senate seat was a well crafted diversion. The facts presented above and in coming articles will make this intuitively obvious.

Below are some resources for further reading.

Blagojevich arrest press release

Blagojevich Criminal Complaint

Blagojevich Second superceding indictment

Blagojevich Evidentiary Proffer

Rezko trial transcripts,2933,335592,00.html

Rezko trial transcripts related to the rigging of the planning board

Evelyn Pringle articles

Blagojevich trial pre trial events and facts

65 responses to “Blagojevich prosecution delays protect Obama, Part 1, Blagojevich arrest delayed after 2008 election, Patrick Fitzgerald USDOJ had key witness and crimes

  1. The Empty Chair’s Smooth Operators

    The Sotoeros, David Axelrod, David Plouffe, Vallerie Jarret, Robert Gibbs, Jay Carney, Pelsosi, Harry Reid, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and the rest of their nefarious ilk (named by me “Smooth Operators”) have been so accustomed to lying and seemingly gotten away with it for years, they have become jaded and lost touch with reality. They have no idea that people see them as the liars they are. They continue repeating themselves convinced America has bought their con. Like all liars they don’t understand the long term memory nor the courtesy of their listeners. How many times have you caught people in a lie and never called them on it because it would have been too rude, pointless or led into an undesired conflict? The Smooth Operators have under estimated the American people and are soon about to pay the price.
    For over four years Americans have been fed lies, excuses, political correctness, false flags, ridicule, and blatant avoidance on every issue of government policy by the Smooth Operators which affects every detail of our lives. They used their positions of power to ride rough shod over Americans who dared challenge them. They imagine they succeeded with their cover ups and deceit. They truly believe that because there seemed little at the time challengers could do about it, they won and fooled America. They snuck in their progressive, communist, socialist policies via stealth usurpation via superior planning, violating American law, corrupting the judicial system, dumbing down America, bribing/intimidating senators, congressmen, judges, main stream media and spending over one billion dollars to purchase the seat of the United States of America’s Presidency. Because it seems they got away with all their deception by keeping the illegal in office for four years, they think can do it again.

    Here is why they will lose.

    AMERICA HAS AWAKENED! Americans are brighter and sharper than the Smooth Operators understand. Americans have long memories and are aware of every lie, lame excuse, denial and avoidance the Smooth Operators have used. AMERICANS HATE CONSTANT LIARS, WHINERS, AND REFUSERS TO ADMIT RESPONSIBILITY TO THEIR ACTIONS. THEY ESPECIALLY HATE PEOPLE WHO BLAME AND ATTACK OTHERS FOR THEIR OWN INADEQUECIES.

    Forged birth certificates, looting America with a stimulus that failed while spending over $200,000,000 per day to vacation in India, Eric Holder’s flaunting he will not prosecute black criminals of white victims, Fast and Furious, Obama care—obtained by threat, intimidation and deceit—the Bin Ladin fiasco—claiming to have killed a man who has been dead for nearly eight years—prior. Sending troops too support rebellions in Egypt, Libya, Yemen and now Syria. America recognizes every lie. The dirty laundry never ends.

    The illegal alien the Smooth Operators are trying to promote, protect and con America for a second time has been exposed. Allthe king’s horses and all the king’s men will never make Barry a NBC nor even an American citizen.

    Since the only track record the Smooth Operators have is one of dirty trick, false flags, intimidation, bribery and lies they are going to lose because they HAVE LOST ALL CREDIBILITY. Who listens or cares any more when . . .

    Any one of the pro Obumer group starts yelling “racist” (the word has now become counter productive because they have so over used it in so many inappropriate incidents.)

    Axelrod says “The GOP Convention was a terrible failure.”

    Obama slams the GOP Convention: “It was a rerun from the era of black and white TV.”

    Chris Mathews calls Paul Ryan a “Liar.”

    They tried to diss Eastwood as a senile old man

    Wasserman Schultz tries to demean Republicans by saying “Republicans put the priority of their convention over Isaac.”

    Van Jones called Romney a jerk.

    I could continue with this collection of stupidity for ever. It’s out there in abundance. Who cares what they say any more since we all know them for what they are and continue to be—power lusting liars and cheats.

    If these vile characters were not so jaded, they would realize that every time they make the stupid, malevolent dishonest statements of the nature they make, they are turning people against them and for the very people they are attempting to harm. The proof of this is in America’s disgust and rejection of Barack Hussein Obama. The proof of this is in all the anti Obama books, movies, billboards, law suits, t-shirts, bumper stickers, signs and blogger anger with this arrogant, narcissist usurper and all who support him. The proof of this is in the poor turnout to his rallies, the having to give away free tickets in bars to beg people to attend his speech, and the polls which show Romney ahead.

  2. CW

    Nice start.

  3. Storm Isaac has come full circle, center of circulation should be dead center over Charlotte NC when the DNC convention begins. I wonder if the DNC will mention the deaths caused by this storm? I will not hold my breath.

  4. Thanks.
    The problem is keeping the article from being a book.

  5. CW
    Know exactly what you are saying, to a certain extent it is a history book that hopefully does not get burned.

  6. Guy Benson Interviews Romney Campaign “Honey Badger” John Sununu

  7. usapatriots-shout | September 2, 2012 at 4:39 pm |

    The Empty Chair’s Smooth Operators

    What a magnificient rant! Are you the author? If so… my hat’s off!

  8. FYI….carryover…..join in the fun:

    ‘Eastwooding’ Inspires National Empty Chair Day on Monday

    In another sign that Clint Eastwood’s RNC talk to an empty chair has tapped in to broadly held opinions that President Obama is not getting the job done, word spread rapidly over the weekend among conservative new media outlets that an impromptu “National Empty Chair Day” is being planned for Monday.
    William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection noted the phenomenon first, and Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit quickly picked up on it. According to Jacobson:

    Monday – Empty Chair Day

    That’s what reader Sandy writes:

    Prof – Seems that there is an effort to make Monday “empty chair day”

    [Here’s] an image of my front lawn, just mowed, to ensure the empty chair looks right. The sign next to the chair says:

    “We own this country . . . Politicians are employees of ours . . . And when somebody does not do the job, we’ve got to let them go.” –Clint Eastwood (emphasis added)

    As Professor Jacobson tells it, National Empty Chair Day is designed to be a user-driven event.

    Who knew an empty chair could expose so much.

    Send me your “empty chair” photos on Monday, and I’ll run them.

    The Twitter hashtag is #EmptyChairDay
    It now appears quite likely that the DNC will open on Monday with images of empty chairs dominating Facebook, Twitter, and the internet. Once again conservative new media outlets have framed the narrative that continues to get away from the Obama 2012 campaign team

  9. September 2, 2012
    Shed a tear: Mount Obama is no more
    Rick Moran

    The sand sculpture of President Obama that looked a little like an addition to Mount Rushmore has been washed away in a rainstorm, thus depriving Democrats of a place to worship their leader.

    Washington Times:

    A torrential downpour that struck Charlotte Saturday afternoon damaged the Mount Rushmore-style sand sculpture bust of President Obama — an ominous beginning to what many fear is a plagued convention.

    Workers were trying Saturday afternoon to reform the base of the sculpture, built from sand brought in from Myrtle Beach, S.C., pounding and smoothing out the sand that had washed off the facade of the waist-up rendering of the chief executive.

    The sand sculpture was protected from above, and Mr. Obama’s face didn’t see too much damage. But the storm was so strong that its heavy winds blew the rain sideways, pelting the president’s right side and leaving the sand pockmarked and completely erasing his right elbow.

    Democrats’ choice of Charlotte has drawn criticism from unions who don’t like North Carolina’s labor laws, and the state seems to be tilting away from Democrats politically.

    The large Rushmore-style sculpture drew comparisons to Mr. Obama’s 2008 convention in Denver, when he accepted his party’s nomination on a stage that looked like a Greek temple.

    If that isn’t a metaphor for the Obama presidency, I don’t know what is.

    Read more:

  10. How delicious is this:
    The sand monument to Obama in NC has been washed away due to torrential rains.

  11. usapatriots-shout | September 2, 2012 at 6:10 pm |

    How delicious is this:
    The sand monument to Obama in NC has been washed away due to torrential rains.
    More rain on the way! lol

  12. Article II Superpac Challenges Commission on Presidential Debates
    Published September 1, 2012

    ©2012 drkate
    In another bold move, the Article II Superpac challenged the Commission on Presidential Debates to live up to their charter and set forth their criteria for determining whether a presidential candidate is a natural born citizen. Quietly working behind the scenes to place three full page ads in the Washington Times, and planning more critical advertisements at the Democrat National Convention in Charlotte next week, this is a powerful reminder to the Commission on Presidential Debates that one Barack Hussein Obama should not even be allowed to debate on the national stage, as he is not constitutionally eligible for the job.
    Do we expect the CPD to do anything? No. But it is one more nail in the coffin where those who are anti-American and anti-Constitution are exposed for the public to really see. We have seen Congress fail to vet Obama and wipe clean the Congressional Record through the Congressional Research Service; we’ve seen the judiciary time and time again refuse to follow the law, and we’ve seen the media turn into high-pitched desperate shillers for the penultimate failure known as Barack Obama. Apparently the Supreme Court doesn’t have the intellectual capacity to deal with Obama’s usurpation of the Presidency.
    Head on over to the Article II Superpac site…please take the survey/petition and if you can, donate $1 to the effort at the address listed on the site!

    Article II Superpac Challenges Commission on Presidential Debates
    Published September 1, 2012
    ©2012 drkate
    In another bold move, the Article II Superpac challenged the Commission on Presidential Debates to live up to their charter and set forth their criteria for determining whether a presidential candidate is a natural born citizen. Quietly working behind the scenes to place three full page ads in the Washington Times, and planning more critical advertisements at the Democrat National Convention in Charlotte next week, this is a powerful reminder to the Commission on Presidential Debates that one Barack Hussein Obama should not even be allowed to debate on the national stage, as he is not constitutionally eligible for the job.
    Do we expect the CPD to do anything? No. But it is one more nail in the coffin where those who are anti-American and anti-Constitution are exposed for the public to really see. We have seen Congress fail to vet Obama and wipe clean the Congressional Record through the Congressional Research Service; we’ve seen the judiciary time and time again refuse to follow the law, and we’ve seen the media turn into high-pitched desperate shillers for the penultimate failure known as Barack Obama. Apparently the Supreme Court doesn’t have the intellectual capacity to deal with Obama’s usurpation of the Presidency.
    Head on over to the Article II Superpac site…please take the survey/petition and if you can, donate $1 to the effort at the address listed on the site!

  13. What fools the Dems are to construct a sand sculpture without any thought of what the elements, namely rain and wind, could do! This is an object lesson as to how ill-founded their lying policies are.

  14. Saw the usurper say the RNC convention was like watching black and white TV. The DNC convention, if viewed, will be viewed by candle light.

  15. Like I said before…

    Even our Pagan ancestors had the brains to construct their idols out of stone, or even metal… but sand?

    Flashback to 2009 Inauguration: Styrofoam Greek columns?

    Pathetic. Morally spiritually bankrupt.

  16. SueQ | September 2, 2012 at 6:52 pm |

    Like I said before…

    Even our Pagan ancestors had the brains to construct their idols out of stone, or even metal… but sand?

    Flashback to 2009 Inauguration: Styrofoam Greek columns?

    Pathetic. Morally spiritually bankrupt.
    It’s a circus act.

    It will be hard to watch, but out of loyalty to America, I will try to learn about our enemy. If I can stomach the bastards.

  17. Little did the delusional Obots realize at the time that Zero’s styrofoam Greek columns were the symbols of his vision to turn us into today’s Greece!

  18. Thanks Bob,

    I’m counting on you and others here to keep me informed because my stomach can’t handle it. Bless you.

  19. bob strauss | September 2, 2012 at 6:47 pm |
    And those days of the black and white tvs were far stabler and simpler with more common sense, esp. family wise, and before our “Supremes” could somehow find the right to kill the innocent in our Constitution.

  20. SueQ

    Thank you for the compliment. I take full responsiblity for that rant!

  21. usapatriots-shout | September 2, 2012 at 7:06 pm |


    Thank you for the compliment. I take full responsiblity for that rant!
    Great “rant”, spot on!

  22. usapatriots-shout | September 2, 2012 at 7:06 pm |

    You’re welcome!

  23. KARMA.

    Aug 26

    On Sunday, Ellen Barkin expressed her hope that Tropical Storm Isaac would smash up the Republican National Convention in Tampa and drown all its delegates.

    She retweeted the message of one of her followers that read: “C’mon #Isaac! Wash every pro-life, anti-education, anti-woman, xenophobic, gay-bashing, racist SOB right into the ocean! #RNC ” Barkin did not express any disagreement in her retweet.

    From News 14 Charlotte:

    “Moisture from the remnants of Isaac in the Ohio Valley will combine with an approaching front and some upper-level energy to produce more showers & storms today… and most of this week. Unfortunately, this means that some of the outside DNC events may be affected by some rain or a thunderstorm, right through Thursday. Main threats from any heavier activity will be flooding and damaging wind gusts.”

  24. bob strauss | September 2, 2012 at 6:57 pm |
    As much as I loathe the players, I too will be watching…and the commentary as well. Know thy enemy!

    Can you imagine the hubris of Mount Obama? No surprises to us…
    Did you all catch the sign in Iowa?? It was hanging from an airplane hangar in Sioux City where Obama stopped for a campaign speech

    It said in LARGE letters OBAMA….(welcome to) SUX

    Also, Romney is gaining on him in all the polls…Real Clear Politics Average has O up by 0.1…and the Senate seats
    are even at 46 each with ten races listed as toss ups

    The GOP is making a huge move…and O’s favorability is down to 43%

    its going to be 2010 all over again with even bigger wins.

  25. “Mount Obama” or the Sphinx of Muslim Brotherhood Egypt! It’s not weatherproof either.

  26. Michelle Malkin
    HAHA! Monday is National Empty Chair Day. Put out an empty chair on your lawn to support Clint Eastwood and send a message to the Absentee-in-Chief. Read, like, share, and do! ==>

  27. Mt. Newt Erupts


    Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich blew his stack at a range of antagonists during Sunday’s broadcast of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” lashing out at Vice President Joe Biden, GOP strategist Karl Rove, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman and Democrats in general for their party’s position on abortion.

    Gingrich took a shot at Crossroads GPS chief Karl Rove for his disparaging remarks about embattled Missouri Senate candidate Rep. Todd Akin, and launched into a one-two punch about Biden’s “chains” speech and Democrats’ official position on partial-birth abortion.

    “I’m frankly fed up with the one-sided bias, OK?” Gingrich said. “Let me give you two examples. [The] Vice President of the United States goes to a black audience and says if the Republicans win you will be ‘in chains.’ Now, where is the — how can Biden remain as vice president? Where is the outrage over overt, deliberate racism? And we talk about people [like Akin] saying things [where] they ought to get off tickets. How come Biden shouldn’t get off the ticket?”

  28. OH, I meant to include that there is the video in above link about Newt really worth watching… fact, in its beginning ad I was thinking that it was an ad based on Obama as “that empty chair”!!

  29. Women Vote Analyzed on NBC’s “Meet The Press” – 9-2-12

    MEET THE PRESS partial transcript – – –
    September 2: Rahm Emanuel, Newt Gingrich, Carly Fiorina, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Tom Friedman, Tom Brokaw

    MR. GINGRICH: Let me just take a second, I disagree with Carly, I— I think Todd Akin was the choice of the people in Missouri, and Todd Akin has publicly apologized. And I think that— and the last poll show he’s beaten the Democratic senator. I think that we ought to go on from that, Karl Rove said some terrible things on Friday for which he has apologized which should remind us, people make mistakes. Vice president of the United States…

    GREGORY: He was joking about if he shows up and murdered someone.

    MR. GINGRICH: No. In— in— in the age of Gabby Giffords, it is not a joke…

    GREGORY: Yeah.

    MR. GINGRICH: …to say that a member of congress ought to get murdered.

    GREGORY: Yeah.

    MR. GINGRICH: And— and— and— I’m— I’m frankly, fed up, with the one-sided bias, okay. Let me give you two examples. Vice president of the United States goes to a black audience and says if the Republicans win you will be in chains. Now, where is the— how can Biden remain as vice president? Where is the outrage over overt, deliberate racism? And we talk about people saying things they ought to get off tickets. How come Biden shouldn’t get off the ticket?
    MR. GINGRICH: Look, when— when a majority of the people of Missouri on Friday, in the latest PPP poll said he should stay on (unintelligible) majority of Democrats, majority of Republicans, majority of independents. He won the primary. Now for Washington figures, remember, the same Washington figures who last time wanted to kick off Marco Rubio for Charlie Crist who will be in Charlotte, I just think people ought to be a little cautious about saying the voters of Missouri don’t count.

  30. CabbyAZ………….
    Of course a Chicago type SEWER POLITICIAN would be right at home floating down a GUTTER somewhere. I wonder if the SPIRIT OF Soetoro went along for the ride. He seems to have a lot of experience with navigating GUTTERS. I bet the spirit of Soetoro was RIGHT AT HOME!

  31. Mt. Newt Erupts at 5:00 into the video link above.

  32. >>>>USPatriots Shout

    I really enjoyed reading your post. However, I had an epiphany while reading your capital letters that brought me back to Rush Limbaugh statements, as well as a Polish writer and will paraphrase with my own additions.

    Democracy can suffer fools, and the United States can recover from Barrack Obama. This isn't a racist statement, it's just fact. Bread and circus will not fix the lack of jobs and broken economy, nor will the Federal Government take care of the people without enslavement. No democratic Republic can survive people stupid enough, or selfish enough, to vote for Obama twice.


  33. Who Is Funding the Purchase of the $35 million Beachfront Hawaiian Estate for Barack and Michelle Obama to Move into Come January 2013?


    You might not realize this, but this is actually not the first time someone in Chicago has helped the Obamas buy a house beyond their financial reach: convicted felon and Chicago machine political “fixer” Tony Rezko helped the Obamas assemble the funding for the home they currently own in Chicago’s murder and robbery-prone neighborhood known as Hyde Park. Penny Pritzker is making aggressive use of the recent headlines about gunshots being fired and people killed just two blocks or so away from the Obamas’ Hyde Park home, with Pritzker saying, “You don’t want them moving back where there’s gunfire, do you? DO YOU?”.

    They had better talk to the debt collector about who actually owns and will get stuck with….that “Obama” house in Chicago. Or, obviously they know this and why he needs somebody else to find him an actually paid for place…and HI is up to their _____________ in his mischief so they should be obliging as well!

  34. Video: Sheriff Joe Arpaio; Obama Identity Document Fraud Investigation Will Continue

  35. usapatriots-shout | September 2, 2012 at 4:39 pm |

    Agreed, with the exception that Bin Ladin was dead 8 years ago. That would seriously conflict with the U.S. Naval Seal Team 6 accounts of the incident.

  36. William…………..
    Not very long ago Prime Minister Bhutto said in a public statement that she knew for certain that Bin Laden has been dead for nearly 8 years. She said this on US national television. But……exactly how the prime minister of Myan Mar (formerly Burma) knew this has not been stated.

  37. William
    Check it out. There are stories all over the inter net including videos by some very informed people. Obama died of kidney failure approximately 8 years ago. He was buried in a secret unmarked grave. The man the Navy Seals claimed they killed was not Bin Ladin. As passionate as Obama is about protgecting Muslim customs, he would have never thrown the body into the sea as it is against Muslim religeon to do so. Throwing the body in the sea prevented medical identification of the body. The beautiful lady who was running for prime minister of Pakistan gave an interview before she was murdered in which she claims Bin Ladin was dead. I think here name was Bhuton. Sorry that the Navy Seals believe they got Bin Ladin. There is no hard proof it was Osama.

  38. …………obviously Seal Team 6 did in fact kill somebody,but was the person that they killed actually Bin Laden,or was it some poor slob who was at the wrong place at the wrong time, and happened to look a little like Bin Laden. I personally think that there is a hidden truth,just like all the other HIDDEN Soetoro related things. I am simply being objective………maybe I am even WRONG.

  39. ……..Literally EVERYTHING that Soetoro has told the public has been found to be either an outright lie,or a concocted,and otherwise twisted story. I did not believe the Bin Laden hit then,and I still refuse to believe it. Once again Soetoro refuses to furnish any proof whatsoever. Until I have a lot more proof of BinLaden’s death, I personally look upon it as more of Soetoro’s FORGERIES, or LIES,…. call it what you want.

  40. ……………at least Bush did show us pictures of Saddam Hussein,and his two dead sons. I tend to believe that one.

  41. ……………then a unit of Seal Team 6 was MURDERED to conceal the truth. Where the hell does it end, and when the hell are the people who swallow this BS going to WAKE UP. People who swallow BS are just as bad as the perpetrators.

  42. G’NITE ALL……sleep tight,and GOD BLESS.

  43. Pete | September 2, 2012 at 11:06 pm |

    ….”No democratic Republic can survive people stupid enough, or selfish enough, to vote for Obama twice.”

    Very true Pete, yet it happens as history has proven. Remember when It brought to power the Bolshevik wing of the Communist party, led by Lenin and its promises and such aftermath? The “necessity” for the final violent overthrow of all nonsocialist governments and people from the Czars?

    The utopia of socialists guided under communists dictatorship, only later to announce itself?

    Americans are unwittingly following the same path, less the dramatic outright force of government. Rather it is a subtle take over from within; a lesson well learned from history.

    Why do less than 600 people in Congress not fear over 300 million?

  44. usapatriots-shout | September 3, 2012 at 2:30 am |

    …”There is no hard proof it was Osama.”

    And this leads to my point of non-conclusive evidence upon which no one can or should rely upon other than hearsay.

  45. In other words,

    All is based on hearsay, without any physical proof on either side, and no possible way to examine proof other than personal testimonies to the incident itself. Which of course can be questionable, whereby that in and of itself conflicts with other personal accounts, ect..

    Therefore, how can I conclude, Obama actually and physically died 8 years ago, last year, or is still alive – with so many various accounts of testimony? Which one am I to trust? You have chosen yours, I’m simply not confident it is the correct hearsay account. Because that is really all it is, hearsay.

  46. LOL..

    I meant Osama, not Obama…

    🙂 typo….

  47. Oldsailor80,

    ..”.I personally think that there is a hidden truth,just like all the other HIDDEN Soetoro related things.”


    I completely agree with you my friend.

  48. WILLIAM….

    You can trust a United States Navy SEAL….

    Put no trust in what any civilian looking for votes tells you……they are only looking to feather their own nest.

  49. Remember: Today Is National Empty Chair Day

    Or Eastwooding day! Put that empty chair out there!

  50. ‘In Their Faces’: GOP Borrows from Obama–and Breitbart

    In 2008, an aggressive candidate Barack Obama told supporters to “argue with them, get in their faces.” In 2012, Republicans are taking a page from Obama’s book, holding a “counter-convention” outside the Democratic National Convention at the Time Warner Cable Arena in Charlotte, NC. The “counter-convention” will feature GOP leaders–including Sen. Marco Rubio (FL), Gov. Nikki Haley (SC), and Republican National Committee chair Reince Priebus–among fifty Republican “communicators.” There will also be zany, street-theater tactics–such as “You Build It” Legos and a NASCAR race car emblazoned with the number “12.”

  51. RMinNC | September 3, 2012 at 9:18 am |


    You can trust a United States Navy SEAL….



  52. observer | September 3, 2012 at 9:39 am |

    Remember: Today Is National Empty Chair Day


    I have placed an empty wooden chair on my front lawn for all to see…..

  53. Sorry,


  54. Seal Team 6,or perhaps IMPERSONATORS went through a drill in which a male humanoid was erased from the face of the earth. The question is was it Bin Laden or some poor slob who was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time. At least George Bush showed us the PICTURES of the FACT. Why doesn’t Soetoro show the alleged pictiure?……………..IF THERE IS ONE,AT ALL. Could the picture be as elusive as the LEGAL BC?We still don’t have a CERTIFIED copytof that either. BSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBS!~

  55. oldsailor80 | September 3, 2012 at 10:41 am |


    Perhaps we will never know? But if given the choice of accounts whereby I either believe politicians or U.S. Naval Seal Team Six, I’ll take the U.S. Navy Seal team Six accounts over any Politician (in any part of the world) any day.

    But that’s just me my friend.

    And I am so happy to see you posting, it warms my heart and elevates my spirit.

  56. bob strauss | September 2, 2012 at 7:39 pm |

    Michelle Malkin
    HAHA! Monday is National Empty Chair Day. Put out an empty chair on your lawn to support Clint Eastwood and send a message to the Absentee-in-Chief. Read, like, share, and do! ==>

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    Posted by William A. Jacobson – Friday, August 31, 2012 at 11:45am

    “Looks like Clint Eastwood got under Obama’s skin.

    @Barack Obama
    Barack Obama

    This seat’s taken. OFA.BO/c2gbfi,

    While I was very uncertain whether the Eastwood appearance worked, I now believe it did.

    If it didn’t, Obama would not have felt the need to respond.

    It must have been a late night in AxelPlouffe HQ figuring out what to do, and whether Eastwood making a mockery of Obama’s empty suit chair before tens of millions of people was something which could not be left to just the media to counter.

    This is not the tweet of a confident man.

    “THAT SEAT HAS BEEN TAKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!”


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    “After Clint Eastwood mocked President Obama with an empty chair, Obama tweeted a picture of himself in a Presidential chair.

    This seat’s taken.,

    August 30, 2012 9:29 pm via webReplyRetweetFavorite
    Barack Obama”

    Now that picture has been altered:

    Ouch. And it looks like Eastwood’s speech was a success after all. Having Obama’s official Twitter account respond to it tells us all we need to know.”


  57. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    Starla –

    Alias “Killer Holmes”…0.0…1ac.tY_e8FZ86io#q=Killer+Holmes&num=10&hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=a82a521d49f66bd1&biw=1280&bih=639

  58. bob strauss | September 3, 2012 at 12:25 pm |

    observer | September 3, 2012 at 9:39 am |

    Remember: Today Is National Empty Chair Day

    Or Eastwooding day! Put that empty chair out there!


    I just put an empty chair in the front yard, next to the flag pole, facing the flag. It’s a lonely sight, but thanks to Clint Eastwood it makes an illustrative point. We don’t have a President

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    by Claudia – September 2, 2012 – America/New_York

    The Empty Chair Absolutely Non-Existent, Absolutely Zero, & Absolutely Failed Leadership Of ‘Obama’

    See The Pictures & Captions of the Pics Here:

    More Articles & Pictures Here:

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    Red Alexandria | September 1, 2012 at 11:55 am

    “And the #1 thing that makes an
    empty chair better than Obama…

    It doesn’t talk so it can’t lie.”

    #2 – An empty chair can’t destroy the economy BY DESIGN LIKE OBAMA…

    Continue Reading Here:

  59. Phenomenal work, Citizen Wells. Damn you’re good! No better out there.

  60. Durbin attacks Bret Baier and Fox News when simply asked to share reasons why his 2012 platform committee removed ‘God’ and ‘Jerusalem’ which were in 2008 platform. A world without God and Jerusalem is called ‘Hell’. Dick is one desperate lieberal; living up to the moniker, ‘Dick’. I am so ashamed to live in IL and be represented by these worthless slimeballs. We have greatly harmed the USA by exporting our criminals and sociopaths to DC: Durbin, Obama, Braun, Emanuel, Axelrod, Jarrett, Burris. At least we have spared you Giannoulos, Blago, Madigan and Stroger.

  61. Thanks Holly.

  62. Pingback: Kiferbaum pleads guilty, April 10, 2013, Rezko Levine Blagojevich Obama ties, Children’s Memorial Hospital shakedown, Pamela Meyer Davis wiretap, IL Health board rigging | Citizen WElls

  63. Pingback: Blagojevich appeal delay helps Obama, One of many problems for Obama hidden by Syria crisis and domestic issues, Blagojevich legal scrutiny has lasted 10 years | Citizen WElls

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