Tag Archives: July 3

Hustler in chief, Unemployment rate, Illegal aliens, Economy, Citizen Wells open thread, July 3, 2010

Hustler in chief, Unemployment rate, Illegal aliens, Economy

I suppose you all heard the Hustler in chief speak of the 9.5 % unemployment rate in somewhat glowing terms as improvement. When I heard life long Democrat, civil rights attorney, Bartle Bull refer to Obama as a hustler it resonated with me. I had been refering to Obama for many months as being “street smart.”

Wiretap from Rod Blagojevich trial.
DATE: 11/10/2008
TIME:  9:07 A.M.
ACTIVITY: Rod Blagojevich home line conference call

BLAGOJEVICH “Now Patti works. She’s very good at what she does. She’s as qualified as Michelle Obama, if not more qualified. Michelle Obama is getting sixty five grand a year for you know, what was it, Tree House Foods, Patti?”
QUINLAN “Tree House Foods is what she was on.”
P. BLAGOJEVICH “Tree House.”
BLAGOJEVICH “Yeah and she’s making 0 grand over at the University of Chicago.”
BLAGOJEVICH “…where her fath-, her husband’s federal months, federal funds are going there? What?”
P. BLAGOJEVICH “Yeah, which of course went up as soon as he got elected to Senate and he was able to get federal funding to University of Chicago. Get this, I think the most…”