Obama media lies fool followers, Only 15 Percent Of Democrats Believe Economic News Is Bad, Worst economy since Great Depression, Orwellian spin works on liberals

Obama media lies fool followers, Only 15 Percent Of Democrats Believe Economic News Is Bad, Worst economy since Great Depression, Orwellian spin works on liberals

“Guilford (Large NC County) appears on it’s way to a third consecutive year with annual jobless rates in double digits. Economists say that likely hasn’t happened since the Great Depression.”…Greensboro News Record December 2, 2011

“With a 63.7% labor force participation, “conditions in the labor market are considerably worse than indicated” in July’s report”…economist Joshua Shapiro, WSJ August 3, 2012

“the Times of the nineteenth of December had published the official forecasts of the output of various classes of consumption goods in the fourth quarter of 1983, which was also the sixth quarter of the Ninth Three-Year Plan. Today’s issue contained a statement of the actual output, from which it appeared that the forecasts were in every instance grossly wrong. Winston’s job was to rectify the original figures by making them agree with the later ones.”…George Orwell, “1984”

George Orwell warned us in “1984.”

Rush Limbaugh warned us again.

The 2012 election is nearing and the combination of Obama’s lies about creating jobs combined with the best efforts of the mainstream media to prop him up are working on Democrats.

From CBS Washington DC September 20, 2012.

“Study: Only 15 Percent Of Democrats Believe Economic News Is Bad”

“With just 47 days before the general election and Mitt Romney attempting to pivot the focus of the election back on the state of the economy, citizens with Democratic leanings are actually doing an about-face on the economy compared to their Republican counterparts, according to a recent study from the Pew Research Center.

New data found that just 15 percent of Democrats believe that recent economic news is mostly poor, a percentage that took a significant drop from the 31 percent of Democrats polled last month who did think that economic news was mostly bad. According to the study, the 15-percent clip is among the lowest percentages during President Barack Obama’s nearly four years in office.

But with those citizens with Republican leanings and no political leanings at all, the outlook remains the same. Sixty percent of Republicans find that most of the economic news is bad. Among independents, the percentage is 36 percent. Both of these data sets remain virtually unchanged from a month ago, according to the study.

The study, released on Sept. 11, could show Obama making gains on the economy, which has been what Romney ultimately has wanted to make the election about to this point, crystallized even further in his acceptance of the nomination at the Republican National Convention. Despite Romney’s efforts to turn the attention back to the economy following the backlash from the “47 percent” video, the data found that some Americans were actually beginning to feel better about the outlook of the economy. The percentage of people who feel that most of what they hear about the economy is bad dropped six percentage points in a month, from 41 percent to 35 percent, according to the study.”


The Greensboro News and Record has done a pretty good job lately of reporting the news about the local and state job situation. However, on Friday September 21, 2012, they printed an article that caused a double take and review.

The headline in the Business Section reads:

“Greensboro’s job picture brightens”

To the left the headline reads:

“Bank of America planning to cut 16,000 positions”

Below the article reads:

“American Airlines says it plans to lay off up to 72 people at Raleigh-Durham International Airport and more than 1,400 in Florida”

From the Greensboro News and Record September 21, 2012.
“More than 10 percent of people who want jobs in Greensboro still can’t find them.

But Greensboro’s defying the odds in another job statistic: The total number of people working in the city is now higher than it was before the recession began in 2008.

That puts the city in a category of one when compared with other cities in the region, the state and the nation, according to a new report from the Greensboro Partnership, Greensboro’s leading economic development agency.

Growth in total employment suggests that the city will ultimately have more jobs available for all the people looking for work.

Between January, 2008 and July, 2012, Greensboro’s workforce grew by 2.6 percent, meaning that 3,270 more people were working.”


The article begins honestly with:

“More than 10 percent of people who want jobs in Greensboro still can’t find them.”

The article then tries to spin some job growth, which does not keep up with population growth, as good news. That is like falling down a well while grasping a rope and breaking both legs instead of dying.

The print edition contains the following statement:

“The unemployment rate remains high because the population has outgrown the number of available jobs, but as the number of people with jobs rises, that brings hope that unemployment will drop.”


Here are the facts from Citizen Wells.

The latest stated unemployment rate in NC: 9.7 %.

The latest stated unemployment rate for Greensboro, High Point: 10.2 %.

The NC Labor Force Participation Rate is 62 % and is lower than the record setting national rate of 63.5.

And once again:

“Guilford (Large NC County) appears on it’s way to a third consecutive year with annual jobless rates in double digits. Economists say that likely hasn’t happened since the Great Depression.”…Greensboro News Record December 2, 2011

Thanks to commenter Philo-Publius.

39 responses to “Obama media lies fool followers, Only 15 Percent Of Democrats Believe Economic News Is Bad, Worst economy since Great Depression, Orwellian spin works on liberals

  1. http://www.suntimes.com/news/sneed/15297585-452/sheriff-charges-murder-for-hire-plot-at-cook-county-jail.html#.UF1PP7CyaBA.facebook

    Have not yet read Natasha Korecki’s book but Sneed is reporting today that JJJ was “possibly” tipped off…duh…

  2. dualer | September 22, 2012 at 7:35 am |

    So I have worked on DOING something about the Usurper for 4 years. I post an appeal brief here, and get virtually NO RESONSE. What is wrong w/ you people? Do you think you are actually doing something be talking in this echo chamber. Get out of the basement and show up in Tallahassee. These judges have been allowed to make their nonsensical rulings becaise they are vurtually in private— no media— no onlookers. Don’t listen to OBOTs like JBJD. This case has proper standing for the court to answer the question— it is perfectly w/in Fla statutes. She is a PUMA and lover of Howard Zinn— what does that tell you? Get a clue. No one will save us but us.


    I will make them ALL lie in the light of history. History will know who sold out the Republic and will spit on them.

  3. As Fl ss. 102.168(1) (3) (b) shows, Florida electors have the right to challenge the eligibility of “ANY PERSON” whom is “NOMINATED OR ELECTED” to office.

    Even if no primary is held, the unopposed candidate shall be considered “NOMINATED” for the office.

    “101.252 Candidates entitled to have names printed on certain ballots; exception.—(1) Any candidate for nomination who has qualified as prescribed by law is entitled to have his or her name printed on the official primary election ballot. However, when there is only one candidate of any political party qualified for an office, the name of the candidate shall not be printed on the primary election ballot, and such candidate shall be declared nominated for the office.”

    Further, Federal Election statute (11 C.F.R. 100.2(C)(5)) says that the election is “considered to have occurred” if there is an unopposed major party candidate whom shall appear on the general election ballot. So Florida statutes agreee with Federal statutes.

    Therefore by Fl. ss. 102.168(1)(3)(b) I have standing, and the Supreme Court of Fla. has said that “eleigibility is a judicial determination upon any challenge properly made” (Shevin v. Stone(1972))

    My action is properly made as to time, indispensible parties, claimant status, and venue. Therefore this action is properly made, and the court is obliged to make a ruling as to the eligibility of Barack H. Obama

  4. Good morning CW et al,

    I apologize for not being able to post lately as I have been quite busy, however I do read the posts everyday when time allows. I do miss everyone dearly. Funny how it seems we have grown to know and care for each other as family.

    Keep up the good work and informative posts, I enjoy reading them.

  5. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    Here is the main reason 47% of the population DOESN’T(want to) pay any taxes –


    Look at the last column on the chart and look at the LIABILITY PER TAXPAYER – $1,055,250.00 .
    Coming soon – You won’t be able to leave the U.S. without settling this bill first!

    Remember – “The last act of any government is to loot the treasury.” – George Washington

  6. Thanks William.

  7. The Empty Chair’s Smooth Operators

    For over four years Americans have been fed lies, excuses, political correctness, false flags, ridicule, and blatant avoidance on every issue of government policy by Barry’s Smooth Operators which affects every detail of our lives. They used their positions of power to ride rough shod over Americans who dared challenge them. They imagine they succeeded with their cover ups and deceit. They truly believe that because they seemed little at the time challengers could do nothing about it, they won and fooled America. They snuck in their progressive, communist, socialist policies via stealth usurpation via superior planning, violating American law, corrupting the judicial system, dumbing down America, bribing/intimidating senators, congressmen, judges, main stream media and spending over one billion dollars to purchase the seat of the United States of America’s Presidency. Because it seems they got away with all their deception by keeping the illegal in office for four years, they think can do it again.

    Here is why they will lose.

    AMERICA HAS AWAKENED! Americans are brighter and sharper than the Smooth Operators understand. Americans have long memories and are aware of every lie, lame excuse, denial and avoidance the Smooth Operators have used. AMERICANS HATE CONSTANT LIARS, WHINERS, AND REFUSERS TO ADMIT RESPONSIBILITY TO THEIR ACTIONS. THEY ESPECIALLY HATE PEOPLE WHO BLAME AND ATTACK OTHERS FOR THEIR OWN INADEQUECIES. Forged birth certificates, looting America with a stimulus that failed while spending over $200,000,000 per day to vacation in India, Eric Holder’s flaunting he will not prosecute black criminals of white victims, Fast and Furious, Obama care—obtained by threat, intimidation and deceit—the Bin Ladin fiasco—claiming to have killed a man who has been dead for nearly eight years—prior. Sending troops to support rebellions in Egypt, Libya, Yemen and now Syria. America recognizes every lie. The dirty laundry never ends.

    The illegal alien the Smooth Operators are trying to promote, protect and con America for a second time has been exposed. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men will never make Barry a NBC nor even an American citizen.

    Since the only track record the Smooth Operators have is one of dirty tricks, false flags, intimidation, bribery and lies they are going to lose because they HAVE LOST ALL CREDIBILITY. Who listens or cares any more when . . .

    Any one of the pro Obumer group starts yelling “racist” (the word has now become counter productive because they have so over used it in so many inappropriate incidents.)

    Axelrod says “The GOP Convention was a terrible failure.”

    Obama slams the GOP Convention: “It was a rerun from the era of black and white TV.”

    Chris Mathews calls Paul Ryan a “Liar.”

    They tried to diss Eastwood as a senile old man. That sneile old man is the father of the “empty chair” movement.

    Wasserman Schultz tries to demean Republicans by saying “Republicans put the priority of their convention over Isaac.”

    Van Jones called Romney a jerk.

    Liberal bloggers: Republicans condone rape and are making sure rapists are becoming fathers.

    I could continue with this collection of stupidity forever. It’s out there in abundance. Who cares what they say any more since we all know them for what they are and continue to be—power lusting liars and cheats.
    If these vile characters were not so jaded, they would realize that every time they make the stupid, malevolent statements of the nature they make, they are turning people against them and in ffavor of the very people they are attempting to harm. The proof of this is in America’s disgust and rejection of Barack Hussein Obama. The proof of this is in all the anti Obama books, movies, billboards, law suits, t-shirts, bumper stickers, signs and angry bloggers with this arrogant, narcissist usurper and all who support him. The proof of this is in the poor turnout to his rallies, the having to give away free tickets in bars to beg people to attend his speech, and the polls which show Romney ahead.

  8. And to that, I add this.

    By Will Hunt

    Let the jokes continue.

    Ye Can’t Fool a Scottish Caddy

    During his golfing vacation at Martha’s Vineyard – President Obama had been slicing off the tee on every hole. He asks his Scottish born caddy if he has noticed any obvious reasons for his poor tee shots, to which the caddy replies:

    “Aye, there’s a piece of shyt on the end of yer driver.”

    The President picks up his driver and cleans the club face, at which point the caddy says:

    “No, the other end.”

    Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/09/20/lobbyist-close-to-white-house-behind-effort-of-golfers-to-quell-jokes-about-obama/#ixzz27DAsqOud

  9. BLOW UP!!


    Also note: The following pic (below) to the left, is a blow-up of Obama’s one hand and his buddy’s one hand, inter-twined around the smoke. Scroll down to the right side of the page for an even more blown up second (enlargement) pic of their inter-twined hands. Count the fingers.


  10. Observer,
    I really don’t care if Obama is gay. I don’t care if he was born female, had a sex change, and got a new BC from Hawaii legally under their laws for such things. I only care that the elite in this country feel that it is acceptable to lie to “We the People” and destroy the Constitution which is “Our Protection” from the elite monsters. The media is part, or owned by, those that feel that “Unclean Masses” can’t be trusted with the truth or self government. Obama’s sexuality in no way prevents him from being a legal POTUS, but his lack of two citizen parents DOES, IMHO. The truth about the monsters unleashed by the Democratic Socialists of America upon us will be uncovered in history, as DUALER above notes.

    To Dualer, the United States government has Sovereign immunity, including the Congress, and they are using it to prevent standing and challenge to the current ‘elected’ officials. The used similar legal techniques in the past, successfully I might add, to prevent accountability. Your case is valid, but I am not a judge and cannot accept your complaint. The truth will come out, and Obama/Pelosi/Reid will be seen as a national disaster if a Republic survives. I believe, as the White House insider commented, that the Democratic party as people once knew it will not survive the truth and consequences that are forthcoming.

    That’s just my humble opinion, but I can smell fear in the democrats now.


  11. Can’t believe it! But believe it. Orwell’s 1984 Emmanuel Goldstein has been identified! Soetoro/Obama is going before the UN to denounce him!


    The Breitbart article takes up your analogy to 1984, CW. Unbelievable!

  12. Obama is going to lead the world at the UN in the Orwellian “Two Minutes of Hate” against Emmanuel Goldstein who goes by the name, Sam Bacile (original name, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula–Egyptian Coptic).

    Newspeak is totally here: Recession is Prosperity, Unemployment is Creating Jobs, Denouncing Free Speech is Free Speech, Dual Citizenship is Natural Born Citizen, Muslim Jihad is Workplace Violence, –you name it. It is totally “Backwards Land” run by the State Media to support Big Brother.

  13. Pete | September 22, 2012 at 1:14 pm |

    For what it’s worth, I agree with the majority of your comment….on second thought… the entirety.

  14. usapatriots-shout | September 22, 2012 at 10:39 am |

    The Empty Chair’s Smooth Operators
    Great article.

    I would like to add. Their labeling of the TEA Party as extremists, racists, spitters, and worse, was a window into their methods for slanting the truth.

  15. Obama being gay will have little effect on anything. No one really cares. However, the lies and cover ups will matter. Problem stands where it has stood for years now. With the media who present these things to the public in ways that make Obama and company look like the good guys or the poor picked on underdogs. The clueless Americans among us eat this up and vote accordingly. Until that can be changed and until Romney stands up and slams all these lies with the truth, Obama will come out ahead and smiling like the demon he is. Fight on patriots and never give up or in.

  16. Friday, September 21, 2012
    New US Mint Director Nominated
    Posted by Mint News Blog | Filed Under: US Mint

    President Obama has nominated Bibiana Boerio of Pennsylvania to become the new Director of the United States Mint for a five year term. This comes 21 months after the 38th Director of the Mint Edmund Moy announced his resignation on December 20, 2010.

    Google her name she was chief of staff for Joe Sestak and all her donations are Dems

  17. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    If on the last debate and hopefully each contestant can ask one question of the other, and things are looking bad for the “Good Guys” , Romney will simply ask “What is your definition of “NBC”?
    Supposedly Obama is a Constitutional Scholar! Hopefully this could be one of those legal “Have you stopped beating your wife?” tricks.
    We need a “One for the Gipper” moment.

  18. Mr. Bill(ms. helga)

    Dean M. | September 22, 2012 at 1:29 pm |

    Personally I believe he is running for “King of the World”!

  19. Mr. Bill(ms. helga) | September 22, 2012 at 3:16 pm |
    Personally I believe he is running for “King of the World”!
    That has been my thought for some time – ever since I read and heard that Henry Kissinger said that Obama is being groomed for the New World Order.

  20. Pete: Pete | September 22, 2012 at 1:14 pm |
    I really don’t care if Obama is gay. I don’t care if he was born female, had a sex change, and got a new BC from Hawaii legally under their laws for such things.
    Being the fraud he is and the type who rules by fiat…I DO CARE. We’ve already seen how he and Sebelius have given the Catholic Church a “period of time to comply”….take it and like it….pay for ending lives and ending real marriage, and don’t dare give you moral opinions in the market place or else. There goes your free speech right there alone. They’re arresting pastors or authors of letters to editors that hurt certain “sensibilities” in Canada. The entire culture, in a very short time has already been mandated agendas that go against the natural law and forcing it via his education unions into our public schools…even at pre-school level. His backers want sex changes to be paid for. This “man” will go to any length to “transform” the culture to the lowest bar imaginable of “anything goes”. And it SHOULD matter to his women followers since IF Mooch comes across as being totally clueless after she’s presented their fraud life as soooo typical and traditional for the sake of image….then they shouldn’t help but feel he’s also used his neat little fambly just as he’s used the rest of us. It’s not the person….it’s their militant agendas which arise from their personal confusion, immature narcissism, and sick attitude towards human dignity and we’ve learned from his forced socialized medicine that we will pay for everything that goes against ethics, consciences, etc. AND LIKE IT OR ELSE. So I say, at least get him out of his cave (like Osama) and show him for what he is and just why such agendas (and his bodymen) will be pushed for acceptance BY ALL. Sick, sick agendas and intentions indeed to be VERY concerned about….esp. for the kids who’ll be forced to swallow this Kool-aid and have any innocence be poisoned.

  21. Mass Slaughter In Our Schools: The Terrorists’ Chilling Plan?

    Don’t dismiss this; it happened in Russia several years ago, and it is being
    planned for here.


  22. To Pete.

    The US government has NO sovereign immunity to allow an ineligible non natural born Citizen. A2S1C4 is a self executing constitutional provision— no statute is required to enforce it (read page 10-18 of my brief). The Democrat and Republican parties are not the government, and NO WHERE in US Code 3 S. 15 (Electoral College) does it say ANYTHING about the duty of electors to check eligibility of a President elect. As a matter of fact Ray v. Blair held that political parties could get a pledge from electors to vote for their candidates— so how the is the EC impartial in determining eligibility?

  23. dualer.
    The electors take an oath to uphold the constitution.
    In fact, not just electors, but every citizen has an implicit duty to defend the constitution.

  24. Dean M.
    The analogies are clear.

    “Before the Hate had proceeded for thirty seconds, uncontrollable exclamations of rage were breaking out from half the people in the room.”
    “the sight or even the thought of Goldstein produced fear and anger automatically.”
    “He was an object of hatred more constant than either Eurasia or Eastasia.”
    “There were also whispered stories of a terrible book, a compendium of all the heresies”
    “In it’s second minute the Hate rose to a frenzy. People were leaping up and down in their places and shouting at the tops of their voices”… George Orwell “1984″

  25. “An ominous new development within the HJ was the appearance of HJ-Streifendienst (Patrol Force) units functioning as internal political police, maintaining order at meetings, ferreting out disloyal members, and denouncing anyone who criticized Hitler or Nazism including, in a few cases, their own parents.”

    “Racial indoctrination in the classroom included teaching young children how to spot a Jew by describing the physical traits which Nazis believed were associated with inferior peoples. In some classrooms, where Jews were still present, a Jewish child would be brought to the front of the class as an example. The teacher would then use a pointer, highlighting certain facial characteristics.”

  26. “Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it”

  27. “‘Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed, will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten. Already, in the Eleventh Edition, we’re not far from that point. But the process will still be continuing long after you and I are dead. Every year fewer and fewer words, and the range of consciousness always a little smaller. Even now, of course, there’s no reason or excuse for committing thoughtcrime. It’s merely a question of self-discipline, reality-control. But in the end there won’t be any need even for that. The Revolution will be complete when the language is perfect. Newspeak is Ingsoc and Ingsoc is Newspeak,’ he added with a sort of mystical satisfaction. ‘Has it ever occurred to you, Winston, that by the year 2050, at the very latest, not a single human being will be alive who could understand such a conversation as we are having now?'”
    …George Orwell, “1984″

    Example: Pamela Geller CNN interview

  28. “1984 (John Hurt) – Official Trailer”

    At YouTube:

    “George Orwell’s novel of a totalitarian future society in which a man whose daily work is rewriting history tries to rebel by falling in love. After The Atomic War the world is divided into three states. London is the capital of Oceania, ruled by a party who has total control over all its citizens. Winston Smith is one of the bureaucrats, rewriting history in one of the departments. One day he commits the crime of falling in love with Julia. They try to escape Big Brother’s listening and viewing devices, but, of course, nobody can really escape…

    Directed by: Michael Radford
    Starring: John Hurt, Richard Burton, Suzanna Hamilton, Cyril Cusack, Peter Frye”

  29. Full Movie – 1:50:29

    nineteen eighty-four (1984)


  30. Fox News Extensive Report On Obama’s Benghazi Cover-Up
    September 22, 2012 By Daniel Noe

    FNC Special Report on what many are calling a scandal and a cover-up of the events on 9/11 in Benghazi, Libya. They not only report on the cover-up, but also what actually transpired on the night our Ambassador was killed.


  31. Thanks, CW. Amazing. Orwell was a prophet. You have really drawn the parallels between his book and now. (It looks like they’ve picked up on this now at Breitbart.)

    I have a bad feeling about the Benghazi Consulate attack and murder of Ambassador Stevens. He comes from the same part of the US as myself. I was at one time interested, too, in the Foreign Service. But due to Vietnam, I chose a career in the military. Later on, while serving abroad in the Army, I applied for embassy duty. My branch would not release me so I remained in military intelligence.

    Okay. The specifics of this incident are highly suspicious to me. It is almost like the ambassador was “set up.” This feels like the Seal Team 6 crash and other mysterious deaths. I do not like this at all.

    Now the Administration is trying use Newspeak to make the filmmaker of the online Video (disrespectful of “The Prophet” as Obama calls Mohammed) into Emmanuel Goldstein. They want the focus to go onto this–on this, rather than have anyone looking hard into what happened to Stevens. If we focus on Stevens, what will we see? A man who had become dangerous to the Administration and had to be eliminated? He had no real protection and Obama didn’t give a rat’s ass. Look at how he acted–totally disconnected from what happened. Two brave Americans tried to help and paid for it with their lives. Something is really rotten in Denmark.

  32. Important important important

    The movie 2016 On youtube tonight

    It’s been put on youtube. Watch now before it’s taken off.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch? feature=player_embedded&v=tDY6v8KdSYs

  33. bob strauss | September 22, 2012 at 5:50 pm |

    Important important important

    The movie 2016 On youtube tonight

    It’s been put on youtube. Watch now before it’s taken off.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch? feature=player_embedded&v=tDY6v8KdSYs
    I tried the link above, and it says movie was removed due to copyright infringement.

  34. Obama to Condemn Christian Filmmaker Before United Nations


    Not only are we seeing the White House and State Department call more attention to the Mohammed-mocking “Innocence of Muslims” than any terrorist network ever could’ve hoped for, but the President’s indefensible scapegoating of the film and filmmaker to draw attention and blame away from U.S. security failures apparently knows no bounds.
    Next week, Obama will denounce the film in a speech before the United Nations General Assembly:

    The ultimate apology….a pResident of the United States going to the repulsive UN and denouncing his supposed own country to the world. By doing so he also announces that we are open for invasion of the same radical type of chaos in this country too.

  35. @CW

    The oath does not create any duty to check presidential qualifications. The SOSs of the states take the same oath, and they have no duty either.

  36. dualer.
    Acknowledged, recognized or whatever, there is an implied duty just as there is for any
    citizen to report a violation of the law.
    If an elector, election official or citizen has reason to believe that a law has been broken,
    they have a responsibility to report the violation and ask questions, period.

  37. WTF??!!!! What’s This Flag, Obama?

    Bridgette | September 22, 2012 at 11:48 pm

    “Watch “Dreams from My Real Father” Movie Here! 97 minutes”


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