Tag Archives: Hurricane Sandy vs Benghazi response

Obama the candidate vs Obama the Commander in Chief, Hurricane Sandy vs Benghazi response, Press Secretary Jay Carney October 29, 2012, We leave nobody behind???

Obama the candidate vs Obama the Commander in Chief, Hurricane Sandy vs Benghazi response, Press Secretary Jay Carney October 29, 2012, We leave nobody behind???

“The question that I had in my mind, was why did we not do something to protect our forces?”…Charles Woods, father of slain Navy Seal

“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”…Barack Obama

“we leave nobody behind”…Barack Obama

Barack Obama says that he leaves no one behind when it is politically expedient.

From the Right Scoop October 30, 2012.

“I don’t need to tell you why I’m posting this. Obama literally said “we leave nobody behind” earlier today as he was attempting to look presidential and appear compassionate to help him win the election (h/t: Breitbart).

Tell that to the family of Tyrone Woods. Tell that to the family of Glen Doherty. These two men were calling for help and they were left behind. By Obama.”

Watch the video here.


Obama as the candidate.

Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney Aboard Air Force One En Route Andrews Air Force Base, 10/29/2012

“As he said at FEMA Headquarters yesterday, the President has instructed his team to make sure that needed federal resources are in place to support state and local recovery efforts.”

“Separately, when the President gets back to Washington he will lead a meeting in the White House Situation Room, where he will be updated on the latest forecast for Hurricane Sandy and the extensive federal efforts underway to support the state and local response of this historic storm.

The President will convene the meeting via video teleconference with Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano, FEMA Administrator Fugate, Transportation Secretary LaHood, Energy Secretary Chu, and National Hurricane Center Director Richard Knabb. Also participating at the White House will be Chief of Staff Jack Lew, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security John Brennan, Deputy Chief of Staff Alyssa Mastromonaco, Deputy Assistant to the President for Homeland Security Richard Reed, and other senior members of the President’s team.”

“MR. CARNEY: The President’s priority right now is the safety and security of Americans who are in the path of the storm and who will be affected by it. It’s essential, in his view, that he be in Washington, one of the areas that will be affected and where his team is, to oversee that effort and to be updated on it.

It is true that the President is President 24 hours a day. This is one of the circumstances where, in his view, it makes the most sense for him to be in place in the White House fulfilling those responsibilities.”

“MR. CARNEY: I think that is not something I’m able to address. The fact is the storm is just taking effect now and having an impact now and making landfall I believe tonight. We have to focus on not the campaign and not the election, but on making sure that all federal resources are both prepositioned and in place to help states and localities respond to the storm, to help Americans who are affected by the storm. That’s our focus right now.”

“MS. PSAKI:  Well, sure.  As Jay has mentioned, our focus, the President’s focus, the campaign’s focus is ensuring the safety of the American people, of our volunteers, of our supporters.  That’s what the President is focused on every single day.”

“This is a time not for politics, but at a moment like this, with a storm as severe as this, with likely impacts as consequential as we will see, the President is very focused on making sure that the federal response effort is comprehensive, that every state and locality has what it needs.  And that includes all the prepositioning of resources that FEMA has done in key locations prior to landfall.  It includes embedding FEMA officials in state emergency centers so that that communication is immediate.  And it includes at the presidential level, directing all responsible parties in the federal government to be taking the necessary steps to ensure that everything possible is done to protect the American people in a storm like this.”


So, all of you serving in the military, CIA and other foreign support functions, make certain that in the future you televise all of your operations to insure that Obama will act in a politically expedient manner.