Obama, Acorn, New Party, Democratic Socialists of America, Catholic Bishops, Obama’s radical past, New Party endorsed Obama, Obama Acorn New Party Marxist Socialist connections

I was preparing to write an article about Obama being a member of and
being endorsed by the New Party and the Democratic Socialists of America.
The NoquarterUSA blog came out with an excellent article yesterday on
this subject and since they do such a great job, I will quote them. I
will add a few points but more importantly show the involvement of
Acorn in the socialist efforts.

The New Party

“Obama is Hiding a Radical Past!

By Matthew Weaver”

“Did you know that Barack Obama was affiliated with a leading national socialist party? Barack Obama didn’t include in his 2008 resume that he entered politics in the mid-1990s endorsed by Chicago’s leading socialists. This just keeps getting better and better. Barack Obama was an active participant in the 1990s, and a direct political beneficiary, of the Chicago New Party and, importantly, the Chicago DSA, a group of socialists affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America.

Barack Obama attended and participated in meetings of the Chicago New Party and the Chicago DSA, the local affiliate of the Democratic Socialists of America.
Barack Obama sought the endorsement of the Chicago DSA which required rigorous scrutiny by the party’s Political Committee as well as Mr. Obama’s signature on a contract promising “a visible and active relationship with the NP.”
Barack Obama actively used the endorsement from the Chicago DSA.
Barack Obama won his DSA-endorsed and -backed campaign to secure his seat in the Illinois State Senate.
Barack Obama continued his involvement with the Chicago DSA — including directly asking the group to join “his task forces on Voter Education and Voter Registration” — and received their endorsements in subsequent campaigns.

Obama’s participation in and endorsement from the Chicago New Party and Chicago DSA, the local affiliate of the Democratic Socialists of America (which is the U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International) is quite clear:”

Read more here:


The New Party, Acorn, Marxist coalition

“Obama Sought Endorsement of Marxist Third Party in 1996

By Warner Todd Huston”

“Here is some interesting as well as character confirming info about one of Barack Obama’s former runs for office. Apparently, Obama actively sought and received the stamp of approval of a Marxist third party that operated briefly in Chicago between 1992 and 1998. The group was called the “New Party” and was started in 1992 by Daniel Cantor (a former staffer for Jesse Jackson’s 1988 presidential campaign) and Joel Rogers (a sociology and law professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison).”

“The New Party was a Marxist political coalition whose objective was to endorse and elect leftist public officials — most often Democrats. The New Party’s short-term objective was to move the Democratic Party leftward, thereby setting the stage for the eventual rise of new Marxist third party.

Most New Party members hailed from the Democratic Socialists of America and the militant organization ACORN. The party’s Chicago chapter also included a large contingent from the Committees of Correspondence, a Marxist coalition of former Maoists, Trotskyists, and Communist Party USA members.”

Read more here:


“Obama and the New Party

by  Erick Erickson”
“Barack Obama, not needing to, chose to affiliate himself with this band of quasi-communists.  As the nation moves closer to the election, it is clear that Obama chose to affiliate with assorted anti-American radicals.  Machiavelli once noted that we can know a leader by the people he surrounds himself with.  What does that say about Barack Obama, who chose to surround himself with people committed to overthrowing the United States and capitalism?”

Read more here:



“A Commentary on the Campaign for Human Development
Prepared for the Catholic Bishops of the United States
Prepared by the Wanderer Forum Foundation

I. Introduction: This commentary is submitted to the Catholic Bishops of the United States with respect to their possible consideration of changes in the organization, funding, and structure of the Campaign for Human Development (CHD). It is essential to note, however, the limited purpose and scope of this commentary:”

“COMMUNITY ORGANIZING: During the funding period of 1992-1995, CHD gave significant grants to community organizing efforts that implement many of the organizational techniques recommended by Saul Alinsky. Many community organizations patterned after Alinsky’s recommendations recruit their membership either entirely or partially by institution. Included among this class of grantees are four national organizations: the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), Gamaliel, Pacific Institute for Community Organizing (PICO), and Direct Action and Research Training Center (DART). The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) which is also patterned on Alinsky’s organizational recommendations, recruits individual members. These five national organizations alone account for approximately 33% of current CHD expenditures annually. For purposes of illustration, it will be useful to note here some aspects of the operation of ACORN and the IAF.”

“During the 1990s, ACORN has been openly active in Congressional lobbying. Its leadership operates, “…from inside positions of power. ACORN’s work on the savings and loan bailout provided effective means of developing and applying power…ACORN members won appointment to the Resolution Trust Corporation to help determine the management of the billions of dollars of assets the government seized.”

“To be eligible to receive CHD funds, a program must be run by the poor, benefit the poor, and change social structures that harm the poor.” However, in light of the politically oriented thrust of ACORN’s activities, it is fair to ask whether the CHD subsidies to ACORN are advisable and commensurate with the purposes of CHD.”

“This commentary does not oppose CHD funding of genuine, grassroots community organizations, run and supported by individual members of a parish or diocese. There is potential value and virtue in the collective voice. However, when the CHD funds Alinsky-style, church-based community organizations as in the best interest of the poor and supports organizations which advance other agendas, it divests the poor of their right to an authentic voice. This process tends to treat the poor as exploited units of human capital, rather than as human beings created in the dignity of God’s image.”

“Nor is there any basis for the CHD to imply by its actions that there are no alternative organizations that it can fund to promote valuable institutional change, uninfluenced by a politicized agenda. There is no necessity for CHD funds to go to organizations which contribute to or participate in any way in the political support of abortion. There is no necessity for CHD to fund Alinsky-style, church-based community organizations. There are alternative, self-determined organizations of the poor, which are supportive of life. Those alternative, grassroots community organizations do not merely serve their constituency but rather they are their constituency. They do not use community organizing to further an additional agenda.

It would be reasonable for the bishops to consider:

The immediate cessation of all CHD funding to Alinsky-style, church-based community organizations.”

To accomplish its goals, as outlined in the People’s Platform, ACORN has developed a political alliance with the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Together with others, ACORN and the DSA have formed a political party, the New Party.

“National ACORN president, Maud Hurd, along with Dr. Cornel West (honorary chair of the Democratic Socialists of America) and a representative from the Reproductive Rights Coalition Fund, are listed as New Party supporters.” 

Read more here:

If you do not want a socialist, Indonesian citizen for US president, visit:


23 responses to “Obama, Acorn, New Party, Democratic Socialists of America, Catholic Bishops, Obama’s radical past, New Party endorsed Obama, Obama Acorn New Party Marxist Socialist connections

  1. Mighty Quinn



    Abercrombie & Fitch Job Recruiter uses Job Fair in Ohio to Campaign for Obama

  2. Mighty Quinn

    They’ve found another place to flex their muscles… wonder what would happen if those Republican parents quit buying those ridiculously priced clothes??? OH DUH, I think that is about to happen, thanks to BO & Fannie !!!

  3. Mighty Quinn

    Here we go…. we’ll send some quick notes to INVESTOR RELATIONS !!


  4. My question is what are we all going to do if Obama gets in the White House and starts changing everything to socialism and communism? I do not understand why anyone would vote for this dishonest man. Does anyone have an answer to my question?

  5. Brenda,

    Well, we’ll do what the Chinese did… we’ll sneak paper messages in “moon cakes” to each other, we’ll bury “taboo” items such as our computers and religious items, we’ll boil bark for soup, we’ll memorize loving phrases to chant to glorify BO, we’ll let complete strangers move into our homes, and we’ll “monitor” each other… really, it’s very simple.

  6. Brenda,
    It is a shame that our education system has produced so many lazy people that all want something for nothing and they are willing to sell their soul on the idea of getting a free hand out from the Government. That is part of the reason for the polls.

  7. I just heard that Corsi was on Hannity’s radio program already and said he has a “bombshell” to drop about Obama!!! Did anyone else hear this?


    educatedwhitewoman informs us of PROOF Corsi brought back from Kenya – implicating Obama with Odinga and his masacre! Hannity had Corsi on the phone from London this past hour.


  9. Am I slow? If so, I apologize, but I just received links to these very excellent video documentaries of the egregious fraud in the primary elections. They were put up on youtube on Aug. 28.

    Video in four parts. Does Obama hate America? ACORN hates America. In what moral code is honesty and fairness sneered at? Marxism. Our country is being stolen from within by Marxist-socialists. Obama is their leader.

  10. Patrick, I heard that. He should be on H&C next week. They seemed to use the same tactic on Corsi as they did Sinclair. Same M.O. …………

  11. If people knew about this man and the depth of his “beliefs”, the election should be another republican landslide.

    How can he be a member of more than one political party? Isn’t that false representation? He’s a member of an extreme left anti-American socialist party (New Party), then poses as a moderate Democrat to secure an election?

    Freaks. God help us wake some folks up before Nov 4

  12. barrett klutts

    Having a polital science i have vote for only two more Republicans than DEMS. Whoa he has snowed the youth of today what a scary situation this country is in!
    This guy is a out right Liar! Study his past not his abilty to deliver speaches feeled with lies!

  13. Pingback: Obama, Acorn, Community organizer, New Party, Democratic Socialists of America, DSA, Saul Alinsky, Obama Acorn attorney, Exploited poor, Acorn voter fraud, Obama lied about his connection to Acorn « Citizen Wells

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  17. Pingback: NY Times, Acorn, Obama, March 30, 2009, Times pulled story, Obama ties to Acorn, House Judiciary subcommittee, Game changer story, Anita Moncrief, confidential informant, Times reporter Stephanie Strom, close link between ACORN, Project Vote and the Obama

  18. Pingback: Acorn, Catholics cut funding in 2008, Catholic Bishops report, CHD funding, Acorn fraud, voter fraud, Community organizers, Obama, Democratic Socialists of America, DSA, New Party, Socialists endorsed Obama, political agenda, poor as exploited units of hu

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  21. Pingback: Obama New Party socialist affiliations, ACORN, Democratic Socialists of America, 2008 Citizen Wells reports | Citizen WElls

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