Unemployment rate 9.0 percent or 9.8 percent?, Big brother or Gallup, Orwellian speak, 2011 or 1984

Unemployment rate 9.0 percent or 9.8 percent?, Big brother or Gallup, Orwellian speak, 2011 or 1984

“the Times of the nineteenth of December had published the official forecasts of the output of various classes of consumption goods in the fourth quarter of 1983, which was also the sixth quarter of the Ninth Three-Year Plan. Today’s issue contained a statement of the actual output, from which it appeared that the forecasts were in every instance grossly wrong. Winston’s job was to rectify the original figures by making them agree with the later ones.”…George Orwell, “1984”

Unemployment Rate from Big Brother

From the US Labor Department February 4, 2011.

“Household Survey Data

The unemployment rate (9.0 percent) declined by 0.4 percentage point
for the second month in a row. (See table A-1.) The number of
unemployed persons decreased by about 600,000 in January to 13.9
million, while the labor force was unchanged. (Based on data adjusted
for updated population controls. See table C.)

Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates for adult men
(8.8 percent), whites (8.0 percent), and Hispanics (11.9 percent)
declined in January. The unemployment rates for adult women (7.9
percent), teenagers (25.7 percent), and blacks (15.7 percent) were
little changed. The jobless rate for Asians was 6.9 percent, not
seasonally adjusted. (See tables A-1, A-2, and A-3.)

The number of job losers and persons who completed temporary jobs fell
from 8.9 to 8.5 million in January. The number of long-term unemployed
(those jobless for 27 weeks or more) edged down to 6.2 million and
accounted for 43.8 percent of the unemployed. (See tables A-11 and A-

After accounting for the annual adjustment to the population controls,
the employment-population ratio (58.4 percent) rose in January, and
the labor force participation rate (64.2 percent) was unchanged. (See
tables A-1 and C.)

The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons
(sometimes referred to as involuntary part-time workers) declined
from 8.9 to 8.4 million in January. These individuals were working
part time because their hours had been cut back or because they were
unable to find a full-time job. (See table A-8.)

In January, 2.8 million persons were marginally attached to the labor
force, up from 2.5 million a year earlier. (These data are not
seasonally adjusted.) These individuals were not in the labor force,
wanted and were available for work, and had looked for a job sometime
in the prior 12 months. They were not counted as unemployed because
they had not searched for work in the 4 weeks preceding the survey.
(See table A-16.)

Among the marginally attached, there were 1.0 million discouraged
workers in January, about the same as a year earlier. (These data are
not seasonally adjusted.) Discouraged workers are persons not
currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are available
for them. The remaining 1.8 million persons marginally attached to the
labor force had not searched for work in the 4 weeks preceding the
survey for reasons such as school attendance or family
responsibilities. (See table A-16.)”

Read more:


From Gallup February 3, 2011.

“Unemployment, as measured by Gallup without seasonal adjustment, increased to 9.8% at the end of January — up from 9.6% at the end of December, but down from 10.9% a year ago.”
“Underemployment Essentially Unchanged in January

Underemployment — the combination of part-time workers wanting full-time work and Gallup’s U.S. unemployment rate — was 18.9% in January, essentially the same as the 19.0% of December. Underemployment now stands one percentage point below the 19.9% of a year ago.
Comparing Gallup’s unemployment and underemployment rates so far in 2011 with those for the same periods in 2010 provides something of a seasonally adjusted view of Gallup’s jobs data. Unemployment and underemployment are now at least one point below the rates of a year ago, reflecting modest improvement over the past year.

Still, Gallup’s measures paint a real-time picture of the current job realities on the ground: nearly 1 in 10 Americans in the U.S. workforce are unemployed, nearly one out of five are underemployed, and the nation’s overall hiring situation has not improved over the past four to six months.”

Read more:


139 responses to “Unemployment rate 9.0 percent or 9.8 percent?, Big brother or Gallup, Orwellian speak, 2011 or 1984

  1. Ultimate Orwellian Speak: Obama being “President” of the United States. He is not (lawfully).

  2. truthbetold11

    as soon i hear the commericals during rush, the lies never cease!!!

  3. … and BHO certainly doesn’t ACT in the interests of the USA; quite the opposite. Why would all be rooting for Mubarak in the Obama vs. Mubarak battle?

  4. If bo CRIMINAL Cohorts Jodie Evans and Bill Ayers are still in Egypt, President Mubarak should have them ARRESTED immediately along with all the other msm CRIMINALS who are aiding and abetting TERRORISTS in Egypt.

  5. typo. Why would WE all be rooting for Mubarak in the Obama vs. Mubarak battle?

    Obama moved big time simultaneously to defeat Egypt’s current govt, establish Islamist regimes throughout midesat, and open the door for Israel’s demise. and he lost!!!




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  8. Contact your congressman, senators, County Sheriff, DA, State Legislators, Governor, and County Grand Jury Foreman and demand that they indict and prosecute BO and all his local co-conspirators for the Murders and False Imprisonment of Opponents of the BO regime, Birth Document Forgeries, TSA Sexual Assaults & Illegal Searches, Election Fraud, Voter Fraud, Identity Theft, Illegal Foreign Campaign Contributions, Aiding and Abetting of Muslim Terrorists, Poisoning of the Gulf of Mexico, Theft of Private Property, Embezzlement of Government funds, WikiLeaks etc.



  9. http://www.prisonplanet.com/fury-builds-over-blackouts-caused-by-de-industrialization-of-america.html

    Fury is building over rolling nationwide blackouts triggered by the Obama administration’s deliberate agenda to block the construction of new coal-fired plants, as local energy companies struggle to meet Americans’ power demands amidst some of the coldest weather seen in decades.

  10. Well folks, we’ve just lived through the failure of a post-9/11 terrorist attack, led by none other than our own ‘President’, which, if it had succeeded, would have been exponentially worse than 9/11; that is, the attempt to take down the current Egyptian govt!

    It was a close call, sort of like the Cuban Missile Crisis. Thank god Mubarak and his team have defeated Obama and AlJazerra.

  11. “The Problem With the Announcement Stories”
    By butterdezillion

    “It is clear that what we were told about where these images came from is not true.

    It appears that somebody at the Advertiser office gave out images to select people with the instruction that they were to peddle them off as genuine – the Advertiser image to the librarian at the Hawaii State Library, the Star-Bulletin image to “Koa” and the Prius Chat poster (who may have been the same person), and both images to Whatreallyhappened.com.”

    Click to access announcement-stories-not-true.pdf

    The Problem With the Announcement Stories

  12. Look at this bull crap ! Someone’s cooking the books for Obama

    Unemployment falls to 9 pct., nearly 2-year low

    WASHINGTON — The unemployment rate is sinking at the fastest pace in half a century because a surprisingly large number of people say they’re finding work.

    The decline conflicts with a survey of businesses that showed weak job growth last month. But that survey doesn’t count the self-employed and likely undercounts the nation’s smallest businesses. Also, harsh weather disrupted business payrolls in January.

    The unemployment rate dropped sharply last month to 9 percent, based on a government survey that found that more than a half-million people found work. A separate Labor Department survey of company payrolls showed 36,000 net jobs created — barely a quarter of the number needed to keep pace with population growth.

    link to story

  13. Santelli Slams CNBC Panelists for Spinning Jobs Report
    CNBC’s floor reporter criticizes ‘kool-aid drinkers’ for trying to find good news in the ‘disappointing.

    “[W]e have overwhelming evidence the jobs market is disappointing, and all of you are trying to look for that one half of spaghetti in a 50 lb. spaghetti bowl. This is not great data,” Santelli claimed. “We know that the U6 probably gives you a better indication of the true unemployment rate …”

    CNBC’s Steve Liesman interjected: “It went down, Rick. It went down – ”

    “Yeah, what is it?” asked Santelli.

    “It went down Rick, to 16.1 [percent],” Liesman said.

    Oh boy, guys! 16.1 [percent] is probably the unemployment rate. That’s cause celebre,” Rick sarcastically shouted on the trading floor of the Chicago mercantile exchange.

    “But it fell from 16.7,” Liesman insisted.


  14. Ted | February 4, 2011 at 3:22 pm | Well folks, we’ve just lived through the failure of a post-9/11 terrorist attack, led by none other than our own ‘President’, which, if it had succeeded, would have been exponentially worse than 9/11; that is, the attempt to take down the current Egyptian govt!

    It was a close call, sort of like the Cuban Missile Crisis. Thank god Mubarak and his team have defeated Obama and AlJazerra.


    bo just had a press conference with PM of Canada when he should have been talking about the energy crisis in the US, he was trying to incite his muslim brotherhood to more violence now that President Mubarak has defeated bo’s muslim brotherhood attempt to overthrow the Egyptian Government.





    A friend who read that statement took that to mean I do not hold Obama responsible for what he has done, is doing and will do. I consider this ghost president 150% responsible for what he does and should be made 200% accountable for his actions along with the rest of this nefarious group.


    Once upon a time a kind hearted Indian woman was return home on a cold winter morning when she came upon a poisonous snake half frozen and dying. She took it home. She lovingly nurtured the snake and brought it back to health.

    One day the snake bit her. As she was dying she said to the snake; “I’ve been so good to you. I loved you and saved your life. Why did you do this to me?”

    The snake calmly said; “Because I am a snake.”

    Because Obama is a snake is why I stated not to blame him. Obama is what he is. Carl Jung might describe as a victim of his own ideology. Snakes, pigs, barracudas, sharks, or buzzards can only act according to their nature. If the powers that be think they can deal with barracudas, snakes or buzzards as if they were kittens or pet dogs—then they will eventually suffer the same fate as that well intended Indian lady who refused to acknowledge the true nature of the beast she loved.

    WikiLeaks cables: US agrees to tell Russia Britain’s nuclear secrets

  18. Philo-Publius

    marmar | February 4, 2011 at 5:20 pm |

    WikiLeaks cables: US agrees to tell Russia Britain’s nuclear secrets
    As I said in the previous thread…can we say BLACKMAIL?

  19. Philo-Publius | February 4, 2011 at 5:55 pm |
    marmar | February 4, 2011 at 5:20 pm |

    WikiLeaks cables: US agrees to tell Russia Britain’s nuclear secrets
    As I said in the previous thread…can we say BLACKMAIL
    Maybe Russia has the BC.

  20. Philo-Publius

    marmar | February 4, 2011 at 6:03 pm |

    Maybe Russia has the BC.

    That’s what I said (suspect) too.

  21. Philo-Publius

    Gallup Blasts Government Data Fudging for last month too.

  22. Savage: A government attacking Patriots and protecting muslim Barbarians.


  23. Philo-Publius

    In high-stakes poker game with Darrell Issa, Janet Napolitano passes again

    Their game is not exactly on the level. Issa has a whistleblower at the DHS giving him an inside edge on every move. And uncertainty over what he knows may be why the agency is snubbing Issa on his document deadlines.

  24. Philo-Publius

    Clinton birthplace formally established as National Historic Site

    Obama’s next…if they only can find out where?

  25. CLG: NYT: Obama cutting deal to have CIA torture point-man Suleiman replace Mubarak –White House, Egypt Discuss Plan

  26. ABC’s Amanpour back in Tahrir Square. President Mubarak has restored the peace and is demanding that bo’s muslim brotherhood not have any part in the next administration.

    NBC’s LYING COWARD Brian Williams is back in New York lying about the violence incited by bo’s muslim brotherhood.

    We Patriots should learn from the Egyptian experience and make our DEMANDS that bo be removed from office STRONGER and LOUDER.


  27. right now Savage talking about the TRAITOR/SLEEPER giving away the UK’s Nuclear secrets.

  28. Savage says bo should be tried for Treason.

  29. McCain says a ‘much more centrist’ Obama ‘much’ easier to work with

    Oooooh, the Rino is back in the saddle again! These comments by McCain make me ashamed to be an Arizonan. Watch him “work with” Obama on immigration policy.


  30. Are the obots who post and on CW call into Conservative Shows paid out of the US Treasury? If so aren’t you obots afraid that you will be indicted?

  31. President Mubarak’s defeat of bo’s muslim brotherhood revolt has bo terrified. Obots are imprisoned in Egypt being interrogated now and the obots will testify against bo and his muslim brotherhood.

  32. Talk show host who brings up subject of UK armaments profile leaked to Russian as incentive for START Treaty deal called ‘paranoid’ by obot caller? What the fudge (WTFudge) do you call a president who won’t release his documentation? Trusting? No, he doesn’t trust us and he is withholding information which should have been released during the campaign and before the Electoral Vote was counted and certified. But, don’t worry, if Soros has his way he’ll get rid of the Electoral College and the next puppet won’t even have to clear that hurdle to election.

  33. Ladyhawke | February 4, 2011 at 1:59 am |

    Carlyle has been banned.

    All this from a site that purports to exalt the search for truth? Seriously?

    It is so sad that this place has driven itself into the ground and driven away so many interesting posters.

    Cabby – AZ | February 4, 2011 at 3:51 am |

    Ladyhawke | February 4, 2011 at 1:59 am |

    Yes, my observations are the same… Strange indeed and sad it is.

  34. Lillibet | February 4, 2011 at 7:39 pm |

    The Psychological term is Transference, i.e., bo and the obots, out of paranoia, try to transfer their paranoia to the sane among us.

  35. Marmar..You said

    As I said in the previous thread…can we say BLACKMAIL
    Maybe Russia has the BC.

    I bet they have a copy of his PASSPORT that gives his true name and it is not BHO. 🙂 Lugar knows he was with him when they went to Russa and was held for questioning! Boy Lugar must really be faithful since he is not dead yet!

  36. Free Speech, what do you know about the Sudan? I understand Egypt has invested millions in the Sudan to gain control of oil reserves in the South Sudan, but South Sudan voted for independence from North Sudan. North Sudan is Moose-limb majority; South Sudanese majority Christian and animist. Kenya rumored to be route for new pipeline to carry oil. South Sudanese oil going through Egypt at this time. Think U.S. has very large military base in South Sudan or Kenya aka AfriCom. Just coincidence or part of the reason Soros/Barky want Mubarak out?

  37. Free Speech @ 7:44: Now that’s funny! Considering that Barky’s handler threatened me in high school, I’d say they are the one’s that are paranoid. Only thugs threaten minor citizens. Since the guy was a known drug dealer, my father told me to drop it and let law enforcement deal with him.
    It’s too bad that Holder is at the top of the food chain, or we’d get to the bottom of this mystery. Of course, I heard the names Timmy spoke and I relayed the, but that information will never pass my lips or people would assume the worst. A DNA test would confirm or rule out what we all suspect.

  38. Correction: they are the ones

  39. Lillibet | February 4, 2011 at 7:46 pm |

    Greed, of course, is Soros’ primary motivation. Egypt is the terminal point for most of the Oil and Gas supplies because of access to the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean.

    However, IMHO bo is motivated purely by insanity. He has a narcissistic messianic complex and in his mind he is a islamic prophet sent by allah to create the islamic caliphate which makes bo far more dangerous than Soros.

  40. Ginger | February 4, 2011 at 7:46 pm |
    Marmar..You said

    As I said in the previous thread…can we say BLACKMAIL
    Maybe Russia has the BC.

    I bet they have a copy of his PASSPORT that gives his true name and it is not BHO. Lugar knows he was with him when they went to Russa and was held for questioning! Boy Lugar must really be faithful since he is not dead yet!


    The KGB has controlled bo for decades.

    BO KGB

  41. bo’s muslim brotherhood attempted to assasinate Vice President Suleman today. 2 bodyguards murdered.

  42. http://www.aim.org/aim-column/florida-bar-vs-free-press/
    “You would think that The Florida Bar and its member attorneys and judges who swore to uphold the U.S. Constitution would support a free press as provided for in the First Amendment, right?
    According to Mark A. Adams, writing for The Daily Censored, a news blog affiliated with Project Censored, “The Florida Bar has proposed a new rule to eliminate coverage of court proceedings by citizen journalists.” Outstanding investigative journalism by Adams has uncovered this proposed rule which would allow only an employee of a “traditional media outlet” or an official court reporter to bring audio or video recording equipment into a court room. Not even a laptop computer would escape this infringement of free speech.
    Unfortunately, since the objection to this rule (Fl Rule Jud. Admin. 2.451) had to be filed by February 1, 2011, we can only give them an “unofficial earful” at this point! The Florida Bar, in its stealth attack on the U.S. Constitution and the free press, acted quietly and quickly. What is even worse is the fact that numerous Florida attorneys, who swore to uphold the Constitution, supported this outrageous attack. Perhaps the members of the Florida Bar who proposed and wrote this rule were at a bar when they did it! It would be preferable to hear that they wrote it while drunk, as opposed to being what they believed.”

  43. Free Speech, you should alert CW that the North CarolinaBar might model similar rules based on the audacity of the Florida Bar. Keeping citizen journalists from reporting/access to proceedings is akin to censorship. Sunshine cannot disinfect what it can’t penetrate.

  44. Evidently bo’s criminal lawyers have advised Gibbs of his Miranda Rights.


    A failed assassination attempt on Egypt’s vice president in recent days left two of his bodyguards dead, U.S. sources tell Fox News, though that information has yet to be confirmed on the ground in Cairo.

    Such an attempt on the life of Omar Suleiman would mark an alarming turn in the uprising against the government of President Hosni Mubarak, who only recently named Suleiman as vice president in an effort to quell the unrest and possibly line up a successor.

    White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs declined to address the assassination reports when asked by Fox News.

    “I’m not going to … get into that question,” Gibbs said.

  45. Lillibet | February 4, 2011 at 8:15 pm |
    Free Speech, you should alert CW that the North CarolinaBar might model similar rules based on the audacity of the Florida Bar. Keeping citizen journalists from reporting/access to proceedings is akin to censorship. Sunshine cannot disinfect what it can’t penetrate.

    Clearly unconstitutional.

  46. bo’s muslim brotherhood has hit teams assasinating Egyptian Government Officials. No doubt they will murder a left wing reporter for cover.


    In addition to the reported violence against Suleiman, a government official, an Egyptian journalist was killed by a sniper on Jan. 28 at his home near Tahrir Square as he took photos from a balcony. Ahmed Mohammed Mahmoud, 36, died of his wounds Friday, marking the first first reported death of a journalist in the chaos surrounding Egypt’s anti-government protests.

  47. If the abominable Obama gave to the Russians England’s nuclear secrets because they could blackmail Obama via having the bc; then England, who surely has the same info because they have stellar intelligence agencies, should shout it to the world. Obama is a fraud Pres. of the US. C’mon Brits—he doesn’t give a crap about you—so do us and yourselves a favor and tell the world the secrets ‘The Great Pretender’ doesn’t want anyone to know. Please, please, please.

  48. Savage: Newsmax reports that El Baradei is a front man for bo’s muslim brotherhood and their aim is worldwide Islamic Caliphate.

  49. http://www.newsmax.com/InsideCover/TerrorExpertTimeforaShariaWakeupCall/2011/02/04/id/384979

    Commenting on Hannity’s fiery exchange with Sheik Anjem Choudary (pictured) on Wednesday, Brigitte Gabriel of ACT! For America also said the cleric was a perfect example of a Western-born Muslim falling under a fanatical spell.

    In addition, Gabriel noted the spread of Islamic radicalism, and the sheik’s threat the world eventually will succumb to Shariah, is fueled by the Muslim Brotherhood, as part of a master plan.

    Read more on Newsmax.com: Terror Expert: Time for a Shariah Wake-up Call
    Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama’s Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

  50. “This is pure Islamic fanaticism. Under the banner of Islam, Muslims murdered Christians in Egypt, Christians in Lebanon, Armenians in Turkey, Hindus in India, Jews in Arab lands – all this happened before they ever turned their eyes to the United States, before we ever went into Iraq, or Kuwait, or anywhere else.

    “This is Islamic radicalism awakening worldwide, driven by the Muslim Brotherhood, to put the world under Islamic Sharia law,” she cautioned. “Their true colors are shining and it is time for the world to wake up, especially for us here in the United States, and learn the lesson of what is happening in Europe – and what’s coming to the United States.”

    Read more on Newsmax.com: Terror Expert: Time for a Shariah Wake-up Call
    Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama’s Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

  51. Free Speech | February 4, 2011 at 7:00 pm |
    Savage says bo should be tried for Treason.
    Seeing that BO was born a British Subject that might happen, in the UK.
    As a dual citizen he is subject to their laws while in that country.
    BO may have just banned himself from Britian.

  52. Bill Cutting | February 4, 2011 at 8:52 pm | Chrissy Matthews just figured out Obungler is Disloyal.


    MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews appeared on Morning Joe, Friday, to slam President Obama’s handling of the escalating crisis in Egypt, saying it made him “ashamed as an American.”

    Matthews would not condemn bo like this unless he got the go-ahead from his masters at NBC News.

  53. Bill Cutting | February 4, 2011 at 9:01 pm | Free Speech | February 4, 2011 at 7:00 pm |
    Savage says bo should be tried for Treason.
    Seeing that BO was born a British Subject that might happen, in the UK.
    As a dual citizen he is subject to their laws while in that country.
    BO may have just banned himself from Britian.


    It is looking more and more likely that bo will soon be indicted in multiple courts on multiple charges.

  54. President Mubarak should arrest the Code Pink and Weatherman Terrorists immediately.


    According to The Blaze, following a tip from their friends at Business Insider, Code Pink’s nine-person “international solidarity delegation” has been “in the streets with the Egyptian people for the last five days” and today the group actually plans to picket outside the U.S. Embassy in Cairo.”

  55. The seeming inconsistency is astonishing. Unfortunately, there is a consistency. Obama uniformly sides with our enemies, but rarely, if ever our friends and allies. His administration is packed with far left radicals and vicious anti-Semites. And therein lies the rub, because what we are witnessing in reality is this President’s un-American, anti-American, treasonous ideology in full play.

    Perhaps this is the real reason for Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Code Pink’s Medea Benjamin and Jody Evans’ trips to Egypt in 2009. Following those trips, these same people made multiple visits to the White House.

    Continue reading on Examiner.com: We are witnessing the collapse of the Middle East – Washington DC Independent | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/independent-in-washington-dc/we-are-witnessing-the-collapse-of-the-middle-east#ixzz1D2yEzt2M

  56. Matthews would not condemn bo like this unless he got the go-ahead from his masters at NBC News.
    They must be getting ready to dump him. It appears he has went to far and awakened the sleeping giant. The American Citizen.
    This reminds me of 1980, but worse, way worse.

  57. Bill Cutting | February 4, 2011 at 9:20 pm | Matthews would not condemn bo like this unless he got the go-ahead from his masters at NBC News.
    They must be getting ready to dump him. It appears he has went to far and awakened the sleeping giant. The American Citizen.
    This reminds me of 1980, but worse, way worse.


    GE and Soros are capitalists, crooked capitalists, of course, but capitalists nonetheless. No doubt bo’s crazy muslim ideas don’t coincide with their business plans.

    I just hope that Soros or the KGB don’t have bo assasinated to silence him and his Code Pink and Weatherman loud mouths.

  58. Any news on the whereabouts of Jodie Evans and Bill Ayers?

  59. After President Mubarak steps down we can have Obama step down

    I think we need to start protesting in DC to get this loser out of office

  60. Mr Clean | February 4, 2011 at 9:30 pm | After President Mubarak steps down we can have Obama step down

    I think we need to start protesting in DC to get this loser out of office

    I agree.


  61. It seems Lefty is trying to play this game calling Federal Judge Vinson a judicial activist. This is of course Marxist BS….

    Hughes’ Hubris: Is the Constitution “What the Judges Say it is”?


    In Graves v. O’Keefe (1939) Justice Felix Frankfurter said that “the ultimate touchstone of constitutionality is the Constitution itself and not what we have said about it.”

  62. Looks like the secret service have their work cut out for them. His enemies, in particular overseas, are not taking too kindly with this meddling going on.

    They better protect this clown at all costs. This country needs a marxist martyr like it needs a hole in its head. Keep this man alive so we can indict and send his butt to Leavenworth where he belongs.

  63. Rape Victim, 14, Dies After Public Flogging in Bangladesh

    Rape Victim, 14, Dies After Public Flogging in Bangladesh

    Father fined $700 for daughter’s ‘crime’ of being rape victim.

  64. Any news on the whereabouts of Jodie Evans and Bill Ayers?

    Buried up to their necks in Egyptian sand, I hope

  65. Bill Cutting | February 4, 2011 at 9:47 pm | Any news on the whereabouts of Jodie Evans and Bill Ayers?

    Buried up to their necks in Egyptian sand, I hope

    I hope they are in Egyptian Prisons being interrogated.

  66. JeffM | February 4, 2011 at 9:46 pm | Looks like the secret service have their work cut out for them. His enemies, in particular overseas, are not taking too kindly with this meddling going on.

    They better protect this clown at all costs. This country needs a marxist martyr like it needs a hole in its head. Keep this man alive so we can indict and send his butt to Leavenworth where he belongs.

    I agree, but bo and Ayers should be sent to Gitmo. They have the proper interrogation techniques there and the US needs them to inform on their international Terrorist network.

  67. Did you just hear what the young man said that Greta is interviewing? Whow! They don’t care what Obama thinks!

  68. The youth movement is satisfied with the Vice president for now! Three young men was interviewed!

    Hey Barry give up trying to take over Egypt the people there on on to you! hahahaha

  69. Nebraska Get’s it right!
    (iv) My birth father’s Certificate of United States
    20 Citizenship showing he obtained United States citizenship prior to my
    21 date of birth;

  70. I hope some one got a u-tube video of Greta’s interview with the three young Egyption men! It needs to be spread. Someone watch Greta’s rerun and do a video on it! It was great!

  71. Mark Levin talking about Ronald Reagan tonight.
    Thank God, I am so sick of Obungo

  72. http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=2169

    Born in 1944, Bill Ayers, along with his wife Bernardine Dohrn, was a 1960s leader of the homegrown terrorist group Weatherman, a Communist-driven splinter faction of Students for a Democratic Society. Characterizing Weatherman as “an American Red Army,” Ayers summed up the organization’s ideology as follows: “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, Kill your parents.”

  73. Matthews would not condemn bo like this unless he got the go-ahead from his masters at NBC News.
    Given the evidence available, thanks to the “birthers”, Matthews may have finally seen the “light” of the eligibility issue. One minute he is asking for Obama’s long form BC, and the next minute he is calling Obama disloyal.

    We are making progress people! The Obama supporters are being turned from the “dark side”, and are beginning to see Obama, as we see Obama, as an anti American, unconstitutional, usurper, and a disloyal POS when it comes to America’s friends, and Allies.

  74. Check this out Citizenwells.Take a look at this link please.

  75. http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=1628

    Shortly after that 2006 trip, Evans spoke highly of the conditions that had existed in Iraq under Saddam Hussein: “Let’s go back to the Iraq before we invaded, there was a good education and health care system, food for everyone.

    In a June 2008 radio interview, Evans expressed sympathy for the grievances that had prompted Osama bin Laden to order the 9/11 attacks: “We were attacked because we were in Saudi Arabia, that was the message of Osama, was that because we had our bases in the Middle East, he attacked the United States.” When the interviewer subsequently asked Evans whether she considered that “a valid argument,” she replied: “Sure. Why do we have bases in the Middle East? We totally violated the rights of that country. Why do we get to have bases in the Middle East?”

    In 2009 Evans and Code Pink led several trips to Gaza, Egypt and Israel to deliver cargoes of “humanitarian aid” to Gaza’s Hamas-led government, and to publicly denounce Israel. During one trip to Gaza in early June of that year, Hamas gave Code Pink a letter to be hand-delivered to President Barack Obama.

    In December 2009, Evans and Code Pink led more than 1,000 leftists, among whom were Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, to Cairo in order to deliver “humanitarian aid” to the Hamas-led government of Gaza. To lend credibility to her mission, Evans carried with her a letter of support from Senator John Kerry. Prior to the trip, Hamas had guaranteed the safety of the Code Pink retinue in Gaza.

    In January 2010, Evans and Code Pink asked the Muslim Brotherhood to “join us in cleansing our country!” — and implied that an appropriate means of doing that would be to kidnap former President Bush and his wife, as well as Karl Rove and other members of the former Bush administration.

    BigGovernment.com has chronicled Evans’ extensive ties to Barack Obama:

    In February 2007, Evans co-hosted (along with her now-deceased husband Max Palevsky and Dreamworks executives Steven Spielberg, David Geffen and Jeffrey Katzenberg) a key Obama fundraiser just weeks after Obama had announced his presidential candidacy. Evans herself donated the maximum $2,300 to Obama’s campaign.

    In April 2007, the Obama presidential campaign announced that Evans was one of its early fundraising bundlers.

    In June 2008, Evans met with Obama at a high-priced fundraiser.

    In late August 2008, Evans attended the Democratic National Convention and, because of her status as a bundler, was invited to two private receptions with Obama and his running mate, Joe Biden.

    In September 2008, Evans attended two exclusive Hollywood fundraisers with Obama. Two weeks later, she met with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in New York City.

    In October 2008, Evans worked with Code Pink’s Los Angeles chapter on a get-out-the-vote campaign in Obama’s behalf.

    After Obama’s election as President in November 2008, Evans and some fellow Code Pink representatives traveled to Iran at the personal invitation of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

    On June 19, 2009, Evans visited the White House and met with Buffy Wicks, the deputy of Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett. That same month, Evans visited the White House residence.

    In the fall of 2009, Evans, at a San Francisco fundraiser for Obama, personally gave the President a propaganda package compiled from her recent trip to Afghanistan, where she had met with the Taliban. The next day, Evans was given a briefing by Obama’s deputy chief of staff.

  76. So much for global warming …

    Magnetic polar shifts causing massive global superstorms


  77. I wonder if Steven Spielberg is funding the Jew-Hater bo’s 2012 so that bo and the muslim brotherhood can carry out their Jewish Holocaust in Israel and the United States?

  78. “We are in the 4th day of a Constituional crisis and nobody gives a damn”
    Mark Levin


  79. Bill Cutting | February 4, 2011 at 10:18 pm |

    Nebraska Get’s it right!
    (iv) My birth father’s Certificate of United States
    20 Citizenship showing he obtained United States citizenship prior to my
    21 date of birth;
    This is one State where Obama will not be on the ballot in 2012! No ifs, ands, or buts.

    Thanks, Bill Cutting, I sent that to Brietbart, kelly@foxnews, Malkin, Phil@TRSOL, and Orly Taitz.

  80. Bill Cutting | February 4, 2011 at 10:54 pm | “We are in the 4th day of a Constituional crisis and nobody gives a damn”
    Mark Levin



    4th Day? More like the 800th Day.

  81. The importance of the Gulf Stream was brought to the forefront in the blockbuster film The Day After Tomorrow (2004) where the Gulf Stream stalled, causing temperatures in New York City to plummet from sweltering to freezing in a matter of hours.

    Based on real science, the film showed movie audience how the the Gulf Stream transports warm water from the equatorial regions of the Earth, along American’s Eastern seaboard and then across the Atlantic to Northern Europe.

    Now, current temperature measurements for the Gulf Stream on the Atlantic Front (from 76 to 47 meridian) now appears to be about 10 degrees Celsius cooler than it was this time last year. Consequently, a direct causality nexus has now been established, between the stall of the Gulf Loop Current and this new temperature drop in the Gulf Stream on the Atlantic Front.

    Continue reading on Examiner.com: Gulf Loop Current Stalls from BP Oil Disaster – National Breakthrough Energy | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/breakthrough-energy-in-national/gulf-loop-current-stalls-from-bp-oil-disaster#ixzz1D3QnbuND

  82. Thanks for info. keep fighting for Truth and Justice, Stay safe, God Bless.
    * The Evil are Powerless if the Good are Unafraid. R. Reagan

  83. “bo should of kept his big mouth shut.

  84. As Egypt Burns
    Where’s Obama’s CIA Director?
    By Cliff Kincaid
    The Washington Post’s Jeff Stein, a very good writer on intelligence and security matters, is wondering in print what the CIA is doing in Egypt. He writes, “Most historians agree that the CIA was largely in the dark when anti-American students, radical Islamists and mullahs ignited street protests in Tehran because the U.S.-backed shah had forbidden the CIA to have contact with opposition groups. The CIA can’t let that happen again in Egypt, intelligence veterans say — and it probably isn’t.”
    Panetta and Obama

    The word “probably” is of course ambiguous. He did note that, two years ago, Emile Nakhleh, the former head of the CIA’s political Islam strategic analysis program, had said the United States should be “reaching out” to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, as well as Hamas and Hezbollah, to find “common ground.” Hamas and Hezbollah are officially designated as Foreign Terrorist Organizations by the U.S. Department of State.

    Nakhleh, who retired in 2006, is the author of A Necessary Engagement: Reinventing America’s Relations with the Muslim World.

    Despite Stein’s claim that the CIA is “probably” on top of the situation, Nakhleh wrote in the Financial Times after the protests in Egypt began that “US policymakers were caught just as off guard in 1978 [during the uprising against the shah] as they were last week.”

    But rather than being in the dark about what is happening in Egypt, the CIA may be on the side of radical forces in the country and the region.

    Conservatives have mostly been critical of WikiLeaks for releasing classified and sensitive U.S. Government cables. But that may change with the release of a U.S. Government document that indicates U.S. knowledge of a plot to destabilize Egypt by laying the groundwork for a new government that would include members of the Muslim Brotherhood and Revolutionary Socialists. This sounds suspiciously like the Obama Administration’s policy.

    In this case, WikiLeaks’ disclosure may serve a real public interest and generate enough of a backlash to save Egypt from a fate far worse than Hosni Mubarak’s government. Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy has been tireless in trying to inform the media about the Obama’s Administration’s new Egyptian partner — the Muslim Brotherhood — by appearing on programs like Hannity on Fox News.

    Interestingly, the Revolutionary Socialists in Egypt have been joined by the Egyptian Communist Party, which issued a statement declaring, “The revolution will continue until the demands of the masses are achieved.” The statement asserted that the Egyptian government’s “American masters” have “taken their hands off in the wake of the continuing revolution of the people and its escalation everywhere in Egypt.”

    the rest here http://tinyurl.com/2tf

    Not Good!!!

  85. Compare and contrast:

    Palin, in her Reagan 100th birthday address this evening, called out support for our allies, singling out Israel.

    Obama seeks to undermine our Egyptian allied government and destroy Israel.

  86. …which leaves me wondering, how can ANY thinking Jew (other than the self-haters) support Obama and ANY Democrat?

    (irony of ironies, Steven Spielberg of Schindler’s List helping to finance BHO’s campaign for POTUS)

  87. FS and Bill Cutting…

    Maybe the Constituional crisis will be worked out by the 5th weekend in July……

    July (this year) has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays!

  88. Fox News needs to be boycotted if Foxnews doesn’t report the treasonist act from Obama regarding the WikiLeaks cable saying Obama gave UK nukes secret to Russia!

  89. citizenwells | February 4, 2011 at 7:38 am |

    I do not care for people speaking for me and not stating the truth.
    I had a few minutes to check in tonight. CW, I have always had great respect for you. but I find this response curious.

    I think you are stating that Carlyle was speaking some untruth on your behalf? I am not here enough to be a judge. Assuming he miss-stated you – as you have alleged – did that happen often?

    Yet, you allow Free Speech to make some outrageous claims unchallenged, many of them repetitive.

    My only objective is to find this place, once again, a place where thoughtful people come to exchange ideas, and that many estranged posters return. CW, it may be presumptive of me to think that you may like that also.

  90. Ted | February 5, 2011 at 12:02 am | …which leaves me wondering, how can ANY thinking Jew (other than the self-haters) support Obama and ANY Democrat?

    Good question.

  91. Holly Staffieri

    get Obama out of office…he is a Socialist trying to bring down this great Country.

  92. Good Morning! Ulster Man is getting some traction with his recent White House Insider post.


    On FaceBook:

    Zach Jones and 1,834 others like this.1,834 people like this. Be the first of your friends.Unlike

  93. Holly Staffieri | February 5, 2011 at 3:42 am | get Obama out of office…he is a Socialist trying to bring down this great Country.



  94. Zach Jones | February 5, 2011 at 8:34 am | Good Morning! Ulster Man is getting some traction with his recent White House Insider post.

    ulster man is obviously a disinformation agent. bo is NOT clueless. There is undeniable PROOF that bo and the muslim brotherhood started planning the muslim brotherhood revolt in Egypt in 2008.

    Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood Links Deserve Second Look



    Code Pink has worked to support the communist dictatorship of the Castro brothers in Cuba, the terrorist regime of Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and the government of Fidel Castro wannabe Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. The group has visited each of these nations as guests of their respective governments.

    Code Pink has also met with various terrorist groups including Hamas, the Taliban and Iraqi “insurgents.” Code Pink has even acted as a messenger between terrorists and President Barack Obama.

    Last year Code Pink invited the Egypt-based Muslim Brotherhood to “join us in cleansing our country.”

  95. Obama Tires of Destroying USA–Turns to Egypt

    On the flip side, Biden’s partner in crime Obama (aka “Tweedledum”) is saying just the opposite, as he actively calls for Mubarak to step down immediately. This action, of course, has the strong potential of bringing the Muslim Brotherhood (the organization that has been called by Middle-East experts the “Mother ship of Islamic terrorism”) into central power in Egypt. Apparently, that’s what Obama wants for Egypt–to become an Islamic nation. Obama continues to insinuate himself into Egypt’s political system–and to make them worse–when he continues to demand that Mubarak not crack down on the Egyptian protestors, irrespective of violence in the region. Further, Obama has come out for the Muslim Brotherhood (and his regime has played down and minimized its extreme Islamist nature). It’s pretty apparent that Obama has become just a bit bored with destroying America so he’s decided to step into the fray and help with the elimination of another country. Hmmm. Isn’t the joining in by a POTUS to overthrow another government–especially an acknowledged ally of the USA–considered illegal?

  96. Free Speech – Ditto your Ditto!

  97. Free Speech: I agree that Obama is likely a Muslim Brotherhood supporter. However, Obama could well be extremely lazy and would rather look in the mirror and leave the details to his handlers.

  98. Zach Jones | February 5, 2011 at 9:26 am | Free Speech: I agree that Obama is likely a Muslim Brotherhood supporter. However, Obama could well be extremely lazy and would rather look in the mirror and leave the details to his handlers.

    I agree with that. Obviously, bo is just a tool of the muslim brotherhood, but it is wrong to say he is clueless. There is undeniable PROOF that bo has been actively inciting Jihad throughout the World since, at least, 2007.

    BO & Odinga incite Riots in Kenya.

  99. wikileaks released 800 new docs today.

    wikileaks WikiLeaks
    WikiLeaks releases over 800 secret cables today http://wikileaks.ch/reldate/2011-02-04_0.html

  100. I don’t go to wikileaks sites – don’t trust that they are safe.

  101. Gotta go. Have a great day!

  102. http://www.prisonplanet.com/another-economic-martial-law-in-the-streets-moment-approaches.html

    Ben Bernanke doubled down on the debt-fear campaign in a rare press conference where he said, “Beyond a certain point . . . the United States would be forced into a position of defaulting on its debt. And the implications of that on our financial system, our fiscal policy and our economy would be catastrophic.”

    The U.S. national debt is approaching the ceiling of $14.29 trillion; unfunded liabilities like Social Security and Medicare are estimated to be around $100 trillion; and the total cost of stabilizing the financial industry is reportedly upwards of $23.7 trillion. And these numbers say nothing of the fraudulent $600-trillion derivatives scam. No amount of tax increases, spending cuts, or economic growth will be sufficient to satisfy this equation.

    The notion that America can somehow pull itself out of this mess if average citizens, who had no part in creating the national debt, would only “tighten their belts,” seems preposterous.

  103. “WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: OBAMA IS CLUELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOTALLY CLUELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    Published by Ulsterman
    February 4, 2011 in World Politics


    “Obama is clueless. Totally clueless. I am not talking a little out of step here. I am talking the man has no idea what is going on around him. This is not coming from me. I am relaying it from some still around him on a regular basis. These people are getting increasingly concerned over just how “out of it”, that is the phrase repeated to me, Obama has become. His primary focus is now getting elected in ‘12. Everything else has been given over to Jarrett and her group. Everything. The president has no interest in policy. None. No interest in working legislation. None. No interest in forging a specific agenda. None. He is being told what he needs to say and that is it. That is the extent of his interest. “Just make it look good.” Exact words right there. President Obama is obsessed 24/7 with just “looking good”. If something goes well, he gets happy and outgoing. If something makes him look badly, he lashes out and pouts. The man is bouncing off both of those extremes even more now than he used to and it appears to be getting worse and worse. The word “manic” is being used more and more regarding his moods these days.

    FYI there was a closed door meeting recently under the guise of discussions on Egypt. That meeting did not involve Egypt much if at all. This information is relayed second hand but I believe it to be completely reliable. Source told that meeting was run by Jarrett from start to end. Obama said very little. Asked no questions. The primary focus was how to protect Obamacare so it was not a “liability” in 2012 campaign. White House already spending significant time/resources preparing legal argument for the Supreme Court case that is coming. Second focus was apparently “birther” related. Jarrett expressed concern over possible newly passed eligibility requirements in states. If only one or two states clarify eligibility in order to run for office, White House will simply use those states as examples of “anti-Obama racism”. They would likely not win the electorals in those states regardless, but could use the scenario to gain sympathy and support over the challenge from other moderate states. This is the tactic Jarrett and crew have prepared. She is worried though that if more than one or two states challenge the president’s eligibility, the issue would turn against them. Measures are being taken to make certain that does not happen. What those measures are, I don’t know at this point. Oh, and while discussion over eligibility was underway, Obama sat motionless. He said nothing. That strikes me as pretty damn odd don’t you think? People are discussing whether or not you are actually eligible to run for re-election in 2012 and you don’t say a word on the subject? “He just sat there with a weird little smile and didn’t say anything.” Go ahead and print that quote word for word. Others are now willing to let their observations be more known. Concern for the country is now winning over concern for their own political interests. Finally.”

    Read More Here: http://newsflavor.com/politics/world-politics/white-house-insider-obama-is-clueless-totally-clueless/#ixzz1D6GVfvh4

  104. Head-Popping time –

    “Unions Can Bargain on Behalf of Airport Security”

    I hope you all remember what Ronald Reagan did about the Air Traffic Controllers? How the He$$ can you have a union in a Federal Government where the job requires you under penalty of arrest to not perform. Think about this – The strike is the only power a union has, so how can you have a union for workers that requires you under penalty of arrest to not show up. Besides, if you think about it – The Federal Government is already a form of Union. Remember the USSR – The Union of the Soviet Socialist of Russia???






    W-R-I-T-E :

    310 First Street, S.E.
    washington, D.C. 20003

  106. Starla | February 5, 2011 at 10:56 am | “WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: OBAMA IS CLUELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOTALLY CLUELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
    Published by Ulsterman
    February 4, 2011 in World Politics

    Obama may look “clueless” to normal people but he is doing exactly what the powers that planted him want him to do. His little smirk type reactions to questions about the deliberate destruction of the country by a “sitting president” are simply laughing at the naivete of those seemingly powerless to do anything about it. He’s attempting to wait it out, delay, delay, delay with talk of going to the center, blah, blah, is just to continue the use of the lemmings for another try in 2012 when he can then go full force with the lawlessness and power.

  107. obots are now engaged in a disinformation campaign to make Patriots think bo is “clueless.” Nothing could be further from the truth. bo is NOT clueless. There is undeniable PROOF that bo and the muslim brotherhood started planning the muslim brotherhood revolt in Egypt in 2008.


    U.S. President Barack Obama met with members of Egypt’s Islamist opposition movement, the Muslim Brotherhood, earlier this year, according to a report in Thursday editions of the Egyptian daily newspaper Almasry Alyoum.

    The newspaper reported that Obama met the group’s members, who reside in the U.S. and Europe, in Washington two months ago.

    According to the report, the members requested that news of the meeting not be publicized.


    One year ago, Big Government reported the anti-American global left, led by Code Pink, traveled to Egypt to undermine the blockade of Hamas-controlled Gaza.

    President Barack Obama funder and Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans, accompanied by Obama’s Hyde Park friends and neighbors – the former Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn – organized an inside-outside game of political theater to bring pressure on the Mubarak regime to allow the aid for Hamas to be delivered though Egyptian checkpoints.


    We know that the Muslim Brotherhood supports the uprising in Egypt. The Obama administration does as well. Based on the release of a secret document, it’s been learned that the United States government supported the April 6 Youth Movement – a group that played a key role in the uprising – in the form of a summit in Washington, D.C. That summit took place from December 3-5, 2008. We also know that Bill Ayers and Bernandine Dohrn were in Cairo a little more than one year later, engaging in protests while attempting to show solidarity with Hamas by entering Gaza with Egyptian protesters.

  108. I believe April 1st would be an ideal day to March on DC. They treat us like fool’s, so April Fool’s Day will be We The people’s Day. Stay safe, God Bless.

    He is a f-in RAT
    the biggest Demo-Rat

    WikiLeaks cables: US agrees to tell Russia Britain’s nuclear secrets
    The US secretly agreed to give the Russians sensitive information on Britain’s nuclear deterrent to persuade them to sign a key treaty, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.


  110. Mr Clean | February 5, 2011 at 12:41 pm |



    If this doesn’t end the USURPER, the NOTHING WILL.

    It is Drudge’s headline.

  111. After all of this activity in the various States to make sure ineligible candidates do not get on the ballot for President, and Vice President, in future elections, wouldn’t you think a Congressional investigation would be warranted?
    Found this at The Right Side of Life.

    Eligibility Allegedly at Issue in White House
    02.04.2011 · Posted in Activism, Eligibility, POTUS

    Blogger “Ulsterman” has posted another alleged communication from the same former White House insider, this time claiming to detail that conversations are going on related to the eligibility issue. In short, as one commenter — “MJ” — to the posting said, “Birthers [are] living rent free in Obama’s head:”

    …Second focus was apparently “birther” related. Jarrett expressed concern over possible newly passed eligibility requirements in states. If only one or two states clarify eligibility in order to run for office, White House will simply use those states as examples of “anti-Obama racism”. They would likely not win the electorals in those states regardless, but could use the scenario to gain sympathy and support over the challenge from other moderate states. This is the tactic Jarrett and crew have prepared. She is worried though that if more than one or two states challenge the president’s eligibility, the issue would turn against them. Measures are being taken to make certain that does not happen. What those measures are, I don’t know at this point. Oh, and while discussion over eligibility was underway, Obama sat motionless. He said nothing. That strikes me as pretty damn odd don’t you think? People are discussing whether or not you are actually eligible to run for re-election in 2012 and you don’t say a word on the subject? “He just sat there with a weird little smile and didn’t say anything.” Go ahead and print that quote word for word. Others are now willing to let their observations be more known. Concern for the country is now winning over concern for their own political interests. Finally.

    Commenter “Christina” helped Ms. Jarrett out a little bit by providing a current listing of States considering eligibility measures:

    “Jarrett expressed concern over possible newly passed eligibility requirements in states. If only one or two states clarify eligibility in order to run for office, White House will simply use those states as examples of “anti-Obama racism”.

    Hey Valerie one or two states? Try 11.

    11 states now developing eligibility proof demands for 2012

    Connecticut, SB291 require “that candidates for president and vice-president provide their original birth certificates in order to be placed on the ballot.” That is needed to make sure the candidate “is a natural born United States citizen, prior to certifying that the candidate is qualified to appear on the ballot.”

    Georgia, HB37 not only demands original birth-certificate documentation, it provides a procedure for and declares that citizens have “standing” to challenge the documentation.

    Indiana, SB114 to require candidates to provide a certified copy of their birth certificate and include an affirmation they meet the Constitution’s requirements for the president.

    Maine, LD34 require for all candidates for public office to provide proof of citizenship. It states, “A candidate for nomination by primary election shall show proof of United States citizenship in the form of a certified copy of the candidate’s birth certificate and the candidate’s driver’s license or other government-issued identification to the Secretary of State.”

    Missouri , HB283, require that certification for candidates “shall include proof of identity and proof of United States citizenship.”

    Nebraska, LB654, the certification for candidates would “include affidavits and supporting documentation.”
    That paperwork would need to document they meet the “eligibility requirements of Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States.” It requires an affidavit that says: “I was born a citizen of the United States of America and was subject exclusively to the jurisdiction of the United States of America, owing allegiance to no other country at the time of my birth.”

    Montana’s plan that candidates would have to document their eligibility and also provide for protection for state taxpayers to prevent them from being billed for “unnecessary expense and litigation” involving the failure of ‘federal election officials’ to do their duty.

    Oklahoma, SB91 would require “proof of citizenship for certain candidates” and take the openness one step further, allowing the public access. It demands an “original” birth certificate issued by a state, the federal government, or documentation of a birth of a U.S. citizen abroad.

    Pennsylvania working on a proposal that would demand documentation of constitutional eligibility making sure that presidential candidates meet the Constitution’s requirements for age, residency and being a “natural born citizen.”

    Texas House Bill 295 A bill filed for the Texas Legislature that would require candidates’ documentation. It would add to the state election code the provision: “The secretary of state may not certify the name of a candidate for president or vice-president unless the candidate has presented the candidate’s original birth certificate indicating that the person is a natural-born United States citizen.”

    Arizona Bill within ten days after submittal of the names of the candidates, the national political party committee shall submit an affidavit of the presidential candidate in which the presidential candidate states the candidate’s citizenship and age and shall append to the affidavit documents that prove that the candidate is a natural born citizen, prove the candidate’s age and prove that the candidate meets the residency requirements for President of the United States as prescribed in article II, section 1, Constitution of the United States.

    Of special interest from the above listing is Georgia’s HB 37 language regarding “standing” (or, the right to bring a question before the Court of competent jurisdiction) by common citizens regarding eligibility:

    Any citizen of this state shall have the right to challenge the qualifications of any such candidate within two weeks following the publication of the names of such candidates by the Secretary of State using the procedures provided in Code Section 21-2-5.

    Again, there are some who oppose those of us who question the President’s eligibility. However, if the question is so “crazy” or otherwise irrational, why is it that nearly a dozen States are taking the issue seriously enough to craft legislation to enact enforcement of the constitutional presidential eligibility clause? Further, why would the Hawaiian House consider a measure allowing any concerned citizen to request a birth certificate from its vital records department if all of this is a ruse?

    phil [at] therightsideoflife [dot] com

  112. The latest obot/ulsterman disinformation campaign to make Patriots think bo is “clueless” is obviously designed to divert attention from the FACT that there is undeniable PROOF that bo and the muslim brotherhood started planning the muslim brotherhood revolt in Egypt in 2008. The biggest threat to the bo regime now is that his co-conspirators, Jodie Evans, Bill Ayers et al will be INDICTED and testify against bo for lesser prison sentences.


    Code Pink has worked to support the communist dictatorship of the Castro brothers in Cuba, the terrorist regime of Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and the government of Fidel Castro wannabe Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. The group has visited each of these nations as guests of their respective governments.

    Code Pink has also met with various terrorist groups including Hamas, the Taliban and Iraqi “insurgents.” Code Pink has even acted as a messenger between terrorists and President Barack Obama.

    Last year Code Pink invited the Egypt-based Muslim Brotherhood to “join us in cleansing our country.”

  113. bo’s muslim brotherhood blows up Egypt’s Gas Pipelines to Jordan and Israel.


    CAIRO (AFP) – Unknown saboteurs attacked an Egyptian pipeline supplying gas to Jordan, forcing authorities to switch off gas supply from a twin pipeline to Israel, an official told AFP.

    The attackers used explosives against the pipeline in the town of Lihfen in northern Sinai, near the Gaza Strip, the official said. It was initially thought the pipeline to Israel was attacked.

  114. Thank God! Britain finally speaks out against bo’s muslim brotherhood.

    David Cameron today pledged to make Britain ‘a lot less’ tolerant towards Islamic extremists who whip up hatred against the West.
    In a major speech on terrorism, the Prime Minister argued that Britain has been too ‘passive’ towards organisations and preachers who poison the minds of young Muslims.
    Mr Cameron said Britain needs to be less tolerant and more judgemental when faced with ideologies that threaten the country’s basic values.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1353902/David-Cameron-Stop-tolerating-Islamic-extremists-respect-British-core-values.html#ixzz1D6vyXLBB

  115. It would be the ultimate irony if American Patriots have to seek the help of Great Britain and Germany to rid our Nation of the tyranny of the bo TERROR REGIME in America.


    MUNICH (AP) – Europe must stamp out intolerance of Western values within its own Muslim communities and far-right groups if it is to defeat the roots of terrorism, British Prime Minister David Cameron said Saturday.

    Cameron told the annual Munich Security Conference that European governments have been too tolerant of some sectors of society that publicly oppose democracy or reject equal rights for all.

    He said Britain had found that many convicted terrorists had initially been influenced by so-called “nonviolent extremists” – people who aren’t involved in encouraging plots, but denounce Western politics and culture – before going on to carry out violence.

  116. The Weather Forecaster of the bo regime were even lying about the weather for Super Bowl. What else should we expect from a miscreant who even LIES about liking to eat ice cream.


    And Super Bowl Sunday, which forecasters said would be dry and seasonably warm — in the upper 50s — now looks to bring a mix of snow and rain to the big game with temperatures in the 30s.

  117. Another term for President Obama, or Palin time? Do the words ‘President Palin’ infuriate Republicrats more than Demicans? Which candidate represents the common sense values of the little people in flyover country? Unlike the author of this article, I believe that with the right advisors, strong mentors in the Republican Party, she certainly has more of a chance of prevailing against the status quo than any other R candidate at this time.

  118. About that so called “cluelessness”:


    February 05, 2011
    Obama Well Knows What Chaos He Has Unleashed
    By Victor Sharpe

    Not content with creating havoc in the U.S. economy, setting Americans against each other, and forcing through a health reform act which has nothing to do with health but everything to do with the redistribution of wealth and an immense increase in governmental interference, our president has now opened a Pandora’s Box in the Middle East. It may well usher in a catastrophe not seen since World War 2.

    From his notorious Cairo speech to the present, President Obama speaks, and disaster follows. Some commentators believe that President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton are so utterly naïve as to make themselves unable to understand what will happen in Egypt as a result of their undermining of the Mubarak regime.

    The question is justifiably asked: Do they truly believe that the next regime that comes to power will have the interests of the U.S. and the West at heart?

    My fear is that Obama is not naïve at all, but he instead knows only too well what he is doing, for he is eagerly promoting Islamic power in the world while diminishing the West and Israel, however much innocent blood will flow as a result.

    Inevitably, sooner or later, the Muslim Brotherhood will take power, usher in a barbaric Islamist power in Egypt that will control the Suez Canal, and show no mercy to its own people or its perceived foes.

    So now we see what the present incumbent in the White House has wrought, and so can our few remaining allies. They must now wonder what confidence they can ever have in any future alliance with the United States.

    more …. http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/02/obama_well_knows_what_chaos_he.html

    TOTALLY CLUELESS!!!!!!!!!!”

    Published by Ulsterman
    February 4, 2011


    “Obama is clueless. Totally clueless. I am not talking a little out of step here. I AM TALKING THE MAN HAS NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND HIM. This is not coming from me. I am relaying it from some still around him on a regular basis. THESE PEOPLE ARE GETTING INCREASINGLY CONCERNED JUST HOW “OUT OF IT”, THAT IS THE PHRASE REPEATED TO ME, OBAMA HAS BECOME.




    FYI there was a closed door meeting recently under the guise of discussions on Egypt. That meeting did not involve Egypt much if at all. This information is relayed second hand but I believe it to be completely reliable. Source told that meeting was run by Jarrett from start to end. OBAMA SAID VERY LITTLE. ASKED NO QUESTIONS.

    The primary focus was how to protect Obamacare so it was not a “liability” in 2012 campaign. White House already spending significant time/
    resources preparing legal argument for the Supreme Court case that is coming.

    Second focus was apparently “birther” related. Jarrett expressed concern over possible newly passed eligibility requirements in states. If only one or two states clarify eligibility in order to run for office, White House will simply use those states as examples of “anti-Obama racism.” They would likely not win the electorals in those states regardless, but could use the scenario to gain sympathy and support over the challenge from other moderate states.

    This is the tactic Jarrett and crew have prepared. She is worried though that if more than one or two states challenge the president’s eligibility, the issue would turn against them. Measures are being taken to make certain that does not happen. What those measures are, I don’t know at this point.


    “HE JUST SAT THERE WITH A WEIRD LITTLE SMILE AND DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING.” Go ahead and print that quote word for word.


    Read More Here:


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  120. bob strauss | February 5, 2011 at 1:05 pm |
    “Jarrett expressed concern over possible newly passed eligibility requirements in states. If only one or two states clarify eligibility in order to run for office, White House will simply use those states as examples of “anti-Obama racism”.
    If Obama is eligible to be President, why would Jarrett be concerned?

  121. Observer | February 5, 2011 at 1:57 pm | About that so called “cluelessness”:


    Now his thirty-year rule has been fatally undermined by U.S. President, Barack Hussein Obama, in a betrayal that is as astonishing as it is deplorable.

    It is clear to any child that a new Egyptian regime will, if not immediately, be hijacked by the Muslim Brotherhood, which is now calling for Egypt to prepare itself again for war with Israel and for the blockading of the Suez Canal to American, Western, and Israeli shipping. Obama is no fool; he engineered this.


    Despite all the obot attempts to allege otherwise bo is NOT “CLUELESS.”

  122. Re: Observer | February 5, 2011 at 11:51 am |

    If you can read between the lines further you will see what I am saying.
    The article said that he is “out of it” and having extreme “manic” moods. Americans, Barry Soetoro SOEBARKAH alias Barack Obama is a 100% Undocumented Illegal Immigrant & a 100% Illegal Alien who is 100% Aware that he is a 100% Foreign Terrorist Enemy Usurper, & a 100% Sleep Agent, & a 100% Treasonous Traitor in the USA.

    Obama is “clueless” how to be a 100% natural born LEGAL American citizen and a 100% LEGAL USA president & commander-in-chief.
    Obviously, he is 100% Aware that he is a 100% Lawless, 100% Daily Serial Criminal, and a 100% Radical Islamic Muslim Jihadist Terrorist Usurper, & a 100% Foreign Kenyan-born Communist/Marxist Fascist Terrorist Usurper. He is also a 100% Severely Insane & Delusional Megalomaniac with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and a 100% Constantly Lying Sociopath Con-Man Madman, 100% Psychopath, who has been discoveredto to be a 100% Undocumented Illegal Immigrant, 100% Illegal Alien Sleeper Agent, Foreign & Domestic Enemy Terrorist Usurper who is obeying the directions of the 100% Lawless, 100% Corrupt, 100% Evil & Satanic, Anti-GOD – THE MOST HOLY TRINITY, Anti-Christ, Anti-Judeo-Christian, Anti-USA, Anti-Israel, Anti-Christian, Anti-Judiasm, Anti-Jew New World Order/One World Government directors who are using him as a weak, Insane, pliable, effeminate gay, Drug Addict who is a 100% Foreign Illegal Alien Terrorist Pawn to collapse and destroy the USA and Western Civilization for their plan for one world domination.

    I agree with this factual statement of FS here:

    “Free Speech | February 4, 2011 at 7:58 pm |

    Greed, of course, is Soros’ primary motivation. Egypt is the terminal point for most of the Oil and Gas supplies because of access to the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean.

    However, IMHO bo is motivated purely by insanity. He has a narcissistic messianic complex and in his mind he is a islamic prophet sent by allah to create the islamic caliphate which makes bo far more dangerous than Soros.”

  123. The Ulstermann Insider posts appear to be non-verifiable information intended to distract from the truth. They appear to be part of a pattern and I discount the reports, the source and the site.

  124. Re: Observer | February 5, 2011 at 11:51 am |

    If you can read between my lines further about what I am saying about what I think the article is saying, maybe you can see my point. The article said that he is “out of it” and having extreme “manic” moods. Americans, Barry Soetoro SOEBARKAH alias Barack Obama is a 100% Undocumented Illegal Immigrant, & a 100% Illegal Alien who is 100% Aware that he is a 100% Foreign Terrorist Enemy Usurper, & a 100% Sleeper Agent, & a 100% Treasonous Traitor in the USA.

    Obama is “clueless” how to be a 100% natural born LEGAL American, or a LEGAL USA Naturalized citizen, and he is 100% completely “clueless” about how to be a LEGAL USA president & commander-in-chief because he is a 100% Foreign Illegal Alien at this time and he is not a LEGAL USA citizen of any kind to the USA.

    Obviously, Barack Obama is 100% Aware that he is a 100% Lawless, 100% Daily Serial Criminal, and a 100% Radical Islamic Muslim Jihadist Terrorist Usurper, & a 100% Foreign Kenyan-born Communist/Marxist Fascist Terrorist Usurper. Barack Obama alias Barry Soetoro SOEBARKAH
    is also a 100% Severely Insane & Delusional Megalomaniac with Narcissistic Personality Disorder who is a demon-possessed 100% Constantly Lying Sociopath Con-Man Madman & a 100% Psychopath who has been legally found out to be a 100% Undocumented Illegal Immigrant, 100% Illegal Alien Sleeper Agent, & a 100% Foreign & Domestic Enemy Terrorist Usurper who is obeying the directions of the 100% Lawless, 100% Corrupt, 100% Evil & Satanic, Anti-GOD – THE MOST HOLY TRINITY, Anti-Christ, Anti-Judeo-Christian, Anti-USA, Anti-Israel, Anti-Christian, Anti-Judiasm, Anti-Jews – New World Order/One World Government directors who are using him as a Weak, Insane, Pliable, Effeminate Gay Drug Addict who is a 100% Foreign Illegal Alien Terrorist Pawn to collapse and destroy the USA and Western Civilization for their plan for one world domination. We The People MUST have the 100% Undocumented Illegal Immigrant, Current 100% ILLEGAL ALIEN, Treasonous Traitor Usurper BARACK OBAMA 100% IMMEDIATELY
    ARRESTED & IMMEDIATELY STOPPED from committing any more of his 100% Lawless Daily Serial Crimes in the USA against all USA American citizens! IT IS AS SIMPLE AS THIS.

    I agree with this factual statement of FS here:

    “Free Speech | February 4, 2011 at 7:58 pm |

    Greed, of course, is Soros’ primary motivation. Egypt is the terminal point for most of the Oil and Gas supplies because of access to the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean.

    However, IMHO bo is motivated purely by insanity. He has a narcissistic messianic complex and in his mind he is a islamic prophet sent by allah to create the islamic caliphate which makes bo far more dangerous than Soros.”

    Leave a Reply Cancel reply

  125. Jacqlyn Smith

    Maybe the insider is right…..White House getting concerned about the bills the states are passing…..


    White House Insider: Obama is Clueless. Totally Clueless
    Published by Ulsterman on February 4, 2011 in World Politics

    A surprise message from our D.C. Insider reveals an Obama White House completely unprepared for the events in Egypt, and increasingly fearful of Obama’s chances for re-election in 2012.

    Author’s Note: While not expecting this email from Insider, we are very thankful to have received it. Here is that email in its entirety.


    Had to send you this quick message. Feel free to publish all of it if you wish. First, I am so disappointed in the response by Obama White House to the crisis in Egypt. White House was caught completely off guard on this one despite indications they were informed of just such a scenario a number of times over the past year or so. They ignored the warnings. When the protests started did you notice the confused messaging from the administration? Hillary says one thing. Biden says another thing. Obama says basically nothing. These are the situations where an American president can either rise to the occasion and show strength and wisdom or where they appear weak and uncertain. I don’t need to explain to you what our current president did. If this goes badly, and it appears it very well could, American interests in the region will be placed in very grave danger. The parallels to Carter are stunning. Oh how I miss the days when the party was led by the likes of Scoop. I fear the mishandling of the Egypt situation is going to result in a total chaos in that country soon.
    Read more in World Politics
    « Obama’s Health Care Law a Job Killer
    Obama Has Nothing to Do with What Happens in Other Countries »

    Obama is clueless. Totally clueless. I am not talking a little out of step here. I am talking the man has no idea what is going on around him. This is not coming from me. I am relaying it from some still around him on a regular basis. These people are getting increasingly concerned over just how “out of it”, that is the phrase repeated to me, Obama has become. His primary focus is now getting elected in ‘12. Everything else has been given over to Jarrett and her group. Everything. The president has no interest in policy. None. No interest in working legislation. None. No interest in forging a specific agenda. None. He is being told what he needs to say and that is it. That is the extent of his interest. “Just make it look good.” Exact words right there. President Obama is obsessed 24/7 with just “looking good”. If something goes well, he gets happy and outgoing. If something makes him look badly, he lashes out and pouts. The man is bouncing off both of those extremes even more now than he used to and it appears to be getting worse and worse. The word “manic” is being used more and more regarding his moods these days.

    FYI there was a closed door meeting recently under the guise of discussions on Egypt. That meeting did not involve Egypt much if at all. This information is relayed second hand but I believe it to be completely reliable. Source told that meeting was run by Jarrett from start to end. Obama said very little. Asked no questions. The primary focus was how to protect Obamacare so it was not a “liability” in 2012 campaign. White House already spending significant time/resources preparing legal argument for the Supreme Court case that is coming. Second focus was apparently “birther” related. Jarrett expressed concern over possible newly passed eligibility requirements in states. If only one or two states clarify eligibility in order to run for office, White House will simply use those states as examples of “anti-Obama racism”. They would likely not win the electorals in those states regardless, but could use the scenario to gain sympathy and support over the challenge from other moderate states. This is the tactic Jarrett and crew have prepared. She is worried though that if more than one or two states challenge the president’s eligibility, the issue would turn against them. Measures are being taken to make certain that does not happen. What those measures are, I don’t know at this point. Oh, and while discussion over eligibility was underway, Obama sat motionless. He said nothing. That strikes me as pretty damn odd don’t you think? People are discussing whether or not you are actually eligible to run for re-election in 2012 and you don’t say a word on the subject? “He just sat there with a weird little smile and didn’t say anything.” Go ahead and print that quote word for word. Others are now willing to let their observations be more known. Concern for the country is now winning over concern for their own political interests. Finally.

    As stated before, Geithner is leaving. That was repeated to me again this past week.

    More to come soon.

  126. The latest obot/ulsterman disinformation campaign to make Patriots think bo is “clueless” is obviously designed to divert attention from the FACT that there is undeniable PROOF that bo and the muslim brotherhood started planning the muslim brotherhood revolt in Egypt in 2008. The biggest threat to the bo regime now is that his co-conspirators, Jodie Evans, Bill Ayers et al will be INDICTED and testify against bo for lesser prison sentences.

  127. Re: Observer | February 5, 2011 at 2:42 pm |

    And there are some excellent comments here too:

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Thank you!

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    By Victor Sharpe


    “Not content with creating havoc in the U.S. economy, setting Americans against each other, and forcing through a health reform act which has nothing to do with health but everything to do with the redistribution of wealth and an immense increase in governmental interference, our president has now opened a Pandora’s Box in the Middle East. It may well usher in a catastrophe not seen since World War 2. (snip).

    My fear is that Obama is not naïve at all, but he instead knows only too well what he is doing, for he is eagerly promoting Islamic power in the world while diminishing the West and Israel, however much innocent blood will flow as a result.”

    Read More Here: http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/02/obama_well_knows_what_chaos_he.html

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Americans, Obama is “clueless” how to be a 100% natural born LEGAL USA American citizen, and he is “clueless” how to be a LEGAL USA Naturalized citizen. Obama is 100% completely “clueless” about how to be a LEGAL USA president & commander-in-chief too, because he is a 100% Foreign 100% Undocumented Illegal Immigrant & a 100% Illegal Alien at this time in the USA, and he is not a LEGAL USA citizen of any kind in the USA.

    Obviously, Barack Obama is 100% quite Aware that he is a 100% Lawless, 100% Daily Serial Criminal, and a 100% Radical Islamic Muslim Jihadist Terrorist Usurper, & a 100% Foreign Kenyan-born Communist/Marxist Fascist Terrorist Usurper living completely 100% Lawlessly as a 100% Daily Serial Criminal in the USA!!

    Barack Obama alias Barry Soetoro SOEBARKAH is also a 100% Severely Insane & Delusional Megalomaniac with Narcissistic Personality Disorder who is a 100% demon-possessed 100% Constantly Lying Sociopath Con-Man Madman, & a 100% Psychopath who has been legally found out to be a 100% Undocumented Illegal Immigrant, 100% Illegal Alien, a 100% Foreign Sleeper Agent, & a 100% Foreign & Domestic Enemy Terrorist Usurper who is obeying the directions of the 100% Lawless, 100% Corrupt, 100% Evil & Satanic, Anti-GOD – THE MOST HOLY TRINITY, Anti-Christ, Anti-Judeo-Christian, Anti-USA, Anti-Israel, Anti-Christian, Anti-Judaism, Anti-Jews – New World Order/One World Government directors who are using him as a Weak, Insane, Effeminate, Gay, Easily Pliable, Easily Manipulated, Drug Addict who is a 100% Foreign Illegal Alien Terrorist Pawn to collapse and destroy the USA and Western Civilization for their insatiable & insane plan for one world domination.

    GOD IS INFINITELY POWERFUL, ALMIGHTY, & FOREVER LIVING!! For the sake of saving humanity, Western Civilization, and stopping WWW III, We The American People MUST have the 100% Undocumented Illegal Immigrant, 100% Illegal alien, 100% Foreign Treasonous Traitor Usurper, 100% Completely Lawless, 100% Daily Serial Criminal, Barack Obama 100% IMMEDIATELY ARRESTED & IMMEDIATELY STOPPED from committing any more of his 100% Completely Lawless, 100% Daily Serial Crimes he is committing against all USA American citizens and against other people and nations as the 100% Foreign Treasonous Traitor, & 100% Lawless, 100% Daily Serial Criminal that he is!!

    GOD IS FAR MORE INFINITELY POWERFUL than all nuclear weapons, all wars, and all evil & sins, and Satan, and people who are criminals, Americans. Turn to GOD, and let GOD WHO IS INFINITELY POWERFUL, FOREVER LIVING, AND ALMIGHTY lead us through these evil times we are living in …….IT IS AS SIMPLE AS THIS.

  128. Re: Margie | February 4, 2011 at 11:23 pm |

    * The Evil are Powerless if the Good are Unafraid. ~ R. Reagan

    * * * * * * * * * * *
    Very Inspiring quote! Thank you Margie!

  129. There is now undeniable PROOF that bo has used Jodie Evans of Code Pink and Bill Ayers of the Weatherman Terrorist Group as liasons with the muslim brotherhood Terrorist Network in the Middle East.

  130. From: http://www.orlytaitzesq.com/?p=18732




    “We saw time and again federal judiciary refusing to take on issues of real controversy involving the federal government and federal law. We saw patriots and Constitutionalists prosecuted by the federal judiciary with the goal of pleasing the Federal government and our Usurper-in-Chief. This happened to me, to LTC Lakin and others.

    It is time for the states to act in accordance to the sovereignty statutes, that they have in their codes and enforce the Constitution within their states.

    The Constitution is a contract between the Federal government and the states and the people. The people and the States gave the the Federal government some limited powers and the Federal government abused and illegally unilaterally expanded those powers time and again, whereby breaching such contract. The states can no longer rely on the Federal Judges, who are inherently biased in favor of the Federal government, who employs them. This makes as much sense, as playing football and relying on a referee, who is employed by and paid by the opposing team. We see the Federal Judges routinely dispensing cases without allowing the people or the states a right to rely on a jury of their citizens. Time and again the cases are decided against the people based on technicality or total disregard of law and fact without any impunity.

    Our goal is:

    1. to pass eligibility laws in individual states

    2. enforce the nullification of the Unconstitutional Federal laws on the State level or Sovereignty enforcement laws in individual states

    Please, contact me at orly.taitz@gmail.com or 949-683-5411, if you can be a liaison or lobbyist for these laws, which is essentially being a lobbyist for “We the People” and the Constitution in your state.”

    Read More Here: http://www.orlytaitzesq.com/?p=18732

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