Tag Archives: democrat nomination

The Daily Dish, Andrew Sullivan blog, Hillary Clinton, Why she’s losing

Hillary Clinton and her presidential, or even candidate chance. Many of us are wondering the same thing. Is it over for Hillary Clinton. Obviously by the numbers, it is too early to tell. But, is the handwriting on the wall. I keep hearing people from diverse backgrounds say and discern the same thing, that Barack Obama my be more electable.

Andrew Sullivan of The daily Dish blog isn’t holding back, Here is a recent post of his headed, Why she’s losing, referring to Hillary Clinton losing ground to Barack Obama and why. Here is an exerpt:

“There is a huge desire among many independents and conservatives in this country to punish the GOP for their betrayal of core conservative principles and basic competence and decency these past few years. These folks are plentiful enough to jolt the Republicans toward McCain. But a lot of these conservatives and independents like Obama because he’s obviously a smart, decent guy, because electing him would kill off Jesse Jackson style racial politics for a while, and because he seems like a liberal pragmatist who’s interested in getting things done. A lot of people will tolerate a move back to the center, even the left, if it means an end to this awful period in history and a fresh start for the country.

That’s my sense of things anyway. The Democrats are beginning to realize their choice is between a loss and a landslide victory that could change American politics for a generation. Moreover, I don’t think Obama is an ideological figure who would govern in ways that would affront the center. I can’t know that, of course. But there is a reason George W. Bush was so dismissive of him. Bush also knows that Obama is a rebuke. Clinton, in contrast, is a peer.

There really is no reason to vote for the Clintons again. It’s all about them; and this time, it really should be about the country.

There is a huge desire among many independents and conservatives in this country to punish the GOP for their betrayal of core conservative principles and basic competence and decency these past few years. These folks are plentiful enough to jolt the Republicans toward McCain. But a lot of these conservatives and independents like Obama because he’s obviously a smart, decent guy, because electing him would kill off Jesse Jackson style racial politics for a while, and because he seems like a liberal pragmatist who’s interested in getting things done. A lot of people will tolerate a move back to the center, even the left, if it means an end to this awful period in history and a fresh start for the country.

That’s my sense of things anyway. The Democrats are beginning to realize their choice is between a loss and a landslide victory that could change American politics for a generation. Moreover, I don’t think Obama is an ideological figure who would govern in ways that would affront the center. I can’t know that, of course. But there is a reason George W. Bush was so dismissive of him. Bush also knows that Obama is a rebuke. Clinton, in contrast, is a peer.

There really is no reason to vote for the Clintons again. It’s all about them; and this time, it really should be about the country.”

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