Obama big brother mandate to military, Not read Obama scandal news, Orwellian thought police, NOTAM Notice to Airmen, Not use AF NIPRNET to access news, 1984

Obama big brother mandate to military, Not read Obama scandal news, Orwellian thought police, NOTAM Notice to Airmen, Not use AF NIPRNET to access news, 1984

“A Party member lives from birth to death under the eye of the Thought Police. Even when he is alone he can never be sure that he is alone. Wherever he may be, asleep or awake, working or resting, in his bath or in bed, he can be inspected without warning and without knowing that he is being inspected. Nothing that he does is indifferent. His friendships, his relaxations, his behaviour towards his wife and children, the expression of his face when he is alone, the words he mutters in sleep, even the characteristic movements of his body, are all jealously scrutinized. Not only any actual misdemeanour, but any eccentricity, however small, any change of habits, any nervous mannerism that could possibly be the symptom of an inner struggle, is certain to be detected. He has no freedom of choice in any direction whatever. On the other hand his actions are not regulated by law or by any clearly formulated code of behaviour. In Oceania there is no law. Thoughts and actions which, when detected, mean certain death are not formally forbidden, and the endless purges, arrests, tortures, imprisonments, and vaporizations are not inflicted as punishment for crimes which have actually been committed, but are merely the wiping-out of persons who might perhaps commit a crime at some time in the future.”…George Orwell, “1984″


“As soon as all the corrections which happened to be necessary in any particular number of the Times had been assembled and collated, that number would be reprinted, the original copy destroyed, and the corrected copy placed on the files in it’s stead. This process of continuation alteration was applied not only to newspapers, but to books, periodicals, pamphlets, posters, leaflets, films, sound tracks, cartoons, photographs–to every kind of literature or documentation which might conceivably hold any political or ideological significance. Day by day and almost minute by minute the past was brought up to date. In this way every prediction made by the Party could be shown by documentary evidence to be correct; nor was any item of news, or expression of opinion, which conflicted with the needs of the moment, ever allowed to be on record.”…George Orwell, “1984″

“The past, he reflected, had not merely been altered, it had
actually been destroyed. For how could you establish, even
the most obvious fact when there existed no record outside
your own memory?”…George Orwell, “1984″


From WND June 9, 2013.
“Military told not to read Obama-scandal news”

“President Obama has said the outrage over the federal government’s decision to monitor citizens’ phone activity is all “hype.”

He might want to share his opinion with the U.S. Air Force, which is ordering members of the service not to look at news stories about it.

WND has received an unclassified NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) that warns airmen not to look at news stories related to the data-mining scandal.

The notice applies to users of the Air Force NIPRNET (Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network), which is the only way that many troops stationed overseas and on bases in the U.S. are able to access the Internet.

The last line of the executive summary states:

“Users are not to use AF NIPRNET systems to access the Verizon phone records collection and other related news stories because the action could constitute a Classified Message Incident.”

Cindy McGee, the mother of an airman stationed in the UAE, spoke with WND.

“The fact that our government is attempting to censor our service members from the truth of what is happening here at home is truly frightening and disheartening,” said McGee.

Her son received the same notice.

McGee continued, “I am outraged that our government is attempting to censor the information from our military that every citizen in this country is potentially being targeted by our government in a massive overreach of their constitutional powers by unconstitutional surveillance of all Americans and storage of that data.””

Read more:


133 responses to “Obama big brother mandate to military, Not read Obama scandal news, Orwellian thought police, NOTAM Notice to Airmen, Not use AF NIPRNET to access news, 1984

  1. CitizenWells,
    Why? Why would they threaten people not to read the news or be informed? Why would the White House tell the military personnel that they should not know what the commander in chief is doing, what the executive branch is doing? In a free republic, it is essential that people be informed. That could be no more true in the military of a free republic, where actions and decisions are accountable to the people. People need to think, they need to ask Why.
    There is only a single reasonable answer to this action. They don’t want the military to know because they are supposed to be defending the Constitution from both domestic and foreign enemies. Obama is basically stating that he is an enemy of the Constitution, an enemy of the rule of law, an enemy of the people, a bully and a thug, and he doesn’t want people to think about it. I’m certain you understand this, since you wrote the blog, but I want it to be clear to those whom don’t get the importance. In a sense, Rush Limbaugh was correct when he stated that we are in a coup.

  2. citizenwells

    I knew it was bad in 2008.
    That is why I kept referring to “1984” & Nazi Germany.

  3. What is the definition of a “Classified Message Incident”?

  4. PETE…

    Well said…very well said.

    SUEQ…I had the same question on my mind….more double talk I suspect.

  5. I googled “Classified Message Incident” and it seems to be the same as a “data spill” which requires certain procedures, ie, the accidental release of classified information. I don’t understand the use of this term in this context.

  6. Whistleblower,

    What better time than now would it be for Mr. Tatum to grant another interview. I found him very believable as I listened to the interviews you linked in the past.

  7. They say “we don’t read emails”, etc. First of all they better not because they have no authority to do so, but……they don’t need to read everything they can simply go looking for the surrounding info that points to favored code words or code outlets as they did with the IRS. They simply use the Alinsky approach as well in their snooping….gear snoopers towards certain terms, philosophies, moralities, condemn them as “dangerous” and single out such individuals as “enemies” of the greater PC NWO. This is to break down all normal defenses, including the normal military. The “termites” are chewing their way through all basic natural law and the structures are falling because morality based on the natural law/mortar holding things together is gone.

  8. Whistleblower


    Agreed, and current news is confirming he is a credible source.

  9. June 11, 2013

    FALCON’s comment at ORYR:


    “Glenn Beck is on another rant this morning – out of control tyranny, media control and how he is sacrificing everything, blah, blah, blah – and yet, not one word about the fraudulent documents the lying liar uses for lying.

    It’s always about the courageous Beck, how he is the front line against totalitarianism, how he makes sacrifices that no other American can even conceive.

    Someone yank that primadonna off his pedestal.”
    May 17, 2013

    “…Glenn Beck Slams Sheriff Joe Arpaio Obama ID Fraud Investigation; Facts!”

    “With overwhelming evidence, Glenn Beck today (5/16/13) stated that he believes Obama’s birth certificate is authentic. Since we are pretty sure that Mr. Beck has an IQ above 85 there only can be a sinister motive for him to make this absurd statement today…Threatened? Cozying up to left media or cable companies to carry his channel? Friends in high places that are complicit and leaning on Beck try to put the Birther movement into a conspiracy box? I don’t know, but I do know that Beck is too smart to really believe what he said today…My reaction? Stop funding Beck by canceling my Blaze subscription…. – Tony.”


    Listen – beginning at 9:40 mark.

  10. Whistleblower

    DHS insider: It’s about to get very ugly


  11. Correct me if I’m wrong, but after reading the Gaurdian article, I got the impression that the NSA is monitoring phone calls and emails worldwide.

    Doesn’t a system of this sort lend itself to “would be” dictators from other countries as well? Might leaders of other countries band together behind this system in order to keep their populace under control?

    After all, didn’t Snowden say he didn’t want to live in this kind of “world”?

  12. Should he be punished (Snowden)? Rush is conflicted. Ugh!!!

  13. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/06/john-bolton-edward-snowden-is-guilty-of-worst-form-of-treason/

    John Bolton: Edward Snowden Is Guilty of “Worst Form of Treason”

    Ummm….you’re neglecting the elephant that’s been sitting in the room now for years.

  14. SueQ,
    Here is some info I found the other day about the NSA (from Wikipedia).
    I found it helpful:

    The National Security Agency (NSA) is a cryptologic intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the collection and analysis of foreign communications and foreign signals intelligence, as well as protecting U.S. government communications and information systems,[1] which involves information security and cryptanalysis/cryptography.
    The NSA is directed by at least a lieutenant general or vice admiral. NSA is a key component of the U.S. Intelligence Community, which is headed by the Director of National Intelligence. The Central Security Service is a co-located agency created to coordinate intelligence activities and co-operation between NSA and other U.S. military cryptanalysis agencies. The Director of the National Security Agency serves as the Commander of the United States Cyber Command and Chief of the Central Security Service.[2]
    By law, NSA’s intelligence gathering is limited to foreign communications, although domestic incidents such as the NSA warrantless surveillance controversy and PRISM (surveillance program) have occurred.
    The creation of NSA was authorized in a letter written by President Harry S. Truman in June 1952. The agency was formally established through a revision of National Security Council Intelligence Directive (NSCID) 9 on October 24, 1952,[4] and officially came into existence on November 4, 1952. President Truman’s letter was itself classified and remained unknown to the public for more than a generation[vague]. A brief but vague reference to the NSA first appeared in the United States Government Organization Manual from 1957, which described it as “a separately organized agency within the Department of Defense under the direction, authority, and control of the Secretary of Defense […] for the performance of highly specialized technical functions in support of the intelligence activities of the United States.”[5]
    NSA’s eavesdropping mission includes radio broadcasting, both from various organizations and individuals, the Internet, telephone calls, and other intercepted forms of communication. Its secure communications mission includes military, diplomatic, and all other sensitive, confidential or secret government communications. It has been described as the world’s largest single employer of mathematicians,[20] and the owner of the single largest group of supercomputers,[21] but it has tried to keep a low profile. For many years, its existence was not acknowledged by the U.S. government, earning it the nickname, “No Such Agency” (NSA). It was also quipped that their motto is “Never Say Anything”.[22]

    Lots more:

  15. …beginning to look like we are going to need a “Radio Free Europe” in reverse…anyone notice the way we are now receiving news from Russia? How strange is that?
    I’m sure you were/are aware of all the open censorship that went on during the VietNam war….even our music …made coming home a weird experience. indeed

  16. coldwarvet2,

    Just curious, what music (if any) were you allowed to listen to in Vietnam?

    Talkin bout my generation. 🙂

  17. Sure did COLDWARVET2…sure did

  18. SUEQ….I think acid ROCK started about then….but they didn’t censor Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson…that was my kind of music….

    The very first time I heard Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings was off of a battery radio somewhere in War Zone Charlie……

  19. coldwarvet2

    A lot of country western, some classical, some rock and roll…but not as timely as moral was always an issue….more govt. B.S…but we did get some Steppenwolf, The Doors, Janice Joplin…after all, it was the cassett/8track/transistor radio, high-tech era and a lot of entertainment was bootlegged in. AFVN network however, was very tightly controlled. A great insight into this issue is the movie, “Good Morning VietNam”, starring Robin Williams…

  20. coldwarvet2


  21. coldwarvet2

    My point is that the government has created yet another control over the troops, at least as clever as the Armen Forces Network….Does that still exist?…anyone…
    The gravity of this whole situation is that the troops, many times out of necessity, absolutely “must” follow the orders of the CIC…and the higher-ups will do whatever is necessary to make it happen. I don’t know what might happen, however , should the order come down to fire on U.S. civilians

  22. coldwarvet2

    Anyone else having a problem posting here today? The comment box will not open all the way to allow extended posts….bandwidth?

  23. The California Loon speaks about Obama’s database…….

    Communist Congress Infiltrator, Maxine Waters
    “The President has put in place an organization that contains the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life, That’s going to be very, very powerful,.. That database will have information about everything on every individual on ways that it’s never been done before and whoever runs for President on the Democratic ticket have to deal with that. They’re going to go down with that database and the concerns of those people because they can’t get around it. And he’s been very smart. I mean it’s very powerful what he’s leaving in place.”

  24. coldwarvet2….just click on your enter button and it will keep opening…mine does that all the time……..

  25. If anyone is interested, a book called THE PUZZLE PALACE by James Bamford, gives an interesting history of NSA. The problem with all the US intelligence agencies is the problem oversight because of the potential for abuse.

    Bolton, calling for the “lynching” of Snowden, shows he is in the elitist crowd after all. The elitists are those “in the know,” and think they are on a higher moral pedestal than their fellow citizens. Obama, former CIA, is in their “club” and that is why they all cover for him, Republican and Democrat.

    The reason for the mandate for military personnel not to read the sandal news is too many things are over classified. The intelligence agencies classify things that are common knowledge or in the news. It is crazy. But they will classify something that fits into a larger scheme of things that relates to security, even if the information is common knowledge. That way they keep a tight reign on operatives.

  26. My thoughts Snowden is a patriot and an idealist. The elitists in government will want to make an example of him to keep others in line. Our Constitution right now is hanging by a thread.

  27. Dean M.,
    Always appreciate reading your opinions. The talking heads (like Bolton) will be on “display” in full force re. Snowden, and I believe it will be further revealing as to where they actually stand, in case we had quandaries. Describing them as elitists is very appropriate, imho.

    I agree with your statement about Obama as former CIA being in their club.

    This matter is going to separate the sheep from the wolves, so to speak.
    True colors will be on display for all to see.

  28. Sales Of George Orwell’s Book “1984″ Surge 68% Following News Of PRISM Program…

  29. CBS News Obtains Documents Showing Obama State Department Engaged In “Endemic” Coverups Ranging From Sexual Assaults To Drug Rings…


    “Scandal-palooza rolls on.”

    WASHINGTON (CBS DC) – Uncovered documents show the U.S. State Department may have covered up allegations of illegal behavior ranging from sexual assaults to an underground drug ring.

    CBS News reports that it has unearthed documents from the Diplomatic Security Service (DSS), an internal watchdog agency, that implicate the State Department in a series of misconducts worldwide.

    The memo, reported by CBS News’ John Miller, cited eight specific examples, including allegations that a State Department security official in Beirut “engaged in sexual assaults” with foreign nationals hired as embassy guards and the charge and that members of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s security detail “engaged prostitutes while on official trips in foreign countries” — a problem the report says was “endemic.”

    Former State Department internal investigator Aurelia Fedenisn told CBS News, “We also uncovered several allegations of criminal wrongdoing in cases, some of which never became cases.”

    Often times, other DSS agents were simply told to back off of investigations of high-ranking State Department members. Fedenisn told CBS that “hostile intelligence services” allow criminal behavior to continue.

    In one such cover-up, investigators were told to stop probing the case of a U.S. ambassador who was suspected of patronizing prostitutes in a public park. The memo states that the ambassador was permitted to return to his post despite having, “routinely ditched…his protective security detail” in order to “solicit sexual favors from prostitutes.”

  30. Obama Taps Author Of Failed Stimulus Bill As His New Chief Economist…

    “It’s almost like he purposely seeks out bad advice.”


  31. RminNC & coldwarvet2,

    While you were there serving your country and listening to censored music, I was here listening to “protest rock” and marching in DC against the war, I’m ashamed to say. Or maybe I shouldn’t be ashamed……….I don’t know. It seems like the outcome was controlled by unelected elites.

    Anyway, even though I was liberal then, I could never bring myself to disrespect returning troops as I had family there. Looking back, I wish I had not participated. Sorry.

    God bless you both. Thank you

  32. Hi guys. I was thinking about Snowden and what we know and what we don’t know.

    1 – He’s a smart guy.
    2 – He has seen how vengeful Obama can be.
    3 – He puts it out there that he could even read the President’s email if he knew the address.
    4 – He’s a really smart guy at 29.
    5 – He didn’t reveal any personal data.
    6 – He’d been thinking about this program for years and was disappointed that Obama did not scale it back.
    7 – A smart guy would take the opportunity before to find every incriminating bit of information about the players he could.
    8 – He may have been able to find Donald Young’s email address, Rev. Wright’s address, Reggie Love’s address, the email of the Perkins law-firm, Bill Ayers….
    9 – A smart guy would have packages of information placed with several media people in case something happened to him.

    I really hope he’s as smart as I think he is.

  33. Thanks SUEQ……

    That confession means a lot to me………..we learn from our mistakes and the mistakes of others, and a wise man or woman admits they know nothing.

  34. Philo-Publius

    EPA Accused of Waiving FOIA Fees for Left-Wing Groups Over Conservative Ones

  35. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    Observer | June 10, 2013 at 2:02 pm |
    Sales Of George Orwell’s Book “1984″ Surge 68% Following News Of PRISM Program…

    I, too, saw this headline over at Drudge. CW should be given a lot of credit as he has been quoting “1984” and “Animal Farm” since 2008. To quote Peanuts -“I have seen the enemy, and he is us!”

  36. cabbyaz — I agree with you. A lot of people are going to be showing their true colors now.

  37. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    PS – We have become exactly like what we used to say about the old USSR and so aptly quoted by Winston Churchill – “Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.”

  38. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    PPS – A play on the Russian Matryoshka doll.



  40. MortimerGarfinkle

    Mr. Bill,
    ”I have seen the enemy, and he is us!” is from Pogo

  41. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    MortimerGarfinkle | June 10, 2013 at 3:54 pm |

    “Well” as Ronald Reagan would say – “I got the first letter “P” right!!”
    My memory cells are running down.


    NSA SPYING on US Citizens made by BILLY MEIER IN 2007…..

    This is very interesting. Billy Meier is a one armed Swiss citizen who gained world fame by his reported contact with ET’s. Whether you believe in that stuff or no is beside the point….his contact information about the spying of the NSA was recorded in his Cronicles with his ET contacts back in 2007…LONG BEFORE IT BECAME AN ISSUE ON THE NATIONAL STAGE HERE IN THE USA.

    Here is excerpts of that meeting and what was said as contained in his book..

    With revelations of the extensive spying on the citizenry by the NSA that threatens every aspect of privacy and democracy itself, it will be interesting to see how people will react to an even more startling revelation, i.e. THAT SWISS UFO CONTACTEE, BILLY MEIER, ALREADY WARNED US OF EXACTLY THIS SITUATION….BACK IN 2007. THESE CONTACT ARE RECORDED AS THEY HAPPENED AND CANNOT BE REFUTED OR DEBUNKED TODAY.

    In Meier’s 440th Contact, on January 15th, 2007, with Ptaah, a Plejaren extraterrestrial space traveler with whom he’s been voluntarily meeting for over 70 years, the hard, essential facts were made crystal clear:

    Billy Meier (the contactee) ask:
    “That is now clear.
    Some time ago – if I may ask yet another question – you said that US secret services manipulate the Internet and the computer world – which I have also suggested in a bulletin about the CIA, whereby Microsoft is also embroiled in it with the Windows system. Can you tell me which US secret service is therein embroiled with Microsoft, along with the CIA, if it is also involved with that?”

    Ptaah (the contact) replied:
    “The Windows-program system is manipulated through the US secret service, NSA, respectively, through the National Security Agency, as well as through other secret services.
    The manipulation enables the secret services to penetrate into any computer, unrecognized and according to their desire, in order to pull out data or, unrecognized, to carry out alterations and falsifications of the existing data.”

    There have been decades of vicious attacks on Meier and his voluminous prophetically accurate information by various military and intelligence services, political and religious factions, etc. The skeptics will probably continue to go to great lengths to deny Meier’s ironclad proof of prior publication.

    **Please note this paragraph***
    But it has just been pointed out to you that a 76-year-old, reclusive Swiss man has – again – scooped the media, scientists, leaders, newsmakers, etc., with information that he couldn’t possibly have known, unless he’s been telling the truth for the past eight decades about his contacts and conversations with highly advanced, space traveling, extraterrestrial human beings.

    Will you be one of the individuals who actually pays attention, reads, researches, investigates and actually realizes that the most important event in human history is taking place right before your – hopefully not so sleepy – eyes?
    I have read Billy’s books and looked at his amazing photos. I find it hard to discredit the man. For those who would like to investigate Billy and his work more in detail you can do so by typing in your search engine; Billy Meier

    A host of sources will then come up for you to examine

    This is very interesting that the NSA spying scandal is first exposed by an ET of all things…..but nothing shocks me any more..

  43. Here is BILLY’s conversation exactly as it was recorded on page 16, dated 15 January 2007…..first in German then translated into English….

    Page 16
    Aktuelles aus dem 440. Kontaktbericht vom 15. Januar 2007, 23.17 Uhr
    News out of the 440th contact notes of January 15th, 2007, 11:17PM

    Billy Das ist nun klar.

    Billy That is now clear.

    Vor einiger Zeit – wenn ich nochmals eine Frage stellen darf – hast du gesagt, dass US-Geheimdienste das Internet und die Computerwelt manipulieren – was ich auch in einem Bulletin über die CIA angedeutet habe, wobei auch Microsoft mit dem Windows-System darin verwickelt sei -, kannst du mir sagen, welcher US-Geheimdienst bei Microsoft darin verwickelt ist, eben nebst der CIA, wenn diese auch daran beteiligt ist?

    Some time ago – if I may ask yet another question – you said that US secret services manipulate the Internet and the computer world – which I have also suggested in a bulletin about the CIA, whereby Microsoft is also embroiled in it with the Windows system. Can you tell me which US secret service is therein embroiled with Microsoft, along with the CIA, if it is also involved with that?

    Ptaah Das Windows-Programm-System ist manipuliert durch den US-Geheimdienst NSA resp. durch die National Security Agency sowie durch andere Geheimdienste.

    Ptaah The Windows-program system is manipulated through the US secret service, NSA, respectively, through the National Security Agency, as well as through other secret services.

    Die Manipulation ermöglicht es den Geheimdiensten, unerkannt und nach Belieben in jeden Computer einzudringen, darin Daten herauszuholen oder unerkannt Änderungen und Fälschungen an den bestehenden Daten vorzunehmen.

    The manipulation enables the secret services to penetrate into any computer, unrecognized and according to their desire, in order to pull out data or, unrecognized, to carry out alterations and falsifications of the existing data.

  44. June 10, 2013

    “Sheriff Joe Investigator Responds To Rubio; Plan To Take All The Way To White House”

    “Chief Mark Kessler Interviews Sheriff Joe Lead Obama ID Fraud Investigator Mike Zullo”


  45. HonorFirst,
    You’re right! Everyone needs to see this video……….

    In February Breitbart TV first revealed this video of Rep Maxine Waters bragging about Obama collecting Americans information
    “The President has put in place an organization with the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life,” Representative Maxine Waters told Roland Martin on Monday.
    “That’s going to be very, very powerful,” Waters said. “That database will have information about everything on every individual on ways that it’s never been done before and whoever runs for President on the Democratic ticket has to deal with that. They’re going to go down with that database and the concerns of those people because they can’t get around it. And he’s [President Obama] been very smart. It’s very powerful what he’s leaving in place.”

  46. Observer,

    Update: As of 3:22 p.m. EST, sales of Orwell’s ‘1984’ are up 91 percent on the Amazon “Movers and Shakers list.”

  47. Edward Snowden “broke the law”……….he must be punished according to many, including Fox. Terry Lakin did too. I guess our founding fathers “broke the law” as well.

    There are worse things you could do.

  48. Interesting article. Sums up where we are today:


  49. SUEQ…..How do you break an UNCONSTITUTIONAL or unlawful law?

    I have yet had anyone explain or answer that question?
    That question was never answered in the Ltc. Terry Lakin incident either.

  50. How can it be a LAW when it’s UNCONSTITUTIONAL to begin with? Makes no sense to me…of course nothing about this government makes any sense to me these days..

  51. That’s why I put the phrase in quotes, RM.

    I keep hearing about him (Snowden) being a high school dropout………well obviously he’s not stupid! He took computer classes and furthered himself. Seems like his drawback was that he had a conscience. That’s something that cannot be tolerated!

  52. Yep, I knew that SUEQ……I don’t thin we will get an answer to our question, do you?

  53. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/chiefkessler/2013/06/10/breaking-all-the-rules-with-chief-kessler
    Comment’s at ORYR:



    “I just got to the part – 42:00 – Kessler said Obama is not Kenyan, not American and your blood is gonna boil. Starting at 41:15 Kessler says that what the public was shown and what law enforcement was shown are two different things.

    When you find out what he is, your blood is gonna boil.

    Sounds like Saudi to me.”


    “Key Kessler Radio Show quotes:

    Not an American

    Not a Kenyan

    Not his real parents

    No record of him in the US for first 5 years of his life”

  54. RMinNC,
    Along the same line as your posts, if a law has been misapplied or extended beyond the original scope of its intent, is it a crime for an American citizen to report it? It DOES go back to constitutionality !

    When some courageous people under Hitler’s regime rescued Jews, they were breaking the “law” and were punished. We now call them heroes.

    Conversely, Nazis who carried out atrocities under Hitler were following the “law” but were later executed for war crimes by the international community.

    I believe firmly in the rule of law. We are a nation of laws, not men, but when those in power abuse those laws thereby infringing on our guaranteed rights, the excesses must be revealed. How else can this be done?

    Some have said Snowden should have gone to Congress. Ha! We all know how far he could have gotten with that. Listening to some of the lawmakers today has been very revealing.

    Even Repubs are walking cautiously and some like Rep. Peter King are downright disgusting. They are going after Snowden because they have failed to do their own job of oversight. If they defended him, it would be like admitting their own failure to corral a runaway U.S. intelligence network.

  55. Easier to listen to YouTubes at link below – BlogTalk having problems.
    June 10, 2013

    “Bombshell: Police Chief Mark Kessler On Obama ID Fraud; Obama Not Kenyan Or American”


    Go To: 14:15

  56. Right Cabbyaz…….
    Anything as blatant as this NSA spying is far beyond the pale of the legal law…and I don’t think anyone can argue that it would be CONSTITUTIONAL as that document now reads……

    If I were some of these high ranking people in this current government I would be kinda worried about following the dictates of the usurper leader….especially if they are trying to push an unlawful agenda and if the leader is eventually found by LAW to be an ILLEGAL usurper. That would then, by LAW would make them War Criminals….that was the specific reason LTC Terry Lakin wanted to know that his Commander-in-Chief was a legal natural-born citizen…….

    Can you just picture another Nuremberg sort of war trial in the near future? i can..It would surely be interesting to see how they elected to defend themselves.

  57. Wow. Gordon. That is great info. Explosive. Wish we could get more info from the investigators.

  58. Based on what Maxine Waters stated and now the IRS, EPA and Justice Dep’t target lists, we should be very skeptical and worried of this NSA datamining.

    I have also read that the Petraeus and Anthony Weiner scandals were found by this collection of electronic communications. I recently heard that Weiner was involved or investigating (not sure) some banking issues that the administration didn’t want disclosed so they dug into his emails and found his dirty little secrets. Same for Petraeus.

    Big Brother indeed!

    Just watched Glenn Beck program, he interviewed several former NSA agents. Quite interesting yet spooky. Also at end of show, Glenn announced through a silent story that his vocal cords are paralyzed (the condition will come and go and can be repaired)

  59. Also just heard SW airlines from Austin to Los Angeles just diverted to Phoenix for emergency landing for some kind of “threat”

  60. Also, Glenn Beck looked into the DHS Insider story…see what he found here!http://www.glennbeck.com/2013/06/10/dhs-insider-it%e2%80%99s-about-to-get-ugly/

  61. Someone stating they were a passenger tweeted that a fighter jet escorted them down….west side of phoenix airport closed

  62. RMinNC – 6:59 pm
    If I were some of these high ranking people in this current government I would be kinda worried about following the dictates of the usurper leader….especially if they are trying to push an unlawful agenda and if the leader is eventually found by LAW to be an ILLEGAL usurper. That would then, by LAW would make them War Criminals….that was the specific reason LTC Terry Lakin wanted to know that his Commander-in-Chief was a legal natural-born citizen……
    Excellent observation! Also, another thought that could be lurking in the back of some congressional minds (unspoken, of course) is: How might a runaway regime use mined data against the congressmen themselves someday? This is a rogue administration that will stop at no ends to satisfy its goals. You can’t play with fire without the risk of being burned.

    Yes, LTC Lakin paid the price for doing the right thing. God bless him for it. Someday he will be vindicated.

  63. Interested Bystander

    Hey All,

    Just a couple of general thoughts.

    Why are we suprised that the Government is spying on us?

    The laws were passed after 9/11.

    Don’t be mad at Obama for doing it. Be mad that he said he wouldn’t do it and went ahead and did it anyway.

    I still think this whole thing stems from people being able to lie and then being able to live with themselves after lying.

    It’s easier to lie than tell the truth.

    I would just comment that this is simply the tip of the iceberg. There’s no reason I can think of for our Government to do what they are doing.

    The Fourth Amendment means nothing any more. My opinion is that we gave up the Fourth Amendment when we allowed police officers to search vehicles without cause. If an officer asked me to seach my vehicle, I would refuse. Now some of you would submit that IF I had nothing to hide, why would I refuse.

    The answer is clear.

    The CONSTITUTION states that authorities can NOT search your person, papers or property WITHOUT a warrant signed by a Judge specifying what or who they are looking for.

    Until that warrant is presented to me, I will refuse to allow “the man” to treat me like anything but a law abiding citizen.

    The problem is that all an officer has to do is say you were “swerving”, and then when they come to your window and you have an alligator clip holding a feather or air freshener from your mirror, THAT’s all they need to search your car.

    Refuse and they will call a “canine” to walk around the car.

    I feel the same way about the check points that started out as a tool to find drunk drivers.

    Drunk driving should NOT be against the law. Driving drunk and infringing on someone else’s rights SHOULD be against the law.

    WE have allowed these infringements.

    Some say that these infringements are warranted and should be expanded.

    I say HOGWASH.

    Life is NOT without risks, and you will NEVER be able to Legislate people from doing something.

  64. Interested Bystander

    The NSA was supposed to monitor FORIEGN communications.

    And that has MORPHED in to getting every cell phone record from every carrier.

    Good thing I don’t have a cell phone (I’m the only person I know who DOESN’t have a cell phone)

  65. Interested Bystander

    Hey All,

    I heard that the NSA whisleblower worked for a CONTRACTOR and NOT the NSA directly.

    THAT right there scares the heck out of me.

    Is everything contracted out now?

  66. Interested Bystander

    Lastly (I think),

    George Zimmerman has already been tried and convicted in the media.

    Jury selection started today, and I don’t think I heard one reporter or expert who said Zimmerman was justified by the stand your ground law to do what he did.

    Zimmerman claims Martin told him he was going to die tonight, and tried to grab Zimmerman’s gun.

    Everyone keeps saying Zimmerman should have stayed in his truck instead of “following” Martin.

    For one thing Zimmerman couldn’t “follow” Martin because Martin was out of his line of sight, and second Zimmerman claims he was looking for the address, and third WHY didn’t Trayvon simply go home?

    Zimmerman had as much right to do what he was doing as Martin had to do what he was doing.

    Martin confronted Zimmerman, and NOT the other way around as the media is trying to indoctrinate us in to believing.

    I still predict that once this is over there will be rioting in Miami (where Trayvon was from), and Orlando (where the incident occurred).

    Time will tell.

    I heard Martin’s family asked for calm while the process was going forward.

    I say the Martin’s are responsible for the chaos that will happen after George is acquitted.

  67. bob strauss

    The real threat behind the NSA surveillance programs

    Why YOU should worry about the NSA surveillance program


  68. A word of caution about Snowdon. Is he a patriot? We need to know more information. For all you know he could be a spy for another country, namely China. Anything is possible. It could be that Bolton is correct and Snowdon has committed treason. What you do not know is what else might have been disrupted because of this revelation.

    It is worth waiting to see what else becomes available before gushing about what the man has done.

    On the other hand, should you be alarmed about the level of surveillance that has been revealed? YES.

    On the other hand, do you want your country to be overrun by jihadi types because there is no surveillance of their activity?

    Here in Australia, it has been admitted that about 40,000 people are under surveillance. I am betting that 3/4 of them are in fact potential jihadis who came here by boat!!

  69. Juan Williams on Fox tonight was an absolute Obomic moron!

  70. Speaking of people show their true colors — Over at Breitbart the main article is Feinstein accusing Snowden of TREASON. The Elitists are going to gang up on this guy now. At Drudge one reads he has disappeared. Snowden is now Emanuel Goldstein of 1984. Feinstein is leading the 2 minutes of hate right now. No wonder Orwell’s book sales are going up.

  71. RMinNC
    My take on your question regarding illegal laws…
    In our country, we are a nation of laws, those being controlled by a Constitution….”everyone” that lives in this country is bound by them…if a law originates, or has a basis anywhere but the Constitution, it then becomes

    an “edict” having the appearance of law and possibly even the force of law,
    but has no basis in law as it can be effectively challenged in the courts…the
    force of law merely indicates that the edict could be “enforced by the force
    of arms

  72. I’m still having problems with the comments section at this site…

  73. People need to return to their faith to carry themselves through these times. Things will get better.

    ‘World’s most private search engine’ won’t betray you to Obama

    Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/06/this-company-doesnt-share-your-online-info/#1RccFFEE87zpYPhj.99

  75. immigration reform, legalization comes first — ‘It is not conditional’

    “Let’s be clear,” Rubio said. “Nobody is talking about preventing the legalization. The legalization is going to happen. That means the following will happen: First comes the legalization. Then come the measures to secure the border. And then comes the process of permanent residence.”

    Marco Rubio is betraying the American people on this immigration issue. He is not to be trusted. I hope people wake up and recognize that he is NOT qualified for the presidency. (not qualified as an NBC)

  76. Good Morning CW, et. al.

    I’m still can’t help thinking that Snowden has a few packets of damning info (insurance) on some of the main players (Obama, Holder, etc,) to stay alive.

  77. citizenwells

    Good morning Zach, et al.

  78. June 11, 2013

    Steve McCann:

    “The Obama Scandals and the Limbaugh Theorem”

    “Barack Obama has both cunningly and egregiously played the so-called “race card” whenever it suits his agenda. He is reliant on so-called “white guilt” to stifle criticism or dissent, knowing that the overwhelming majority of Americans are too cowed to call him out on his actions or to be honest with pollsters or each other. Barack Obama wields no greater weapon over the people and the media than his skin color. and as such far too many are intimidated, which allows him to successfully avoid responsibility and accountability.
    Thus Barack Obama reveals his abject lack of character by his dependence on manipulating an ill-educated population obsessed with celebrity, and on a society foolishly intimidated by race — in order to foist his radical and unwanted agenda on the country by any means possible and aggregate more power to the government. He has shown himself to be the most dangerous, dishonest and narcissistic president in the history of the United States.”

    And with help like this:
    “Chris Matthews: Obama Has ‘Never Done Anything Wrong in His Life Legally, Ethically, Whatever'”

    At YouTube:

    “Chris Matthews Show on 6/5/13 – MSNBC’s Chris Matthews declared Wednesday that he’s “got to believe” opposition to President Obama is “ethnic in nature,” since the president has “never done anything wrong in his life — legally, ethically, whatever.” President Obama’s administration is currently embroiled in a slew of scandals. They include the IRS’s admitted targeting of conservatives, the DOJ intimidating reporters, the NSA collecting phone records on millions of Verizon customers daily, Fast and Furious, and Benghazi.”


  79. Posted on May 11:


    Is this a clue to Mike Zullo’s evidence ???

    Gallups – YouTube (7:56 pm):
    Part 1 at 4:40 mark:

    What if the guy behind it all [Benghazi] isn’t even a US citizen?

    Part 2 at 1:02 mark:

    What if Zullo is right and this man is not even an American citizen?

    Part 2 at 2:55 mark:

    If we find out he wasn’t even a citizen in the first place … .
    Posted yesterday:


    chupacabra at ORYR:

    “Key Kessler Radio Show quotes:

    Not an American

    Not a Kenyan

    Not his real parents

    No record of him in the US for first 5 years of his life”

  80. citizenwells

    Thanks GORDO.

  81. GORDO…..good morning and thank you…

    isn’t this what most of us here at CW has been saying for five years now?….
    In fact, he looks more like a North African, or maybe Saudi Arabian (without the beard) than someone from Kenya…

    Until we know all there is to know about this person, America is in grave danger. But the big question that remains to be answered is ; How in the hell did we permit this to happen in the first place? Has our LEGAL government been taken over completely by the ‘shadow” government? Looks that way.

    There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind now that “the system is broken”.

  82. GORDO…..good morning and thank you…

    isn’t this what most of us here at CW has been saying for five years now?….
    In fact, he looks more like a North African, or maybe Saudi Arabian (without the beard) than someone from Kenya…

    Until we know all there is to know about this person, America is in grave danger. But the big question that remains to be answered is ; How in the hell did we permit this to happen in the first place? Has our LEGAL government been taken over completely by the ‘shadow” government? Looks that way.

    There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind now that “the system is broken”.

  83. I am really concerned about the Snowden Affair. I post the following comment that sums it up for me.

    This is a BIG deal. With the IRS targeting political opponents, the EPA waiving fees for their friends, DOJ punishing whistle blowers, imagine how bad it will be if NSA targets people who question actions of president. When a General in Afghanistan said it was not going so well over there, poof out comes his private emails? When Petreaus gets a little out of line, poof out comes evidence of an affair? I heard these allegations last night in an interview with former NSA whistle blowers. They also alleged that NSA could provide opposition research for elections. Imagine that. Who would run? Who could run? This could be the end of democracy in the US. The abuse has to stop and effective (nonpartisan) supervision put in place. Think how rich people could become tapping phones of business leaders discussing acquisitions?

    The corruption has to be pulled out by the roots. What we have now is the Chicago Obama mob running things. Yes, Mr. Snowden is a hero.

  84. coldwarvet2…you said at 10:54pm last night;
    “My take on your question regarding illegal laws…
    In our country, we are a nation of laws, those being controlled by a Constitution….”everyone” that lives in this country is bound by them…if a law originates, or has a basis anywhere but the Constitution, it then becomes

    an “edict” having the appearance of law and possibly even the force of law,
    but has no basis in law as it can be effectively challenged in the courts…the
    force of law merely indicates that the edict could be “enforced by the force
    of arms”…
    I hear what you are saying coldwarvet2, but my problem is, “how can it stand up in a court of LEGAL laws”? I fully understand an illegal law can be enforced by force, ( as they are being done today)…but that still does not make it legal…..it makes it DICTATORIAL, not LEGAL. If my memory serves me correctly, we fought a few wars over that point..

    Many strong arm rulers went down because they did not understand this principle.


  86. zachjonesishome | June 11, 2013 at 8:49 am |

    Very well said, Zach! The abuse has to stop!

  87. ZACK…..you said;
    “The corruption has to be pulled out by the roots. What we have now is the Chicago Obama mob running things. Yes, Mr. Snowden is a hero.”
    I tend to agree 100% with you Zack. I have yet to hear where this young man has disclosed any vital information that would be harmful to the security of this country. I have heard where he is exposing the ILLEGAL things this government is doing against it’s citizens.

    I have heard the lefties who have been creating all the illegal messes we now have to contend with bitching and moaning about him being a traitor and guilty of high treason and that he should be “disappeared”……..

    How can someone be guilty of treason when all he is doing is exposing the corruption and graft within out government and making those who are doing it squirm and wet their pants wondering what he will expose next…..


  88. Zach,

    I saw Judge Napalitano this morning say that Snowden was a hero for revealing that the government has gone too far, but that he did commit a crime. Looking for the video.

    I can’t help but wonder how many judges and Members of Congress may have been persuaded as a result of information about their phone call history or email content. And I suspect that someone is assigned to “watch” everything that is posted here at citizenwells and other Conservative blogs. Scary, isn’t it? It appears the “Chicago way” has come to the USA.

  89. GORDO | June 11, 2013 at 8:06 am |
    Posted on May 11:


    Is this a clue to Mike Zullo’s evidence ???

    Gallups – YouTube (7:56 pm):
    Part 1 at 4:40 mark:

    What if the guy behind it all [Benghazi] isn’t even a US citizen?

    Part 2 at 1:02 mark:

    What if Zullo is right and this man is not even an American citizen?

    Part 2 at 2:55 mark:

    If we find out he wasn’t even a citizen in the first place … .
    Posted yesterday:


    chupacabra at ORYR:

    “Key Kessler Radio Show quotes:

    Not an American

    Not a Kenyan

    Not his real parents

    No record of him in the US for first 5 years of his life”

    Remember Gaddafi wrote Obummer and said he was like a son to him? Wonder what that was about? Did Obama order a war on Libya without Congressional approval to hide evidence? Don’t know. Just wondering.

  90. JONAH…
    I don’t know how you fell, or anyone else feels who post here at CW…but as for me, I say nothing here that I would not say DIRECTLY TO THEIR FACE…..

  91. RM, I feel the same way……….but while you’re at it, you might as well say “Hi” to the NSA. 🙂

  92. CitizenWells,
    Why? Why is everyone so up in arms about the revelation that the government is spying on people? We should have known, and I’m certain you running this blog already knew that something was afoot. No, they are not concerned about the fact that they were doing surveillance of Americans in an anti-terrorism campaign. Polls already demonstrate that this wasn’t damaging to them politically, that most Americans know that some amount of privacy is sacrificed for security. “Why” they are afraid of a consultant, with only a GED education, releasing information that thus far has been generic.

    I believe the answer to “Why” is what the real issue is. I sense the other shoe is going to drop soon, the next scandal, the one they are really worried about. That is going to be the revelation that the NSA data was used by the Obama administration for political purposes, and to influence the last election. That is not only repugnant to all Americans, it’s illegal too. See Maxine Walker statements about Obama and data.


  93. Following SUEQ’s advise……..here’s MUD in your eye NSA !!!!

    I just love it when you want to spy on my every move…..I though my wife was the only one who did that…hehehe (just kidding). God knows I love her….
    Otherwise she couldn’t put up with my Irish humor.

  94. RMinNC | June 11, 2013 at 9:49 am |
    I don’t know how you fell, or anyone else feels who post here at CW…but as for me, I say nothing here that I would not say DIRECTLY TO THEIR FACE…..
    You betcha!!! In fact, I wish we had the opportunity to do exactly that!
    Wish we had a bully pulpit to shout it from the housetops while we still can.

  95. RM,
    It’s scary what our country has come to be, snooping on every American citizen. We think that only happens in dictatorships and communist countries, not here in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. Our Federal Government is clearly violating our 4th Amendment Rights and is anybody going to stop it ?!?!

    Fourth Amendment – Search and Seizure
    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

    God, have mercy on us.

  96. I agree there must be more to the NSA story because we Americans knew people were being watched under Bush. Obama may have increased the spying, but we still knew some of the details about the spying. Right now I think Obama loves the NSA scandal because it has taken attention away from Benghazi and the IRS scandals. That is until we know more to show that the NSA issue is really a scandal.

  97. AMEN Jonah AMEN…….

    I just heard on FOX that SNOWDON has DISAPPEARED from the Hong Kong hotel where he was staying….
    I hope that he is not “disappeared” forever as has been the case of far too many who blows the whistle on this corrupt government.
    I pray that he is smart enough to just go underground for a while…yet keep pumping out the info on these crooks…it must come out…and as ZACK has said…we must pull out this corruption by the ROOTS…..

  98. CABBYAZ….
    We could all become like the “mad prophet” on NETWORK, remember?……we could turn off our TV’s go to the window and shout out;

    If we could do this successfully, the guillotines would be sharpened up, television stations would go broke, the politicians would have heart attacks, judges would resign, and Obama and his gang of theives would leave the country (MAYBE) for parts unknown.”

    That may be a little too unrealistic….but we can dream can’t we?

    Seems like everyone in DC does !!!

  99. To ALL……..VFW knows exactly what is happening. Yet it appears that only 1 out of every 1000 is prepared to get off his duff and do anything to help. I have lost a great deal of respect for the VFW organisation in the last year. They behave like a pack of WHIPPED DOGS. They WHINE and ROLL OVER. I wonder if they will do the same when the enemy points a rifle at them.

  100. zachjonesishome | June 11, 2013 at 8:49 am |
    This is a BIG deal. With the IRS targeting political opponents, the EPA waiving fees for their friends, DOJ punishing whistle blowers, imagine how bad it will be if NSA targets people who question actions of president. When a General in Afghanistan said it was not going so well over there, poof out comes his private emails? When Petreaus gets a little out of line, poof out comes evidence of an affair? I heard these allegations last night in an interview with former NSA whistle blowers.
    Zach, exactly! It is not only the fact that the feds can snoop into our emails, etc., it is the THREAT their ability imposes and the FEAR and INTIMIDATION that results.

    Just as some have testified to the chill that IRS’ unreasonable scrutiny of Tea Party groups, in that some members were hesitant to continue their affiliation lest they themselves be targeted, so there will be even a far greater chill fall upon anyone who dares buck this regime.

    In addition to the direct snooping that could result, fear of the unknown could paralyze conservatives , and that is exactly the intent!! That is the plan. Furthermore, this all leads eventually to people betraying even family and close friends because of fear. Nazi Germany, folks.

    THIS MUST STOP!! I have little patience with the elitists, as Dean M. calls them, who try to defend the NSA at this point. Although the intention of The Patriot Act was to protect us from terrorist attacks, certain elements have gone rogue, and it would seem that their collection of data is missing the mark. After all, why was their no tracing of the phone calls, etc., of the Tsarnaevs when they made contact with Chechnya? This terrorism aspect has become a facade for something far more sinister. C.O.N.T.R.O.L.


    This big computer NSA building that is being constructed just south of Salt Lake City, UTAH…..will it have the ability to tap into the hugh Mormon
    computer that has records on ALL LIVING and DEAD people in the whole damn world?

    Just asking…..it wouldn’t surprise me if the answer is ..Y E S.

  102. Pete,
    Edward Snowden was born in Elizabeth City, North Carolina and enlisted in the United States Army with the hope of eventually joining the Special Forces. He said “I wanted to fight in the Iraq war because I felt like I had an obligation as a human being to help free people from oppression”, but was discharged just months later on September 28 after breaking both of his legs in a training accident. When Snowden inlisted he make an oath to “solemnly swear or affirm that he would support the constitution of the United States.”

    In regard to “consultant, with only a GED education” That could be the reason why whistleblower Snowden has the courage to reveal the truth about our government. The liberal colleges and universities would have eradicated him of all common sense, patriotism and righteousness.

  103. Cabbyaz…..that’s what it’s always been about…

    C.O.N.T.R.O.L.( under the guise of freedom) from the cradle to the grave.

  104. Jonah………….I refuse to believe that one’s level of education transcends his moral beliefs,or judgement. What one FEELS in his very soul usually dictates his actions.

  105. Here’s what happens when someone tell the truth about this CRIMINAL government we have:

  106. COMING TO YOUR CITY VERY SOON…this story should make you feel real woozy this morning…I wonder if NANCY was behind this?

    On taxpayers’ DIME: Muslim prayer room, foot baths at San Fran International Airport

    California taxpayers have footed the bill for Muslim airport cabbies to have their very own prayer room and foot baths at the San Francisco International Airport.

    Muslims are required to pray five times a day — a ritual that also calls for a ceremonial cleansing, the San Francisco Gate reported.

    Royal Cab driver Hasan Khan, a Pakistani immigrant, petitioned the airport for a proper place of prayers.

    They did not say what the cost was for this ‘political correctness” was……I think someone should request a CROSS be established at the enterence to the AP also….what’s good for the goose is good for the gander…

  107. Oops! (10:30 am)
    “why was their no tracing…..” Should be “there”.

    I’ve thought the same thing about Snowden’s courage. He had not been brainwashed by the liberals who seem to control our universities, etc.

  108. cabbyaz..
    .today id the “word police” day off (you know thjat secquector stuff) ….you can make all the typo’s ypou like…and noo ne will correct…..

    see I told you se, didn’t I?

  109. RM
    Thancks for the infromashun….

  110. youeer wlcoume my goode freeind…anmyteim I can hulp jst cal.

  111. Isn’t it great we can have a sense of humor while drowning in this “sea of scandal”…..it’s always better to laugh than cry !

    Laugh and the whole world laughs with you…cry and you cry alone.

  112. Did NSA Already Use Its Massive Surveillance Apparatus to Hijack the Supreme Court Decision on Obamacare?

    (NaturalNews) “Any analyst at any time can target anyone. Any selector, anywhere… I, sitting at my desk, certainly had the authorities to wiretap anyone, from you, or your accountant, to a federal judge, to even the President…” – NSA spy grid whistleblower Edward Snowden.

    And so it begins: the power to tap the private phone calls of a federal judge or even the President. All at the fingertips of young NSA analysts who sift through masses of private data collected through the government’s back doors into the servers of Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Apple, Skype, AOL and others.

    But if a 29-year-old working for the NSA could wiretap a federal judge, he could also wiretap a U.S. Supreme Court justice. Anything he found that was embarrassing or even incriminating could be used in a simple blackmail threat to force that justice to change his or her decision on a key issue…

    … like Obamacare.


  113. What we’ve learned today about governmental spying forces us to re-examine events of 2012

    Back in July of 2012, news headlines were ablaze with the revelation that Supreme Court Justice John Roberts suddenly and unexpectedly changed his decision on Obamacare, siding with big government instead of protecting individual liberties. Many facts surrounding this sudden change of decision raise huge red flags when viewed in the context of the NSA being able to wiretap anyone’s emails, phone calls and private files — including a Supreme Court justice.

    As CBS news reported in 2012, “Chief Justice John Roberts initially sided with the Supreme Court’s four conservative justices to strike down the heart of President Obama’s health care reform law, the Affordable Care Act, but later changed his position and formed an alliance with liberals to uphold the bulk of the law, according to two sources with specific knowledge of the deliberations. Roberts then withstood a month-long, desperate campaign to bring him back to his original position, the sources said.”

    Regardless of the strength of the supporting evidence brought to Roberts during his time of consideration for the decision, nothing caused him to budge. Roberts was inexplicably immovable, even though he was now siding against nearly everything he had argued and decided in previous court cases.

    No one could satisfactorily explain the decision… until the NSA PRISM scandal erupted. Now, we all of a sudden have a viable explanation for what really goes on behind the public headlines.

    Consider this: If a group of men had the power to peek into the private conversations of ALL Americans — including the most powerful and influential decision makers in the nation — why would they waste their time looking for so-called “terrorists” in the first place? There’s a far more valuable use for this “omniscient” technology: collecting huge payoffs to blackmail important members of Congress, the Obama administration… or the Supreme Court…or individual members of the court.


  114. How easy would it be to blackmail a Supreme Court Justice?

    Blackmailing a U.S. Supreme Court justice is probably easier than you might think. These justices are, of course, human, which means they all have secrets they’d rather not be made public. With its highly intrusive surveillance technology, the NSA could easily gather the usernames, passwords, emails, voice calls, text chats, photos and files of every member of the Supreme Court (and Congress, for that matter), then threaten to leak certain details to the press if they don’t do what they’re told.

    We don’t know, of course, whether this actually happened with Roberts. His decision to flip on Obamacare could have been motivated by some other bizarre influence, but this NSA spy grid blackmail theory is the first realistic theory I’ve run across that would explain the sudden and inexplicable shift in his opinion.

    Think about it: The health insurance companies — which are largely owned by globalist banks and investors — stand to make trillions of dollars from the forced buying of insurance via the “individual mandate” that was being decided by the Court. Because the Court was almost evenly divided on the issue, the changing of the opinion of just one justice could tilt the decision in favor of the insurance industry and lock in enormous profits for years to come. So if the NSA approached the insurance globalists and said something like, “Pay us $500 million and we’ll hand you the Obamacare decision,” the answer would obviously be, “to where do we transfer the money?” It’s a cheap investment for a windfall of long-term profits. And health insurance companies — like any large corporations — don’t “play fair.” They play to win.


  115. The power to spy is the power to control

    You gotta hand it to whoever built this spy grid from the ground up. It’s a brilliant covert tactic of dominant control. With all the slimebags rising to positions of power in Washington, can you imagine the absolute treasure chest of low-hanging blackmail fruit that would be easily uncovered by sifting through the private emails and phone calls of lawmakers and bureaucrats?

    Take DHS as the tip of the iceberg. Last year, several male DHS employees sued the agency, claiming they were forced to perform deviant sex acts on their female bosses. There’s no question that DHS is staffed up with total perverts and sexual predators, which is why we frequently hear stories of the TSA molesting little children (the TSA is part of DHS).

    Can you imagine what the private emails and phone calls of Janet Napolitano look like? (Shield my eyes! I don’t even wanna know!)

    Or Anthony Weiner, the congressman who sexted a bunch of half-nude pictures of himself to young women?

    Usually the more power hungry these people are, the more deviant and perverse they behave when they think no one is looking. That makes them all incredibly easy to be compromised by the NSA — the techno-mob with the ultimate power to control through intimidation.

    And if the NSA can really control all these people — or at least some of them — it begs the question: What are the NSA’s aims? Who are the people calling the shots and where do their loyalties lie?

    Ever further down the rabbit hole is this question: Are these also the same people running global terrorist networks in order to justify their own existence? Or if that’s too nefarious to believe, would you believe these people might willfully look the other way with certain terror groups in order to make sure they keep operating?

    Perhaps the NSA is actually in the business of NOT catching terrorists in order to make sure its own power and financial budgets keep growing. And perhaps the NSA’s real business is shaking down corporate interests that pay huge dollars to have key decisions in Washington hijacked via blackmail.

    This is far more believable that the utter nonsense explanation we’re told by the media which says the NSA is “catching terrorists.” Really? Show me one! JUST ONE THEY HAVE CAUGHT. In reality, there’s no evidence whatsoever that the NSA has stopped even a single act of genuine terrorism that targeted Americans.

    Remember: Enormous power coupled with a complete abandonment of ethics can only lead in the direction of corruption and evil. Without checks and balances, the NSA will become a rogue criminal mafia that terrorizes everyone… and can be stopped by no one.

    Just something to think about during your busy day.


    State Dept accused of covering up sex and prostitution investigation during Clintons time in office I

    This government we have has more holes in it than a block of Swiss cheese and smells more like Limberger with each passing day.

  117. Snowden has opened up a big window re our govt. and our security. He was given the keys to the kingdom of our personal records and other supposedly secret information after very little apprenticeship time. His resume is painfully thin. How many other security records could he get to? How is this possible? How did the NSA get permission to outsource our security information to a private company anyway? How many other Snowdens are there working for the security arm of our govt.— the govt. we are supposed to trust has their responsibilities to protect America in order? This whole thing stinks like a garbage dump.

    This country is being run by a bunch of incompetent, dangerous thugs. We are a rudderless ship at the moment with no one in charge. It is rapidly getting out of control, either by accident or by very carefully planned design. You choose which one you think it is. I know what I choose.

  118. RMinNC | June 11, 2013 at 11:45 am |
    .today id the “word police” day off (you know thjat secquector stuff) ….you can make all the typo’s ypou like…and noo ne will correct…..

    see I told you se, didn’t I?
    Hahahahaha! Thanks for the confurting wurds.

  119. Megyn Kelly was just discussing with a guest connected to NSA how spying and listening in is possible through appliances that have microphones or perhaps somehow hooked up to computers with such; I would think SKYPE might just qualify as well…. esp. those appliances that take voice commands….that spying entities can shut on and shut off appliances, security systems, etc.

    Sheesh….all that capability and they can’t trace nor seem to even be interested in tracing the creator of the electronically manufactured bogus BC!

    I keep hearing people repeating “NSA employees are forbidden to do such personal surveillance, etc.” but the head of NSA is always a General….I think LTG….and who is his boss??? If CIC orders specific personal surveillance/info, like any other General….with this regime he either obeys or is replaced. Everything now is “for the sake of National Security”! Yet we can’t or are prevented from even naming the enemy….duh!

  120. cjzak….good after noon my friend.
    Remember…nothing happens in government that isn’t…. P L A N N E D.

    Want to revise you choices to ONE?

  121. http://www.suntimes.com/20661189-761/chicago-judge-zagel-sits-on-secret-fisa-surveillance-court.html

    Judge Zagel, yes the same Judge that presided over the Blagojevich trials is on a secret surveillance court in Washington….Honestly IF you tried you could NOT make this shit up!


    He says he is satisfied with the way the NSA program is being administered. He trusts the heavy oversight by the House and Senate Intelligence Committees and apparently trusts the assurance of the pResident.


    After we have been thinking this through on a deeper level, I think we could safely say that it is in the realm of possibility that Boehner himself could be blackmailed to step up to the plate and assure the country that all is well. Just the thought of it could be enough to make him and others fall in line.

  123. It’s frightening to think that all these scandals are now coming to the surface in this cesspool government……

    Whats even more frightening is to think these same scandals have been in a full blown operational level in this cesspool government for over five years without any exposure.


  124. citizenwells

    Thanks Bessie.

  125. Bessie…thanks
    you know how to call a spade a spade…..your are right..you can’t make this sh*t up…..how could our country become sooooooo entwined sooooooo fast in graft and corruption? It seems like we are on overdrive.

  126. oldsailor80

    RMINNC…….Re 253PM
    We have what we have because because nobody was willing to get off their complacent duff in 2008, 2010,and 2012, and do anything meaningful.

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