Hustler in chief, Unemployment rate, Illegal aliens, Economy, Citizen Wells open thread, July 3, 2010

Hustler in chief, Unemployment rate, Illegal aliens, Economy

I suppose you all heard the Hustler in chief speak of the 9.5 % unemployment rate in somewhat glowing terms as improvement. When I heard life long Democrat, civil rights attorney, Bartle Bull refer to Obama as a hustler it resonated with me. I had been refering to Obama for many months as being “street smart.”

Wiretap from Rod Blagojevich trial.
DATE: 11/10/2008
TIME:  9:07 A.M.
ACTIVITY: Rod Blagojevich home line conference call

BLAGOJEVICH “Now Patti works. She’s very good at what she does. She’s as qualified as Michelle Obama, if not more qualified. Michelle Obama is getting sixty five grand a year for you know, what was it, Tree House Foods, Patti?”
QUINLAN “Tree House Foods is what she was on.”
P. BLAGOJEVICH “Tree House.”
BLAGOJEVICH “Yeah and she’s making 0 grand over at the University of Chicago.”
BLAGOJEVICH “…where her fath-, her husband’s federal months, federal funds are going there? What?”
P. BLAGOJEVICH “Yeah, which of course went up as soon as he got elected to Senate and he was able to get federal funding to University of Chicago. Get this, I think the most…”

97 responses to “Hustler in chief, Unemployment rate, Illegal aliens, Economy, Citizen Wells open thread, July 3, 2010

  1. “True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.” — Clarence Darrow

  2. Good morning everyone….

    I hope all have a wonderful and safe 4th of July weekend.

    While we celebrate our Countrys Birthday, the annointed one will most likely give a speech about how the Muslims helped shape our Nation over the last 200 plus years…

    I would almost be willing to bet the rent money on it.

  3. I am still reeling from William Jefferson(Kissit) Clinton explanation that Senator(Sheets)Byrd only became a member of the KKK because he was running for election. Now that’s a real politician!

  4. CW,

    On another note, I continue to get the email kicked back to me that I sent last week and copied you on. Yours went through, the other persons did not. My gmail keeps sending me server error delivery messages over the week.

    Monday I will call the office and try to fix the problem.

  5. Cabby AZ.

    Yesterday you discussed “Standing” with the courts dismissals of law suits against the annointed one, and I agree with you.

    However, what blows my mind is that the courts claim no standing because everyone is affected by the Fraud of Obama, there no case or dismissed.

    Yet, the SCOTUS last year agreed that the EPA had standing to regulate Carbon as a toxin as it affected everyone in, (Get this) not only in the United States, but all citizens in the entire World!

    Now if a case affects all citizens in the US Alone, and All US citizens are harmed by Carbon, how the hell can the EPA have Standing?

    They contidict themselves on standing based on that case alone when compared to the same rules against Barry’s cases, right?

  6. Based on the same “standing” dismissals of the Barry suits, that all have been harmed, therefore must not be heard and dismissed, the we can conclude the possibilites on their same analysis that:

    1) The US Supreme Seriously Err in granting the EPA standing when all US citizens are harmed, and therefore have a case.

    2) All law suits against the Healthcare passed will be denied, based on the fact All US citizens got screwed equally, regardless of the Constitution.

    3). Anytime Congress passes a law that is Unconstitutional it matters not, so long as Congress screws or harms All Citizens.

    4) People like Bernie Madoff would never have been charged or imprisoned if he had simple comitted Fraud against all citizens, as they would have no standing, simple screwing all of them.

    It is my opinion that the rules of Standing need to be revisited and tuned with reality. To commit Fraud against everyone should not be a free pass of not being punished by our justice system and deny the rights to sue by those harmed.

  7. Free Speech

    SCOTUS is not in session again until the First Monday in October. No cases will be heard until then, but We Patriots can still work to uphold our Constitution and form Citizen Grand Juries so that this is not our last 4th of July as a Free Nation. Time is running short, bo will make an all-out effort to shut down conservative internet sites before the Nov. 2010 elections.

    Even if you do not wish to form a Grand Jury yourself, you can serve your Country by posting the information about how to form a legitimate Grand Jury on Blogs & emailing it to all those on your email lists.

    For information on forming a Secret Grand Jury to investigate crimes go here:

    For information on Crimes committed by the bo campaign:

  8. Bill Cutting

    ms helga

    Robert Byrd was a Coward his whole life, that’s why he dodged service in ww2 and joined the KKK.

    Honoring this man was a new low for America.

  9. Free Speech

    As Aristotle rightly stated:

    “Our goal is to present indictments in every jurisdiction of the union for a total of 3,191 opportunities to bring criminal charges against offending politicians.”

    “…Let your objective be victory, not lengthy campaigns” Sun Tzu circa 500 B.C.

    “To the soldier, overwhelming speed is of paramount importance…”

    Although our objective is to peacefully and legally remove Criminally Corrupt government officials from office by the Citizen Grand Jury process, the teachings of Sun Tzu are applicable here and now and we Patriots must not miss opportunities.

    It is time to prepare the Grand Jury indictments of BHO and his co-conspirators in all of the 3,191 jurisdictions that Aristotle wrote about.

    The United States is a nation governed by Law not by man, guided by principles not personalities. In the end, we will have learned a great, albeit hard, lesson from the unfortunate episode of BHO: Our Founding Fathers blessed We the People with the most profound privileges in the history of mankind made covenant by Our Constitution. It has served us well for over 200 years, but we almost lost it all in less than 2 years of Tyranny.

    So, let us now prepare to close the book on this tragic tale of BHO.

    Form your Grand Juries, render your Indictments. Be prepared to serve your Indictments this Summer. Victory is at hand.

    Sun Tzu said, “…supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.” It is my firm belief that we Patriots can accomplish this Victory by utilizing the Citizen Grand Jury, the 4th Branch of Government.


    Our Founding Fathers gave We the People the Fourth Branch of Government, the Citizens Grand Jury, in Our Bill of Rights.

    These 12 Simple Steps are the way for Patriots to regain control of our government:

    1) Advertise and promote the Fact that you are forming a Grand Jury in Blogs, Local Newspapers and Community Organizations.

    2) Form the Grand Jury and select a Foreman.

    3) Select a Private Attorney General to make Presentments to Grand Jury, if local DA refuses to make presentments.

    4) Select a convenient Meeting Place.

    5) Communicate with all Citizens who have criminal information to present.

    6) Schedule presentments by said Citizens.

    7) Subpoena documents from Government Offices and Officials.

    8) Schedule presentment of said Documents to Grand Jury by Grand Jury Attorney General.

    9) Have Grand Jury Attorney General present said Documents to Grand Jury.

    10) After investigation and deliberation is completed, vote and issue a True Bill (Indictment) or No True Bill.

    11) Announce all Indictments to the Press and schedule News Conferences in front of your local Court House.

    12) Serve the Indictment on the Judiciary at Court House News Conferences for the Issuance of Arrest Warrants.

  10. VIA Father Corapi (who was a Special Forces guy): Independence Day Message

  11. Free Speech

  12. Free Speech

    Margie // July 2, 2010 at 10:14 pm

    FreePress….Only after hearing The appeal..court refused the case…(Mario–representing …. I am down right MAD…I will do what I can to inform people of the People’s Grand Jury…and I guess I have to tell the local gov…we need a real court room… I already left a statement in the Detroit Free Press.. that we the people have a right to hear the case…I can try to look up a retired Judge.. ask his opinion… I heard he went back into a private..blah=blah business as a lawyer…Anyone here from Michigan? I need back-up….. I need Truth and nothing but…

    Thank you for your service for our Country, Margie!

    With Patriots like you we will prevail.

  13. (from prior thread)
    LM // July 3, 2010 at 2:17 am

    Survey: Obama Ranked 15th Best President, Bush 39th
    I’m chagrined over the heading of this Fox News article. First of all, the survey was of 238 presidential SCHOLARS , so that fact sets the context.

    Secondly, and most egregious is the fact that the 15th rating for BHO is based on his incomplete term, in other words, right now; while the 39th rating is for Bush right now – long after his term is over. If things keep going the way they are now, BHO won’t even have a rating, hopefully, because he will have bitten the dust.

    Fox News should know better than to skew the
    headlines in that manner.

  14. William – 8:51 AM & 9:16 AM

    Excellent emphasis on good points re. “standing.”
    That’s the reason my cursory conclusion is that this
    principle is used freely and however the court(s) deem it to be appropriate – hence – it becomes an excuse to cover their rejection of a case. A seemingly “catch-all.”

    You are exactly right about the EPA as you explain it. I don’t remember that case, but you make compelling conclusions. I do think that the various states’ lawsuits re. Obamacare may get some traction as to “standing”, because there has been an inequity there among the states, I believe.

    However, here again: It’s whatever the Supremes want it to be, notwithstanding their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. Tell me, who challenges the Supremes?

  15. Day 74……

    Stats (Fuzzy Estimates)

    27 April 10 Huffington Post 42,000 gals/day

    16 June 10 American Affairs DOE Dr. S. Chu 1.5 to 2.5 million gals/day (total 185 million gals)

    24 June 10 Scientific American BP 4.2 million gals/day (total 311 million gals)

    2 July 10 AP article Blown out well hits 140.6 million gal mark.

    Obama do something or resign! NO CONFIDENCE!!!!

  16. Cabby – AZ

    ” who challenges the Supremes ”


    Before the coop of 2006 ……….

    Congress can pass legislation that prevents the US Supreme Court from exercising appellate jurisdiction over certain Executive and Legislative actions, either in whole or in part. This is known as jurisdiction stripping, or curtailment of jurisdiction.

    You have to study prewar Italy ,German , USSR , China history to understand how courts work under dictatorships .


    Article by John C. Drew, Ph.D., who attended Occidental College with Obama.



    From: GateWayPundit.FirstThings Blog


    Posted by Jim Hoft

    On Friday, July 2, 2010, 11:51 AM

    “It’s Day 73 of the Gulf Oil Spill Disaster–”

    “There is now clear evidence that the negligence by the Obama Administration caused the destruction of the Gulf coastline.

    ** The feds only accepted assistance from 5 of 28 countries.
    ** It took the Obama Administration 53 days to accept help from the Dutch and British.
    ** It took them 58 days to mobilize the US military to the Gulf.
    ** The feds shut down crude-sucking barges due to fire extinguisher concerns.
    ** The Obama Administration ignore oil boom manufacturers that have miles of product stockpiled in their warehouses.
    ** They only have moved 31 of 2,000 oil skimmers to the disaster area off of Florida.
    ** Florida hired an additional 5 skimmer boats to operate off its coast due to federal inaction.
    ** There are no skimmer boats off the coast of Mississippi.
    ** The massive A-Boat skimmer won’t be allowed to join the cleanup effort until the Coast Guard and the EPA figure out whether it meets their standards.
    ** The feds shut down sand berm dredging off the Louisiana coast.
    ** The president continues to hit the golf course, ball games, hold BBQ’s and party while the crude oil washes up on shore.

    Here’s a time-lapse look at the oil spill disaster from space: (Video).

    Now there’s this… Obama Administration lied about cleanup efforts of Gulf oil spill.
    CNS News reported:

    Billy Nungesser, president of New Orleans’ Plaquemines Parish, sensed that a chart showing 140 oil skimmers at work — a chart given to him by BP and the Coast Guard — was “somewhat inaccurate.” So, Nungesser asked to fly over the spill to verify the number.

    The flyover was cancelled three times before those officials admitted that just 31 of the 140 skimmers were actually deployed.

    The incident is detailed in a report released Thursday by Republicans on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Republicans say the report provides evidence that the Obama administration misrepresented the assets devoted to the cleanup, misrepresented the timing of when government officials knew there was an oil spill and misrepresented the level of control the government had over the matter. It also claims the Obama administration seemed more interested in public relations than cleaning the mess and plugging the hole.

    The report, which relies on interviews with several local officials in Louisiana, goes on to quote Nungesser, who had been on local and national television enough so that the White House became concerned. Two White House officials visited him on Father’s Day and said, “What do we have to do to keep you off TV?” His answer was, “Give me what I need.”

    See The Full Article With A Few Interesting Comments Here:

  19. Between Obama/Globe and Gore/Enquirer the two-bit hustlers (Chicago expression) they are finally successful at something-selling out both publications, this proves to me people are hungry for news any news-many feel something vicariously is wrong but they are not sure what, this should clarify some things for them. The follow-up stories should be very interesting.
    Title of full article in July 12, 2010 print edition (pp. 16-17) is:
    Hawaiian state records clerk reveals:
    No Proof Obama Was Born in the U.S.A.
    Now his critics insist his presidency is totally illegal
    This is about the recent story:
    “A former Hawaii records official is sending shock waves through Washington, D.C. by revealing there is absolutely no birth certificate for Barack Obama!
    “The bombshell revelation backs up long-standing claims that Obama–who insists he was born in a Honolulu hospital–really took his first breath in Kenya and, as a result, violates the U.S. Constitution’s requirements for the President to be a ‘natural born’ American.
    “‘I had direct access to the Social Security database, the national crime computer, state driver’s license information, international passport information, basically just about anything you can imagine to get someone’s identity,’ said Timothy Adams, who served as senior government records clerk in Honolulu in 2008. ‘There is no birth certificate. I was informed by my boss that we did not have Obama’s birth record.”
    The story is on the front page of the Globe. I bought the next-to-last copy on the rack at the checkout stand.

  20. Philo-Publius

    Don’t Know Much About History?

    There’s good news for American education. About three-quarters of residents — 74% — know the U.S. declared its independence from Great Britain in 1776. The bad news for the academic system — 26% do not. This 26% includes one-fifth who are unsure and 6% who thought the U.S. separated from another nation. That begs the question, “From where do the latter think the U.S. achieved its independence?” Among the countries mentioned are France, China, Japan, Mexico, and Spain.

  21. “Obama Democrats Have Declared War On The States”

    By: J.B. Williams

    # # # #

    I am listening to this Blogtalk Radio Program on “Legal Standing” right now:

    Host Name: Boots On The Ground

    Show Name: “Support Our Troops ~ In Word And Deed”

    Date / Length: 6/28/2010 8:30 PM

    Length: 1 hr 30 min

    Description Of This Program:

    Tim Harrington & JB Williams will be discussing the topic “Legal Standing” or the lack thereof.

    Why all courts, civil, criminal and military are asserting that no American, soldier or civilian, has “Legal Standing” to question Obama’s “Legal Standing” as President or Commander-in-Chief, and what the people can and must do about that reality.

    A good article to read on this topic is by JB Williams:

    “Obama Democrats Have Declared War On The States”

    The Radio Program Above Is Located Here If You Want To Listen To It:

    In the above radio program I heard the the information that Barack Obama is not who he says he is, and Barack Obama is on the record informing people while he was campaigning to be an lllinois Senator that he was born in Kenya!

    Then when Barack Obama decided to run for the USA President he changed his mind and he literally changed his background history, and he decided to inform people that he was was born in Hawaii in the USA, when he started campaigning for the USA POTUS position!!

    This information is covered in this radio program, as well as what is happening to Lt. Col. Lakin and Lt. Col. Walt Fitzpatrick, and Illegal Immigration and our rights is being discussed here with what is the history of the civil and the military USMJ law.

  22. Testimony on government’s ‘racist’ decisions scheduled

    Former Department of Justice attorney to present evidence to Civil Rights Commission

  23. bob strauss

    Cabby-AZ @ 11:18 am, However, here again: It’s whatever the Supremes want it to be, notwithstanding their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. Tell me, who challenges the Supremes?

    Cabby-AZ, The courts are pushing the People into a corner, where they will have no other recourse but to take up arms against this illegal government, led by the usurper from Kenya.

    I just got through reading the dismissal of Kechner v Obama, and congress, by the “turd district court of Obama”, and I am angry.

    How these a$$hole judges sleep at night is beyond me. How can they refer to a law suit about a Constitutional requirement not being followed as frivolous? What could be more important than respecting one’s oath to uphold the Constitution, and honoring the natural born citizen requirement to be president?

    This ruling will be appealed to the SCOTUS. Maybe the same 5 justices that voted, recently, to respect the second amendment, will vote this time in favor of the Constitution, Article 2, and the People’s right, to have a legitimate government.

    We will wait for the ruling from SCOTUS as we get pushed further and further into the corner.

  24. Folks,

    I have not reviewed the courts material in the ruling pertaining to Mario Apuzzo’s suit, but hopefully I will later today.

    However, a poster on Mario’s site had, in my opinion, a great insight and wonderful comments. I would like to post his comments, as follows. (And I agree with him).

    Robert said:

    “I think the key to being heard on the merits is to put 100% into researching and analyzing the entire body of law on standing. Every aspect of standing needs to be dissected and argued. For example, if I am not mistaken, Blackstone believed – a public right, was a public wrong; the king was the only one injured by such a violation, and he was the proper prosecutor. The problem with believing that the natural born citizen issues only present a public wrong is that Obama is arguably the king, and he won’t prosecute himself.

    Now let’s look at Marbury v. Madison where they cite Blackstone, “that where there is a legal right there is also a legal remedy by suit or action at law, whenever that right is invaded.” Blackstone explained that private rights included the“absolute” rights of personal security, life, liberty and property, as well as “relative” rights which ndividuals acquired “as members of society, and standing in various relations to each other. Are the courts telling us that we have no such rights in having a natural born citizen as president?

    Now lets look at the qui tam action, in which a private individual could bring suit to prosecute fraud on the government. Arguably, qui tam actions establish that there is no restriction whatsoever on private individuals enforcing public rights. That being said, I believe that the eligibility cases are arguably a good faith modification or extension of a qui tam action.

    On a final note, no matter what the courts say, I firmly believe that Article II is a guarantee to each and every individual American that only a natura born citizen shall be president.”

    Robert, I hope you don’t mind me bringing over you wonderful analysis to this site. Well said.

  25. Free Speech

    Starla // July 3, 2010 at 12:20 pm

    Why hasn’t Nungesser called for a Grand Jury in his Parish to investigate these crimes?

    For information on forming a Secret Grand Jury to investigate crimes go here:

    For information on Crimes committed by the bo campaign:

  26. Free Speech // July 3, 2010 at 1:05 pm

    Starla // July 3, 2010 at 12:20 pm

    Why hasn’t Nungesser called for a Grand Jury in his Parish to investigate these crimes?

    For information on forming a Secret Grand Jury to investigate crimes go here:

    For information on Crimes committed by the bo campaign:

    # # # #

    Good question, Free Speech. Let’s find this gentleman and ask him if he will file one!! This sounds like a wonderful idea, and let’s send to him all of your information on filing a Grand Jury!! I’ll try to locate this gentleman and get back to you!!

    # # # #

    Free Speech: Please listen to this MUST LISTEN TO Radio Program I listed here, and Please Read THIS MUST READ Article of J.B. Williams that I listed here at:

    Starla // July 3, 2010 at 12:41 pm

    Then, can you please respond and get back to me on this? They also talk about Grand Juries on here!! Thank you!!

  27. Free Speech

    William // July 3, 2010 at 12:54 pm

    Now lets look at the qui tam action, in which a private individual could bring suit to prosecute fraud on the government. Arguably, qui tam actions establish that there is no restriction whatsoever on private individuals enforcing public rights. That being said, I believe that the eligibility cases are arguably a good faith modification or extension of a qui tam action.

    That is exactly what I have been writing about for a year and a half. Blackstone which the poster referred to is a dictionary, now much depth there.

    For an in depth, thorough explanation of applicable current law, Please see this article:

    If you are interested in understanding the law of standing, I link to the landmark essay on Standing by Steven Winter at the end of the article.

    As I predicted Mario’s Kerchner case was summarily dismissed by the court. SCOTUS is not in session now, but if Mario appeals to SCOTUS, I suspect that they will decline to hear the case. Thus, the case is moot & purely academic history now.

  28. Starla // July 3, 2010 at 12:41 pm

    “Obama Democrats Have Declared War On The States”

    By: J.B. Williams

    # # # #

    I am listening to this Blogtalk Radio Program on “Legal Standing” right now:

    Host Name: Boots On The Ground

    Show Name: “Support Our Troops ~ In Word And Deed”

    Date / Length: 6/28/2010 8:30 PM

    Length: 1 hr 30 min

    Description Of This Program:

    Tim Harrington & JB Williams will be discussing the topic “Legal Standing” or the lack thereof.

    Why all courts, civil, criminal and military are asserting that no American, soldier or civilian, has “Legal Standing” to question Obama’s “Legal Standing” as President or Commander-in-Chief, and what the people can and must do about that reality.

    A good article to read on this topic is by JB Williams:

    “Obama Democrats Have Declared War On The States”

    # # # #

    Free Speech, Please listen to this Radio Program above and read the J. B. Williams Article link here. The Radio Program talks about Legal Standing, the Scathing Corruption In the Tennessee Court System, Military Courts, the Civil Rights of Americans, Grand Juries, The Calling For Barack Obama’s Resignation, Lt. Com. Walt Fitzpatrick’s filing of Treason Charges against Barack Obama…. and so much information about other topics, as well, etc. This Is A MUST HEAR Radio Program!!

  29. Free Speech

    Starla // July 3, 2010 at 1:19 pm

    Read the CFP article, it is erroneous and there was no mention of the Citizen Grand Jury at all which is clearly the only viable, peaceful option left Patriots before bo installs a total dictatorship in Nov. 2010.

    For an thorough & accurate explanation of the law of standing go here:

  30. bob strauss

    “NO person except a natural born citizen!”. This clause is not a suggestion, but a DEMAND!, MANDATED! by the Constitution, for the People’s protection against foreigners in the command of our military!

    We currently have Barak Obama, son of a Kenyan/British citizen, who clearly is not a natural born citizen of the United States of America, pretending to be POTUS, and the court thinks the matter is frivolous?. Give me a break. These judges need to be impeached as well. They obviously are not adhering to their oath to protect and defend the Constitution, and they sure as hell aren’t watching out for the People.

  31. Free Speech


    That radio program that you linked to is full of mostly misinformation. I will avoid any programs with Harrington in the future.

  32. bob strauss

    Free Speech, As I predicted Mario’s Kerchner case was summarily dismissed by the court. SCOTUS is not in session now, but if Mario appeals to SCOTUS, I suspect that they will decline to hear the case. Thus, the case is moot & purely academic history now.

    Does this mean that they are going to pretend Obama’s COLB has “fooled” them all,and they are going to ignore the facts?

  33. Some More Interesting Comments Under This Article:

    # # # #


    July 2nd, 2010 | 10:38 pm | #43

    Obama for offshore drilling in Brazil

    This is a perfect example why many refrain from watching the news on ABC, NBC, CBS, or MSNBC.

    Today on a segment of the “Glen Beck Show” on FOX (Fox Cable News) was the following:

    “Today, even though President Obama is against off shore drilling for our country, he signed an executive order to loan 2 Billion of our taxpayers dollars to a Brazilian Oil Exploration Company (which is the 8th largest company in the entire world) to drill for oil off the coast of Brazil !

    The oil that comes from this operation is for the sole purpose and use of China and NOT THE USA ! Now here’s the real clincher…the Chinese government is under contract to purchase all the oil that this oil field will produce, which is hundreds of millions of barrels of oil.

    Guess who is the largest individual stockholder of this Brazilian Oil Company and who would benefit most from this? It is American BILLIONAIRE, George Soros, who was one of President Obama’s most generous financial supporter during his campaign.

    # # # #


    July 2nd, 2010 | 10:49 pm | #44

    This is not incompetence because even a broken clock is right twice a day. Its hard to come to terms with the fact that this is all being done on purpose but everyday in every way he takes more of our freedom and our way of life.

    Today Harry Reid said he will make sure this Amnesty Bill is passed this year. Even though there is no interest in passing this I wonder how long and what it will take to get enough Senators on board. They can’t beat Republicans with American voters so its necessary to add the votes of Illegals to win an election. Oh for the day that we can laugh at all this.

    # # # #


    July 2nd, 2010 | 10:55 pm | #45

    Sojourner — No one will call Obama out because the Republicans have no power. But after the election it will be a different story. Issa is already saying he is going to investigate Obama 24/7 and will need 80 aides to do it.

    # # # #

    Steve McDuffy

    July 3rd, 2010 | 3:49 am | #46

    This is Lil’ Barry, the Last Oilbender at work. He was trained in his madrassa days in Indonesia at how to use oil to destroy Christendom.

    He is using sleight of hand to increase the oil in the Gulf of Mexico, preventing others from seeing this until it is too late —

    # # # #


    July 3rd, 2010 | 9:43 am | #49

    His speech on illegal immigration revealed the reason for his inaction. “We are not Americans by blood, or birth.”

    Now, I wonder why he would say that? This usurper President is shouting at the authorities in this country, that he is not a natural born citizen.

    The Kenyan birth certificate is in the hands of the courts, retrieved from Kenya.

    It’s only a matter of someone taking the destruction this man is doing seriously, and stopping him. Why isn’t it being done? Please someone, CIA, FBI, military, if there are any patriots in these organizations, you must help stop this.

    We are dealing with the enemy within. You wouldn’t allow it from Ted Bundy, Hitler, Stalin, Joran Vandersloot, and it shouldn’t be allowed by the Kenyan born, Indonesian citizen, Barack Hussein Obama. These people are cut from the same cloth. They are all psychopaths. I know you don’t want to admit it, but any sane person can see he is not right, mentally. We are all victims. Stop him!


  34. bob strauss

    Financial crisis, oil crisis, immigration crisis, eligibility crisis, if everything is a crisis maybe we need new management.

  35. Free Speech

    bob strauss // July 3, 2010 at 1:50 pm

    Free Speech, As I predicted Mario’s Kerchner case was summarily dismissed by the court. SCOTUS is not in session now, but if Mario appeals to SCOTUS, I suspect that they will decline to hear the case. Thus, the case is moot & purely academic history now.

    Does this mean that they are going to pretend Obama’s COLB has “fooled” them all,and they are going to ignore the facts?

    No, that means that a SCOTUS law clerk will glance over the brief & stamp denied on the appeal. I seriously doubt that a SCOTUS Justice will read the brief.

  36. Free Speech

    bob strauss // July 3, 2010 at 1:50 pm

    For a thorough & accurate explanation of the law of standing go here:

  37. Folks,

    If this was 100 years ago, and surely 200 years ago in America, or past Russia, China, and many, many other recent overthows of dictatorships, the citizens would have and Did take matters into their own hands. A Revolution.

    At this point in time, I am quite surprised that a small group of citizens have not radied the Hawaiim DOH and both hospitals with demands and simple confiscations of records. I am also surprised that no group has hacked into their computer systems, including but not limited to passport records, college records, financial records and the likes.

    Surely if China and Russian wannabe hackers can hack into our National Top Secret database systems, Satilites defense systems and including the hacking into many various databases that exposed the global warming fraud, then surely, surely without doubt, someone knowa a hacker willing to expose a greater fraud, using any means neccessary.

    Don’t you think?

  38. bob strauss

    Free Speech, I thought Thomas and Scalia already said they would hear the case if brought before them. I have to hope, that the five justices who recently reaffirmed the second amendment, would uphold the eligibility requirements to be president.

  39. Less than 1000 reps destroying our freedoms and 320 million citizens. Not very good odds for surviving a revolution on their end, now is it?

    In fact, our past revolution against England was caused by far less tolerance and only 32% of the citizens agreed.

  40. But somehow, they fear us not and are above us, rather than serving us. I have a feeling that within the next 2 years, or close to it, a dramtic shift is about to take place. And it isn’t going to be pretty.

  41. Update, on Lt.Com. Fitzpatrick. Judges statements !!!!!!

  42. Free Speech

    bob strauss // July 3, 2010 at 2:20 pm

    Free Speech, I thought Thomas and Scalia already said they would hear the case if brought before them. I have to hope, that the five justices who recently reaffirmed the second amendment, would uphold the eligibility requirements to be president.

    Over a year and a half ago I opined that SCOTUS would hear a civil case brought on the issue of breach of bo’s Constitutional Contract, but the lawyers failed to file a competent case that met the standing requirement.

    The only legal, peaceful option left for Patriots is removal of bo via the Grand Jury process.

    For information on forming a Secret Grand Jury to investigate crimes go here:

    For information on Crimes committed by the bo campaign:

  43. Free Speech // July 3, 2010 at 1:49 pm

    For example, in this radio program Tim
    Harrington mentioned what Judge Lambert said about Grand Juries. Tim said that Judge Lamberth is on the record saying his court is following the “rules of procedure” and therefore, he doesn’t have to accept the Grand Jury presentments.

    This is on the record of what Judge Lambert said. There are many things Tim and J.B. are talking about that they are citing their references.

    Free Speech, Tim and JB in this radio program are saying that We The People, the American Citizens have the unalienable civil rights to have standing to file presentments in Grand Juries, and to hold people accountable, and demand to know who is behind giving the orders to run this country, and who is running this nation, and who is running the military, the rule of law or open lawlessness and tyranny?

    And that We The People as American citizens MUST hold people accountable in the legal system who are breaking the laws, and that we can file criminal complaints against judges, attorney generals, insurance companies, etc. to specifically hold people responsible in the criminal courts, all the way up to the Supreme Court to try to keep this a peaceful procedure, and to try to keep people accountable in the USA court systems to the USA Constitution as a peaceful means in the USA!

    This is accurate and true. Either we are a nation governed by the rule of law in the USA Constitution, or we are living in a totalitarian dictatorhip where people are not held accountable to the rules of laws in the USA and the USA is total tyranny today.

    Free Speech, If you would like to explain what you think is the “misinformation” in this program, I would appreciate your insight. As I stated, they cite references for much of what they say. If you find misinformation, would you care to list what you find that is misleading? I wouldn’t want people to listen to and read misinformation!! Thank you!!

    Free Speech, did you read the article below that J. B. Williams wrote? It is in your field of law and compliments the radio program that I think is a MUST HEAR program!

    “Obama Democrats Have Declared War On The States”

    By J.B. Williams

    # # # #

  44. Re: bob strauss // July 3, 2010 at 2:05 pm

    Financial crisis, oil crisis, immigration crisis, eligibility crisis, if everything is a crisis maybe we need new management.

    # # # #

    What a great comment! This is why at this point, I support a Peaceful 50 State Secession Movement for many legal, financial, and peaceful reasons.

  45. Jacqlyn Smith

    This is the kind of terrorism we the people are being subjected to on a daily basis…..stand up and let your voice be heard folks…..we need everyone….NOT just a few…..get involved or loose your liberty!!!

    Intimidation, Terror and Treason in Tennessee

    Intimidation, Terror and Treason in Tennessee

  46. Free Speech

    Jacqlyn Smith // July 3, 2010 at 2:52 pm

    This is the kind of terrorism we the people are being subjected to on a daily basis…..stand up and let your voice be heard folks…..we need everyone….NOT just a few…..get involved or loose your liberty!!!

    Intimidation, Terror and Treason in Tennessee
    Yes. I was similarly falsely charged in Nashville in May of 2009 because I dared to exercise my right to advocate for the formation of Citizen Grand Juries. However, I am a lawyer and I was able to force the DA to drop the false charges against me.

  47. Free Speech

    I was on a Radio program with Mr. Huff.–jailed-in-tn-for-se

    I see no grounds for an indictment of Mr. Huff. This is an incredible miscarriage of justice.

  48. Muslim convention to shine a light on hate

    Thousands of American Muslims — in Chicago this weekend for a mega convention — are being asked to detail hate directed at them because of their faith.,CST-NWS-isna03.article

  49. Free Speech

    Starla // July 3, 2010 at 2:41 pm

    You will find accurate and useful information on how to form a legitimate Grand Jury here;

    The only legal, peaceful option left for Patriots is removal of bo via the Grand Jury process.

    For information on forming a Secret Grand Jury to investigate crimes go here:

    For information on Crimes committed by the bo campaign:

  50. Jacqlyn,

    I miss you and your presence here. Glad to see your posts from time to time.

    In any event, I agree with your last post. However, so long as we stay focused on the ture and immediate real cause, whilst eliminating the separation of those conspiracy theorists such as 9-11 Truthers, RAP, The Corporation and the many others, then we can united and defeat this Socialist/Communist party occupying the White House.

    Until then, the United will stay divided; unfortunatly.

  51. Jacqlyn,

    I miss you and your presence here. Glad to see your posts from time to time.

    In any event, I agree with your last post. However, so long as we stay focused on the ture and immediate real cause, whilst eliminating the separation of those conspiracy theorists such as 9-11 Truthers, RAP, The Corporation and the many others, then we can united and defeat this Socialist/Communist party occupying the White House.

    Until then, the United will stay divided; unfortunatly.

  52. Philo-Publius

    Barack Obama’s ‘politics as usual’ revealed by Rod Blagojevich trial

    In a year when Americans are arguably more cynical and disillusioned about politics than at any time since Watergate, the corruption trial of Rod Blagojevich is a sobering reminder of how its practitioners operate.

    Although “Blago”, the foul-mouthed bouffant buffoon, is the main attraction of the Chicago production, the former Illinois governor’s reluctant co-star is Barack Obama.

    At least the citizens of the UK know what’s going on since the corrupt US media no longer does real journalistic reporting.

  53. Starla // July 3, 2010 at 2:41 pm

    Free Speech // July 3, 2010 at 1:49 pm

    For example, in this radio program Tim
    Harrington mentioned what Judge Lambert said about Grand Juries. Tim said that Judge Lamberth is on the record saying his court is following the “rules of procedure” and therefore, he doesn’t have to accept the Grand Jury presentments.

    This is on the record of what Judge Lambert said. There are many things Tim and J.B. are talking about that they are citing their references.

    Free Speech, Tim and JB in this radio program are saying that We The People, the American Citizens have the unalienable civil rights to have standing to file presentments in Grand Juries, and to hold people accountable, and demand to know who is behind giving the orders to run this country, and who is running this nation, and who is running the military, the rule of law or open lawlessness and tyranny?

    And that We The People as American citizens MUST hold people accountable in the legal system who are breaking the laws, and that we can file criminal complaints against judges, attorney generals, insurance companies, etc. to specifically hold people responsible in the criminal courts, all the way up to the Supreme Court to try to keep this a peaceful procedure, and to try to keep people accountable in the USA court systems to the USA Constitution as a peaceful means in the USA!

    This is accurate and true. Either we are a nation governed by the rule of law in the USA Constitution, or we are living in a totalitarian dictatorhip where people are not held accountable to the rules of laws in the USA and the USA is total tyranny today.

    Free Speech, If you would like to explain what you think is the “misinformation” in this program, I would appreciate your insight. As I stated, they cite references for much of what they say. If you find misinformation, would you care to list what you find that is misleading? I wouldn’t want people to listen to and read misinformation!! Thank you!!

    Free Speech, did you read the article below that J. B. Williams wrote? It is in your field of law and compliments the radio program that I think is a MUST HEAR program!

    “Obama Democrats Have Declared War On The States”

    By J.B. Williams

    There is no misinformation in Tim and JB’s interview. Tim and the Commander have been working together since the President illegally sent armed troops into Samson Alabama as a NorthCom exercise.

    Tim has been studing law, especially the Uniform Code of Military Justice, for a decade or more now. The Commander, at least two decades.

    Both men are fully informed on military and civilian law. Don’t let FS misrepresent either of these men.

    If you want to see Judge Lamberth’s entire order go to and click on the current post under the Opinion Section – Smack Down of Monroe County. Every single document, radio, audio recording and youtube video is there for you to cull through and decide for yourself.

    The Commander and Tim and are all about educating the citizenry about their first and fifth amendment rights and how the first amd was footnoted in 1946. One cannot just change the constitution at one’s whim which is precisely what the Supreme Court and their Advisory Committee did when the Rules of Criminal Procedure were passed.

    They relegated the citizen’s right to redress their government by footnoting it in their final report. The Court approved it.

    Understand, this is when Rules trumped constitutional law AND is also the time the citizen lost “standing”.

    The T-Room spent the last eight weeks digesting all these two men have accomplished since 17 March 2009 in a three-part series. This series has every single document, interview, audio recording of citizen arrests and yt recordings. We did this so folks could read and educate themselves so as not to be lead around by the nose by someone who may have another agenda.

    JB Williams has done the same thing. Educating and informing.

    Here are four sites you can visit to get the full information – (the Commander’s) (Tim’s) (Darren Huff’s) (Helen)
    Canadafreepress (JB)

    Every single thing that has transpired since 17 March 2009, the filing of the Complaint of Treason, is at one of these five sites.

  54. Hi Helen,

    I posted excerpts from an informative article with one of your very informative comments here at Citizen Wells early this morning. I will post this article and your very informative comment again for others. Helen, I hope you don’t mind! If you do, please let me know. Thank you!

    Must Read Article:

    “House Approves Martial Law Rule”

    July 2, 2010 · 24 Comments

    “Yesterday, the first item on the Daily Schedule of the House of Representatives for July 1, 2010, was a vote on the adoption of the Martial Law Rule for H.R. 5618 – Restoration of Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act.

    I tried to find information on the net, but could only find this on House Minority Leader John Boehner (R)’s website, The Republican Cloakroom:

    H.R. 5618 – Restoration of Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act (Rep. McDermott – Ways and Means)

    Closed rule, One hour of debate (also includes martial law rule for certain resolutions reported from the Rules Committee)

    Rule Y 231 N 189

    I did a Google search for “‘martial law rule’ ‘HR 5618′” but all I got was Boehner’s Republican Cloakroom. I searched the Library of Congress’ Thomas website for “martial law rule HR 5618″ and “martial law rule,” but was told that ”No items were found for the search.”

    When I searched Thomas for “HR 5618,” I found that HR 5618 not only failed to pass on June 29, 2010, a motion introduced the same day to suspend the rules and pass the bill also failed. Given that, why was HR 5618 again on the House agenda yesterday? Furthermore, on June 30, Thomas has HR 5618 as “Bill is closed to amendments.” So how can the House tack on a “martial law rule” to HR 5618 yesterday? (See HERE.)

    Here’s what Wikipedia says about Martial Law:

    Martial law is the imposition of military rule by military authorities over designated regions on an emergency basis—usually only temporary—when the civilian government or civilian authorities fail to function effectively (e.g., maintain order and security, and provide essential services), when there are extensive riots and protests, or when the disobedience of the law becomes widespread.


    UPDATE: The Library of Congress’ Thomas website today (July 2) says that yesterday, 7/1/2010, H.R. 5618 was “Passed/agreed to in House: On passage Passed by recorded vote: 270 – 153 (Roll no. 423).” No mention of the mysterious ”martial law rule.”

    Please note that the vote count (270 – 153) for passage of H.R. 5618 is different than the vote count (231Y – 189N) for the “martial law rule” which also took place yesterday, July 1 — as stated on Rep. Boehner’s website, The Republican Cloakroom. The martial law rule, therefore, is not the same as H.R. 5618. Despite that, there is no mention of the martial law rule vote on Thomas.”


    Much More Information In This Article Here About Martial Law:

    Much More Information In This Informative Long Article:

    # # # #

    Some Interesting Comments Under Article:

    Mike S // July 2, 2010

    Mike, that is why Obama is pushing harder than ever to get his own private army which will undoubtedly be formed heavily from gang members who are already better armed and hardened for killing than most police departments. It will undoubtedly also be composed of crack teams of unscrupulous mercs who’s only loyalty is to who can pay them the most. They will provide the field leadership and cohesion. Many of these groups have received extensive training alongside the IDF and the Mossad in occupation and insurgency suppression tactics. They are getting their practice runs right now in Iraq and Afghanistan against better armed and better coordinated foes than what could immediately be expected among any American civilian resistance to it’s increasingly oppressive and imperial government from the money center of New York and its puppet front in Washington.

    That is another reason for the never ending wars in places like Iraq, Afghanistan and maybe soon to be Iran or Pakistan. At times of potential unrest, all empires want to keep the best of its civilian soldiers as far from home as possible. Keep trained citizen soldiers away who have law abiding ties to communities, who would refuse to fire on their kin and countrymen or hesitate to round disarm them or round them up to be placed in internment camps. I don’t even trust the Oath Keepers, I have done a lot of research into it and if I were an aspiring dictator like his majesty Obama, I would love groups like that. There is nothing I would love more than to not only have records of who those potential dissenters were, but to have them readily identifiable by their uniform patches, so when the time came, they could easily be isolated and neutralized before they could stand against me and my tyrannical plans. I don’t trust a lot of the senior military brass either. They are much more career politicians than they are soldiers, and if there is one thing I have learned in my life, it is that in the corrupt political atmosphere of modern imperial America, career politicians are never to be trusted. Much of the upper military brass would be not only willing but eager to be the upper leadership of tyrannical plans against American citizens.

    # # # #

    Dan // July 2, 2010

    To my knowledge the ‘state of emergency’ clause has been invoked several times since 1933, none of them have been formally rescinded.

    Under the SOE the president has extended powers, little wonder why no current president has given the ‘stand down order’ concerning the SOE status.
    On the other hand, perhaps the politicians are getting ready to get rid of the ‘pretender to the throne’ and need the military to do it.

    On the other, other hand a scared public under martial law is easier to control (no protests).

    Not knowing what is next is the scary part.

    # # # #

    Eowyn // July 2, 2010


    This is from the same wikipedia article that I quoted in this post on the House approving a martial law rule:

    On September 15, 1863, President Lincoln imposed Congressionally-authorized martial law.[citation needed] The authorizing act allowed the President to suspend habeas corpus throughout the entire United States (which he had already done under his own authority on April 27, 1861). Lincoln imposed the suspension on “prisoners of war, spies, or aiders and abettors of the enemy,” as well as on other classes of people, such as draft dodgers. The President’s proclamation was challenged in Ex parte Milligan, 71 US 2 [1866]). The Supreme Court ruled that Lincoln’s imposition of martial law (by way of suspension of habeas corpus) was unconstitutional in areas where the local courts were still in session.

    # # # #

    Paulie // July 2, 2010

    There is a Congressional precedure called the “Martial Law Rule” explained here.

    # # # #

    Jumping John // July 2, 2010

    When Congress declares Martial Law it is not the same as when the President does.

    It pertains to a bill that is under consideration. Under the martial law procedure, House rules that require at least one day between the unveiling of the legislation and the House floor vote on that legislation — so that Members can learn what they are being asked to vote on — are swept away. Under “martial law,” the Leadership can file legislation and move immediately to debate and vote on it. Hope this helps.

    # # # #

    Helen // July 2, 2010 at 7:18 pm

    First time poster here and so value and appreciate this post. Great work!

    I blog over at the and have been covering a unique story out of a small town called Monroe, TN.

    What a few in Monroe Co Tennessee have learned is this, the entire Circuit Court, martial law, the EO signed by Lincoln, was to be rescinded prior to his murder. There is a reason that original order HAS NEVER BEEN RESCINDED. We’ve learned through our whacked out journey, that Congress and every Prez since then used the suspension of constitutional law to their advantage to create and build an entire infrastructure of gov’t known as the ‘shadow’ government. This false entity has been found out by many, but we are pieceing the last 50+ years of law made that is anti constitutional e.g. Grand Jury.

    Real life people, Commander of the Navy, and many more are demonstrating to the People precisely the issue of Grand Jury and Martial Law and its affects to date.

    I personally invite you, as the author of a current three part series to visit the to learn more of these actions and how you can support them and take part as an American to take our Constitutional Law away from the Congressional shysters who ‘think’ they’ve succeeded in taking our powers away.

    # # # #

    1289 // July 2, 2010 at 9:32 pm

    They dont need the US military. They’ll use American tax dollars to pay Blackwater and the mossad who will gladly gun us down for them.

    # # # #

  55. Re: Helen // July 3, 2010 at 4:45 pm

    Thank you for your very informative comment! I will check out all of these links and information. Thank you, Helen!

  56. Free Speech

    boBots are obviously afraid of Patriots getting accurate information on how to form a legitimate Grand Jury.

    You will find accurate and useful information on how to form a legitimate Grand Jury here;

    The only legal, peaceful option left for Patriots is removal of bo via the Grand Jury process.

    For information on forming a Secret Grand Jury to investigate crimes go here:

    For information on Crimes committed by the bo campaign:

  57. You are most welcome, Starla.

    Darren’s site offers the most accurate accounting of his felony arrest and the fallout since then.

    Truly, the primary reason The T-Room chose to take the time to cover this incredibly important story is b/c we want you to have all of the materials at hand to self educate and make decisions for yourselves. That is who we are and wish to remain.

    I can’t tell you how long I hunted down the Lamberth order only to learn it was not on the web. Which was curious to me. And once I got it I posted it b/c it is germane to this overall effort.

    I also want to say that the American Grand Jury, through a ton of work, did do their work and did it well. Had it not been for Judge Lamberth’s Order which was in response to an AGJ Presentment, the Commander would not have considered taking his Complaint of Treason to his local GJ.

    Once you read the Order you will quickly learn that Lamberth does not cite denial on merit but on the technical aspects of his court.

  58. FS – blowing you kisses xxxxxx Just love it when your panties get all tied up in a knot.

  59. Free Speech

    You will find accurate and useful information on how to form a legitimate Grand Jury here;

    The only legal, peaceful option left for Patriots is removal of bo via the Grand Jury process.

    For information on forming a Secret Grand Jury to investigate crimes go here:

    For information on Crimes committed by the bo campaign:

  60. Free Speech

    Give it up boBots the RAP/AGJ/boBot disinformation has already been thoroughly debunked here.

  61. This ruling will be appealed to the SCOTUS. Maybe the same 5 justices that voted, recently, to respect the second amendment, will vote this time in favor of the Constitution, Article 2, and the People’s right, to have a legitimate government
    Bob Strauss…..I believe the vote was a staged event–each knew and agreed how to vote to make it look like it was 5-4…probably a real 9-9.

    Didn’t want a riot??

    Same with gun regulation vote–just pandering to prevent riots?? We have been experiencing a coup since Nov. 4, 2008 and possibly before–we all know the voting machines were fixed/compromised.

  62. On the other, other hand a scared public under martial law is easier to control (no protests).

    Don’t know who is speaking here–I totally disagree–martial law is the wrong direction at this time in this nation—this is NOT Afghanistan; what happened in New Orleans is still fresh in 75% of American citizen’s minds.

    There will NEVER be a time that this country will give up their guns….that must be the first order of business to engage martial law…right??

  63. FS – as you know, my research on the Grand Jury system started right around the time you showed up here at CW’s blog. I didn’t know then what I do now, and now I know a heck of a lot more than I knew then…LOL.

    What my challenge was then and remains today is this – the American Grand Jury did a boat load of work only to be rejected by every court they filed Presentments in. Why is that? Were their Presentments flawed? Was it the Court?

    Then you come along and encourage folks to organize Grand Jury’s in their jurisdictions and to produce “Indictments” Note: I’ve taken notice of your recent language change from Grand Jury to “Secret” Grand Jury. Just wanted to mention that.

    So, I ask why would your approach be any different than the hard effort put forward by those patriots who gave heart and soul to the American Grand Jury process?

    The short answer – it’s not. Indeed, you add the element of an “Indictment” which a Prosecutor must bring before the court. How on earth are citizens to get a Prosecutor to first hold a “secret” GJ and then “Indict” when no state or federal prosecutor will touch such a case? D or R? My goodness your bar is mighty high!

    Is it your and Aristotle’s collective goal to get someone to do a “test” case so you, the attorney, can then step in and push the constitutional envelope similar to Commander Fitzpatrick’s current challenge?

    If so, then good for you. Nothing wrong with that unless, that is, you are angling to make dough off of those you recruit to hold and commit to the GJ process knowing full well these citizens are going to need legal counsel once they are denied. I’m going to assume said cases will be handled pro bono by you. Is this correct?

    I sure hope so.

    Btw, an attorney has been hired to sit as co-counsel w/the Commander.

  64. Perdie’s Walk For Freedom – July 4th at 5:30pm

    perdiefilms | July 01, 2010
    From July 3rd at 6pm to July 4th at 6pm, Matthew Perdie and Brooks Blanton will walk the last 50 miles of Perdie’s walk across America to protest against massive federal government growth and spending. Come join us as we storm the liberal capital of the world on July 4th! (Santa Monica, CA)

  65. Perdie’s Walk For Freedom – July 4th at 5:30pm

    perdiefilms | July 01, 2010
    From July 3rd at 6pm to July 4th at 6pm, Matthew Perdie and Brooks Blanton will walk the last 50 miles of Perdie’s walk across America to protest against massive federal government growth and spending. Come join us as we storm the liberal capital of the world on July 4th! (Santa Monica, CA)

  66. Free Speech

    It is unfortunate that Huff & the Commander got involved with RAP/AGJ.

    After reading their case information, it is obvious that they were setup by agents of bo. It is also obvious that they will not get fair trials in Madisonville.

  67. Michelle —

    Thanks for the Mahalia Jackson tune from the other thread, which led to other fabulous finds.

    Here’s another awesome one.
    Power in the Blood.

    This one, too.
    It Is Well With My Soul

    The art of embedding escapes me. lol

  68. Fingers crossed and prayers that the “A Whale” works out.

    Giant oil skimmer being tested in Gulf of Mexico

    The U.S. Coast Guard, along with BP, are waiting to see if the vessel, which is 10 stories high and as long as 3 1/2 football fields, can live up to its makers’ promise of being able to process up to 21 million gallons of oil-fouled water a day.

    Read more:

  69. Fingers crossed and prayers that the “A Whale” works out.

    Giant oil skimmer being tested in Gulf of Mexico

    The U.S. Coast Guard, along with BP, are waiting to see if the vessel, which is 10 stories high and as long as 3 1/2 football fields, can live up to its makers’ promise of being able to process up to 21 million gallons of oil-fouled water a day.

    Read more:

  70. Philo-Publius @ 4:43 pm
    I don’t think the Brit’s meant this to be hilarious but as a former Chicagoan I can’t help but see the irony. Obama from the cesspool of corruption Chicago’s South Side was introduced and guided by a sewer inspector. Bad things happen when things crawl out of the gutters/sewers. How low can you go?
    It has also become clear from the trial that Obama wanted to make sure that Emil Jones, then President of the Illinois State Senate and the man Obama referred to as his “political godfather”, out of the seat.
    The former sewer inspector had taken Obama under his wing when he was a callow state senator but he had apparently now outlived his usefulness. Perhaps Obama did not want such a reminder of his past in Washington.

  71. Very interesting.

    Michael Savage: Obama is a puppet of NWO

  72. “Hustler-in-Chief” So true. lol

    I will now forever refer to the dems as the Tar Baby Ticket. Can’t think of a more apt term for the Hustler-in-Chief’s regime than “The Tar Baby Tenure.” (under the faux prez)

    The feathers are a given . . . embedded in the tar ….the word, feathers, is not needed.

  73. !?!! @ 7:28 pm
    “Thanks for the Mahalia Jackson tune from the other thread, which led to other fabulous finds.”
    !?!!Thank you-I just played what you found, I have always loved Gospel, the purity, the simplicity, the beauty. I have never heard either of these two beautiful songs before, Mahalia so talented.

  74. FS – I asked you a question – will you be offering your legal services pro bono to those that follow your lead, organize GJs and file Indictments, that is, IF they can find a Prosecutor willing to prosecute? Are your fee’s pro bono or not and don’t duck the question. It’s fair and folks need to know you’ve got their backs. Do you or don’t you and is your legal counsel going to be pro bono?

  75. I don’t think the Brit’s meant this to be hilarious but as a former Chicagoan I can’t help but see the irony. Obama from the cesspool of corruption Chicago’s South Side was introduced and guided by a sewer inspector. Bad things happen when things crawl out of the gutters/sewers. How low can you go?
    It has also become clear from the trial that Obama wanted to make sure that Emil Jones, then President of the Illinois State Senate and the man Obama referred to as his “political godfather”, out of the seat.
    The former sewer inspector had taken Obama under his wing when he was a callow state senator but he had apparently now outlived his usefulness. Perhaps Obama did not want such a reminder of his past in Washington.

  76. Oath

    Flag-draped boxes
    bear back to us
    much loved warriors, slain
    for love of country.

    Retaining their honor,
    our brave-hearts lived their oaths
    in meritorious valor,
    under enemy fire,
    under obscene ROE,
    under conditions of unnecessary risk,
    under false commands.
    They consented, still, to serve,
    for love of country.

    Restrained and exposed,
    reckoned by a foreign usurper
    as the enemy,
    not as faithful guardians
    of our lives and liberties,
    they consented, still, to defend,
    for love of country.

    Steady and true,
    by oath constrained,
    each irreparably interposed
    between enemy and country
    a precious life
    upon the firing line.
    Priceless, unmerited gift —
    they consented, still, to give
    for love of us.

    Shroud-draped judges,
    for love of power,
    speak back to us
    our warriors’ fate.

    Their oath a sham
    without meaning,
    the judges convene
    to sell our soldiers cheap
    on the executioner’s block
    to their judicial pursuits of happiness.

    With a wink and a grin,
    they decide not to decide.
    Urgent, life-threatening need
    for emergency back-up:
    For love of place,
    they frivolously abdicate
    their sworn duty
    TO adjudicate,
    TO protect and defend.

    Oath disavowed,
    they magisterially contend,
    “We can’t touch this one,”
    emphatically imposing punishment
    upon those who dare
    to frivolously deflect
    Ones of Lordly Importance,
    from Truly Pressing Cases.

    Casually dismissive, thus,
    they dispense death by false judgment.
    Their verdict of betrayal,
    an epitaph for our brave,
    bequeaths to our families

    Not one shred of honor, justice or truth
    attends your actions,
    Your Honors.

    The nation lays heavily upon you the weight of our slain heroes.

  77. Lurker @ 7:43 pm
    I’m so excited down here in FL re: the Whale, I can’t wait to see it floating on the water, I wonder if it will look big? I cannot imagine the size of this thing. I remember when I lived by O’Hare the 747’s would go over our houses, they were huge, I used to feel like I could put my hand up and touch them. The 747’s seemed to float in the sky as opposed to the other jets that would just whiz right on past.
    To think it could have been here on Day 5, instead of Day 75, had Obama the idiot not rejected it. I know 2 year olds with more sense.

  78. Free Speech

    Helen // July 3, 2010 at 8:05 pm

    ”Don’t argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference”.

    Then post: “Click the link below for the punch line and my final comment:”

  79. Always nice to know how an elected representative feels about his constituency who also pay his salary. His no respect borders on contempt.
    Kanjorski wants to avoid ‘nuts’ at town halls as lawmakers leave for recess
    By Jordan Fabian – 07/02/10 03:12 PM ET
    A Democratic lawmaker said Thursday he does not want to encounter any “nuts” at town hall meetings with constituents.
    Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D-Pa.) made his comments as lawmakers are heading home for the July 4 recess. reported:
    On Thursday, while appearing as a guest on WILK Radio’s “Webster and Nancy Show,” Kanjorski was asked if he was going to hold any public town hall meetings with his constituents.
    “We will do everything we can to meet with people, but I’m not going to set myself up for, you know, nuts to hit me with a camera.”
    He said often times “people can’t resist changing what you said or taking things out of context.” He said these “snippets” lead to “distortions.”
    “I’m not going to arm my opponent with a baseball bat,” Kanjorski said later in the interview.
    Kanjorski appeared to reference last August’s healthcare town hall meetings, which featured many heated exchanges between congressmen and attendees.
    Recently, he said at a committee hearing that certain government benefits go to good people, not “minorities” or “defective” people. The Pennsylvania Democrat has also been caught making controversial comments on tracker video several times.
    Kanjorksi faces a tough reelection contest with Hazleton, Pa., Mayor Lou Barletta (R):
    “Paul Kanjorski has been in Congress for 26 years and his response to our region’s 10 percent unemployment rate is to call his constituents ‘nuts’ and to attack the city of Hazleton,” Barletta said. “Do these so-called ‘nuts’ who attend town meetings fall into Kanjorski’s ‘defective people’ category?”
    Ed Mitchell, Kanjorski’s campaign spokesman, fired back, saying the congressman stands by his comments made on WILK, “including the ones about Barletta’s sorry record as mayor.”
    one of the comments:
    BY al chandler on 07/02/2010 at 15:47
    And those NUTS shall set you free!!

  80. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO)

    Free Speech // July 3, 2010 at 8:20 pm


    I thought we agreed before that ‘engaging’ Helen is a waste of time, and a waste of useful blog space, and had therefore refused to do it anymore.


  81. I just want to share with all of you this new story which speaks for itself but essentially the state of Illinois is up sh*t’s creek due to corruption, over spending and debt. But this is the exact playbook which Obama is using that is bringing the federal government to near bankruptcy, see:

  82. Tom W. – 9:29 PM

    Thanks for the link to article re. Illinois’ financial meltdown – and printed in NY Times, no less.

    You are certainly right about BHO bringing the Chicago way to D.C. in more ways than one. Not only the corruption but overspending and debt are in his arsenal to destroy our country.

  83. Citizen Carlyle (FUBO) // July 3, 2010 at 9:02 pm

    Free Speech // July 3, 2010 at 8:20 pm


    I thought we agreed before that ‘engaging’ Helen is a waste of time, and a waste of useful blog space, and had therefore refused to do it anymore.

    We have seen that there are some folks who enjoy “getting something going”, and it is often not a really profitable activity.

  84. Michelle // July 3, 2010 at 9:01 pm

    Hey, Kanjorski, way to put your country first and focus on serving your constituents.

    You might reflect upon WHY citizens in your district are so discontent. Your own actions are coming home to roost.
    Citizens need to have their own Town Hall Meetings and deal first with the issue of rampant vote fraud and getting safeguards in place and vote machines OUT of polling places before November.

  85. Philo-Publius

    Judicial Watch investigated this matter of “free” education. For school year 2008-2009, 506 students were transported from the Port of Entry to Deming Public Schools (and this number has been increasing for the past three years). Typically, the students cross the border where a public school bus waits for them and then transports them 30 miles to the schools in Deming. The source of funding for theses students is part of the district allotment which is based on services (busing, English as a second language, etc)…The amount of additional money is not insignificant especially given that New Mexico will receive $537,047,803 from President Obama’s stimulus plan to “lay the foundation for a generation of education reform and help save thousands of teaching jobs at risk due to state and local budget cuts.” That’s right, the stimulus money will indirectly be funding education for students whose families do not pay taxes.

  86. Missing: $1.3 billion in taxpayers’ money

    Abortion provider cannot account for federal grants

  87. Sestak would be ‘most anti-Israel’ member of Senate

    Candidate target of protest for his ties to Muslim extremist group CAIR

  88. 68Truthseeker

    OBAMA – The Con-Man In Chief – Movie Trailer (Spoof)
    Eddie Murphy lands the starring role in the new documentary portraying the life and crimes of Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama. This film will highlight Obama’s elusive birth certificate, sealed records and multiple social security numbers

  89. Bill Cutting

    Barkle Obama hits the campaign trail on the taxpayer dime!!

    Golf anyone?

    Where are the Jobs ???

  90. Citizen Wells, please remove my comment at 12:00. Nobody cares, at least nobody that could do anything to correct this situation now, and certainly nobody in this administration.

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